Why hello there, and welcome to my RU-vid Channel. Home of Tabletop Ferox (Tabletop game reviews) and Let's Make Us A Character (Character creation walkthroughs). Also there's a bunch of other stuff from before one content type won the popularity contest.

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The Dungeon Master is Supposed to Lose
14 дней назад
TTRPG Crowdfunding Spotlight May 2024
2 месяца назад
Slugfest (2023) Review
2 месяца назад
To Change (2022) Review
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Silicone Dice Review
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LMUAC Gamma World, the Lost Duck Footage!
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Zine Month 2024 Week 4 Picks | Zvlog 64
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Zine Month 2024 Week 1 Picks | Zvlog 61
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Zine Month 2024 Day 1 Picks | Zvlog 60
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The Issue With Safety Tools
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The Walking Dead Universe RPG (2023) Review
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Let's Make Us A Metamorphosis Alpha Character
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In Terms of Furry Memes | r/Furry_IRL
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@gurkhajake 15 часов назад
42:40 "Hererosexual" Uh yeah, I'm only attracted to that particular subsection of southern African Bantu peoples 😂 (I'm joking, obviously, these videos are great)
@siralvhem9784 19 часов назад
One detail that really, REALLY bothers me is the consistent misspelling of Bortbytingar
@andrewpinedo1883 День назад
15:28 Is this the 'algebra' that was needed to play the game?
@plastikpixelz4178 День назад
American artists used to go out of their way to draw things badly 🤣
@felicityc День назад
I'm easily a +50 or more on the slut meter
@nugget0928 День назад
I consider this series to be the quintessential video essay on FATAL, much like MacLennan Sartin is the quintessential FATAL review.
@TheRavenArchon 2 дня назад
I actually love Warhammer 3rd edition. I have almost a complete set of the game in fact (truely I shall never own Enemy Within). I openly admit some of the fiddley bits are well and truly unnecessary - career ability and talents could just be written down like feats, and the stance meter could just run across the top of the character sheet or something for example - but the power cards, custom dice, and general mechanics of the game are actually a ton of fun, and very unique as RPGs go. From the GM side, making encounters by combining enemy cards and unique power cards for them to then have right in front of me during play is awesome. Mechanically the stance meter is great, tangibly manipulating the dice pool based on your character's (or monster's) current disposition. Also I love the custom dice pool and the variable results it can provide beyond success/fail. YMMV. It may not be for everyone, and it's certainly not my favorite RPG, but it's fun to collect, and offers a unique RPG experience.
@nugget0928 2 дня назад
Honestly, a role playing game without any typical classes like warriors and wizards instead opting for professions of normal people inhabiting the world improvising their talents to become a ragtag team of heroes is a stellar idea for a ttrpg.
@stephenknizek2651 2 дня назад
@TimmyDisorder 3 дня назад
White Wolf was famous in the 90s for deliberately limiting the options in the core book so you would have to buy more of their blister books to keep up with the power creep. It was like TCG rules with their RPGs.
@TimmyDisorder 3 дня назад
Wouldn’t Zangief still be blocking in your first round of tutorial combat? Pretty sure the block lasts the whole round, which brings Cannon Drill down to the minimum of one die.
@zigmenthotep 2 дня назад
Good question. Well, it is specified that using block against a hurricane kick applies to all attacks, as if that's not a normal thing. But also that if you use block in two consecutive rounds you are considered to be blocking between the two blocks. So... probably?
@andrewpinedo1883 3 дня назад
Something is becoming clear, the authors of FATAL have no idea how to write code. FATAL should have been a video game, if anything. There are hundreds of dice rolls just to get started, most of which do next to nothing to the gameplay, why should the player calculate these things by hand? Most of this should have been automated.
@timothymclean 3 дня назад
1:04: I remember Green Ronin also publishing a bunch of D&D 3.5 and PF1 sourcebooks, which are somewhat relevant to the topic of this video.
@Romanticoutlaw 3 дня назад
a parasitic plant that puppeteers around an unintelligent host body sounds so cool wtf??
@MetaBinding 3 дня назад
It all makes so much sense now - he's an unhinged "ideas" guy. He can only come up with ideas, not how to actually implement them into a gaming environment. It doesn't help that he's so unhinged that nearly all of his ideas are edgy for the sake of it or intentionally insensitive because he thinks a scholar might have said it once.
@Romanticoutlaw 3 дня назад
I just don't understand how you get to doing anything sexy if you keep having to roll 500 dice and tracking that data. Like maybe if you get off on data entry specifically..?
@Romanticoutlaw 4 дня назад
game is specifically meant to be horny THEY ADDED IN RANDOMLY ROLLING INFANT AND PUBESCENT CHARACTERS 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨
@thewhiteonetwo1784 4 дня назад
I imagine that he's banned guidance because since it never goes past a d4, and it doesn't specify once, every party member could easily take a multiclass into 1 level of cleric and then have every player(including the one making the roll) cast guidance on a single player and get 3/4/5+d4 bonus onto a check. And guidance specifies that you can add the d4 before or after the roll, so with 5 instances of guidance on a player, they can roll, fail it by 1 or 2, then choose to roll a d4 for guidance. Then they'd still have 4 more instances of guidance to use. And it specifies that it stays until the d4 is rolled or concentration is lost. And 1 of the feats available (war caster) gives you advantage on concentration checks. So it's highly unlikely that they'll ever fail a concentration check.
@rushifellpainting4631 4 дня назад
Any video that talks shit on Zombie Lake deserves a Like
@kronosbach5263 4 дня назад
I have personally found myself not loving my one time playing this game. I should try a second time one of these days
@Bone_Incidents 5 дней назад
30:22 This has the potential to be a very complicated but fun mechanic in TTRPGs especially if you can get prosthetic limbs.
@3_14pie 5 дней назад
btw, don't know if you read my comments, but despite I criticising and complaining a lot, I actually really like your videos, specially these character making ones, and I _(usually,_ sometimes I too annoying even for my standards) try to criticize and correct what I have a reasonable argument for, and isn't pure preference. ex: I don't agree with your opinion on goblins and monstrous races, but eh, at the end of the day, it's just preference
@3_14pie 5 дней назад
the way pf2e is balanced, your level basically doesn't matter for things of your level that you are proficient in, so every extra +1 matters. the level is relevant for things with a different than you, which usually is the majority of stuff; making them not only easier or harder to succeed, but more/less likely to critically fail or succeed. I myself think that every number growing every level is annoying, but it not only works, but tells better stories. a lvl 1 wizard has 0% chance of hitting an ancient dragon with a sword, let alone criting. the best chance it has is a 5% chance of not critically failing, which generally works way better than how dnd does. though of I were the designer I'd have gone for ½ level proficiency, or having a 4th type of bonus, a level bonus, that is applied to basically everything that has a level difference from your character equal to thwt difference; but as you can see, these "solutions" are just more convoluted versions of how the game already works, and the biggest problem with ½ level (although I still think it could work, maybe I'll try some day) is that half of the levels become a more noticeable bump in power for no reason, depending on how you round them
@3_14pie 5 дней назад
_aktchually_ there's nothing prohibiting you from make a leshy from a versatile heritage, maybe your changeling Leshy was created by a hag, or corrupted by the 1st world, and your hellspawn leshy could be a pepper that an demonic druid made or something, there's many ways to go around it, and restricting player options for no reason isn't in the style of this game
@3_14pie 5 дней назад
a company that gives its game for free in a very convenient format (AoN) is excused for dividing the remaster in 2~4 books. and everything that distances itself from WotC and Hasbro has my approval... besides , for who already plays the game or wants to get into it, the remaster is full of great changes, in quality of life, balancing, fun and player options. now that the final remaster book is out, you maybe could do a quick follow up for this one?
@filipemartinho1753 5 дней назад
Can someone timestap when he rolls for anal circumfrence
@kronosbach5263 5 дней назад
I think this game is exactly what I was looking for to start my GM journey, thanks!
@greed0599 5 дней назад
Oh dear.
@kronosbach5263 6 дней назад
This makes me wonder if a DM could reasonably write a story where dying or getting a tpk would be a fufilling outcome for everyone involved
@PsychorGames 6 дней назад
@Adamaspotestas 6 дней назад
That neopets game really should've come out a decade ago
@deviaan 6 дней назад
I'd have lost my mind at a neopets RPG when I was younger. Frankly, I'm losing it now.
@kronosbach5263 6 дней назад
Alas I have no intrest in this particular topic. But ok youtube I'll try some of the other videos.
@caseyjasey4446 6 дней назад
ngl i don’t usually do game jams (i’m one of those sit around and disassociate kinda game devs) but this video has inspired me and i’ve got something cooking based on your optional theme (which helped me a lot) now to tell my friends about it so they can hold me accountable 😁
@GroundThing 6 дней назад
GURPS is not my favorite universal Role Playing system (I vastly prefer HERO, since it's less fiddly in many situations), but I think one of the big advantages of a universal system over a specialized system is that It Just Works™ for the setting that you want to run. Sci-fi is a place where this especially becomes useful, because compared to Fantasy, or in this case, Wild West, where the genre conventions are defined in part by historical periods (or the zeitgeist understanding of those historical periods), Sci-fi is a lot more open-ended, so it's a lot less likely that you can find a game that fits, the way that for any high fantasy setting D&D works well enough.
@ricesneeze7107 7 дней назад
When I subscribed to this channel to learn more about TTRPGs, this was about the last thing I expected to see
@JuBeeZ106 7 дней назад
The fact that this is only part 1 scares me. What else is coming? What other offensive views will this take? Edit: the first stats took 200 ROLLS?! Good lord, this is way worse than I thought 😳 Edit 2: WHY ARE THEY ROLLING SO MUCH
@captainstarlight3780 7 дней назад
While my full RPG is nearly complete, just doing clean up work to have a more proper character sheet and clean up some artifacts, maybe a break to do a one page ruleset would be good.
@JonCrs10 7 дней назад
I feel like if you made a video game with these mechanics...itd still be bad but at least fromna technical level itd be amazing.
@iankelley4631 8 дней назад
I just made my One Page* TTRPG today inspired by your rundown and your prompt of prehistoric horror. still doing reread and edits but I'm hoping to post it to the Jam soon. Thanks for encouraging us nerds to go out and make stuff
@Baldanders99 8 дней назад
As an old DM, I do most of what you and your friend suggested with one small difference. I don't carefully craft a tailored challenge for my players and their characters, I sloppily throw together a scenario that sounds fun to me and watch as they bulldoze through it with hijinx and lucky rolls. Makes for a great game.
@couchalmark675 8 дней назад
There's actually a pretty fun TTRPG based off fighting games simply called Fight!. It's on its second edition, it's very thorough in letting you make just about any kind of fighting game character you can imagine.
@andrewgreeb916 8 дней назад
Druids not being able to wear metal armor never felt right, like we already can use metal weapons and, in nature the only rule is might makes right, so if a bear could make armor it would make armor and wear it. So why couldn't we? Like if you said you cannot wild shape in metal armor I could get it...
@anomaloushumanoid 8 дней назад
I feel like there was a missed opportunity to name that skeleton game "100 Boners"
@couchalmark675 8 дней назад
You don't necessarily have to fudge rolls to always let the players win, but if you don't, you should always have a backup plan for what happens if they lose. A lot of the time I keep a single friendly NPC in reserve as an emergency button: if the players lose, they'll get bailed out by a rescuer, but only that one time. Depending on the situation you can also do things like have them be captured and interrogated, or something else distracts the villains from finishing them off, but always have a plan for how you're going to get them out of the situation when they can't do it themselves.
@Facebooker413 8 дней назад
In todays day and age, people only hate on 4e because they were told to. Back when it was the most modern D&D it was derided for "Gamist Language" as opposed to "Natural Language". Both of these are not real flaws
@miramavensub 9 дней назад
Whenever a new player joins my game (regardless of the particular RPG) and they inevitably ask "so, what happens when my character dies; I don't want to disappoint everyone," I always give my truly gloriously maniacal bratty lopsided han-solo DM grin and say: "oh don't worry, I like interesting stories, and the least interesting thing a character can do is die. I don't kill characters unless the player wants that to happen, it's everything else you should be worried about."
@chronoplague 9 дней назад
I kind of like how you can gain skills outside your background, and you have to justify it by making it a character revelation. You could have a situation where the other players are like, "hey, why didn't you tell us you could pick locks?" And you could say, "Oh, I thought you wouldn't trust me if you knew I stalked my ex." It could create interesting player moments. Or it could get ignored. It probably gets ignored.
@darmorel549 9 дней назад
Learning curve is close to another thing in Cyberpunk 2020. The teaching skill.... which is not well explain in that system. But basically you can teach someone up to a level of (teaching skill + skill you teaching)/2... over a vague amount of time by 1 to 5 point base on the how long said time is. (Like I said, not well explain and up to the person running the game). The thing is with Cyberpunk 2020, is that it a system from 1990, with Cyberpunk 2013 from 1988. This is still semi early in the days of these types of game (2e for dnd came out in 89, with 3e not being a thing till 2000), so some of the weirdness was less jarring (Still not a good thing considering this is how you gain power in a lot of way in the system, but eh). By 2003, there was more consistency in the community, especially with 3.5 being release that year.
@darmorel549 9 дней назад
21:04 You know what one of the men only classes? Druid. You wanna know how long it toke me to find out that woman druid existed in real life? 5 seconds. And sure I know wikipedia wasn't really a thing in 2003, but for someone who done tons of historical information, this mistake is just bad