Travis Gafford
Travis Gafford
Travis Gafford
Esports Shows, Interviews, and Gameplay brought up you by Travis Gafford and crew.
A standard Jojopyun interview
14 дней назад
What LCS teams would Jensen KICK OUT?
21 день назад
Busio moments after STOMPING Dignitas
21 день назад
Russians did WHAT to Vulcan?
Месяц назад
Dignitas Drama with Spica and Exyu
2 месяца назад
Zven's BIGGEST WORRY for the future of LCS
2 месяца назад
@mikekrainer 12 часов назад
Longer seasons (double round robin bo3), make the teams figure out the stage on some weeks (home/away games). Maybe TL has teams in alienware training, maybe someone rents out a theatre. Would open up for change and flourish.
@room5245 12 часов назад
Wow wasnt subbed. I don't watch a lot of your content, but your dedication to the game over the years is truly remarkable and impressive. The way you have covered the league scene over the years has clearly shown your passion and professionalism. Thanks Travis! True LoL icon been playing since s2, think you have always been around. Props
@boofedaf 15 часов назад
why cant they start LCS summer split like 2-3 weeks later to balance the issue somewhat? and riot needs to stop their stupid vacation during the most important time of the year to determine the world seeds like cmon man you are shooting yourself in the foot and asking who did this
@seanconnelly5475 15 часов назад
I really like the suggestion of doing more Face Off matches. The DIG team interview was one of my favorite moments so far, just because of the authenticity and candid atmosphere. For me, it really provides a more “grassroots” experience, and I think it fills in a missing piece that was somewhat lost over the years as LCS has formalized.
@Ragosta20 15 часов назад
Travis, LOL is dead in North America. Its time to branch out brotha.
@Ekkolyth 16 часов назад
While we're talking about wanting to watch LCS, why on earth is there not a calendar that I can sync to for my preferred team(s) so I can get notifications when they go live? The only decent solution I've found is a community built discord bot, and it's incredibly limited in functionality. I just want to watch my C9 boys play fire throughout the whole season and then throw super hard in the playoffs. Why is that so difficult?
@Gruxx22 16 часов назад
Best of threes are really hard to watch, especially when I can't watch them live. Too much time investment needed.
@unhappycat3935 19 часов назад
So travis is now advertising gambling to kids and young adults who enjoy league of legends? Wtf. Instant loss of respect. Lowkey hope your channel fades even more into nothingness.
@yiannisgedeon9038 20 часов назад
dont know what marc is doing really. i watch LCS for at least 8 years or so and had no idea there was even a game last time liquuid went toe to toe with dignita. I say last time cause i also dont remember when that game took place. was it 2 weeks ago? 3? i dont know nor remember.
@_OldGrandpa 20 часов назад
What if the LCS was shown at a consistent time, whether it was live or not? For instance, a recording of the entire show could be shown on the weekends, even if the live matches take place on a Thursday to accommodate Valorant or whatever. Maybe people wouldn't watch non-live broadcasts, but I would
@PlsDontReadThis123 20 часов назад
I was locked in daily until the break. I havet watched since sadly. I just had other things replace LCS
@HoopstaYT 21 час назад
Rito doesn't give a shit about the LCS. Why should the viewer?
@bobdole9163 21 час назад
My solution is I quit watching regularly. If they can't air regularly then I can't be bothered watch regularly. I check in when major events happen but I'm part of the season 1 vet squad that just doesn't have time for this shit anymore.
@FMD-FullMetalDragon 21 час назад
Bo3's is a great idea. A single round robin is not. Just 7 series just feels hollow. But lets just show that yes, there is actually enough time in a split to do more games by having a BREAK of 3 weeks and ruin the motivation of EVERYTHING. I am tired of the LCS getting sidelined and even more tired of how the LCS players are coddled and treated like children by making them play so few games compared to their counterparts in LCK and LPL.
@Dildonion 23 часа назад
Best of 3s r dumb. Imagine a whole day dedicated to garbage teams. It will killl viewership.
@klinkclang 23 часа назад
It’s surprising that a large company like Riot doesn’t recognize that deviating from a consistent schedule discourages engagement with their product. Whatever benefit they believe exists from not running LCS and VCT concurrently is absolutely not worth the damage these large breaks inflict on viewer behavior. Even small content creators understand that consistency is crucial for maintaining viewership.
@SirAstien День назад
Bo2's > Bo3's
@Luffy7948 День назад
I am pretty sure MarkZ ist not able to just decide to remove the break...
@TravisGafford День назад
Do you think that's what this video is suggesting?
@scott5322 День назад
Def the schedule not the dying fanbase
@AB-zz5ev День назад
Love best of threes. Wish we got double round robin. Wish we didn't have a huge break. I watch religiously, go to as many finals as I can and play fantasy. These breaks are killing all the hype for me.
@space_acee День назад
I'ma keep it real man but if LoL had more hype around it in general none of this would be an issue. I've played LoL for years and the periods I'm most invested in the game are the periods I'm most invested in the LCS. The community left playing the game is worse than ever, and tbh I think I speak for most people that the less I play the better I feel. It's harder to be invested in LCS when not actively playing the game and keeping up with patches. LCS games - even the top teams - are often complete slogs to watch. There isn't enough variation in drafts and there isn't enough stand out mechanical talent on display to be entertaining to an average viewer. LoL has some serious problems with just being a rather boring spectator sport that are exacerbated by how old the game is. The personalities in and around the LCS (the players, casters, analysts, streamers, yourself) are awesome. That aspect has been the best its been in years. But the GAME itself just kinda sucks.
@diaperamess День назад
dbl rr bo3 > bo1 > single rr bo3. teams not playing each other for months feels so hollow.
@taospow День назад
I don't have a solution but I appreciate your take on the break being bad for the league overall and Riot needing to do something to fix it. I am exactly the person you refer to in the video and I empathize with the redditor because my favorite thing to do while completing my weekly cleaning chores is watch league. Nothing beats it. But with this break and the constantly fluctuating days I am getting so phenomenally jaded that I wonder if it's worth watching still. Thanks for the video.
@obiTHEPale День назад
There was still HotlineLeague? I had no idea
@cyboorg00920 День назад
My solution is to delete Valorant pro play and focus on League. And get rid of World Cup trash 😉
@billnye4213 День назад
Not only was the 3 week break brutal but they came back to games in the closet with no audience. It sucks so screw valorant I hope it dies.
@ThirdWiggin День назад
I don’t like the break, but because I only watch vods it doesn’t affect me as much. But I feel like LCS doesn’t really count VOD viewership so…
@SunsetDiner День назад
I used to be a weekly viewer and huge fan but I haven't watched in years. The schedule + constant churn / league format changes creates lack of consistency which has turned me off to the pro product, which is a bummer. I try to tune into Worlds but maybe I should give LCS another try
@danielbielak6479 День назад
Also, want to point out I think the LCS is the most watchable it’s ever been since 2018. The breaks and the lack of # of games really breaks the enjoyment of the league
@danielbielak6479 День назад
Wasn’t a fan of BO3 in regular season and still am not. The LEC 3 split format I think is the perfect format.
@scotthughes3574 День назад
I like he does this after the break was over and back in the studio (the closet). He doesn’t go because he’s taking the car out for a trip.
@TravisGafford День назад
sponsr.is/bootdev_travisgafford and use my code TRAVISGAFFORD to get 25% off your first payment for boot.dev. That’s 25% your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose.
@jacobwade3625 День назад
I like BO3’s but I think teams should be scheduled twice a week. I know there’s some technicalities around that. But it stinks knowing that you’re only gonna see the top teams play each other once.
@markgoggin4776 День назад
Been watching since the lemonnation balls days, my interest has decreased this season because so few teams, so few games. There’s really only 5 teams this season. 3 of them are basically clash teams
@vendolis День назад
I don’t have the time to watch a Bo3 … I was able to watch a bunch of games last year and had fun with it. But watching Bo3 takes too much time. And only watching one of the games of it feel majorly unsatisfying.
@jshcalebchang День назад
I'm of the opinion that bo3 are a sidegrade at best. I think a decent amount of hardcore viewers really like it (although they don't like single round robin), the casuals either don't care or may prefer bo1s allowing them see different matchups more frequently, and the players seem to be slightly positive on it? But just like when they did double streams, I feel like the data for bo3 viewership is once again botched with the current scheduling issues. There's a world where none of this matters though because who knows what LCS/NA conference will look like next year.
@normancraytor6749 День назад
Riot cant manage an esports league properly. Korea was built by OGN/Afreeca people who has experience from Starcraft. China was built by Tencent. Riot always fails because they are a game development studio, their leadership has no expertise in event production. They just don't understand what works and it affects all their hires down the chain. They ruined league esports in the west and valorant will be run into the ground too by mismanagement.
@fish4096 День назад
no. the game just sucks now with ADCs being op. who tf wants to see adc top/mid every single game??? phreak at the head of balance team will kill the game
@calebgardner2687 День назад
Okay the break is bad and clearly this is largely a joke, but this is still a 2 week break my guy.
@DinoNugsy День назад
Well you try playing nonstop each week with no break. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine not getting a break in a season
@achroniccarebear7464 День назад
Okay Travis, but care to explain why your "Viewership Graphs" show data for "GUE" of Legends!? He's fudging the numbers!! Edit - I do appreciate your take on the impact it has on the quality and content available for creators in the space, that must be very frustrating to experience. I don't really connect with people who lose interest after a large break though, find it's weird. If you like to watch the games, just watch them when they're back, no? Sure sure, there's a loss of "Storyline momentum", but the actual games and entertainment is just the same as they were prior to the break, odd.
@FMForeverFM День назад
I thought the esports world championship was so poorly advertised... i like best of 3s.. I still don't think they make watching fun enough. I still find it hard to watch cuz i just wanna see doublelift play. We need pros to have personality ... honestly they should probably make sure they have 1-2 personalities per team or just not have them even if they are the best(maybe?). We NEED Fearless Draft and i think it should be a hard fearless draft. once a champion is picked it can't be picked for that series. not a once per team basis but once per series basis regardless which team gets it first.. no one can get it second. its so boring watching the same champions every time.. renekton ksante trist corki sejuani ... honestly they can just be perma banned for a year.
@Warpenguin55 День назад
The breaks are so ass, I agree. But I can never go back to Bo1s. They're so meaningless, I might actually quit if Bo1's return.
@JeyJ24 День назад
Might as well start the league after the breaks then. I guess the breaks are more important than the league if there is multiple a year.
@jeremybuckets День назад
give us double round robin double headers
@bshorrar День назад
Sponsors again!!
@kevinco7226 День назад
I'm a hardcore LCS fan, and this break definitely made me less excited for the league. I could handle a 14-day break, but 3 weeks is too much. Also, I wanna call out people who are whining about not knowing the schedule. LCS did a great job this summer reminding viewers before the break what the schedule was gonna look like. Even if you missed those, all it takes is a quick google search to see when games are scheduled. Stop blaming LCS for your laziness
@masivefort День назад
Huge crossover with EVO hurt last week viewership
@OmegaGamingNetwork День назад
First time I've checked anything LCS related in a long time. When I went to watching LCK exclusively years ago, I thought "Well, it isn't possible for LCS to get worse at this point". Apparently I was wrong. It really is amazing that Riot continues to screw up this badly for this long.
@patrickdement1474 День назад
The fact that the LCS broadcast didn't promote even their one for fun showmatch stream during the break says too much. They either didn't plan anything by the time the break started, or they neglected to promote it. On broadcast, they said the next time games would be is after the whole break, so guess what stuck in my mind? That there was nothing going on in between. Do they really have zero funding, resources, or planning skills for doing a better job than this?