The Existential Groove
The Existential Groove
The Existential Groove
@AmogUs-q1j День назад
We’re stuck homies. damned if you do damned if you dont. First lesson of buddhism is that to attempt to abandon the self is a selfish act
@billyLego4855 2 дня назад
I guess i have an ego, but its not some superiority complex, i dont think..... yeah this discussion video been circling with me abit.
@billyLego4855 4 дня назад
I mean like creativity and desire to make something. The ego is a desire, but it actually is authenticity, to play. To be creative of one self, to explore who someone is, as a person. I loved the music you made and I listen too them at times. Feeling uncomfortable, I really didn't see that off you how you express what you were making. But you felt uncomfortable, a superiority, a part that felt shame, hurt, a part of you that felt it shouldn't be there. Maybe you felt like you were hurting someone? I didn't feel that but it's how you felt maybe. The ego, yeah it's very erratic or won't stay in one place, it wants to roar out what it needs to get out of its system. From what your saying, I've had this wrestle with myself of what I do, but I just let go and do it. Everyone is exploring who they are. And maybe your trying to see things that want to address when you look back. Something might be clear too you and what you actually want.
@korpiz 4 дня назад
I really enjoyed hearing this perspective.
@alrightythen7156 5 дней назад
Thanks !
@John-sh7rr 6 дней назад
Virtue signaling is only an illiterate phrase and easily debunkable myth. A person who is always ashamed of their own stupidity, and takes measures against it as a priority in their life, is the only person who has understanding of the good.
@John-sh7rr 6 дней назад
As far as a superiority complex goes, by biological fact, we are designed to become superior to our environment. Looking at what mankind has done to the environment, how do think that is going for any of us?
@John-sh7rr 6 дней назад
Virtue is no more than, as Plato noted, a thing which is doing its own work. I am now 74 years old, and have never, in my whole life, ever met a person of virtue. You make the mistake which is common among the simple minded, you think you know having never put forward the effort to make sure you know what you are talking or thinking about as to its truth. The virtue of the eyes is sight. The virtue of the ears is hearing. As Aristotle noted, taught by Plato, That which has a function exists for that function. Virtue is commensurate with function. What is the virtue of every human being? What is the work of a mind? How does it do its job? And, as Plato proved, can a person learn virtue? A mind is an information processor. All it can do is read using the bodies senses, called perception. It then processes those perceptions in order to determine the best life supporting response to the environment, when it has processes as far as it will go, it then writes back to bhe body producing one's own behavior, called human will, human personality, etc. In short, the whole process can be called literacy, reading processing and writing. There is not one correct grammar book used in educational systems today. A grammar book, by biological fact, is aimed at how one produces life supporting human behavior. You have never seen one Unless of course you have studied the JCS and the Works of Plato, However, did you ever suspect that both of these requires a minimum level of intelligence to comprehend? Language is Universal and Intelligible, Grammar is Particular and Perceptible. There are, as Plato noted only two parts of speech, and today, it is proven by the computer, Plato called it dialectic, today it is called binary information processing. Binary produces only four categories of Grammar, called a Grammar Matrix, Common Grammar, Arithmetic Algebra and Geometry, each of them is simply a method of utilizing binary to produce results. Intelligence is commensurate with one's ability to clime that four step ladder in order to produce, and know the truth, about our own behavior. You, have never even imagined it. Summing it all up: Psychology is commensurate with the principles of Language which are functionally resident in the mind as our Grammar Matrix. That above is a factual equation, by which both the Judeo Christian Scripture and the Works of Plato are based on. If you have never even sought it out, then you simply never had the intelligence to do so. So, I proven my words, I have never, in the whole of my life, met a person of virtue.
@basicseez 7 дней назад
I really enjoy how relatable your videos are, depending on the topic of course, but I'm glad you're just dropping your thoughts here for us socially shy but maybe-we'll-try-this-aswell people 💜
@mllewellyn86 8 дней назад
Ive only just started watching your videos but they are really resonating with me. They are also a little terrifying, but letting go of what we have used to comfort and protect ourselves for so long is bound to be. From one sensitive child to another - thanks for putting it out there.
@dayasharma6397 8 дней назад
The path of self awareness and self realization is filled with untold surprises and pitfalls. So unless one accepts a spiritual guide and adheres to their recommendation they are going to be trapped in the illusion of one kind or the other.
@real_pattern 9 дней назад
confusing difference with stratified value is a hell of a drug. what's most obnoxious and ignorant is asserting that "we all have" x experiences/ behavioral patterns. no we don't. individual differences are real. it's quite meaningless to dole out these pseudo-diagnostic analyses about 'people in general', no one in particular, but some imagined representation of humans amalgamated from your prior experiences and vague, speculative simulations.
@existentialgroove 9 дней назад
@@real_pattern Hi :) I operate from the belief that I’m not that special, so if I’ve had a certain experience, there are definitely others who have also felt that way, and perhaps they might benefit from hearing someone speak about it. But you’re right, perhaps it’s unjustified for me to make blanket statements. In any case, I don’t expect these videos to be meaningful to everyone. Thanks for the feedback ☺️
@warpigs330 10 дней назад
Your videos resonate very strongly with me. I have been experiencing similar things, having an artistic drive which came from a desire for acceptance. I am trying to move my motivation to a more community based one, where I am motivated to work on artistic pursuits because of the people I can do it with, and the interesting experiences that come from that.
@TheDojoMX 10 дней назад
Yeah, it is so common for people who have "deconstructed" and learned some fake spirituality to develop that faux humility that feels so much more like secret hubris and, exactly that, a superiority sense.
@greeneyedcat10110 10 дней назад
It's coming for all of us, it can't replace humanity. There are a lot more of us than there are of them.
@B_dev 10 дней назад
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! Thanks for being here 😊If you want to stay connected, vote on future video ideas, and receive the occasional extra thought piece, subscribe to my monthly newsletter here: reineorelia.ck.page/profile 💌
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! Thanks for being here 😊If you want to stay connected, vote on future video ideas, and receive the occasional extra thought piece, subscribe to my monthly newsletter here: reineorelia.ck.page/profile 💌
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! Thanks for being here 😊If you want to stay connected, vote on future video ideas, and receive the occasional extra thought piece, subscribe to my monthly newsletter here: reineorelia.ck.page/profile 💌
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! Thanks for being here 😊If you want to stay connected, vote on future video ideas, and receive the occasional extra thought piece, subscribe to my newsletter here: reineorelia.ck.page/profile 💌
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! Thanks for being here 😊If you want to stay connected, vote on future video ideas, and receive the occasional extra thought piece, subscribe to my newsletter here: reineorelia.ck.page/profile 💌
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! Thanks for being here 😊If you want to stay connected, vote on future video ideas, and receive the occasional extra thought piece, subscribe to my monthly newsletter here: reineorelia.ck.page/profile 💌
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! Thanks for being here 😊If you want to stay connected, vote on future video ideas, and receive the occasional extra thought piece, subscribe to my monthly newsletter here: reineorelia.ck.page/profile 💌
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! If this video resonated and you’re wanting more, here’s a video I made more specifically on the pitfalls of self-help culture: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lts21gdlRRY.html
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! Thanks for being here 😊If you want to stay connected, vote on future video ideas, and receive the occasional extra thought piece, subscribe to my newsletter here: reineorelia.ck.page/profile 💌
@existentialgroove 11 дней назад
Hi everyone! Thanks for being here 😊If you want to stay connected, vote on future video ideas, and receive the occasional extra thought piece, subscribe to my newsletter here: reineorelia.ck.page/profile 💌
@elizabethconley4996 11 дней назад
This scares me (in a good way)
@jaeminko4286 12 дней назад
Thanks for the video, very insightful. I grew up in Korea as an awkward, bookish teenager who never really fit in. I remember actively avoiding looking myself at the mirror for months, running away when someone was taking group photos, and obsessing about my facial asymmetries (well, this is more of an OCD thing, but I digress). I never felt lovable, recognized and accepted my "status" as if it was my fate. And then, puberty happened, I moved to the US for college, and I suddenly became attractive for some people - was she hitting on me? Holy shit, I'm getting matches on Tinder? Sure, it was a bit ironic that the only place I felt lovable was outside of my country of origin, but at the time that didn't matter, I remember feeling like I finally have some inherent value as a human being. I hate to say this, but I think our tendency to downplay the value of aesthetic beauty of humans, is in a sense a bit futile - I think it is a clear reminder that we have also evolved from animals. I learned that facial symmetry/asymmetry is strongly correlated with your health and genetic fitness, that in a lot of cultures, female "beauty standards" are/were markers of fertility - etc etc. I don't want to reduce my life down to some evolutionary biology theorem, but I've been beginning to understand why so many of us tie our sense of self-worth with conventional means of attractiveness. Anyways, thanks again for your video :)
@nocakewalk 12 дней назад
A wise man once said "it's not your fault, but it is your responsibility"
@DaveLansing-h2k 13 дней назад
Inferior women usually do.
@Sarandosil 14 дней назад
Unrelatable but genuinely interesting.
@warpigs330 14 дней назад
I'm really enjoying your videos. I am a man in my 30's and I had very similar problems with hook-up culture as you when I was young, but with the slight tweak of mainly seeing the toxic masculine side of it, and it being a little while before the feminists decided it was empowering. I would go to parties and hear other men talking about which women they are going to try to hook up with, like a competition. Totally objectifying the women. I really hated it, and it made me disgusted with the idea of the way men court women. This was the only model I had seen. So I really had no idea of how to romantically interact with women in a respectful way. Because of this I pretty much didn't ever learn how to interact with women in a romantic way, despite desiring their attention. I am so wary of coming off like a cat-caller that I just don't engage at all. Really great example of how toxic masculinity is bad for everyone.
@felt_expirience 15 дней назад
I recently started randomly going through RU-vid channels in pursuit of a desire to support good-hearted and authentic individuals who try to express themselves on this platform. That’s why I’m writing this. You are a great communicator - you tell a story but put zero pressure on the listener. This is somehow liberating and relaxing. You’re not selling anything, you’re simply sharing a story with whoever can relate to it. I really appreciate that. The topic you’ve chosen is great, and I deeply relate to it. I agree with your points. The ego vs ego frenzy that’s happening in spirituality is both amusing and sad. Society shames the ego and celebrate those who are free of it. But this only creates a desire in people to destroy the ego, which leads to even more cunning and dangerous versions of it. In the attempt to destroy the Shadow, people have decided to destroy the Light that casts it. If everything is darkness, there is no shadow, of course. But what’s the point? It’s stupid. A much wiser would be to embrace the Shadow, understand its origins, and in the end integrate it by becoming friends with that part of ourselves. Yet, religions have caused so much harm to people's minds that the idea of "befriending the darkness" sounds wrong instead of virtuous. I think there’s a great misunderstanding when it comes to the topic of the ego. People often confuse individuality (the intrinsic and natural “I”) with the part that pretends to be something it’s not (the fake “I”). I have a feeling that there are parts of yourself you think of as the ego, but in fact, they are your individuality. You are creative, intelligent, and charismatic. Is that your ego? I don’t think so. It doesn’t seem fake or forced - it feels authentic, natural, real. Perhaps instead of having a "superiority" ego, you now have an "inferiority" ego? And instead of running away from yourShadow, you are running away from your Light? In a sense, you’ve accepted the ego, but you’ve downgraded the deeper part of yourself to the level of the ego. Does it feels wrong to be who you truly are, which is enlightened/awakened/free (or whatever word to use)? I don't know. Maybe I’m wrong in my feelings, but it feels like you’re underestimating and undervaluing yourself. You are a special and unique being, and that’s true because we all are. Yet, our natural gifts are different, have different "value" and express themselves in unique ways. Don’t be afraid or shy of who you are. You are a beautiful soul. Your gifts are gold and fire (metaphorically speaking). The humanity will only raise if you bring them out. There’s nothing egotistical about that. You can heal the world simply by being yourself. That is what I feel. You either have the magic of a Phoenix or I’m delusional. You choose ;) In any case, thank you for being who you are and bringing that out into the world. Meow ^^ 🧡🐈‍⬛
@existentialgroove 12 дней назад
Woah 🥲 You hit me in the feels with this one. Thank you! I’ve got lots more to think about with all this.
@suruxstrawde8322 15 дней назад
Ah I had a very different experience with skill and superiority, I relied on my innate knowledge and quick learning most of my life to take care of things for me for so long that I never learned how to push myself. Then, in a turning point of median school grades, thinking on morality and the universe one night, the delicate balance shattered and gave me an ego death that's now evolved into a complete understanding of subjectivity, and a rejection of peer pressure, taboos, self loathing, and pessimism. Efficiency, truth, and pragmatism have become my goal and now my thirst for knowledge has become infinite. . Tho I find often that my ways being so disconnected with most people's irrationalities can trigger things in them, as if I'm brine water in their open wounds. Either because I display something they envy, or because my enjoyment of things fundamentally opposes some pessimism they're attached to.
@KylieTheSmiley 16 дней назад
there’s been years and miles between us, but these words made me feel closer to you than ever ❤
@existentialgroove 13 дней назад
@woverniox 16 дней назад
how do you think this relates to capitalism
@TheRealValus 16 дней назад
'Egoism is the very essence of a noble soul.' - Nietzsche 'Only the knaves are modest.' - Goethe 'Everyone whose verse shows him to be a poet should have a high opinion of himself, relying on the proverb that he is a knave who thinks himself one.' - Cervantes 'Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.' - Aristotle 'Modesty should be the virtue of those who have no other.' - Lichtenberg 'In people with only modest ability, modesty is mere honesty; but in those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy. For what is modesty but hypocritical humility, by means of which, in a world swelling with vile envy, a man seeks to beg pardon for his excellences and merits from those who have none? For whoever attributes no merit to himself because he really has none is not modest, but merely honest. No doubt, when modesty was made a virtue, it was a very advantageous thing for the fools; for everybody is expected to speak of himself as if he were one.' - Schopenhauer 'The more we learn what humility is, the less we discover of it in ourselves.' - Madame Guyon 'Don't be so humble, you're not that great.' - Golda Meir If you wanted to be humbled, you wouldn't hide your pride. - Valus 😘
@heymanhaha 16 дней назад
Wow. Good on you for being aware of all the things you spoke about. I can relate to what you said about fantasizing about being great at the things that people compliment me on.
@infinidimensionalinfinitie5021 16 дней назад
you probably want to interview me; but i'm so bright; you are ashamed; no wonder i don't have any friends; i'm too superior; the most superior; was it ever even close?;:
@TheAnglishTimes 17 дней назад
@jeffsmith9384 17 дней назад
I have had the exact opposite experience. I was so completely assured by my parents and everyone around me that I actually was special that I never really questioned it. Instead I felt like it was a burden of potential. I felt like being so special made it harder for other people to like me because they tended to put me on a pedestal. I have a LOT of natural talent in a very wide diverse group of endeavours, and honestly I never felt comfortable congratulating myself about it. I hid my skills from others. I never bothered to hone any of my skills to complete mastery either, because talent was something to hide, so I never learned true grit. I never learned to push myself, resting on my natural talent and hiding even that. People would know me for years and then suddenly scratch the surface and find out I did all these things and act like I betrayed them for not putting my skills at their disposal all along. For me, I had to let go of the burden of potential and give myself permission to be nobody without feeling like I was letting down the universe. The whole great power/great responsibility Spiderman catchphrase haunted me. Its very different. Sometimes I think there are an infinite number of ways to fuck up raising a child. And if you, as a parent, somehow manage to do everything right and they come out of childhood completely un-traumatized, the only thing you managed to do was make a human so rare that nobody on earth can relate to them, and so they'll spend their lives completely spiritually alone.
@existentialgroove 16 дней назад
Wow 🥹 so beautifully written, thank you for sharing
@jaybonny1954 11 дней назад
Same never been scared of power or superiority those are objectively good experiences I wish to promote. Hard part is realizing peers are north koreans and meeting them there
@hasnamahmoud9668 17 дней назад
Hey there, in a bit of a scary Black Mirror episode, this popped up on my youtube as I had been obsessively thinking about it. I have a question I hope you can help me out with. For me, I've always been aware of my ego and ashamed of it ever since I was a kid.(I am in my mid twenties now). It stopped me from believing I was good at anything or even try and see. Now I'm at a point in my life where I am getting to know my real capabilities which were blocked by that shame, but I noticed a pattern of getting my self-worth and getting pleasure from my ego positioning itself above others. The kicker is now I also get great pain from it when I feel "humbled". How do we stop the power play? With what can I replace this dynamic which haunts all parts of my life? How does one tear down this framework and get their source of worth? Thanks for reading this far:)
@existentialgroove 16 дней назад
Hi! I relate to what you’re saying here. Thanks for sharing your experience 😊 To me it seems the pain of getting humbled is directly correlated to how much you believe you need to be exceptional to deserve someone’s love, care and attention, because in that context, being humbled feels more like being rejected, discarded and unwanted, which triggers all sorts of survival stress for us humans, and is terribly painful. So part of the answer is letting go of this belief, which I understand is much easier said than done, and takes some time. For me, I’ve had to actually go out and seek to achieve the things I always assumed would earn me someone’s love and respect, only to realize that nothing changes 😂 These achievements don't magically make me more lovable, and don't change the way I’m treated by others in any real and meaningful way, as I might have expected. There’s nothing more effective than tangible experience to get you to change your belief systems. That said, my ego still often gets bruised, only when it does, I have this little mantra I like to tell myself: “what’s bad for the ego is good for the soul”. I forgive myself for having an ego, repeat this little mantra to myself and lean into the temporary discomfort of getting humbled in that moment. I trust that in accepting the invitation to grow in humility, I’m becoming a better, more loving and open-hearted version of myself, which will ultimately make life a more peaceful and enjoyable experience. There’s great peace on the other side of the pain you’re describing! Keep going.
@Infinitesimal-ho7it 17 дней назад
I understand shadow to be the characteristic of ourselves that protects us from the anxiety and pain of insecurity. I think it is most efficacious to find and understand our insecurities and work/self-parent them to be as little as possible. Then we can develop more fully and be secure enough to be a part of the greater good. One especially needs to catch themselves and re-parent themselves if their insecurities are easily provoked and they tend to be anti-social (covert or otherwise), damaging and destroying others along with themselves.
@Kaizen800 17 дней назад
What an insight. Thank for articulating this so clearly.
@xBIGMUSCLEx 17 дней назад
Great video
@LaytonObserves 17 дней назад
This feels so specifically relatable; using dreams and projects to protect oneself from disillusionment/life dissatisfaction. I don't think I've seen this feeling articulated in the way you did in this video. Thanks for sharing!
@James-wz4jy 17 дней назад
I'd be curious if you have read Karen Horney's "Neurosis and Human Growth" where she discusses these exact issues and goes very deep with them.
@existentialgroove 16 дней назад
I haven’t heard of it but I’ll do some research, thank you!
@James-wz4jy 15 дней назад
@@existentialgroove Cool, hope you find it interesting/helpful. I just discovered her work and am not sure why she isn't more well know regarding these existential questions.
@samlazar1053 17 дней назад
What have u done to have such a complex Nothing
@UnofficialCyane 17 дней назад
I feel like it's not a negative thing to know in which things you excel, where you stand in relation to others and to feel pride in that, as long as you don't put yourself above others or let it turn into arrogance. Don't let your ego stop you from being self-critical and open minded either. Great vid 👍
@joshuafischlin4734 17 дней назад
Hey Reine, I appreciate what you're doing. Good job on the channel, and good luck! - An old Fleetist
@existentialgroove 17 дней назад
@@joshuafischlin4734 Immediately recognized your name! Nice to read from you Josh 🫶
@joshuafischlin4734 17 дней назад
@@existentialgroove Likewise Reine ☺