Ramblers Inc
Ramblers Inc
Ramblers Inc
Welcome to Ramblers Inc., where we (Manesh & Shyam) react to, and review Movies and TV Shows.
Old or new, we ramble on (hey...that's our channel name) about whatever we're watching.
Hope you enjoy our takes ( and some can be outlandish).🙂

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@sherrysink3177 13 часов назад
I still love the first one better, but this one was fun and had lots of funny parts that cracked me up -- Birdy screaming "WHAT IS REALITY???" and also thinking sweat shops are where you make sweat pants, Serena Williams muttering "It's your money" when no one wants a session with her (her suddenly moving on the screen startled me, that was so funny), Jeremy Renner's hot sauce coming in clutch (lol), Stephen Sondheim / Kareem / Angela Lansbury / Natasha and Yo-Yo Ma cameos, Blanc saying he hates the Clue game, and Hugh Grant and Ethan Hawke's rando cameos. All so fun. And Janelle Monáe was terrific in both roles. At the start of the film, I assumed it was going to be about Ed Norton's character hosting a fake murder mystery and then him getting murdered in actuality because everyone at the party had a reason to want him dead. At certain points I suspected it would be Whiskey, who seemed smarter than she initially let on, and Birdy's assistant, because she was being ignored by everyone (so we weren't really paying attention to her behaviors) and she had a big stake in not letting her own career be destroyed. And when Andie got shot, and then we find it it's her sister, I was like, 'And they killed her too??? BOTH of them died? THAT SUCKS!' I was so glad it turned out to be a fake-out. When I first saw the film, I didn't notice the red envelope in the glass onion, and I didn't notice the drink glass switching because I was focused on exactly what they wanted me to focus on (Birdy twirling her multi-colored dress, lol). But one thing I DID notice was that Blanc never gave back the "Klear" crystals (or whatever it was) and I wondered if that would come back in an important moment because they abruptly switched to a new scene without showing him return it to Miles. So when he said there was nothing he could do, in that pivotal scene, I thought, "Where's the thing? Can he use that somehow? And how?" I was so afraid Miles was going to get away with everything. Ed had such a smarmy smug smile on his face, very punchable, lol. So I loved the glass smashing by everyone, and the explosion, and Blanc sitting there smoking while the alarm is screaming "This is a smokeless garden!" 🤣🤣🤣 One thing I didn't realize, and my brother-in-law pointed out to me afterward, is that Derol -- the odd guest on the island who keeps showing up randomly -- is supposed to symbolize Covid. When he first shows up on the beach, he's carrying a case of CORONA beer. So it's kind of to say that even though -- during a pandemic -- they're all on this remote island, supposedly safe from the virus, it's all around them anyway. Like all the idiots back then who had parties during lockdown when they weren't supposed to. LOL! I thought that was a super clever and really funny detail. Brilliant.
@RamblersInc 6 часов назад
Yeh, I agree. First one was my favourite but this was still good. I had no idea Janelle Monáe could act. I've only heard her sing (amazing voice) Oh that's a brilliant theory about him being covid. I might see this movie differently on a second watch now.
@sherrysink3177 4 часа назад
@RamblersInc if you haven't seen the film Hidden Figures, Janelle is terrific in that one too. I think that's the first film I ever saw her in, and I too was surprised because I only knew her from music.
@JustMe-um8zp 16 часов назад
As someone who's attempted suicide: some of your insights, like how Charlie is trying to keep LTC Slade going a bit more. Trying to talk him down (even while being threatened with a loaded gun). Seeing how Slade is wrapping up loose ends with his brother and such. Just wow. Thanks Ramblers. I love this movie, watched it several times. But it's been a while since my last viewing,. Think I first saw it in 1995. More times after that. Something to be said for seeing someone new watching it to give a fresher perspective (and the years can give a perspective too). After I watched it the first time, I got my mom to watch it with me. She had a rough relationship with her own dad. Tried describing how good it is. Throughout the movie, she despised LTC Slade's character...... up until the end, then she liked him. Highlights how good this movie is. Sometimes you just need to guide / go through something along with someone else, just for a bit. Just find a way to talk them thought it. Just tango on. Sometimes that's all that's needed.
@RamblersInc 6 часов назад
The fact that it took a kid to bring him back from the edge as well. Couldn't have put it better myself. You just tango on. It'll work itself out I'm sorry you felt you had to do that and glad you're better now ❤️
@jojorumbles8749 16 часов назад
I cried so very much with Chidi's "picture a wave" speech.
@JustMe-um8zp 17 часов назад
And that test drive scene......... buckle-up guys!
@RamblersInc 6 часов назад
😂 That was a rollercoaster of a scene
@JustMe-um8zp 17 часов назад
The scene when Slade reassembles his gun, takes the bullets out....... but he knows there's a round in the chamber. "Whatdo care if I blow my brains out......" holding it to his head for an extra second ".... or not". Slade was considering it. Makes that scene even more powerful.
@RamblersInc 6 часов назад
I'm so glad Charlie decided to go back up to the room
@Jetz316 21 час назад
I’ll watch until the revenge scene…. If you’re good I’ll watch the whole thing. This movie is long but really moving. 🇺🇸
@silvasurfa7962 День назад
Episode 14 is the one of the best of the series & my and many's favorite. It's worth a single reaction video if you haven't edited it already ✌😎
@MrZeek1519 День назад
As episodes go by the show just gets stronger and stronger. Yes, it is a horror series, but it's more than just creepy and scary moments, although that stuff is great. It's also about the personal trauma they are all dealing with, the family trauma they experienced together, and it's about the house itself. I absolutely cannot wait for you two to watch Episode Five, "The Bent-Neck Lady".... and then see your reactions to something in Episode Eight. Mwahahahahaaa!!!
@RamblersInc 7 часов назад
Uh oh. A whole episode dedicated to the bent neck lady? 😨
@lynetteoliva1256 День назад
I'm glad u guys r enjoying the series thus far. Not too scary, right.😊 I wonder if either of u have caught sight of any background ghosts. Did u see the face peering up from under the ladder/stairs when Theo opened the Bootleg Cellar Trapdoor.👻 It is a fantastic series, & is my favorite out of all Mike Flanagan's. Netflix shows.Theo is my favorite of the Crane children. Shirley does have a slight gift, but doesn't realize it because it happens when she's sleeping. Her sleep talking. And, I'm not talking about her comments about pandas. Right after she sat up gasping @ 3:03, she said "Nellie's in the Red Room." Anyway, I liked your reactions & commentary to this episode.
@RamblersInc День назад
Yep. Definitely not too scary...apart from the scary bits🫣 you...WHAT ?!. Oh god, I just went back and saw it 😵😵😵 Ghosts? Plural? I'm keeping this for myself and going to show Shyam at the end of the show. Surely someone's made an easter egg video of all of them. Oh yeeeeaahhhhhh. She does. But what kind of gift would that be?🤔
@lynetteoliva1256 День назад
@@RamblersInc There is a video on RU-vid that shows u all the background ghosts u might have missed while watching the series. I think a lot of people miss them because the story is so compelling.😊 Shirley would be a type of clairvoyant, & would either need to record what she says @ night/have someone that hears her. I know I'm going to sound a bit nuts, but I kind of have a Sixth Sense myself, but it's inconsistent. One of the things I do is talk in my sleep, especially when I am having a premonition. I will give an example although this was years ago. (I'm going to change other people's names that I use.) I was living w/a friend & her family. 1 day, I had a bad headache so I went to take a nap. I shared a room w/my friend. She came into the room to get something, & she heard me talking in my sleep. According to her, I said "U know he's just that way." Believing I was awake, she asked "Who's just that way?" I answered her "Tom." He was her ex-fiance. All of a sudden, my friend shouts "Lynette, wake up!" My eyes opened & I saw my friend standing beside the bed. I exclaimed "What?!" "U were talking in ur sleep. Why r u dreaming about Tom?, & Who were u talking to?" "I was talking to u. I wasn't just dreaming about Tom. U were there too." "Wait a minute, back it up. What was your dream?" I sighed & proceeded to tell her. "This is what I remember. I walk out the front door onto the patio. I look to my left & see u & Tom talking. Tom is wearing blue jeans & a white t-shirt & leaning against a dark 4-door sedan w/his arms crossed over his chest. U r saying something to him. He responds back. U get angry/frustrated & throw ur hands up. U turn marching straight for me. U stop in front of me giving me this look. I understand what the look is, & say 'U know he's just that way.' U walk past me & enter the house." My friend was silent for a few seconds, & then said "Yeah, that's just a dream because Tom doesn't have a 4-door car." "It doesn't have to be his. He wrecked his car. Remember? Maybe somebody gave him a ride. I'm just telling u what the dream was." About 2 weeks later, Tom showed up @ the house w/his mother to pick up the rest of .his things, but they visited for a couple of hours. Tom & my friend had gone outside, his mother, my friend's mother & I were in the living room talking. Tom's mother asked if I could let Tom know she was ready to leave because they had a long drive ahead of them. I said. "Yeah, sure." I walked out the front door, stepped onto the patio & turned my head to the left seeing Tom & my friend talking. Tom was wearing white t-shirt & blue jeans, leaning against a dark 4-door sedan w/his arms crossed over his chest. My friend told him something, & he said something in return. She threw her hands up in frustration. She turned from him marching straight for me. She stopped in front of me. But, here is where it changed. She put her right hand out in front of my face in a "stop" gesture & said "I know, he's just that way!", & then she passed by me entering the house. I have other instances like this among other things, but I'll only share the one. Sorry, if it seems really long.
@RamblersInc 6 часов назад
Ok....that...is...spooky. How the hell did you not freak out? Whaaa? Just the one? I want more. Did you remind your friend about the dream and that it's exactly what happened? It's never too long.
@dangshnizzle6929 День назад
The pen episode has the most concise and snappy writing of any sitcom episode I've ever seen. It relies nearly 100% on dialogue and it works so well
@RamblersInc День назад
Good thing this show has expert writing.
@DovesEyes623 День назад
I am scared to watch this reaction because I’m already noticing the comments 😅 which as someone who read the book after watching the movie, I see the adaptations differently than most. Biggest critique I see : “we’re missing his inner dialogue” Hearing narration in this type of movie would have been insufferable! We didn’t have it for any of the other THG, and there were nuances missed in all. But this story was about privilege, power,and the nature vs nurture debate. Collin’s is an outstanding writer and it would have dumbed down the context to insult her by adding narration imo. Second common critique: “the movie made Snow more sympathetic” When I first watched it I caught myself surprised at several points and then quickly reminded self “oh wait yes that makes sense, it’s Snow”. I don’t see how folks get to Third part without seeing his consistent decline throughout the film. I think the film made him look less sympathetic. But you have to look past his charming demeanor and the attractive person playing him. It’s quite brilliant as it brings to life what Suzanne was articulating about privilege. Even though he was poor and very much like the district, his heritage and appearance was able to gain trust quickly. One key moment that was changed from book that made Snow looked 10x worse was Bobbin. In the book it was dark and he had no clue if he hit him or not. In the movie they added the last swing of club that was definitely unwarranted which I think displayed a clear shift in his character. Additionally without inner monologue, his actual dialogue in movie was clearly bigoted against the districts and that was consistently worse throughout the film. He wanted to bring Lucy gray to capital and he never once saw himself as a person district so the obsession with LG may be the only critique that didn’t fully come through on film but the other two critiques are the bane of my existence 😂 😅
@RamblersInc День назад
I think for the entirety of the movie, in my mind, I had Donald Sutherland's Snow. So since the introduction all I saw was an evil guy. But it kept on painting him kind of opposite until the last act. Now that I read your comment and some of the others, I definitely missed the points throughout where he had been self serving or possessive though. "...the obsession with LG may be the only critique that didn’t fully come through on film". This was a big one for me yeh. Don't hesitate to watch it and correct us if we've made mistakes. Just keep in mind that we share one brain cell between the both of us 😂
@DovesEyes623 День назад
@@RamblersInc yea, I think they did casting too good, and Tom Blyth did too well of even convincing audience he was good. If you watch again, you’ll see he does a lot through his eyes. But I definitely remember being in the theater and shocked every time he did something and then snapped back. The book goes way more into Dr. Gaul and the songs really tell story too buti understand they just wanted this to be one movie. But of course I’ll watch yalls review 😆 ! I enjoy yalls reviews since I found yall for The Good Place! Very insightful! It’s on my queue for today!
@EThomasVerum День назад
Her mother said some sort of sensitivity runs in their family, but I think it manifests in different ways for different people and is stronger for Theo. However, the mom mentions seeing things during her headaches and said Nell called the house "loud." I even think Shirley has a touch of something but nowhere near the other girls.
@lynetteoliva1256 День назад
I don't think it's just the girls. 😊
@RamblersInc День назад
Hmm. I wonder what "loud" means.
@michaelmanville89 День назад
"These are heavy episodes". Lol.
@RamblersInc День назад
@davidhart6291 День назад
This is where this series really starts to hit its stride. Kate Siegel is amazing (whole cast is, for that matter). Can’t wait for Ep 4!!!
@thewheezingdead2492 День назад
Congrats on catching on before the reveal there's a lot of people who miss it until the call makes it obvious. I love this episode, younger Theo is fearless and older Theo is just out there helping kids, like she did with Luke. My wife was watching the series and saw the first two demanded I catch up and watch with her, this was the first episode we saw together.
@RamblersInc День назад
That Mr Smiley bit was ultra messed up. Good you watched this one together. Really emotional.
@corgiluver9718 День назад
Enjoyed your reaction. As others noted, the first episode focused on Steve and his denial of any supernatural reason for Hill House, the second episode focuses on Shirley, and now this one with the third eldest Theo. Really glad you both are enjoying the show. Personally I think the best is yet to come.
@macaronicism День назад
"Man, these episodes are getting emotionally heavy." Oh, these sweet summer children.
@RamblersInc День назад
@joshuacoldwater День назад
13:23 - I think you both missed something. Remember how Shirley handled her kids perfectly in the basement? She said EXACTLY what Theo told her to say in this conversation.
@MorbidMind123 День назад
I can't stand this season. Every single Rhaenyra scene is the same "No one believes I know how to war, but I know how to war! Only I don't know how to war... Why won't they believe I know how to war!? I am strong!"
@RamblersInc День назад
I read that in her voice🤣 Can someone teach her how to fight already. She's practically begging to train.
@joshuacoldwater День назад
It’s extremely rare that I will complement not only the writing of a character but the actress that plays her, this is one of those cases. Kate Siegel is beyond genius, even though she’d never admit that. Her acting is more of her just becoming the character, I’ve watched her in 15 different projects and she’s different in every one. Theodora is my favorite character, and it’s hers as well. I also believe it is Mike Flanagans’ (The Director and HER HUSBAND…… great taste). They had a daughter recently and named her Theodora.
@lynetteoliva1256 День назад
I love her portrayal of Theo, but I really liked her character Maddie in HUSH. So, it's a toss up for me one which is my favorite.
@RamblersInc День назад
Completely agree. Brilliant acting. Even just that scream in the end...chilling. Aww that's sweet.
@EleshNorn-ui1eg День назад
Every Crane gets their own episode to explain what happened to them and why they became who they are. And it starts with Steve, the skeptic, who saw nothing and each one gets worse and worse. You haven't even scratched the surface yet.
@jeffmartin1026 День назад
The first episode was Steve-centric. I think Theo had a "gift", but the ghost who held her hand brought it to fruition. What is outstanding about this series is how it draws in how life can be just as horrific as their experiences in Hill House. The creature in the basement was a bootlegger who was killed there. Hang in there as all will be explained.
@BlackDerek День назад
She mentioned having the gift before the house. When she's talking about her mom spanking her for she throwing the rock.
@RamblersInc День назад
Yep......."gift". Poor girl. Ooohhh it's a bootlegger. Ok that makes sense.
@feykabah День назад
Episode 1 was about Steve.
@muzikxjunkie410 День назад
This episode was the one that broke me. So sad. This show is also brilliantly edited. I'm so excited to see how ep 6 was filmed.
@kcallamajaji День назад
The first episode was named "Steven sees a ghost"
@tsumiproductions День назад
❤ great viewing! Excited for the next one
@EVERYDAYGames00 День назад
Been waiting for this 🙌
@mbavdegrassidc1 День назад
So early, lol. I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this show! ❤
@Missy-24 2 дня назад
It's strange but when rewatching this show, the more time passes, the more I relate to Britta. Compared to the intensity of cancel culture and twitter mobs and the painful realization that people who deserve to be ignored for their dangerous views have staunch supporters and aren't bothered by criticism, Britta seems like a decent person. She's not as saintly as she acts, but that's one "fake it till you make it" that doesn't hurt anyone, unlike others whose "fake it till you make it" attitude led to people losing lots of money. Also, "it's just a pen" doesn't help someone whose pens are constantly taken. Even if there's no ill intent, it gets extremely frustrating. Especially if you care about your writing instruments. I'd be very annoyed to lose a certain model of gel pen that's no longer made. When I realized they stopped making that model, I bought as many as I could find (which sadly was only about 10, including refills) and I'd hate losing any.
@RamblersInc День назад
You've nailed it with "fake it till you make it" with her underlying good intentions. But I feel like they've at times made an over dramatic or hyper version of an activist. Obviously it's for comedic effect so it works. Ok, lets meet in the middle. When it causes the group to mistrust each other to the point where they've stripped all their clothes, at day time, in a study room, in a college full of people.....then it's just a pen 😂
@Missy-24 8 часов назад
@@RamblersInc I never went nuts over a pen, and although I can understand someone who would go nuts, I would definitely stop looooong before strip searching people :) I just checked my comment history (not a huge undertaking, since I rarely comment) and I found out I mentioned before that I understand Britta more with time. I'm so annoyed I repeated myself. I knew I thought this before, but I didn't realize I had already said it. I usually watch your videos as soon as I see them, often on my phone, where I hate to type.
@Missy-24 7 часов назад
sheesh this was a long and rather incoherent comment. I should sleep more
@RamblersInc 6 часов назад
Trust me, it wasn't long. Also, I remember you did but it's still ok to mention how much you understand her again. Especially if we're going to keep on ripping on her. And sleep is overrated🤣
@gonzoron 2 дня назад
Calligraphy is my favorite episode of this whole show. So, so good!
@tuntemon 2 дня назад
Troy's reactions are always great. There were clues about the guy in the secret garden being a racist. "This is a place free from darkness" and "Some are natural jumpers" were a couple of lines that hints it. Also part 2 of the joke that started in the first season was mentioned in the bottle episode! It will conclude in the thrid season! ;)
@RamblersInc День назад
That reveal came out of nowhere. 😂
@sheriyl 2 дня назад
I cracked up when you said it’s just a pen 😂😂
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
@KoreasTina 2 дня назад
Garret. The greatest comedian of our generation!
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
His lines are hilarious 😂
@uffish2 2 дня назад
Only vaguely related: are you guys familiar with the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey?
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
We've heard of it. I know a song that's famous because of it. It's on our list to watch.
@uffish2 День назад
@@RamblersInc I don't know where you are in your current Community watching, but it might be worth seeing 2001 before you get to season three if you haven't, yet. Then again, watching them in reverse order could be fun, too--it was for me, though I had to re-watch the Community episode to really appreciate it. Either way, I'll watch that reaction if you post it! Great movie, but so different from almost everything else that it's fun to see others love it or hate it. It helps to think of it as a 3-hour painting instead of a story, for me. (Though the story is there, too: it's about humanity, from its earliest beginnings to its possible future.)
@RamblersInc День назад
Dammit. Yeh scheduling wise we're not getting that chance. Thanks for the heads up though👍 "3-hour painting". 😂I don't know what to make of this.
@MightMouse2174 2 дня назад
This was actually one of the games during the season and was the only team that came close to beating them because the real championship game was a blowout
@tempsitch5632 2 дня назад
You know, Girl !
@nosacredcows1810 2 дня назад
The British at the time expected encouraged and demanded two things from their navy officers. Extreme aggression and insane levels of bravery . To the point that at least one admiral was hanged for not being aggressive enough. It also might have helped that everyone serving on a British warship got a share of the value of any enemy ships they captured. In fact this is how the construction costs for a lot of stately homes was met.
@caseybean1305 2 дня назад
1st I'm glad to see that one of my fav jokes made the cut. So many jokes to choose from 😁 It was Pierce and Leonard zooming in on the computer, just to read how to download. 😂😂 I believe it was Manesh (did I get that even close to your name?) who cracked up like I did. So stupid a joke and yet SO FUNNY. 2nd Not only did Jeff miss the monkey. We all did! Seriously, the monkey can be seen stealing the pen at the very beginning. That leads me to this joke that I just can't pass up....Annie Boobs are clearly criminal.😂 And yes, that was Hilary Duff playing a mean girl. 😜
@caseybean1305 2 дня назад
I almost forgot. Yes a bottle episode takes place in one place/room. It's a good way to save money. Community blows up their budget on crazy parodies of space movies or zombie outbreaks 😃😂
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
Finally we didn't cut one out. That computer joke. We almost thought Leonard was a genius😂🤣 I prefer Batman but Manesh will do. I really hope we weren't the only ones to miss that pen being stolen so early on. "Annie Boobs are clearly criminal" 😂😂😂
@caseybean1305 2 дня назад
@@RamblersInc I'm Batman!! Gotcha! 😄 I think EVERYONE missed the monkey. They wanted it that way. Because, if you spot it then it kinda of ruins the episode/reaction. You'll just spend your reaction yelling "It was Annie's Boobs!!" the entire time.😜 And I too briefly believed Leonard was really skilled, then came the payoff. 😂😂
@muzikxjunkie410 2 дня назад
This show is so unhinged lmao
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
@majeda_a 2 дня назад
Britta’s the best! stop yelling at her
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
Ok. Let's meet half way. No more yelling at Britta.....unless she goes full Britta. 😂
@caseybean1305 День назад
I disagree. At this point in the show Britta can be annoying. Every reactor I've seen (guy or girl) reacts the same way when Britta gets started on her civil liberties rant. The reaction is always a head or eye roll, with a "not this again" The writers did it that way on purpose, they wanted that kind of response. I LOVE Britta!! And the actress. Her character actually gets much better as the show moves along and she becomes one of my absolute faves by season 5 and 6. But, at this point in the show they wrote her so that she sometimes feels like a cheese grater on your nerves. Even Britta recognizes it in herself. Back in season 1 when Annie and Shirley were holding a bake sale for the oppressed journalists in Guatemala. Britta suddenly realizes she doesn't REALLY do anything, she just rants about it. The good news is that Britta grows as a person, while still remaining mostly the same. I LOVE that fact. Character growth, without a full change.
@adamwells9352 2 дня назад
Hahahaha... The _absolute_ seriousness of "Gasp! Annie's boobs!" ... Excellent.
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
@nescirian 2 дня назад
Season 1 episode 20 you were talking about how Britta was the normal, sensible person in the group and the show didn't seem to know what to do with her. This video it's "oh my god she's gone full britta". I actually thought I remembered it taking longer than that for the show to butcher her character. They do at least have a self-aware line about this change in a late season 3 episode. To be fair, it's entertainment, and if a central character can't be made entertaining I guess the writers' options are either remove them or change them. It still kind of bugs me though.
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
Great point. It has been a massive character change for her. I don't know why though. I'm not complaining as it makes sense in a comedy show for characters to have quirks. But still, that happened quickly.
@superpotroast 2 дня назад
The pen episode is one of my favorite Community episodes..
@Cisfordelta 2 дня назад
Funny how he asks how they didn’t see the pen being taken by the monkey when they you guys didn’t notice either and the camera was on it.
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
I put my hands up. That menace of a monkey had us all.😂
@Missy-24 2 дня назад
I know about the monkey and I still miss it on casual rewatches.
@Ljrobison 2 дня назад
A bottle episode is usually an episode planned to be very low budget. Usually in one room or set. They blew most of the seasons budget playing all that ABBA music in the Halloween episode from what I hear.
@Wiley_Coyote 2 дня назад
Now you're really in the meat of where this show gets delightfully bonkers.
@cheekyboomboom8973 2 дня назад
20:00 A bottle episode is when TV shows spend too much time and/or money during production and are basically forced to do an episode basically in one cheap setting. Community did in fact spend too much time and money on other episodes and needed to make a bottle episode, but as usual found a way to make the concept of it hilarious and clever
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
Oh, so it's not a proactive choice? Shame. Some of the best episodes are bottle ones. Relies on writing though.
@thewheezingdead2492 2 дня назад
Your despaired cries of "It's just a pen!" had me rolling. One of my favourite tiny Community moments is Garrets delivery of "It's still sunny!" It gets me every time.
@ragtimeraver 2 дня назад
I live in Florida. "It's still sunny!" is the line I quote most often from the show, and just like Garrett says it lol.
@RamblersInc 2 дня назад
@Missy-24 2 дня назад
Crisis alert!!!