Minty Comedic Arts
Minty Comedic Arts
Minty Comedic Arts
As a lover of Cinema and general Pop Culture I peel back the layers of some of our most well-loved movies and try to discover secrets laying behind films that we would otherwise think we know everything about to bring a new love and appreciate to all those movies we grew up watching. Buckle up and get ready for my Top 10’s as I do a check list of things that you may not know about the movies.
10 Things You Didn't Know About The Shadow
2 месяца назад
10 Things You Didn't Know About Short Circuit
2 месяца назад
10 Things You Didn't Know About Summer Rental
3 месяца назад
Willy's Chocolate Experience - Weird Tales
3 месяца назад
10 Things You Didn't Know About Zoolander
3 месяца назад
10 Things You Didn't Know About Commando
3 месяца назад
@johnholmesinchesahead342 56 минут назад
From 1948-1988 the UK has free further and higher education paid for by collective taxation. Thatcher abolish it. Now, UK students leave College and University with around £30,000 - £60,000 of debt.
@EGSBiographies-om1wb Час назад
@MrReganomics1 Час назад
2:54 Cameron.... Cameron
@michaela2870 Час назад
This film was deep. 😢❤🙏🏾
@ElectronicazMusic 2 часа назад
Your vids shall always be the greatest of movie reviews. Keep it up! 😁 ♥
@jessebruffett 2 часа назад
Otzi was from roughly 3300 BC not 33000 BC.
@charlesvan13 2 часа назад
The city self-destructing because it doesn't like Logan's answer about sanctuary is absurd.
@burnz0021 2 часа назад
I love that in the movie Bohemian Rhapsody Mike Myers plays Ray Foster and there's a scene where there's a dispute between Myers Character and Queen about which song should be the single, Queen wanting it to be the Bohemian Rhapsody and Myers character saying that's not a song that kids can bang their heads to, which was definitely a nod to the Wayne's world scene.
@DavidSmith-gr1fk 2 часа назад
They also filmed on campus at Georgia Tech
@burnz0021 2 часа назад
Stallone has said that he was on such a strict diet during the filming to maintain the chiseled look he had he would often get light headed and would have to do hand stands to get the blood flowing to his head.
@ctwodub 2 часа назад
Let's not forget the other spoof slasher movie "Shriek if you know what I did last Friday the 13th"
@Ireneclarke-le6ed 2 часа назад
Kundalini wants his hand back
@garrettedwardspears 2 часа назад
I was in a movie called Macabre Mountain. It had Dave Sheridan (Doofy). We did one scene together. He's an awesome guy.
@henryvandeventer2457 2 часа назад
"Kyle" from Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Kyle? You mean Cameron, don't you? This and calling Brendon Fraser "Brandon" in the Encino Man vid really got me pissy. Either you're making silly errors, trying to piss is off or you're just seeing if we're paying attention. You're making my OCD flare up 😂
@Harmthuria 2 часа назад
My parents let me watch this movie when I was around 9 years old, and it didn’t scare me. Not because it’s impossible to scare me, but because they kept spoiling the jump scares and other moments so I wouldn’t have too many nightmares. I loved the transformation. It really blew me away. But even in the London Underground, I wasn’t scared or even nervous/uneasy for the guy. And the ending, it was disappointing. I mean, the cops just shoot him and it ends there? I wish it had a cliffhanger ending, or, because David and Nurse Alex were in love, my innocent children’s mind hoped they would run away (as werewolves) together.
@StephenLWilson 2 часа назад
The TV version of them farting is hilarious! lol Also - The scene where the old lady is getting beat up: Watch the guy holding her. He is eating cake.
@antoniobotello4996 2 часа назад
I like BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA, it was fun to watch and very entertaining, I was only 16 when it came out 😊
@Kingnome 2 часа назад
Gen X here. I have a red sampler on my work desk. It’s wonderful when folks see it and get the joke.
@ottomedic51texas75 3 часа назад
I LOVE Deadpool!!
@bodspencer3301 3 часа назад
In the UK the film was known as California Man
@PaleoCon2008 3 часа назад
I saw this movie in Manila, Philippines back in 1997. I was the only person in the theater who was laughing but the theater was full. I think it is a hilarious movie though it is not one I watch repeatedly.
@anthonylopresti3078 3 часа назад
Great presentation but this guy is a dork… 😂😂
@kaymad143 4 часа назад
I loved that movie, I saw it in the theater!
@grimmpoetics313 4 часа назад
Its just like preditor 2. One of the best sequels
@JazAcrossTheWorld 4 часа назад
It came out the year I was born
@jjperera3389 4 часа назад
They made a film out of the book !!!, I did not know that, must horrible, Steven king is great but that book sucked
@dperr338 4 часа назад
One of the first movies I’ve seen in theaters. One of my favorites!
@sickvic13 4 часа назад
In the movie they said in the year 2025 that the world would be taken over not just by aliens but the human power elite.
@Beltheczar 5 часов назад
I love you Minty, but it's BrYNdan FrAYzer
@jerzeyguy71 5 часов назад
Loved when saw this movie for first time from Blockbuster!! ACK ACK ACK!!
@ShellsShells-nd6qh 5 часов назад
Good episode always had a crush on Helen as Supergirl. You almost pronounced Mxyzptlk right, 😊
@nobodynothing00000 5 часов назад
The best thing about "Alien" is that nobody is using that stupid word Zenomorph. It was Lt. Gorman who used that word because he didn't know what else to call it, and that stupid word doesn't show up again until the 4th movie, written by Super nerd Joss Whedon. The beast cannot have a name.
@nobodynothing00000 5 часов назад
The Ed Harris Mike Biehn fight scene was legit thrilling. You knew he had little to chance to defeat a Navy seal in a straight up fight but he went in there anyway. When his big burly friend nearly knocks him out with one punch and he decides to book for the mini sub, I felt that.
@burnz0021 5 часов назад
Bill Murray again! It seems everybody's first choice in casting is Bill Murray.
@SirSmoldham 6 часов назад
This and "Independance Day" reminds me so much of "Failsafe" and "Dr. Strangelove" from the '60's, especially when you compare Jack Nicholson and Peter Seller's multiple roles. Hell. even Rod Steiger and George C. Scott can be compared, as well as both war rooms. And I loved that the saucers were from Harryhausen's "Earth vs the Flying Saucers", they even replayed the Washington Monument moment. Like the '60's movies, one movie was played straight, and the other was seriously bent. Back then I had the burning cows trading card from the "Mars" set plus a couple of others including the exploding dog, but I was more into "Dinosaurs Attack". They were gorier.
@cameronhaigh1891 6 часов назад
Loved this movie from the getgo.
@audreegibson 6 часов назад
Gosh been following you since the year you started with a few videos… you are still my favorite!! ❤ Much support from America 🇺🇸 we all love you!!! Indiana girl 😊
@fairfieldfooddude 6 часов назад
I was an extra in this movie!
@Joseph1NJ 6 часов назад
When it comes to 007, there's Sean Connery, and everyone else.
@christheghostwriter 7 часов назад
The poster was almost certainly based on the script rather than the finished film
@capkarr 7 часов назад
Oi! Lovely video! Mate
@NARSAonline 7 часов назад
I live in Austin, and I used to work in an office overlooking the road from the opening. It's Burnet Rd. at MoPac. I literally sat in a cubicle looking at Office Space traffic all day, so this movie resonates deeply with me.
@sonofawil 7 часов назад
It needs to be more upbeat with less gangsta rap… so much irony!
@aussiepie4865 7 часов назад
Critics annoy the f out of me. Not everyone wants to watch a deep movie with twists and turns. Movies are there to entertain the public and if you look at the top grossing movies they are just that. The so called “critical acclaimed” movies barely engross the public. Like Oppenheimer, it was a long boring movie that the critics loved and the director made it to satisfy his ego but ffs it wasn’t in the slightest bit entertaining. If I notice any movie directed by Christopher Nolan I’ll pass because I know exactly what I’ll get a movie for the critics and his ego not the public. I enjoy being engrossed in a movie for 2 hrs no matter what the genre but movies are for the people not the ego of a few. So basically what I’m saying is I’ll ignore the critics and watch whatever I damn well want and the critics should remember that.
@bruthamann5697 8 часов назад
This should be made into a musical 😅
@lincolnsbrilliantabilities7923 8 часов назад
**** "Once you hear it, it's just awkward!" Ps. .love ya Minty! 😀😀😀****
@williamjones7163 9 часов назад
I'm 63. I loved this movie when it came out and I was a young whipper snapper at 35. A good story is just a good story.
@daviddaspit4166 9 часов назад
If I remember correctly, this was actually the first one that I saw. Then I saw the other two (honestly, I'm not sure although I do remember when it came out). I think I've only seen it once, might need to go back and watch it again. Thinking about the Mad Max movies (all of them), I wonder if Mad Max and Tank Girl exit in the same post-apocalyptic universe.
@megankeil5228 9 часов назад
I really liked this movie! Everything it was great! The set, Johnny Depp, costumes, everything was spot on!
@JoshuaDaleRidge 9 часов назад
I loved it there should have been more like it