
jaquan the jequel


Bethesda's Game Design Was Outdated a Decade Ago
5 месяцев назад
NPCs in Video Games
8 месяцев назад
Crappy Technology
10 месяцев назад
The Age of Broken Video Games
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Ads in Video Games
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2 года назад
Naughty Dog's Game Design is Outdated
3 года назад
High School Didn't Matter At All
4 года назад
Dating Shows
4 года назад
Online Dating
4 года назад
Horror in Video Games
4 года назад
4 года назад
Illegally Downloading Music
5 лет назад
Disney Channel Original Movies
5 лет назад
Rockstar's Game Design is Outdated
5 лет назад
Scholastic Book Fairs
5 лет назад
Flash Games Mattered
5 лет назад
Crappy Voice Acting
5 лет назад
Crappy Water Levels
5 лет назад
Dads in Video Games
5 лет назад
When BioShock Was My Only Friend
6 лет назад
Moms in Video Games
6 лет назад
The Art of Video Game Commercials
6 лет назад
@ElectroBooze 23 часа назад
GSC Game Worlds is doing the right thing even amongst calls to just update their old game engine for Stalker 2. They moved to UE because they knew their old engine wasn’t up to the task. Bethesda hasn’t figured this out and they’re not even going through what GSC is going through having to split their office in two and move part of it out of Ukraine and leave the other half in a warzone to continue development of Stalker 2.
@derekmiller933 День назад
I'm looking at the fucking deals, Jakey.
@TexanIthorian День назад
You're complaining about randomly getting spotted, You know that a lot of the buildings have cameras in them, right?
@RexSheath День назад
Just started playing this game (yes I know I’m late to the party). Watched a man get kicked in he head by his horse and tried to take him to the doctor. Law killed me for “murdering” this poor man
@anderpodd2677 День назад
Holy shit I just realized that's the fucking cathedral organ from Chrono Trigger
@Saltience День назад
Games are an interactive medium, but some games would rather be movies.
@monodragoon День назад
Let it be known that an arena fighter of debatable quality based off of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure will always and forever have a better cover art than any heart-wrenching, story-driven, shooter you can name.
@ramenaddict1676 День назад
I absolutely hate 100% sharpness, i always turn i down to 0 cuz its so ugly
@VitalyVoshchanov День назад
It's partly our fault that we continue to forgive their mistakes and continue to buy these half-finished games. Bethesda looks at the sales and is like, "Okay, let's keep doing the same shit, it works."
@omega_shalow День назад
I'm still waiting for that spin, bro...🦊
@TheAustinTalbert День назад
One of those cuts should be you on the shitter or in the titan submersible or somethin
@aidanmahoney9865 День назад
One thing that annoyed me is that, even when I rob a train, I don’t get shit. The most money I ever got in one go apart from story missions is when I robbed a guy who tried to rob me and I got 50 dollars
@Pants.69 День назад
15:00 Ori > H.K.
@notseaththescaleless День назад
I don't love it, I don't hate it, It has pros, it has cons. ..All i can say ab it lol.
@ironmike650 День назад
i don't under stand why you need a all singing and dancing gpu for starfield over a specific speck which i have on my pc and some when the graphics ent any better than fallout 4 in my opinion especially when you play a game like ark survival ascended or death stranding were the graphics actually look real and crisp and don't even get me started on loading screens omfg
@amluist День назад
Muting the dialogue amd turning off the subtitles has greatly improved my experience
@iminthefnzone1515 День назад
2020 was rubbing its hands together, licking its lips hearing Jakey talk about how bad 2019 was.
@FutureJacket День назад
THANKYOU for saying LEGO and not f*cking 'legos'!
@willmiddleton7932 День назад
Didn’t the game already do the temperature thing? I’ve obsessively played it and the swamps and the desert do require you to wear lighter clothes or your health core goes down
@Theboyfromjupiter День назад
@Doomlordof День назад
Where I lost it when I am on the cruise space ship where I should steal the really expensive price for rich people. And then the lady just hands me the key and I look the guard dead in the eyes and take it. Who wrote this???
@danelowo7309 День назад
@mustardsauce5201 2 дня назад
oh wow this video came out right as i was entering high school :D i just graduated like a week ago :(
@fyxation 2 дня назад
I think it says a lot that I wasn't the least bit hyped about this game when it was announced or when we got actual footage of gameplay. Something wasn't sitting right with me. I went to the midnight release of FNV and Skyrim and even FO4. I was a fan. But FO4, despite the ridiculous amount of hours I spent in it (curse you, janky settlement building), wasn't what I was looking for. FO76 was even less what I was looking for, even though I had pined for some sort of FO co-op for years. I think they soured my faith in Bethesda.
@pogtuber5146 2 дня назад
Holy shit that Miss Rachel bit lol
@Nuverotic 2 дня назад
Same engine they've been selling to their audience for 20 years... Okay. Ummm. How bout Unreal Engine... It's not the engines problem. If it was, Modders wouldn't be able to add so much into the game. We're not limited by the Creation Kit. Now, the core engine needs some code editing but otherwise, it's actually pretty fucking good dude. I'm tired of everyone blaming the engine who clearly doesn't make games or mods and shouldn't be discussing what's best for an engine.
@repuIsive 2 дня назад
i didn’t even buy it, glad i didn’t. todd needs to learn, from the show. if they deliver goodness, the money will come, and it will come in a flood bigger than 4 ever could’ve been. give us an improved version of 4 with less bugs and vegas level writing..: and you might have the game of the year for real.
@Bart851 2 дня назад
When it comes to Lego, there's a thing - first you build whatever the manual says. But after accomplishing that, it all goes to the box, so you can experiment with it. A similar approach can be done with missions. While there could be a set path, there could be some hidden solutions. Maybe that could be turned into an entire secret mechanic, rewarding the player for taking the secret route and encouraging to explore every bit of the map.
@Sscorpika 2 дня назад
1:28 Calypso @ Odysseus
@nicholaspellerin2224 2 дня назад
This video is how I discovered your channel, it was so cathartic, I think I’ve watched it a dozen times. I haven’t had a favorable view of Bethesda for a long time, but I couldn’t believe how lifeless they made space travel feel. Please make more videos!
@Thobeian 2 дня назад
12:45 that doesn't really track because Zenimax was basically created by Bethesda Softworks to be a holding company for them and other game studios they bought. The guy who founded it was a dev on the first Elder Scrolls games. Bethesda has had a lot of freedom as a studio and game publisher, due in part to the huge successes of their career keeping them less dependent on the whims of Sony or Microsoft. Probably because it was a third party developer with a big PC game following. So a lot of these decisions come from the top down, supposedly from people who have been there since the beginning. This is what they think is best for their company now. And now they're a subsidiary of Microsoft.
@Thobeian 2 дня назад
My breaking point was the way they treated Arkane Studios. They made some of the best designed games of the last decade, but now everybody that made those games has been run off from Arkane France. And Arkane Austin got the shaft, being forced to run support for Fallout 76 and Deathloop. Then they were forced to develop Redfall for Microsoft, before being shuddered for making a bad, rushed product that they were rushed to bring to market by Zenimax and Microsoft. Fuck you, Todd, you're the reason we'll never have a good Dishonored games anymore.
@thegoodstuff6130 2 дня назад
I hope Todd Howard never snaps and starts killing people because his inane talent to simply get away with everything is scary 😅
@faz_d 2 дня назад
Wait.....is this Bethesda's "Sonic 06?"
@SharkVisionStudio 2 дня назад
so bethesda and baltimore are all in maryland so i was like oh wow Jakey is in maryland... Nope apparently Bethesda Lutheran School in on Baltimore avenue but its not in maryland but in South Dakota.... wtf
@pomik1617 2 дня назад
High school prepares you more for careers in life rather than life itself. It probably is the friends we made along the way
@Glassandcandy 2 дня назад
As someone who’s family has lived in New Orleans and it’s surrounding areas since 1699, I have to say that Saint Denis is literally a PERFECT recreation of that city in the late 19th century. It’s recreation of the French quarter especially is exquisite, down to specific monuments and buildings (e.g. Jackson square). Sometimes I reinstall the game just to walk around the city with a VR mod in first person because I want to experience seeing what my great great grandmother saw when she was little living there. At the end of the day I wish the city was a little more dynamic but I can’t fault it given the already huge size of the game. The bayous of lemoyne are also extremely accurate to the marshes of Louisiana and coastal Mississippi where I grew up. The flora and fauna especially are impressive, they didn’t just copy what it looks like today, they did their research on what it originally looked like before the state it’s in now (no overgrowth, no invasive species like kudzu all over the place etc.) the animals are all perfectly placed and accurate (except there are too many gators. Gators generally like to have more open space to themselves and in the late 19th century they were super endangered and would not be everywhere like they are in game). They even include extinct species of the region that were still alive at the time such as the Carolina parakeet (only parrot native to the USA) and the fabled ivory bill woodpecker (aka the “lord god bird” the holy grail for any serious birder and presumed extinct since 1944). I work in the wilderness a lot cleaning up litter and stuff and do a lot of hiking and wildlife photography so I know those habitats like the back of my hand and can say with confidence that the ecology of the region is as perfect as a game could reasonably make it. It’s wonderful. I imagine people familiar with the Rocky Mountains and the open plains of the Midwest feel similarly about how they are portrayed in other parts of the map. You can tell the developers really wanted to capture the last of the open wilds of America. It’s so lovingly and meticulously done.
@VoxAsteri 2 дня назад
lmao i remember as a kid when my father installed limewire for me and showed me how to download songs only for me to end up with porn and shit instead
@lostnorbt 3 дня назад
Jacob- how's this?☝️🤓
@modelcitizen1977 3 дня назад
UE5 is just staring them dead in the face.
@RetroGEO 3 дня назад
the most shocking thing is your hottest take being that in rainbows is Radiohead's best album
@ibrahimmteirek903 3 дня назад
Why is the bounty system section mostly muted with music?
@starrothejanitor5488 3 дня назад
Regardless, I’ll always love Skyrim.
@senioravocados7431 3 дня назад
I had a smart tv without a volume button and i lost the remote so i was stuck at a certain volume. Every time i think about it i lose my mind.
@Gatito_23 3 дня назад
In The Groove
@user-agreement-disengaged 3 дня назад
Soulja Boy ran Limewire 🤣
@Carbonfiber07 3 дня назад
The. Quests. Were. Boring.
@lindsaysfallout 3 дня назад
I laughed so audibly, so loudly, at all your new Uncharted titles acknowledging that Nathan Drake is a coldblooded killer.
@chicken29843 4 дня назад
A good rule of thumb about stuff in general is that if you see it in a RU-vid ad there's probably a better version of the product out there than the one that is advertising on RU-vid
@ExActa 3 дня назад
Always felt like webbrowsers are more of a subjective thing anyway. One of my buddies unironically uses edge and swears it's the best browser he ever had.
@Xile420 4 дня назад
I feel sorry the 70% of his subs that haven’t seen this.