Code with Tom
Code with Tom
Code with Tom
Do you want to learn how to code by making video games?

This channel will help you learn the skills you need to develop your own games and applications through a series of fun and interactive tutorials and challenges.

Being a developer is an exciting and continuously evolving career, and now more than ever is the perfect time to get started.

So subscribe to the channel and start making your first game today!
Next-Gen Game Dev with The Mirror
9 месяцев назад
I'm Speaking at JS GameDev Summit '23
9 месяцев назад
HUGE Unity Pricing Update!
9 месяцев назад
My Thoughts on Unity's Pricing Changes
10 месяцев назад
I Made a 30+ Hour Godot 4 Course!
11 месяцев назад
Godot based itch.io rival?
4 года назад
4 года назад
Toon And Outline Shader in Godot 3.2
4 года назад
Top Down 2D Shooting in Godot
4 года назад
Learn to Code with Tom
4 года назад
@dailyshadow 6 дней назад
This tutorial was great. Autoloading scripts was something I was missing. Thank you!
@PastaMaster115 8 дней назад
I've already made a top-down shooter from a different tutorial and I have similar code to what you've got here. But I've been wanting to add a bit of recoil on each shot. I'm trying to use the character's rotation and add a bit of backwards velocity. But nothing I'm doing is working. How would I go about doing that? This is my firing code: if Input.is_action_just_pressed("shoot") and can_fire: fire() can_fire = false await get_tree().create_timer(.4).timeout can_fire = true func fire(): var bullet_instance = bullet.instantiate() bullet_instance.position = global_position var mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position() var direction=(mouse_position - global_position).normalized() * BULLET_SPEED bullet_instance.velocity = direction get_tree().get_root().call_deferred("add_child", bullet_instance) I've tried using something like this in my if statement. Am I at least on the right track? var recoil = self.rotation_degrees -30.0 self.velocity = recoil
@dinsfire8489 16 дней назад
Really great tutorials but unfortunately outdated so not everything works as expected.
@dinsfire8489 17 дней назад
For newcomers, this is outdated & parts will not be useful anymore
@BeSerious.studio_official 22 дня назад
how can you do this in multiplayer?
@Amixalot1 23 дня назад
Great, now how i can click the backgroud windows tab through the transparent window of the game? pls help
@florencep2209 Месяц назад
I'm sorry but how can you make a tutorial for beginners and not show the very first steps required, like creating the world scene and the player?
@ayimioy1161 27 дней назад
I think it's a tutorial about GDScript not Godot?
@puddingface1902 Месяц назад
T-pose of supremacy 😂. But good job you really improved. Looks awesome!!
@_Gorthax Месяц назад
and I am stuck at the "created new world and added player sptrie" lololol
@WHYTT66 Месяц назад
res://Test/scene_1.gd:5 - Parse Error: Mixed use of tabs and spaces for indentation.
@MaulLerGamer Месяц назад
I also have to change "mode" to compatibility instead of forward+. anyway I'm trying to figure out how to pass mouse click through the transparent pixels.
@italiatroller4793 Месяц назад
tried to replicate this using visual script and worked :)
@bobojenkins5805 Месяц назад
12:04 is what you clicked for
@mitchellmiller3843 Месяц назад
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for the quick and simple explanation!
@bobojenkins5805 Месяц назад
nobody has enough balls to code a logic for projectile enemies. you made a capsule follow the player thats cool i guess
@N3w1M 2 месяца назад
I haven't been playing around with any game engine for while, used to do something in Unity before. Switched to Godot and I was literally looking for serialized field for hours, this vid helped! Thanks :D
@NobleValerian 2 месяца назад
Getting shot while building - "That's the fun of it." Most people I know would call that annoying, not fun. There seems to be no real direction on the business model, and what is there raises red flags. I don't want to sift through 40 million crappy "experiences" looking for something decently entertaining, then hit a pay wall AFTER I've already started playing, or miss out on the "good gun" because I'm not subscribed. Because I think we all know, unless it's "required" to be a cosmetic upgrade, the paid gun will probably be the best gun. Roblox as a comparison is a massive concern, given all that they do poorly, or abusively. UEFN is relatively new, but seems to be embracing the predatory model that Roblox has, starting to get the same over saturation with overwhelming quantities of low quality content, deliberately poor search and discover tools, limited design tools (UEFN vs Unreal Engine, Mirror vs Godot) and a mostly obfuscated pay model that's basically oligarchical while peddling false advertising about each person's individual and overstated ability to create and get paid. Skills creating in Roblox don't seem to have any real world value outside of Roblox. Skills creating in UEFN don't seem to do a great job transferring to Unreal. So, the main appeal of Mirror is the possibility that creating in Mirror translates to creating in Godot. If it was a good stepping stone, and actually bidirectional, that could be very interesting. I don't think being open source negates all the other major pitfalls of Roblox or UEFN. I'd like to jump in early and see what it's capable of, try to influence a more positive direction, but my main concern is that it heads in a direction that pushes me away (usually regardless of my feedback). I think a direction less wishy-washy than "we'll have to see how this plays out" addressing all this would be important to iron out sooner rather than later. Otherwise, this strikes me as a "we'll have to see what earns us the most money" stance. No bueno.
@TheMeanArena 2 месяца назад
No visual menu, no functional undo system = no thanks!
@user-xf6md6ho3s 3 месяца назад
When I try to run the code it gives an error saying " attempt to call function 'get_global_transform' in base 'null instance' on a null instance. Can you please help me out here
@moneyisenergy 3 месяца назад
Thank you, in 4.2 the preset to import as separate objects is gone, what to do?
@mr.shredder5430 3 месяца назад
is func _ready() the main execution function
@user-ut6yq8zb3z 3 месяца назад
this is amazing but it defiantly needs more marketing to beat Roblox
@ThePurpleShadow123 3 месяца назад
I am going to say this in the nicest way possible. YOU ARE PRONOUNCING IT WROOOOOOOOOOONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@NicCrimson 4 месяца назад
Don't like the name but could be something awesome.
@alexxxiy69 4 месяца назад
if not is_on_floor(): velocity.y -= gravity * delta
@jimothy4 4 месяца назад
bro i tried finding tutorials for so long and i found this one and its so good 👍🏼
@Ostnizdasht206 4 месяца назад
Short and easy to understand. Great tutorial.
@RomyIlano 4 месяца назад
this is great! thanks!
@B-mo0000 4 месяца назад
@tjspeirs75 4 месяца назад
Great video! Am I right in thinking that that navigation code could be sectioned off into it's own script and used as a component? And then that component could just be dropped onto anything that needs it? Seems like it'd work great!
@wexordante 4 месяца назад
I can't search tutorial about turn-based strategy movement in 3d. If you can, pleace, say me what I should or create a tutorial in your chanel. Thanks )
@PMC__Boykisser 5 месяцев назад
16:14 arent we already have fps independency while doing this in _physycs_process()?
@-CosmoCode 5 месяцев назад
It doesn't work for me sadly :( I can't see any typo-s in my code...... No matter what I type or how many times I re-write it, it still says "expected a ")" after "callable" or something else
@markbishop134 5 месяцев назад
Yea they changed something with how godot works it looks like. My godot doesnt even do the first line of code he writes, best to look for a more updated tut.
@dinsfire8489 17 дней назад
Yeah somethings changed since he did this tutorial, I can't get the n.connect("loop_finished", self, "_on_loop_finished" to get out of a parser error. oh well
@cherryblossoms5970 5 месяцев назад
Very good explanation of how to write script thanks. One thing correct me if I'm wrong (woo i write a condition) So that function is by itself is like variables the difference is we assign value for variables with var name value. And function keeping data in brackets but when we calling that individual function in ready function we are assigning the value for that function. ( it is not you its me who understands things very slowly sorry about that ) This is the video i was looking for so long but didn't tapped on it. Thanks again. Watching it again later.
@EasyBit_Ez 5 месяцев назад
Awesome tutorial, I stopped watching a different tutorial just to watch yours!
@geoToast 5 месяцев назад
Thanks you for this video, it s the best tutorial on YT I have seen :D
@GothicRK 5 месяцев назад
Jesus man, I couldn't find ANYTHING like this anywhere, although it would be really appreciated if we could have a Godot 4 version. Thank you for explaining everything clearly!
@Shadowthevampire 6 месяцев назад
Okej you told us what an indent means but what does an indent inside another indent mean Like I do a indent to make something part of a function but then after I write something I make another indent what does that mean like this. Function An indent Something something Another indent something
@Shadowthevampire 6 месяцев назад
You just said that variables could be a text like "hello world" but then you said strings could be used to make messages too What is the difference between a text variable and a text string please explain And when to use wich? Also when to use add to add numbers and when to use operatörs to add numbers you keep showing us 2 different ways to make the same thing continosly but you don't tills us the differens or when to use wich
@abelrashid5184 6 месяцев назад
Increase the volume a little bit please.
@Tes_1 6 месяцев назад
Immediately like for the video when you said Go Dot, instead of Gerdow.
@BW-ye6mx 6 месяцев назад
It's working. Now make a video of how to make one on the cell phone. Android.
@irfanbaig1888 6 месяцев назад
`DisplayServer.window_set_flag()` didn't do it for me (Godot 4.2 on Linux). Instead, what worked was `get_viewport().transparent_bg = true` in the `_ready()` function.
@wolfyytb 4 месяца назад
Thanks man , with your help I can do what I really want on my game ...
@LecorbakOfficial 3 месяца назад
I had to use both to make it work.
@milestails8 7 месяцев назад
This was a fantastic video that really helped clear things up. I would love to find a video where someone can explain to me why some things are done and what's the best practice. Examples off the top of my head: 1. Which node should be the root of the given scene? In this video, you made all the rigid bodies the roots and the meshes under them. Is that just preference? Is there a reason to do it that way? What if I put the mesh first and the rigid body under it? In Unity, sometimes I'd use an empty game object as a parent and the parts would be sibling game objects under it. Is it reasonable to use an 'empty' Node2D as the root and add other specific things under it? 2. Where do you add scripts? It seems to be purely by preference where to add scripts. In Unity there isn't really a choice. You add it to the game object. Here it seems you add it to any component you want of that game object. So if I'm trying to handle collisions, I should probably add it to my rigidbody? But what if my rigidbody isn't the root and I need to know if what I collided with is what I expected? What if I have a script that will reference 3 or more different nodes within the same tree such as a casting node, a rigidbody, a collisionshape or whatever else? How do you determine which node to put that script on? What's the best practice? I'm starting to get a better understanding of the 'how' things work, but I'm still really struggling with the 'why' things are done the way they are.
@knightroartz3846 7 месяцев назад
i want to make one i have a game idea in mind but coding gonna be the hard part. walking i kind of have, but crouching, picking up and dropping items, using the items, cutscene, etc. im trying and am getting an idea of coding but im still clueless on those aspects.
@tearlaments-merli 7 месяцев назад
thank you, now I can never finish my projects, but in godot
@binyot5505 7 месяцев назад
k I'm lost already
@dangputerz 7 месяцев назад
That seems like a really long way home. You could just make your own site rather easily and make the money yourself. And I don't know that I want to pay some company $100 a year that you get $10 of when I only want your course. Can I buy it aside from their platform?
@jamesclark2663 8 месяцев назад
Great video! This helped me get up to speed very very quickly! I have to admit that I'm surprised at the clean design of Godot. One of the things that I always liked about Unity was that it leaned into a Composite-decorator pattern. Before I started unsing Unity I had been using my own engines which worked this way so it was very natural for me. Godot seems to have taken this even further and on top of that it seems to already have several systems built in that might save me the trouble of re-working existing ones.
@rossthebesiegebuilder3563 8 месяцев назад
3:00 There'd be no point in not checking the room with a boot, because if the room is safe, the player could go in and get the boot back anyway. Also, IIRC, the movie characters used the laces to pull the boots back from trapped rooms. If you implemented that, it could let the player reuse boots until the traps completely destroy them, perhaps eliminating the need for randomly placed boots.