Stardock Games
Stardock Games
Stardock Games
Initially a developer for the OS/2 platform, Stardock was founded in 1991 and incorporated in 1993 as “Stardock Systems.” We grew to become a leader in development for Windows® customization software that lets you modify or extend your graphical user interface like Fences® , Start10™, Deskscapes™, among others. A long time lover of games, CEO Brad Wardell also devotes the company’s time to producing PC games in the 4X and RTS genre. Our most noted titles include Galactic Civilizations® (I, II, III), Sins of a Solar Empire® : Rebellion, Ashes of the Singularity™: Escalation, Sorcerer King™, and more.

According to Metacritic, Stardock has two of the highest rated PC games of all time
Evolution of Sins II Pt.4 - eXploit
21 день назад
Evolution of Sins II Pt. 1 - Top New Features
2 месяца назад
The History of Sins of a Solar Empire
2 месяца назад
The Political Machine 2024 Launch Trailer
2 месяца назад
AlienGPT - Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova
10 месяцев назад
@sowpmactavish 14 часов назад
If Z-axis matters more now then give us Z-axis control. It only makes sense. You don't have to be as detailed as Homeworld's combat (although that would NOT be a bad thing) but a simple "hold x button to adjust height-depth of your movement input" would suffice.
@linezgames3893 19 часов назад
Can't wait... Never got to play the original, well because I just play too many other genres as well... Wishing I had though, I'm SUPER Stoke about this game's release... Can't wait!!!
@MarkGudyma 21 час назад
Can you add this to mobile
@ShamanWS6 День назад
Can't wait for the mods that will take this game to a whole new level. I've played 100+ hours of it so far and it's overall a much better experience than the original as far as tactical abilities etc. All we need is a way to edit our own maps and let the mods come. Maps are my biggest want for this game, the existing ones are decent but we need some variance.
@admiralgeneraln.n.547 День назад
Love these
@tennico5845 День назад
Really hope they've improved optimization. I love Sins. Probably my favorite game of all time. Every single long game I play jams up in the late game. Doesn't seem to matter what processor I have either. If they have, I'll be very happy and can take my money. 😂
@ShamanWS6 День назад
It's far superior. It does slow down a little on a big campaign with full ship support upgrades but it never becomes harshly slow like the original did.
@giantnerd14 День назад
Pump it into my veins!
@Thoth0Amon День назад
Looks good, but realistically what does this offer me that isn't already available in Stellaris?
@blairfraser8005 День назад
Sins2 sits between a sci-fi grand strategy 4x like Stellaris and a sci-fi tactical RTS like Homeworld. You play both the Emperor (Stellaris-esque) where you manage the empire strategy and the Battle Commander (Homeworld-esque) where you manage (optionally) the details of combat. The games sessions are much longer than Homeworld but a lot shorter than Stellaris.
@Ardi.Ramadhan 2 дня назад
well never before have I been enjoying games in alpha state. just seeing the warship turret moving around trying to track the target is satisfying enough to make me want to play longer. 😁
@rebelbumscum 3 дня назад
The shield sfx are so cool and dynamic!
@EvilMagnitude 3 дня назад
Advent bros still suffering lol
@KGAnims 4 дня назад
Ironclad? More like IRONCHAD
@ThunderStrikeEngine 4 дня назад
THE BEST RTS GAME I’ve ever played in my whole life! Please continue supporting this masterpiece!!!
@ThunderStrikeEngine 4 дня назад
The game is still good to play!
@Shimmiy 5 дней назад
cant wait to see the advent return
@Nezul 5 дней назад
Skips over Sins of a Dark Age, good choice
@kraosdadafusfus8034 5 дней назад
Thank you for showing you can make ships look less like they're made of candy. That was one of the biggest criticisms i saw around.
@Mediiiicc 5 дней назад
I'm going to miss the beams on the Kol
@blairfraser8005 5 дней назад
It still has a beam. It's now the ship's ultimate and is super powerful. Pair it with a retrofitted antimatter engine item and the beam will fire like crazy. Enemy's worst fear!
@codyschwarz5155 6 дней назад
when release?!
@luminatrixfanfiction 6 дней назад
I'm excited, lets go!
@chimera7441 6 дней назад
6:53 Not being a strict rock-scissors-paper is an important difference between a mediocre and a great RTS. It gives the player way more room for experimentation when it comes to fleet composition.
@Jagrofes 6 дней назад
Sins looks like it’s damage and damage application mechanics are going to be very Similar to EVE online.
@billyhuynh2436 6 дней назад
Being able to move the starbase is such a great idea
@kihl5374 6 дней назад
drop the game i b got a new pc just to play 😭😭
@ThunderStrikeEngine 6 дней назад
Can you add more Titans? It would be fun to have a selection of different type of Titans.
@crosana01 6 дней назад
I'm really happy if fully upgraded starbases aren't going to pushovers for a fleet of siege cruisers and frigates like they were when I last played Rebellion. Starbases take a LOT of time and resources to upgrade fully so it seemed really silly that siege cruisers with some flak cover could just wipe the floor with any amount of stationary defenses. I hope that starbases won't be outranged by siege cruisers.
@kumarsalib722 6 дней назад
Rather than remove siege cruisers, they gave starbases the ability to build a garrison recruitment center that builds defensive ships.
@crosana01 5 дней назад
@@kumarsalib722 Oh I wouldn't want siege cruisers removed, I just don't want them to wipe the floor with starbases so easily. They should be effective but taking out fully upgraded starbases should still require a lot of effort and should be able to trade hits with siege cruisers.
@stevens9625 6 дней назад
6:28 "....from a safe distance". Is weapon range even a thing in this game since you can just fly right next to an enemy and shoot through every obstacles in between. You don't exactly kite or position your units in this game.
@wearetheninjasofpie 6 дней назад
It always has been. Whether someone has paid attention to it or if it actually matters is another thing entirely. From the looks of it, they're doing a lot to make tactical positioning more important.
@crosana01 6 дней назад
Well from what I remember from the previous videos having a line-of-sight matters now as weapon fire can strike targets that are in the way.
@AVP.2 6 дней назад
There is only one thing i really dont like in this game and it is ship explosion animation. That animation need big update or to be changed completely. I dont like how everything instantly explode like balloons. Hope you guys take some notes from Rebellion and update ship explosion animation.
@sockMonster241 6 дней назад
Very excited for this 😎
@joethesheep4675 6 дней назад
Sounds awesome
@lapislazuli370 6 дней назад
cant wait
@user-zp4ge3yp2o 6 дней назад
The trusty old Vulkoras looks class
@compulsive_curiosity 6 дней назад
I can't believe how much more hype each video looks. please just take my money and let me play!
@shaftoe195 6 дней назад
This game's release can't be soon enough!
@happllo 6 дней назад
4th Race when!? What are they running from??
@namelesssmokemonster 6 дней назад
@bignorthmxo3350 6 дней назад
I look forwards to trying Sins 2 but man not sure if the system moving will be for me or now. Almost afraid it will make me dizzy but I will find out. :)
@stardockgames 6 дней назад
If you're referring to the orbiting mechanic, its entirely optional on game set up!
@bignorthmxo3350 6 дней назад
@stardockgames that is great to know! I will still give it a try and see if it does. Hopefully, this is made note on the games store pages of its not already. Thanks for the response.
@gremjs03 6 дней назад
Release date soon?
@stardockgames 6 дней назад
@FUNFUN-bu2mp День назад
It started as "summer 2024", then it was 27th of October (which is quite a late summer), now it's 3rd trimester 2024 (hopefully "calendar" trimester, not fiscal). It's hard to have consistent info :)
@HeavyDevy89 6 дней назад
With how hard Homeworld 3 flopped, I'm SO pumped for this.
@rock2k14 4 дня назад
Yea, what a disappointment. Dying to see what the Advent look like too though Do kind of wish they'd give us more story content too though, I mean, we still don't even know what the Vasari are running from
@CreatorOfWorlds 7 дней назад
What i dont get is that ships just moves against it’s target and then stops all movement when firing. Why does the ships not move around while attacking/defending/firing like you would assume they would ‘in real life’? This was one of my main issues with sins 1 because it’s so unrealistic. I had hoped something like this was a clear point for improvement in sins 2😢
@blairfraser8005 7 дней назад
Faster moving ships do move around during combat because they gain an advantage doing so (i.e. enemy weapons can't track them fast enough). However, we've experimented with the larger ships moving around during combat by default and result is they are generally worse off for it: they end up with suboptimal firing solutions (loss of dps) and can easily end up inside enemy groups and get hit from all directions. Thus, we disabled it. While there are some advantages to larger ships moving in combat, we leave it up to the player to decide when to do it. Modders can easily turn that feature back on if they like but for vanilla, we feel it makes for worse gameplay.
@user-zp4ge3yp2o 6 дней назад
I don't want my capital ships to constantly move around during a battle, it would turn into complete chaos immediately
@kamsko5957 6 дней назад
In real life, big battleships weren't that manouverable, they needed extensive screening force to keep them safe from incoming attacks. I highly doubt big spaceships like in the game would move that much in battle (if it was even possible in real life), it would be similar like it is on Earth, slow moving capital ships and faster moving escorts, protecting it from attacks that are effective against it. In that case game is a pretty good simulation.
@strixaluco7423 5 дней назад
Why would you think so? Moving in space is far more difficult and energy intensive then flying in the atmosphere of a planet/moon. The lack of air resistence doesnt slow your ships down, but therefore the ship itself has to put in extra energy to turn, rotate or just stop. Mass and hull stability are still a thing in space, the heavier the ship, the more force you need to de- /accelerate it and the hull needs to be strong enough to endure that force. Avoiding to move around all the time makes sense. The ship designs are making this weird, because all the engines are in the back, but thats a common theme in Sci-fi
@starbreaker_zed 7 дней назад
Again and again these videos show excellent progress in advancing RTS engine features and design while improving the already great gameplay established in Rebellion. This looks so good. Keep it up!
@mihirchitnis905 7 дней назад
Put a cooldown for affected abilities, i.e if a ship has been hit by an enemy ship ability like disable weapons. Once the affected duration is over then ship should have immunity from the same ability for some duration. This prevents large group of enemy ships from spamming the same ability one after another during battle.
@zeealpal 4 дня назад
While it's annoying, if an enemy has invested enough in utility ships to keep doing that, then they've probably compromised in raw DPS ships, or you need more of your own.
@mihirchitnis905 4 дня назад
@@zeealpal The advent have a lot of such utility ships , as a result one has to always counter with the same strategy which leads to a stale experience.
@jaqenhghar2970 7 дней назад
Do we have a release date???? Please, I need to put in my SoaSE II vacation request for work.
@dylanburford2608 7 дней назад
@Era_SoNER 7 дней назад
@Idolismo 6 дней назад
@@Era_SoNER They never said August though. It says either Q3 2024 or Summer. Which can mean August or September.
@Era_SoNER 6 дней назад
@@Idolismo If you've been in the Sins II discord, you'll notice that its been said by the devs Many times now.
@Idolismo 6 дней назад
@@Era_SoNER great however it doesn’t say so on steam.
@TheMrYadrian 7 дней назад
00:04 and no Advent :(
@jamesthomas1213 7 дней назад
guess you could say it was un-Advent-ful
@namelesssmokemonster 6 дней назад
WE WILL WAIT NO LONGER (read in advent captain voice)
@chickenhunt5163 7 дней назад
Love the showcase and love the music, great job!
@echomjp 7 дней назад
Looking great! I'm excited for this game to properly come out on Steam, and hope it is as good and long-lasting as it has the potential to be.
@igorthelight 7 дней назад
It is! It's the same as first one but with better graphics, more QoL features and easier mod support ;-)
@echomjp 6 дней назад
@@igorthelight I'm more excited for the new features than the slight improvements to be honest, but everything I have seen so far looks great. Things I love the idea of? Greater importance of minor factions with unique unlocked stuff. Ship upgrades your can swap out. Star systems moving over time so you can plan unique attack/defenses based on a changing map (I'll probably play this mode exclusively). Ships being better simulated so you can do things like bodyblock missiles and there's more impact and strategy involved in just the individual ship combat. But better graphics, UI improvements, mod support etc are all appreciated too. Looking forward to it in any case. If it's as good as I hope it will be, I'll recommend it to my friends as well.
@eriantoestrada5721 7 дней назад
eXceptionally eXcellent!! 😍😍💕💕👍👍
@Zabtom 7 дней назад
How about the Advent Stardock?! I'm just hoping in vain the come out soon.
@maximciprian4789 7 дней назад
Yes...me too brother, I was hoping it would be released after the last episode,but my joy was gone when he said that he would cover other details in the future series,so we are still far from the launch,from what I understand advent will be implemented in the final release of the game.
@typhon7899 7 дней назад
@@maximciprian4789im Pretty sure their release is planned for next month
@Era_SoNER 7 дней назад
Coming out in August, along with the steam release
@Zabtom 7 дней назад
@@maximciprian4789 Ya that's what I was thinking.
@EvilMagnitude 2 дня назад
Advent bros have been neglected so hard lol, it's painful
@lubinle 7 дней назад
Let meeeee investigate
@Sukesa92 6 дней назад
leeaaaad the waaayyy ...
@Schmeeda-wt9wm 7 дней назад
The hype is unreal. So ready to re-live my childhood in HD
@Zabtom 7 дней назад
I just don't like it when a company doesn't give dates because I can't get hyped for it at that point, I dunno maybe it's just me. It does the opposite for me that's why I don't really like early access games that much. 😠
@Idolismo 6 дней назад
@@Zabtom It's not just you. I also wish they gave us a proper date instead of saying summer (which can mean either August OR September).
@Zabtom 6 дней назад
@@Idolismo It's just a strange time in history I guess. 🤔
@aresivrc1800 7 дней назад
And there goes my vacation time😃