Depresso Espresso
Depresso Espresso
Depresso Espresso
Patreon link for those who wish to donate a cup of Joe to me each month: patreon.com/DepressoEspresso136

My Reddit page, where I post my art on r/DarkArtwork:

Morning talk (cleaning frenzy!)
15 часов назад
Sick day
2 часа назад
Morning talk (a troublesome thing)
2 часа назад
Pure bliss over the small things
4 часа назад
My first good day in a long time
4 часа назад
A topic of interest
4 часа назад
Morning talk (car shopping today)
4 часа назад
A very shitty day
7 часов назад
Morning talk (my 33rd birthday)
7 часов назад
A key issue with myself
12 часов назад
Morning talk (artists meeting tonight)
12 часов назад
What a mood swing feels like
14 часов назад
Shirtless man talks about his gym day
14 часов назад
Morning talk (plans for today)
14 часов назад
The next stage of grief
14 часов назад
Morning talk (manic episodes?)
16 часов назад
Art talk part 3
19 часов назад
Art talk (part 2)
19 часов назад
Art talk (part 1)
19 часов назад
Happy to help :)
19 часов назад
A high talk (qualities I admire)
21 час назад
@billyreddthekidd 45 минут назад
Freedom ✊
@abbyheckler 2 часа назад
hi , you are an amazing artist . enjoy the coffee shop!!! and GL at your interview
@patthorkelson8 4 часа назад
Are you single
@noctilucent8241 10 часов назад
fuck yeah man, nice job im proud of you!!!
@jonathangunther879 10 часов назад
Thank you 😊, now just to practice being out on the road more then the highway and finally the heart of my city which is slowly becoming known for awful traffic
@lunarsurfaceproductions 11 часов назад
Happy belated birthday brotha!
@mikemassaar 12 часов назад
Happy Birthday. Well done on the bench press :)
@arrozconhabichuela 16 часов назад
im happy for u !! :) also u didnt ask but your kitchen looks insanely familiar for some reason 😭
@jonathangunther879 15 часов назад
Huh, maybe you had someone with a similar kitchen?
@Rayhansdan 16 часов назад
Ye man i feel you❤ im soo happy to se you happy too
@space_1073 20 часов назад
That's awesome man. Super happy for you!
@deogaaaw.5464 День назад
awww man, i hope you feel better! sending much love to you!🫶🏾
@Untitled.205 День назад
I'm also scared of driving. Ever since the car accident I was in, it made my phobia worse. But I'm happy to hear you are driving and are no longer reliable on others for transportation. It's motivating me to push myself more to drive. c:
@rimayakubu8957 День назад
Hi . I just came across your page now and i love how you share stuff here. You're amazing okay? Everything will be fine, please try to find joy in little things.... Blessings always ❤❤❤
@artyawa5704 День назад
Mood swings are a tough thing to deal with, especially when you're a young man trying to find his way in the world. Life is a whole lot of swinging though and really, it is better than just sitting still in the middle. Be sure to feel your emotions the whole way through. Cry if you need to. Laugh your head off if you feel like it. If you're nervous, if you're envious, if you're angry, whatever the emotion is just be sure to feel it the whole way through. And keep tabs on the thoughts that come with them. They might be good memories, they might be bad memories. They might be thoughts of what could have been and they might be thoughts of what is yet to be. Videos like these are good. It's almost like a bit of a diary I guess (diary might sound a bit girly but hey who cares haha). Don't delete them cos they'll give you a good reference as time goes on. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders mate, so keep it on there. Try to find the little nuggets of commonality between yourself and others and you'll find that, as dark as it can get, you're not as alone as you might think. And I'm sorry to hear about your old man. He might not have been a saint, but few are. Best we can do is learn from them. What to do and what not to do. Be of good heart. The fight is worth it.
@eyobbob998 День назад
I am overjoyed with my progress, feeling a renewed sense of strength and accomplishment. Life's journey is full of ups and downs, each challenge shaping us into who we are meant to be. There were moments when I felt overwhelmed, but I learned that falling is just part of the process. What truly matters is finding the courage to get back up, dusting ourselves off, and continuing to fight. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory worth celebrating!
@eyobbob998 День назад
It's important to remember that life is a precious gift, even in the darkest of times. Choosing not to commit suicide means giving yourself a chance to experience the beauty, joy, and love that life can offer. The pain you're feeling now is temporary, even if it doesn't seem that way. There are countless ways you can make a positive impact on the world and in the lives of those around you. You are loved more than you might realizeby family, friends, and even by people you've yet to meet. Reaching out for help, talking to someone who cares, and seeking professional support can open doors to healing and growth. You have the power to create change, not only in your life but also in the lives of others. Remember, your story is far from over, and there is hope and love waiting for you.
@amirhossein9170 День назад
@Ongo-Goblogian 2 дня назад
Omg I wasn’t even three whole minutes into your video and realized what you are saying resonated with me, but by the end of your video it sounds almost like we lived the same life experiences. My dad was also a pessimist and meth addict so he wasn’t ever around I am also 30 and really never got to know him. I also had friends who were always busy and we grew apart and I just got through my teens and twenties getting stoned every day so I wouldn’t do anything to myself. I deal with abandonment issues and become too attached to people and it ends up hurting myself more in the end.I have been screwed over so many times that it makes me have trust issues with new people, yet I want to meet new (good) people.l feel like a hypocrite for saying this because my head also goes to dark places, but don’t do anything to yourself. You seem like a really cool guy and you just need to meet decent people to hang with. A huge part of people suffering especially in our country is a disconnect from our culture(s). I am mostly Celtic/german but am also Snoqualmie Native. I can see you are also Native. It has helped me in my dark times to learn about my tribes culture and history and knowing that when I am struggling my ancestors are with me. I don’t know if you still have knowledge/connection to your roots but you should explore that and it will give you comfort. Try to find community and knowledge of traditional healing methods like sweat lodge.I have a lot of trauma myself and am looking forward to the day I can participate in a sweat lodge ceremony. I hope this helps keep your head up my relative. Feel free to message me back if you wish.
@constructor365 2 дня назад
Happy birthday man. Listening to you felt like I was listening to the thoughts inside my own head. Hope things get better
@gratefultarot2901 2 дня назад
Hi, you are so worthy!💖🤍 I promise it gets better. thank you for sharing!
@mimisandmilk23 2 дня назад
I think you can do it, man. There's really no solution to what you are experiencing. Only that the work and effort you put in to accept the bad days, at the end, the good days will be well worth going through the bad days.
@mlpliker 2 дня назад
@jonathangunther879 2 дня назад
Man I drove to the grocery store feels so freeing 😌
@R3BBiT 2 дня назад
Hey man, just got your video in my feed and it instantly spoke to me. Just wanted to let you know that I also have attachment issues as well and I know exactly how it feels to put all of your energy and worth into someone. It’s exhausting and it drains your battery quite quickly. And one thing about going out there again, the boring small talk, I feel you 100% on that one! But I suggest you give it a few more tries, doesn’t even have to be in a coffee shop, a walk in some random park is way better and it doesn’t feel so closed in. But please don’t buy that gun, you don’t know how much better life can get. You seem like a mentally strong person and I really hope you start treating yourself better. Thank you for the video, love from Norway
@stormflame829 2 дня назад
Bit difficult to hear you but, I hope things will get better for you, hang in there ♥
@menacinglyfriedchicken 3 дня назад
Hey man, I don’t know how much leaving comments changes things, but even if it gives you a smile or even if it changes nothing, I’ll still be leaving them. I really hope for the best man, for your happiness. I really hope we don’t lose you. I know you don’t like when people leave comments preaching without offering clear solutions and without truly understanding your situation, and admittedly I’m really just not good at giving advice anyway. However I can still tell you what I hope for. I hope that you find joy or joy finds you. I know how it sounds, but I really do hope that even the smallest things can bring even a pinch of joy or assurance. And if the world doesn’t bring you joy, try bring out joy from within yourself, from the little I know about you I know that you are incredibly smart (both mathematically and generally), that you are extremely strong willed and have built an amazing physique/body through your hard work and that you are an extraordinarily extremely talented and skilled artist. I know I’ve said all these things in previous comments (and I haven’t then it was long overdue), and if I knew you this list would go on for miles. I seriously do hope you find joy, pride and happiness within yourself even when the outside world is hostile (if you already don’t). I know I’m sounding extremely preachy by now and for that I apologize, but I don’t know how to get words across any other way. Have the best day you can brother.
@_IHatePrince 3 дня назад
I feel you gang, you don’t want to hear this but you should continue to live until you die of old age. Dying may seem like the only option you have after your 33rd but honestly you’re grown now. It’s many things you can do in life to achieve any goal. Focus up. Find a hobby, find joy in those hobbies, get a new girlfriend- achieve a wife. Play games and try applying them to your life. I can’t imagine what you’re going through but I can tell you’re pretty cool dude, it isn’t enough good people left, you’re wanted and you can make a change. Please make that change.
@UNTITLEDPR0JECT 3 дня назад
Happy birthday brother
@AcousticFatality 3 дня назад
Your life will look like whatever you continue to move forward towards, as well as what you set your sights on. I see you post videos about your gym PR's which are very impressive and you have a solid physique bro, but you know as well as I do, that didn't happen over night. Trust in the process and believe in yourself! If I could give you a roadmap, I would in a heart beat and I would follow it myself, but the best that I can do is offer insight that I know is true. You're pretty good at getting yourself out of a corner when it comes to dealing with negative emotions and I admire you for that so I believe you are very capable person who just needs time to keep building something and growing yourself. I hear what you are saying, life is unfair and there is no doubt about that, but I for one REFUSE to give up on what I want to see come out of my life because if all these great things can happen to anyone, why not me, and why not you. So let's keep showing up every day. You do that with these posts and I'm proud of you for that. Be sure to be kind to yourself and give yourself credit and praise for what you are able to accomplish today. Like I said, I know this is solid stuff I'm saying and I don't want you to think I have it figured out either. Some days are better than others, but keep showing up and being kind to yourself. Try to spread some love along the way. Things will get better brother.
@IoannesBaptista 3 дня назад
Happy birthday! Life is hard. I hope things get better soon. P.S. impressive bench press
@rorychoc 3 дня назад
I don’t have anyone either so I get you. Hopefully things will get better. Much love ❤️
@xlkarma8446 4 дня назад
@AcousticFatality 5 дней назад
Can confirm, it is hot as balls. It's such a crumby feeling to not be able to just sit down and relax or enjoy the things you like to do. Good on you for actually making efforts to get out of that funk though.
@user-gr7si4wu6n 5 дней назад
You should open the blinds. Not insulting you, but the sunlight is great for the mental!!! Ik not the best for the video tho lol
@rorychoc 5 дней назад
honey, the volume is too slow. I could barely hear you. best of luck anyway!
@jonathangunther879 4 дня назад
Sorry, I have a very low and raspy voice and I hate it :(
@rorychoc 3 дня назад
@@jonathangunther879 no, it’s not your voice coz I could hear you better on some of your other videos. Probably your mic settings, idk. I just would like to hear what you saying coz I could relate to you. It’s a messed up world and we’re just trying our best to survive, sending you lots of love & positive vibes ❤️
@peterelliott7333 5 дней назад
You've got friends. Good on ya famm
@UNTITLEDPR0JECT 5 дней назад
Crazy triceps bro keep it up 🙏 "It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable" - Socrates
@jonathangunther879 5 дней назад
Yes! Socrates! 🙌
@VirtualMe 6 дней назад
just clicked due to shitty title 😢😂
@jonathangunther879 5 дней назад
Man I should’ve just labeled it as meat mountain talks about working against gravity and how it’s changed his life.
@charlesrichardson6663 6 дней назад
Really identifying deeply with your struggle and I appreciate you for helping me feel less alone in the world because of that man. Thank you.
@jonathangunther879 6 дней назад
Happy I can help someone out 😊
@charlesrichardson6663 6 дней назад
@@jonathangunther879 legit had have been having very similar thoughts and feelings and actually just talked with my therapist when I saw your vid. Really the perfect time. Keep up the cool work dude! Or not! You don’t owe anyone anything here
@jonathangunther879 6 дней назад
I definitely like to document everything that goes on in the hopes it helps someone else 🙌
@rickreed9525 6 дней назад
Awesome work on vblog today. each day I see your positively thoughts and happy. Proud to see you working things through. Awesome work brother appreciate your content :)
@8033Nicole 6 дней назад
As someone who has bpd and feels things incredibly deeply I’ve found your channel and finally realized what it’s for which makes this channel way more interesting. I like what you’re doing, it’s very vulnerable and down to earth but it looks therapeutic so hopefully posting videos helps you and other people going through breakups. Breakups hurt a lot. Time like that spent with another person can leave a hole in you for a while but as time passes that hole feels smaller and smaller and eventually you realize you never needed that person to survive. It was just nice to have them around. Grief is a process, time makes it easier though. thanks for sharing.
@jonathangunther879 5 дней назад
Hey, thank you for your kind words, it does help me, and not sure what I have but I do know I’ve been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I do try to manage by constantly distracting myself but it is a chore.
@menacinglyfriedchicken 6 дней назад
Dude, you are a rare kind of person in our society, you are smart, strong and incredibly talented. Do not underestimate your own value!! Relationships, losses, and similar events are a fact of life, the vast majority of all humans that have ever and will ever exist, will go through these kinds of hard times. Of course things may be much more difficult to some than to other, but still, you are not alone in your struggle. But as you live through these dark periods you will learn how to handle them, and when you come out of them you will be stronger than ever before. Also, you mustn’t worry about the future generations as much, passionately intelligent people have always been less visible than the rest, but there are currently more of them than ever. It is true that now people are less interested in learning because they have so much information at their fingertips thanks to the internet. But you must absolutely not let the lack of enthusiasm of others or dark times (no matter how difficult they may be) to prevent you from thriving. I can guarantee you that I, everyone who has ever and will ever hear your story, all of your viewers, and all of your subscribers absolutely believe in you, keep pushing, don’t ever give up. You are a rare and extremely valuable kind of person.
@jonathangunther879 6 дней назад
Thank you man, that means a lot to me, trying to push forward, focusing on art and the gym more lately has helped. I hope all is well on your end and hopefully I can figure out how to set up my new tripod to get better drawing videos :)
@lilastar7759 7 дней назад
it can mean that!! please take it easy on urself. ur cute too
@jonathangunther879 5 дней назад
Thank you 😊
@menacinglyfriedchicken 7 дней назад
It’s great to hear from you again, it’s awesome that you’re going to the gym and progressing man! Your arms look nuts. And about teaching, many people just don’t give a damn about learning even if their career depends on it, which is really sad to see, especially since you’re a tutor. But it’s not your fault, I am sure that you are doing a great job and trying to push them to learn (especially since you’re passionate about it), but at the end of the day it is up to them to have at least a little spark of effort and enthusiasm to learn. So even though it could be hard, you mustn’t take it too much to heart when they refuse to learn as soon as you know you’ve done your best to try to get them to. Anyway, love the art man!! You seriously have amazing skills and talent for art!
@galaxia-jc6im 7 дней назад
Ur pretty
@jonathangunther879 7 дней назад
Thank you 🙏
@fish-rm6xl 7 дней назад
dude you are not scrawny lol, definitely big compared to me at least
@chonkeboi 7 дней назад
I was like half your size when I did 225, you’re pretty jacked man!
@sancheetb 7 дней назад
not scrawny anymore! give yourself more credit