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Fallout New Vegas with 800 Mods
17 часов назад
I waited 20 years for this...
День назад
Star Citizen is Almost Mainstream
День назад
Battlefield's Last Chance...
14 дней назад
I Think Tarkov Just Killed Itself
Месяц назад
This survival game is actually good!
Месяц назад
Phantom Fury Gameplay and Impressions
Месяц назад
I Can't Believe THIS Is Skyrim...
Месяц назад
@fredrikgustafsson2306 12 часов назад
Kinda shows how ass of a company Bethesda is. This is how it should have looked even when New Vegas launched.
@rororossah 12 часов назад
No pre order. No specialists. No BS.
@Liquidsunn87 12 часов назад
sound like planet side 2
@latewizard301 13 часов назад
I remember getting the DLCs on the xbox for the first time around 2015 or so(i think it was the second or third game i got DLC for, after Fallout 3 and Skyrim), and i felt like i was playing a whole new game... then i bought a PC 😂
@VrodegTheGoblin717 13 часов назад
0:35 what shader is this, how do i get this great fog effect?
@thegoon3088 14 часов назад
Just a tip - you should have added a section to review gameplay as well including separate categories for melee, stealth, and magic. One issue with Eldergleam ESPECIALLY in 3rd person is melee combat is horrendous.
@_Paul_N 14 часов назад
If they remove the specialists and bring back normal classes than the game will be a banger. We can get over mediocre maps if the weapons, classes, and gameplay in itself is solid. Leave specialists to Activi$ion and Ubisoft and go back to what made you Battlefield. The storefront and microtransactions I don't care about. Just give us a good experience that we haven't had since Battlefield 1.
@fokiwa910 14 часов назад
how many mods u said? 🤣
@Truwrds 15 часов назад
Can’t hit shit ….can’t escape …don’t even have time to ping, if you even can,it feels like it’s a hardcore game …
@user-mk1qx1is8x 15 часов назад
looks too cartoonish
@HeavyDevy89 15 часов назад
So freaking sad....
@imScottIronmonger 16 часов назад
Thats a really nice ship! Can't wait to get enough money to start building my own and get out of the Frontier 😍😍 imScott 🤓🤓
@arkgaharandan5881 16 часов назад
i got under 400 and the game looks much better than this with far more stuff, really no dynamic crosshair and no new vegas reloaded for shadows?
@SimonSedgwick 16 часов назад
Such a shame and glad I didn't pick it up. Will wait until the price drops but the first Homeworld is one of my all time favourite games.
@IvicaBoss95 17 часов назад
How do I setup Wild Card modpack? I downloaded it via Wabbajack, but the modlist page is set to hidden and I can't see the instructions anymore.
@Hexafluorosilicic_Acid 17 часов назад
Great, site is down.,.
@diegomata1062 17 часов назад
Go woke go...make a terrible game that destroys an entire franchise with devs that were hired by skin color and gender instead of devs that know what they are doing
@necrosol6241 17 часов назад
Needs more Mexico color and it’ll be perfect
@TheNefastor 18 часов назад
No game is worth 60 dollars. Can't name one, sorry.
@Otto_Von_Itter9000 18 часов назад
Mojang seriously needs to either integrate this mod or make their own version of it, I'd love to play Minecraft with 64 chunks view distance without any lag, and I'd be perfectly happy with only having like 10 active chunks around me, and I know that most people would feel the same.
@nobby5014 18 часов назад
the list is unavailable
@waykiwayki 18 часов назад
What's the best one of the franchise? I loved 1 and 2 (vanilla ones).
@duckilythelovely3040 18 часов назад
And alls you need to do is upgrade to AE (20$) and need Nexus premium account ($7 usd) $27 to be able to really do this. nah. I'm good.
@solidtoto 19 часов назад
Was excited until i heard about the difficulty thing. I don't want bullet sponge enemies thank you.
@Le-Ligma 19 часов назад
The game is in early access...they can do whatever they want just like Star Citizen did...If you "pre-ordered" with the EOD edition then you can get the Unheard for $50 now. Either way, I'm still playing now by myself. PVP is just nothing but ESP hacks now.
@timmian85 20 часов назад
god damn... well done modders
@Shrock568 20 часов назад
This definitely needs to be a switch 2 launch title.
@vacuum3697 21 час назад
i hope the author of the video heard about Vampires the masqurade bloodlines
@excuseme.8537 21 час назад
Not even a minute In and Im already not feeling battlefield
@AdvogadoFalido 21 час назад
The mod is unavailable.
@simplemaker173 21 час назад
My total mods I add for Fallout NV for now is a quarter of this total mods. So my journey is not over.
@drtydawg73 22 часа назад
this is awesome!! i need this now! 🙂 can you do a vid on how to install this stuff??
@romanfan250 22 часа назад
The marketing team is working overtime in the comments. Watch as they pathetically attempt to swat away criticism.
@surfer8438 22 часа назад
BF2 is an S tier to me. I grew up playing it and still play it to this day with mods like AIX 2.0, Nations at War, Zone of Continuous Fire, Alpha Project, and many more. It's still a ton of fun despite its dated graphics.
@sdwone 23 часа назад
Another franchise bites the dust... And I don't give a damn if this game looks nice... Because the playability is ALL that matters!
@dedli_midi 23 часа назад
you modded the game to look like a wack borderlands beta... n i c e
@scarymoe4113 23 часа назад
I wished they would do a remake of bf Vietnam.
@stevenchan3822 День назад
Seeing some PS5 games runs at 720p before upscaling to reach 60fps KZ3 did pretty good back in the PS3 era
@SaviorAssassin1996 День назад
Just download the unofficial patch, orange tint remover, and character presets menu.
@Triberzis День назад
Hype for Nolvus V6
@jameskoleff6281 День назад
I never thought I'd see LC do a fallout video.
@bigbri4090 День назад
I played through Vanilla Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition last month on my Steam Deck Oled. (2nd playthrough, but it's been 10 years since I first played it.) It looked and played well at max settings. There may have been a crash or two and an occasional stutter, but it looked and played great at 60fps limited.
the og battlefront 2...
@LostSIGN4L День назад
Author of the mod-list made it private on Nexus now right after this video went live. So much for trying this yourself!
@capolean2902 День назад
lol crazy part is contractors just added a fallout nv mod
@_ZeusWrath_ День назад
I waited 20 years for this crap...But, look at this, crap on a golden plate!
@woz121477 День назад
If it has season pass you are almost assured it will be a dissapointment.
@JME2191 День назад
I haven't used mods yet, but I need that mod that makes it actually dark at night. That looked great
@PotatoChips1223 День назад
can you make an installation guide? the instructions on nexus are really confusing
@shakatuna7820 День назад
I second this
@winyonzentrada День назад
I still don't think fallout new vegas is the best one. It had it's charms, but the open world was lacking. Which can be seen in Obsidian entertainments other games. Sure there is a heavy focus on different choices and outcomes, good dialogue and quests. But for me, it felt kinda meh. It was a fun game, but it wasn't that great like some people adamantly praises it to be.