I am a microbiologist and a former naval nuclear electrician. On this channel I discuss a wide range of topic, from religion, politics, science, skepticism, economics and labor, as wall are coping mechanism for Aspergers and tearing apart commonly held misunderstandings. Having been a former isolated home schooled young earth creationist Non-judgmental or non-pwning education is what my channel is about, while learning to find and block the trolls.
Solar punk is not... here's what it actually is.
6 месяцев назад
We Need to Disband the Army
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Welcome to Mastodon. Now What?
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@Izlandzadi14 12 дней назад
I really love these, I know your viewership isn't huge, but I'm going to keep checking it out. Really hope you hit the algorithm sometime (if you want)
@anubis2814 12 дней назад
@Izlandzadi14 Lol well I'm in the process of trying to learn the coding need to make this happen. Hopefully will have something 80% done by the end of next year that I can bring other more professional devs into putting on the finishing touches. I'm building it on top of the Friendica platform that is part of the same fediverse that mastodon uses. So my videos this year have been sparse, one every 2 months these days, but I've got 750 videos of back log if you ever miss me
@evilotakuneko 15 дней назад
Yeah I feel this video. I've been at my job 12 years, I really should look around for new/better to keep learning (I'm in tech), but I'd rather not do the job hunt thing again. Of course, I also currently have a very lax work load so I'm effectively getting paid to do nothing a lot of the time. Also speaking of things being started a long time ago and not finished... I got your book like a few years ago now and haven't finished it >.>
@anubis2814 15 дней назад
@evilotakuneko Yeah lol at this point I'm unsure of a single person outside of myself and the editor has actually read it yet lol.
@YourCapyPal_bigupsfor3DPipes 18 дней назад
Until an organized Left party can actually exist in America and get people elected, and then enshrine workers' rights, which will affect everything from the applicant selection process and interviews to termination policies, nothing will change. Everything you say is true but this is where I see where we're at. This is the 150 year battle we are still fighting.
@Maphisto86 18 дней назад
This is what class warfare looks like. Finding a job is only sometimes an example of a meritocracy. More often than not, it is a clusterfuck. Oh, and I live in Canada. Despite the significant differences between our political systems, job seekers here have the same problems as those in the USA.
@YourCapyPal_bigupsfor3DPipes 18 дней назад
We need REAL labor laws in the United States. What we have now hardly qualifies. So, a 150 - 200 year fight continues. It will be a problem that will dog us for the rest of our lives, but I know one day we'll get there. People just have to wake up and pull their head out of their ass and decide they want a better quality of life, and that starts with realizing that the current paradigm and bogus Red/Blue Wall Street party system is our enemy. It always has been. It was NEVER set up to work of, by, and for the people; it was set up to work of, by, and for the ELITES, the top 5%, especially business elites, and that it does extremely well, at everyone else's expense. If we want something better we're going to have to fight for it, organize for it and demand it. Demand REAL socialist and communist political parties, demand that human life has inherent value, demand that workers actually MATTER and not only do they matter they matter MORE than management and are at least EQUAL to those who sit on the board. In fact, every company over a given number of employees (say 75) deserves at least one workers' representative on the governing board. Shareholders deserve a fair return but no more! They never deserve more concern than the actual workers and stakeholders in that given company. Never. The fact that workers are routinely thrown away to increase shareholder profit by $5 is disgraceful. All workers deserve the majority of profits that their labor generates. This means guaranteed profit share guarantees and profit dividends. Paying only a bullshit flat wage robs workers of the majority of the profits that their efforts have generated. This this is considered typical business in America and frankly it's pretty immoral. It's wrong. It's time to respect, enshrine and actually protect Labor in this country because it's ALWAYS been under attack from scandalous and unethical people who had big dreams of getting rich off the blood of others; because the goal was always to get philthy rich by using and exploiting the brains and sweat of others. It's always been a scam in this country. This type of abusive philosophy doesn't have to stand any longer but if people don't want better for themselves and their kids then it will just continue, and people will just act like this is the best we have a right to and "oh well this is just how life is and life isn't fair", so we can just continue to suck it up and accept all the abuses under the current system. That's why I'm an economic flaming communist because business HAS to be brought under control in this country and human rights for workers HAVE to matter for once in this shithole country's history. It can be done anytime. Many attempts and some progress has been made in the past, but people have to stand up and currently reject this way of thinking as UNACCEPTABLE. It's cute you think we can still count on Democrats in any of this- are you mad??? Where have you been forever? They are LITERALLY the same party with two snake faces. Better help yourself by waking up!! The current political party is literally ONE party with two amoral stunningly self-serving faces .... there is no FUCKING DIFFERENCE!! They will NOT stand for us; they never have. It's been like this for generations bruh WAKE THE FUCK UP! you don't keep doing the SAME thing over and over and expecting a different result!!! Government in this country serves corporations and the megarich, NOT the bottom 90%. The fact you think Democrats are ANY different than Republicans is both sad and hilarious in equal measure. Please come out of the river of delusion, you'll feel better. It's like a slave saying his slavemaster really does care about him because he only beats him once in a while when he really deserves it. LoL fucking bro get fucking real PLEASE. KNOW YOUR GODDAMN ENEMY - you'll always be played like a fool until you do. One party dresses in red, the other in BLUE. If you literally can't see this by now then I don't know what else to say. Just vote harder for Democrats yeah that'll really help! 😂💀💀💀💀 Omfg - how many TIMES do you have to get your throat cut by these animals to open your eyes!??? You still think they're the good guys don't you? And I'm sure there were some really really good Nazis at heart under the Reich too! 🙄🙄 Yeah just vote blue harder! That'll do it! (Kill me now)
@anubis2814 17 дней назад
Dems have not had any real political power to do anything thanks to the filibuster since the first 2 years of the Obama administration. Also, NOT voting is what got the Nazis in power to begin with because Nazis always vote, then tell you voting doesn't change anything
@lostanddamned13 18 дней назад
Glad you made it through. Job interviews suck. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--v1OLMjG52I.html
@Direblade11 20 дней назад
But what do elf houses LOOK like, man?
@netook8 22 дня назад
These become a prison as soon as there is a pandemic. Out in the burbs it's almost as if the virus never happened, people still got to hang out outside under the warm sun in their yards, still got plenty of exercise, and still got to tend to their gardens. While in many major urban centers people were fined for going outside in search of some sun and fresh air, or limited to an hour a day(like in a prison). The suburbs never had these to worry about because they owned their own yard they can have grass, trees, insects, birds, sunshine, and fresh air. Shared air during a pandemic? No thank you! There is a part of Solar punk I can refer to as "hospitalpunk" where everyone lives under strict medical rules including vaccines, pills, testing(in every orifice) because the very high density will make pathogens spread rapidly. Often solar punk could be masked, the sense of Identify would be different as your face would no longer be a feature for public display. Extensive decontamination systems would use too much energy to follow the solarpunk ideology. It would be much harsher on the population because when there isn't a virus flying around we would grow accustomed to expecting to have access to fresh air, sun exposure, fitness, and wellness facilities. Suddenly losing all that and trapped in a tiny space that(up until then) was only ever used as a place to sleep and cook food, the rate of depression would spike wildly.
@anubis2814 22 дня назад
@netook8 So you are fine with urban folks footing the bill for your unsustainable lifestyle. You should be able to take their hard earned money? They have to deal with this scenario but you don't because you are from the right class? Every square inch of land you own adds to the bill for car infrastructure. And the less dense the tax base, the less taxes there are to pay for it, so the city of state foots the bill giving you special treatment. Land tax or gas tax or car tax by mile are the only way to pay for roads fairly. Either way, it will lead to more densification. Every dollar you spend on your car the government spends $9 on infrastructure
@netook8 22 дня назад
@@anubis2814 I'm fine with paying 100%+ more tax to pay for what I use. TBH I'm surprised the tax rate isn't adjusted based on the actual use. I find it very strange how taxes are higher in more dense areas. If I make the money and willing to pay I should be able to ensure my mental health next time there is another pandemic. I never liked crowds, I have severe anxiety when there are over 300 people within a single block. I'm sure your solution is just to fill me up with drugs to combat that anxiety. If taxes in the outskirts were set based on the operating costs, it might actually balance out the rural/urban divide. People who move out to the burbs would be doing so for lifestyle and privacy instead of the cost saving. Currently a place in your ideal neighborhood is considerably more expensive, when looking at Rent and Mortgage rate, you could DOUBLE or even TRIPLE the property tax rate in the suburbs before you would match the cost of living in downtown Especially here in Canada. Bit city costs are higher than most pensions can cover, mortgages are beyond most working class people. What would be helpful is if the options you provide didn't crawl at 10mph. Never does anyone mention the utility and important of motorcycles(electric especially), small(esp scooter and eduro styles) but with a max speed high enough to transverse more than 5km sustainably. and TBH if they can hard code FAA controls into drones, THEY CAN HARD CODE SPEED LIMITS INTO BIKES. Allowing an Ebike to go 60mph when the destination is 100 miles off the line, which in my case is often a power plant, battery plant, refinery, mine,, farm, or other vital industry that builds and feeds your city. Considering my specialized educational background, I'd be homeless if I was forced to live in a no car city starting from zero skill in another career. About the only thing I'm qualified to do for enough salary to not be homeless, is the signal and control systems in a transit system. There is also an alarming trend of folks like you not building up a savings and instead choosing to live in more expensive and convenient areas. We got tent cities full of people who can testify that is a bad idea. Currently, rent and mortgages in big transit oriented walky, bikey cities are so high, that even tripling the tax in the suburbs would barely make them comparable in cost. The only exception id say would be Japan, but that is because they have transit everywhere, their population is in decline, and they aren't shoveling in immigrants by the boat load like Europe.
@anubis2814 22 дня назад
@@netook8 So long as you agree with paying for it, I'm fine with you doing that. I grew up in the sticks and understand that anxiety however you do get over it in time. People from the city also fear people in rural areas thinking they are all murderers with gun, while people in the rural areas think every city is gotham and there are crimes happening on every street corner.
@netook8 22 дня назад
@@anubis2814 In my area the subway is a disaster. Often having to step over ODed druggies to get down to the train. If I have the money, I pay for parking or a Cab/Uber. and It's usually easy to tell which rural properties safe based on what is parked in the driveway. The subway issue(as several stations in my city are underground, though some are level and elevated) the lack of enforcement and supports. It's sadly a problem with many cities in the western world right now. And yes There are many areas of the city that are indeed, perfectly safe. It becomes a problem when crime effects the transit system
@anubis2814 22 дня назад
@netook8 What happens when housing is treated as an investment asset, but public transit isn't treated as an investment at all.
@cs-sambra 27 дней назад
totally underrated video
@gigabane7357 Месяц назад
bio gas is made from things like grass clippings in a biodigester. it also makes liquid fert as a second product.. Grass grows using atmospheric carbon and sunlight. it is circular ecology and therefore solarpunk. You can combine the liquid fert with biochar made from different grass clippings to activate it too. Lawn mowing, with rechargable mowers can become solarpunk sunlight to gas and sunlight to soilbuilding. Lithium will never be solar punk. Anything 'rare' is not for solar punk use. it has to be insanely abundant or ultra recyclable or regeneratable. Liquid air created using plants like the highview factory in the uk from renewable energy to use in mechanical propulsion is super solar punk. Compressing atmospheric air into liquid air is a form of carbon capture not even recognised properly yet. co2 liquidises sooner and easier than the air it is in, so we get to bottle it essentially for free. The air we produce, when spent in a vehicle as fuel, the vehicles 'pollution' is then cold, clean, co2 free air. our vehicles themselves become an instrument of diluting by way of mixing, the co2 and heat we have to face. Nuclear is not solar punk. it is fossil fuel. it is 'burning' something to boil a kettle. as simple as that.
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@gigabane7357 Biogas isn't quite there yet but it can be on the menu in the future. Grass clippings should only exist sparingly for things like sports parks. Yard grass should be local/ mixed with wildflowers or gardens if people need yards most yards in the US are not solar punk. Lithium is getting more and more recyclable all the time but solid state batteries are coming and will hopefully eliminate lithium. Nuclear using nuclear waste is solar punk as it reduces the radioactive lifetimes of the waste but we are not there yet, mining for uranium isn't. Thorium is a by product of other things so it could also be considered solar punk
@gigabane7357 Месяц назад
@@anubis2814 when I think of grass. I am thinking more of american switch grass, which pushes all of its nutrients into the roots at winter leaving a carbon husk to convert. grasslands both wild and managed will still exist even if we ban lawns. sand batteries slay lithium at scale for district heating and industrial uses. Liquid air and adaptations to using it can cover most other gaps. the end of the day, we literally have about 12 hiroshima bombs per second worth of excess energy imbalance due to climate change, we do not need fossil fuels or nuclear, all the energy is already there for the taking.
@TheDiversifiedFarmer Месяц назад
Ever roll through South Georgia?
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@TheDiversifiedFarmer No why?
@TheDiversifiedFarmer Месяц назад
@@anubis2814 I'm in the area. Would like to chat if your ever in town. Thin lines between echo chambers and enough difference to create hybridization of thought. Big ag has really fouled up my life. I must do something, you know
@TheDiversifiedFarmer Месяц назад
Evolution Nutrition Plant in nature Plant in greenhouse Inputs ≠Inputs Outputs ≠Outputs
@theturtlemoves9171 Месяц назад
very based, deserve a lot more views, will e sharing this channel with my comrades 🫡
@raphlvlogs271 Месяц назад
different people will come up with different environmental solutions so an environmentally conscious future is going to be more complicated than we can imagine
@sudd3660 Месяц назад
if only frendica did not support any mobile i would support it.
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@@sudd3660 What do you mean by that?
@sudd3660 Месяц назад
@@anubis2814 mobile phones are a large societal problem now. we do not need another platform supporting that.
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@sudd3660 I does not have a mobile client app. There are outside folks building some, and it has a mobile view but it's focus is desktop. Some people can't afford laptops so they need access with their phones which are multi purpose and vital to survival in the modern world. I use the pin to home option in the browser because it's better than any app client out there
@sudd3660 Месяц назад
@@anubis2814 no human needs a phone, we actually must stop phones from becoming a normal thing. real people, real things, real nature. those things matter and works.
@thecrimsonfire4921 Месяц назад
Whilst I love a lot of this. Most of this either doesn’t exist because of zoning laws. Suburbs, community gardens, local electricity grids. These are all restricted by stupid zoning laws.
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@@thecrimsonfire4921 Yes, why solar punk is a utopia to work towards. No utopian goal is easy or ends up perfect
@thecrimsonfire4921 Месяц назад
@@anubis2814 Yeah, but a lot of people whom like solarpunk blame capitalism for our faults. This video kind of points out how it has nothing to do with the economic system, but instead is the fault of continuing bad policies and propaganda
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@thecrimsonfire4921 Propganda created by car companies fueled by capitalism, and colonial era racism that refuses to die. Lots of corporate astroturfing boosting nimbys fears
@thecrimsonfire4921 Месяц назад
@@anubis2814 The biggest divide amongst the western world comes from politics. Thats how most racism is fueled these days. NIMBYs only have power because the government listens to them. It’s not the car companies telling people electric is the future. It’s not the car companies forcing electric cars at a determined point in the future. Most car companies don’t even want electric, they are being forced to compete in that industry because of Tesla and government policies. In my opinion, Solarpunk is a capitalist utopia. A limited but caring government that is held accountable. With a few checks and balances, capitalism is amazing. Do you disagree?
@evilotakuneko Месяц назад
Underpaid overworked workers produce inferior product? Say it ain't so!
@bendjohans3863 Месяц назад
oh my... why dont name the elephant in the room... wokeness is a cancer secretly planned by someone with money to seperate people into smaller and smaller groups which fight each other so they dont take notice of the big shit going on behind closed doors most likely another globalisation grab and the woke mob turned into a cult. as soon as you try to fight against reality you have to notice that something is wrong and the woke cult got feeded more and more nonsence that are just good to upset the masses like pronons or by denying that there are just 2 genders which is a biological fact... wake up america
@chidmania8485 Месяц назад
So in short... Wokeness is killing media? 😅
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@@chidmania8485 if woke = labor abuse then yes
@KumaKonda Месяц назад
@@anubis2814 that's what I think, they go together.
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@KumaKonda Labor abuse and corpoate greed is always regressive. Also "woke" means someone who is awakened to injustice. That is progressive. Just like with Starbuck they are wokewashing themselves so you don't notice their union busting. In fact once you become aware of this wokewashing, then you too have become awakened to injustice. You are now woke.
@Skygerobrian Месяц назад
​@anubis2814 I don't think that definition should be used in this situation. Most people are referring to a growing anti western "decolonizing" ideology that is being pushed. Think white males are the oppressors? Replace them with a queer black man every chance you get. I agree that there is more to enshittification of media but wokenes is a real and important component.
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@@Skygerobrian k
@zoushaomenohu Месяц назад
Yep. This is because of the ever-growing mindset of arts and entertainment as disposable products meant to be consumed and discarded.
@bendjohans3863 Месяц назад
well yes i have to admit thats part of the problem as its hard today to come up with something new but i think the woke mindvirus did a big part in ruining many many brands and shows as they forgot that their job is to entertain and not to preach
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
Yup and the young generation isn't mostly white or homophobic so many things aren't made for you anymore, you are no longer the target demographic they care about.
@bendjohans3863 Месяц назад
i hate to bring it to you but...what happens right now isnt a change for the better its the war between the superrich and the poor aka normal people, if you at least try and inform yourself the best way is to follow the money and than you may find out that a lot of the cash for founding and supporting the woke movement comes from springs like soros blackrock vanguard or other very rich people... they are using you after a brainwash in school by feeding you with absurd ideas catering for minoritys just to upset the mayority of people and split the normal population in as many smaller groups as possible which are suposed to fight each other . its quiet absurd to blame lets say the white population for lets say slavery as whites themself have been slaves too for more than 2000 years . just look back to the 90ies which was a time when the usa was more united as a population than it is today. look at absurd movements like just top oil founded in big parts by shell which is a biiig oil company or blm which is nonsence cause all life matters.i dont know how old you are or what skincolor you got but i would say you are not white nor over 30 years old which makes you young and you surely think that you know everything better and that you can make things lot better than before ... without any clue and sorry but you are stupid in the way all young people are stupid , i know that because i was stupid in my 20ies too.its easy to fall for emotional arguments but sadly they cant stand against reality and numbers and just the fact that i dont want to see gay scenes in every fukn tv shows doent makes me homophobic lol its not the fact that there are 2 guys kissing its the fact that i can see that there is a plan behind which anoys me dearly ;D.
@MrReset94 2 месяца назад
You know what else is solarpunk and nobody ever mention? A more conscientious perspective on child making and parenting. Studies have proven that more than 3 children per family unit lead to kids being neglected. It also leads to overpopulation and thus an increased need for space and resources. Infertile people ,instead of investing in medical procedures that grant them to make new babies, should look into adoption, actually everybody should! Adoption is solarpunk, less people is solarpunk.
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
If the bottom billion doubled overnight they would increase the greenhouse gas emissions by 1%. the top 10% produce 49% of the greenhouse gasses, the top 1% produce 29%. In biology we refer to this as cancer
@MrReset94 Месяц назад
@@anubis2814 is not about emissions only. The situation we are in is a lot more complex. And the numbers of the human population are definitely not in line with sustainability, no species should reach our numbers if it is to maintain the balance in the ecosystem.
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@@MrReset94 With our distribution system you are 100% correct. We have yet to see what we can do with a fair equitable distribution system. That said the population is already on its way to dropping.
@robitybopity 2 месяца назад
most based video i’ve come across. bravo!
@stevecampkin8613 2 месяца назад
Nuclear is not viable, renewable, “Green” or SolarPunk. It is massively expensive and would require huge corporations investing billions over decades, and that requires capitalism. SolarPunk is community owned micro-generation. I’ve yet to see any community or even city council that can build a nuclear power station. It also requires huge mines for plutonium, lots of concrete and a plan for disposing of the most dangerous waste this planet has ever seen, and there is no plan for that last one yet other than bury it for future generations to work out. SolarPunk is existing or feasible sustainable technology. End of life reusability should be factored in at the design stage.
@nasirgeele1824 2 месяца назад
I wish i lived solar punk society.If we tried to make solar punk it wouldn't happen because human are creed and selfish.We are cruel to others species and to each other.
@anubis2814 2 месяца назад
Humans are shaped by their environment and the environment is shaped by humans. There is a small percentage that are especially greedy and selfish, those with the power and money to shape the environment. There is a reason Hobbs believes that the natural state of man was base and terrible. hunter/gatherers aren't like that, they all have issues but they have leveling mechanisms against things like power, bullying and greed. The introduction of possessions changed all of that. Trauma and desperation and fear makes the normal person greedy and selfish, power and isolation makes the rich greedy and selfish. In a natural disaster, humans have a natural ability to self-organize because we are hard wired to do so, but the constraints of society prevent that, because it was engineered to do so..
@gjslaughter 2 месяца назад
Well stated.
@sachamm 2 месяца назад
Yes it was useful! I'm finally on Mastadon and will probably look at Friendica at some point. Truthfully would have been more useful if compression didn't mess with the visuals.... damn you RU-vid.
@anubis2814 Месяц назад
@@sachamm Was the video quality bad?
@sachamm Месяц назад
@@anubis2814 Bad enough that I can't read a lot of stuff. I realized after posting that that have a giant monitor (32"), so it might be the upscaling tech that I should be shaking my fist at. lol
@7125Mhz 3 месяца назад
Not so fast. It turns out that the higher the advanced degree/ specialization the more likely strange and delusional thinking does indeed occur! Even though the opposite is usually believed, that the poor and uneducated held most of the delusional beliefs.
@anubis2814 3 месяца назад
There is some evidence involving that but its kind of murky. Can you point to the specific study? This was 7 years ago so its a little out of date.
@YourCapyPal_bigupsfor3DPipes 3 месяца назад
Time to demand a reverse TH Act on steroids...
@anubis2814 3 месяца назад
The PRO act was supported by all dems except the two traitors blocking the end of the filibuster
@christo930 3 месяца назад
We only had the largest economic expansion in world history after the taft hartley act in 1947. It's not like I oppose strong unions, but unions only work when the jobs are there. What good would a union be for a factory that is GONE? There is no better place for a union than a factory or a warehouse or other productive environment. Factory workers are extremely productive. They generate a lot of revenue. That is where wages come from. You have these fantasies that people are going to be able to support a family working at McDonald's or Walmart. These are not family supporting jobs. They are very unproductive. Unions cannot turn an unproductive job into a productive high paying job. Building things in a factory is what allows for high wages. Plus, it's not just ordinary production workers. It's an entire system. It requires all kinds of highly paid labor. It needs engineers, scientists and experts from many different fields. Up until the 70s, we had towns all over America built around 1 or 2 factories. The smart kids went to college and came back in management or engineering or other cognitive roles. Less skilled labor (the working class) worked in production. Some worked on the tooling. Some operated machinery. Some packaged etc etc. All these factories are GONE. Now the smart kids leave town and never come back. The less capable end up in dead end jobs, jail, addicted etc.
@christo930 3 месяца назад
While the company town is the main source of income for the town, there is also a lot of other work that needs doing in the town which various residents can perform, like owning/running a hairdresser and barber, a hardware and other retail stores owned and operated by adults supporting a family. A local movie theater and auto shop....... Instead of a town built around income generation in the form of a factory (which draws income from all over the country and world), we have a bunch of operations which suck money out of the town and send it somewhere else. Walmart comes in, hires a bunch of teens and low end skilled adults to run the place at or near MW. 2 or 3 people in the store make 6 figure salaries, but outside of that, it's all low end. The money the people spend there doesn't stay in the community, it gets sucked out. Instead of restaurants you get fast food joints that operate just like walmart. Instead of a locally owned shop, you get a chain shop to do basic repairs and maintenance, another one for the major repairs or a dealership. The whole system is designed to suck money out of the town.
@anubis2814 3 месяца назад
@@christo930 "not productive", and that's why we are all working for way less than ewe should and the bosses keep getting richer and we all get poorer. Fast food workers are sustainable to be paid living wages. You know how I know? because in Denmark You get paid very well for fast food and can live off of it. Once you stop needing to worry about starving you can think about enriching yourself like going to college. If you are too busy focusing on survival many will never enrich themselves and get stuck in a poverty cycle. Also funny you should mention Walmart the company have has literally the most employees on welfare and food stamps meaning Walmart itself us stealing our tax dollars for welfare and paying their shareholders and CEOs billions. "If there are no jobs" if large corporations hold a strangle hold on monopolies then yes they are the only job creators. Until the 90s half of all people were employed by or owned their own small business. Since then that number has halved as people are now too poor to take the risks and get the investment money needed to start a business. Germany and Scandinavia are great examples of how life can be if unions are in every job profession. Co-determination ensures half of all company boards are worker representatives because they are also stakeholder in the company and they don't pull this America style kill the company for short term profit BS like happens with CEOs with golden parachutes and private equity killing businesses left and right as making a profit no matter if they survive or fail thanks to volume of businesses they buy up ruthlessly.
@christo930 3 месяца назад
@@anubis2814 Productivity is not a moral judgement. A person operating a press in a factory is just far more productive than a person operating a cash register or flipping burgers or being a cashier or customer service assistant in a walmart or other retail establishment. A person working a machine for an hour created a lot in that hour, often high dollar stuff too. They turn low value metal into finished metal parts. Cooked beef or french fries is just not that valuable. Would you want to work 8 hours a day in a fast food joint anyway? No, there is no magical education. While there are exceptions to every rule, in general, most adult fast food workers would not benefit from college. Beside that, we all can't be fast food fry cooks or cashiers. We need a functional economy capable of providing employment to the people. This is a very small percentage of the working and lower middle class. The lower middle class and down is the majority of workers. This is why we have so many people "working" in the informal economy. You're singing to the choir here. I support a tax scheme that would go up as income went up like we had in the post war period, 90% or higher top rate. This is one of the major factors harming small business. I support unions. I already said that. I want strong unions. But most low wage jobs today are not good candidates. If you unionized all fast food and big box retail, all it would do is result in higher prices. The workers are no better off. Initially they would be, but higher prices would eventually level out. WHY do you support McDonald's, Walmart, Home Depot etc who destroy local communities? You want to take something awful and make it less awful. I want to eliminate them. I would much rather support Joe's hardware and plumbing than Home Depot. I would much rather eat at Linda's diner than some chain fast food place. Heck, I would rather order out pizza from my local pizza place than buy a big mac. I certainly would rather buy stuff that was made right here and not in China. Plus, all this is ignoring the fact that chain stores/restaurants suck money from the local economy and send it elsewhere. Walmart profits don't go to main street in Anytown, usa, they go to the headquarters.
@YourCapyPal_bigupsfor3DPipes 3 месяца назад
Well the world's elite 1% want it all, and they are smart. They have 100 different ways to do this. When massive new tent cities even bigger than those from the depression era spring up, what will local govts do then??? Help, or death squads?? I mean, I think its pretty clear what they WANT to do if the dehumanization and demonization of current unsheltered populations are any indication... Just wonder how far they'll actually take it. We know how the unfeeling privileged feel about those deemed non-useful...
@christo930 3 месяца назад
In America, the working class is almost exclusively Republican and the "left" shows utter contempt and hatred for the working class and lower middle class. The collapse of the left in the US and mostly in Europe too is what has allowed neoliberal-warmongers to take control of the state. There is no mainstream traditional left in the US.
@anubis2814 3 месяца назад
Working class is such a nebulous term. the Left collapsed literally because the Us government is a genius at memory holing anything it doesn't want people to know which began for anarchism ins 1920 and Socialism in 1950. Its why I thought Marx and Lenin were contemporaries until 10 years ago and until 5 years ago I thought anarchism was created by 70s punk rockers. I had no idea what Marx actually called for and how it was diametrically opposed to how Lenin implemented it. The "left" if you mean US liberals are center right compared to the rest of the world. Believe it or not, a lot of the lower working class folks are democrats, you just see fox news make fake adoration of them, just like they do with the troops to be used as props. Only 1/3rd of Trumps voters were lower working class, the rest were all middle class, but Fox using them as props gives that dumb impression. Until Fox news, Republicans were viewed rightly as east coast rich elites. Fox was able to flip that framing entirely on people with any form of academic leanings.
@christo930 3 месяца назад
@@anubis2814 I'm from and in that class. I know a lot of working class and lower middle class people. All are pro-Trump if you can believe it. I'm sure there are regional differences, but I am in a very blue region. The only people I know in these classes who are democrats are African American and even many of them support Trump. The GOP is no better than the Democrats though. They are mostly neoliberal warmongers like the GOP. What we need for starters is a punishing graduated tax structure. We have 35T in debt and absolutely no prospect of paying it back with anything other than dollars diminished in value through money printing which will impoverish the already not fiscally secure working and lower middle class. Nobody in either party supports this. We get some larping on the fringe of the democrats by the likes of AOC, who is a clown in every respect or Bernie Sanders who the whole party is embarrassed by. People in the GOP want to pay for it by reducing social welfare programs which are already a joke. NOBODY wants to go to Chase and JP Morgan et al and TAKE all this money back! No, we want the poor to pay it. The post war period which had a 90% top marginal rate saw the wealthiest society the world has ever known. I'm not saying the tax caused it. It had some complex and some other rather obvious reasons like rebuilding after the war. But what it didn't do is destroy the economy like neoliberals like to claim. "We have to be nice to the job creators" The tax regime we have now massively favors size. This is one of the reasons small business is so bad. With a 90% top marginal rate, getting everything big is not ideal. Once you reach a certain size, your income is so high that 90% gets taxed away. But a way to avoid that tax is capital improvements. New machinery, better plants etc. This makes them far more productive. Then there's capital gains. This should be MUCH higher. We've created a monster with the stock market. 401k programs dump trillions of Dollars into the market, all because we wrecked social security. Or how about getting rid of all the student debt? Our kids (I'm probably 20 years older than you) have a mortgage and no home so that the academic class can live upper middle class lives. We should take ALL of their money. Nobody from either party is serious about doing this. It is a completely EVIL system. Academics and management in university make hundreds of thousands of dollars and are allowed to act as consultants on university time. Just about every "expert witness" of any kind in a courtroom is an academic testifying for $1000 an hour on academy time. At the same time, anyone not an academic or management within the university works for peanuts as the tuition bankrupts our kids. I have a relative who works at an Ivy League school with a masters who barely makes 60k. The richest (by income, but probably not wealth) county in the US is DC and the area around the capital. These are the people living off society. Their incomes are entirely derived either directly from the state or in jobs that only exist because of the state, like lobbying or compliance etc.
@christo930 3 месяца назад
@@anubis2814 I'm from and in that class. I know a lot of working class and lower middle class people. All are pro-Trump if you can believe it. I'm sure there are regional differences, but I am in a very blue region. The only people I know in these classes who are democrats are African American and even many of them support Trump. The GOP is no better than the Democrats though. They are mostly neoliberalwarmongers like the GOP.
@christo930 3 месяца назад
@@anubis2814 2/ What we need for starters is a punishing graduated tax structure. We have 35T in debt and absolutely no prospect of paying it back with anything other than dollars diminished in value through money printing which will impoverish the already not fiscally secure working and lower middle class. Nobody in either party supports this. We get some support on the fringe of the democrats by the likes of AOC, who is a clown in every respect or Sanders who the whole party is embarrassed by. People in the GOP want to pay for it by reducing social welfare programs which are already a joke.
@christo930 3 месяца назад
@@anubis2814 3/ NOBODY wants to go to Chase and JP Morgan et al and TAKE all this money back! No, we want the poor to pay it. The post war period which had a 90% top marginal rate saw the wealthiest society the world has ever known. I'm not saying the tax caused it. It had some complex and some other rather obvious reasons like rebuilding after the war. But what it didn't do is destroy the economy like neoliberals like to claim. "We have to be nice to the job creators" The tax regime we have now massively favors size. This is one of the reasons small business is so bad. With a 90% top marginal rate, getting everything big is not ideal. Once you reach a certain size, your income is so high that 90% gets taxed away. But a way to avoid that tax is capital improvements. New machinery, better plants etc. This makes them far more productive. Then there's capital gains. This should be MUCH higher. We've created a monster with the stock market. 401k programs dump trillions of Dollars into the market, all because we wrecked social security. Or how about getting rid of all the student debt? Our kids (I'm probably 20 years older than you) have a mortgage and no home so that the academic class can live upper middle class lives. We should take ALL of their money. Nobody from either party is serious about doing this. It is a completely EVIL system. Academics and management in university make hundreds of thousands of dollars and are allowed to act as consultants on university time. Just about every "expert witness" of any kind in a courtroom is an academic testifying for $1000 an hour on academy time. At the same time, anyone not an academic or management within the university works for peanuts as the tuition bankrupts our kids. I have a relative who works at an Ivy League school with a masters who barely makes 60k. The richest (by income, but probably not wealth) county in the US is DC and the area around the capital. These are the people living off society. Their incomes are entirely derived either directly from the state or in jobs that only exist because of the state, like lobbying or compliance etc.
@DEGROOT-if9ol 3 месяца назад
What happens if another army invades us when have no army or cops to defend us?
@anubis2814 3 месяца назад
Why we have a well regulated militia aka a national guard. Also there are exactly two nations that could attack us by land. We have the most powerful navy in the world. If we get invaded by an army we deserve to be taken over. Cops can't even defend kids from an active shooter, they'd be useless against an invading army.
@DrawThatFox-rq5sx 4 месяца назад
Awesome video, huge fan of solar punk 👍
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
5:40 "No poor country has been able to develop to the point of prosperity without massive fossil fuel use. "The reason is that development requires energy, and fossil fuels are a uniquely cost-effective, including scalable, source of energy." -Alex Epstein
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
Why the West need to stop using fossil fuels and help fund in getting them off fossil fuels as we. We've used up more than our fair share and the poor nations a going to suffer from climate crisis without ever getting anything out of it
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
​​​@@anubis2814"We've used up more than our fair share..." At least 50k years' worth remain, and *_any_* fossil-fuel use by *_anyone_* has helped the entire world. "...and the poor nations [are] going to suffer from climate crisis..." Whether there *_is_* or *_is not_* a "climate crisis", *_all_* poor nations would benefit from producing and burning fossil-fuels as fast as possible. What they would *_not_* benefit from is *_any_* amount of wind and/or solar. See: *_Jusper Machogu._*
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
Since wind and solar (and tidal, geothermal, etc.) wouldn't actually work (even a village needs reliable power-service at low price), perhaps consider: • Fracking punk • Atomic punk Fracking punk could be done right now.
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
Evidence that they don't work? They've been exploding in use and production, and now we just need to perfect energy storage to stabilize the grid. Fracking is just as bad as coal as it's around 50 times more potent a greenhouse gas, and leaks are insane at every stage of its production, what should have been a bridge fuel is now baking the planet just as fast. I'm not against nuclear but there is a required scale up process and if energy storage becomes more affordable in time, it's advantage will be moot.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
​@@anubis2814"Evidence that they don't work?" See my answer in another thread. In short: No country runs on them. No factory runs on them (including factories making wind and solar hardware). Electricity prices skyrocket wherever they are forced onto the grid (and they are only present on any grid by being forced there). Fracking is really the best technology to design an ecotopia around, unless you want to try cathedral-style uranium. Or seasteading on a barge or massively-multi-hull seawater-mining uranium-powered village-ship (kilometer or more around). A single village isn't going to affect the global atmosphere, and people benefit from warmer temperatures anyway. And, even if they didn't, the cure to any woes would be more reliable-power, *_by any means necessary._* So, fracking makes sense for an ecovillage, regardless of climate assumptions. As for storage, any storage makes the already unworkable EROI of wind-and-solar even worse. The best you can do is pumped hydro, and even that can't save wind-and-solar. There's a new idea called Hydrostor. Might want to look into that. I believe it's compressed air, but with a hydro element which makes it workable. Could be good to pair with a cathedral-style uranium-fired power plant. Batteries can't store seasonally, so there would be no sense in pairing them with wind-and-solar.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
6:46 Wind and solar cannot power *_anything_* sustainably. No fossil-fuels = no wind and solar.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
"Mining Asteroids for Metals will NEVER be Profitable..." Aluminum got cheap. Is aluminum production unprofitable? Transistors got cheap. Is transistor production unprofitable?
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
They are cheap because you don't have to spend literally trillions to get it, then have them plummet in value the second they come out of the ground.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
​@@anubis2814Your argument might make sense if *_something else_* were to cause the value of the metals to drop. The De Beers family didn't become poor by having the *_"misfortune"_* of obtaining a global diamond monopoly. Monopolies don't make *_anyone_* poor. They make them rich (the monopoly holders, that is). The real price of aluminum dropped by some 99.99% over 200 years. A similar price drop of the metals in 16 Psyche would make it worth a mere $10 quadrillion (down from an original $10 quintillion). "Unlike most asteroids, which are made of rock or ice, 16 Psyche is believed to be made mostly of iron and nickel, just like Earth's core. The asteroid's composition also makes it, at least in theory, almost unfathomably valuable. Its estimated worth is $10,000 quadrillion, or $10,000,000,000,000,000,000." Sep 15, 2023 16 Psyche's owner could sell $10 trillion of it every year for 1,000 years, at a thousandth of its current street value.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
2:13 Beef consumption is about the same as in 1976. What skyrocketed was seed-oil consumption, along with seed-oil-induced obesity, heart-disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, stroke, sarcopenia, etc.
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
Seed oil has had a severe impact on health, its a lot easier for seed oil to go rancid and people not realize it which when comboed with sugar can do some serious damage to the body. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3045642/ I must have gotten my facts mixed up. We are eating double what we did in 1950, not 50 years ago. We are eating 20% more than we did in 1970 which is 50 years ago and 40% more than we did in 1960.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
3:42 If all energy taxes and subsidies were removed, wind and solar would disappear overnight, and fossil-fuel prices would drop in half.
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
Fossil fuel prices would double if all energy taxes and subsidies were removed. The taxes we have on oil is for keeping the roads up. Few other nations have oil cheaper than ours, go up to Canada or Europe and expect to pay double. Renewables NEED more funding which is still a fraction of what the carbon industry gets because they don't have the century of research subsidies carbon fuels have accumulated. And even so they are still ATM cheaper than coal. the storage part is still in the research phase and needs funding to break through that. Some really amazing technologies are in the works for low cost, it just requires picking the best ones and scaling up, such as flow batteries, Na-ion batteries, Iron-rust batteries, heated carbon block batteries which can be converted into heat for cement or steel allowing the electrification of the final 30% of the carbon producing industry or it can be converted to electricity using Infrared electro-voltaic cells. Wind and solar are cheaper and way less deadly than carbon fuels, now we just need to bridge the storage gap and we will no longer need as many subsidies for them.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
​@@anubis2814"Wind and solar are cheaper..." In which country running 50+% on wind and solar? Why are none of the world's 1 million factories running off-grid on their own solar? Why are no Tesla factories running off-grid on their own solar, despite having been promised-to by Elon in 2018? Wind and solar cannot replace their own infrastructure, which is why they are infinitely-expensive, on a sustained basis. No fossil-fuels = no wind and solar.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
3:07 Wind and solar are still infinitely-expensive, on a sustained basis.
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
Evidence? You are so insistent on nitpicking literally everything I say, you provide evidence for this one.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
​​​​@@anubis2814 1. EROI is too low. 2. Energy and power density are too low. 3. Wind and solar cannot reproduce themselves with the power and energy they produce. Thus, they are infinitely-expensive if the fossil-fuels used to build, maintain, operate, and decommission them are taken away. 3. 1M factories on Earth, and not a single one is powered off-grid by wind and/or solar. 4. Elon promised in 2018 that Gigafactory 1 would be off-grid solar-powered by its own solar. In 2024, that factory is still powered by the fossil-fueled grid. 5. No country is 50+% wind and/or solar powered. This is after half a century of the wind and solar *_"revolution"_* (which I date from the launch of Skylab on May 14, 1973). 6. In every country in which wind and solar increase their presence, electricity prices increase. 7. Germany and Denmark have done the most to "transition", and have the highest electricity prices. 8. Among lower-48 states, California has done the most to "transition", and has the highest electricity prices. 9. Denmark relies on hydro-powered Norway for reliable power service, and *_pays_* Norway to take its unwanted wind power. 10. Trillions of dollars have so-far been spent to transition the world away from fossil-fuels, resulting in a drop from 80% fossil-fueled down to 80% fossil-fueled. No change. 11. China is building 300 new coal-fired power plants. 12. Fossil-fuel use continues to rise globally, and its growth shows no signs of slowing, despite trillions spent to reverse its rise, including investments in wind and solar. 13. The onus is on wind and solar advocates to show proof-of-concept, before forcing the world to shift to fuels (wind and solar) which have demonstrated zero ability to power factories or nations without the help of fossil-fuels. 14. From WNA: "Events in 2022 forced the German government to outline plans to burn more coal for a “transitional period”. In July 2022 Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that temporary plans to reactivate coal and oil-fired power plants were in place to relieve energy shortages resulting from the war in Ukraine."
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
6:30 "Once you actually get past its casing, you can drown the fire." Tell *_StacheD Training:_* ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3XHB68BqLF4.html
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
This video has more nuance to it but it does back up the point. Thermal runaway with a smothering blanket still means that the fire department has safe ways to deal with it. It looks as if there are much better protocols that have been employed by the fire department since. Cracking the battery casing I'm sure is extra hard because you will have to know where every single battery is in most cars, I'm glad they have a better option now.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
​​@@anubis2814Pure-plug-in vehicle fire testing is just getting started: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cUpCdjBwz9k.html It will be a half century before really good data is produced. The insurance industry might end up effectively banning pure-plug-in vehicles.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
7:08 7:11 It's *_crystallized_* (not "crystalline") intelligence.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
7:11 7:14 You're referring to this?: *_Confederate States of America - Constitution for the Provisional Government_* Sec. 7. (1) The importation of African negroes from any foreign country other than the slave-holding States of the United States, is hereby forbidden; and Congress are required to pass such laws as shall effectually prevent the same.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
5:21 "People wasting land should be exempt from congestion-pricing." [paraphrase] You don't understand *_Georgism._*
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
Believing that public green space is wasted land is a colonialist mindset. George may have held this old fashioned mindset. Public green spaces sequester carbon, reduce pollution, reduce the heat island effect, reduce flooding, allow for food forests and foraging, perhaps even hunting and are powerful psychological and physical treatments for basic human well being. Wasted lands are ones that aren't used for the public good and just sat on and hoarded
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
​@@anubis2814Local carbon-sequestration doesn't help a local community in any measurable way. Flooding is best controlled by pavement and concrete and storm drains. Food forests seem like a good idea to people who don't understand nutrition and sanitation.
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
@@aliendroneservices6621 No its ALL of the concrete that causes the flooding. Our insane number of parking lots have drastically increased flooding. If the soil is porous it can drain much faster into the water table. Flooding is worstened by pavement and concrete because it can't be removed fast enough. The most uncovered ground available the more water will make it down to the water table. "Nutrition and sanitation" what are you talking about. Fresh grown foods are some of the healthiest, most of the foods we eat were selected because they travel well not because they are more nutrition, they are often less nutrition. Sanitation? How is eating thing grown in the wild where pesticides and herbicides have purposely not been used and the microbiome of the forest is preserved be any less sanitary than the stuff we grow in the field? Its still grown in dirt, has bugs in them and often manure water is used to water crops which causes e. coli and salmonella outbreaks. You must be confusing raw milk with plants that have just "grown" there is no pasteurization process with fruit, tubers and veggies. Carbon sequestration doesn't help a local community UNLESS EVERYONE IN THE NATION IS ALSO DOING CARBON SEQUESTRATION! This is why climate change is happening, people can't see the big picture, just "How will it effect ME right now". Carbon sequestration from biochar and old growth forests with a healthy microbiome can suck up way more than "productive" monoculture forest that is more often than not at best carbon neutral and at worst a carbon source.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
​@@anubis2814 "No its ALL of the concrete that causes the flooding." So you think *_The Great Flood of 1862_* was caused by asphalt and concrete? Why hasn't anything like that flood been repeated, despite all of the asphalt and concrete in the US today? 8B people sequestering carbon is a wish, not a plan of action. Do it locally, and people will simply compensate by emitting more carbon elsewhere. (Not that that's harmful, but that's another subject.)
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
@@aliendroneservices6621 Because I said MORE flooding. dykes dams and levys have severely done wonders, the issue is that for the same soil types in Europe, they have less flooding when they have less asphalt and concrete on the ground in cities than US cities with our crazy 8 parking spots for every one driver. Also there are things like 1k year floods, 10k year floods and so on. Take for example Katrina, Had they not drained the wetlands that act as a water shock absorber to the system, the levy would not have been breached. You are having issues thinking in systems, a balance of changes man can do and at the same time balancing it with nature. Similar to forest management where we stopped controlled burning the natives used and now have had some of the worst wild fires in American history. Yeah we stopped the fires, for a while, until they got so bad now they are just massive tinder boxers ready to explode.
@aliendroneservices6621 5 месяцев назад
Solar punk is the new *_Ecotopia?_*
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
Its something to shoot for so even if we miss the world is still better than the cyperpunk post apocalyptic version we are marching toward now.
@hecoppiii 5 месяцев назад
You're awesome, thank you for your work, I subscribed you if it helps Edit: I live in Iran I don't have access to international accounts to contribute to your Patreon because the country is sanctioned
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much. And no worries, when people can give, im happy, I've made this mostly to spread ideas
@hecoppiii 5 месяцев назад
Be his little slave 🤣🤣🤣
@hecoppiii 5 месяцев назад
Loved your content. Thank you
@MrDeejayjfx 5 месяцев назад
Thoughts on Nostr?
@anubis2814 5 месяцев назад
I really don't know. What is it. I'm guessing its not part of the fediverse.
@99onone50 5 месяцев назад
like milk