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@maiLman__ 2 дня назад
i think its a cool build, ill give it a run. thanks for making the video! Lots of salt in the comments section from people lol. Keep doing what youre doing mr. cheese
@auspiciouscheese День назад
lol thanks for the comment
@jlmackey2806 2 дня назад
In my eyes, the Ziggurat is just a symptom of the larger issue of player strength vs Ai strength in Starsector. Sure, you could make the dp 120, heck you could make the dp 150, but that doesn’t change the fact that the ziggy in the hands of the player outclasses 150 dp of any ai controlled vanilla ships. Additionally, battle size is a variable that can easily be increased, which only serves to exacerbate how much stronger ziggy is in the hands of the player. That to me is the core issue, in the hands of the ai even the stronger version of the ziggy is no where near worth the cost of 120 dp. Heck, you can beat it with just about any fleet comp with the right setup. But when you place it in the hands of the player, it’s competitive with many of the strongest modded ships and fleets. I think you’re correct in saying that the ship is incredibly strong(even by modded ship standards it holds up well). But I disagree with the notion that doubling its dp cost would do anything to solve the issue.
@momom6197 2 дня назад
>"One does not simply secede from the Hege" >Kazeron oligarchs: "hold my midline"
@grespmilk 4 дня назад
It's like Hyperion and Scarab consumed lots of steroids and made a baby.
@BobfromSydney 4 дня назад
If I think about what I actually use in my fleets in games then: Frigate: Tempest (runner up Omen) Destroyer: Hammerhead (Sunders are decent too) Cruisers: Champion Capital: no strong preferences (I enjoy piloting Odessey)
@TheHasazin 4 дня назад
If ships had deployment costs based on what they can do with good to perfect builds then the game would be extremely unbalanced (even more so if you tried to balance their deployment cost based on the players control). The only reason that the Ziggurat is 75 instead of 60 or less is because of its unique ability. If you truly think it should be 120 then you truly do not understand the game from start to finish.
@ElizabethMm315855 4 дня назад
Bro can't even balance his audio and he's here trying to balance the game..
@auspiciouscheese 4 дня назад
lol, i’ll fix the audio part since i realize it really might be kinda bad, lmk more on that one. also, yesterday i just soloed 5 remnant ordos (battlesize 300 so each side gets 150 dp remnants get more), with just the ziggurat. you can’t even solo 5 ordos with 2 paragons with omega weapons and perfect builds. keep in mind my build isn’t even perfect, i’m missing a rift beam, and 3 antimatter launchers. if you can convince me that 75 vs 1000+ deployment points is balanced, i really can’t convince you. i’ll post a video asap, but i can’t promise quality bc my internet is really slow and i can’t upload big files
@auspiciouscheese 4 дня назад
also, in my opinion, it really just breaks the game. it takes away the need to make a good fleet. people work hard to make balanced fleets with frigates, cruisers, capitals, but this one ship just puts to an end to every single end game build. my other fleet builds (4 onslaught and centurions) and (2 conquest and 10 sunder) can only take on 2-3 ordos. and that’s 200+ dp compared to paragon and ziggy which is 135. lmk what you think about this.
@misumiren8669 3 дня назад
@@auspiciouscheese i mean it was suppose to break the game, that is the whole point of it lorewise
@auspiciouscheese 2 дня назад
yeah sure, but this is a serious problem as i see the ziggurat is literally the best ship even in modded playthroughs. if alex wants a balanced game and prevent players from just cheesing the game it needs to be nerfed
@obsidian3100 4 дня назад
Just invite some bugs ;)
@mekelopte7071 5 дней назад
i know starsector since i was teen which was 16 year ago and its still in beta.
@ultimatepandaman3966 5 дней назад
The background music is super loud mate. Otherwise nice video.
@auspiciouscheese 5 дней назад
bro i put it at -10 db and it’s still loud???
@kishi_illus_108 4 дня назад
@@auspiciouscheese maybe its your voice that is a bit too low? the volume of the music and your voice are too close, while audible, your voice is still getting slightly covered up by the music.
@auspiciouscheese 4 дня назад
gotchu i’ll change it next time
@Tiago-Gomes 5 дней назад
nah, i dont agree, because this is simulated battle 1v1 and in real combat the sunder will be facing multiple foes and the enemy just needs to fart once to blow the sunder away
@iii_zeta_iii 5 дней назад
Maybe piloting the sunder, flank the formation and pick targets? Hit and retreat
@Tiago-Gomes 5 дней назад
@@iii_zeta_iii there are better ships to command, so for average player it will be used by AI and because its so squishy most of time it will die really quickly.
@iii_zeta_iii 5 дней назад
@@Tiago-Gomes you are right. Imo i really enjoy piloting the Fury class and i find it a better option ig. But, the large energy slot in the Sunder can have interesting uses
@Tiago-Gomes 5 дней назад
@@iii_zeta_iii if you like the fury then you will like the aurora. Aurora imo excels in close combat, so the build i use has 2 heavy blaster, 1 frontal burst pd laser, 30 capacitors/vents, for s-mods hardened shields and hardened subsystems, normal hullmods: safety overrides; shields conversion-front; stabilized shields; flux cool adjunct. An agressive officer is good in this ship, the 2 main weakness of this ship is prolonged combat because of CR and if the enemy has a lot of fighters.
@adityodirgantara 5 дней назад
Sniper sunder is decent under player control, even before escort package. You can help your front liners finish fluxed enemies and swat frigates and fighters.
@ray.7266 6 дней назад
radiant next pls. ur videos are super useful
@iddqd-bp5yq 6 дней назад
Where did you get this officer? My sunders always just die, even when given a less risky long range build.
@auspiciouscheese 3 дня назад
officer personality also depends on weapons you give it
@kopicat2429 7 дней назад
Hey. Hundreds of hours in Starsector, and I'll finally test out a second ship to fly with. I basically never moved on from the Hammerhead. Honestly always found The Sunder underwhelming. Clearly I did it wrong. Now ofc, I play with a mod that introduced an extremely overpowered Hammerhead, but it did also provide a more powerful version of the sunder. Ship/Weapon Pack by Dark.Revenant. Gotta test out both versions now. Edit; The volume of your voice vs the music is just fine.
@eriktietze5779 4 дня назад
do you mean the green bounty ones?
@kopicat2429 4 дня назад
@@eriktietze5779 Green? Do you mean the ship? Yes, it's got a green hull. The Phillipshead-class. Lol. If you don't mean the ship, then I got no idea. It's from IBB Missions. International Bounty Board. It's basically a bunch of bounties that doubles as sort of boss battles. And when you win, you can choose to take some of the unique ships for yourself. They come with the mod.
@zutchse7709 7 дней назад
My man dont reply on critism jesus, must be a very bad guide
@OpticfIare 5 дней назад
i was actually looking at critic comments to see if he would reply and yep lol BTW eradicators are amazing but this guide stinks also the 1 v 1 on the onslaught is super sus not impossible but no way AI can take an AI onslaught lol
@zutchse7709 5 дней назад
@@OpticfIare onslaught is just a bad capital ship to test to overall, conquest might fare better heree
@auspiciouscheese 3 дня назад
i read all your comments. it would take forever to respond to all of them. i respond to my newer videos more often, if you would like to check them out
@lamichka 8 дней назад
very nice!
@aurelienbernard7745 8 дней назад
Why such a loud useless music? Remove it and you get a very well done video.
@ovaldreamx4397 8 дней назад
I don't think it's his voice, it sounds like AI (no judgement though, it's pretty useful) and because it's so level, it may sound quieter than it really is
@Cuthawolf 9 дней назад
As someone who loves Starsector but is really bad at the combat, I really appreciate content like this that breaks it down very simply.
@Esoteric_5075ism 10 дней назад
use your real voice, coward
@Esoteric_5075ism 10 дней назад
also the midline sunder is such a pedestrian choice. If you want to sunder people for real, get the Lion's Guard version
@alexandrusimiz9360 10 дней назад
me with 70 mods loaded looking at this....
@LordKore 10 дней назад
Now remake the video but this time make the music NOT be louder than your voice
@auspiciouscheese 10 дней назад
I don’t think it is…
@black_wink1649 10 дней назад
@@auspiciouscheeseit is tho
@Squibie 9 дней назад
@@auspiciouscheese Ye i also dont think it is. But you can make it quieter so it becomes more backgroundish. The current levels are what you would expect from a song :D
@Laikafan02 7 дней назад
Thank god for the captions
@AmIDeadAgain-dv5pn 11 дней назад
huh, I always thought of him as an escort support ship instead (tachyon lance and ion laser) and nothing more
@auspiciouscheese 10 дней назад
yeah most people do because it’s hard to find a close range build that works for the sunder
@quirmit 11 дней назад
Light Needler, Ion Pulser, Autopulse Laser
@avatarwarmech 11 дней назад
But it's not a lot of people out there that play star sector
@auspiciouscheese 11 дней назад
There’s more than you think actually
@avatarwarmech 11 дней назад
@@auspiciouscheese Good to hear because I like watching it I haven't played the game before though
@codysmith66 9 дней назад
@@avatarwarmech Its got a small learning curve but once you get the gist of things(and especially once you start modding it), you'll get sucked in pretty easily if its up your alley.
@johnjohnjohnson7720 11 дней назад
Rarr needs this then
@avatarwarmech 11 дней назад
@batuarganda728 9 дней назад
Seeing as he likes: hammeheads Skysplitters Nelsons Yes
@emperornovian464 14 дней назад
L E A K NAME TIME: the ship you saw of launching purple balls c: is da ziggurat
@kermitthefrog1176 25 дней назад
The odyssey ignorance is insane. May not have the best firepower. But, here comes a big but. Its the fastest capital, beating even some cruisers in mobility, it has pretty low fuel consumption so you can fly it basically everywhere for marginal fuel costs. It has the biggest sensor range of any ship thanks to the built in advanced sensors, it has very high flux capacity, very good shielding, a large missile slot, and even 2 fighter hangars. Its literally a fleet in itself. While a paragon/onslaught might beat it in a slugfest. But they will never catch up with an odyssey. Its the quintessential battlecruiser design. Outguns what it cant outrun, outrun what it cant outgun. Give it 2 plasma a mirv, 2 xyphos and rest doesnt matter. You can quite literally solo entire fleets. Many ppl think the conquest is better but it really isnt. Ody is faster, tankier, have basically 90% of the conquests usable firepower and it has great utility outside combat. Not many capitals can stand up to a radiant in 1v1 but the odyssey is one of those
@brandonprendergast7806 11 дней назад
Where do you find one of those though? In 3 playthroughs I've never seen a single one
@kermitthefrog1176 11 дней назад
@@brandonprendergast7806 tri-tach has them. You can raid culann, attack their special task forces or just ally with them and get commissioned. Or get lucky and find a blueprint out in the sector. Im not sure about the latest game version but iirc league and diktat has or had the bp too
@brandonprendergast7806 10 дней назад
@@kermitthefrog1176 yeah nevermind I updated from 0.95 a few days ago and found a paragon and an Odyssey on the Black market. It usually goes pretty well using the Paragon as a wall while my Odyssey dismantles any escorts. They're like my only combat capable ships aside from a mod destroyer though XD
@kermitthefrog1176 10 дней назад
@@brandonprendergast7806 yeah there are mainly 2 ways to play odyssey. One where you have a fleet that can face the enemy while you flank. And the hardcore variant that i prefer is ody with only a couple frigates on defend. Frigs like omen, tempest, monitor works well. Omen is good pd, monitor can help you tank and tempest is an awesome hunter-killer. I sometimes have an aurora accompany me on the flanking since its a very similar ship, so if you are not so sure about your piloting couple it with some frigs or fast cruisers. Against strong enemies i tend to hang around the rest of my ships and help them. Finishing off low hp enemies, focusing down important targets and even tanking shots for them. This is why i love the odyssey, it can do anything basically
@brandonprendergast7806 10 дней назад
@@kermitthefrog1176 I put a semibreve on it this is the best ship ever
@foresttaylor7850 28 дней назад
brother what you doing? Re-do this challenge with Nexrelin, play as the Luddic Path, and use the LP Gremlins with Hardened Subsystems, Unstable Injector and your Reapers. This does work
@jonni_2330 29 дней назад
me left ear really enjoyed this short
@callahanfolt6460 29 дней назад
idk man ai make use of omni shield better for my flag ship sure but not ai
@julkkis666 Месяц назад
ever heard of the stereo-hull-mod?
@thedarkone5049 Месяц назад
All fun and games until you get flanked, i usualy use very few but powerful ships since its less lag and easier to manage all my stuf, so im very often flanked over even compleatly surrounded so frontal shields are very bad for my play style.
@admiraltorvosaurus8513 Месяц назад
In reality i agree tempest is the best and i will always have way more then i should in my foeet un the late game However for firepower, stats, and preformance the afflictor and its ability to add a debuff against enemy ships just smashes Also sunder destroyers die in droves, even with the best weapons. Cant keep those ships alive. Best to have some solid enforcers instead.
@maiLman__ Месяц назад
Hey, i think your using eleven labs voice. It puts the voice out in mono, so you might want to change the voice track to mono. Nice video though, never even thought about sheild conversion
@sniffles00 Месяц назад
But can these beat Ludd's Holy Armada? (Overdrive Eradicators, Prometheus Mk. IIs, f**kton of Ludd's hammers, etc)
@Esoteric_5075ism Месяц назад
>no hammers I cringed. I cringed hard. Sometimes, perfection is not worth it, bros
@tjinmatliemollie7471 Месяц назад
I use this in my monitor build with hardened shield, and stabilized shield. Frigate shield so tanky, they distract my enemy to shred the enemy ass with lead storm coming from my Retribution battlecruiser.
@drsm7947 Месяц назад
monitor is very tough to crack
@tjinmatliemollie7471 Месяц назад
@@drsm7947 they even manage to tank a full brunt of my retribution battlecruiser consisting of five LMG, two HMG, three devastator, and two thumper. Manage to last longer than the enemy champion, eagle, and conquest battlecruiser they accompanying into battle. Manage to beat two supply fleet of persean league blockade after I lure em in when those two fleets see my fleet with transponder off. Kicked those two with Onslaught and Legion as the frontline, me in retribution flanking enemy ass, Astral escorted by three condors on the backline, three monitor frigates distract enemies, while my Atlas and Prometheus shiny ass lure those fleets in.
@TheyCalledMeT Месяц назад
Yep underrated as hell but I did use it just a week ago😁
@thecandyvanman4762 Месяц назад
This gamemode is extremely difficult, even with extra hullmods that make the hull even more OP. I got to the last boss, which is just a bullet hell boss. The gamemode is good fun, but it takes a long time to grind to the last bosses, and the first few become pretty easy once you get used to them. You also get an EMP powerup (overloads all ships) and a super shield powerup (invincible for time), but the gamemode promises a bonus if you beat the mode without using them except for the last boss.
@Impericalevidence 2 месяца назад
Does great damage coming in, flashes behind you... "Nothing personnel, kid" immediately does zero hard flux... Nothing happens. Proceed to meme on the poor radiant, "no flux, empty flux capacitors, you don't cause any hardflux" lol
@Rraaaaain 2 месяца назад
mfw i see a player build onslaught fight an autofit simagon (simagon's ai is stupid enough to turn on fortress shield every time it takes damage, thus overloading itself)
@Rraaaaain 2 месяца назад
this video physically hurts my soul, this build in question isnt really that great, you're missing out on the 5 front small missiles and you're wasting your SP on 2 hullmods that dont give any bonuses when smodded and on a hullmod that increases firerate of all your guns by 10%... on a low tech ship... which have shit vents its not much of an achievement to solo simslaught, doom can solo it, aurora can solo it, fury can solo it, hell even a fucking tarsus can solo an onslaught. Simagon is a little harder to deal with but since the AI is stupid, it will constantly force fortress shields up as long as you keep on shooting at it. This build would falter quickly when dealing with any ships that can close the distance between the erad and the ship, cause i can see what your doing here, winning by range advantage, which works kinda well against capitals, but anything smaller and you'd likely struggle. If you wanna know how to build erad properly, look at any pather or pirate fleet, erad is mainly a strike cruiser, the high base speed, good armor and hull, shit shields, and the 5 small missles begging for hammers or reapers. The guns on erad are NOT supposed to be your main weapon EVER, remember, low-tech ships have poor vents, that's why most rely on missles for a big chunk of their damage output
@VMVXMK2 2 месяца назад
Front shield are superior anyway, it let you block attack from other angle by turning the ship while you shoot at other. With omni your shield point to where you aim and it suck when you need to deal with multiple opponents.
@VMVXMK2 2 месяца назад
That is stupid, All of my ship that have at least 90 degree shield get the front shield treatment. Anything under get the shield shunt.
@purplethanosman 2 месяца назад
Brother where’s the drone battleship at
@DerJuvens 2 месяца назад
I started playing not too long ago and the first capital ship I found was the drone BS. That thing is unkillable, takes out entire armadas on itself, love it 😅
@NoName-bk3su 11 дней назад
@azfye 2 месяца назад
w vid 🎉🎉
@auspiciouscheese 8 дней назад
@alaricmeservy5236 3 месяца назад
I had the blueprint for this ship once. I had fleets of them. fleets.
@matthamende6359 3 месяца назад
I got you beat, I started a new game 2 nights ago, and within 10 min I stumbled on a ship graveyard and found a (pre-exploded) paragon for free, lol oddly enough have yet to fly it, I was doing a modded Diable Avionics playthrough where I only use their ships, it's racking up hangar fees somewhere.
@seniorbob2180 3 месяца назад
/deleteFleet This OP console command deletes fleets in seconds!
@onestupidboi9320 3 месяца назад
Ah yes, the time honoured tradition of bullying the simulator onslaught.