ICONS - Independent Council on Women's Sports
ICONS - Independent Council on Women's Sports
ICONS - Independent Council on Women's Sports
Wildcats Lead the Way: Saving Women's Sports
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NCAA Lawsuit Press Conference: Take on the NCAA
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ICONS Inaugural Year In Review
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Stand With Us
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@Bellas1717 4 дня назад
How crazy is the world that we have to do this all over again. A regression to 1900.
@Mrs.Deanna_Ember 6 дней назад
As females we need to continue to speak out, especially against these trans athletes. Its simply not fair to girls, and is a real health concern for women everywhere.
@poerava 25 дней назад
This clown has missed the point There is a spectrum. A spectrum of male/female and 150,000,000 that don’t fit exactly into all of these biological markers.
@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss 8 дней назад
@poerava 8 дней назад
@@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss No satire here bud Let me know if you need a science lesson
@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss 8 дней назад
@@poerava do you not know what a spectrum is? You identified three things. Two sexes and “doesn’t fit” which is not a sex. You’re not identifying the scale but results of sorting… since “doesn’t fit” is not a sex, it does not belong on a continuous quantitative scale of sex…. And two sexes is not a continuous quantitative scale but two values of a nominal variable. I was hoping you were joking
@poerava 8 дней назад
@@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss I’m Tahitian bro There’s a third gender in Polynesian culture. I’m sorry that you haven’t got your head around this. Must give you a head ache when you want to make a circle fit in a square. Maybe talk to some doctors. Ask them if they pronounce a baby with ambiguous genitalia and XXY chromosomes, a male or a female. I know it hurts b b b b because male and female (In most of these occasions the least harmful proceeds is to not allocate a sex to the child. Some parents opt for surgeries to give a child a sex assignment but that’s another chat)
@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss 8 дней назад
@@poerava 1. The topic is sex, not gender. Three genders is not three sexes and three sexes is not a spectrum. Second, you’re retroactively calling cultural names for feminine, gay, and transgender males a third gender… which doesn’t even make sense. XXY doesn’t have ambiguous genitalia. You don’t know how sex chromosomes work. Do you actually not know what males and females are? What klinefelter syndrome is? That’s a male specific condition.
@lenaandersson1851 26 дней назад
@ls-l1518 Месяц назад
Just think how men now are threatening suicide if they don't get to oppress us women. Well, if you don't want to live, you must do what you want. Stop being kind to people who want to hurt you. Don't be a nice girl.
@ls-l1518 Месяц назад
How stupid people have become. Grown ups need a talk on the birds and the bees. It's difficult to not feel contempt.
@Nonsense-On-Stilts Месяц назад
Thank you Lauren for speaking up for what is right!
@acerrubrum5749 Месяц назад
Everyone should speak out don’t leave it to the female players.🎉
@acerrubrum5749 Месяц назад
Why are the sports commentators, broadcasters, play by play, talk show, and the audiences not making this an issue?
@acetufu9449 Месяц назад
Soooo in other words…the objective truth is all humans are born either male or female just like what the Bible teaches.
@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss 8 дней назад
Some arguably could be considered sexless and we are talking biology, the bible has no place here
@themakerofallmusic Месяц назад
Why the so afraid of women?
@rosatrula Месяц назад
Go Corinna! I always love listening to you speak and I love your dry humour! I think you said it all really well here and you are really helping!
@ledonwissner2200 Месяц назад
110% Support our women in sports. Our women matter in sports and as an athlete, I vow I personally will do whatever I can to promote and further protect our girls and women (genetic females for the WOKE minded) as they lead the way for us NOW and in the FUTURE on all levels of success in society. They must have a voice and we must stand with them hand in hand- continuing to raise them up.
@th3dudeabides1 Месяц назад
It's unbelievable that a talk like this is necessary because a bunch of wackadoos
@pisces.gir1 Месяц назад
It's amazing how this side of the issue are able to trace everything they say and stand by to facts, concrete biological reality and historical facts. What does the other side have to offer? Speculation, feeling, threats and disrespect. It's always crickets or "agree to disagree" when I talk to anyone about the facts.
@poivrefrancais8104 Месяц назад
This is fantastic. Thank you Dr Blade for your work in this area.
@gqas1247 Месяц назад
Thanks 💓
@Viky.A.V. Месяц назад
How sad it is that many people don't understand these basic things! Unbelievable. BTW, misunderstanding may harm trans-people themselves. I do care about everyone's rights. Humans have some medical conditions that connected to one's sex. Even if you are a trans-woman, you still have to be diagnosed as a male in order to receive the proper treatment. It's just a matter of facts.
@gayechapman4448 Месяц назад
Thanks Linda, for all you do for women and girls in sports.
@Lillylangtry101 Месяц назад
'Changing the volume on the TV to get the right channel'
@Prometheus4096 Месяц назад
This debate is a bit of nonsense because there's way more ciswoman in pro sports that have off the scale male features, and probably testosterone, and maybe a genetic hormone imbalance, than there is transwoman in sports. The only trans person in the Paris Olympics was assigned 'female' at birth and is competing in the female category. There's zero transwoman at the Paris Olympics.
@ME24689 Месяц назад
Totally unbelievable, and a crime against women and girls.. 🙄 🚩 🚩 🚩 #SexNotGender #RepealTheGRA
@sarral2008 2 месяца назад
"Heteronormativity" .... lol! It is normal to be hetero - most people are hetero, and it is a statement of fact. There is nothing wrong with it.
@MrJashuaDavies 2 месяца назад
There was a time when phrenology was breakthrough science that reached highest levels of academia. It was only 15 years from its origin theories to widespread acceptance. And had lost most all of its following within 20 years thereafter. A brief period that nonetheless had profound impact on social ideology and negatively affected people’s actual quality of life
@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss 2 месяца назад
It was never really science but something ideologues embraced and did not scrutinize because it agreed with the predisposed ideas. Similar to how the actual basis behind redefining sex and claiming sex is a spectrum is nonexistent.
@MrJashuaDavies 2 месяца назад
@@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss that isn’t something I can argue against; sounds about right. I do know it took better science to dislodge phrenology from the upper class ‘ideologues’ it did not lose credibility like a fad that falls out of vogue, it was disproven. But then it lingered among laypersons for about a decade and actually gained momentum among the poorer and less educated demographic, this period was when traveling hucksters kept it alive. Much like conspiracy theories today, the fact that elites had stopped giving it much credence only bolstered the acceptance among the common people.
@jaijai5250 2 месяца назад
This was an excellent presentation and analysis. She covered all bases and explained in the most simplistic terms. However, it’s naive to believe that this form of colonisation is being perpetrated by a grassroots movement, consisting of less than 1% of the population. There are clearly extremely powerful people driving this nefarious movement.
@earlleonard 2 месяца назад
Why is a guy who studied the biology and evolution of Spiders and Insects talking like he's an expert on mammals, let alone humans? He's saying weird, irrelevant, old-fashioned outdated and irrelevant information, but he's saying it with such undeserved confidence. It's weord
@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss 2 месяца назад
“Why is the biologist talking about biology?” To be clear, you think that he only has knowledge of insects and hasn’t studied biology extensively? You think that he did not learn about sex and that insects do not have sexes? You do realize male and female insects are male and female for the exact same reasons as any other species with males and females, right? This is not outdated information at all. This well accepted scientific consensus
@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss 2 месяца назад
“Why is the biologist talking about biology?” To be clear, you think that he only has knowledge of insects and hasn’t studied biology extensively? You think that he did not learn about sex and that insects do not have sexes? You do realize male and female insects are male and female for the exact same reasons as any other species with males and females, right? This is not outdated information at all. This well accepted scientific consensus
@DerpMcDerp-gb3ss 2 месяца назад
You just dismissed an evolutionary biologist on a very well known and accepted topic in evolutionary biology with undeserved confidence. Do you seriously not know what a male and a female is?
@BrAndOn_CaLLawAy 2 месяца назад
Why doesn't the pdga listen..really listen? I didn't realize until 2 years ago..after being a "member" since 2006... That the pdga had or has Owners. I thooought.. the pdga was a membership based association... Not a dictatorship. Keep standing ladies!
@neilmoses3376 2 месяца назад
I stand with you . The problem is ask most men if it's worth putting a dress on to see a load of fit women getting changed. It's all wrong. I wish you all the best
@SillyTube9 3 месяца назад
Every time a female has her right to give OR DENY consent taken away via DEI, she should quote the findings of the WPATH Files, that shows how trans ideology is being used as gay conversion therapy, against LGB young persons (80-90% of whom are NOT trans, but whom are advised to transition rather than dealing with their internalized homophobia or the homophobia or their parents, guardians, or counselors) and demand an explanation as to why the organization in question is advancing antiquated stereotypes about males and females, and why they’re supporting the equivalent of the homophobic “pray the gay away” Jesus Camp, but with scalpels, hormones, and puberty blockers?
@JB-me8jp 3 месяца назад
I have been donating to the ACLU for years, but I will never donate to it again. Thank you for opening my eyes to what's going on there.
@qrst2008 3 месяца назад
17:22 "this is not about trans rights, it is about women's rights". 17:55 "de-program themselves from the thought-terminating cliches like trans-women are women and trans-men are men" --- THANK YOU FOR YOUR HONESTY, WISDOM, AND COURAGE.
@nftutoring9241 3 месяца назад
Riley Gains should be given the congressional medal of honor! Women and men, gay and straight should applaud her! Support her! Follow in her footsteps! The trans-mafia is a grooming, predatory sub faction in our deteriorating society. Women are in the cross hairs and we must stop this maddness!!!
@stevenlightfoot6479 3 месяца назад
Its crazy these presentation are even necessary.
@janesmith9463 3 месяца назад
Dr. Vierling is such a wise woman. I wish she would write some books.
@CrystalShadow 3 месяца назад
Thank you for doing this❤
@CrystalShadow 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this! ❤
@CrystalShadow 3 месяца назад
These Guys in women’s cycling have no morals.😢
@CrystalShadow 3 месяца назад
I want to thank all of you bio women (don’t want to get censored 🤬) for standing up for our rights❣️❣️❣️You are so brave ❤
@justmy2cents652 3 месяца назад
Okay, I'm gonna say it (wondering why this seems to be a topic never to be spoken about): The window of opportunity is much smaller for women agewise and the opportunity costs are higher than for men concerning family planning. Even if a woman is infertile or is sure very early to never wanting to have kids: She still needs to adress the issue in some way or form from a female perspective. Something men and "transidentified" men never have to deal with. Also being "trans" is a life choice which is detrementral to health and fitness. Like many other lifestyle choices. Even if he thinks he "has no choice" bc of that dubious "woman inside" he claims to have: If he wants to take hormones which impact his performance, how in the hell makes that him eligible to crash ("indentify") into another category?!
@jac6727 3 месяца назад
No. No exception. Ever. Kellie Jay Keen has lead the way and we will hold the line. STOP WEAPONIZING “COMPASSION”. Women… STOP BEING “NICE”, you are destroying all the rights your mothers and grandmothers fought for! And you are taking all women down with your need to be “nice” and “fair”. NO!
@Cmorebutt 3 месяца назад
Only universities that let’s all of there students show up to class in the bathing suits and thongs🤡🤠Go wildcats go go go
@JulieBassett-ng7cj 3 месяца назад
This makes me proud to be a U of A alum.
@ashac7183 3 месяца назад
Thank you for addressing the puberty myth. I am not a biologist, but simple life experience and basic knowledge of physiology and anatomy show pre-pubescent girls and boys are obviously different in all physical measures and abilities. I am so frustrated by pre-puberty transition being put forward as an acceptable standard and am glad it’s being talked about.
@Malky5279 3 месяца назад
It's also to my mind a potentially harmful suggestion. You're talking about saying "Well if you've taken puberty blockers early enough." There absolutely no way any child can give informed consent to puberty blockers at an age that means they miss out on puberty. It's a path to sterility and total lack of sexual function as an adult. A gross and barbaric experimental treatment with no evidence for positive outcomes and clearly obvious life altering negative ones making a person a life long medical patient with all sorts of health consequences beyond the sterility.
@sandradiaz1726 3 месяца назад
@nessn4737 3 месяца назад
Thank you all so much. This outrageous abuse of young female athletes must be stopped.
@teachjacque 3 месяца назад
I stand with you! Tell me how I can help?
@lalaboards 3 месяца назад
"I had to go speak to adults to tell them that a man is not a woman" had me rolling !!!!!
@andreabell5724 3 месяца назад
Please ICONS- Caitlin Clark is trans Someone speak up please!! We are being psyop’d like crazy as our kids look up to HIM and WNBA starts making $$$ I guarantee- this is going to be bad Save womens sports !!
@DirtySanchez658 3 месяца назад
Good Luck
@carlamcclure1911 3 месяца назад
Good for you! Keep speaking out! This whole thing is crazy, biological males & females where identified for international sports when performance enhancing drugs became popular. As a former NCAA division 1 athlete in Rowing at UC Berkeley. I was the stroke seat of an undefeated National Champion crew in 1984. I was one of the first generations to benefit for equal opportunities under Title 9. Even with the tall beefy women on our heavyweight team, there is no way they could ever compete against biological males. There is underlying agenda to eliminate gender... and eliminating women first.