Chrim Chrimbo
Chrim Chrimbo
Chrim Chrimbo
Video essays, guides, and helpful content on video games with the goal of helping you think deeper about what you play and why you play it.
How to Track your Video Game Backlog
3 года назад
Ace on Border - Rainbow Six Siege
4 года назад
@EuropaeusOrigo 5 дней назад
Something that helped me was getting a Steam Deck and not installing too many games, so i don't get overwhelmed.
@cmillspa1 9 дней назад
It’s funny how picking a game echoes how we make decisions in real life, and how so many of us feel like our to-do list grows faster than it can be addressed. Games echo reality and that’s why decisions can be so hard.
@bittersoet 13 дней назад
My issue is that when I wnvat to game, I start something but every game I open I'm tired with after 2 minutes because it doesn't catch my attention. Back in the day this was unheard of for me, now it's a miracle if I actually sit down and play so. Ehring for a view hours and get back to it
@peloi111 16 дней назад
I use physical media. Every Sunday I choose 5 movies I want to watch and 5 games I want to play. The rest is stored. Hope it helps
@JustBeeCharmer 17 дней назад
i hate being a maximizer, i've been so stuck with gaming for the past year i can't play anything and i always wanna buy a new game but i feel extremely guilty bc i have about 100 games in my backlog and i just don't play anything new, only junk sandbox games
@yonico_ 29 дней назад
Just stop rushing your backlogs , and just don't pressur yourself. The thing is that many people can easily play 900h to 1200h to whatever League of legends or Apex legends typa games, but can't start a 8h game like hellblade lol. Imagine if you used 1200h for your backlog ,it would've been done.
@dharkling Месяц назад
When TVs went HD around mid 2000’s, i got rid of all older games & consoles that i was done with to make way for HD consoles & games. Work, family life, and researching games have created/caused the greatest backlog situation, and i couldnt be happier. My advice is forget finishing games, and stop chasing trophies or achievements. “The Witness” clips in your video made me smile; slow burn that one, but not worth finishing.
@ILostMyOreos Месяц назад
I just turned 30 and this is the best "how to beat your backlog" and also "how to get excited about games again" video I've seen so far
@yoggy2207 Месяц назад
This is the most productive anti-productive thing ever
@SimpleandSound Месяц назад
I can't stand lists. I've tried, I really have. When I did, I would write down things I needed to do, goals, I ended up feeling like a failure when I couldn't do those things. Seeing where I failed is just another pile onto the anxiety and I will never plan ahead again.
@jogymogy3691 2 месяца назад
It's funny that Dunban is Fiora's brother. Shulk looks more blood related to her...
@maxkibler7964 2 месяца назад
I have a problem where I’ll be playing a game then there is a decision in-game that I’m so conflicted over I’ll quit the game and not finish it because I couldn’t decide past that decision…I need help
@blaze2293 2 месяца назад
Assign a game to each number. Then use a random number generator, and hit generate. If you don’t like the result then why did you buy the game?
@Rumb13stiltzkin 2 месяца назад
Really hit me with the Hitman part. I stopped playing The Witcher 3 when it came out to read the (at the time) eight books first because I loved what I'd played and felt like I couldn't really appreciate it without reading the novels and playing the first two games first. Years later, I've read 7/9 (soon to be 10) Witcher novels and have played 0/3 Witcher games.
@ThrowingForContent 2 месяца назад
Me who was literally in analysis paralysis while watching this video in the background and having videos auto-play💀.
@MrHyonD 2 месяца назад
I used GOG, but with my current library it was lagging, and decided that I wanted even more customization. Then I started a google sheet, EXTREMELY detailed backlog, and it is absolutely perfect for my needs. It not "pretty", but it is SO functionnal and adapted to what I want to track.
@MrHyonD 2 месяца назад
Cool idea, but definitely not for me, I only play 100h RPGs and Grand strategy games xD
@boo-sd9ci 2 месяца назад
"Maximizers" don't maximize the most important resource... time.
@ChrimChrimbo Месяц назад
@thebit69 2 месяца назад
Why did you stop making content?
@ChrimChrimbo 2 месяца назад
I really enjoyed it but it was really time consuming. I also became a dad so I don’t have as much time now. All of the time I would have spent on videos is now spent on growing Our Discord server.
@shyguytwopoint0 3 месяца назад
thanks man, I needed to hear this subbed
@ChrimChrimbo Месяц назад
Glad to help!
@willissudweeks1050 3 месяца назад
I like to jump between different types of games. I’ll play max Payne, re4 remake, Pokémon leaf green, halo infinite and Mario Wonder at the same time
@ChrimChrimbo Месяц назад
You are brave. I never finish any games when I do this.
@willissudweeks1050 Месяц назад
@@ChrimChrimbo If there’s one I like a lot it tends to stick and I’ll finish it but I generally don’t view beating games as that important unless I’m engrossed the entire time.
@mewatonin 3 месяца назад
does anybody know what the game at 4:27 is?
@ChrimChrimbo 3 месяца назад
A Short Hike!
@icrashout 3 месяца назад
I've been playing all of my childhood games lately and I'm having a blast. It really made gaming fun for me again.
@ChrimChrimbo Месяц назад
Totally. That's been me this last year. Lots of old retro stuff. Such a wealth of games out there!
@animepussy8356 3 месяца назад
Holy shit, you're the first person on the internet I've seen describe ADHD accurately, not as "so much noise in my head! oh look a squirrel xD so random"
@ChrimChrimbo Месяц назад
omg. it's as annoying as when people say "i have to keep my room organized, i'm so ocd lol!"
@EisOfSpades7 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for helping me put a name on something that I thought was nameless. I am a maximizer. I didn't know there was a community of other likeminded folks. Can't wait to look into your other videos in my attempt to be better about playing my games instead of starting and stopping like have done for so many titles.
@ChrimChrimbo 3 месяца назад
Welcome! Maximizing is my greatest folly. We have a ton of people in a similar situation. Even though I'm not posting on RU-vid, the Discord is as healthy as it's ever been. Hope we can help!
@dreamspheree 3 месяца назад
Wow this video is great
@ChrimChrimbo 3 месяца назад
Thank you!
@goldythefish36 3 месяца назад
Sometimes are brains are too smart for their own good. Like trying to "optimise" having fun which ends up making us not have fun, and even quite the opposite becoming stressed and overwhelmed about it. I really struggle with this especially with making the "right" choice in games and then need to go back to a save instead of just enjoying the "mistake" and living with it. It won't kill me and technically it hasn't even affected anyone else, and it shouldn't affect me the way it does. Anyway just a little ramble.
@ChrimChrimbo 3 месяца назад
I feel this. I've been emulating retro games recently and sometimes I find myself mindlessly reloading save states the second something sub-optimal happens. While older games are generally crummy at valuing your time, I do feel like there is something to be said about mistakes and living with them, even in a digital context.
@wlliam92 3 месяца назад
Those all look great! I really like Playnite, it's my favorite tool at the moment.
@ChrimChrimbo 3 месяца назад
I love Playnite! I got pretty into it a year ago. Infinite Backlog is where I've landed.
@JPJP62JPJP 3 месяца назад
I feel like this video was made for me. Thank you so much loved it :)
@ChrimChrimbo 3 месяца назад
Of course! Glad to help.
@realkingofantarctica 3 месяца назад
If you're going to beat your backlog, I recommend you use something like a belt, or perhaps a slipper.
@ChrimChrimbo 3 месяца назад
@nsawatchlistbait289 4 месяца назад
I've never managed to attain this objective called "reward yourself". How do you do it? How do you do it right?
@ChrimChrimbo 3 месяца назад
I'll admit I'm not the best at it either, but I think you have to be smart about it. Like, rewarding yourself with takeout sounds great on paper, but if food is always the reward, you are reinforcing a maybe not so healthy habit. Good rewards could be: going on a walk, visiting a city you haven't been to within driving distance, watching a new show, etc.
@TenementGentleman 4 месяца назад
been playing this game all weekend. excellent review/analysis!
@ChrimChrimbo 4 месяца назад
THANK YOU for the comment. These one off review/essays were my favorite to create and no one sees them. Glad you enjoyed it!
@wlliam92 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this video. I also struggle with ADHD and since anxiety keeps me up to date with work tasks I’ve been OK but still having trouble having fun for a long time, if that’s make any sense
@ChrimChrimbo 4 месяца назад
Yes! It does make sense. It's tough out there.
@V4624N7 4 месяца назад
I use Infinite Backlog and so far is very nice.
@ChrimChrimbo 4 месяца назад
YES. Someone introduced it to our server and people are going bananas over it.
@NatMage 4 месяца назад
This is a great video, and is applicable to more than just games but over-analyzing and analysis paralysis in general. I can't believe it took me until hearing you say it that no, I don't have to play all of the games that came before to enjoy the current one. I've long suffered from a long backlog and barely even wanted to think about all the games I "wanted" to play (or the ones that were recommended to me), and I already know this video is going to help me on that journey and beyond that into other aspects of my life as well. I'll definitely be coming back to this video. Thank you. Also, you may or may not have inadvertantly added several titles to that list via clips from this video. P.S. The Return of the Obra Dinn is an incredible game; played it with a friend of mine and we both had a blast. Highly recommended to anyone who might be reading this.
@ChrimChrimbo 4 месяца назад
Obra Dinn is AMAZING. I was sad when it was over. Yes, it's OK to not play everything that came prior, though I understand the temptation. Best of luck!
@omelfilip 5 месяцев назад
Not gonna lie, a bunch of my backlog are games I purchased mainly because of "community pressure" praising a particular game for how amazing it is, rather than it being a game I was genuinely inspired to play, all at a time in my life when I didn't have the mental capacity to destinguish between my authentic desire to play a certain game, vs "wanting" to experience something others say is so amazing.
@ChrimChrimbo 4 месяца назад
So true. I get stuck in this too. The hype cycle can be really exhausting. I recommend finding a community of gamers that aren't obsessed with the hype cycle. It's so much more grounded.
@SadMegane 5 месяцев назад
yknow its funny cuz like i actually have a cbt game im being too adhd to get to yet i feel the pull of "man just click it and once ur strapped in ur just aboard for the ride just do it" so tbh just the video existing is more of spark for me than anything cuz i already know what i need to do and i just keep not doing it cuz i plan everything then get nowhere fast lol. much appreciate what you do for like minded individuals bro c:
@ChrimChrimbo 4 месяца назад
Of course! Stop by the discord if you want help!
@SilverThreads 5 месяцев назад
My first instinct to the realization in the video where I need to just pick something to play was to create a excel sheet of my entire backlog and rate each game according to priority to help improve the game choosing process. So I definitely understand the overthinking dilemma, lol
@ChrimChrimbo 4 месяца назад
Yes. It's sometimes helpful to just pick something and go for it!
@pjnorthbay 5 месяцев назад
too many choices! also I would subscribe but it doesn't look like content is being created anymore. good video though thank you :D
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
Thanks! I had a baby so been kind of busy!
@pjnorthbay 5 месяцев назад
@@ChrimChrimbo understandable!
@tdardis 5 месяцев назад
Who is your friend that reviews board games? Two worlds just possibly collided for me lol
@ChrimChrimbo 4 месяца назад
Derek Thompson! He reviews for Geeks Under Grace.
@tdardis 4 месяца назад
@@ChrimChrimbo awesome!
@zojirushi1 6 месяцев назад
11:44 will the return of obra dinn ever be in a bundle? Or go on sale more?
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
Ask them devvies, boi
@heyimskar 6 месяцев назад
bro thank you.
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
@ghost_of_a_dead_poet 6 месяцев назад
6 and 7 hits different
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
It hits different this time.
@rKhael53 6 месяцев назад
I'm in exactly the same position with Hitman saga^^ I have almost finished Contracts, but I'm lost in a level, with guards in alert. And it appears so boring to return to this freaking mission like that... or restarting the mission from the beginning. And I've already did half of Silent Assassin in PS3. It feels boring to do it again on PC, just to have acess to the rest of the game.
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
Same. The older games can be tough, but they can also be so fun.
@rKhael53 6 месяцев назад
It's not only a useful guide for videogames. It's a useful guide for life in general. Great vid !
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
@MachinimaCommentary1 6 месяцев назад
It's nice to be poor. That way you can barely afford any games so you're pretty much left with only a few games to play which is nice because these days, I barely have the time or energy to focus on a game so a game with 10-20 hrs story mode is a nice overall length and doesn't leave me with endless grinds that are pointless and boring to complete.
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
This was me for a long long time. It's why my backlog grew so much actually. I only had about $50-100 to spend every month or so on entertainment so I collected discounted bundles. It grew from there.
@paulsproston606 6 месяцев назад
Only just seen this. It's a nightmare, totally. I will play a game for 15 minutes, think, actually, that other game will be better, play that game, for 15 minutes, and it goes on, until a new game comes out, and another until I have 30 games all with 2 hours played on each. I used to only ever own one or two games at the same time, I traded them in and I never had this problem but, dont anymore. Buying from Amazon, downloading etc is too easy. nothing ever gets finished, literally nothing, nowhere near, Ill genuinely get jealous when watching a video or review of somebody playing a game halfway through or near the end. No matter what the game is, I will switch it off for something else. Even now, I have a bunch of games, I'm thinking about buying a new one. I think it's down to having an addictive personality, I prefer the idea of getting a game than actually playing a game. It's kinda like many things in life. Over consuming and letting reviewers and RU-vidrs condition your brain into thinking you need this in your life. It's best to take a step back. Difficult, but best.
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
Serotonin seems to kick in when I buy a game on sale, especially if I like the colors or trailers or branding. It puts me in a tough spot, seeing as how my backlog has grown so much over the years. I think recognizing this was a big step for me. Culture begs us to consume consume consume, so taking a step back is really healthy. This is one reason I continue recommending our backlog server. My hope is to provide a space where hype and sales don't take over, and people can just enjoy what they already have.
@khaida_ 6 месяцев назад
That point u made about play the first game of sequels is so relatable, i like to do that aswell cause i want to feel how the game progressed along the volumes even if it was in a bad way
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
Exactly. Blessing and curse.
@nerdzone 6 месяцев назад
I really cannot realte and I am so happy that I can't. :D Glad I watched the video if only for this.
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад
Good. It's too stressful.
@gilbert928 7 месяцев назад
Ocd ocd ocd ocd!😂
@ChrimChrimbo 5 месяцев назад