The Jungle - League of Legends Show
The Jungle - League of Legends Show
The Jungle - League of Legends Show
Dexerto is a multi-award winning, world leading esports and gaming lifestyle publisher and a major voice in digital culture for tens of millions of fans.
@LeaveDavidAlone 3 часа назад
I don’t remember dying to the jungle creeps lol
@joelquinn5347 День назад
They all have no synergy in this podcast, I feel. Most of the time, the vibe is not captivating. Broxah needs to be utilized differently, and the host is just too simple with her "contributions," most of which even borderline cringe. I like Medic in general, and I like Broxah on its own. I have no opinion about the guy from NA, and I don't really like the host, timing, or commenting wise. This show feels ill-paced and has many awkward pauses, and since Broxah is calmly speaking, I think he needs to focus more on the punchline to keep the show more engaging. Medics casting is way more sophisticated than what is going on here. I don't know its the third or fourth one I saw; have a hard time warming up to it.
@madscot_ 2 дня назад
Gini to Broxah: "Did you ever beat G2? That's the real question!!" BITCH HE'S PART OF THE LEGENDARY 2018 ROSTER THAT WON BOTH SPLITS??? HOW ARE YOU SO FUCKING CLUELESS????
@fredbrad2036 2 дня назад
Gini is crazy annoying. I genuinely thought she was 14
@TheSceptileen 2 дня назад
Ah yes, "G2 just got dupstered bt fnatic but trust me they are the best team in the world, they still run the leageu fnatic just got lucky" I see Medic keeps feeding from daddy Ocelote's wallet like a pig
@austinblack7020 2 дня назад
Why does Gini just roast everybody the whole time? She feels more like the annoying little sister in the room that’s wants attention, and not like a host at all. I understand that it’s funny to do sometimes, but I feel like a balance is needed.
@nirion9091 2 дня назад
Yeah, hats what i thought too. She isnt that mean in the episodes before that one. And how calm the other three are.
@karanshade488 2 дня назад
Am I the only to find those titles clickbaity in a repulsive way. But I love you guys so I click anyway.
@shaise 3 дня назад
1 downvote from me for Medic, keep your cringe introspective thoughts to yourself - your not either as deep or as funny as you think you are, G2 fellater
@SnowLepard92 3 дня назад
Twisted Treeline was the best.. i was so pissed when they removed it Also Medic is wrong. 😂
@justinlandry8948 3 дня назад
I completely agree with Broxah, TT should still be in the game...
@CameronPrice2 3 дня назад
I really miss Twisted Treeline.
@rudy_kagura 3 дня назад
Broxah is right
@vidhenpatel8174 3 дня назад
I am sorry to comment this but people are just defending G2 like so much that BB had a rough series and bad drafts and all but they will never say that Fnatic had a bad draft and all the reasons. The thing is it's just like no one can beat G2 and someone actually beat them and it's just that you can't digest that fact.
@gagers78 3 дня назад
How is it anything bit realistic to say the draft and BB having a rough day clearly had an effect. Nobody is saying fnatic didn't play better on the day but clearly G2 were a little too creative in some of those drafts
@vez3834 2 дня назад
​@@gagers78 I think their point is that people wouldn't give Fnatic the same defenses if FNC had lost. (Not that I necessarily agree with that statement)
@karanshade488 2 дня назад
Fnatic has a long way to go to be considered better than G2
@grumpyzeref 2 дня назад
When Fnatic gets outdrafted and when Humaoid or Noah have bad games, if you just read G2 fans comments then of course they won't talk about it, but everyone else points out the draft mistakes and bad games.
@vidhenpatel8174 2 дня назад
@@vez3834 yea that's what I mean. One team loses because one or two players had bad day and bad drafts or something else. You can't defend G2 all the time. BB didn't troll with his picks, he just played bad and tbh they weren't trying something out. They just picked whatever they thought would be good. And the last thing would G2 do is to troll against Fnatic. And in 2nd and 3rd game, G2 even had a lead of 2-3k and Frantic still came back
@xkavvu9545 3 дня назад
Oh is this the handbag sellout woman
@tetsonouske 3 дня назад
Dominion will forever be my favorite game mode. Will never change my Dominion icon. Yall need to talk about that more.
@Azrael_Xx_ 3 дня назад
Apart from Gini getting more and more annoying every time, it was a nice episode.
@Khaled-bs7zc 2 дня назад
She's resorted to just making noises now. I know hosts don't need to add analysis, but what about when they just detract from the overall product? The podcast would be better off without these annoying interruptions and noises. Medic can be the adhoc host.
@neilkenyon6896 3 дня назад
Jeez this was difficult to watch. I get that Gini thinks she's being funny but her attempts at humour make me cringe and bring uncomfortable pauses to the discussion. She should have a look at how Sjokz takes the mickey but keeps things flowing in her interviews and deskwork. The odd jab at Broxah would be fine, but every possibility to take the piss is taken and I just end up feeling sorry for him. As for the rest of the content, it feels disjointed and unplanned which is a shame as Cubby in particular, has a lot of good, insightful opinions.
@tormork5720 2 дня назад
big cap gini is funny
@vez3834 2 дня назад
I think she disrupts the thought processes of the others. And there are way too many jokes especially since most aren't clever or with good delivery. I do genuinely think she can improve though :)
@raiohkyros 2 дня назад
+1 on this zzzz
@yaboiaxl1216 День назад
I don't really care whether her jokes are funny or not but they are so disrupting. I think trying to joke around when nothing of substance is being talked about is okay but she buds in at every opportunity she sees which quite often interrupts an interesting discussion I want to listen to
@notickar1868 3 дня назад
Gini how do you feel about discrimination of women in esports now that you've attended EWC ?
@diemh1998 3 дня назад
women women women women women, go touch grass
@Bouchtrouk 3 дня назад
It's been weeks man... Do you understand that when meanness repeats itself, it becomes harassment?
@hameesmomin9801 3 дня назад
how do you feel about china killing people or putting them in camps and not let them practice their religion and how do you feel western countries killing millions in the middle east and taking their resources?
@notickar1868 3 дня назад
@@hameesmomin9801 how is that relevant
@notickar1868 3 дня назад
@@Bouchtrouk I'm not being mean I'm genuinely asking.
@KidDaAce 3 дня назад
Excellent click bait title ya got me.
@chs5321 3 дня назад
I EXPLICITLY said last video if I did not see Cubby on this thumbnail, you would be hearing from my lawyers. See you in court.
@vez3834 2 дня назад
@d1mensi0n70 3 дня назад
Medic's just so biased, he's the biggest Caps fan since his dad (in fact, he may even be Caps' mom?), he packs his lunches everyday and sends mean things in the other mid laners' DMs, can't take anything that guy says seriously smh my head
@leevimasalin2301 3 дня назад
Medic cant be the biggest Caps fan that position belongs to me sorry
@Cubbyxx 3 дня назад
If Medic packs his lunches everyday they must be damn good if Caps is performing the way he is, need some of those lunches in my life
@d1mensi0n70 3 дня назад
@@Cubbyxx forget Medic, he should name change to Chef
@grumpyzeref 2 дня назад
Maybe because he is easily the best player in the league and has been for a long time. In a unofficial setting every EU league person will be baised towards Caps. (including Caedrel who is signed to FNC.) That's like saying oh no, caster jun is baised towards Chovy, or oh no, Flowers is baised towards Impact.
@G2LoL 3 дня назад
Medic's just so biased, he doesn't understand League of Legends, he loves G2, he just fellates them all days of the week (we're still winning Summer anyways)
@bateraaa 3 дня назад
@user-kx2xw1tm1q 4 дня назад
@tropicalglitz-mq4wm 9 дней назад
Faker my idol since the day i play lol ❤❤
@FunnyTeamVN 9 дней назад
Who’s here after that shurima shuffle
@EzFightGG 9 дней назад
The event Azir shuffle on Ruler at Worlds is my favorite. The stars and the heavens aligned perfectly to get everything just right
@TheH5rov 10 дней назад
So if Medic is a fan of Paramore then you could call him Paramedic.
@airflipper 10 дней назад
Finally back 🎉🎉
@karanshade488 10 дней назад
1:05 : why are people crying o' reddit 😂 because that is what they do on reddit. Posting on reddit just means you're clinically depressed 😊
@voyager1175 10 дней назад
One good series against T1 by BrokenBlade and even Medic forgets Zeus 1 v 9ed the 2nd series shittin on BB so hard that even Bin didn't shit on BB this much
@cedrichofstetter4057 11 дней назад
@Thejollyoldbman 11 дней назад
I do agree voice chat can be horrible for women and I agree. But even like high elo voice chat.
@TetsuoRyuu 11 дней назад
Love the show and the hosts, but can't support a product with Giniro on it after all the hypocrisy she has shown.
@idiosyncraticRyugu 11 дней назад
Funny how people in the comments are bitching about gini and ewc.. meanwhile riot were heavily involved, gave them access to the tournament realm, gave them their api for spectator functionality, blacklisted certain talent to appear on broadcast. They're not bitching on any of the teams participating, won't even mention the asian side of the bracket legit not giving a fuck. Even riot removed their previous stance on not working with the saudies from their own website from them trying to make that deal take place a few years ago. But nobody cares about facts, they just want to virtue signal.. xD fuck off.
@ShihabUdd1n 11 дней назад
@grymdawg 11 дней назад
Riots support systems are to blame in the SoloQ problem. Riot do not care. You can report a player with 20 games back to back of sheer int and nothing will happen, call him a virgin and you get 7 days. Why even bother?
@gagecoutch3284 11 дней назад
Anyone who complains about words being had in voice chat is a loser snowflake theres a mute button nor does it happen as often as is said its just the moments people remember.
@TBgraculus 11 дней назад
this show seems interesting, but im not watching anything with giniro on it.
@whompompomp 11 дней назад
@TBgraculus 11 дней назад
@@whompompomp because she seems to be obsessed with money and status while virtue signaling as altruistic. have you seen her handbag collection?
@whompompomp 11 дней назад
@TBgraculus lots of words that mean nothing. And I have a mega pokemon card collection. Collections aren't that abnormal are they?
@TBgraculus 11 дней назад
@@whompompomp they arent. my problem isnt that she has a collection in itself, its that she has a collection that is worth lots of money, while also talking about how much she cares about disadvantaged minorities, who could easily be helped with said money.
@whompompomp 11 дней назад
@TBgraculus sounds like some mental gymnastics to get to your end point but sure
@Slashresto 11 дней назад
what other teams fail to realise is that u gotta level up when it actually matters, G2 always turn up around playoffs with more serious attitudes.
@atila89ns 12 дней назад
Ok,the like and subscribe got me here
@yaboiaxl1216 12 дней назад
To the voice chat discussion, as cubby mentioned in league (unless perhaps you're blinded by nocturne/graves/quinn) every player on your team has the same information, so having a voice chat is not as important as it would be in a game like valorant, where everyone can only see their own point of view. Voice chat would not give you more in-game information in league. The only parts that it could possibly influence is engage timings/reengage when ults come up, but as a pleb that only plays normals, and that peaked in low gold back when I did play ranked, just pinging your ult or spamming engage pings usually solves all of the problems voice chat would supposedly solve. Also I think people vastly overestimate the amount of productive comms would happen in the average solo queue game.
@tostupidforname 12 дней назад
That is true in theory but in reality even in Master 200LP+ ppl(me included) often just play on autopilot with their screen not map. Voice chat, especially in higher elos, would skyrocket game quality. Imo the real problem is ppl wont use it.
@G2LoL 12 дней назад
Caps is him nothing more to say
@gagecoutch3284 11 дней назад
If only the region had competition for him iron sharpens iron bad ore for a league analogy but the guy belongs in lck or lpl
@08blaze83 12 дней назад
We absolutely need voice com just mute ??? I don't have time to type all game and focus on my game so much easier if I can verbally com. Why the fuck do we get one clash a month uhh riot how about 1 to 2 clash matches a day similar to rocket league
@wowJhil 12 дней назад
I hope the studio us upgraded after the sponsor tour!
@drakoheart3376 12 дней назад
I absolutely prefer a bds Vs mad bloodbath than a 'perfect game'. Entertainment is what we're watching for no?
@FerretOG 12 дней назад
Imagine voice chat in Europe :DD Most toxic place full of racists of all kinds :DD
@karanshade488 12 дней назад
the 5% of the audience that post comments on youtube or reddit are given far too much attention compared to what they represent of the overall opinions (that's a fact) , especially given the ratio of toxicity vs relevance that the inputs usually have (that's an opinion)
@qualquercoisa3453 11 дней назад
well how are we supposed to know how the other 95% feel if they don't post anything?
@yasuoarima6022 12 дней назад
Giniro 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@chs5321 12 дней назад
Im about tired of Cubby never being in the thumbnail. You better have him in the next thumbnail or you will be hearing from my lawyers.
@truebeliever401 12 дней назад
Found cubby's burner
@Cubbyxx 12 дней назад
@@truebeliever401 And now his main :>
@robd7219 12 дней назад
@chs5321 11 дней назад
@@Cubbyxx ur my GOAT
@Cubbyxx 11 дней назад
@@chs5321 Don't make it too obvious
@davidbunyai2294 12 дней назад
I love womenrights in Saudi
@Khaled-bs7zc 9 дней назад
Gini is trying so hard to play both sides. Is she even a real person?