Adventure Sports Sea School
Adventure Sports Sea School
Adventure Sports Sea School
Adventure Sports Sea School helps you with litle tips and tricks regarding boating. With more the 15 years of experience in this industry and training people in all different types and sizes of boats, we would like to help you on your way. From general knowledge, boat reviews, what is for sale on the markets or even just knowing where you can go. Boating can be more then just floating on the water, it's fun and can be a lifestyle.

Turning in a confined space
5 месяцев назад
basic pivoting points
5 месяцев назад
Lights on cardinal marks
6 месяцев назад
Onshore winds vs offshore winds
8 месяцев назад
Basic Twin engine boat handling
Год назад
flushing your engine
Год назад
changing anodes
Год назад
Navigation and charts
Год назад
Boat Handling : Prop Effect
2 года назад
Fender knot or Clove Hitch
2 года назад
Sheet Bend
2 года назад
2 года назад
Life Jackets
2 года назад
@sammiewilkinson4079 2 месяца назад
🙃 'PromoSM'
@teemuvaltonen83 2 месяца назад
My memory rules for east and west signs is that in the east women have wide waists like and west women have narrow waists 😇😅. The arrows of the cardinal signs describe the body shape 😄. I live in Finland
@danilonepomuceno4330 3 месяца назад
Better tell that to CCG😅😅😅
@ryanferris7841 3 месяца назад
I know plenty of boaters including me been boating for years in small craft!! none of us have any of that, so is that actually the law or just optional ?? I have hired boats in different countries throughout Europe and never been asked for any thing.
@adventuresportsseaschool3488 3 месяца назад
Hi, It’s not a law, it was more of a recommendation to accept each others license. No one is actually checking if countries are doing what is agreed in the un resolution 40. I don’t know in what countries you have been navigating? But if you would go on inland waters in the Netherlands for example, the water police can stop you, give you a fine and prohibit to continue with your boat. If you’ve been boating in southern countries ( med ) they might not be bothered at all since most have not signed resolution 40 from the un. Even in Holland they do not accept all icc’s anymore I’ve been told by the water police in a conversation. Only icc’s from belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and the uk. The last one has an exemption that if you are an English person living in Holland they refuse to accept the icc and you need to get a dutch license. 🫣 It’s completely crazy, but nothing I can do about it. I just like to inform. Always look at the following, what if I get into an accident with a license i have ? Is my insurance ok with it? Second, if you can get an icc on top of your license, always get it. You never know who you are meeting on the water and if they do or don’t accept your license. At least you have some paperwork to wave at them. Thanks for your comment, if you have other questions or remarks? Please feel free to do so. Cheers, Kristof
@ryanferris7841 3 месяца назад
@@adventuresportsseaschool3488 thanks a lot for that information it’s helpful and I it’s kinda what I expected
@mantas6293 5 месяцев назад
nice instructional! but just somehow it goes against my thinking. in your situation #1: I would definatelly keep myself upwind on the port side of the channel, so I would be safe from the boats on the starboard side. so now to turn around I guess I would let the wind push my bow giving a kick reverse with the helm to port. and then kick ahead with helm starboard. then again reverse with helm to port to ensure that I stay on the upwind side of the channel.
@adventuresportsseaschool3488 4 месяца назад
Hi, Yes, that could be option nr 2. You start with reverse. In the med we have mooring lines in the front as well, so if you start on port side in this occasion, your engine will be very close to the mooring lines. If you have a dock where the boat is moored off against. ( specially for tidal waters ) you will not have that situation. For people new into boating I like to teach them all the same way, so they all get the basics right. Afterwards definitely yes, you could do the manoeuvre also in reverse. If you have safe space, upwind start could be great. In our harbours here I would still get it in the middle for not getting lines in your props. Thanks for your input! Cheers, Kristof
@mantas6293 4 месяца назад
@@adventuresportsseaschool3488 yes, agree that for med mooring you want to keep in the center. those are very uncommon here up north :)
@chewiebacka4377 9 месяцев назад
I was in a rowing regatta race on open water and a speed boat purposely drove close by at speed to swamp us with the wake.
@adventuresportsseaschool3488 9 месяцев назад
I hope they found out who it was. We always try to teach everybody to respect all water sports, but their will always be ‘that’ person.
@mantas6293 9 месяцев назад
actually it's not just "always better to prevent a collision"... you don't have "right of way" on water. you are "stand on" vessel, however you always have to look out and if "give-way" vessel is not giving way it's also the resposibility of the "stand on" vessel to take action to avoid collision. basically both vessels have responsibility to avoid collision.
@performancelimo807 9 месяцев назад
Yes, you are exactly right and it’s a wrong choice of terminologie. But the outcome would be the same, give way if the other vessel is not giving way. We could not get the boat behind us on the camera as we got cornered into this position. The powerboat was normally not supposed to keep it’s heading since the zone he was entering was a forbidden zone.
@heatshield 11 месяцев назад
Those memory devices are exactly how I learn and remember this type of thing. The “W” I will never forget that sideways “W”. For east, I made up my own when you said “o”. The lower case “e” looks just like it. Very nicely done. Safe travels!
@airwolfcheck Год назад
Thanks for the info
@adventuresportsseaschool3488 3 месяца назад
With pleasure 😉
@damham5689 Год назад
Blaring music into followed by shitty low level audio might deter many from wanting to watch.
@swedishpsychopath8795 Год назад
You spent WAY TOO LONG time on the boat slip. My anxiety went to 110% in sympathy with all the people waiting in line to slip their boats. And you didn't say the midships command out loud when you finally hit water and was ready to tie the ship to the pier.
@performancelimo807 Год назад
Hi, Thanks for your reaction. We’ve unfortunately do not have a pier close to our slipways in our area. So we’ve recorded the video at sunset when no one is launching a boat. When you are used to the manoeuvres, yes you definitely can do this faster. But for training and explanation you need more time. Cheers, Kristof
@OscarTangoAtc Год назад
quoting Jack Sparrow...legend :-)
@lestercruse5217 Год назад
HiYa Kristof, how come all your videos are in English ?
my dutch is terrible Lester ☺. you can always use the auto translate button in youtube with subtitles. who knows later I'll 😏
@lestercruse5217 Год назад
1 million euros plus vat - going upmarket Kristof !!
The boat will be coming on the market when the owner changes to the new stratos 50. ( delivery around august 2023. ) We've got some great boats coming in upcoming year, so planning to do some more shoots on the new arrivals.
@lestercruse5217 Год назад
Nice video Kristof, but there was me being all impressed thinking you did all the work yourself 😄 Nice boat, and you've had it a long time now, so that bloke you bought it from must have been a really nice, honest guy ! - Happy New Year
Yeah, I used to do it all myself in the past but I found out that there is a difference in guys doing it every day or me doing it just a couple of times a year. We've been working with these guys for over 15 years now... Great guy I bought the boat from, it was a short visit last fall and we we're still busy upto the week before x-mass but I defenately enjoyed our beer together in the sun. Engine has done about 1700 hours and still looks like new under the hood.
@TotesNotTom 2 года назад
Hello Adventure Sports Sea School, I have watched your content, it's brilliant, keep up the good work, you have inspired me to make my own schooling videos, possibly we can keep in contact with each other and talk about boating in general.
@adventuresportsseaschool3488 2 года назад
Hi, with pleasure and thanks for your comment. We’re trying to get some time to record more for the future, but we also are preparing the boats for the new season. More to come.. Cheers, Kristof
@OscarTangoAtc 2 года назад
ah, now the left hand IS the left hand 🙂
@adventuresportsseaschool3488 2 года назад
Yes it is 😅, i just figured out thaï the camera in selfie function got everything in mirrored recording. Learning every day 😎.