Coach Benny Dating
Coach Benny Dating
Coach Benny Dating
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@basicinfo2022 10 минут назад
Its been a situationship for a year now. I think hes a covert narcissist so i blocked him back again. Theres many ways to bypass the block with textnow apps. A man blocking is abusive, sassy, and immature
@GodandCarrotluv 43 минуты назад
Its really good advice. If thats what you want. Now wgat you really need to fo is pray. Pray for them, pray for wusdom, guidance understanding for the words to speak. Bottling it up and acting like nothing ever happen3d isnt what Jesus has planned. He wants us to use our voice. Anger doesnt come from him tho thats the Devil, where this video is possibly right to say be silly. To ease tention is a great start. Ultimately, pray. For everything. Even when you dont have a relationship w Jesus yet. Ask him. Dear God i ask that whoever come across this video may be healed from there past hangups hurts and traumas, just wave your healing hand over those in suffering and show them that in your word you say you are SO close to the broken hearted you can collect there tears in a bottle. Jesus let them know they have love in you! And that i pray will triumph any type of toxic love or love they think a human will fulfill. I just pray you watch over them and if they cross paths with an ex..Holy Spirit i ask you give them the wisdom, understanding and patience to have self control and be a great example of you Jesus. I ask you calm there hesrt and help them speak like you Jesus. I ask you further there relationship w you. By just showing them how much you care 💙 how much you love them dear Father🙏 Show them its okay show them there feelings are valid, and show them how your way is best. Thank you Jesus. I ward and CAST OUT any demonic spirits or entities trying to harm these individuals RIGHT NOW! And I pray to bless those who come across thjs message- humble them let them love according to your ways. I ask you send angels to protect them as they grow closer to you Jesus. Above all this I pray your will be done only. In your Holy name Jesus Amen 🙏
@emmaboyett8667 Час назад
A mother moving a guy in with her kids after 3 months is such bad parenting, poor kids
@dariuslewis6421 2 часа назад
Not “reattract”. 😂 Blocking and unblocking is manipulative, but you shouldn’t have to reattract someone.
@hushpuppies872 3 часа назад
Whoever is reading this comment, I hope you have the strength to walk away from them including myself. Please God don't break anyone's heart. Anything can be sorted by just talking and people don't even have the courtesy to do that. It's really sad how they treat you once they have decided to quit.
@franklujan8304 4 часа назад
I just walked away from a three year and a half relationship… I really care about this woman July 26 is her birthday 2024… she pushed me away July 11.. as I try and get closer because she has some troubles… so what I did I grab my stuff, walked out like a man stand my ground… took the watch off. She got me for Christmas throw it in the trash… 20 minutes later, she text me back… a few days later she text me back again…. she did me a favor. It just made me stronger. I keep my abundance I keep my masculine…. I’m pissed…. I’m not gonna get her nothing for her birthday 🎂.. no Tex, no flowers nothing
@matthewjohnson53 17 часов назад
Why the fuck would you want your ex back?
@ketobodybuilder2482 23 часа назад
Dog won't live 20 years sadly. But I get this. So I just keep it business only
@valerie4912 23 часа назад
I’ve been in contact, he hasn’t. I’m talking to a wall.
@feedmeknowlege День назад
my ex let the call ring once
@jeremyreese9663 День назад
What I do is keep my composure and treat them like any other stranger on the streets. Don’t give attitudes cause that’s showing you still care, don’t ignore cause that’s still a sign, give a friendly nod and keep walking and if they don’t nod keep it pushing. Worse thing to do is show that you are still hurt and upset even if you are upset pretend to be unbothered as best as you can than when you get home vent, or go to the gym and get a good workout in and get all the toxins out your body. And if you already been to the gym take a yoga class. It works.
@andavee День назад
Great video, great advice!
@scifijunky1979 День назад
I’m been 10 months, and I’m still hurt and angry I don’t feel I can play it casual as it nothing happened. Betrayal is a hard pill to swallow to overlook.
@cantonio270 День назад
My ex moved on to someone new after 4 months. We were together 13 years. 😢 its like i never mattered
@ericstrahler5767 День назад
Do you have a psychology degree or just some dude with a camera. Cred matters.
@kalencorrie8525 2 дня назад
27 yrs of this married not married bs. He gets “counselling” but still believes a relationship is come visit when I want you to. During the week, I don’t wanna hear from you, my businesses have got me reeling and ya know, I do help you financially. Oh. Your mother died. I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve just been so busy. And if by chance, you don’t wanna do play day, I can fill that void. This shit does not change. Ever. It’s a waste of time, life and energy. I’d rather be on my own than married, alone.
@JR-xs1yh 2 дня назад
Why haven’t you split yet? Do you need the financial support? Decrease the stress in your life so that you may have peace
@KroniccKrona1 День назад
You'd be far happier without that in your life. I'm currently struggling outside of my relationship but that's because my ex was a narcissist and I have a trauma bond. I'm getting my own counselling while she's probably gone and enjoyed her life.. I have no idea. We are strangers now after a 7 month relationship. Sounds like you've somewhat wasted 27 years tbh. Save your time, get out if you can and can bring yourself to do so, and go and meet someone who doesn't take you for granted and actually acknowledges you are THERE. You're human and deserve to be treated as one.
@bluecoffee8414 2 дня назад
Wow this was me to a T. Every part of it right down to the words I used when I broke up with the woman I had just married months before. I developed clear avoidant attachment. I've been remarkably slow to understand myself but it's becoming very clear. my mother was a raging BPD my dad emotionally shut down. The communication skills in our family were godawful. my mothers wild unstable mood swings and rages. my father saying nothing. To top it off he was a diplomat so I attended 7 schools in 6 countries by age 18. i don't set good boundaries and yes I people please. And I was living unsustainably. I'm a lawyer was under a ton of stress doing work that didnt fulfill me. I hate conflict. And I pretended to be far more ok than I was until I couldn't. I wanted to make her happy. I didn't fully communicate to her that I was becoming overwhelmed because (a) I can't face looking weak, (b), I hate conflict and (c) it made no fu$%#%g sense even in my own head because she was not the cause of any of this, objectively. She was a FANTASTIC sexy kind quirky, loyal talented person and truly loved me and I loved her. I 'dumped' her in a truly cold heartless way. I cheated and basically iced her out not even responding to texts. And the only answers I could muster is "I need to work on myself" and "I cant cope theres too much going on." I even threw in some version of "It's not you, it's me." That was 6 years ago. I try not to think of her but something will trigger a memory and then I can't stop thinking about her for days. I really blew it. And I hurt an amazing person. I hope she found someone great.
@emmaboyett8667 2 дня назад
Exes are overrated
@nicolejensen4676 2 дня назад
Sooo true..it’s still heartbreaking
@JohnDon-pj8nv 2 дня назад
Please God never ever ever take them back, someone else better waiting on you😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@NewyJon7787 2 дня назад
My advice, Live your own life and see what comes of that. Meet someone who isn't avoidant and let them lose you forever.
@dallo6196 2 дня назад
What about if she’s blocked you tho ?
@emmaboyett8667 2 дня назад
they always unblock after 4-5mnths out of curiosity or to show you theyve deleted your number/tempt you/to remove temptation of messaging you. If they are in happy relationship or happy in themselves they won't think to unblock. If they are unhappy they unblock, So thats how you know x
@dallo6196 2 дня назад
So it’s best to move on and leave them in the past then as I love her so much, but can’t sit down and have a proper conversation about anything because she throws a tantrum then blocks me 😢
@douwe4254 2 дня назад
Depending on their age, if they don't understand what is going on, and they don't understand the attachment style they have. It is impossible to work on this for them. They often need to lose "the one", realize it going into different relationships that suck so much they start to wonder why they can't have what they had before / with you, if you actually treated them right. Most people who have this attachment style will only figure this out after their 40's, sometimes around their 60's when they have been single for a long time. My recently broken up ex did this, but she was also very honorable about me. She basically warned me what was going to happen, before everything happened. We tried a LDR, but only bonded well face to face. It simply was impossible as she didn't want-want me, felt the situation was too difficult and already lied to her parents about me... which caused too much stress to fix.
@honeymw6972 2 дня назад
Dont you think they are in a rebound to numb their pain ?
@basicinfo2022 2 дня назад
1:20 its been countless rounds of no contact and blocking eachother. How do i know its over for good and stop this on-off cycle? Its turned into a 1 year situationship. Just blocked him back on everything again today. I dont think its over because i feel we have unfinished business but i dont want to go through another cycle of this again.
@Greentea4591 2 дня назад
I think it ends when YOU decide to end it on your end. You can only control yourself. My ex broke up with me 18months ago. If I allowed it he would still be sending me breadcrumb messages and in minimal contact with me while he continues to have s*x with other women and not want to see me in person anymore or talk to me authentically and just basically keeping me “on the back burner” for when he might feel like checking in with me and get some validation and not have to miss me or worry I have moved on really. If your ex is still seeing you in person and maybe having s*x with you too I am sure its even harder for you to let go and end it but I really believe you need to. You can’t ask your ex to do it for you or agree. You need to realize on your own that it has to be YOUR decision and you need to be serious about it and commit to it on your end. Accepting a situationship is actually lowering your value too. I asked my ex not to contact me anymore unless he wants to work on our relationship 3 months ago (15months after the breakup) He said “ok” but after a month he was sending breadcrumb messages again. If he wanted to work on our relationship he would be saying he is sorry and he misses me and wants to work on things etc, but he was just testing me to see he could get me to reply to his breadcrumb messages again and continue the superficial “friendship” he wants. I didn’t reply to him and after a month of him sending random messages he stopped. I miss his breadcrumbs of course because I really still want him back but I want the relationship we had before the breakup back, not his breadcrumbs. I wish I ended things on my end sooner now. You need to get to a point where you realize that allowing the situationship to continue isn’t getting you anywhere good. Your ex will respect you more in the end I believe if you have the strength to end it and tell them you won’t allow them to treat you this way anymore. If they realize they lost you some day and regret it and are willing to try to get you back sincerely then you can decide then if you still want them.
@nickus51 2 дня назад
By deciding it is over and keeping it that way. It is on you. You are in toxic cycle which will keep repeating itself until one is strong enough to set boundaries.
@basicinfo2022 2 дня назад
@nickus51 thanks, he tricked me back into seeing him months ago which made the feelings stronger and it's been an uphill battle since then letting him go. I hope he doesn't trick me again... it was so mean and embarrassing how he's been ignoring and blocking me again for my reaction to his mind games.
@nickus51 2 дня назад
@@basicinfo2022 I know and I am sorry you are going through it. I was in a same situation before. Truth be told, he sounds narcissistic who is leading you through the tipical narcissistic cycle: idealization, devaluation, discard, hoovering. There is a high chance he'll come back. You will have to be strong enough to say no.
@basicinfo2022 День назад
@nickus51 thanks ❤️ yes, I was not prepared last time when he reached our and I broke no contact. I will be better prepared this time if he tries to manipulate me back into seeing him but so far he hasn't tried to see me for months so maybe it's over this time.
@yoohoo952 3 дня назад
maybe they just don't like you enough for their companion
@basicinfo2022 3 дня назад
It's breadcrumbing for your validation, attention and to string you along emotionally. It's also bait for you to reach out first. Until they make direct effort to reconcile, ignore breadcrumbs.
@BruceJC75 3 дня назад
It’s a game. That’s all relationships are anymore. It’s just a never ending standoff to see who’s gonna get hurt first.
@rhettbaldwin8320 3 дня назад
The better question is why would YOU want them back? When someone treats you like this don't take them back. It can be both a understandable response to childhood trauma and abuse of your love and support at the same time.
@amandam2238 4 дня назад
Mine was retired but has a 100 acre hobby farm and a mother who couldn't keep her nose out of our business, she meddled and made him feel he had to break up with me so he could focus on the farm. She kept coming up with excuses every time she knew we were together, for why he needed to run to her rescue. He became so overwhelmed trying to keep everyone happy. He broke things off in the end, he just wanted peace. She then sent me a victory text because she had won and was successful in having him dump me. The whole thing has been so excruciatingly painful.
@KimDsmom 3 дня назад
What a shame. A selfish mother! She won’t be around forever, and her son will be alone… maybe for the rest of his life, because he may not have another opportunity to meet another good woman. You may have “dodged a bullet”, however. I don’t know how long since he walked away… but, he may eventually decide that he wants to reach back out to you; if you want that. Don’t chase HIM though. Best wishes.
@amandam2238 3 дня назад
@@KimDsmom thank you. It's now been 4 months since he broke up with me and 4 months of no contact. I really hope he does miss me and it is motivation for him to make some small changes (implement some boundaries with his mum). I appreciate your wishes. Thank you.
@KimDsmom 3 дня назад
@@amandam2238 Hey, me again. Four months isn’t very long; time flies by so fast these days, it seems. One thing that came to mind. Maybe around the holidays… that will be give it more time, but less than a year… you might want to reach out, just to wish him a happy holiday. It will let him know that you aren’t harboring ill feelings, and that it’s safe to contact you. (These guys are very fearful of criticism and condemnation… don’t like feeling guilty and to blame for a woman’s disappointment and pain, etc..) You would have to be really sure that you want him to respond, before reaching out, and also be prepared for him NOT to, and to be ok with that, if he doesn’t. If you’re sure that it was his mom (“mum”; you must be in England, or New Zealand, or Australia 😁… I’m in The States; Florida), and not HIM that was the reason for him walking away, and you’re sure, that even after him breaking off the relationship that you’d want him back (his mother will still be in the picture; until she “isn’t” anymore), then you might want to contact him… after a little more time; the holidays would give you a “reason”. In the meantime, go on with your life. You might meet someone even better for you. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@dallo6196 4 дня назад
I’ve had this but she’s now being angry towards me after break up at month 5, and now I’m blocked everywhere 😢
@SaltyDog-wwrd 4 дня назад
This explained a lot . Thanks.
@alexanderhy8319 5 дней назад
Recently my ex said this to me. now we broke up. i want her back how can i have her back
@taylorbee4010 5 дней назад
Avoidant people pleaser So fn weird
@os3688 6 дней назад
Hey coach she admitted she couldnt give me what i needed and was scared of committment. She said her past relationship of 2 years was abusive and toxic. I pushed for her to give it a chance/constantly appologizing for a couple weeks. Ive been in NC for a month 1/2 now. She told me she wants absolutely nothing to do with me bc i wasnt understanding or respecting her feelings. I told her she doesnt understand mine either and she wont be hearing from me ans that she got her wish(i was mad) Is there any chance?
@melitareid144 5 дней назад
Many times when a woman breaks up with a man, she will tell a man the reason is her fault. Ex "I can't give you what you need". This is often the truth, and often also carefully worded to prevent bad feelings and in some cases potential violence. In pressing her and apologizing etc you pressured her to break down and give in and take you back and change the boundary that she set that she told you she was done with the relationship. (and you knew it) There doesn't have to be blame when couples break up. Sometimes everyone are nice people, they just didn't work good together. Despite the video advice, leave her alone. She is done and has communicated that to you already and also clearly. You are not good for each other. In future listen to what women SAY. (not what you think they are doing) Dude, you don't want to be with her if she doesn't want to be with you. It isn't good for either of you. Dating is complicated. Women are like shoes. You have to try lots of them to find a pair just right.
@os3688 5 дней назад
@@melitareid144 she was offering to hook up and be friends with benefits but didnt want to committ because she was scared. She said she really enjoyed being vulnerable with me and that scared her the most. And trust me ik im very aware. I dont want to be with someone that doesnt want me lol
@amandayouksee1724 6 дней назад
Too bad i cant tell him this...he would say u talking bout my motherrr
@amandayouksee1724 6 дней назад
This real tru
@Kai-sh8rq 6 дней назад
My ex asked to be my girlfriend, couple weeks later said she wasn’t ready for a relationship right now even tho things felt right with me. It’s surreal and confusing
@tie2tight 7 дней назад
Ive been with a better girl now, but ur spot on with my experiences
@HaChiing 8 дней назад
I went offline for a week, i was just sick and tired. I dont want to tell him about it. He’s busy enough with work. We were fine before that. Sunday, thought it be great time to check and catch up together. Really was excited but then, he was just so cold. I asked him. He just shut down and blocked me right away. I trembled. I dont know what to do. Up til now, i wonder what went wrong.
@positivel5530 8 дней назад
He’s moved to another country and says I should leave him alone because I stole his peace
@HaChiing 8 дней назад
We didnt breakup. He just blocked me out of nowhere.
@honeymw6972 8 дней назад
My ex is exactly like that. Excapt one thing, he is the opposite when it comes to commitment. He wanted to move in, he wanted to get married. That caused the stress as it felt too rushed too soon for me.
@Greentea4591 8 дней назад
I tried to “breadcrumb my ex back” for a few months. I don’t know what was supposed to happen? But it became MORE frustrating for me as he continued to send breadcrumb messages weekly and I started feeling like what am I doing??? I felt like responding to his inconsistent and superficial messages was making things worse. I felt like I was now lowering my value even more showing that I was willing to accept this type of relationship from him now. So I asked him not to contact me anymore and he just said “ok” like he didn’t care. He didn’t contact me for 30days and then he sent a breadcrumb message I ignored) 2 weeks later it was his birthday, and I thought I should just send a polite birthday greeting wishing him well…. I actually think this was a mistake now. I think it was a mixed message and breadcrumb from ME TO HIM. I think it made him think I was cool with everything and he could be text friends with me maybe? He was sending breadcrumb messages once a week after that and I wasn’t replying. This went on for over about a month and then he stopped. (Its been 3 weeks now) In a lot of ways I am relieved to not have the breadcrumb stress but of course I do miss hearing from him too and I worry he is really gone for good now. When I am thinking logically and strong, I tell myself this is the final test. If he ever decides he does really care about me and want me in his life then he will reach out in a meaningful way and want to see me and talk. If he doesn’t, then it gives me the answer I need and it will be over because I won’t be the one to reach out ever again. The worst part is not knowing what he is thinking or doing at all now but I try to remember he doesn’t care enough about what I am thinking or doing to reach out to me so I need to not care about him too. HE NEEDS TO BE THE ONE TO COME TO ME THIA TIME or it will never work. He knows I tried for him so many times and thats probably why he expects me to do it again but I won’t. It needs to come from him or I need to stay out of his life😢
@ahlers1977 8 дней назад
Took this advice & used these techniques for 1 week. Today when I get home from my wife is sitting on our front steps & when I asked if she wanted to talk she told me to get away from her. I laughed, grabbed the mail & went inside. 20 minutes later the cops were at my house & she was trying to say I have been mentally abusing her. Completely fabricated on her end but I'd say the no contact really pissed her off.
@hspinnovators5516 9 дней назад
How do we access the course?
@Ericgodisgood 9 дней назад
I broke no contact in she had another guy text me from her phone in October in she told me she moved on in I should to plus I use to beg a lot so I stopp begging she unblocked me in February in im never breaking no contact again plus she be heart in my post because I make them public but I’m not breaking nocontact or adding her on Facebook but why not just keep me blocked
@hspinnovators5516 9 дней назад
What about the opposite where they just slowly stop responding
@Truthseeker77-up2ks 12 дней назад
What do you do if they follow "Girl Code" and are into "gender wars". Since I've been finding it hard since they are bound by their friends opinions with their "bestie rules". Once they breakup they stay mad and then go to their friends which also refuels their feelings of anger.
@CosminPerisan 12 дней назад
Bs. If she plays games she doesn't like you. Move on!