MISSISSAUGAWATCH covers Mississauga News not reported by The Mississauga News. Includes Mississauga City Hall politics and issues the Mayor and her Councillors prefer swept under the rug.. Covering Mississauga Council as well as Peel Regional Police. Keen interest in youth issues, the elderly and Poverty in Peel Region. Specializing in City of Mississauga Corporate Security tactics and duplicity...
@BBC600 2 года назад
Way to get 'em on a technicality when it comes to getting this video to comply with the act.
@mikes9971 5 лет назад
Can I post this on my Instagram page about historic Ontario transportation?
@newsreader4321 5 лет назад
We don't need Any streetchecks: this isn't Russia!
@lidijabozica5209 5 лет назад
if she leaked some racist shit then the fact that the police would try to hide that is extremely worrisome
@abumarhaf71 6 лет назад
Why Credit River named so? See vid to know..ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_VCFWJveJQs.html
@Justmyopinionlol 6 лет назад
greedy goodwill. I used to be a poor teenager and goodwill was the only place I could afford decent quality used clothes. Now, retail prices at ross and marshalls are even cheaper than used crap at goodwill. In my city alone, they opened 2 new stores, which now has 3 goodwill stores in total and a fourth one if you count a new goodwill on the borderline of the next town over. How is it possible for my town to have 1 JC Penny but 3 Goodwill stores.
@arricammarques1955 6 лет назад
Notice how no MPP's, or GTA Mayor's gave a toss about this? What a rip off against Goodwill Staff!
@arricammarques1955 6 лет назад
Ethical governance? The previous mayor had two conflict of interest charges. Not terribly encouraging!
@gearhead4005 6 лет назад
Always wanted one of these chargers. Finally bought this exact car and I love it
@newsreader4321 7 лет назад
When I was in high school I was bullied mercilessly there were no police to help now as an adult the police are bullying me I've lost faith in police
@arricammarques1955 7 лет назад
Consult a lawyer, ' public defamation'. Explore your legal options. City Hall bullies within Mi$$iSSAUGA city council.
@arricammarques1955 7 лет назад
Agreed, affordable housing continues to be low priority. #city council so white
@arricammarques1955 7 лет назад
City council approved M City., highly shameful affordable housing ignored.
@arricammarques1955 7 лет назад
"Peter flew and Hazel Knew" :)
@Dana_C3 7 лет назад
Thank you for making this video. My kitty is 16 years old and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in April and now chronic kidney disease yesterday. I'm scared we might have to say goodbye to her within the next few months until I saw that Mooch lived for 2 years with this condition. You've given me some hope. Thanks for sharing.
@sandoandjeans 7 лет назад
immigrants (like myself) still need to assimilate. and respect the fact they are not the only group living in any given area .. for example diwali festivities in a city block in brampton had 1 non indian family(friend of mine) was kept up at night in the middle of the week...NOT ACCEPTABLE. And the "jackal" makes a point. there are alot of unnecessary traffic that will be the result of this.. i live by a church.. i know
@dongibson8513 7 лет назад
Terrible mayor: I knew this woman was trouble when she got elected. One drama after another with this mayor.
@lynnmartz8739 7 лет назад
You are such a good, caring person. I'm so glad you discovered cats. If only every cat, or dog, or any other pet had such caring owners.
@stimacfreelance 7 лет назад
how does that even pass the city permit to begin with
@kylaneskahi4512 7 лет назад
my cat is going through it too....
@adamboccia 7 лет назад
Hey, is it possible to have a conversation with the person who made this video? I live on the creek, and I absolutely love it...Id like to get a better sense of its history if you have the time to offer along with some stories. Thanks!
@Dee73kz 8 лет назад
Hi there. So sorry to hear about Mooch. You did all you could. I had a cat with renal issues but not enough to warrant a full diagnosis. however she started to not eat or drink and withdrew herself to her own little corner. I sure know the worry of a cat not eating. She also started eating litter. I'm just curious if Mooch ate litter too. Also I don't know if you're aware but there is a medication now available through a vet called Semintra. My cat was not on it as she only had trace proteins in her urine but I've heard it can be a great medication if your cat responds to it. My 16 year old had hyperthyroidism which can hide or mask renal failure.
@OZRIC1985 8 лет назад
You guys are taking excellent care of Mooch in this video, but it absolutely kills me to see any cat feeling so sick. :( I found this video while I was trying to diagnose my cat since he has been vomiting and defecating at the same time while looking like he's going to fall over, and then he will crouch down and drool for like 20 minutes feeling just awful. The interesting thing is that he feels better after a little while and then eats some dry food and drinks some water. The thing that worries me is that this has happened about 4 times in the past month and a half, and my kitty looks so sick and scared while the whole thing is happening. I get so worried that I get physically sick and depressed and anxious at the same time since I don't really know what to do for him when it's happening. It happened tonight and the extreme worry I felt caused me to have a severe stomach ache and I had to drive myself to the ER. Except, I didn't go in. I sat in the parking lot at the hospital hoping to feel better so I could go home to make sure my cat was feeling better. Luckily he seemed like he was doing ok when I go back home. Just seeing any beloved pet get really sick REALLY rips me apart inside. :(
@Satsusss 8 лет назад
thank you for sharing, my cat died on Tuesday at 9 years old of the same thing, absolutely heart broken, worst time of my life, she was my happiness, I feel so guilty I didn't seek help sooner
@anastasia10017 8 лет назад
Feeding the cat Fancy Feast etc is not helping the cat. these foods put more pressure on the kidneys. you have to feed them prescription food that the vet tells you.
@anastasia10017 8 лет назад
if your pet has kidney problems , you are not supposed to be feeding them beef, liver, Fancy Feast, Friskys etc because it is high protein which is hard for the kidneys to process. The vet will tell you you need to feed them low protein prescription food = K/D etc. and subcutaneous fluids. Cats with kidney problems will drink a lot of water trying to make up for the non functioning kidneys.
@rben828 8 лет назад
Canada's constitution gives the right to all communities to practice their religions and have their own places of worship...this is what makes the country an outstanding place to live in and amazingly stands out from other nations when it comes to real meanings of freedom and tolerance! Canadian Muslims have the right to build the mosques and use them to spread the real values of Islam and contribute to develop further their country.
@w4r7 8 лет назад
I had to put my Gingy down today through the battle. It was time. I love her so much and she will always be a special soul in my life. I'll see her on the other side.
@ninja911again 8 лет назад
there are so many sikh temples in toronto why not have some mosques too so muslims can eat there and donations and free food i live in meadovale i want to have a mosque i am proud muslim not sikh
@ninja911again 8 лет назад
they have so many gurdwaras sikh indian temples why not have some mosques to muslims can eat there and gather and help poor people too....
@MsShadowweaver 8 лет назад
they stopped leaving the rolls of toilet paper in the cells because people who act like children and waste the toilet paper making wads of wet toilet paper and tossing it at the cameras outside of the cell.or just to make a mess too piss off the police. if you ask for some as soon as you get to the cell they will give you some off the rool and more if you ask.they check on you everyone few hours .Some people forget that they are in jail and its not ment to be a nice place to rest.
@xtremeownage2 8 лет назад
Applause for the Mayor.
@westdalewestdale7314 8 лет назад
Now if it was a Synagogue or A church, would poeple jump trying to block it! let us be reasonable.
@Scottish_Viking84 8 лет назад
Permits were approved, so even if they change their mind, it is too late; unless the city wants to foot the bill and pay for demo and reconstruction.
@marthanewsome6375 8 лет назад
I'm going through all that right now with my cat Mister Meow Meow. He's ginger and white just like Mooch. We are playing the waiting game, as he is being pumped with IV glucose and saline. I keep having crying periods. I started back up hearing you cry.
@RedSpiralHandTV 8 лет назад
that fancy feast crap will kill an older cat faster than anything else... switch to raw food next time around with the next older cat....
@shawnkroop3048 8 лет назад
Aloha, I happen to come across this and thought I would let you know your documentation is not correct. If you would like to know more, I would be happy to share. First of all,There was a lot more than $25,000 donated from others than the county and there was a single donation of $200,000.00 from a local family alone. Again, your information here is not correct. This is a very interesting story indeed. Aloha:)
+Shawn Kroop Aloha! Mahalo for your comment. Sure. Would love to know more about your Hana skate park. It's important to acknowledge the generous spirits who brought this dream to life.
@mijahmedina5696 8 лет назад
I do not understand how a non profit organization can employ a C.E.O that earns over $200,000 per year. Why is it unionized? I understand that union is there to protect the employees. But in my opinion as a person who is employed by a unionized company, it is better to not have a third party between the workers and the company. Our last 3 union president from United Steel Workers chapter 210 all became management. So to me, union is just there to collect! I used to go to 4975 Dundas St. Goodwill location and I find it hard to communicate with the store managers because they do not listen to any ideas given to them. When I try to talk to a manager, she just kept on walking and no time. so there goes the customer service. I had a suspicion that 1 of the manager was calling a dealer to get the valuable items, such as paintings and jewelries. Because every time that valuable items comes out of the sorting area is when this dealer comes in to the store to buy the valuable items. I find some of the workers very rude. I greeted an employee from goodwill good morning and in return the employee told me not to talk to her. I had an item that according to the employee was mis priced (wrong price), so the employee took the item back from me and no need for me to argue. while I was paying for the items I have purchased, my item was given to the dealer and so I complained to the store manager. The employee explained that she gave the item to the dealer because he was a regular customer. Workers are constantly asking me where do I work and where do I get the monies. I go to the store to save money on the items that I need for my home and I was very irritated when workers are bombarding me with personal questions. I find the workers at this location unhappy because I've witnessed them arguing, gossiping and telling on each other to the store managers plenty of times , even 1 of the manager gossips. I've witnessed customers arguing with employees many times because employees are not trained properly to deal with customers. I have seen many customers stealing items. I was shocked to find that this location has no cctv even though it makes thousands of dollars every week. I know for a fact that if you treat your employees with respect and show them appreciation, in return they will be more productive and happy with their job. Managers and some employees at this 4975 dundas st. location needs to be replaced if this location is re opening and restructuring so that it will help the sales go up. Remember that satisfied customers means more money to the bank and the store will stay open. Have spoken to the executive officers at the head office but they also did nothing about customer feedbacks.
@maaz7228 8 лет назад
that one was from my bro but IDK for sure
@arricammarques1955 8 лет назад
The conflict of interest court cost taxpayers 7 million in fees. This debacle is featured in MAYORS GONE BAD book. PETER FLEW HAZEL KNEW!
@musicmad1 8 лет назад
I have a 6month old kitten facing euthanasia because of kidney failure but I refuse to give up. Kidney transplants are relatively successful but expensive. Ive not yet been given needles to give my kitten fluid so have been giving him as much fluid as possible
@thebigstir 8 лет назад
Why did it close?
@loutruckman69 8 лет назад
This guy is off his rocker, and might be on something. He could overpower these officers if he is. I don't blame them for an additional tase.
@bmane1214 8 лет назад
i sent u a msg did u get it?
@amandabarlow6190 8 лет назад
It is so hard to see a cat you are so close to...go down hill when you have tried so hard. I couldn't watch this without crying..... I watched one of my cats slowly deteriorate from thyroid cancer. It killed me. Many sleepless nights....many days just crying when I would look at my once happy,playful cat. I had to put her down back in july.Now my boy.. Remy... may be facing kidney disease. And I had to look up what the worse case scenario would be. Heart breaking. SO happy he turned around.
@phenomenalwoman505 8 лет назад
the police were well within their rights UNTIL he was on the ground in handcuffs. Tasing him to get him down after fleeing is acceptable. tasing, kicking, hitting or the like when there are a group of grown men and only one assailant without a weapon....JUST NO.
@bmane1214 8 лет назад
Do a video of hurontario and eglinton
@helpthehurtlondon 8 лет назад
just an added tidbit of info. Code 3 V-Con Model 3692L4 siren and lighting controller Setina Front partition mounted on the partition is a pair of Whelen Avenger series, Motorola APX XTL 1500 Digital P25 Phase 2 TDMA radio system Whelen TACTLD1 traffic advisor control box
@deniaL202 8 лет назад
Honestly liver, or any meat for that matter, in soft foods or certain hard foods is bad for their livers. Just feed your cats whatever your vet recommends, or the next best thing...
@deniaL202 8 лет назад
Kidneys* it will probably be bad for their livers to.
@maxhassle3881 8 лет назад
"being sick" isn't a ticket to do as you like.