My Message For New Year 2024
5 месяцев назад
My First Impression Of Medellín
7 месяцев назад
I'm Creating A New YouTube Channel
10 месяцев назад
In The US With My Friends
Год назад
Why I Like Books
Год назад
A Positive Message
2 года назад
Update On Our Trip To Mexico
2 года назад
A Reflection On Poetry
2 года назад
Let's Respect Each Others
2 года назад
What Makes Art Art?
2 года назад
Let's Try The Bukowski's Burger
3 года назад
We Need Our Cafés Back
3 года назад
The Importance Of Simplicity
3 года назад
Hello Everyone, Let's Talk
3 года назад
Xbox Series S Review
3 года назад
Update On My YouTube Channel
3 года назад
Let's Visit the Belgian Ardennes
3 года назад
@ucraniyana 23 часа назад
Hi! =)
@ThePatchUniverse 22 часа назад
@carol.fsilva27 2 дня назад
once again, you with brilliant thoughts and very similar to the way I see the world. Leaving our “comfort zone”, meeting people from different backgrounds than ours, is so incredible, inspiring and uplifting! I'm a world traveler, and whenever I can, I like to do volunteer work for people who are more needy and who live a much simpler life than me. This whole journey makes me a better person, increasingly proud of who I have become. I was able to see that being humble is one of the greatest qualities of a human being. Humble people, who don't think they are better than others, have big hearts and make a difference in this world.
@ThePatchUniverse День назад
Oh yes, thank you very much! That's right, and I want to do that more and more actually! You probably have travelled more than I did, which countries did you visit? I agree with you on that, I think we need to be humble and understand there is still so much more to learn, but we can also be proud of the good things we have achieved. I think that everyone has something unique to bring to the world and the humble part in us should encourage them, but the confident part should also embrace our own qualities.
@carol.fsilva27 День назад
@@ThePatchUniverse I can say that I am a very lucky person and I had the opportunity to visit: Canada, the United States of America, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Portugal, France, England, Scotland, Holland and Belgium. In Brazil, I know 18 of the 26 states of this immense country. I agree 100% with your thoughts. Humble people know that, every new day, we learn a little more! And we are even wiser if we know how to learn from other people, exchange experiences and thoughts, without saying who is right or wrong, just learning and absorbing that new knowledge.
@carol.fsilva27 2 дня назад
I loved this video, with your thought of the day. This reminded me of a book by Rutger Bregman, called “Humankind: A Hopeful History”. At one point in my life, I thought the vast majority of people were bad (I work in the corporate world of one of the biggest and richest cities in the world), so I decided to read this book that changed my way of thinking. Disconnecting from the internet and TV, and truly exploring the world is so good! Good actions only attract good things in our lives! We will never regret having done something positive for someone, even if they hurt us a lot. Thanks for this video, Christ. 😊
@ThePatchUniverse День назад
Oh thank you! Oh so you used to think that? So, reading that book changed your mind on that? I should read it at some point. Oh, what is your job actually? What made you think that in your line of work? It's good that you decided to change your way of looking at it by reading this book. Oh yes, it's important to do that, the media only bring bad news. That's right, that's what I think. It's funny that you whatched this video, I was going to make another video on "Poetryinstyle" on that subject, but I'm working a lot at the moment and don't know when I will be able to do it, probably Friday. You're welcome, thanks to you Caroline.
@carol.fsilva27 День назад
@@ThePatchUniverse I have worked for over 15 years in the corporate market. Today I work in a multinational company, in the pharmaceutical industry, but I have worked in other sectors such as a large bank as well… In my experiences, the corporate world is extremely aggressive, a lot of pressure, people wanting to “outwit” you at all costs, money and power override any human virtue. For me, as I am a sensitive person with feelings, it hurts me a lot to see and live in this scenario. That's why, when I read Rutger Bregman's book, I was able to see the world in a different way. In the book, the author brings countless and important research, a revolutionary and convincing argument and real examples that “we are programmed for kindness”, and everything bad that we see in newspapers and social networks, does not represent the large part of the population worldwide. I won't give any spoilers about the book, but I highly recommend reading it Another point I would like to say: if you have negative thoughts and actions, you will only attract more and more bad things and people into your life. When we have an open heart, focusing on the positive things in life, only then can we appreciate the small and good wonders of life! We are the ones who choose the plot of our lives! How do you want to write your story? With a negative or positive look? Do you see a glass half empty or a glass half full? Think about it!
@_SarahElizabeth_ 7 дней назад
We just say the names of our country of ethnic origin because everyone is an immigrant outside of like 2% of us that are Native American. We're doing it right, for us and our culture. I literally had a little back and forth with a German woman about this a couple days ago. It appears you Europeans view that as a nationality while we view it as an ethnicity. Come to the dark side and join us!
@ThePatchUniverse 6 дней назад
Yes, I understand, we were actually joking around with my friends there. To be honest I think it's really great to be proud of your origins and try to explore them, the only thing that annoys Europeans is when people say things such as "I am Irish", instead of saying "I have Irish ancestors" or "roots". Last year, as I was working in the chocolate shop, two American women told me their ancestors came from Belgium and I thought it was really great. I strongly encourage people to explore the country of their roots, I think it's great. Haha yes, I was also a Star Wars fan in the past, so I like that.
@_SarahElizabeth_ 5 дней назад
@@ThePatchUniverse I was trying to have a bit of fun but I think it can be hard to read sarcasm online. Americans, we're sort of the rejects of all our homelands but also somehow the best.
@_SarahElizabeth_ 5 дней назад
@@ThePatchUniverse Also, you "were" a Star Wars fan? Did the new movies ruin it for you?
@ThePatchUniverse 5 дней назад
@_SarahElizabeth_ Oh yes, haha, I'm sorry. No, I picked it up but I was afraid of having offended you because we talked about that subject recently so it sounded like I was contradicting myself. Yes, I used to be a big fan, I even travelled to Orlando in 2012 for a Star Wars convention, but yes, the new movies ruined it for me. The Force Awakens destroyed everything that had been done before in my opinion and it only got worse from there. I remember playing Star Wars : Knights of the old Republic in 2004, I have played that game at least 15 times. Are you a Star Wars fan?
@_SarahElizabeth_ 5 дней назад
@@ThePatchUniverse It is pretty hard to offend me, so don't worry. I feel sooo sad for you Star Wars fans about how the whole thing has fallen apart and been ruined. I wish Disney had never purchased it. I think if it had just been left alone with people who understood the universe that it would have remained entertaining. I was too young to appreciate the original movies and then I felt a little too old to watch 1,2,3 so it never really worked out. I have seen some of the films though, including the Force Awakens and I agree with you! I *hated* it! How could they kill off Han Solo??? And then Princess Leia lives sort of even though Carrie Fisher was dead in real life? And Rey is more powerful than Luke Skywalker? Yea right! I'd rather have bleach in my eyes than have to watch that again.
@_SarahElizabeth_ 7 дней назад
Nintendo forever!
@ThePatchUniverse 6 дней назад
Yes, I love Nintendo too! Do you play a lot of Nintendo games?
@_SarahElizabeth_ 5 дней назад
@@ThePatchUniverse When I was a kid my dad and my brother said that Nintendo was for boys and they rarely let me play, so I never got a good attachment for it. But I do enjoy it, especially any Mario games. I used to spend a lot of my babysitting money at arcades and really love pinball machines, racing games, really any game as long as I can learn it and people have patience with me. What is your favorite games and do you play a lot?
@ThePatchUniverse 5 дней назад
@@_SarahElizabeth_ Oh yes, I understand that. That's a pity, we have those prejudices. I love Super Mario as well, but particularly liked his brother Luigi. I loved the game Luigi's Mansion, the third one is great. As I mentioned in another comment, I really loved the game Star Wars : Knight of the Old Republic, but that wasn't a Nintendo game, it's now available on the Switch though. There is that game, Baldur's Gate 3, that I play on my Xbox Series S, it was made by a group of developpers who started in Belgium, which made me proud as well.
@_SarahElizabeth_ 5 дней назад
@@ThePatchUniverse Luigi is the best! I also like Waluigi for mischievous reasons with his little rose. What a weird dude. I have a Switch so I will look at that Star Wars game. I quickly looked up Baldur's Gate 3, well done Belgium! I have always wanted to get into Dungeons and Dragons more. I played a campaign with some online friends once where we had an island and we had to survive purely off of what we know about real life survival techniques. That was a lot of fun.
@ThePatchUniverse 4 дня назад
@_SarahElizabeth_ Oh yes, I love Luigi! There is now a new Mario&Luigi game, so that's great. Yes, Waluigi is cool too, with his rose, I wish they could use him more. I like Wario too, but it's been a long time since we had a proper game with him. Oh yes, please do, this Star Wars game is awesome. Oh yes, Baldur's Gate 3 us such an incredible game, but it can be difficult. If you have a PS5 or an Xbox Series console, you should really buy it, that would be my recommendation. Oh cool! Yes, that sounds like a lot of fun. Did you survive well on that island? Did you win?
@_SarahElizabeth_ 7 дней назад
I am shocked at the level of treachery the Japanese have taken to deceive the world about Pikachu! You literally neighbors in the same town. Thank you for exposing the truth!
@ThePatchUniverse 6 дней назад
Me too, I was really annoyed because of that. You're welcome, it was important for me to do so!
@_SarahElizabeth_ 5 дней назад
@@ThePatchUniverse You're a hero!
@_SarahElizabeth_ 7 дней назад
From my perspective, school kills the curiosity and love of learning in children. They are meant to memorize "facts" that may or may not be true, in subjects that they are not interested in, from teachers with no passion for their subject matter. Kids develop an ability to do what they have to do to pass and then quite often forget everything afterwards. They grow up and lead bland lives because the juicy and exciting stuff of life was hidden from them when their brains were developing, so they don't even know it is there. If we are to solve this problem there are a lot of things that could be improved, like: • Re-evaluating what needs to be taught in school and what does not. • Shortening the length of time that learning takes, so that the quality of experience shines. • Giving children needed life skills, such as how to think instead of what to think. • Allowing them time to express their ideas and encourage healthy discourse. • Get kids out from behind desks and into whatever it is they are learning about. If it's a section on geese, for example, let the children check up on and observe how goslings are growing and developing over time. • When reading, do not use textbooks and instead require that it be done through primary sources, so that children are hearing about things as they happened to actual people. It is significantly easier and more memorable to read Anne Frank's diary for example than a soulless textbook with dry facts and dates. • In conjunction with my last two points, combine subjects together as they would be in real life. If you are learning about Ancient Rome, go all in. Dress the part, eat the food, listen to the music, watch and participate in the sports, make the art, read the folklore and philosophy, practice the Roman numerals, roleplay the conquests. • Offer a wide variety of electives that help the kids figure out what they like and what they might like to pursue in the future. • Have educators who are experts in their field who get excited about teaching others and make the experience memorable. • Etc.
@ThePatchUniverse 6 дней назад
Thank you very much for your comment, I fully agree with you, and I spent 5 years at university. I thought you made really great points and I hope the teachers and educators will start doing more and more of such things. By the way, I have been very busy and I'm currently answering your e-mail but I had long days at work. I will probably send you the full answer by today or tomorrow.
@_SarahElizabeth_ 5 дней назад
@@ThePatchUniverse Thank you! Education is very important to me and I would like to try to fix the problems that are out there. It is a passionate issue for me.
@_SarahElizabeth_ 5 дней назад
@@ThePatchUniverse Also, please do not feel that you have to rush to reply. I wrote soo much and understand that it will take some time to get through. Hopefully you're playing some video games and relaxing after a long days at work.
@ThePatchUniverse 5 дней назад
@_SarahElizabeth_ You're welcome, thanks to you. It is also a passionate subject of mine. I spent 5 years at university and never finished it. I didn't go into debts because university is very cheap here in Belgium. I considered that time a hole of 5 years in my life. I tried to change my mind and learn from it, I managed to do that but it took some time. I don't think this video I made was a good one and my points were really shallow, but your suggestions are really good. It's a passionate subject of mine because I can see what a good education system could do and I imagine such cities or universities centered around real knowledge. Our education system nowadays is mainly brain washing and that infuriates me.
@ThePatchUniverse 5 дней назад
@_SarahElizabeth_ Thank you, but I also enjoyed our conversations. I've been working a lot lately and I have to take the train to go to work. I haven't played much video game but I'd like to find the time to do so. Still, I greatly enjoyed our communication.
@_SarahElizabeth_ 7 дней назад
The Harlem Renaissance was such a wonderful explosion of art and culture. Have you read his poem "I, too"? I think it is a nice companion to this poem. We do often defer our dreams, but "I, too" shows that determination and a solid sense of self will get you to your goals. When we are in that mindset with that focus, we are unstoppable. Also have you ever read anything from Countee Cullen? He was a contemporary of Hughes and a brilliant intellectual. He churned out a lot of great quality stuff.
@ThePatchUniverse 6 дней назад
It was, I think it's really interesting. Yes, I actually know the poem "I too am America"? Yes, I completely agree with what you say. Oh no, I have never heard of it but I will check him out, thank you for the recommandation.
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
Wow! I am in awe because everything you communicate i can relay to it! Meaning your words could be mine! Really awesome that poem saved your life! 🎉
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
Oh wow, that's really great that you are saying that! I'm really happy to read that. Yes, thank you, poetry really did save my life!
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
@@ThePatchUniverse You are so welcome, Christophe!
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
Hey, very nice area you are walking in! Beautiful how you worded what Communication is and the use of trees becomming a forest! I agree with you that communication is important! I love communication through art such as music a lot!
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
It is! Brussels is surrounded with forests like that, it's one of the great things about this city in my opinion. Oh thank you! Yes, I think it's a good way of looking at it, and yes, communication is important, unfortunately it seems like it's being more and more neglected in our society. Me too! Art is the greatest way of communicating but also every day communication can be done in an artistic way.
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
I do like books! I also believe that a good book is better than watching a good film for the reason that you create your own images instead of looking at the images that are there already created for you.
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
Books are really great, aren't they? I agree, I also think it's a very intimate process because it's like a direct communication between the reader and the writer through the words chosen by the writer, deeply connected to his/her thoughts. I love movies too actually, I think we need them as well, they also offer things that books can't offer, but we need both. It's interesting because I really wanted to make that video but didn't know how to express myself and consider it one of the worst videos of the channel, but it still lead to amazing discussions, so it ended up proving me right in my decision to make that video. It also reminds me of the great timebI had reading that book "Ayesha", what an amazing book.
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
​@ThePatchUniverse Indeed, i also like movies and we do need both! Your video could have been worse but I think I understand what you mean. I enjoyed it ❤
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
@mariannewaser2419 That's right! I agree, it could have been worse and I'm glad you enjoyed my video. It was good that I made it because it lead to great conversations like this one.
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this and that the majority of people are great and even amazing! I can complete relay to that fact....i have been traveling quite a lot and i meet great people! By the way i consider you one of the many great and amazing people!
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
It was my pleasure, thank you for watching my video. That's funny because I was just thinking about that actually, I was reflecting on the idea that most people on this planet are good people. Oh yes, I can imagine that. Thanks a lot, that means a lot to me, I also consider you one of the great people I've met!
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
Nice introduction! The fact how you created your youtuber name for this channel is quite amazing! 😮😂
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
Hey! Oh yes, thank you very much! I thought it was important to explain it since even though it has a meaning, it's probably really hard to understand. Thanks for watching.
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
@ThePatchUniverse You are welcome! And yes, having the correct meaning or explanation is always a plus! Since not having any meaning leads to making one up; just to fill the lack of understanding with something we think it could mean! Basically we invent what it might mean. Honesty I was thinking that patch universe means a universe made up with patch-work...which actually kinda fits your channel 😃
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
@mariannewaser2419 Oh yes. I think that's interesting because we do that with everything, if we don't know the context of an art piece for example, we invent a meaning, and the meaning might be close to what the artist wanted to communicate, or very far away, but it is always true because your personal interpretation is important too. I like your interpretation of the name of my channel, I do agree that it fits what I'm doing with this channel.
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
Great idea to have created a new channel 🎉🎨✨️
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
Oh thank you very much, it already exists now, it's Poetryinstyle.
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
Amazing poem about a subject that touches the heart 😊 Great body expression too!
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
Thank you very much, I really appreciate that! Thanks a lot, I haven't made such a video in a long time!
@mariannewaser2419 3 месяца назад
​@ThePatchUniverse You are very welcome! Yes, Time is passing. However time is not important. Art does not really have time in a sense it does not really run old. You know what I mean?
@ThePatchUniverse 3 месяца назад
@@mariannewaser2419 That's right, I completely agree with you!
@mariannewaser2419 4 месяца назад
Alexander, John and Christophe combination...hilarious! 😂
@ThePatchUniverse 4 месяца назад
Haha yes, indeed, thanks for watching!
@mariannewaser2419 4 месяца назад
Hey 🎉 came across this one and Love it! For a bright future to you and all you love!
@ThePatchUniverse 2 месяца назад
Hey my friend! I've just seen that comment because I never got a notification for it! Thanks a lot, I really wanted to start the year with a positive message.
@mariannewaser2419 2 месяца назад
@ThePatchUniverse Hey my amazing friend! Great, you are welcome! ⭐️
@ThePatchUniverse 2 месяца назад
@@mariannewaser2419 Thank you very much for that!
@louannbassompierre5487 4 месяца назад
Comme promis j'ai regardé ta vidéo ;) J'adore le concept, continue c'est top! Louann (La lumière🤣)
@ThePatchUniverse 4 месяца назад
Hey Louann! Merci beaucoup, je vais continuer! Haha oui La lumière, j'attendais ton commentaire.
@GamingMyWholeLife 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the shout out! Very kind of you ^__^ I always enjoy our many different conversations. Pride and Humility are very interesting subjects. Pride is interesting since we have to be careful to not have too much... maybe it's like Sugar? Hahaha I think you will always grow as a person because you actually want to. Many people reach an age and either don't care or believe they have no control over who they are. For me, I had a moment in my life where I was in a very dark place. I could not see all that I had in front of me and realised I was always chasing the future. The problem with that was I was ignoring the NOW. So even if I reached a Goal, the goal became now and I did not know how to appreciate it. I hope that makes sense. Glad you got a nice amount of views on this video as well. Well done. I hope you enjoy your new job and if not, there will always be others. Happy 2024!!
@ThePatchUniverse 5 месяцев назад
You're very welcome my friend! Same here, I really enjoy our conversations, that's why I thought it was important to talk about your channel. Internet is a means of communication, but often used in the wrong way, if all users were like you, internet would be a better place. That's right, I agree. Sugar is a good example, especially that I'm pretty addicted to it and if I take too much of it, it gives me a headache. Pride is the same, it goes to your guts and your head, and not in a good way if you take too much of it. I think one of the problems with too much pride, or let's call it arrogance, is the inability to perceive other's people point of view and importance in the world. Thank you for that. That's right, I've noticed a lot of arrogance among elderly people when they should be wiser, they have that attitude "I have lived more than you." while forgetting that one day they were our age. Oh yes, I think I remember you talking about that on your other RU-vid channel, I think you also talked about the importance of humility, and I fully understand how that can lead you to a dark place. The future is important and so it's important to chase it, but it's equally important to remember to chase the future so it can one day be the present moment, so it makes sense to me that it made you unhappy, the future and even the past, have their role to play, but happiness only lies in the now. Yes, that makes a lot of sense actually, but you are also always learning and now I assume you enjoy the present moment more than before? Thanks a lot! That's right, I noticed this video got a few more views than the others. I actually make videos to have conversations to a few friends like yourself and record my thoughts, evolve them through conversations, the views are a bonus, but if they lead to more such conversations, then it's really great. Thanks a lot, I hope this job will work, but you are right, if not, there will be others. Thanks a lot, happy 2024 to you too my friend!
@shanejaredberezowski5467 5 месяцев назад
Hey man. Good to see you again. Are you in Mexico?
@ThePatchUniverse 5 месяцев назад
Hey man. Good to see you too! No, I'm back in Belgium, last year I traveled to New York for two weeks and spent 6 weeks in Colombia. I imagine you are still in Mexico? You live in Guadalajara, right?
@woodchi 5 месяцев назад
A good subject to talk about and well worth pointing out that travelling and looking outward, experiencing others’ art or cultures or thoughts (such as through poetry) opens oneself to a wider reality. I think that would make life easier in general.
@ThePatchUniverse 5 месяцев назад
Thank you very much! I agree, and I thought it was worth pointing that out since a lot of people tend to become arrogant, which is not the answer. Writing or creating art in general, which are journeys in themselves can be very humbling but then can create this ideal state of calm which is the perfect blend between pride and humility. Travelling does that too. That's only my opinion but I'm glad you see things that way as well.
@GamingMyWholeLife 5 месяцев назад
I know we were just chatting on my channel but Happy New Year again!! I like that expression and I use it a lot myself as well. Planting Seeds is a fun and effective thing to do. I also plant compliments and try give people confidence boosts when I can. Doesn't actually take much to make a person happy : ) Simple Smile like you said can make all the difference.
@ThePatchUniverse 5 месяцев назад
That's right, but I think it's really cool that we communicate on both or even more channels. Happy New Year Again! Yes, it's a great expression! That's right, I think it's important because a lot of people lost confidence in themselves or feel unnoticed or transparent. For example a person put on a really nice jacket, showing the person you noticed that can make a big difference. Saying hello or a smile means "I noticed you and I know you exist." And that can also make a big difference. I'm happy we agree on that, it's a great way to start the year 2024.
@woodchi 5 месяцев назад
A fortune cookie couldn’t be more positive. One can look back, but one can look forward too.
@ThePatchUniverse 5 месяцев назад
Haha, that's right, I should have called this video "fortune cookie". I agree. Actually, I think that New Year can be an opportunity to look at how we want the year to be and then start it in a certain way. I also believe that spreading positivity around is important.
@stephaniehaubert8022 6 месяцев назад
are you Belgian? you dont have much of a French accent...just a little
@ThePatchUniverse 6 месяцев назад
Hello. Yes, I'm from Belgium. Oh really? That's good, I used to live in England and I lived in Amsterdam for 2,5 years. I'm actually happy I don't have much of a French accent, I used to be extremely self-aware of my accent and didn't want it to be too strong.
@stephaniehaubert8022 6 месяцев назад
Yeah! Really. I also lived in uk, luton and other then for 2 years. Its cool too but different vibe.Long and happy life in Belgium then :) @@ThePatchUniverse
@ThePatchUniverse 6 месяцев назад
@@stephaniehaubert8022 Oh cool! Thank you! Ah, that's nice. Yes, I must say England has its charm but it's not my different country. Thank you, I will keep travelling though. I hope you have a great time here as well and in Canada. Thanks for watching my video and commenting, I really appreciate that.
@stephaniehaubert8022 6 месяцев назад
I can't wait to go back in Rixensart, my grandma used to live on marie Henriette when I was young and I went there every two years for the whole summer. I will pass by Rixensart to wander around her street and visit....to remind myself of souvenirs. She moved to canada with us in 1986. My memory are from before 86 but I do remember well :)
@ThePatchUniverse 6 месяцев назад
Oh wow, that's super cool. I actually didn't grow up there, I grew up in the south of Belgium near the border with Luxembourg. Rixensart must have changed quite a bit since then, but I really love this village, it really has a soul and I feel good here. It's really nice that you have all these good memories of the place. So you grew up in Canada if I understand well?
@stephaniehaubert8022 6 месяцев назад
yes that's it I grew up In Canada, In Quebec (French part) It must have changed yes, I guess it did! I remember well, there is a "je ne sais quoi" feeling to rixensart. @@ThePatchUniverse
@ThePatchUniverse 6 месяцев назад
@@stephaniehaubert8022 Oh great! Yes, I know Quebec, je n'y suis jamais allé mais c'est un rêve pour moi. Yes, it did change quite a bit I think. I know that because I spoke with an older person who grew up in that village and he told about how the village had changed. I still think think it's great though. It does, I really love this place.
@Morrouan 7 месяцев назад
Enjoy Bogota sir - Viktor
@ThePatchUniverse 7 месяцев назад
Hey Viktor! Thank you very much! How are you? Bogota is great! I've spent 6 weeks in Colombia in total, mainly Medellín.
@M15RaphBass 7 месяцев назад
Beautiful place! Glad you’re doing well my friend !
@ThePatchUniverse 7 месяцев назад
It is really amazing, with really cool people! Thank you my friend, it was really great here!
@GamingMyWholeLife 7 месяцев назад
Having just come back from Holidays myself a few months ago ~I know the phone camera could never capture just how stunning those mountains would look in person! 😃
@ThePatchUniverse 7 месяцев назад
Oh yes indeed! They looked particularly stunning with the clouds. It was raining all day long, and the mountains were covered by clouds, but it was really amazing. I think we spoke about that but my mind has been quite distracted lately sorry, can you remind me where you went on holidays?
@GamingMyWholeLife 7 месяцев назад
@@ThePatchUniverse Nothing to apologise for! I went to Greece, Italy, and England 😁
@ThePatchUniverse 7 месяцев назад
@GamingMyWholeLife Ah great, those are cool countries! I used to live in England, and traveled to Italy a long time ago, I hope to visit Greece one day. Next time you travel to Europe, come to Belgium, I know this country is not very popular but it's pretty cool, I'll buy you a coffee and show you around. My cousin is in Australia right now, I hope to visit it too one day.
@M15RaphBass 7 месяцев назад
Hey! Glad to hear from you and that you are having a great time! Well done on giving Colombia a much brighter look and perspective to look at it from. 👍🏻
@ThePatchUniverse 7 месяцев назад
Hey! Yes, I'm really having a great time here! Thank you my friend, I appreciate that, Colombia deserves it!
@woodchi 7 месяцев назад
Good to see you enjoying the country, its culture and hanging with the friendly people. The magic of coffee lives!
@ThePatchUniverse 7 месяцев назад
Thank you my friend, it is really great here! You are right, the magic of coffee lives!
@GamingMyWholeLife 8 месяцев назад
Glad you are having a great time : )
@ThePatchUniverse 8 месяцев назад
Thanks a lot my friend, it's so great here!
@ayseg253 8 месяцев назад
Hello I just came upon your videos by chance. You are refreshingly natural.
@ThePatchUniverse 8 месяцев назад
Hello, Thank you very much for that, I really appreciate! Did you check my other new RU-vid channel, Poetryinstyle?
@ayseg253 8 месяцев назад
@@ThePatchUniverse yes I looked at it but there was nothing on it
@ThePatchUniverse 8 месяцев назад
@ayseg253 Oh really? I posted 8 videos on it. Try that link : youtube.com/@PoetryInStyle?si=ahAn52hCl3cN580i Otherwise you can just type poetryinstyle in one word and you will probably find it.
@ayseg253 8 месяцев назад
@@ThePatchUniverse ok thanks I love poetry will look
@ayseg253 8 месяцев назад
Great personality
@ThePatchUniverse 8 месяцев назад
Hello! Thank you very much, I appreciate that!
@GamingMyWholeLife 10 месяцев назад
It is a nice Dog! Subscribed to the new channel and I look forward to what you upload
@ThePatchUniverse 10 месяцев назад
Hey man! Yes, he is very nice. Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate your support. I wanted to upload today but couldn't yet so I'll try tomorrow.
@ThePatchUniverse 11 месяцев назад
Hello everybody! So today I wanted to introduce all of you to my new RU-vid channel PoetryInStyle because as I said I'd like to try something more focused and more professional. Professionalism doesn't necessarily have to do with making money with something, but more the aim and the purpose and the work-ethic that you put into certain actions. Poetry is a very important topic for me, I can say that it saved my life quite a few times, or at least it helped me in giving it meaning when I felt worthless. It gave me focus and purpose. Creating this channel will also be a way for me to explore this subject deeper. Poetry is a very niche subject and one that I personally believe to be wildly misunderstood, so even if you are not that into poetry, I would appreciate if you could check a few of the videos I will post on that channel. I haven't posted anything yet, but will do so soon. Here is the link to my new RU-vid channel : www.youtube.com/@PoetryInStyle-ng4kz/featured
@M15RaphBass 11 месяцев назад
Glad to hear you’re back in business my friend ! 😊
@ThePatchUniverse 11 месяцев назад
Thanks my friend! I can't wait to upload my first video on that new channel.
@robruitenberg4064 Год назад
Nice one Christoph.
@M15RaphBass Год назад
Nice to see that you guys are having fun! 😊
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
Oh yes, it was really great! Thanks a lot my friend!
@fuzz-head Год назад
We had a blast! So glad Christophe had a good time! We had a wonderful time!
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
It was really amazing my friend! I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to meeting you in Belgium!
@GamingMyWholeLife Год назад
Glad your having fun!!
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
Hey my friend! Yes, it was really great! I'm not making that many videos on RU-vid anymore but I felt like I had to keep that memory there.
@GamingMyWholeLife Год назад
@@ThePatchUniverse Will be a good memory to look back on : ) Also remember you can upload videos as private, if you want a digital back up but not a regular upload
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
@@GamingMyWholeLife Yes, it will. I'm back in Belgium right now. Yes, I know, I did that in the past, but I wanted to share those moments with friends like you because I hadn't been so active on RU-vid.
@fuzz-head Год назад
This is great! Very inspirational as a photographer to hear this!
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
Thanks a lot my friend! I'm.glad it inspired you! Keep working on your dreams!
@M15RaphBass Год назад
Thanks for the positive message! Despite the crazy dangerous world filled of hateful people that mainstream broadcast and social media are trying to depict , most people are likeable and friendly and have good intents. I am glad you had a good time interacting with other people and your friend. 😊
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
You're welcome my friend, and thank you! I completely agree with you. You just have to take the time to communicate with other people to notice that. Yes, thank you, it was great.
@woodchi Год назад
Yeah, most people are good and most of the time life goes on without drama, and we help each other out. People can be quite likeable. Great video, PatchUniverse.
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
Thank you very much my friend, I'm really happy you watched that video! You are a great person too.
@woodchi Год назад
Thanks man. I mean, it's a gradient thing but we do our best right?
@GamingMyWholeLife Год назад
I'm so glad you shared this Video! A random encounter with a friendly couple, good chats and it's like your World has completely changed, and I can see the energy in your eyes. Most people are good and forget the internet is not reality! Even people who are horrible online, are polite in person, lol. Thanks for sharing the positive Msg Christ!!
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
Thank you very much my friend! Yes, it was a very spontaneous video, I wanted to sit down and take the time to make it but I felt like I had to do it now. I'm really glad you watched it and commented. I'm glad you see the energy in my eyes, I felt physically tired, but spiritually great and this year has been difficult so it means something. I fully agree with what you are saying about people being horrible online being polite in real life, that's why I mentioned empathy. I'd like to elaborate on that a bit more but I do believe that if we tried to understand people around us, even people who hurt us, then the world would be a better place. I failed at that many times and keep on failing, but I have to try. I've hurt people too, and I'm trying to become a better person. You're welcome, and thank you for your message, it means a lot to me.
@GamingMyWholeLife Год назад
@@ThePatchUniverse My pleasure Mate and simply trying to improve is more than many do - so don't be too hard on yourself! Every year you are wiser
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
@@GamingMyWholeLife Thank you very much man, I fully agree. I was often very hard on myself this year but I'm learning to be less and just do my best and as you said, every year we are wiser.
@woodchi Год назад
I would enjoy hearing a few examples of how authors have transported you to the universe they've created. How do you envision the imagery of their words? I see vague pictures sometimes of environments, like loose concept art. I get a feeling of character and when they're well presented in prose they feel real enough that they could be real, making me care about what happens. And the reverse is true, when a character or event seems cliche then it's like i see the edges of the page, they feel paper thin and discardable.
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
I'm really happy that you are asking this question. That's the main reason why I make videos, to open up discussions and learn more about others and myself. I also see vague pictures lf the environment, and I also need to connect to the character to care about the story, otherwise it's really hard for me to turn the pages. It's not so about cliche or not, but whether they feel real to you or not, if you can communicate with them in other words. After that the world is seen through their eyes and that's how we can enjoy or appreciate it. Ayesha, the book I showed there is a very good example of that, I found myself really caring about what happened to the characters and therefore I feel transported by the story. The characters felt really alive, their evolution felt natural and I recognized myself in it, which made me care. There was another book I read years ago, where crazy injustices happen from the beginning of the book, but everything seemed to make sense within the framework of the universe, and while there were characters being absolutely awful, others had a protective attitude and were full of good intentions..the contrast I saw there, which can be observed in the real world, made me connect so deeply to the whole universe. I remember reading a hundred pages every night. I will give a last example, because I could give quite a few actually, the robot trilogy from Isaac Asimov, with Elijah Bailey and R.Daneel Olivaw, the building of this incredible yet improbable friendship, which made them both evolve as characters and which really serve the story, made it incredible to me. Do you have examples like that? Or maybe examples of books you couldn't connect with?
@woodchi Год назад
That's interesting that, for you, you need to feel that you can communicate with for them to be real.
@woodchi Год назад
Yeah, once you feel the characters are real then you can care about what happens to them, that's pretty key.
@woodchi Год назад
It's great to find a true page turner, a story that draws us back to it to find out more. It really does revolve around caring about the characters but for me the world also is a character and the connection between the characters and the world has to be there. The world needs to feel like it continues living after the character has passed through, not just something to see the character or the immediate story. If it is uninteresting or generic then i lose interest as well.
@woodchi Год назад
Oh yes, the Robot series are great.
@M15RaphBass Год назад
Sometimes words don’t come up or it’s just hard to convey an idea. So well done for trying and doing it anyway! Imao, reading is an intimate process between the reader and the writer when you get to go under someone else’s skin and perspective on things and life; even in fiction stories. And unlike movies, you get to make your own pictures of how things could be or look like. Definitely a healthy and inspirational thing to do ! :)
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
Yes, thank you very much for that, I appreciate what you are saying. I figured it was better to communicate rather than not communicate. That's right, with reading you can go really deep into the inner thoughts of a character, the universe,... and you build your own images in your head. I think what makes it really intimate as well is how you can see a lot of the writer's personality in the way they describe the universe, the characters, the write dialogues,... there are reasons why the universe and the rest was written in a certain way.
@M15RaphBass Год назад
@@ThePatchUniverse totally agreed. It’s also what I meant 😊
@M15RaphBass Год назад
Great message. Always a good reminder. Thanks for your shared positivity. :))
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
Thank you very much, I'm glad you think that way!
@sudanstowel3768 Год назад
I love this poem and definitely identify with being among the strange. The part where he says they are their own painting, their own art really resonated. I often wonder how many great people we missed. Either they never had the opportunity, never discovered their vocation/outlet, or life hit them before they had a chance. I appreciate your analysis, thank you. Illneas has a great chanel where bukowski poems are recited.
@ThePatchUniverse Год назад
Hello. Thank you for your comment. Yes, I like this poem too and I agree, it's a pretty interesting part of the poem. Oh you're welcome, I'm glad you appreciate my analysis, and thank you. Yes, I watched a lot of vmhis videos. I like less what he is doing now.
@skyrimu 2 года назад
"Endurance is more important than truth because without endurance there can't be any truth. And truth means going to the end like you mean it. That way, death itself comes up short when it grabs" have a safe and beautiful day brother 💪👺
@mudhalvan87 2 года назад
Nice video . I am planning to shift to this nice place and this video was really nice for me :)
@ThePatchUniverse 8 месяцев назад
Hello! Sorry for not answering your comment, I haven't received a notification from it, not that I remember anyways. Rixensart is a great place, have you moved there already? What do you think about it?
@mudhalvan87 8 месяцев назад
@@ThePatchUniverse Hello sir I could not get a apartment / house for rent in Rixensart. Andso I am staying at Wavre since August 2022. Now I am planning to settle at Grez-Doiceau permanently 😀. I am very happy about Wallonia
@ThePatchUniverse 8 месяцев назад
@mudhalvan87 Hello. Ah, that's a pity, I think Rixensart is such a nice village, but Wavre is pretty cool too. I don't actually know the village of Grez-Doiceau, is it nice? Thank you, it's really nice to read, I'm happy you are having a good time in Wallonia. Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking.