Ryan Wuzer
Ryan Wuzer
Ryan Wuzer
I react and commentate to videos about Europe, mainly the UK! Thanks for subscribing
American reacts to EUROPEANS in AMERICA
Месяц назад
@Shonisto343 2 минуты назад
You look so done with your countrymen😅
@ironside210 2 минуты назад
As a driver, the best thing about roundabouts is the fact that, at times of lower traffic density, there is no delay at all. Any other time, delays are minimised. Mind you, at very high traffic loads, one dominant traffic stream can clag up the other entry points. .
@DorianMauleon 6 минут назад
Hello there from Bilbao/Spain. Yes we do!
@ab1372 8 минут назад
We do NOT eat pizza with a fork and knife!
@scarnoir6566 10 минут назад
Pizza with fork and knife? You get beaten in Germany for even trying
@LynxLord1991 20 минут назад
I mean to be fair to you I cant pinpoint the Eastern European one either the west is easy enough but east is a mess
@mennobults6464 22 минуты назад
One inch is 2.5 centimeters.
@altaripa8130 23 минуты назад
Pizza are not cut in restaurant, only pizza délibérer to your house are. 😉
@mennobults6464 27 минут назад
I feel so sorry for you, but I know that our Government is more stupid. We all saw the American health system fail and what the f... did our Government do? They copied it. And yes, it is failing over here as well. Is that smart? Go figure. By the way, Is 5,5 inch enough? A 5.5 inch tongue would be spectacular.
@x_hibernia 32 минуты назад
Porto Rico is a American colony, you invaded the Spanish took the island and never handed it back to the natives, know your history America
@ioannala7804 37 минут назад
I mean I'm a european and I don't know Farenheit and feet😅 maybe we should all learn though
@brittaniesemper5000 37 минут назад
Someone asked me if I was celebrating my first Halloween when I was staying with a guy in the states. I was like…well no, we have Halloween too. It’s a North American thing - blew their mind. Edit: I’m Canadian.
@lilingify 46 минут назад
thanks for pointing out the loss of free movement in the Schengen Area! I am traveling by car through Europe since 2 years and it annoys me to death when we are getting in police or custom controls and have to show our ID's and they want to look and step inside our car (which is our home now so it kinda feels like a violation of my private space). That's not the thing EU and Schengen stands for but most ppl will just say "i don't have anything to hide so why would i care?" or "it's because of terrorism!"...yeah sure... that's why those "safety measures" do the most damage to the normal citizens and not to the real bad boys -_- but well, it's the new normal right?
@McGhinch 49 минут назад
It is better to have something that is not perfect but finished than to have something that is perfect but unfinished. You can always improve the finished version to be closer to perfection.
@sowitapid 49 минут назад
These American tourists should know, that the equivalent to the Kings Guard would be something like the Guards at the Tomb of the unknown Soldier. It is the highest protocol duty there is in the armed forces. Imagine the Outrage, if tourists would make fun of them or trying to provoke them for Instagram clout.
@kio6697 Час назад
Il nome dato al 'Taglio cesareo'' ha origini dalla Roma antica.
@hitago4551 Час назад
I dont know what the hell shes talking about, but as long as i remember Germany belongs to Europe and most of the things she said are not even close to common in Germany.
@Zarniwooper Час назад
I do eat pizza with knife and fork because I dont like my hands get greasy, and i'm used to it. Ketchup in pizza is just... What!?!? Mayo although... So yummy.
@Gamepak Час назад
yes its called metric system
@llodavid Час назад
A person from the US I was chatting with was amazed I was from Belgium. Couldn't wrap his head around the fact that people outside the US actually had computers.
@dasbertl Час назад
Never saw anyone in Germany using Ketchup and Mayo on Pizza... its somewhat disgusting
@sawomirmarnotrawny1694 Час назад
i just love a confusion on ur face some times.
@alistairbolden6340 Час назад
If you're going to a large pub in the middle of a city you will get ID checked as a teen, but if its a country pub or a small town they won't. Collage teens are a huge part of their busyness, When I went to collage our local was full of 16/17 year olds and non of us were ever asked for ID.
@niki-lq9nv Час назад
Most cool stuff invented in America not even invented from Americans
@Skrallslim Час назад
I could never live in the US, and afford the treatment i get in Norway. Since I have arthritis the medication I get (Enbrel) cost $7800 in the US, here it cost $850 for a 4 weeks dosage. But I get for free :)
@la-go-xy Час назад
4:55 Since you don't see it, segregation is very successful! Didn't you react on some vid about suburbs, red lining and how poorer quarters help finance sprawl? It has structiral elements. And: Slaves didn't come, they were brought. Red indians were already there. Melting pot did not work so well for them.
@mennobults6464 Час назад
There are idiots all over the world.
@MetalGuitarTimo Час назад
i really dont understand how you can work the whole year. i get a burn out after every 3 month at work :D
@Arjay404 Час назад
15:12 the reason you might see more roundabouts in rural areas is because the roundabout doesn't require any power to run, even if we add some lamppost for lighting which would require power, you could just put a couple of solar panels on top of those post to power the light. Traffic lights on the other hand require a lot more power, one because there are more of them needed at a intersection, 2 because they need to be powered at all times and 2 because they need a control box to run it. Another reason roundabouts may be more common in rural areas as opposed to downtowns areas actually comes down to one of the (minor) downsides of a roundabout and that is that it requires slightly more space. In rural areas free space is abundant so you can easily put down a roundabout, whereas in a downtown area you might need to knocked down a couple of buildings.
@MarquisBS Час назад
What really rubs me wrong about most Americans talking about Metric is their argument of "But someone made this up too!" and that is exactly the vibe I get from the video you watched. Well yeah someone had to "define" the Meter, but just like you said it is still based on hard numbers and the later revisions made sure we base those measurements on physical things that have the least inconsistencies. That's what the Metric system is about. Being consistent, which the Imperial system is not (or well the old system wasn't). Todays Imperial is now standardised and rooted in Metric as well, but the arbitrary Units within are honestly bonkers. It's like for me as a programmer choosing to program in the esoteric code language "Brainfuck" and saying it's better just because I'm used to it.
@IamtherealDodger67 2 часа назад
Belgium! Already!
@GazGaryGazza 2 часа назад
The British eat with a knife and fork, never ever a fork and knife
@larrycable1827 2 часа назад
You add knob jockey or fuck knuckle
@alistairbolden6340 2 часа назад
Most people outside of America do not really consider the USA to be a developed nation, bits of the USA are but most is not. If you look at northern Europe almost every river is man made, the nations are cries-crossed by thousands of canals and train lines, they have dense populations and are far more developed. Most of the USA is still wild with large cities at natural shoreline harbours or inland river bends. American cities are generally placed where nature allows them to be, Europeans have mastered nature long ago and shaped it to be the way they want European's simply have had a lot more time to shape their counties. The USA is much closer to China or Eastern Russia than it is Europe.
@popeye807 2 часа назад
let's watch him try and keep his eyes on a spin bowler's ball.
@chriswharton 2 часа назад
Make America Great Again. Elect Ryan.
@stevieinselby 2 часа назад
To most Europeans, the typical American "deep dish" pizza would be considered a loaf of bread rather than a pizza. A proper pizza 🍕 is very thin and if you try to pick a slice up by the crust it is floppy and very difficult to eat with your hands without making an almighty mess. It isn't normal to get your leftovers boxed up to go (although plenty of places will do if you ask them to, depending on what food it is!) because when one person orders food they get enough food to feed one person for one meal.
@lesbird1041 2 часа назад
Man, I could talk to you for 10 minutes for each clip to explain all that's happening. The complexity and nuance of cricket never ceases to amaze - and I love that.
@Pidalin 2 часа назад
I don't know what did rest of the world think of the American Civil War, but we definitely learn about that in schools and it takes pretty high amount of hours just for your civil war, it's comparable to Napoleonic wars or french revolution.
@warrengday 2 часа назад
Why is the Falkland Islands number 2? Look into the Falkland Islands War in the 1980s.
@MarquisBS 2 часа назад
07:53 Thank you for immediately pointing this out! As an non American it seems you guys over there most of the time don't realise how it is outside of a car (which I could be wrong about). 11:05 This lake is the Plansee and is in the north west of Austria :) While they do speak a flavour of german there it is quite different. You can distinguish Austria from Germany by the size of the mountains. These are definitely Alps-sized. What can be more difficult is to distinguish Switzerland from Austria just by looking at the an image without knowing the location. Because the Alps stretch over both countries (plus France, Italy and a small part of Slovenia). 14:33 Cows are always domesticated here (unless your deer are also domesticated? Would be a new fact to me). If you see them in buisy areas roaming the roads they are usually guided and in groups. The only time you'll find them unsupervised is typically when you are out on the country side (not inside a small village or town).
@mariutschOoO 2 часа назад
Driving age in Europe: most countries 17 with parents in passenger seat - 18 without
@fahey7335 2 часа назад
Not even that. Henry Ford made a trip in the early 1900s to northern Italy Turín which was the hub of car manufacturing (think modern Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, etc) and was impressed by series manufacturing. He then applied it in USA, admittedly in a larger scale. Ford started in 1913, FIAT had been series building cars since 1899. IGNORANT! The Volt is named so _in Honour_ of Alessandro Volta. Enrico Fermi was *ITALIAN* Oppenheimer was GERMAN, the Atomic Bomb was a GERMAN invention, only they didn't build one. Theory behind it came from Einstein, a GERMAN Physicist. You skipped an important one, the TRANSISTOR (US). VERY POORLY RESEARCHED VIDEO.
@Messy4MentalHealth 2 часа назад
I was in Time Square (New York) for New Year’s Eve 2003. Trying to spread Anglo-American relations, I asked a random guy where he was from. The conversation went like this… Him ‘I’m from Detroit, where are you from?’ Me ‘I’m from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿’ Him ‘Where’s that?’ Me (Somewhat shocked) It’s part of a little island 3000 miles across the Atlantic’ He looked blankly at me and walked off…
@DavidCsikkel 3 часа назад
Funny, it seems to you weird to call US "America", but in the same time you call all US citizens "Americans" 🤷‍♂️ Let us call you USes... Or Yankies again 😆
@SuzieQ70 3 часа назад
In fact bad video to watch Europeans are not one culture But silly really to bunch us all together
@SuzieQ70 3 часа назад
Pizza fork knife ( nooooooo)
@j7ndominica051 3 часа назад
Electric air cooling sucks up a ton of energy, regardless who invented it. The time for cheap energy is over. I love the last entry. I'm surprised the video hasn't been taken down for it.
@Onnarashi 3 часа назад
I've literally never eaten pizza with a knife and fork in my entire 41 years on this Earth (I'm Norwegian). Maybe some fancy restaurants have you use a knife and fork, but otherwise I've literally never seen that in my life. I've put ketchup on pizza though (only on frozen pizza, not in a restaurant). I also find it odd when someone else bags your groceries. Not a thing in Norway. Here in Norway grocery stores (and possibly other stores) sell these reusable carrier bags that look like they're made out of nylon (probably not as that's not good for the environment) or something like felt or other fabric, so it's not the same crunchy material as the one she showed. For casual drinking, isn't it illegal (maybe not in every State?) to drink openly in public with the alcohol showing? I thought you were required to conceal the bottle or can of alcohol with something like a paper bag. I literally never say "America" and am the exact opposite. In fact, I find the way people use "America" for the USA to be annoying (sorry Ryan). I don't understand other Europeans who say "America" when they mean the USA. I can get "United States" feeling weird and foreign in your own language (I never say it in Norwegian), but you can surely say "USA"? We say "USA" in Norwegian (Norwegian pronunciation). All I do is drink water from the faucet (tap). I've never bought bottled water in my life. I don't know about Germany, but maybe they (the American who wrote that) have this idea based on going to German restaurants, because they only serve bottled water there. At home, I'd bet most Germans drink the water from their faucets, like we do here in Norway. Smoking depends hugely on the country. In Norway there's very little public smoking. You'll see it but it's not very common. In other countries it might be much more common. Lastly, McDonald's might be more expensive (compared to average wages) in Slovenia (where she's from) than it is in other European countries, because here in Norway it's cheaper than most other restaurants (maybe barring some small Chinese restaurant with cheap menu options).
@annacederwall3309 3 часа назад
Not a lot of smokers where I live in Sweeden. More in Italy when was there. Un Sweeden and Finland we love tapwater and it tastes good.