Stephen Maybury
Stephen Maybury
Stephen Maybury
Avani - Lakshmanalingeshwara Shrine
3 года назад
Hampi - Krishna Bazaar
4 года назад
Hampi - Krishna Temple
4 года назад
Hampi - Sister Stones
4 года назад
Hampi - Secret Council Chamber
4 года назад
Hampi - Public Bath
4 года назад
@seanpk78 3 дня назад
I wonder if the sea actually came right up against Kolonos Hill & the hill side to the SW below the Phokian wall site marked on google.
@carmichael3594 12 дней назад
Great video
@alanainsworth4549 16 дней назад
Thank you very much. This video is the clearest and definitely the best explanation of this famous battle.
@bgbin1 22 дня назад
( ゚ー゚)
@richardque1036 25 дней назад
In late 19th century,archeologist discover mass grave of persian warriors,is there any pucture?
@willsherman1049 27 дней назад
I have been to Greece and traveled its ancient sites and "modern" places. Its a filthy, crumbling little backwater. Dirty, poor, and the people who care the least about its history are the greeks themselves.
@nikolaosaggelhdis787 29 дней назад
@PabloLopez-hq7to 2 месяца назад
@Golden-us3hj 2 месяца назад
Fun fact since the reference is pretty interesting, the Mexican American war of 1846, the war that made America what it is today and expanded it to become a super power, was portrayed by the United States as an act of defense, of legal justification in response to Mexican aggression, but the truth of the matter was the compete opposite and it would turn out to be the most unjust illegal war ever waged. Opponents of the war called it what it was, a land grab and even demeaned its instigators as power hungry, looking for military glory, and that , this is where the Greek reference comes in, the United States was in no part the injured party, and its perpetrators knowing this would and have portrayed it as their Thermopylae, to say that that Mexican war was as courageous and legendary as the Greek conflict was a complete falsehood, but it would prove enough to trick the public and congress into voting in its favor, in result America gained 55% of Mexicos territory, some would say one of the most barefaced outrages that actually succeeded as they played the “ Texas Game” well
@cato451 2 месяца назад
I agree American movies are unwatchable
@cato451 2 месяца назад
Great video. I love Thermopylae and the history of the battle. Where I live in California there is a very narrow section of flat ground bookended by ocean and mountains. Every day I drive this section I think of Thermopylae. I must visit the real place some day.
@laisaechao7289 2 месяца назад
In the ancient days did they really rode on elephants into battle.
@richardque4952 2 месяца назад
Remember us...by spartan law.we obey."
@dimsesneg 3 месяца назад
You in the wrong place
@gregproctor4398 4 месяца назад
Many thanks for sharing your experience at this incredible place!
@Mr.56Goldtop 4 месяца назад
I know that the bay has stilted up over the last 2,500 years so the topography is not the same. But I want to know where the narrow pass "was" that the Greeks were defending! Of all of the videos I've watched not one of them tells us this! And what is the significance of this phocian wall?? What is it.
@MV70707 5 месяцев назад
I live on the west coast of the US and I always get jealous that we have no real history out here as far as ruins. Living in a place like Greece or Italy would be amazing, so much history to be absorbed all around you.
@stevenparent7886 5 месяцев назад
Crazy to imagine that actually happened there.
@beallglory 5 месяцев назад
Great explanation, thank you
@kevinhendryx665 5 месяцев назад
There were many battles fought at Thermopylae over the centuries, and many armies passing through in both directions; as recently as WWII, British and Commonwealth forces made a brief defensive stand against invading Germans. So plenty of construction, deconstruction, and military engineering took place here, and how much modern excavation has been done to establish what was where and when, I have no idea. But it would seem that a major exploration, study, and renovation of the site is long overdue.
@naturemacro 5 месяцев назад
The streams of the hot springs have moved over the ages like any stream/river would.so thats what the ditches are.Could they have used them to their advantage during the battle? Yes its possible.the two lines where u stood in the middle of,you were correct,are the traces of the wall.its also true that the place realy feels abandoned,and thats true in many ways,but believe me,greeks do love the place even in that state.there are talks about doing something "more"with it,and id love to see that happen,however greek govts are not famous for taking quick decisions or having any vision about anything whatsoever🤨 so,in a sense im happier with the current state of the place compared to doing more damage by doing the wrong things.So overall you made some pretty good observations🙂bare in mind that the place looks nothing lime it did in antiquity.The wall and kolonos hill as well as the river bank thats located a bit further back are prety much all we have to place things according to the battles description.
@Marko_Lungo 5 месяцев назад
What id give to be allowed to bring my metal detector there and spend a few weeks looking for arrow heads and god knows what else. And wouldnt it be amazing if the old time team crew had a dig there? I wonder if theres anything left of the battle in the ground..
@Nomad420 6 месяцев назад
I’d be metal detecting there
@halaloola12 6 месяцев назад
Love your videos and the way you explain it all ..amazing photos also....would the battlefield be that level or is it buried under what is currently there?
@Netherghoul 8 месяцев назад
It gave me chills when you said. "300 spartans waiting" 5:50 Imagine that, 300 Spartans and almost a thousand Thespians all prepared to die. I understand that mentality as I have it. But to have so many at one time have that mentality as well. Crazy events.
@TheAidanomalley 8 месяцев назад
Visited this place with 43 school children from New Zealand. Unreal atmosphere. Heaps of biting midges!
@jamesgjurovich7893 8 месяцев назад
where were the 700 thespians?
@michaelsimmons6864 10 месяцев назад
whats the coordinates of that site? I cant find it on google maps
@graphguy 10 месяцев назад
That's the pass??? I grewup on this story, but I envisioned it be far narrower than this!
@brutus4013 10 месяцев назад
There’s been many battles at that strategic site over the years . That wall is long gone . What you’re seeing is something much newer .
@marcellino1956 11 месяцев назад
I bet i'd get the same feeling i did when i walked on the Custer last stand Battlefield
@marcellino1956 11 месяцев назад
now i see the pass they have been talking about for all these years
@bryanb7050 11 месяцев назад
No need to tingle. The real battle field is approximately 66 feet below that area as erosion and sediments have filled the real battle area in
@SouthernCrossMMA 11 месяцев назад
Out of breath fat fuck walking on flat ground... How far we have fallen 😞
@MrGreen-qr5pe Год назад
I don’t get it. In the movie and books there was an ocean next to where they fought. Where’s the ocean on this video and the cliff?
@pierrepoitras1798 Год назад
Has anyone ever walked the path the Persians took to encircle the Spartans and their allies? I wonder if a metal detector would pick up anything.
@rimonsathi3822 Год назад
where is the sea?
@mralmnthwyfemnin5783 Год назад
So thankful that I was born in modern America !
@petersmith4202 Год назад
Spartans are the best
@santinodagostino02 Год назад
I wish they dig up the ancient battlefield to find more artifacts.
@marklemaster4707 Год назад
The Reason why I like this history of king Leonidas, is because he is or was the greatest king of all time in my opinion, what he fought for, is what he believed in, and those are excellent traits to have!! And the democracy that geek made after the battle of thermoply.. it is what we all use today, the Spartans should never be forgotten and always remembered those 300 Spartans fought and died with honor!! You can't take that away or beat that un any battle in the history books!! Of course they are trying to hide it but they can't!! Also I find it funny that xerxes died by his own brother!! Explain that!!
@taybak8446 Год назад
Wow! And I do appreciate your rebellious side!
@taybak8446 Год назад
I'm so thankful you climbed up to the little trodden nooks and crannies to give us a detailed and rare view of the sancutary of Apollo. You are the only one who sheds light on such places in all your videos. Not just this one. Thank you.
@brycemcqueen2235 Год назад
Wonder what wildlife is existent in this geography? Difference in wild life between now and then?
@taybak8446 Год назад
This was absolutely fascinating and I do appreciate your videos. I've watched all 11 on Thermopylae and am touched by your dedication. I've been a lover of Greek myths and history since aged 13. I'm now 54. So your videos were very helpful as a guide and I plan to visit someday soon. Maybe this September before the world goes to bits in a another world war. Cheers!
@tray8411 Год назад
Major battlefield 2500 years ago and a major interstate right by it...Unreal
@richardque4952 Год назад
The site was also a battlefield during ww2.
@richardque4952 Год назад
Looking at the picture,one could imagine the entire horizon was filled with persian soldier.
@richardque4952 Год назад
To be exact there are 298 spartan.not to mention 700 theban who also perished.
@MrMAC8964 Год назад
Herodotus said 20000 , the whole Persian army wasnt there . the whole army prob not more than 130000 to 200000 . I can imagine a non gated wall that a phalanx of hoplites stood defending the gap with the other city state warriors doing wall duty. That was my "feeling" there. cheers