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Why Men and Women Cant be friends
12 лет назад
@Sunny-wp4fd 2 часа назад
My 2cent thought is, both gender knowd the answer while men are truthful, women lies through their teeth with a cunning smile.
@thecreatorofallviolence 8 часов назад
People who believe that straight man and woman can be friends are just delusionals
@thecreatorofallviolence 8 часов назад
This is so so true man
@thatguywithamask 14 часов назад
damn it should be calssic one
@shoelacedonkey 16 часов назад
Even 12 years ago it was seemingly possible to cherry pick the answers you wanted to control the narative. (there's 6 times as many women being interviewed as there were men, most probably because he cut out the guys who said 'yes'). I bet most of the guys who said 'no' also think that all gay men are after them simply because they are male. Such a narrow view of the world...
@tteros5998 4 часа назад
@CharlesCarmichael0426 18 часов назад
95% of my friendships are with women and I don't have sex with them. There has to be a very large separation between things. The point is that most men still act in a very primitive way and then many women take advantage of this. They know when you feel something extra for her, but she prefers to take advantage of it, being sure that you won't leave and will serve as a backup, If other options for men go wrong, like "wait for me, if everything goes wrong, I've got you". Don't be like that, men. There was only one time in my life that I dated a friend and it was my first girlfriend and wife. Then we separated, but the pattern continues. Obviously if I'm going to invest in someone, it will most likely be someone I've already made friends with, but there's a difference between "friendship" and "friendship Hoping for something more.”
@EOMMunaware День назад
Absolutely no reason to be just friends with women. If they’re attractive they’re worth more than friends. If not then I still don’t see the point. I understand only if you’re gay.
@lainhikaru5657 День назад
It's very possible if you're a gay man though 😂
@pepperVenge День назад
There's a lot of statistical problems here. We don't know how many people this guy and his camera man actually interviewed, and we don't know how many of these people we actually see are telling the truth. For all we know, he interviewed 100 people, but only showed us the 10 of them that supported his narrative. Theres also a demographic issue. The interviewer and his team only went to a college campus. Thats a particular type of people at a particular type of age. So we don't know what people in their 20's, 30's, 40's etc., think about the issue.
@MarianaSilva-kh4io День назад
It's sad that man only view women as sexual beings
@TikTokThotz1 День назад
Love this
@markelcreek56 2 дня назад
Girls and guys can be just friends, it only becomes wierd if they are best friends.
@anothercastle17 3 дня назад
PSA for anyone in a relationship reading this: If you’re genuinely uncomfortable with your partner being close friends with someone they’re compatible with (keeping this open ended because not everyone’s straight), talk to them about it.
@czmychal 3 дня назад
Ohh yes, the hook up culture -- a predominant perversion of modern society. No wonder that so many don't believe in male-female friendship if for the males, their female acquaintances are just an estate for sexual conquer. Divorce rate is skyrocketing for a good while now, I wonder why.
@czmychal 3 дня назад
I believe it is possible but only under condition that both parties have no ulterior motives towards the other.
@aliashraf1 3 дня назад
@SeanFosterYouTube 3 дня назад
Considering that we see way more women answer then men; I’d assume that he left out all the men who said yes from the final video.
@bryancruz4896 4 дня назад
Here a straight man with many female friends. If you believe you can't be friends with half of humanity without wanting to fuck them then you have a problem.
@alcibiadesonthestreets 2 дня назад
It's enough to realize it would mean a bi person literally can't have friends.
@EOMMunaware День назад
@@alcibiadesonthestreetsbi sexuals are statistically insignificant. I don’t understand how someone from a logical perspective, being them up. They make up less than 1% of the population.
@bliblablubb0712 4 дня назад
Extremely well done. No bla bla. Straight to the point. A master reveal.
@Stack-12 4 дня назад
This is why if your friendzoning you might as well break up
@bluemym1nd 4 дня назад
I'm at high school, and I'm friends with some girls (most of them have boyfriends). If i wasn't, i would have nobody to talk to.
@peak_911 5 дней назад
Time when American Dream existed.
@RichardLucas 5 дней назад
You're not going to get women to concede anything. They cannot even withstand an interrogation of why wear high heels or makeup in the workplace. We've tamed them as far as they can be tamed. Trying to draw them further into the light is just cruel.
@tabletalk33 6 дней назад
This is an all time classic! He's TOTALLY RIGHT!!! Where are all the men? In the "friend zone" where you put them. Women are such incredible LIARS!!!!!!!
@datocosmico 6 дней назад
The truth is, if she is below a 6 they can be friends otherwise not
@la.pas.503 6 дней назад
My old boss always said: Love includes comradery. That means yes you should be friends with you partner too but bring just friends is difficult.
@SeudXe 7 дней назад
Only if you have activities in common with each other. Otherwise if they aren't attracted there's not much reason to be talking to each other any further. I have a friend thats a girl and we sometimes game together and talk about life and how we're doing. That's as far as it goes. Every other girl that said they just wanted to be friends we stopped talking to each other because there's no reason to continue being friends. Not to mention do you know how many friends those girls have and talk to? They don't have time to be talking to every single "friend."
@michaelhanisch9743 7 дней назад
If you cant be freinds with someone you're fucking/ want to fuck then you have a warped view of freindship.
@IbnKh 8 дней назад
The women don’t believe it. They just like the attention and freebies.
@markusdead96 8 дней назад
What a stupid interview lol, of course guys and girls can be friends
@DarthMessias 8 дней назад
Of course not. All men would like to bang their mom, sisters, and old neighbour Gertrud. They are men after all...xD
@Toersk1 8 дней назад
Damn I must be a bad guy because I have a lot of female friends that I don’t want to hook up with 🙃
@timothymccray6034 3 дня назад
U just gay.....
@archonrex5600 8 дней назад
Back when people were just people, not afraid of social bs. Facts only
@korvangray7107 8 дней назад
The men are very honesty 😂
@utarian7 9 дней назад
I've only had **one** female friend before.... It lasted until we started hooking up.
@nycionx8328 9 дней назад
That's why they invented gays and lesbians so that they CAN be friends 😂
@RobCardIV 9 дней назад
all those ladies said yes but... they knew deep down that what that really means is... she knows the dude wants something... so she can get a free hamburger. which means everybody sees the other as an object ! ha ha !!
@quackyduck2276 9 дней назад
2:10 that guy kills me. So honest to hook up with her. What a chad
@caleballen4745 9 дней назад
My boy bobby just got friendzoned on camera 😂
@AK-ct9pd 9 дней назад
@JustATotalNerd 9 дней назад
Get people that are over 30 and ask the same things. It's a lot easier to maintain a friendship when you have better intimate relationships with your SO. It's much easier to say no to a cookie when u already had a sandwich
@monraveny8009 9 дней назад
This is telling. - a woman
@b00mjack66 9 дней назад
well uh this is dumb, oh corse they can, if the man is dating someone
@lukep2922 9 дней назад
They can be absolutely. I don't even understand how this is a question. I've had many female friends throughout my lifetime. It's the same as having a male friend they are just a different gender.
@ToxiicZombee 9 дней назад
I refuse to have women friends after a certain age. Friend zone is endless expensive and u don't get dog shit from it.
@GBU61 9 дней назад
The only reason a man would spend time with a woman, especially alone, is he wants more. Some guys are willing to wait hoping she will hit a vulnerable time and he can get what he really wants - sex. I have always felt some tension around women but never men because it is not natural for a man and woman to be friends.
@FFeeLiT 9 дней назад
The problem is that women are so content with lying to others, that they have no problem sith lying to themselves. And live in total ignorance and delusion. Causing havoc and mayhem around them. All because they cant suppress the need for attention.
@MrAmad3us 10 дней назад
If the guy is gay it’s possible
@micmic728 10 дней назад
Is this the hot girls university ??
@lexbaldwin5613 10 дней назад
Interviewer is dressed like Sora from kingdom hearts