Mr. Yramrag
Mr. Yramrag
Mr. Yramrag
Master of Magic strategy demonstrated
Hero Strategy - Master of Magic - Part 3
4 года назад
@detah1 2 месяца назад
@7:30 you are computing Torin's ToHit. 3 innate. +3 for level. +3 from new hammer. then +1 from Lucky. That's 100% Hit rate.
@detah1 2 месяца назад
AI Oberik is flatout cheating. 15 books+retorts before Turn 24.
@detah1 2 месяца назад
I enjoyed watching your playthru. That's one of the great things about this game. There are a wide variety of different successful strategies.
@halwakka504 9 месяцев назад
Absolutely love this game except for when I run up against a wizard spamming Cracks Call.
@darrellwiseman4518 10 месяцев назад
no way I'd ever run those "done" halfling cities on trade goods - compelte the fighter's guild and make slingers. they will accumulate and then you have them for garrisons you can port in when the hero takes a city you want to keep.
@jerodast Год назад
Didn't agree with all your decisions and I wish there were more playthroughs that didn't involve 11 book or Runemaster + Artificer (the one other I found was All War Trolls, sigh), but you have a nice speaking voice what can I say :)
@jerodast Год назад
Your Zaldron stack could've taken out Sss'ra's final fortress location in one turn :(
@jerodast Год назад
FYI y'all. vs the chickens at 24:00, Serena has 16 resist so 0 chance of getting turned to stone by -2 resistance penalty of cockatrices. also no need to waste mana on prayer even if following the Don't Let Them Touch You strat - Serena just had enough mana to blast down 2 Behemoths and 6 Earth Elementals for Freya's sake!
@jerodast Год назад
"If a hero approaches you through the normal hiring routine (not summoned) and you reject it, the next time the hero appears it will have gained a full level of experience, as it spent some time adventuring after your rejection. This also occurs silently if a hero would have appeared as a mercenary but you lacked the cash to hire it" from the wiki, interesting, didn't know that!
@jerodast Год назад
Mr. Yramrag captured Leer! Enemy Sss'ra's defense fell.
@jerodast Год назад
7:17 you gotta love the Web more dude! You can eat those sprites for breakfast.
@jerodast Год назад
Seeing all this unexplored Myrran land, and then "Pathfinding, Scouting Marcus" taunting us every turn only to be Doned once again, really makes me itch for him to stack up movement items and go to town. With boots and armor bonus including Endurance, he can have 10 moves and cover 20 squares per turn! He can run the circumference of Sss'ra's continent in a few months, and sprint straight in and out of his empire without even being spotted! I really just love exploration too much :)
@jerodast Год назад
31:45 - If there's one city you should burn to the ground, it's this one! Although this very niche joke I'm making works much better if you have a hero named Stanley and the garrison harms one hair on his head.
@jerodast Год назад
aw poor bounding box
@jerodast Год назад
20:00 - "Oh boy, Angel...what do Angels have..." How funny would it have been if the answer was "Missile Immunity"?
@jerodast Год назад
That's weird the Angel didn't attack/advance though. Ground units not trying to attack flyers? Normal. Flyers with only melee not attacking ground? Odd.
@jerodast Год назад
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting to ask - when you research a new spell, it's showing the UI for "you found X spells in the ruins" instead of the usual research complete animation! Is this just some bug, or is it a setting or a patch you can switch on? I didn't think it was this way from the start...
@jerodast Год назад
I wondered how many other people used the "ramp up the buyout" strategy haha. Overall I concluded it is just too much of a pain as well as obviously evading the intended game mechanic, so I usually don't do it anymore.
@jerodast Год назад
Also, the funny thing about that "surprise attack" with the angels is, that stack was actually visible in the last video, but you were too intent on taking the city to notice it I think :) As with the Chaos node of course, it all worked out fine! Superheroes OP.
@jerodast Год назад
I'm sure Mr. Yramrag knows this by now, but for anyone else curious, this is actually the standard behavior - the units do struggle to decide what to do and then just go stomping around because they can't attack the flying hero. I also agree that I feel like I don't ALWAYS see that behavior, but I might be thinking of older game versions. To reduce the stompy damage, which was pretty significant, city walls do help, but he could've also focused down a single unit to reduce the # of units counted as inside the city at the end of each turn. Since his melee is stronger than his ranged attack, he might've also wanted to burn up all his mana on the biggest spell he could, then go toe to toe with everything. (It's a shame you can't just issue a direct melee command - there are several caster/fighter heroes who may well end up with better melee weapons than their magic attack.)
@jerodast Год назад
I feel like your spirits aren't gonna be as useful for scouting at this point compared to your 8 moves per turn, scouting radius 2 heroes :)
@jerodast Год назад
Really weird how even on impossible they let themselves get caught with 0 mana and get defeated in one shot, I guess they don't expect to get ambush decapitated like that. seems like the 1 mana rule should just be ignored at higher difficulty - although that's admittedly self-serving since we like that to be able to farm for spells, gold and fame :)
@jerodast Год назад
37:00 - I don't get how Halberdiers with 42 total attack deal 0 damage to you with 10 defense, hm.
@jerodast Год назад
woah. this observation prompted a whole revelation for me about a game I first played 30 years ago...each figure attacks separately?? apparently this is true but contradicts the game manual. (also rather disguised in most posts/wiki about attacks because they refer to UNITS attacking constantly and almost never FIGURES - even when post is breaking down the game mechanics)
@jerodast Год назад
Hm, I consider "not doing Runemaster + Artifact combo" to be part of "the most difficult challenge" myself :P No 11 books either!
@drkmgic Год назад
You always inspire me to try out different builds
@drkmgic Год назад
Watching this after playing the remake makes me realize how much the remake is missing features still
@drkmgic Год назад
I've just discovered mom. Thanks for the video guides.
@brettbeckemeyer8744 Год назад
I am loving this series! However, this episode I kept screaming when you cast magic spirits. First of all, you have guardian spirits for nodes! Second of all you have earth lore so no need to send all those scouts to Myrror. I'm just glad no one is watching when I play MOM ;P
@jerodast Год назад
Tl be fair at this point he's keeping Ariel banished pretty well so not much risk of her summoning spirits to put over his. Maybe more of an issue when he tries to take over Myrror. I just wouldn't be able to stand exploring 3 tiles at a time with durdly spirits knowing I have these fighter pilots zooming around that could scout the whole plane in like 20 turns haha.
@darrellwiseman4518 10 месяцев назад
would not the global enchantment called awareness show all the cities neutral and enemy? explore instantly for the desired city to conquer@@jerodast
@super20dan Год назад
you dont do anything fast in this game
@super20dan Год назад
this guy is a slow witted dumbass
@super20dan Год назад
i have played this game 100,s of times. all you need to win everytime is just full stacks of slingers
@Leverquin Год назад
how much turns banished enemy has to return
@jerodast Год назад
They have to cast a 1000 mana spell "Spell of Return". Just like any spell, you need enough mana to pay for it and it's limited by your spell casting skill. Not sure what the Impossible AI skill level would be at this point in the game, maybe 50 or 100, so 10 to 20 turns? But I would assume they have enough gold to get any mana needed through alchemy. Sometimes if you're a player who gets banished that could be a little harder to scrounge up.
@Leverquin Год назад
plesae come back with more MoM. and what is your opinion on remake
@ChooseLoveToday316 Год назад
Does anyone know which version gives Trolls access to the Alchemist tower that gives magic weapons? Ive been playing since it was released on DOS
@jerodast Год назад
I never heard of that, but I know they get em with the Alchemy retort. It is kind of a shame. Maybe there should be some kind of trick to it - like get em killed and regenerate on top of a tile of Mithril or Adamantium, and their dead bodies will absorb the magic of the land as they come back to life :)
@jackofb1ades Год назад
I’m exited for the new game they make with this one in mind 😁
@007mercucio 2 года назад
You are trading for the wrong spells, and trading out the wrong ones, too. When possible, always give the computer arcane spells. They are already all in its spellbook, so you are not increasing the number of spells it will get, once it maxes out... so that is a zero sum gain for the computer... Don't worry about trading it create artifact... it doesn't ever make them, in most versions of this game. I've never seen it use this to full potential... so don't worry. Meanwhile, never trade FOR an arcane spell (eg summoning circle), unless it is to prevent imminent catastrophe... After all, you ALREADY HAVE THEM ALL IN YOUR SPELL BOOK... So you get more total spells, end game, if you NEVER trade for arcane spells.
@jerodast Год назад
Okay...when does he trade for an Arcane spell in this video? And he's not saying he'll never give them create artifact, just that its research cost is similar to a low tier rare spell so he might be able to get something better for it.
@davidburnett5049 2 года назад
Shadow Demons are pretty fun to use. Death Knights are the coolest but Demon Lord seems the most powerful over all, for death summons. Wraiths are great, but can't stand up to strong opponents.
@Nurk0m0rath 2 года назад
Man ... what a brutal starting position for Horus. 3 mithril in his main city and he's playing the one myrran race who can't use them. I absolutely hate that when it happens to me. Started gnolls a couple days ago and rolled mithril in my main twice. And then when I'm playing races that *can* use it, I never get it. Frustrating. Makes me enjoy my nature builds where I can turn silver into mithril and back again.
@Nurk0m0rath 2 года назад
I just wanted to mention, in case anyone is still watching these, that miscellaneous magic items can add attack to everything ... so if there's one thing you want to max attack bonuses on, it's the misc items. Especially for a hero like this who will be using multiple forms of attack.
@jerodast Год назад
another random tip - if you get in a battle you don't like but your unit has higher movement and isn't at risk of ranged attack like he got into here with the Chaos node, you can run around for 50 turns and combat will end without risking death of fleeing units
@jerodast Год назад
also, to minimize the stomping around the city" collateral damage like he tries to do in the end, you want to end as many turns as possible outside the city boundary. it's not about avoiding movement. so he would've been a bit better off attacking from the outside by maneuvering around the edges.
@skytg7739 2 года назад
great pick up! what about 4 life and Archmage instead? what u think about it?
@vladdracul5072 2 года назад
I usually trade arcane spells away for spells of the other magic realms that are not in my research list whenever I have the opportunity, as every wizard will eventually learn them anyway.
@dcfuelbrother5914 2 года назад
Enjoyed the series, thanks for uploading.
@Nauriek 3 года назад
"Your reckless hostilities can no longer be tolerated" He says to the wizard who, for the past 11 years, holed himself up in his tiny little town, never made any remotely offensive action, and just spent all his time creating and breaking magic items for his cohorts like some kind of tortured artisan. Jokes aside, i'm glad this video exists - i really craved for a MoM challenge playthrough with good commentary explaining the strategy.
@radicalbyte 3 года назад
I've really enjoyed your videos, thanks for uploading them :) Master of Magic is one of the best old games, made so by it being full of different, fun and crazy strategies.
@brosef4154 3 года назад
are ya winning, son?
@williamblake7386 3 года назад
steam cannon is a joke
@williamblake7386 3 года назад
nice choice tauron.doom bats are the worst defenders :) for this upkeep he could summon a couple of great drakes or several hydras
@williamblake7386 3 года назад
the only strat i really hate
@williamblake7386 3 года назад
good job serena