The Shogunate
The Shogunate
The Shogunate
Samurai History, Samurai Film Reviews, and Samurai Game Reviews!

The purpose of this RU-vid channel is to provide educational content about the history of Samurai-era Japan. However you will also find reviews of classic samurai films and popular samurai games!
Timeline of Samurai Rule in Japan
12 часов назад
In Defense of Akechi Mitsuhide
14 дней назад
Samurai Warriors 4 - Ten Years Later
Месяц назад
Shogun (2024) Full Series Review
Месяц назад
Shogun (2024) Episode 9 Review
2 месяца назад
Shogun (2024) Episode 8 Review
2 месяца назад
Rise of the Ronin | Samurai Game Review
2 месяца назад
Shogun (2024) Episode 7 Review
2 месяца назад
Shogun (2024) Historical Advisor Interview
2 месяца назад
Shogun (2024) Episode 6 Review
2 месяца назад
Shogun (2024) Episode 5 Review
3 месяца назад
Shogun (2024) Episode 4 Review
3 месяца назад
Shogun (2024) Episode 3 Review
3 месяца назад
Shogun (2024) Episodes 1 and 2 Review
3 месяца назад
I Finally Read Shogun - My Thoughts
4 месяца назад
More Epic Samurai Last Stands
5 месяцев назад
Top 5 Greatest Samurai Last Stands
5 месяцев назад
History of the Ii Clan
5 месяцев назад
A Tale of Samurai Revenge
6 месяцев назад
@mechwarrior13 Час назад
Garbage content
@tukki7408 Час назад
Lockley "Yasuke was entrusted with the head of Nobunaga and brought it to Nobutada." That is a falsehood presented by a self-proclaimed descendant of Nobunaga on a variety show. You said it was an impossible story in a book you published in Japan. Why did you tell such a story on CNN and the BBC as if it were a well-known story in Japan? You know that Nobunaga's army did not fight in the battle against Takeda. Why do you tell misleading stories? Yasuke is not 188 cm (6尺2寸) tall, but 182 cm (6尺2分). There's so much more I could say, but it's early morning in Japan, so I'll leave it at that.
@blumiu2426 38 минут назад
You clearly didn't watch the video if you wrote that first line and took that as a claim when he clarified it wasn't. You also missed the part where he approximated his height to be between the two. You are fishing for something to argue about, so you seem dubious at best to take serious.
@tukki7408 23 минуты назад
@@blumiu2426 This is what I want to say directly in response to the lies Lockley told in the mainstream media. It is not just what he said in the video. He referred to Yaske's height as 188 cm to the international media. He has begun to correct that in the last few days because the Japanese pointed it out to him. これはロックリーが主要メディアで語っていた嘘に対して直接言ってやりたいことです。 ビデオで話した内容だけではありません。彼は海外のメディアに対してヤスケの身長が188cmと紹介しています。 それをここ数日、日本人に指摘されたから修正しはじめている。
@tukki7408 14 минут назад
Have you ever read "Nobunaga and Yasuke" published in Japan? Yasuke was not given a high status Yasuke did not have time to rise in the ranks There are many stories not told in "African Samurai" or media interviews. あなた方は『信長と弥助』を読んだことはありますか? 弥助は高い身分を与えられていない 弥助が出世する時間は無かった "African Samurai"やメディアインタビューで語られていない話もたくさんありますよ。
@blumiu2426 9 минут назад
@@tukki7408 So you're telling me that the discrepancy of 182 and 188 discredits him completely? And I take it that his exact height is recorded and Lockley exaggerated for what reason in your opinion? It's not unusual for academics to play things up or themselves at times unless asked to give straight facts. And one thing should be noted is that being Japanese does not make one an expert on their history, or everyone in every country would be on their country and we know they are not. Having academics debate details isn't unusual and unless you have scholars coming out saying he is a fraud or similar, which I've yet to, it seems like individuals that dislike Lockley's takes or something else about him are the ones on campaign.
@tukki7408 Минуту назад
@@blumiu2426 Did you say you were looking for discussion topics because I was getting into details? I can list many more if you don't mind me being late. The primary historical document called Ietada Nikki (Diary of Ietada) says 6 shaku 2 bu (182 cm). There is no room for debate. Of course Mr. Lockley knows this. 細かいところをつっこんだから議論のネタ探しと言ったの? 遅くなっていいなら、もっとたくさん列挙してもいいですよ。 家忠日記という一次史料に6尺2分(182cm)と書かれています。議論の余地はありません。 当然ロックリー氏はそのことを知っています。
@Aegisjapan Час назад
名前すら記録にない黒人 1581年にAlessandro Valignanoと居た黒人の名前本名すら知らず Valignanoと居たから1579年に日本に連れてこられた黒人と誰かもわからず記録すらないのに創作してるのがLockley
@mumblingmercian3386 2 часа назад
Any other Daimyo would have broken under the Uesugi assault. Shingen and Kenshin were another level.
@thetruthispotenza3602 5 часов назад
Nobody cared. Until Ubisoft starts their pandering. I think the whole world is getting sick of this kind of crap
@z-accountlogic8913 Час назад
That's it The approach of talking about history without the political stuff is nonsense. When historians debate hollow figures, they are being incited by propaganda.
@rorybass7915 6 часов назад
Would love to see you do a vid on ww2 imperial japan and what led up to it. Ik the channel specifically samurai era but it’s real important topic that correlates with it in ways.
@jaredrevis4594 6 часов назад
While I think it fair to discuss the many Samurai in the Meiji government, I don't think you could extend Samurai rule to 1945. Already by 1905, with most of the Meiji oligarchs still alive, the bonds had begun to fray and their arrangement wouldn't really last past their deaths. Even before that, you had new institutions that dilluted any form of "Samurai power" in the government.
@Riceball01 7 часов назад
It's clear that Yasuke was never a samurai, this is because he was a European knight and was really Sir Yasuke.🤣
@FrostRare 7 часов назад
The problem many people have with Yasuke is they don’t like the idea that Black people were ever respected in history. Everyone assumes that when white people show up on shores that they’re treated as gods with magical technology and that the princess falls in love with them. No one ever questions such a story. But tell a story of a Black man who wasn’t treated like a dog and everyone loses their minds.
@Dandansuuuy Час назад
Exactly, Cuz they're racist hiding in Anti-woke opinion/Statement. F*cking shame to these people.
@z-accountlogic8913 Час назад
・Black and white are not an equal exchange.Westerners know that better than anyone. ・It's not a "skin set" that you can easily replace whenever you want. ・This is Asia. The black and white dichotomy is the worst form of racism in history.
@FrostRare 58 минут назад
@@z-accountlogic8913 what do you mean Black and white are not an equal exchange?
@jirohta3189 35 минут назад
Bringing BLM into historical time facts is not necessary and creates unnecessary conflict.
@FrostRare 18 минут назад
@@jirohta3189 you just proved my point. What does this have to do with BLM? You think that anything related to Black people is BLM. You can’t stand seeing Black people in a video game, so you claim it’s “political” and “unnecessary”. But you’re too much of a coward to admit you’re a racist.
@AJAY10989 7 часов назад
Alot of could have been from this man's mouth and he wanna write a book about what could have been this man stupid
@DjunisBRE 8 часов назад
thank you for your work, i hope you will go through other interesting periods of japanese history like you did with sengoku jidai
@takeocello 9 часов назад
控えめに言っても日本大学はそれ程権威のある大学ではありません。本人の言うように歴史の研究を専門とした学者ではありません。安土を京都の北と言っています。彼は日本の地理も知りません。何故自分の無知を恥じないのか それは置いておいて、背が高く力が強かった記録はありますが、それが戦士として優秀だった傍証にはなりません。日本人は源義経が優秀な武士だったと認識していますが、彼が小柄だった事も知っています。 ゲーム製作者の言う「我々のサムライー、我々のストーリー」は事実関係より基本的な精神性、思想の間違いによって日本人には受け入れ難い荒唐無稽な描写に繋がったと理解出来ました。 インドの歴史を学べと彼は言っていますが、日本の歴史と価値観にどんな関係があるのでしょうか、勿論あるんですが、インドの事を弥助に適応できても、日本には適応できません。アジアが一様な社会だと思っていない限り。何故20年以上も日本に住んで、その事に気付けないのかは理解に苦しみます。
@TheShogunate 8 часов назад
The ruins of where Azuchi castle formally stood are geography north to where Kyoto is. It took me less than a minute on Google maps to see this.
@takeocello 8 часов назад
@@TheShogunate ?どう見ても北ではないですよ?私は京都に7年住んでましたし、感覚的に言っても滋賀県、琵琶湖、安土は東です。 京都に行ったことがあるなら、分からないはずが無いんですよ。京都から北に行くのは険しい山道で目的地は福井、福知山です。滋賀県に行くのは直接東に向かうのはメインルートではありません。南まで行って比叡山を避け、そこから北東に向かうルートです。 地図上で見ても北とは言えないし、移動のイメージがあれば絶対に北なんて言いません。
@TheShogunate 7 часов назад
​@@takeocello I agree that when he said it was north I was a bit surprised, but after checking he seems to be correct.
@jirohta3189 Час назад
@blumiu2426 52 минуты назад
@@takeocello I'd double check because it would be embarrassing to claim to know and be wrong in the end. Just because someone is from a place means they know every bit of history about it. Happens a lot no matter where in the world.
@pabloyagani 9 часов назад
He was an object for Nobunaga to show off nothing more than
@Dandansuuuy Час назад
@ryszardj-n2466 10 часов назад
Farmurai 😂
@Dandansuuuy Час назад
See? That's racist
@garou12 10 часов назад
Saying AC is just a game is being way too glib. Ubisoft is actively claiming the character is historically accurate when he's presented as inauthentic. the problem is compounded because you will have stupid people who will hold up the game's portrayal of the character as truth just to virtue signal. look at what happened w netflix and cleopatra...
@poloshirtsamurai 11 часов назад
I'd like to hear historians on both side of the matter have a debate.
@TheShogunate 10 часов назад
The problem is you'd first have to find a credible historian who has come out against the notion that Yasuke had become a samurai or akin to that of a samurai.
@takeocello 8 часов назад
@poloshirtsamurai 8 часов назад
@@TheShogunate Metatron comes to mind but I don't know if his credentials are sufficient for such a discussion.
@TheShogunate 8 часов назад
@@poloshirtsamurai As I said in the video, I do understand and respect Metatron's point of view. I do think its fair to say we don't know.
@jirohta3189 21 минуту назад
Yasuke was a rarity at the time and attracted a lot of public attention. Nevertheless, the reason why Yasuke is not documented in historical records is that he is an insignificant figure in Japanese history. If Yasuke were to be marketed, he would be commercially successful and famous, but prominent historians do not study Yasuke. Why is that? Because he is not worthy of scholarly study. In the academic world, it is difficult to find an expert in yasuke, If there were, it would be doubtful.
@yztiffitzy6132 12 часов назад
In the clip there was a talking about Japanese during Togukawa time travel around the world. This makes me think of another Japanese guy travel to Thailand with his group of samurai. He and his group become a mercenary service to the Thai king. This was around year 1620 or so. He serves the Thai king with distinction and gain many titles and favor from the King. When the Thai king(King Narasuan) passes away, he held the position of governor in one of the Thai province(Southern part). He holds significant power and could dictate the outcome of the King succession. Unfortunate for him, he got invoved too deep in Thai politic. Someone who could lost a lot(the soon to be new King of Thailand) don't like his interfere with politics and got him murder by poison. Watching this clip make me think of this guy all of a sudden. His name was Yamada Nagamasa, that was recorded in Thai history.
@rosso757510 12 часов назад
Why are you interviewing the liar Thomas Lockley? His book on Yasuke is full of lies and is a problem in Japan. When Thomas wrote "Yasuke," he said he checked with a Japanese historian, but experts in Japanese history said they were never asked by Thomas and it was clear that Thomas had made false statements. Unfortunately, Yasuke was not a samurai. There is no record that he was a samurai, and Yasuke was Nobunaga's baggage carrier for less than a year. Unlike today, there was no language study at that time, so it must have been much harder to learn Japanese than it is now. It is impossible to master any foreign language in a year. Samurai are hereditary, and the achievements and family background of ancestors are important. It is absolutely impossible for a foreigner who suddenly comes to Japan to become a samurai.
@TheShogunate 10 часов назад
Unfortunately it seems like you did not watch the video and don't understand the facts presented to us by the historical records. In the video it is discussed how Yasuke was never called a samurai, but it is also described how the term samurai was also not in widespread usage at the time. What we do know is that Yasuke occupied a position in which others would have seen him as a member of the warrior class in the 1500s based on what Nobunaga bestowed upon him. These are facts. Please stay informed.
@rosso757510 9 часов назад
​​@@TheShogunateYou seem to think you can't see through lies, but the fact that Yasuke doesn't have a family name makes it obvious that he was not of the samurai class at the time. Also, if Yasuke had made any achievements, they would have been recorded, but in reality there are almost no records of Yasuke. This is evidence that Yasuke did not do any important work. As I wrote before, bloodline is important to become a samurai. It is impossible for a foreigner who suddenly comes from a foreign country and cannot understand the language to become a samurai. William Adams did not become the first foreign samurai because he was white. William had important knowledge of the international situation at the time and was an important person for acquiring the negotiation skills necessary for trading with overseas countries. This alone makes it clear that a mere servant could not become a samurai. And one more thing, your lie has been exposed. There is no document that says Nobunaga gave Yasuke the status of a samurai. You have proven yourself to be one of those racist who fabricate history.😂😂😂
@rosso757510 9 часов назад
​@@TheShogunateYou seem to think you can't see through lies, but the fact that Yasuke doesn't have a family name makes it obvious that he was not of the samurai class at the time. Also, if Yasuke had made any achievements, they would have been recorded, but in reality there are almost no records of Yasuke. This is evidence that Yasuke did not do any important work. As I wrote before, bloodline is important to become a samurai. It is impossible for a foreigner who suddenly comes from a foreign country and cannot understand the language to become a samurai. William Adams did not become the first foreign samurai because he was white. William had important knowledge of the international situation at the time and was an important person for acquiring the negotiation skills necessary for trading with overseas countries. This alone makes it clear that a mere servant could not become a samurai. And one more thing, your lie has been exposed. There is no document that says Nobunaga gave Yasuke the status of a samurai. You have proven yourself to be one of those racist who fabricate history.😂😂😂
@rosso757510 9 часов назад
​@@TheShogunateYou seem to think you can't see through lies, but the fact that Yasuke doesn't have a family name makes it obvious that he was not of the samurai class at the time. Also, if Yasuke had made any achievements, they would have been recorded, but in reality there are almost no records of Yasuke. This is evidence that Yasuke did not do any important work. As I wrote before, bloodline is important to become a samurai. It is impossible for a foreigner who suddenly comes from a foreign country and cannot understand the language to become a samurai. William Adams did not become the first foreign samurai because he was white. William had important knowledge of the international situation at the time and was an important person for acquiring the negotiation skills necessary for trading with overseas countries. This alone makes it clear that a mere servant could not become a samurai. And one more thing, your lie has been exposed. There is no document that says Nobunaga gave Yasuke the status of a samurai. You have proven yourself to be one of those racist who fabricate history.
@TheShogunate 8 часов назад
@@rosso757510 it's hard to argue with you because it's quite obvious you did not watch the video. They did discuss the changing idea of what the warrior class looked like by the 1500s and also how he was never called samurai in any document. This was all addressed in the interview, please use the timestamps.
@obiwanshinobi87 12 часов назад
Haters gonna hate
@grimthis6935 12 часов назад
Before i even watch this video, i'm just gonna drop the term 'Onna-bugeisha'. Alright, let's see the video now.
@grimthis6935 12 часов назад
Alright, good vide. Fairly accurate too. Women wheren't on the frontlines true. They defended homes but also where sometimes mercinaries. They where mostly trained in the Naginata as female weaker form can level the playing field by leveraging physics using the polearm; naginata.
@doompigg7403 12 часов назад
So this guy is a professor at the university of tokyo and people are still trying to discredit him. Guys, professors are representatives of the academic body's they work for. To discredit this man is literally to discredit the entirety of the community he works with. Entire teams of people work on this type of research. If you can't trust the UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO in the field of JAPANESE HISTORY then you're someone who simply can not be reasoned with. Insane.
@eagle162 10 часов назад
He's not a professor, he's a storyteller.
@poma5969 8 часов назад
@doompigg7403 8 часов назад
@eagle162 he didn't write the Romantic parts of the book dude. Look, he was the CO-AUTHOR. He was there to provide historical context. Quit being contrarian. Nobody in thier right mind is going to take your word over his. Give up.
@eagle162 7 часов назад
​​​@@doompigg7403no, I wasn't even specifically talking about anything specific, but the book in general, I already explained why it's not good in another reply to you, so I'm not going to bother here. A lot of people here are also calling him out.
@doompigg7403 5 часов назад
@@eagle162 and all of you look dumb.
@khalilsabbagh1179 13 часов назад
I think AC Shadow's reveal and the whole Yasuke thing highlights how the anti-woke movement has an issue with defining "woke," like what's the criteria? Why should a black person or a female lead in a historical fantasy game trigger anti-woke sense by themselves rather than being seen as just a game with a black person or as a fenale lead? I'm all for pinpointing the message(s) being propogated in entertainment media, but this seems to be going out of hand
@scorpzgca 13 часов назад
This is very good, finally a great expalantion and discusison about the legendary African warrior Yasuke a true legend in Samurai lore
@gregnezz 13 часов назад
Its a fictional character based on an individual present around that time. Simples in the name Fictional... I hate Ubisoft App but I will be buying this day one as it looks great. My only gripe is we should of had a male/female option for Naoe character, like Valhalla.
@KamiSeiTo 13 часов назад
So insightful, thank you very very much to you three for this video!! 💛
@obiwanshinobi87 13 часов назад
Fun fact. The trailer now has more likes than many previous trailers like Valhalla and Mirage... so we all know where the dislikes comes from
@SlavicPrideOfficial 14 часов назад
Let's not bullshit eachother here. We all know the political reasons they chose him to feature in the game. To hell with that woke mindset.
@benjeemsampson3311 12 часов назад
So called “DEI” characters have existed since Assassin’s Creed 3 with Connor. And as a reminder, the first female playable character in Assassin’s Creed lore was a Louisiana Creole woman: Aveline de Grandpre.
@blumiu2426 36 минут назад
@@benjeemsampson3311 How was Connor when he was a mixed Native in a story that had to do with Native Americans? By your take, anything with someone not white/European is now DEI? I've no idea what you mean by that statement.
@buinghiathuan4595 14 часов назад
While I could count myself as " Yasuke supporter , I do understand and have no problem with a lot of disagree out there. The one I have a beef with is those just in for cloud and drama. Sadly, those type of people are the most vocal thought out the discord
@MrYoungHegelian 14 часов назад
Nobody complained that you couldn't play as an Ottoman in Constantinople in AC Revelations or play as Black man in the Carribean in AC Black Flag. Unfortunately racism is what. Contributed the most to the "Yasuke controversy" in AC Shadows.
@karolomaxi6144 15 часов назад
At this point it is got to be ideological for the people that cant even fathom the chance that Yasuke could be a warrior. I dont believe that we can say conclusivle either way but it is very disingenous to say that he 100% was or was not a warrior. Super good interview hope we see more of it in the future.
@sioncasdin 18 часов назад
Anyone else recognise a lot of Nioh 2 armor sets in those CG scenes? Thought it was kinda cool and funny. Koei really do like reusing assets lol
@EVAATfield 18 часов назад
This was really good. You should just make this a series “”Traitors” of ancient Japan”
@ponshiro 19 часов назад
In the first place, there is no such legend in Japan as Lockley says, that ``Yasuke was entrusted with the head of Nobunaga and brought it to Nobutada.'' In my opinion I don't think he was kosho. Those were the days when someone's head would literally fly off if they made a single mistake in etiquette. I don't think Nobunaga's kosho would be possible for Yasuke, who doesn't speak much Japanese and isn't familiar with the etiquette of aristocrats and samurai families. The people who saw Yasuke were jokingly rumored that Nobunaga would make him the lord of the castle. Therefore, Nobunaga was not actually trying to give Yasuke the castle. I think there are contradictions between the claim that there were more than 2,000 black people at the time and the story that Nobunaga made Yasuke wash his skin and that people panicked when Yasuke just appeared in town. If there were 2,000 black people, there would have been a residential area for them, but there seems to be no record of such a thing. I don't think Yasuke was rich or of high status. I believe that Lockley previously said in ``Nobunaga and Yasuke'' that Yasuke was not of a very high status.
@PeregrinTintenfish 16 часов назад
The 2,000 Africans are mostly sailors, so visitors and that was over a long period of time, most of it after Yasuke and restricted mostly to port cities. If people were joking that he was going to get a castle, then that shows that people thought Yasuke was receiving a lot of gifts. Yasuke was only in Japan a short time, so maybe if he was there longer, he might have received more.
@ponshiro 15 часов назад
@@PeregrinTintenfish If I'm not mistaken, Lockley wrote in his book that there were between 300 and 1,000 Africans living in Japan in the 16th century, although the number was not 2,000. I'm not denying Lockley's opinion, but I'm just wondering why Nobunaga didn't know about black people before Yasuke, if there were so many Africans at that time. It is said that Nobunaga wanted to show off his favorite Yasuke to the people, so he had one person close to Nobunaga accompany Yasuke and let him roam around the city. Therefore, it is possible that Nobunaga wanted to show off Yasuke to the public and dressed him up in a flashy manner. That's why the public who saw Yasuke may have made such jokey rumors.
@gwarfanatik 12 часов назад
@@ponshiro It does beggar belief doesn't it? That somehow Oda Nobunaga the most powerful warlord in Japan who was obsessed with all things foreign had never seen a Black person before despite several thousand of them living in Japan at the time. I'm sorry but this Lockley is clearly invested in pushing a certain narrative and it's extremely blatant.
@blumiu2426 Час назад
That's odd because I've heard of it from several places. It's not official, only speculation/legend because there were few left close to Nobunaga it could have been.
@jirohta3189 Час назад
​@@blumiu2426 You are correct in your opinion. All but Yasuke died with honor as "samurai" and left their names in history. Based on this fact, it is difficult to characterize Yasuke as a "samurai". However, there are those who promote the inference that he was a brave samurai as fact.
@DonkeyWomb 19 часов назад
Im absolutely convinced some of yall in these comments need to get a life, holy shit its getting really weird. Literally nothing can be 100% proven in regards to Yasuke because so little is known about his life. Play the game or dont but can everybody stop fuckin crying?
@tsukioka9643 20 часов назад
@poma5969 19 часов назад
@jirohta3189 Час назад
@xcom54 20 часов назад
Child kidnapped to India -> mercenary -> king....that is good...but Conan, what's best in life?
@NekoNekoKainushi 21 час назад
まず、日本人の歴史家としてお伝えしておきますが、日本国内で「弥助は武士だった」という説を唱える歴史の専門家は居ません。 「武士」「侍」の定義について、貴方がた海外の皆さんは「戦国時代は侍の定義は曖昧で流動的だった」といった言説を信じていらっしゃるようですが、それは完全に間違っております。 既に室町時代にはその後に続く武家社会の構造は出来上がっておりましたし、それを裏付ける書物や記録は無数に存在します。 過去史における日本は多くの事柄をかなり几帳面に「文書記録」を徹底しておりましたので、五〇〇年程度で安易に失われるようなものでは無いこと認識として改めて頂きたいです。 さて、今回ご紹介されたトーマス・ロックリー氏の「弥助は伝説の黒人侍」説について日本人は大変困惑している次第です。 もちろん弥助は確実に存在した人物であり、信長のお気に入りであったことも重大な事実でありましたが、彼が武士であったというのは非常に恣意的で、ロックリー氏の「そうであってほしい」という妄想が海外に「史実」として広く伝わってしまっているからです。 日本人としてここは改めて「事実とは違う」という点を強調しておきたいと思います。 弥助は信長の性格や価値観を裏付ける大変重要な人物ですが、信長のもとに居た一年半程度の期間に彼が武士として成り上がったという証拠は一つもありません。 また、貴方がたが「弥助が侍だったことを示す数々の文書や証拠」と言っているものは完全にミスリードです。 「俸禄を貰っていたから武士だったのだ」と主張する人々は、当時武家のもとで働いていた人々の事を完全に無視しています。 これらの主張を耳にしたときの我々日本人の受け止め方は「弥助という伝説のF-1ドライバーが存在した!なぜならば彼は運転免許を持っていたからだ!」と一致します。 城中に関わる女中や下郎、料理人や僧侶、掃除係に至るまでそれは多くの使用人がそこで禄をもらいながら働いておりました。 弥助も召し抱えられた以上、衣食住を得られるわけですがそれをもって弥助が即座に武士に昇格するわけではないのです。 他にも色々あるのですが長くなるので端的に例えさせていただきます。 弥助はいわば「社長が社長室につれてきたペットの犬」と似たような存在だったのです。社長室を出入りするために便宜的にカードキーを首輪に付けている犬ですね。だからといってその会社の社員になったわけではありません。 First of all, as a Japanese historian, I would like to say that there are no history experts in Japan who would say that "Yasuke was a samurai." Regarding the definition of "samurai" and "bushi," you overseas people seem to believe the statement that "the definition of a samurai was vague and fluid during the Sengoku period," but that is completely wrong. The structure of the samurai society that followed was already in place during the Muromachi period, and there are countless books and records that support this. In Japan's past history, many things were recorded in very detailed documents, so I would like you to recognize that these are not the kind of things that would be easily lost in 500 years or so. Now, Japanese people are very confused by the theory of "Yasuke was a legendary black samurai" introduced by Thomas Lockley. Of course, Yasuke certainly existed, and it was an important fact that he was Nobunaga's favorite, but the idea that he was a samurai is very arbitrary, and Lockley's delusion that "I hope it was so" has been widely spread overseas as "historical fact." As a Japanese person, I would like to emphasize once again that this is not true. Yasuke is a very important character who supports Nobunaga's character and values, but there is no evidence that he rose to become a samurai during the year and a half he spent under Nobunaga. Also, what you say about "numerous documents and evidence that prove Yasuke was a samurai" is completely misleading. People who claim that "he was a samurai because he received a stipend" completely ignore the people who worked for the samurai at that time. When we Japanese hear these claims, we take it in the same way as "There was a legendary F-1 driver named Yasuke! Because he had a driver's license!" Many servants worked in the castle, from maids and squires to cooks, monks, and cleaners, and received a stipend. Yasuke was employed, so he had food, clothing, and shelter, but that did not immediately make him a samurai. There are many other things to say, but this will get long, so I will give a brief example. Yasuke was like a pet dog that the company president brought to his office. The dog had a card key attached to its collar so it could enter and leave the office. But that didn't make him an employee of the company.
@TheShogunate 20 часов назад
Your comment unfortunately continues to tread into a number of the same tired old talking points which have been disputed. Tbh I'm not sure you are Japanese or a historian like you say. You also appear to have not watched the video based on what you think was mentioned as well. I mean no offense, but I've seen too many people trying to pose as Japanese lately in attempts to just argue their side of things.
@FayN_ 19 часов назад
@@TheShogunate this is kinda confusing when there is fair share (a lot of it) of discussion saying the same things like him. maybe you can invite native japanese historian expert to debate over thomas and your claims? try to find someone that opposed the idea and try to get to know their thought of process and where they comming from and see how thomas claims can hold the same weight like he claims to be. it's not a problem if thomas research based on factual source. with one sided interview like this people will only treat it as your defend on your claim and opinion. . the community is split in half so only providing one point of view is not really a good thing. we dont even really know why the dislike ration in japan is very bad and the issue always stem from claims that yasuke was a samurai.
@user-jt1rk5xs8i 19 часов назад
⁠@@TheShogunate やつがれも日本人で御座いますが、、、 歴史家かはともかく、彼は日本人だと思いますよ 彼のユーザーIDは日本語のローマ字で表現されてますし、特に文章に違和感はありません また、日本語への機械翻訳では出現しないであろう表現も幾つか見られます 逆にあなたは何故、彼が日本人で無いと疑いましたか? 特に合理的な理由がないのであれば、非常に失礼な行為なので彼に謝って下さい 最近は相手の意見を認めたくないために、本物の日本人に対してなりすましだと言う人が多すぎます
@user-gb8sn2ml5w 18 часов назад
​@@TheShogunate森蘭丸を信長の若い恋人などといっている時点で、ロックリー氏は真っ当な歴史家ではないと思う。そもそも森成利なら存在したが森蘭丸は存在しない。 因みに私は日本人です。
@NekoNekoKainushi 17 часов назад
@@TheShogunate I am a Japanese who was born and raised in Kyoto, and I majored in Japanese history. I am sure that I know more about Japanese history than you or Thomas Lockley. (Both Honnoji Temple and Nijo Castle are within walking distance.) My theory at least refers to the currently accepted theory. The origin of the "new argument" you speak of is unclear, or the interpretation is wrong. It is a misreading of Japanese, or a cultural incomprehension. Or it is indulged in wishful thinking that it should be that way, and I find it very doubtful. To be honest, it is extremely arrogant for you Westerners to say "that's a lie" in response to the points made by Japanese historians. I hope you will understand that this is something that you should humbly admit your mistake and study again. 私は京都に生まれ育った日本人で、日本史を専攻しております。 少なくともあなたやトーマス・ロックリー氏よりも日本史に通じていると確信しております。(本能寺も二条城も徒歩圏内です) 私の理論は少なくとも現在定説である事柄に関して言及しております。あなたのいう「新しい議論」がそもそも出自が曖昧もしくは、そもそも解釈が間違っている。日本語の読み違い、文化的に理解の及ばない。あるいはそう在ってほしいという希望的観測に溺れており、私に言わせれば甚だ疑わしいです。 正直もうしあげまして、貴方がた西洋人が日本の歴史家の指摘にたいして苦し紛れに「それは嘘だ」というのは傲慢極まりない話ですね。そこは謙虚に自らの間違いを認めて勉強しなおすべき事柄だとご理解いただけたらと思います。 (というか、わざわざ完璧な日本語で併記してるのになんで疑われにゃならんのだw)
@drelowe7 21 час назад
Ty for this one
@TheUncleRuckus 22 часа назад
They already made a AC game set in Japan its called _Ghost of Tsushima_ Screw Ubisoft! Just remember i's always morally just to Pirate a Ubisoft Game bc if _Purchasing isn't Owning Piracy isn't Stealing._
@bernardcz92 17 часов назад
Ghost of Tsushima took a lot of historical liberties as well. Why aren't people as finicky with its historical inaccuracies? Assassin's Creed never was accurate to begin with, even the first game made a lot of changes to fit the plot. In the end, video games are not primary historical sources and are not to be treated as history lessons. Sure, they can spread awareness and interest in history but they are primarily intended to entertain. They are artistic interpretations of the past, some are based on historical information while others are more based on popular culture and popular perceptions of the past. Therefore, in my opinion, they should not be treated like they are a one-to-one recreation of the past.
@purvdragon-sensei 2 часа назад
@@bernardcz92 GOT is more similar to FX’s Shogun in that they’re not really trying to achieve historical accuracy, authenticity sure, but everyone is aware that the characters and events are mostly fabricated or inspired by actual events. Assassin’s Creed on the other hand name drops real-life historical figures and accurately portrays them down to how they act, this is why real life characters were never in primary roles. The series was, up until recently, very committed to keeping the setting historically accurate sans all the secret society stuff, you can read about and wander in and around old structures like virtual tourist, in fact they advertise this in some of their recent games. And yes, yes, video games aren’t history books, yadda yadda yadda, but here’s the thing: we don’t have people running around editing Tokugawa Ieyasu’s Wikipedia page and changing his name to Yoshii Toranaga or creating a Wikipedia page for Jin Sakai and his clan like they actually fought in the beaches of Tsushima. We all know that those games are merely stories and fabrications, so why then, are there people tripping over themselves, crawling out of the woodwork to dispute Yasuke’s status as retainer? It’s just not the same situation.
@user-ry4kd7zb6z 22 часа назад
@SomasAcademy 20 часов назад
>default name account posting in Japanese on an English language video Yeah okay Jimmy thanks for sharing your very real Japanese perspective.
@gwarfanatik 12 часов назад
@@SomasAcademy Nice personal attack. People often pathetically resort to such when they have no legitimate rebuttal or response.
@SomasAcademy 10 часов назад
@@gwarfanatik That wasn't a personal attack lol, it was an observation.
@poma5969 8 часов назад
​@@SomasAcademy You are clearly racist for japanese
@eagle162 22 часа назад
Why and why? Are you interviewing Anthony, this man is not reliable. Thomas, his book is best described as a fictional novel. 31:39 the information talk about is not found in any of the Jesuit sources. It is from a not available to the public version of the koki, supposedly pass down but the information here is not even found in any other versions. House is there a translated to residents to stay in. Short sword or dagger, was just common things to carry at this point for many people. Stipend, Samurai did not have stipends at this point that only began during the Edo period. "fuchi" the word for it did not even have that meaning during sengoku era.
@doompigg7403 13 часов назад
@gwarfanatik 12 часов назад
@@doompigg7403 Associate Professor in the multicultural history of Japan Wow, I wonder why someone who teaches "multicultural history" would be so heavily invested in the narrative of a Black samurai? L
@powerchan1962 11 часов назад
​@@doompigg7403No. Lockley is not a "professor" at the University of Tokyo, Japan's highest academic institution. He is an "associate professor" at a mid-level Nihon University.
@eagle162 10 часов назад
​@@doompigg7403besides what some other people have mentioned here and two others you should check out with the names nekko and rosso have to say. Have you read the book, you have claims like him and Nobunaga fighting off iga ninja together, which no such scenario has ever been recorded in history. Probably most egregious is claiming a random Japanese guy as a descendant of yasuke, with no evidence he even admits that in the book The co-author Geoffrey Girard, primarily written historical fiction. The publisher is Hanover Square Press, which is by no means an academic punisher.
@doompigg7403 7 часов назад
@gwarfanatik do you have any idea how dumb this question is? It literally answers itself. "Hmm why is this guy talking about this!? Could it be his job or something!!!!?????"
@eagle162 23 часа назад
8:30 yes, Samurai was use at this point and before. bushi(侍) was a generic term for warrior or somebody who fights with a weapon, meanwhile Samurai (武士) will translate to military man or military professional, the words only became interchangeable during the Edo period. It was a big deal, just because you you could have the opportunity to move up and become one doesn't mean that happened often. "The Taming of the Samurai" by Eiko Ikegami, to get what it meant to be a samurai. 武士と侍(サムライ)の違い/ホームメイト 「侍(さむらい)」と「武士」ってどう違うの?それぞれの語源から違いについて紹介 Two things regarding the meaning of Samurai. The source does not say He was not a weapon carrier, the source that says this which is not available to the public mind you would better translate to tools, a rather vague statement.
@anetao3308 23 часа назад
first of all western people are mad he wasn't on the show shogun when a article came out calling the show shogun racist for not having black people on, it doesn't matter if he was a samurai or not , he was mention little info was about him, then ubisoft release the game about him and once again , western journalist sure knows how to trigger western people making it like he's a big historical figure japan erased from their history but it was japan that kept him in their history
@patrickjoshuasenica2388 23 часа назад
what yasuke to joint forces of oda nobunaga was daimyo and senguko jidai why
@deadby15 23 часа назад
Getting a katana from Nobunaga must have been quite prestigious, but you can't equate it with Samurai Status. Nobunaga gave a Katana and a Wakizashi to a local Sumo wrestler (Aochi Yoemon) as gifts when he won a tornament. (Other wrestlers received Katana, too.) The Wrestler was then hired as the Sumo tournament manager, and also took care of horses for the clan. I think Yasuke's case was somewhat similar. He was obviously part of the clan, but generally people didn't think he was bound by fidelity duty. That's why, after capturing Yasuke, Akechi Mitsuhide simply said "No need to kill him because he is not on an equal footing" and just released. (What exactly Akechi said was way harsher actually, but I refrain from quoting it here.)
@richardfrederick6009 18 часов назад
Can you name other non-samurai that Oda Nobunaga gave a land, servants, and stipend to? Using the same word stipend that is typically used with other samurai?
@dundee1080 12 часов назад
Yeah , he basically said that Yasuke was a court pet at best.
@iwashisaba 7 часов назад
​@@richardfrederick6009There is no mention in any of the documents that Yasuke was given land or servants.
@TheChaosOneX 2 часа назад
He also was not given a katana. He was given "a short sword"
@blumiu2426 Час назад
@@dundee1080 Where did you hear that???
@ChaosDarkLight 23 часа назад
AssCreed we wuz samurais n' kuso
@CrownHetman 23 часа назад
Here is quite a good comment i read on another video: @outerlast << *Original Name of Writer here's a comment from native people there: "I am Japanese, I am writing this using a translator, please listen to me. First, I would like to talk about how Yasuke was treated in Japan. Yasuke's name does not appear in most history books, and for this reason he is treated as a fictitious entity that never existed. He does not appear in history textbooks for elementary, junior high, and high school students, and only those who have studied history at universities have heard of him. Even in the few history books that mention his name, it only says that he "served as a peasant and carried baggage. Everything about him is a fiction. He was tall, muscular, and strong, and Nobunaga, suspicious of whether his skin was his own, had his men wipe it to make sure. All of them are outright lies. And it is not even known if the Yasuke in the history books was a black Yasuke, because the name "Yasuke" is like John, a name that can be found anywhere in Japan! Also, Yasu came to Japan one year before Nobunaga died, Nobunaga had already almost unified Japan, how could he be a samurai without a war? And even a 10 year old Japanese could tell that he was not a samurai, because he had no family name. When we Japanese introduce ourselves, we say our family name and then our first name. This is because until the Meiji period (1868-1912), when equality among the four peoples was introduced, ordinary people were not allowed to have family names. In fact, some ordinary people have become samurai or feudal lords, such as Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who achieved greatness after Nobunaga, who rose from a mere peasant Tokichirou with his intelligence and courage to finally become Hideyoshi Toyotomi. And you foreigners often use the word "retainer", which is a mistranslation of the Japanese word "KASHIN". the original meaning of "KASHIN", is all those who work for the samurai family. A cook, a gardener, a maid, etc. are all KASHIN (retainers). In other words, those who support Yasuke are making a fuss based on a source of lies written by a black supremacist who cannot even read Japanese properly. Ridiculous. Yasuke was in the service of Nobunaga, so he fits the definition of KASHIN, and Samurai are KASHIN because they also serve Nobunaga, but that doesn't mean Yasuke is a Samurai! The reality is that Yasuke was like Nobunaga's pet or maid! We Japanese people will never forgive ubisoft's foolishness. Please let those who read this know how we feel."
@DonkeyWomb 19 часов назад
I'm not going to lie I have seen comments from people claiming to be Japanese say the complete opposite to what this says. Shit like this is why I do not believe anything I read from random people on the internet😂 like it's a real problem
@NachtKaiser666 12 часов назад
​@DonkeyWomb right? Of course, kids wouldn't learn of every single person in Nobunaga's army in basic school! Most Americans don't learn the name of every member of congress since the independence either, most of these people are irrelevant in the grand scheme of history. Plus people love stories about underdogs, that's why all those silver spoon fed rich guys try to pretend they're self made men 😂 Yusuke is interesting because he fits that profile.
@bbb462cid 23 часа назад
Toshiro Mifune was the prototype action hero.
@michael.waddell 23 часа назад
It's not really about the character... it seems more to be about why that character. Sweet baby Inc, dei and esg... all of that I agree with. That being said, I'm just buzzing there is finally an assassin's creed set in my favourite place during my favourite time in history.
@SomasAcademy 20 часов назад
The channel NeverKnowsBest has a great video on Sweet Baby Inc., DEI, ESG, and related controversies that I'd recommend checking out if you have the time.
@als3022 День назад
Just play Ghost of Tsushima and leave Ubisoft.