Urbs Advena - 12k intro by Altair
6 лет назад
RoboMechanik - Intro
6 лет назад
ORP RIVERWASH - 8k intro by KK/DMA
8 лет назад
@MarcShake 5 дней назад
And this, kids, is why mathematics are cool.
@haroldfinch1900 5 дней назад
@Mariusz_Wlodarczyk 6 дней назад
Dobrze, że zaznaczasz, że to jest 4kB. Gdy trafia tutaj przedstawiciel niezorientowanej części internetu to pewnie myśli, że 4K oznacza to samo co w jego telewizorze. 😂 Musimy na każdym kroku dodawać to nieszczęsne "B", bo to robi różnicę. 😃 A co mogę powiedziec o samym intrze? Hmmm... To już tak bardzo odjechało od technologii, które rozumiem, że nie bardzo wiem na co patrzę. 😂 Gdy wiele lat temu pierwszy raz uruchomiono kategorię "intro 4kB" nawet przez sekundę nie przypuszczałem, że te produkcje kiedykolwiek będą ładne. A już na pewno nie aż tak ładne! Z tamtego punktu widzenia to co tutaj widać jest właściwie niemożliwe. 😃 Biję pokłony przed niezwykłymi umiejętnościami.
@mariuszszarek1992 6 дней назад
Dobre, widzę rozwinięcie silnika z amigowego demka
@rcl5555 6 дней назад
Wspaniałe intro, gratki!
@jakubhusak1624 7 дней назад
@bubbanstix2536 7 дней назад
Great and impressively light.
@bubbanstix2536 7 дней назад
Turrican IV Level 2-3
@andrewvato491 7 дней назад
@igorzielinski9014 7 дней назад
@RamondeBruijn 7 дней назад
great !
@plume... 7 дней назад
Congrats on the win, it's a fantastic intro!
@warci 7 дней назад
superb! Especially love the tune
@uwekolarz14 7 дней назад
nieprawdopodobne, sztos
@charonunderground8596 7 дней назад
Brakuje obracającego się i morfującego "ziemniaka" w rytm umc umc ;)
@roheinz5007 7 дней назад
Awesome 🤩
@jagodzik 7 дней назад
@Biter 7 дней назад
Tradycyjnie kawał świetnej roboty, nie tylko całościowo zacne ale i doskonałe wpisanie w temat imprezy, świetnie zrealizowana ta partiklowa imitacja wiatru.
@TheGalacticIndian 7 дней назад
Nie dość, że talent do kodu, to jeszcze do designu! A nawet audio🎖
@djaccount5458 9 дней назад
Maybe on Amiga 1200 it (wolf 3d) could run in 256 colors..
@CrashUK28 24 дня назад
would AGA version been faster
@alexanderwingeskog758 Месяц назад
Had AMD a10-5800k (with some 1 GB low end GPU) for a long time... Tried 720p variant and it was pretty much slow motion). Upgraded my computer to Ryzen 7 5700x and a A750 recently... Have not really tried much of yet.. But then I thought about this one! and now 1080p runs smooth as butter :-) Awesome!
@danboid Месяц назад
Great stuff! This is the first music I've heard played on a 2600. I didn't know it could do such a thing. Please write a Uzebox demo next!
@AndrewSouzaGames555 Месяц назад
Eu jogaria se tivesse a Rom
@salonsospain Месяц назад
@salonsospain Месяц назад
@salonsospain Месяц назад
@salonsospain Месяц назад
@uriituw 2 месяца назад
This looks insanely amazing!
@piotrkochanek2178 3 месяца назад
to działa na gołej a500 z kickiem 1.2. jak ....? to serio lata na a500 z 1987 roku. rozwaliło mi to łeb
@piotrkochanek2178 3 месяца назад
Zajebista robota . Czekałem na to prawie 30 lat !!!!!!!!!!! Granie w cytadelę, fears, glooma, alien bfeeda 3d jest ok ale czegoś mi tam brakowało... za mało dooma w doomie. A tu to jest. Dziękuję.
@RamondeBruijn 4 месяца назад
@roserabbit3333 4 месяца назад
what a video toaster vibe, haha! awesome
@barkleyz 4 месяца назад
Amazing stuff
@DexrexxMedia 4 месяца назад
@AugustRenders 4 месяца назад
I've seen a cool recreation of Donkey Kong for the 2600, but this is next level!
@adroharv5140 5 месяцев назад
cool. snare is a little too loud I think but I like the vibe
@JankPods0201 5 месяцев назад
@martenrange1940 5 месяцев назад
Very cool1
@greenknight9000 5 месяцев назад
I wonder how many of Doom's maps could be ported into this engine, maybe using the Jaguar versions of the maps would run better, and would also be an accurate design choice for that time period
@EbayDK2K 5 месяцев назад
For all you looking for new DREAD updates - it is dead and has a successor GRIND! Search it and you will see it is alive and kickin'!
@TriarchVisgroup 5 месяцев назад
How is GRIND a successor to Dread, and where was it said that Dread was dead?
@RussDnB 8 месяцев назад
Wonderful work. Do you have any update videos planned?
@mewszczytna 8 месяцев назад
Te intra gniotą jaja ! Zajebiste!
@danboid 9 месяцев назад
You sure know how to make 4K go a long way so could I interest you in the Uzebox, the open source (hardware and software) 8 bit games console? It's pretty much the fastest 8 bit console but it has no framebuffer, it uses software generated A/V output, and its only got 4K of RAM. It is the perfect hacker platform and I think I should send you one so you can show us what it can do. Check out Tornado 2K, Flight Of A Dragon and Starduino (a 8bit Starfox demake) for good examples hinting at what it might be able to do. Do you want me to build it for you or would you prefer to bulild it yourself? Thanks KK!
@alexanderwingeskog758 9 месяцев назад
Sounds great! but what would be truly awesome I think is if you found editor/player combo that had a good mixer (and use SID style samples at the most). You have done a CPU and Graphics masterpiece for the Amiga 500 the icing on the top would be a really small exceptionally sounding intro music that was not 2x2 channel sampled instrument tune. There have to be some awesome editor/player for the 68k/Paula out there that has a really small footprint that you can borrow/check out or just get inspired of 🙂 And get a tune that sounds awesome on the Amiga 500 with headphones :-) I don't know how I would approach this, but maybe find an editor and let the musician have some sort of rules and then do an "importer/converter" for the playing code on the Amiga 500 but that might be really hard for a one off thing... or take an already great editor like MED Soundstudio and tell the musician the restrictions and then construct a (by removing all the code from the player part that is not needed) really small playing routine... and getting at least 8 channels (4*4)... Well.. just an idea... would be cool to hear something you would not expect from an Amiga 500 something awesome! 🙂 And as this is intro/menu music you could spend some 68k power on it I guess...
@olli-pekkajuusola3068 9 месяцев назад
"Only Amiga make it possible" 🎶 😂💾🕹️
@Pai3000 10 месяцев назад
Quite impressive. I would gladly pay for a full version
@friedpicklezzz 11 месяцев назад
Very atmospheric music. Love it.