University of Washington School of Medicine
University of Washington School of Medicine
University of Washington School of Medicine
The UW School of Medicine is a five-state regional medical school focusing on serving under-resourced and rural communities in Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. #WWAMI
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5 месяцев назад
2023 UWSOM graduation for Instagram
9 месяцев назад
UWSOM TRUST 2020 Graduates
4 года назад
@Lennybird91 3 дня назад
This deserves a million views. Thank you for your work.
@janycebrown4071 2 месяца назад
I'm in a Canadian study regarding the C Diff bacteria. I will give a brief overview of how I caught C Diff. I ended up going to emergency in July 2023.I was bleeding internally! I found out that the bleeding was due to stress! I stayed in the hospital for a week, and I received iron daily to rebuild the blood that I lost. While I was at the hospital I contracted the C Diff bacteria! To make a long story short, I received a FMT ( fecal microflora transplant) a month ago,and I am grateful for the opportunity to get my new microflora 🌝 I feel like a new person mentally AND physically ❤
@ryanmarshall8758 3 месяца назад
Very informative. Great, easy to follow speaker. But, why on earth do so many in these fields dodge questions like "what medical specialty should we see next?" Can't say it out loud? Is there some kind of secret handshake? I am currently desperately seeking similar medical help and competent medical help always seems to be just out of reach. I can read about it, but not find it. I did really enjoy the presentation though. Thanks
@khouanheuanesengkhamyong400 4 месяца назад
i am happy to see this video, i am working in the Ministry of Health in Lao PDR where we are facing of undernutrion in Children under 5 and in women of reproductive age. I love discovering new information about how to prevent malnutrition both undernutrition and overnutrition especially when we talk about gut nutrition. I will follow your channel , thank you (Khop Jai der)
@dianagale581 6 месяцев назад
He finally said it’s the food lobby! That’s most of it! The food industry is poisonings us, especially the poor!
@jezzystar9953 6 месяцев назад
This answered so many questions, wish I was there 🤓
@debrabraz6258 6 месяцев назад
can you be on carnivore or keto and use synbiotics?
@PhilWhelanNow 2 месяца назад
Absolutely, get or better still, start your own fermentation processes. Foods and drinks like kefir and kombucha. Make lacto ferments with a dozen different ingredients. Don’t get hung up on animal products or metabolic pathways. That’s not what you need. The natural world has been providing us with a wide range of nutritious components - and a wide range of foods is what gives you the most diverse microbiome, which makes for a more stable microbiome and healthy human ‘Supra organism’.
@damham5689 6 месяцев назад
Cant wait for all this tax payer funded research to be given to for profit pharma so those in need of it can pay extreme amounts of money for treatments.
@tiba8973 7 месяцев назад
I’ve lost my cord for my Sota magnetic purser. How can I get another one? I don’t see it in products in your web page…
@user-ow6ti1ej2m 8 месяцев назад
Got video but no audio.
@WFPBFORLIFE 9 месяцев назад
Humans cannot create magic pills or vitamins that outperform mother nature. Whole Foods!
@WFPBFORLIFE 9 месяцев назад
Governments need to stop supporting the businesses that are killing people. Huge subsidies have been going to animal ag and big pharma for decades.
@WFPBFORLIFE 9 месяцев назад
Use a color coding system like green, yellow, and red foods possibly 4 or 5 colors.
@WFPBFORLIFE 9 месяцев назад
If the inflection point started in the 70's it seems about the time processed foods prior to this time turned into profits that health started down a slippery slope
@johnhollar6001 9 месяцев назад
Such an informative presentation. It deserves a bigger audience.
@reimaravalk7679 10 месяцев назад
Very insightful presentation. Thank you very much, Dr. DAMMAN
@johnhollar6001 11 месяцев назад
One of the best presentations I've seen on this general topic. I'm wfpb 77 yo and have heard hundreds of presentations on this.
@deborahdean8867 11 месяцев назад
It's no big mystery causing these things. High fructose corn syrup is on about everything. So are hydrogenated and altered fats. Them there are forever chemicals. All these are known to be endocrine disrupters and that alone leads to obesity and diabetes and heart disease. Not only that, but our soil microbiome is depleted , and vegetable have less vitamins and minerals than 50 years ago.
@rouxchat6033 5 месяцев назад
Agree with you 100-percent. It is getting more and more challenging to not only find healthy foods but to be able to afford them. 😢
@christinechurch8181 11 месяцев назад
Why can’t grammas teach cooking?
@sarahadera8443 Год назад
This will be me
@BigIrvB Год назад
Nearly 95% of overdose deaths involved illicitly manufactured fentanyls,* heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine (alone or in combination) Illicitly manufactured fentanyls, heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine (alone or in combination) were involved in nearly 95% of drug overdose deaths in 24 states and the District of Columbia during January-June 2021. Prescribing limits separately proposed by the CDC have been directly repudiated by the American Medical Association and other professional medical associations representing over half of all physicians and medical students. The AMA has also advocated against the practice of “high prescriber” letters from State Medical Boards and Prosecutors’ offices, as a violation of due process and a deliberate effort to blacklist patients and doctors. • The 2016 CDC Guidelines were fatally flawed on facts, on science and on medical ethics. They should be immediately withdrawn with a public apology to the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) you have harmed, and to the surviving families of thousands who have committed suicide after being overwhelmed by untreated pain that you have directly caused. • Some patients go so far as to assert that CDC fits the definition of a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization, having been bribed by the insurance industry to maximize profits at the entirely predictable cost of patient disablement and death. In a more just world, CDC senior management would face both civil and criminal prosecution for fraudulent misrepresentation and careless disregard for consequences in your profound misdirection of public policy on regulation of prescription opioid analgesics. • Although CDC officials have asserted that current restrictions on prescription opioids represent a “misreading” of Guideline content, that assertion rings hollow. The over-restrictive reactions of the DEA, DoJ, State governments and medical boards were entirely predictable in advance and appear to have been intended by the CDC core experts group. The FDA presently has declared no maximum safe dose limits for almost all commonly used opioid analgesics. Prescribing limits separately proposed by the CDC have been directly repudiated by the American Medical Association and other professional medical associations representing over half of all physicians and medical students. The AMA has also advocated against the practice of “high prescriber” letters from State Medical Boards and Prosecutors’ offices, as a violation of due process and a deliberate effort to blacklist patients and doctors. Details of the CDC deliberation process and the biases and financial conflicts of interest of core expert group contributors have been buried behind a stone wall of non-disclosure, despite multiple Freedom of Information Act requests. The public recognizes that CDC is outright lying, as are many fringe element zealots from organizations such as PROP and Shatterproof, whose unsupported opinions you have incorporated as public policy. Thousands of patients and medical professionals demand that you engage with reality and reverse course. In various forms and forums, patient stakeholders have voiced all of the following points. Each is fully supportable from published medical and popular literature. ● Prescription opioid analgesic therapy is safe and effective for the great majority of patients treated under medical supervision. Prescription opioids do not fully “eliminate” pain. But for millions, they are the only measures that substantially improve quality of life and function, allowing patients some measure of “normal” life outside their own beds. ● There is no cause and effect relationship between rates of opioid prescribing versus rates of either addiction or overdose-related mortality. Published data of the CDC itself directly contradicts this silly notion. Restrictions imposed on opioid production by the US DEA -- with tacit CDC backing -- have created widespread shortages of both injectable and oral analgesics, causing hospice patients with terminal cancer to die in untreated agony and delaying needed surgeries in those with acute pain. Patients routinely face pharmacy “shortages” and delays in filling legitimate prescriptions. Covid-19 patients face shortages of analgesics required for effective use of respirators. ● America’s public health crisis with opioid addiction and mortality is real, but not an “epidemic”. The term “opioid epidemic” was invented out of thin air, to justify the entry of CDC into medical policy making where it has no resident expertise and no legal charter. This invention was deliberate, in a politically inspired effort to do an end-run around the refusal of FDA to embrace misrepresentations of fringe element anti-opioid advocates in PROP petitions to restrict availability of opioids. ● The American public health crisis is dominated by illegal street drugs, particularly but not exclusively illegal fentanyl and heroin. The contribution of diverted prescription drugs to overdose mortality is so small that it gets lost in the noise. In multiple large scale demographic studies, best estimates of mortality attributable to prescription opioids are in the range of 0.02% for all patients at all doses, rising to the range 0.25-0.5% per year for the very small numbers who are managed at doses from 100 to above 500 MMED. Overdose mortality is dominated by self-administered poly-pharmacy involving alcohol and street drugs. Even when a prescription opioid is found, it is only rarely traceable to a State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, and almost never the only contributing cause of death. Mortality from prescription opioids is less than observed for other prescription drugs routinely administered in medical disorders like post-stroke atrial fibrillation. ● As acknowledged in published work of Dr Nora Volkow (Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse) and her colleagues, prescribing is not a predictable cause of patient addiction or mortality. ● Opioid use disorder is diagnosed in previously opioid-naïve post-surgical patients less than 0.6% of the time in follow up periods averaging 2.5 years. This rate is very likely inflated by the hostile regulatory environment, with doctors using the diagnosis to justify discharge of patients whom they perceive as a risk for attracting government persecution and license challenges. ● The US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has admitted that no presently available risk profiling instrument provides useful predictive accuracy for bad outcomes (dependency, addiction, or mortality) in individuals treated with prescription opioids. HHS “over-utilizer” profiling is similarly non-predictive. What AHRQ and HHS do not acknowledge is that this lack of predictive usefulness is a direct and natural consequence of the wide range in minimum effective opioid dose levels, due to genetics of metabolism. Patients may experience pain reduction at doses that vary between 20 and over 1,000 morphine milligram equivalents per day (MMED). Thus MMED is not now and never will be a useful measure of maximum safe dose for all patients. There is no one size fits all measure of merit in opioid prescribing. ● There are no published studies establishing positive outcomes from doctor-initiated or legally mandated tapering of opioid therapy, in patients who are otherwise well maintained on a medically supervised treatment plan. To the contrary, there are numerous patient reports of disastrous outcomes from involuntary or coerced tapering. FDA has acknowledged widespread medical collapses and suicides due to unmanageable breakthrough pain. Involuntary tapering of a patient in pain is never justified, even if they display indications of addiction. ● There are no published trials verifying “non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive alternatives” as replacements for opioid therapy. The most that can be said for such alternatives is that they may be helpful for some patients, some of the time, as additions to a program of opioids, NSAIDs, off-label antidepressant therapy or anticonvulsant therapy. And even in this role, use of NSAIDs is not risk free; hundreds of hospital admissions occur every year for liver toxicity, kidney failure or cardiac irregularities caused by high doses of Tylenol or Ibuprofen. ● In the absence of proven alternatives to opioid therapy, a policy of denying opioids to either legacy or new patients is unjustified and irresponsible to the extreme. But this is precisely the policy which CDC has advocated and supported.
@victormendez3784 Год назад
Great job! I have the honor to have worked with Dr. Caleb Banta-Green and it is my great privilege to call him my friend and work associate. He does so much great work in this field along with everyone there at University of Washington-Addiction, Drugs & Alcohol Institute (ADAI)
@christinacorcoran607 Год назад
why am i the only one who has commented on this? good job
@mcbrinton Год назад
What a wonderful tradition!! Congratulations to these tremendous incoming students.
@bill8904 3 года назад
WSU gave their graduates an in person commencement. This seems shameful for the students that risked their health and wellbeing to be in the hospital without vaccines after returning to clerkships. SHAME ON THE UW!
@miss.BB. 3 года назад
Congratulations Dr. Enock Adjei🎈🎊
@scottmccornack5312 3 года назад
Dr. J! We couldn’t be more proud of this accomplishment-and (more importantly), of the grit and determination you maintained to get here. Now-go love and serve your community, and our world.
@yosefestifanos1539 3 года назад
Yessir Ermias
@sjkeshian 3 года назад
Congratulations to all the UWSOM/Idaho WWAMI students. It's been a pleasure getting to know you these past years. Here's to your bright futures! 💜💛
@torreynash7020 3 года назад
Way to go Tan! We are so proud of you!
@judithdiraddo4162 3 года назад
Congratulations, Mike Middleton...that box of bandaids I have you when you were 5 has paid off!! Love, Judy
@disneydao6178 3 года назад
Congratulations to our daughter, Belle Ngo. We’re very proud of you Love you very much.
@jantakasugi4076 3 года назад
Congratulations Dr. Jordan Takasugi!!! We’re so proud of you! 🎊❤️👍
@jamieresnick5164 3 года назад
Congrats big brother, Dr. Jesse Resnick! Long time coming, enjoy your great accomplishment!
@annabmcd 3 года назад
Congrats to the best uncle, brother, brother in law, son, and now doctor: COREY AMBROSE! We love you!!!
@Don-uf5pb 3 года назад
Congratulations Dr. Belle Ngô. From chú Duong Mập and Mami Bảo Đẹp.
@ItalyAlaska 3 года назад
Congratulations to Daryl Nicole (Nicki) Jordan! You Rock!
@marilynfife3131 3 года назад
Congratulations to our grandson, Ethan Hansen, we are so very proud of the hard work and accomplishments you made❤️🙏
@EthanHansenJ 3 года назад
Thanks Grandma, grateful to you and everyone who's supported MJ and me :) To God be the Glory <3
@fscott9477 3 года назад
Congrats Dr. Marie Caufield. So proud of you. ❤️ Mom
@dilu774 3 года назад
Belle, Congratulations for your achievement! Very proud of you. Lu family
@sharoncarey9998 3 года назад
Congratulations Mike Middleton - wouldn't miss this for the world xo
@michaelsavage3422 3 года назад
Congratulations Corey with much love from all the family here in the Bay Area
@goapldjon4330 4 года назад
service Utify.io is excellent for promotion, in which you can inexpensively place in RU-vid ads. -'
@farronsmith6442 4 года назад
I am in awe of Dr. Goodell's beautiful and inspiring commencement speech! Congratulations graduates.
@hdeust 4 года назад
Congratulations 🎉 Dr David OLSEN ! You made it. May the Lord bless your new career as physician. Congratulations to everyone for your accomplishments. From : Henri-David EUSTACHE
@mindfulmatron 4 года назад
Congratulations Dr. David Olsen our brilliant son-in-law! You will be a fine doctor.
@lisavdg9418 4 года назад
Congratulations Hank!!!
@heliacadore4029 4 года назад
Congratulations, Amanda dos Santos. Your relatives and friends in Brazil are really proud of you. God bless you and your classmates.
@pwtgteam904 4 года назад
Congratulations to Dr. Katie Bergus!! We love you and so proud of you!!
@necitodelacruz4302 4 года назад
Congratulation to all the new graduates from the University of School of Medicine especially to my niece Dr. Erin Dela Cruz.