Gracie Bradenton jiu-jitsu
Gracie Bradenton jiu-jitsu
Gracie Bradenton jiu-jitsu
Our goal here at the Gracie Bradenton channel is to help you become a better BJJ athlete, whether its for sport, MMA, or self defense. It is our mission to show and breakdown technique, as well answer as many questions as we can to help you have a better understanding of not only the physical side of BJJ but the mental side as well.
How to do the short choke
3 года назад
How to Do a Knee Bar and Toe Hold
3 года назад
How to Escape Kesa Gatame
3 года назад
Big fish small pond, the 70/30 rule!
3 года назад
3 Ways to Escape The Mount
3 года назад
How to Escape the Arm-Bar!
3 года назад
How To Do Reverse Triangle Choke
3 года назад
How BJJ Translates To Self Defense?
3 года назад
How to pin the bottom half guard.
3 года назад
What does each belt rank mean?
3 года назад
Struggling with Stronger lower belts?
3 года назад
Do you Deserve your Rank?
3 года назад
How to do a Closed Guard Arm Bar
3 года назад
Why You're not getting Promoted.
3 года назад
what should BJJ white belts focus on.
3 года назад
@kevsrevc9780 2 месяца назад
Naw mans balls in ur face That why am buy gun for protection not practice man balls in face
@victorcanelas5519 2 месяца назад
Islam did it against Dan Hooker
@dontspeak2994 2 месяца назад
Tea bag kimura
@rachidt2764 2 месяца назад
Once you have the triangle locked, push down his right hand towards his right hip with ypur right hand. It's a super easy finish
@Armin.89 2 месяца назад
Every finish is easy for you guys, you dont have to worry about pregnancy... 😂
@Strat_da_G 2 месяца назад
Tackle and grapple
@digital_harry 2 месяца назад
I have been told that Beans and cabbage are forbidden for jiujitsu fighters.
@micaylapresley Год назад
My coach was sandbagging me and promoted me to purple the day after I told him I was leaving to train closer to home. I was blue for 7 years and destroying purples at other gyms. It killed my motivation and self-esteem until I was finally free. It's better to be promoted and work on improvement than to be held back too long and spin your wheels.
@AyItzJohn Год назад
Love it. Great details. Thanks, man!
@Jiu-JitsuJourney257 Год назад
I’m a three stripe blue. And I’m competing in 11 days. I’m about to find out if I deserve it or not.
@FR-ty5vn Год назад
Love Danaher, Kesting, Ryan instructionals, and I’d add Roy Dean to that list… I’m gonna look for that No Gi instructional…my instructor’s a Royce black belt, love training the Gracie way…
@NIkkiNunyuh Год назад
@FR-ty5vn Год назад
Like 27 is old 😂😂😂😂 - 56 in 2 months 3 Stripe Purple belt…
@FR-ty5vn Год назад
100% - now that we’ve been training Gi 2 weeks, then No Gi 2 weeks, I believe the best training for the streetz is both.
@FR-ty5vn Год назад
Perfect Answer…!!! ❤
@FR-ty5vn Год назад
I love 💗 this…
@BmoreSanDaKng Год назад
If i only have the luxury lol but seriously.... since turning blue the purples and browns seek me out as their 70% lol. Great advice i needed to hear. Thanks
@TheUnknown-yx8zc Год назад
Very good advice it took me about three years to get my blue belt. Im a little bit of a slow learner but I had an awesome time as a white belt. I never cared about ranks or anything like that. I care about learning new things and keeping in good physical shape. I never understood why people were always such in a rush to get promoted. Take your time and have fun with the sport.
@ButtScootBJJ Год назад
I have never mentioned a promotion to my Professor, but if I’ve been training full time for 7 years and I’m still a Blue Belt, I’d either do some soul searching and examine how bad I suck, or go talk to my Professor about what I have to do to get to Purple. It normally takes someone about 10 years to get a Black Belt, so at 7 years I should be a multiple stripe Purple pushing the boundaries toward Brown. Either this dude only trains 2 to 3 days a week and isn’t progressing as much as he should, or he’s moved around to different academies, his coach is sandbagging him because he’s tough on promotions or he outright sucks. But judging by what other Black Belts are saying, he’s legit. If you’re ready, you’re ready. I’ve heard that some Professors want to sandbag students so they go compete and crush their competitors lol. Like, a legit Purple Belt masquerading and impostering as a Blue Belt and absolutely spanking legit Blue Belts, just to bring home trophies, medals and titles back to the academy and attract more students.
@sarahpak7934 Год назад
I trained Kung Fu for 5 years and when I was sparing 4.5 years in, the Sifu told me to stop using the Kung Fu I learned in sparring. He said that Kung Fu would never work in a street fight. I was like…. Wait, why am I here then? I started doing Jiu Jitsu and boxing. I now feel like I would actually be able to defend myself 😂
@nathandrake9129 Год назад
Just leave and find another gym, its not school or uni, you don't have to be there. If you are paying for something and not enjoying it, just quit, no one is forcing you to be there.
@Guywithair2 Год назад
I've been on the mats for about 2.5 years. I took a 6 year break after 1.5 years. I came back and 4 months later got my blue belt. Boy I did not feel like I deserved it. My defense was awesome.. but my submission I barely remembered any. I've been a blue about 9 months now and I definitely feel like I do the belt justice. I can see purple in the distance!
@Jindsing Год назад
Size and strength play a big factor in jiu jitsu. The fear is of a possible "demotion" which should never be the case. Nothing to be ashamed of being tapped by younger and stronger dudes.
@tededo Год назад
I've just found your video. The issue in BJJ is that lot of acadmies are plagued with belts, medals and trophees, as if bjjers lacked proper balance encouragments and motivations for the last years of their lives. That's how I see, cause really in the end, collecting stuffs wont do any good, maybe it pampers people's minds. Lot of jiujiteiros want to be pampered rather than paying themselves few visits to the therapist counselor.
@tededo Год назад
THAT SMALL detail, is going to make a world of difference to my choking game. I choke a lot, but with this, I'll have more ennemies. Damn it.
@notjonathan7857 Год назад
ive been caught in that americana in a tournament, failed the escape. can confirm the elbow does in fact explode.
@bobbydabutcha Год назад
Both my skillset and mindset changes so much through the years I watch these videos as a White belt into about a year as Blue belt. I can see and feel myself changing even just a year into my new rank. I can imagine myself being a Purple belt in a year and a half from now and changing dramatically from the date of this comment and into the future looking back at this moment. I am most excited about Purple belt due to the skill gap between Blue and Purple. Most of all I want to be effective and DANGEROUS from all positions. That and I am now adding in MMA striking classes and Judo into the mix, along with some Wrestling specifically for BJJ/MMA. More important than earning my Purple belt in a year and a half from now, I will be WELL ROUNDED and competent Jiu Jitsu Fighter.
@isoxhorse4978 Год назад
I have been focused on being better at jiu jistu after my first tournament. I think it gave me clarity on my goals and what is realistic. You could be a blue belt getting beat by most white belts or you could be a blue belt that doesn’t have very many white belts working any position on them. I want to be my rank and not just carry it. To me there is no point of having a blue belt if you are struggling with most white belts you come across. Overall though, I am more focused on becoming the best grappler in my weight class, winning tournaments and tapping bigger/stronger opponents.
@cunn1n6ham Год назад
I know why…..cause I suck! But I’m happy to be there :-)
@biggooba6706 Год назад
you focus on what your bad at obviously!?
@mr_hejl Год назад
If your a Blue Belt beginner and you ask your coach what am i missing in my game. Their response will be......"you need to work on everything".......all of it....lol
@thebuzzcjc Год назад
Thank you great explanation
@Stuckofftherealness Год назад
If you are fortunate to be at a gym that the owner/coach teaches class then opens the mat up for rolls then walks out every day. Don’t expect to get promoted any time soon.
@40tired Год назад
I'm 51 year old black belt. Struggling lately with people I've always beaten. A very very tough lesson in keeping perspective and my ego in check. Jiu jitsu introduces you to how to lose and being humble as well as the many wins I've had.
@ninodog10309 Год назад
These are great posts. You should keep doing them
@genofila8943 Год назад
1) just because it’s in your thoughts doesn’t mean it’s the only or central thought. 2) your professor could also not be paying attention and not care. 3) a clear path to progress is something a professional would provide .
@vrviking8930 Год назад
You still banging that dudes wife??
@katokianimation Год назад
Top 5 reasons why you don't get promoted Number 5: you are socially akward and don't dare to tell to your insturctor you are washing out your stripe and he promoted you to a 1 strip white belt for the 5th times Number 4: they are holding you back to get a gold medal in competition Number 3: they hate your gut Number 2: you never showing up at promotion day Number 1: you suck!
@tinkywinky3680 Год назад
Started at 44, 47 now, and a 2 stripe Blue belt. Best decision I ever made was to walk through the door at Guardian JiuJitsu in Michigan. Never too late.
@joootooobboosheet2486 2 года назад
Blue belt: trying not to get your ass kicked, and hopefully trying to get a few submissions along the way. Sounds about right.