Technical art for curious people -- the Seattle-area kinetic sculpture/industrial art group Attoparsec.
5000 subscriber shop tour celebration
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Exploring an electromechanical marvel
2 месяца назад
The satisfaction of small projects
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Turning industrial materials into art
6 месяцев назад
Making a real Talkie Toaster
8 месяцев назад
Collets, collet blocks and more
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Custom font wheels
10 месяцев назад
Pocket Typewriter
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Making a Fremen thumper
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A (science) journal of the plague year
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Random shop improvements
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Hobby Collision
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Gores, gores, gores!
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Making Public Art: A case study
2 года назад
This table is FAB!
3 года назад
Violating ISO 668 #2: The megafinger
3 года назад
@UcanRUNbutUcantHIDE007 44 минуты назад
The distance from Canada isn’t why it’s called international airport. In fact it’s due to accepting flights from other countries.
@05Matz 14 часов назад
That seems like... a surprisingly OK idea for a joke proposal. It's not really that much worse than the current timezone mess. We could just use UTC for everything, and if you know even vaguely where you are (which, if you don't, you have bigger problems) that can be converted into 'local solar time' automatically and effortlessly. Though we should probably consider formatting UTC timecodes and local times differently, to prevent them from being confused?
@csjmiller 15 часов назад
Big fan of tangent 3
@Haggart 19 часов назад
You say "just 40 years ago" like that's not twice my generations age!😂
@Attoparsec 18 часов назад
*visibly withers*
@haroldas1 20 часов назад
Really neat geeky video
@karm42yn День назад
@3:29 what is that line in the north-east Poland?!
@Attoparsec 20 часов назад
That is a good question... it looks kind of like the old Prussian holding that got given to Poland after WWII, but then why wouldn't it also highlight the much larger section in the west?
@aharris206 День назад
20:13 Ok, but you are forgetting about the equation of time. The Local Mean Time shifts by upwards of ±14 minutes depending on the time of year. If we had 86400 timezones like you proposed, either noon would not always be when the sun was at its highest (it would be within 14 minutes of it though), or you would need accomidate for the equation of time which would mean constantly adding or subtracting seconds (which would cause so many problems.)
@Starfireaw11 День назад
We have one of these at work. It doesn't work and they haven't had it fixed in the 4 years I've been there 🤣
@theendofthestart8179 День назад
We should get rid of time zones, and dates, and just go by age of sun in seconds everywhere on the earth at the exact same time :3
@marcosettembre День назад
2:59 this is wrong. It's three days at once from 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC and it's always two days at once otherwise due to Kiribati shifting to UTC+14
@stonebear День назад
There was a GeoChron in the smaller of the two general avation (non-airline) terminals at Tri City Airport in Tennessee... my father had reason to be there on a semi-regular basis for reasons having to do with using seven figures' worth of cancelled checks for a pillow... like you, I could never get enough of the thing. Not being the mechanical wizard you are, I have resolved that if I ever come across a large but otherwise relatively crappy monitor surplus to requirements, it's going to get mounted on the wall much like your mechanical marvel, and run a GeoChron simulator most of the time... I don't know if Dutch electrical code would let me get away with running my own auxiliary outlet (especially since mains power on the Continent is 220v) (if indeed I *could*; European construction tends to be much more *solid* than American stud-and-wallboard), but one *could* always run colour-coordinated surface conduit with just the figure-eight cord for the power brick down to the outlet... it wouldn't be super-clean, but a lot neater than a dangly cord. (or, knowing us, we'd probably put a bookshelf or something under that, because you can NEVER have enough bookshelves... ) Of course, the other ultimate timepiece, for me anyway: A proper Godfather Drosselmeyer grandfather clock, with a big damn owl up top, a moon-phase display in the face, and a proper five-rotation chime - not Westminster, that's for the folks in Blighty, but something equally legit and appropriate for the Continent. Thanks for making me remember that. :)
@Nerd3927 2 дня назад
Creating 86400 timezones isn't the greatest idea. I work in a remote support role in the offshore industry. As my co-workers are distributed evenly around the globe, we use UTC for everything. As a Dutch person I still like to have breakfast at 8:00 Lunch at 12:00 and dinner at 18:00, Local time :-)
@thefrenchselkie1401 2 дня назад
man, now I want one...
@RWBHere 2 дня назад
18:15 Absolutely! I've been making that same statement for decades. As a licensed Radio Amateur, I have absolutely no problem with working and thinking in UTC all the time. It's so much simpler, and it's trivial to adapt to. Even a child can use it without any trouble. I was using it as a youngster, over half a century ago.UTC is used by professionals all around our planet, and even in space. Time zones become both pointless and an impediment if you're moving around the Earth regularly, or working with people anywhere on the internet. Making Noon 12:00 at any point on the planet is a nonsense. Having to remember that 12:00 in London might be 07:00, or for a few weeks each year an hour either side of that in New York, or trying to remember what time it is in Cape Town or Sydney, or Tokelau, soon becomes daunting for most people. But if every human being used UTC, then 12:00 would be 12:00 everywhere, even on the Moon or Mars.
@RWBHere 2 дня назад
Even better, UTC everywhere would completely befuddle every Flat Earth believer. 😉
@Red_Duc 2 дня назад
I'd rather have one unified timezone with everywhere being the same time since our entire system for time is arbitrary anyways. That means that people on the edges of current timezones wouldn't need to wake up at the same time despite the sun being an hour apart between the two places anymore. The time you would need to got to work for example would be based on what actually makes sense in the area instead of a standard time across the time zone.
@LOBricksAndSecrets 2 дня назад
As someone who lives on an island where the electric grid is consistently between 58 and 59 hertz, I hate AC clocks
@android01978 3 дня назад
Times should all be based on the sunrise time, not midnight and noon. That way there would be no need for stupid daylight savings.
@jayturner5242 3 дня назад
Oh yeah I can't wait for everyone to me late to meetings because they weren't sure if the meeting was in their local time, the company HQ local time, Greenwich local time or some other vague time.
@couldntcareless7884 3 дня назад
Or how about we make the whole planet one big time zone, and everyone will have the same time? It's not like there's some sacred meaning in having the sun at the highest point in the sky at 12:00.
@haydenj4738 3 дня назад
I live videos like this. There needs to be more videos like this on everyones feed. A lot of quality put together in a way that isn't too difficult to understand. I'd like to see more videos like this on youtube again
@gregmark1688 3 дня назад
That was a fun video, glad I watched it. Here, have some engagement. BtW, can I call you "1.214 inches" for short? I mean it's at least 1/1000th of an inch shorter...
@Attoparsec 3 дня назад
"1.214 inches" is my father! "~3cm" is fine.
@i.k.8868 4 дня назад
The surface of the ocean floor is not mapped!
@Attoparsec 4 дня назад
Well, it depends what you mean by mapped. We haven't taken a picture of every square meter, no. But we've had low resolution bathymetric maps for a long time, and on the scale of a world map, low resolution is more data than can be shown anyway!
@StuHarris 4 дня назад
I recently inherited one of these baddies, I'm unsure of the year at the moment, but it's still currently hanging in my late father's office whirring away. This video has inspired me to go through the restoration and upgrade-ification myself, especially knowing now how much tech-support is offered by the company. I had already been thinking it would be good to upgrade to LED lighting, so it's great that there is a proprietary option offered. I didn't think it would be too difficult of a DIY one day build, but I'm sure I'll find this saves me from an engineering headache when I see how the professionals handled it. An idea popped into my head when looking at the map ribbon being reinstalled; What if Dune? Or any celestial planetary object fictional or not. I understand that a new map would require a different gear calibration, which might not end up being cost effective for the company to mass produce. But there's plenty of industrious nerds out there that could probably come up with a mod-kit, maybe a few buddies each take on a different planet so then you'd have options from the jump in case not everyone wants Arrakis, planets like Alderaan or Tatooine would probably more visually appealing anyway. And I'm only now realizing how big of a nerd I am... If it's a fictional planet; unless you require perfect adherence to whatever I.P.'s canonical lore, who cares? It looks good, it does the thing where it moves and the lit-up areas change. Just some thoughts.
@smeeself 4 дня назад
I'll never be able to afford one; but I do have SUN LOCATOR PRO app.
@thoughted6069 4 дня назад
Wouldn't it make more sense to use the devices GPS/location in some formula/calculation to get the local time offset then offsetting from the time at longitude 0 rather than subdividing into thousands of sections? And maybe have some setting to throttle how much the location gets updated to something like per minute to save battery power.
@johnlumsden9102 4 дня назад
Good choice by the company, helping with personal upgrades. At this point mostly enthusiasts will be interested in such a map/clock and many would not want to buy a new one but want the historical originals.
@doka-sp 5 дней назад
Was not expecting the Time Cube reference lmao. Also a really rad clock!!
@dna_rosepetal_wcue 5 дней назад
wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours wdym days are 26 hours
@JillKnapp 5 дней назад
So beautiful!
@Meatballsubby 5 дней назад
@rays7805 6 дней назад
I really disagree with your time zones idea. If I'm traveling someplace, how long will it take, and when will I arrive? Do I have enough time, or will I be late? Time zones solve this problem elegantly. In most parts of the world, even if I travel across multiple time zones, all I'll ever have to do is add or subtract a few hours. I'll never have to worry about minutes. If we get rid of time zones, all the problems with minutes will come right back. It's a terrible idea.
@rays7805 6 дней назад
I can't believe you just made a time cube reference. That's awesome.
@octoBadger 6 дней назад
This is a very interesting and entertaining video - many thanks, and have a sub.
@gsilva220 6 дней назад
The multiple time zones are a bit of an overkill, just abolish time zones, period.
@jovetj 7 дней назад
There's nothing "cool" about the USSR.
@mystifiedoni377 7 дней назад
It is interesting to imagine a world where everyone adopted UTC. People in different timezones would just use different numbers locally for opening and closing times. All the shops in one area would tend to open at 20:00 and close at 12:00, while in another location they tend to open at 01:00 and close at 17:00. The objections to it are silly. "No we must start school at 7:00am and if we adopted UTC we would have to start at night!" Rather than just say that school starts at 13:00 here now.
@dieseldragon6756 7 дней назад
I've *always* wanted to learn how a GeoChron worked ever since I saw an ad for them in an early 90s copy of the _Financial Times._ Back then, incidentally, they had a list price of £3,000.- and up (About $6,000.- at the prevailing exchange rate) so they're *definitely* cheaper today than they used to be! 🕰💰😁 Totally slipped my mind shortly afterward though (Suffering industrial abuse/injury and permanent disablement just for being LGBT (and London Underground not accepting that in an employee) will do that to anyone) but finally had my brain jogged when one showed up in another video I was watching earlier. *Finally* I understand the mystery of how the terminator lines work! ☀🌔😁 Many thanks for such an awesome one, sir! 😍💯😇
@SmolYui 7 дней назад
nah not brining back local time to be accurate to terms... just use UTC delete timezones, everyone use UTC-0
@0xSLN 7 дней назад
This is just awesome! Bucket list item.
@1.4142 8 дней назад
Pass the butter
@1.4142 8 дней назад
An even simpler mechanism: A globe with a rotating half sphere illuminated from inside.
@robertbradford3461 8 дней назад
You sort of dbl talked there, getting rid of time zones but that your phone automatically adjusts so you don't need time zones, but your phone is adjusting to existing time zones whether you realize it or not. Daylight savings is a different story, that should not exist anymore
@unstableentropy5477 8 дней назад
Working on getting my pilot certificates right now and we use UTC, though we call it Zulu time. I think an easy solution to this would be Apple doing what they do best and forcing change into people whether they like it or not and just making the clock have UTC underneath the local time. Of course android would follow suit. In a decade or two people would be so used to it that we could change from local to utc and it would be normal to just know it.
@MexieMex 8 дней назад
What a fantastic clock/map. Totally agree with timezones, been saying the same for years.
@Cyanmauve 8 дней назад
Any chance you'd be willing to scan the service manual? I contacted Geochron recently and they state that the manuals "aren't available", but they would be happy to charge a per hour technical fee for support. I find this a bit odd as there clearly IS a service manual, and the company has been DIY repair helpful in all other ways (parts availability, communication, etc...) I also sent an email to the channel address with a bit more info. Thanks, and great video!