Mythical Kitchen
Mythical Kitchen
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What's The Best Alternative Milk?
16 часов назад
Vegan vs. Meat Cooking Challenge
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You've Never Seen Fries Like This
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Are Smash Burgers Overrated?
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What's the Best Sparkling Water?
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Who Can Defeat The Mystery Box?
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MatPat Eats His Last Meal
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Dollar Tree vs. Aldi Cooking Challenge
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Who Can Make The Best Chicken Tenders?
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Recreating BANNED Space Foods
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WWE’s Becky Lynch Eats Her Last Meal
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Karen Gillan Eats Her Last Meal
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What's the Best Pasta Sauce?
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Bert Kreischer Eats His Last Meal
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Rhett vs. Link Cooking Challenge
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Can A YouTube Chef Survive Culinary School?
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@verdrin7107 12 часов назад
I'm sorry but there's no way $37 is the most expensive burger in all of LA
@DingaLingu 12 часов назад
Black pepper is amazing on absolutely everything
@hulkxx91 12 часов назад
Thats not a smash burger
@daniellucas5522 12 часов назад
It's nice to see Josh learning and growing and washing his hands without an argument.
@Troubadour313 12 часов назад
and now do this v.s a simple burger with a potato bun, mustard, and american cheese. Add two pickles if you're fancy.
@GAMINGOBRIEN69 12 часов назад
He did it better the first time
@Schizz_Popinov 12 часов назад
I want to see Josh faceoff with George Motz. It would be interesting to see how Josh would handle George's energy and burger skills.
@dysphoricdragon9740 12 часов назад
Bruh i didnt even have the money for a packed lunch thanfully with no adult in the house working we got free school lunches due to no income
@djpoopypants4741 12 часов назад
That’s the lunch I got too. Thought I was ballin with the blue jug. Usually didn’t get a drink
@elementalgamer0732 12 часов назад
@TheHaubs11tx 12 часов назад
Did I hear that right? Does she think butter is carbs like seriously? She thinks butter is carbs. She very clearly is the imposter that was a shocking thing to hear I went back and had to hear it twice.
@BryceMcNeilldnb 12 часов назад
I'm blind-ish i'm okay with you using the term blind judge. ;) 😊
@seanbrennan813 12 часов назад
Instead of stopping calling the judges blind you really should just get a judge that's blind.
@stalelemonproduction 12 часов назад
I've seen a few different videos on this "make it better" concept, and i love how down to earth Josh is with it. He's not spending 200 dollars to outdo someone or anything, he's just showing how a good burger made with common ingredients stacks up against fast burgers and gourmet stuff
@raeperonneau4941 12 часов назад
Gwynnedd is so tiny! She’s usually sitting next to Rhett & Link so I had no perspective.
@AdamBankhurst 12 часов назад
The horror on my face when Josh tested the mandoline with the oven mitt 😱😂
@TheHaubs11tx 12 часов назад
How the heck did you not put a MSG versus no MSG up there like seriously did you do any research? Lol.
@Dingodongler 12 часов назад
Lil hug gang
@andreasgrunebaum811 12 часов назад
DAMN! Littereally DAMN! I actually would like to have a full feast dinner with Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias, he really seems to have good taste when it comes to food - besides beeing the most funiest comedian / PERSON.
@JustinBakerDeDav 12 часов назад
If there's anything I've learned from watching Try Guys, it's that Chef Josh has "Man Eyes" and just won't see crap right in front of him.
@Yowzahz 12 часов назад
I wonder if George Motz could be a guest?
@hcmuffinpants 12 часов назад
Honestly I prefer the use of the 7-11 burger for comparison. When I worked at a gas station we had our own grill and our burgers were so much better than the fast food ones, and much thicker. It's kinda perfect to compare to a fancier place that's also going to be using a thicker patty.
@averyeml 12 часов назад
The thing about sometimes not seeing things right in front of you or just having a complete space-time brain fart is SO real. Once when I was a teenager I was on my cell phone talking to my mom and I literally said “oh hang on mom, I can’t remember where I put my phone” and proceeded to just set the phone down with her on the other end and wander the house for a good 10 minutes before realizing what I’d done
@MeKshy 13 часов назад
I’m so confused Lol what did he do wrong?
@WhiffenC 13 часов назад
Dr pepper is cherry flavored. 🍒
@coolguy666 13 часов назад
nice burger... COOL GUY OUT!!
@mattc698 13 часов назад
Steve-O being obsessed with pickled onion monster munch is one of the funniest things ever 😆
@pwd1134 13 часов назад
Thank God you didn't use jabba the hutt for a taster again.
@libbymorehouse4466 13 часов назад
What, no burger but cold?
@SaskiaWorld 13 часов назад
4:26 but would you really say they work? _no_
@JustSomePotHead 13 часов назад
Your not married cause younger dudes can't match your energy and older dudes want a housewife. Your just perfect nevertheless and guys are missing out. Best of wishes tho Em you deserve happiness.
@ajbush413 13 часов назад
I was somehow unsubscribed from this channel. Keep an eye on the RU-vid overlords, Mythical.
@demas5334 13 часов назад
Trevor’s best episode yet.
@judgeovyoursoulvo8685 13 часов назад
Trevor's hair situation belongs in a zombie movie. Yuck.
@judgeovyoursoulvo8685 13 часов назад
Why do they use Lucas as a judge ? He's horrible.
@carasomebody6477 13 часов назад
In the beginning there was… overlap 😂
@cyrilmateo6865 13 часов назад
Gwynedd was in Jeopardy!? Which?
@Pville_Boy 13 часов назад
A simple smash burger beats all these imo
@abbytaylor5920 13 часов назад
Will you guys ever move to a new kitchen?
@Browni3bab3 13 часов назад
😂 aldis is different, but they honestly have the same prices as my favorite grocery store
@0019khudson 13 часов назад
i have yet to find a recipie where i can eat tomatoes. its a texture thing. I have done a LOT to try and eat them. got any advice. mind you the only time i have managed to eat them was as fried Green tomotos. But never a red one.
@Luke-we9gj 13 часов назад
This is not “frozen Vs restaurant Vs homemade cooking challenge”
@nathanialdowton9475 13 часов назад
how tf didnt you just go to mcdonalds and get a cheesburger. theyre like 2$
@lazydazey9282 13 часов назад
Should have just got a fast food burger for the low price option. 7 11 burgers are for drunk people who can't taste and are buying more beer. They are not meant for sober people to eat.
@joshclay1926 13 часов назад
Lilly doesn't cry or fold anywhere near as much as LeFlop
@toolman0087 13 часов назад
All 3 burgers look amazing. Let me defend the 7-11 burger sometimes after a night at the bars you don't want anything fancy or even anything from fastfood just want a cheap microwaved chewy burger you can't really explain it.
@kellinomnom 13 часов назад
Josh: 'Imgonnadojujitsunow' 😂😂😂
@dominicwaghorn6459 13 часов назад
found myself smiling for no reason. This had good energy and quality components
@dominicwaghorn6459 13 часов назад
ok i sound like a robot, am I dead?
@jenniferestes5293 13 часов назад
When my son, who is now 16, was 4 I told him that onions weren't onion (which he had just proclaimed he didn't like) but they were flavor crystals. He gobbled them right up after that. 😂
@Fa1her_n_2on_gamers 13 часов назад
We couldn’t even afford the juice barrel, I thought they were for rich kids