We are building a community of online friends to learn about other cultures, countries, and various other subjects including international travel. I am an Average Middle Aged American male and started this channel in 2024. We already have a fantastic international subscriber base that is very interactive in the comment section. We discuss travel tips, cultural differences and more. This channel will focus on anything and everything that interests me including international travel, learning about other cultures, gearing up for retirement, home improvements and many many other categories. My interests will be organized into playlist to make it easy to find what you are looking for. I would appreciate it if you subscribed, I believe you will like the channel and other subscribers. Thanks!
@mtjapsp 45 минут назад
Aunque España es un país pequeño comparado con USA, debes tener en cuenta que es muy diverso en clima, temperatura, paisaje, costumbres y vida social, dependiendo de si vives en el Norte, el Sur, la costa mediterránea o el interior. Depende de qué planes tengas para vivir aquí, tendrás que escoger un sitio u otro. Una casa independiente de buena construcción, con jardín y terrazas, cocina grande, cuarto de lavadora , armarios empotrados y varios dormitorios y aseos, cerca de la costa o en las grandes ciudades te costará entre 500000€ y 1000000€ El verano, salvo el Norte, es extremadamente caluroso y seco, casi como Arizona o Nuevo México. ¡Salvo si estás al lado de la playa, claro! 😅
@mluisa-lu2ue Час назад
Hola. Este vídeo es engañoso. Te enseñan fotografías de lugares de la comunidad de Murcia, como Murcia cuidad, Cartagena, las playas… todo realmente bonito, pero la casa está en un pueblo muy alejado de todo esto, lejos del mar, en el interior. Por eso el precio es barato, si lo comparas con las zonas realmente interesantes para vivir. Habla de suelos de terracota (barro cocido artesanal) cuando en realidad es porcelanico o cerámica industrial, entre otras muchas cosas engañosas que dice. En España decimos nadie vende duros (5 pesetas) a cuatro pesetas. (La peseta era nuestra moneda antes del euro). Si es barato por algo será.. está lejos de todo y las calidades de construcción no son de alta gama Una buena casa independiente, en una buena zona, no baja de los 500000 euros en la costa mediterránea. No te dejes engañar por vídeos de inmobiliarias qué solo quieren vender. Lo bueno no necesita vídeos para venderse. Un saludo Por cierto, el interior de Murcia es una de las zonas más calurosas de España, si quieres derretirte en verano es una buena opción 😊😊
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 59 минут назад
Thank you. She said it was 24 minutes from the beach. Unless they are in a terrible area, they are still much less expensive than the USA.
@carlosdearribacastro7580 Час назад
Por otro lado comento que en España no usamos el cuarto de lavado de ropa porque no es costumbre usar secadora, usamos tendederos en las terrazas que con el buen tiempo que tenemos se secan muy rápido, la región de Murcia tiene un clima cálido con playas y montaña que se encuentra al sureste en el mar Mediterráneo, los bidet o bidé lo usamos para las partes intimas pero quien lo usan mas son las mujeres, también para lavarte los pies, es raro encontrar casas tamaño normal en España que superen 100 metros cuadrados, yo vivo en una casa con tres dormitorios, un baño y un aseo con 80 metros cuadrados donde hemos vivido con nuestreos dos hijos los cuales son independientes cada uno tiene su piso, nos ubicamos en la Costa del Sol, al oeste de la provincia de Málaga a 24 kilómetros de Marbella. Sobre el césped cada uno puede sembrar lo que quiera pero es una zona donde el agua no es barata y escasea, por eso algunas propiedaes te las dan con grava para que elijas si quieres sembrar césped natiral o ponerlo artificial, pero te recuerdo que lo que ves construido es de hormigón, cemento y ladrillo, no encontrarás nada de madera en una construcción en España, los impuestos de las viviendas (IBI en España) tienen ese promedio que yo conozca, en mi zona son parecidos, los techos los ves en algunos lugares mas bajos porque estan hechos de cartón-yeso, pasan los cables eléctricos y los tubos de aire acondicionado para la casa, en los baños por norma general ponen el motor del aire acondicionado para la casa, tienes que hacerte a la idea que las construcciones de las casas son muy diferentes a las construida en tu país, la gran mayoría son de madera, también saber que cuanta mas cerca del mar mucho mas caras, mi casa es de hace 28 años donde abro la ventana y veo el mar mediterráneo y la playa la tengo a poco mas de 200 metros y el puerto deportivo y perquero mas cerca. Como te dije me he dedicado a la construcción y ahora estoy recién jubilado y por mi zona (Costa del Sol) el extranjero no quiere cocina grande, quiere casa normal, cocina pequeña, salón y dormitorios no grandes porque lo que quiern grande es la terraza donde mas tiempo pasan, además comen casi todos los días en restaurantes, los que compran ahora son Alemanes, escandinavos, franceses, estadounidenses entre otros que vienen a vivir la jubilación donde venden sus propiedades y se empadronan en los lugares elegidos. On the other hand, I would like to say that in Spain we don't use the laundry room because it is not customary to use a dryer. We use clotheslines on the terraces which, with the good weather we have, dry very quickly. The Murcia region has a warm climate with beaches and mountains to the southeast of the Mediterranean Sea. We use bidets for intimate areas, but women use them the most, and also to wash your feet. It is rare to find normal-sized houses in Spain that are larger than 100 square metres. I live in a house with three bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet of 80 square metres, where we have lived with our two children, who are independent, each with their own flat. We are located on the Costa del Sol, west of the province of Malaga, 24 kilometres from Marbella. On the grass, everyone can plant whatever they want, but it is an area where water is not cheap and is scarce, so some properties give you gravel so you can choose whether you want to plant natural grass or put artificial grass, but I remind you that what you see built is made of concrete, cement and brick, you will not find anything made of wood in a construction in Spain, the taxes on homes (IBI in Spain) have that average that I know of, in my area they are similar, the roofs you see in some places lower because they are made of plasterboard, the electric cables and the air conditioning pipes for the house pass through them, in the bathrooms as a general rule they put the motor for the air conditioning for the house, you have to get the idea that the constructions of the houses are very different from those built in your country, the great majority are made of wood, also know that the closer to the sea the more expensive, my house is 28 years old where I open the window and I see the Mediterranean Sea and the beach is just over 200 meters away and the marina and a closer fish market. As I told you, I have been involved in construction and now I am recently retired and in my area (Costa del Sol) foreigners do not want a big kitchen, they want a normal house, a small kitchen, a living room and not very big bedrooms because what they want is a big terrace where they spend the most time, and they eat in restaurants almost every day. Those who buy now are Germans, Scandinavians, French, Americans, among others, who come to live in retirement, where they sell their properties and register in the chosen places.
@anacasanova7350 2 часа назад
Se debe buscar en zonas no de medida económicas, sino de clase social. Si Vd es clase media, media alta. Váyase a Mallorca o Menorca, allí está lleno de alemanes e ingleses Si es de clase media , media baja , vallase a Castellón de la Plana ( valencia) , Tarragona, Almería, o Murcia,, aqui hace mucho calor, en verano igual Que en Valencia o Sevilla y Córdoba.. Si Vd es de clase alta o aristocrática, vaya a la Costa brava, San Sebastián , Santander, Málaga sobre todo si juega mucho al golf. Canarias es bellísimo y exótico y sano pero esta a 3000 mil km. De Madrid. Lugar de descanso de muchas élites europeas como Madeira. Si quieres vivir la vida social de una pequeña o grande ciudad búsquese un piso de 80mts ² seminuevo, alrededor del centro por 1500 € de Alquiler o 200mil€ de compra. Desde ahí recorrerá toda España .😂❤
@angelsanchezlopez837 46 минут назад
Gano más de 15000 euros al més, 200.000 al año, he vivido en el norte, en las islas, y desde hace 10 años en Murcia, y no me pienso ir de aquí, mi sueldo da para ir al norte donde dice usted que debería ir dada mi clase social?, jaja, a que, a pasar frío?, no poder bañarme en la playa y tener la mitad de horas de sol que en Murcia?, prefiero vivir con gente que siempre está de buen humor y no como en el norte. ¿USTED CREE QUE NO HAY EN MURCIA LUGARES DE ALTÍSIMO NIVEL MUY SUPERIOR A LOS MOSTRADOS EN ESTE VIDEO?.
@mluisa-lu2ue Минуту назад
@@angelsanchezlopez837 Lo que han enseñado en este vídeo no es la mejor zona de Murcia para vivir y la construcción se ve de mala calidad. En Murcia hay lugares maravillosos y con casas magníficas donde vivir, de alta gama y preciosas. Murcia es una tierra maravillosa. Este vídeo no le hace justicia
@carlosdearribacastro7580 2 часа назад
Debes tener en cuenta que en España no se construyen casas de madera como en USA, es de Hormigón, cemento, ladrillo y en algunas pladur (cartón-yeso), las escaleras son de hormigón reforzadas con barras de hierro de varios tamaños, me he dedicado en mi vida como encofrador y ferralla y los materiales han sido hormogón y hierros para las estrcturas de las viviendas You must take into account that in Spain wooden houses are not built like in the USA, they are made of concrete, cement, brick and in some the interior is plasterboard (plasterboard), the stairs are made of concrete reinforced with iron bars of various sizes, I have dedicated my life as a formwork and ironworker and the materials have been concrete and iron for the structures of the houses.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 2 часа назад
Construction in America varies depending on area and price. My hope is concrete block.
@carlosdearribacastro7580 Час назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Aquí es donde vivo ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tDFHX7GHKho.html
@annfrancoole34 2 часа назад
Ar dtús
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 2 часа назад
@susanaescriba977 3 часа назад
Nothing near the coast has that price. Do you really think we are that naive? Besides, you are late to speculate. Get in line with the rest of the European countries. Because Spain is Europe.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 3 часа назад
@susanaescriba977 - be nicer or leave please
@susanaescriba977 2 часа назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American I speak the truth about what is there. If the truth bothers you, ¿what kind of information are you giving to people? I am Spanish.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 2 часа назад
@susanaescriba977 - One can be truthful and nice at the same time. There is no reason for negativity.
@susanaescriba977 58 минут назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Then tell the truth.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 32 минуты назад
@@susanaescriba977 - WTH are you are talking about?
@timjackson1904 4 часа назад
They all look like 'slices' of a house, to narrow for me. The sea views are a bit exaggerated. Wouldnt touch any of these properties as an investment.
@Waksen_yt 9 часов назад
Gotta say, all these videos focus on the coastal landscape (particularly mediterranean one) where for some reason everyone wants to live in, and not also foreigners since the dawn of history , phoenicians, greeks, romans, arabs and others... though the same so i can't blame either. But it is easy to realise prices go way down dramaticly once out of the south eatern half of the map, but i guess no one appreciates a life in the so called "españa vaciada" but believe it or not places like teruel have the lowest density populations in europe similar to finland areas, which is at the artic pole so....yeah Btw: kitchen is not the center of the house, all important areas are related to the social aspect of the use of the room, kitchens are used of their main purpose, but as society is getting some modern assets as individualism get stronger, people richer and more independent, so american kitchens are getting popuplar in new homes for little family, this is maybe contradictory to you, but this is related to traditional customs as genre roles were more divided, some went to work since children, the other did the chores , and this concept of genre separation at home comes from greek-roman house were rooms were duplicated an split,so i guess it has more sense put like that. Also if you had like 13 children you couldn't just afford a giant house as most families already lived in densely populated areas because well when your community has lived in the same spot for thousand of years you don't get the urge to move to a residential area with new roads and all that, and for most people if they could invest on space it would be on the beedroom if posible. So kitchens were tiny for utility purposes, kitchen was also the source of the heat from combustion, so you need propper conditions according to that, also celtic house customs produced round shaped tiny houses so a center fire would be put there. Then you can consider we had larger kitchens than you at some point as it was the entire house. This kind of things always have an explanation or two.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 2 часа назад
@Waksen_yt - 13 children? Wow! I could not imagine!
@yomismo688 10 часов назад
250k is a good investment, first u have to know that it'll depend on the location. I mean Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla etc.. prices are higher and also depends on the location, centrical, outskirts, residential. But for 200/250k even less u can find a good apartament
@yomismo688 10 часов назад
All that apartment are overall cheap second homes. If want more quality, more money
@yomismo688 11 часов назад
Have a look to Alicante(Costa Blanca), all around, Benidorm, Valencia or also Málaga all so beautiful and more quality. Benidorm is called "The Manhattan of Europe"😃, lots of tourist
@yomismo688 11 часов назад
Just some of those apartaments worths, the rest are bargains for its low quality and location. If u want more quality of course there a lot here but more and more expensive as u want
@yomismo688 11 часов назад
U have to look these apartaments as what they are, a place to rest after enjoying the day outside so not such an impressive flat. Mojacar in Almeria, is a beautiful pictoresque place and also cost of living in Almería is more affordable than in mostly Spain's
@yomismo688 11 часов назад
King size bed here is 2 metres long by 2 metres wide
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 11 часов назад
@@yomismo688 - about the same here 76x80 inches
@yomismo688 11 часов назад
33 euro is so cheap, cos it is a holidays apartament in a non so touristical place and as seen a quite low quality apartament but not so bad to expend some periods of time. Also important the surrounding beautiful views. There are much more beautiful places in Spain anyway
@yomismo688 12 часов назад
That is a studio which is the cheapest apartament u can find in Spain, low quality apartament to expend holidays. For that cheap price it can be refurbished and u own a holidays apartament in a beautiful place, but of course isn't an astonishing one
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 11 часов назад
I get it. Hard to find anything under $300k in my area. My next video is on new villas for $200k - $300k. Seems like a great value.
@moover123 12 часов назад
Yes people would buy yearly passes to get the best value for their money. Usually they might just buy a pass for their commute or their region, but there is indeed a pass for the whole country and every mode of transport for I believe around $4000 per year. They don't run 24/7 as maintenance work is done during the night, but there are night trains at the weekends. Also many, in fact most people in Switzerland still use their cars because even with high quality public transport it has its limits. Obviously people would use a car to go to a "Home Improvement Store". Personally I am a big fan of public transport here as it is very useful, you can get everywhere, and it saves me a lot of money because I don't need to own a car. But lately I've also become fed up with its limitations especially since I moved away from Zurich. For example I had to go to the electronics store that's 2 km away, so not even 1,5 miles - by car that would take 6 minutes. with the city bus it takes around 20 minutes because of the difficult topology of where I live and the connection at the mainstation. Same thing for visiting my parents - that would take 2 hours by train and 1 hour by car. Of course, those are cherrypicked bad examples, there are plenty of routes where public transport works a lot better, but for many connections this is the reality.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 11 часов назад
I can see the value of options for sure!
@JohnnyBoy-h6z 14 часов назад
I think that was Audrey Hepburn not Katherine.
@Aussiejayai 16 часов назад
The Belmonte castle is beautiful too, the movie the Cid with Charlton Heston was filmed there.
@Aussiejayai 16 часов назад
Some belongs to the Goverment, specially the Paradores (they have been transformed into hotels). But most of them are property of duches, earls,... and if they show them to the public, even if that is a visit once a month, they get benefits from the goverment. One of the most beautiful castles is sitted in Guadamur, not far from the city of Toledo. There are societies to help to preserve them. Unfortunately we have sooooo many , that if they are very damage they abandone them. Too much many too keep them up. We have the rest of one, just the tower, in the place where i live.
@yomismo688 17 часов назад
All around Valencia is so beautiful and u can find different prices to buy a property according to ur choice. That's depending on you because, we have different options north, south, East, West all so beautiful and varied. We have also the Balearic and Canary islands both so nice
@yomismo688 17 часов назад
Almería coast is a nice place and cheaper than in Valencian Community in places like Benidorm, Alicante, Gandia. Have a look to this beautiful areas although very touristical. Close to Almería is Málaga also very touristical with places like Torremolinos, Estepona, Benalmádena or Marbella this one famous for its luxorious life. Greetings
@iber4356 18 часов назад
La vivienda en España es muy cara en las grandes capitales, y ciudades más importantes en cada zona. No están al alcance de todos. Los alquileres de cuatro dormitorios, varían, según los distritos de cada lugar. Pueden alcanzar 1.700 euros en ciudades, hasta 3.000, o más. Las ventas son inalcanzables en zonas más caras del país.
@sungi7814 19 часов назад
To be fair, the not really built 600 Years on the Clogne Cathedral, there was a few hundred years break when they gave up to built on it.
@cal9112 19 часов назад
Dont have kids like most Europeans do, easier life problem solved.
@BlackHoleSpain 20 часов назад
The second apartment is horrible AF. That russian/bulgarian lady (according to her accent) who is speaking is just a Real Estate agent who whishes to get rid of 2nd hand leftovers. I haven't ever seen a fridge in the entrance, they're always inside the kitchens, despite its size. However, it was never normal to have dryers at home, especially in the South. By the way, I *do* have a cabinet under the sink at home, for shampoos, skin care, ointments and that shit 😅
@Megalaneman 21 час назад
In Germany its no longer allowed to be proud of your forefathers work and your countrys great history...... If you do youre considered an Nazi or at least a Nationalist. Germany isa basicly overruned by Woke Leftists. They hate their Country, their history and themselfes.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 16 часов назад
That is sad.
@Megalaneman 3 часа назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Sad but true ...
@arnodobler1096 21 час назад
Just start building? No, definitely not. Craftsmanship at its finest. And there is also a lot of planning and strategy behind every castle construction. There was also urban planning back then, and I recommend the book The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet about the construction of a cathedral.
@BlackHoleSpain 22 часа назад
If your kitchen is 8x6=48 that's bigger than half an average home in Spain. My living room, which is the biggest room in my 70 sqm 1967 home, has 21 sqm. 80 sqm homes started to be built around the 80's last century. 90/100 sqm weren't common until the 90's/2000's. That flat costed 1800€ in 1967 (300,000 pesetas or 100 minimum wage salaries back then) and mortgage had to be paid in 5 years, which inflation-adjusted would correspond to €52k in 2024. My parents had money because they had been emigrants to France for a decade. But now similar homes are being sold €250k (220 minimum wage salaries) with 30 years mortgages, that's why we complain about housing and the expensive standard of living nowadays.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 21 час назад
@BlackHoleSpain - My old modest home is 251 sqm + 46 sqm garage. My land is 1100 sqm. In other areas, some have land that is 10,000 - 100,000 sqm I believe median home size in USA is around 213 sqm. Ironically, we are always complaining about not having enough room. (too much junk). 30 year mortgages are standard in America. Simple interest loans with no payoff penalty. Some people get 15 year mortgages with a slightly lower rate.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 21 час назад
I have another video coming on larger available homes in Spain.
@salozinp 20 часов назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American It also depends a lot on the area of ​​Spain and the location. In a large city an apartment can cost 250,000 euros, and in a more rural area or a smaller town, a 300m2 house can cost 150,000 euros, with land included. It depends.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 16 часов назад
​@@salozinp- makes sense. There are homes up to $30,000,000 in my surrounding area.
@iber4356 16 часов назад
@marianadurbay 22 часа назад
Mojácar, en el mismo lenguaje “Monxacar”, significa Monte Sagrado. El Indalo, vive entre nosotros, arraigado a esta provincia de almeria en general, y a Mojácar en particular, desde hace miles de años. Mojacar es UN pueblo totalmente arabe esta encima de una montaña y tiene un atardecer muy hermoso Sabias que en Este pueblo nacio Walt Disney? Y que Este pueblo esta pegado al parque natural maritimo y terrestre del Cabo de gata? Y que tiene El Unico desierto de Europa? Y que es de origen volcanico? El Cabo de gata tiene playas hermosasa
@BlackHoleSpain 21 час назад
Tonterías. No tienes más que mirar Wikipedia para ver que nació en Chicago, es que hasta pone la calle y todo.
@marianadurbay 20 часов назад
@@BlackHoleSpain si tienea que hacer Caso de la wiki Mal vamos amigo
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 20 часов назад
@@marianadurbay - WaltDisney.org is not wikipedia.
@marianadurbay 20 часов назад
Mojácar?  Hace más de cincuenta años, concretamente en el año 1940, llegaron a Mojácar tres hombres enfundados en llamativos trajes grises. Decían que eran representantes de Walt Disney Estudios, y buscaban el certificado de nacimiento de José Guirao Zamora, nacido en Mojácar en 1901. Decían que José Guirao y Walt Disney eran la misma persona. Pasaron varios días investigando los archivos municipales, pero los documentos de la esa época se habían perdido durante la Guerra Civil (el resto, imposible de archivar y ordenar se había vendido a una fábrica de papel). En el Mojácar de 1940 no había aún ni luz ni teléfono, y nadie por supuesto sabía quién era el tal Walt Disney, pero sí se sabía muy bien quién era Isabel Zamora, la bella lavandera que con su hijo aún pequeño, había emigrado a Chicago, dónde tenía un hermano. El largo viaje con el niño la dejó cansada y desorientada. Su hermano le aconsejó dejar el niño en manos de unos vecinos, Elías y Flora Disney, quienes, le aseguró eran buenas personas y ya tenían tres hijos. Parecía la mejor solución, y al final Isabel, enferma, accedió. El niño fue bautizado en Junio de 1902, con su nuevo nombre: Walter Elías Disney y se quedó a vivir con sus nuevos padres y hermanos. Unos años después, cuando la hija de W.D publicó la biografía autorizada de su padre, el cronista de Mojácar, Carlos Almendros pidió un certificado de nacimiento en el registro de Chicago, con los datos que constaban en la biografía: Chicago 5 de diciembre, la respuesta fue tajante: Walt Disney no había nacido en esa fecha ni en ese lugar, tampoco en otra fecha de ese año ni cercanos. Otros datos vienen a apoyar esta tesis: el propio Disney comentó a Salvador Dalí, en la visita que le hizo en los años 50, que había nacido en Almería; por esa misma época hubo nuevas visitas e intentos americanos con hacerse de los “papeles”, esta vez por parte de los frailes franciscanos de California, a través de la Iglesia. Necesitaban aquella documentación de un bebé que emigró a principios de siglo. En 1954 volvieron a buscar.  No acaba aún la historia, porque numerosos medios de comunicación internacional, así cómo biógrafos del tío Walt, continúan preguntando a los más mayores, cada vez más convencidos del mojaquero que salió de su pueblo a llevar la felicidad a millones de niños del mundo. Walter Elliot, en su biografía “El príncipe de la oscuridad” conecta Walt Disney con España en repetidas ocasiones y considera cómo muy probable el origen mojaquero de Disney. Incluso la Disney Company estudió los terrenos del Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata para la ubicación del Eurodisney, que finalmente se ubico en paris
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 16 часов назад
​@@marianadurbay- but why?
@alexissanchez852 23 часа назад
Hi again, English, Germans, Scandinavians have been moving or visiting Spain for decades, since at least the 1970's , what is relatively new is the interest of Canadians and Americans of Spain, I guess with all the information that they have on RU-vid or social media a lot of them have realized that the black legend about Spain that is a backward middle aged country, where everyone is so wicked is absolutely false, and I am glad about that. As far as I know the place where property is the most economical is Ciudad Real in the community of Castilla La Mancha, in Extremadura is also economical, small towns in the outskirts of cities as well, but what people in Spain whose Mediterranean philosophy of life is based on a balance between work and pleasure, and prioritizes family, friends and appreciation of nature and land what they don't want is greed, individualism and speculation. So that is the cultural battle that they will be facing again. Making money is Ok is what they say, but it should never be an obsession,or the number one thing on their bucket list. Cheers
@JesusSanchez-ij5de 23 часа назад
En España también tenemos ahora un problema grave con la ocupación. Puedes tardar incluso dos años en echar a alguien que se meta a vivir en una casa vacía. Lo más probable es que se ponga solución en el siguiente gobierno, pero ahora es así. Lo mejor que se puede hacer es poner una alarma conectada a una empresa de seguridad que acude de inmediato cuando entran, así no se cumplen las 48 horas de "residencia" que después hace difícil la expulsión legal, y se les puede echar en ese momento. Otra manera es tener un arma de fuego en una caja fuerte. En ese caso, la policía misma los expulsa en minutos. Más allá de esas dos cosas, existe un riesgo real de que vengas a tu casa y te encuentres alguien viviendo en ella, desgraciadamente. Una buena comunicación con los vecinos también es clave. Espero que el comentario no desaparezca. ¿Entiendes ahora uno de los motivos de los abucheos al Presidente que hablaba en otros comentarios?. Es algo que hace 6 o 7 años no pasaba. Un abrazo.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 23 часа назад
48 hours? That is crazy! Hugs to you from America!
@JesusSanchez-ij5de 22 часа назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Si, a partir de 48 horas se considera un "hogar", si encima es una familia con menores de edad, se vuelve todo mucho más cuesta arriba. Suelen poner en la calle todas tus posesiones para no ser acusados de robo (lo cual no tiene mucho sentido, ya te están robando la casa), y encima tienes que pagar la luz y el agua o te acusan a ti, te pueden denunciar. Es muy loco. Normalmente no son españoles los que hacen esto, aunque también hay casos. Suelen ser inmigrantes ilegales (que tampoco son expulsados actualmente). Pero el cambio de Gobierno es inminente, por esta y otras razones.
@huntergamusinos2.018 21 час назад
Mientes... por ignorancia o mala fé, pero mientes 😮
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 21 час назад
@@huntergamusinos2.018 - who are your talking to?
@JesusSanchez-ij5de 21 час назад
@@huntergamusinos2.018 Ah, claro. Cuando entraron en la antigua casa de mis abuelos un grupo de menas, pues lo soñé todo...nunca pasó. La policía nunca me dió información, y la vecina nunca, nunca, espero a que no estuvieran en la casa para poner un candado de madrugada para que no pudieran volver a entrar. Todo fruto de mi imaginación. Que cosas...
@joaquindiaz7818 23 часа назад
54000 euros is a garbage flat ,in a bad area, less than 150 thousands dont find anything good
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 23 часа назад
Andalusia, Almeria, and Costa Blanca are all bad areas?
@tuanoestaenpeligro5701 23 часа назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American si Perdón me entro el troll que llevo dentro.
@joaquindiaz7818 23 часа назад
​​​@@Average_Middle_Aged_Americannooo ,thats are big areas ,in all places there are less good zones ,but no bad bad, by the way never buy a property less than 100 mtrs from the Beach cause the goverment can expropiate it .in the video show one just in front of the sea ,thats a no
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 23 часа назад
@@tuanoestaenpeligro5701 - what are some nice areas on the coast of spain that have lower priced real estate?
@joaquindiaz7818 23 часа назад
​​​@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Murcia and almeria are the cheapest cost in the mediterraneum ,then in the north asturias and galicia,and always the cheapest is inside the mainland with no sea except madrid the capital
@JesusSanchez-ij5de 23 часа назад
Escribo mientras veo el vídeo. El primer piso que sale, el de Almería (no sé si después pondrás más pisos) es tan barato porque está prácticamente en medio de ninguna parte. La playa se ve lejos, hay que coger el coche para ir, y muy posiblemente haya que conducir también para tomarse una cerveza o comprar el pan. A parte, es pequeño, muy pequeño. Lo del coche, para un estadounidense, puede que no resulte un problema, pero normalmente para un español es un gran NO. Sobre todo si tienes que conducir para hacer pequeñas compras o ir a un bar. Hace unos meses, un compañero de trabajo de mi sobrino, médico de Rayos X, divorciado, del Norte de España, se mudó a Jerez porque la ex se vino aquí con su hijo y su nueva pareja. Se compró un piso de tres dormitorios al lado de donde vive mi hermano, en la Avenida Lola Flores, en Jerez de la Frontera. Tuvo suerte, y le salió por 150.000 euros, lo cual es barato, por un piso grande más o menos, y en un sitio lleno de comercios, bares, bien conectado, en una ciudad de 200.000 habitantes, que tiene la playa a 20 minutos conduciendo, y las montañas a 30 minutos en la otra dirección (en los pueblos de la montaña se come carne extraordinaria, en muchas ocasiones venado, jabalí y cosas así). Si buscas, encuentras. Un abrazo. Edito: las cocinas así de diminutas es típico de las segundas viviendas de veraneo (no en todas, pero no es raro). Se da por sentado que en esas viviendas la cocina no es una prioridad, porque se usan en vacaciones y lo más probable es que el dueño coma en la calle con mucha frecuencia, al ser vacaciones).
@iber4356 День назад
Siempre prefieren tópicos falsos, que la realidad española.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 23 часа назад
Please explain with examples. Thanks!
@iber4356 День назад
@Average_Middle_Aged_American 23 часа назад
What is the difference?
@Ilar-en7lg 23 часа назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Do you call the mexicans inmigrants that you have in the United States expats?
@JesusSanchez-ij5de 22 часа назад
​@@Average_Middle_Aged_AmericanLa diferencia es que muchos anglosajones vienen a vivir de manera permanente a España, y eso se llama inmigrante, y no tiene nada de malo. Pero a si mismos se llaman expatriados, y es algo molesto para los españoles, porque es como si marcaran una distancia con los "inmigrantes de verdad". Hay un punto de racismo en esto que los estadounidenses, británicos y otras nacionalidades no parecen ser capaces de ver.
@angelsanchezlopez837 20 часов назад
@@JesusSanchez-ij5de tu de donde eres?, porque no tienes ni idea, es verdad que los inmigrantes suelen ser sudamericanos, y africanos son inmigrantes porque vienen a ganarse la vida, y los ingleses y alemanes etc vienen a vivir, y son extranjeros, no inmigrantes como dices. AH, Y YO SOY ESPAÑOL DE DE ORIGÉN ECUATORIANO 30 AÑOS VIVIENDO EN ESPAÑA, Y ESTOY CANSADO DE LLAMAR A LA MÍNIMA RACISTA EAL EUROPEO, CUANDO HE VISTO COMO EN SUDAMÉRIA TRATAN A LOS DE LOS PAÍSES VECINOS.
@pozu1312 День назад
Pls react to a video about the city of León.
@salozinp День назад
Hello,06:32 It is true that in Europe the houses and rooms are smaller than the USA, but that kitchen and that house seem to be old, the kitchens in Spain are bigger, not so small, and the bathroom is also small. It is probably a vacation apartment In that case it is more likely that it has smaller measurements, but it is not the usual standard.
@Ilar-en7lg День назад
Hi, thank you for watching the video I mentioned to you. I know that maybe it's not the most exciting video and that the town may not be the most beautiful, but I remember that I liked it the first time I saw it because it was very quiet (no loud music, etc) and the man was very respectful talking about Spain, which doesn't always happen because they almost always make fun of it or talk about it in a condescending way.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
@@Ilar-en7lg - I like quiet and peaceful.
@Ilar-en7lg День назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Ok :)
@moover123 День назад
4:04 is bullshit. i can find rental cars for not even $50 a day right from the airport.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
@moover123 - why would he lie about what was available at that time?
@JuanCarlosTocado День назад
@lourdesbuitrago7773 День назад
😀 en verano voy a Asturias a un pueblo que se llama La Franca, pequeño pero su playa es mágica, está metida en la montaña y cuándo baja la marea se crean como islas!!! Y el río desemboca en la playa. Y se como de lujo, 😂👍🏻💚
День назад
Di solito rimaniamo a vivere nella stessa citta, molto probabilmente nello stesso quartiere. Ma giriamo molto, soprattutto giriamo la stessa Italia. Negli anni 60 c'è stata una massiccia migrazione dal sud a nord della stessa penisola xche il nord si è piu industrializzato a causa della vicinanza col resto di Europa, molti di noi hanno origini da tutte le regioni italiane, molti hanno seconde case in queste regioni, ma in generale g8sit8amo molto il mondo e la nostra bella Italia
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
Thank you for sharing and checking out my videos!
День назад
Nessun luogo in Europa è versione Disney. Sono tutti reali, vissuti, e con tanta storia alle spalle. Quello che troverai saranno persone che ci vivono e anche turisti. Per Italia, Grecia, Francia, Spagna e Portogallo evita luglio e agosto. Anzi no, x vedere Londra e Parigi, agosto è il mese migliore... Comunque visita i siti i portanti ma fai dei giri nelle periferie piu vicine al centro citta e cerca trattorie dove il menu è scritto solo in italiano 😅
@Sel-k5e День назад
Hello, is there an email or google doc form where I can send you a tour of the palace in english
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
If it is a youtube video, just copy and paste the title and creator here and I will check it out. Thanks!
@xalau5270 День назад
The Llanes area is no longer a secret, it is saturated with tourists, it is better not to come because you are ruining it
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
@xalau5270 - such a nice comment. Make sure you complain when your GDP drops.
@xalau5270 День назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Of course, because when the tourists finish ruining the place, the GDP is going to be through the roof, right? I suppose you know the story of the chicken that laid golden eggs... By the way, it is not surprising that your thoughts are related to money, very typical of Americans. We should try to be better than that
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
@@xalau5270 - LOL
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
@@xalau5270 - we come from two different worlds. That does not make you superior.
@xalau5270 День назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American I don't think I am superior.
@jabato9779 2 дня назад
Why there is only music for most of the video?
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
Honestly? Because I screwed up. LOL. My guess is it had some copyright nonsense and the song selected to replace music ended up being the whole video. I will fix it. THANK YOU for letting me know. Let me know if any other videos seemed messed up. AMAA
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
Video is fixed. Thanks for letting me know!
@jabato9779 День назад
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American You are welcome. Thanks, that was a fast fix! I will watch the video again, I am curious about how you look at us in Spain. Castles is a never-ending thing in Spain (I have three thick volumes with many of them and their history). They pop up like mushrooms in the middle of nowhere. Some are not really known and are kind of abandoned (not the first time I have been all alone in one). One great I pick at random of this kind: Castillo de Zafra (dirt road to get there; Game of Thrones filmed there a couple of scenes, I think). By the way, some castles, palaces and monasteries are kept as hotels to preserve them e.g. the Paradores chain of hotels, which is owned by the state, is the most famous e.g. some examples: Parador de Sigüenza (castle, reconstructed in the 12th century on top of older ones: Roman, Muslim..), Parador de Santo Estevo in Orense (monastery, with origins in the 6th-7th century although more "modern" refurbishments were made). Oh, and Parador of Úbeda (Palace, 16th century). I tell you, sleeping in their old rooms, taking even a coffee in their courtyards or in their halls, is an experience by itself (food too, always good). Google these examples, they are worthy, and so much more I would need pages... and myself I keep exploring all the secrets tucked away in Spain (I keep adding more to my to-do list and cannot keep the pace!). PS. I have not seen other videos with music and I think I watched all of those Spain-related.
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
@@jabato9779 - Thanks for all the information and for watching my channel!
@peztondo 2 дня назад
I¨m totally agree with you abaout the disgusting graffiti and the idiots who do it. But is almost worse when de society and autorities allow it and don´t purse it. I think I told you before but, if you finally come to Spain one day,, count on me to plane visits to Zaragoza, San Sebastian or South of France. I live in Pamplona which is in the center os those places
@Average_Middle_Aged_American День назад
So kind! Thanks!
@salozinp 2 дня назад
05:54 In the north of Spain there are towns where there are small mansions, called Indian houses. The Indians were native people who emigrated to the Spanish possessions on the American continent, especially to Cuba, in the 19th century. Many years later, they returned to Spain and they built stately homes to show off their wealth. Some brought plants from Cuba or Puerto Rico, especially palm trees, which do not grow naturally in the north of Spain. They were called Indianos because when America was discovered in 1492, the Spanish were looking for an alternative route to India, in Asia, which was usually done around the African continent. The Spanish believed they had reached the Indies, when in reality it was the island of Santo Domingo, where Haiti and the Dominican Republic are today.