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Furioso - Jujutsu Shenanigans
28 дней назад
Taking a Break
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@user-wt5wj2mi2j 40 минут назад
Whoo hoo u almost have 1k kills
@PatrichStar 54 минуты назад
@PatrichStar 54 минуты назад
@Pav_123 Час назад
If I could improve his idea for Yuta r/special maybe after he bite an arm off then he could use it for up to 15-20 seconds and it goes away to keep him from permanently having mahito blades or gojos teleport but if he cannot get someone he gets to use inomaki (I forgot how to spell his name)cursed speech and stop anyone from moving for 2 or 3 seconds so if he can’t get a stolen ability he can still capitalize on that by freezing the opponent and starting up a new combo
@loa2231 2 часа назад
PMoon sleeper agent activation
@engineergaming5128 2 часа назад
Black magic 2 mentioned. We will get 2 more players in the servers :)
@troyburr940 2 часа назад
I think it needs to be said(and no I don't play megumi): the only reason megumi feels like spam is because the character itself doesn't do much in the attacks. Plus, real spam is just pushing random buttons fast(tbh, a lot of newer megumi users do this.) But experienced megumi mains don't spam (I am not megumi main in any capacity unless it's for big raga) I also don't like fighting them either though, it's like two extremes. They're either really bad or VERY good. Sorry for the mini-rant
@agnes4256 3 часа назад
Erlking heathcliff
@NihilisticOutlook 4 часа назад
nice erkling avatar lol
@MonkeyGeto-e2f 4 часа назад
Obviously my daddy nanami is being added
@thiagoleonardo2484 4 часа назад
I love the still "observable" megumi "nah i'd win" in the thumbnail
@Defjulianimations 4 часа назад
Don’t forget, Mahito is a stance character. Basically, a stance character has a move that can switch their playstyle and/or give them new moves.
@Thiago-jw1mm 4 часа назад
@Liam1536 4 часа назад
I have two other issues with mahoraga that being he doesn’t start off with a full bar and infinite void still drains your ult bar
@HdbsBr 5 часов назад
haven’t seen this nga post anything but jjs
@user-jc7hp7tg9o 5 часов назад
The poison also works
@totallynotagoldbar6464 5 часов назад
why is black magic 2 in the first 20 seconds of the video, fucking avalon jumpscare
@MiraiNoDame 5 часов назад
Like if they were many characters tbh. You can main EVERY set on this game It's so easy that being bad is insulting
@user-ih4fj3iz2s 6 часов назад
I love using megumi bunny is the best start move even if your enmy block it you just need to get behind them
@MistaSpider 27 минут назад
I think you shouldn't do that cuz the bunny deal no stun so enmy can fight back in the middle of the bunny. I speak from exprience
@user-ih4fj3iz2s 3 минуты назад
@@MistaSpider most of player try to block it but if they fight you still can punish them very easy cuz bunny make you slower
@billy_butcher3046 6 часов назад
So like you said, adaptation is bad in 1v1's right? Well your almost never in a 1v1. If your in mahoraga mode, the ENTIRE server is on you, always. The only time your gonna have a 1v1 as mahoraga is when your in actual ranked, and even then theres 2v2 ranks. Adaptation is great for when your getting jumped
@spiraling-n7k 7 часов назад
Well guess what… no early access :)
@SeventhSilo 7 часов назад
With Megumi, he CAN play pretty dangerously but if you do, you play a MASSIVE game of risk and reward, especially if you go for Divine Dog and Rabbit Escape setups. Should you get hit by any ragdolling move, kiss totality goodbye, but if you do the setup correctly, you can get some of if not the highest damage in the game. While he can play ranged and "spammy", don't sleep on Megumi combos! But I would agree he's probably the worst pick for new players due to the sheer number of strategies, options and mechanics.
@slightlydapperdwarf49 7 часов назад
Finally, an overview of Yuji where nobody is whining about "He HAs No MiXuPs". He has great mix ups if you know how to use him well.
@rakeemali8441 7 часов назад
@chanalAnims 7 часов назад
Not related to actuall mahoraga gameplay but heres a tip for mahoraga if ur fighting ur friend thats using gojo in a private servers both with inf ult: (General tactic) You should always keep mid range distance from ur friend because he can easily catch you with a blue or a red if ur close You also wanna play more on the agresive side because mahoragas foward dashes are very quick (Adaptation) You NEED to adapt to ur friends Red and blue to guarantee your victory even more, all of gojo ult abilities (except domain) deal explosion damage, so when you see ur adaptation is off cooldown, try closing in the distance between u and ur friend so that when they use red or blue you can easily adapt. You should NOT adapt to purpules as they deal over half of mahoragas health if you're comepletely unadapted. This strat is very OP against ur friend because even at 50% adaptation you are baisicly half-ing all their abilities in terms of damage. (World slash) After you adapted to atleast 50% you will want to stop adapting at all and focus on using world slash as much as possible due to it being the only real high dmg dealing mahoraga move. Your friend will have no other choice then to run and wait their cooldowns off so they can gradualy start draining you which puts them at a high risk of being hit by a world slash. (Extra tip) Try to stay causious about your friend's domain as it poses a large threat to you. You can, however, feel more free of the domain risk if you adapted to their explosion damage to atleast 50%
@Abyssal2878 7 часов назад
Imma just tell you this, but mahito (perfection) has got EVERYTHING. a combo extender, ender, ranged, 3 GUARDBREAKS, amazing ass special, litterally EVERYTHING. Its an absolute jack of all trades
@aidenfoo4809 7 часов назад
TLDR: If you like their moves, only use them and master them after briefly trying everyone out
@EpicRandomness11 7 часов назад
*Cool black flash* If or when nobara gets added the following scenario would be pretty cool: - 2v2 with nobara and yuji teaming up - Nobara and yuji both activate black flash at the same time - If it succeeds, the camera angle changes and remember starts playing - The black flashes hit when it gets to the part where it says "it's not right or wrong"
@Jergenxzs 8 часов назад
i can never choose a main in jjs cause i like all of them and im gooa with all of them other than mahito
@CharaLOGIN8740 8 часов назад
3:27 Playing unlicensed catch game mid-match is so disrespectful bro 😭🙏
@hossammlaiha7889 8 часов назад
ahem make takedown replace q the dash and adaptation a passive not the R an active passive get hit 5 times with M1s to get a physical damage reduction and world slash becomes a perma fourth move..
@kingcrimson7472 8 часов назад
@Filet_W 8 часов назад
Well world slash has a big vertical hitbox but the horizontal one isnt as big as it seems its smaller than what is visualised and if you react in time you can dodge it technically.
@RohaanAfzal-rm3tg 8 часов назад
For adaptation they should make it have no cooldowns if you actually land and it should be universal as in melee dmg and projectile dmg be saved if you adapted to one and then the other. For takedown, it needs more dmg
@daybreak106 8 часов назад
Those who play their favourite characters The ones who play the character this video told them to play They would all bear witness to the bare flesh of the one who is free. To the one who uses megumi by spamming! And his overwhelming intensity!
@Resonance6 8 часов назад
Day 2 of commenting a moveset concept. Today is Toji Fushiguro! Name: Restriction R- Inventory Switch - Your main weapon is the split soul katana. You can switch to the playful cloud, a gun, and fists. The playful cloud makes your dash a run that makes you swing the playful cloud 4 times. The gun makes your M1’s have a bit of a shorter range than sukuna’s M1’s. And the fists make your M1’s faster. Also you have the inventory curse. First Move: Flash Impale - Flash step behind someone and impale them before kicking them off. This move switches your M1’s to the SSK (split soul katana). Second Move: Bullet Blitz - Take out a gun and blast 4 bullets at the enemy. This move switches your M1’s to the gun. Third Move: Delayed Cut - (Inspired by Sakura stand) Slice your opponents neck before putting the katana back into the inventory curse. The slice didn’t deal damage when you used it, but when you put the katana away, damage was finally dealt. Switches your M1’s to the fists. Fourth Move: Playful Smash - (Also inspired by Sakura stand) Take out the playful cloud and slam it on the ground. Its AOE is as big as crushing blow. G- Enhanced Senses - Start stretching before taking out the ISOH (inverted spear of heaven) from the inventory curse. R- Lightspeed Reflexes - Side dashes and back dashes will be teleport dashes for 7 seconds. First Move: Domain Slicer - Slice and slash all around you. If used while in a domain, the domain will instantly break. Second Move: Cross Slices - Counter your opponent by slicing an X on their chest before drop kicking them away. Third Move: Chain Of A Thousand Miles - Take out the seemingly infinite chain and swing it around like a maniac. Fourth Move: Flashing Gauge - Teleport behind your opponent and stab the ISOH into the opponent’s neck and drag the blade down their body before ripping it out and stabbing their leg a few times. Then sweep their legs before stabbing the blade into their head. This does a bit more damage than Open/Fire Arrow.
@Official_Bulbmin 9 часов назад
Proud close-up Megumi mains, come forth 👇
@iWillSuckYourC0ckLilbro 9 часов назад
Who else is only here for Gojo yuji and hakari because they don’t have early access?
@RolandTheLibrarian 9 часов назад
0:12 holy shit its a LoR theme
@trucoteca1924 9 часов назад
@Kemptiness 9 часов назад
Finally someone pointed it out. I found that adaption can actually be useful though if you use it against ults like Gojo and Sukuna’s flame
@Thehuman-it3oz 10 часов назад
I main Gege cause his offscreen ability is op
@AextosIBacon 10 часов назад
at 16 seconds there is a black magic 2 reference (avalon is so easy to play imo)
@TheRealVoxeori 10 часов назад
I like noobeternally and his leak and like, general knowledge. but like. 1. how is yuji not beginner friendly? he has the simplest combo in the game, and has the least to consider in the game. his gameplay works with any play style, which helps new players gain skill. an incredibly simple moveset, and a counter that helps new players learn the timings of most moves in the game. 2. gojo's beginner friendly? that character is incredibly punishable if used by new players- most of the tricks you can abuse against him only work on new players too. 😭 3. how is gojo an all-rounder? and yuji's a rush down? and yuji isn't, yuji's very much the jack of all trades in the game. good true combos, that can be better if done when the opponent doesn't have ragdoll. good movement, but not better than megumis- very generalist toolkit. gojo is MUCH more of a rushdown character. his only movement tool, his r special- is only capable of being used offensively to teleport to and attack players. his whole gameplay style relies on getting your opponent out of ragdoll cancel, AND THEN comboing them before they can get it off cooldown again. gojo is much more rushdown. i agree with megumi not being a beginner character, but mahito's reward for the skill required is a lil too high.
@TheRealVoxeori 10 часов назад
also additional note 3:20 HOW IS GOJO'S LAPSE BLUE A NUETRAL MOVE, that shit gives you crazy endlag if it's blocked. DO NOT USE THAT ON NUETRAL.
@NoobEternally 9 часов назад
1. Yuji isn't beginner friendly because he's techy as hell. His combos are easy, sure, but everything outside of that requires a good sense of when you can rush and when you can't. Newbies struggle to make good use of the crushing blow feint which is downright mandatory for Yuji's neutral, and also usually don't have that sense of when to counter an opponent. You also need to have a really good grasp on stuff like block bypassing to keep up the pressure with Yuji, and most new players just generally suck at playing aggressively. 2. Gojo is sort of beginner friendly. He gets punished to high hell if you play him like an idiot, sure, but at the kind of level beginners are playing against, it's not that big of an issue. He's also open to different playstyles like I said at the beginning of the video, though that's more at lower levels of play because you need to incorporate rushdowning into your playstyle once the people you fight get better. He's really easy to just pick up and use because his moves all chain together smoothly and as long as you aren't fighting a sweat, you can generally get by through just playing decently. Hakari might be a better character for learning the basic game mechanics since he's straightforward, but beginners are going to have a much easier time using Gojo who has some moves he can lean on. 3. Yuji has no zoning tools or anything of the sort. All his moves are either made for gap closing, or comboing, even his counter which acts as a gap closer unless he lands it close up. He's made to be in your face, especially with the mobility from the crushing blow cancel. Gojo on the other hand can't use his mobility tool nearly as consistently as Yuji, and mixes between having two zoning moves and two close ranged moves. Even if you need to rushdown as Gojo once you've taken someone's ragdoll cancel, that doesn't make him a rushdown character when his rushdown is vastly inferior to Yuji.
@NoobEternally 9 часов назад
Anyways, Gojo's lapse blue works in neutral if you catch people off guard with it. You sort of have to have a sense for when people aren't paying attention to do that against good players, but against bad players it works fine. It is a neutral move because of the range on it, just not a spammable one since, like you said, its punishable.
@TheRealVoxeori 2 часа назад
@@NoobEternally No, lapse blue doesn't work. ever. it only works against bad players, it's completely reactible. and the risk of trying to catch them off guard isn't woth giving them a freecombo cause they pressed F.
@Person_You_Dont_Know 10 часов назад
4:21 is that Firefly?!
@dumdum7184 10 часов назад
Awesome video vro but is that ERLKING HEATHCLIFF?!?!
@bruh_momment1465 10 часов назад
Can't wait to fight 19 mahoragas in a public server while being mahoraga myself!!!!
@DCminh-pe9wf 10 часов назад
I cant really agree with saying gojo is a jack of all trade He's actually quite bad at zoning Lapse Blue and Red have great range, sure. But their end lag and start up is too long for to be used effectively as a zoning tool. If your opponent block it once, you're likely cooked Compare this to an actual zoner like Megumi, who can throw their range moves out without much counterplay and can build off their gameplan from there Meanwhile his rush down is arguably just as if not stronger than Yuji. Sure, he doesnt have curse blow cancel, but he does have a LONG range teleport at the cost of some meter. Rapid punch is also the best base guard break in the game with the highest damage and fastest start up. Lapse blue as ive mentioned isnt great at zoning, but is it really strong at dealing with escaping target and red just does a ton of damage I wouldnt really describe him as easy to play aswell. Most of gojo combo require the opponent to waste their ragdoll cancel, which beginners usually isnt that aggressive to really get their damage going in. Whereas other character like Yuji or Hakari, players are able to play at their own place since they have ragdoll proof combo
@NoobEternally 9 часов назад
I agree that Gojo's zoning isn't great, but it is there for the situations where it will work. Lapse Blue can be great for catching some people off guard as a zoning tool, and while you can't use Gojo's zoning to be a pure zoner, it'll still get you a lot of value if you use it right, especially at low levels of play where people have no idea how to deal with zoning. I wouldn't put his rushdown on the same level as Yuji, simply because Yuji can consistently keep rushdowning people because of the low cooldown on the crushing blow cancel, while Gojo has to wait between uses of his special, as well as sacrificing some damage in his combos everytime he uses the teleport, whereas Yuji loses nothing for feinting.
@AveragePMFan 10 часов назад
@ryukin77 11 часов назад
just use kurai, its the best character