...And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Revelation 18

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@dorfsteen Час назад
We should have done this a long time ago when they put in the Federal Reserve in the IRS that should have been a call to Arms, when we realize that people had dual citizenship and were in our government should have been a call to Arms or at least a redress of grievances to get them removed and replaced. Which would have been much easier in the 70s we have ai breathing down our necks and Robocop and hackable electric cars not to mention attack quadcopters .go look at Leave the World Behind. by Mr Obama that like every other movie is predictive programming.
@dorfsteen Час назад
The abuses and usurpations have been going on for decades, allowing the Federal Reserve paying debt to our own money and the people just accept it
@dorfsteen Час назад
Those guys had quite the vocabulary back then? because they weren't drinking fluoride and being poisoned by gender-bending estrogen mimicking chemicals.🤔😐😑
@dorfsteen Час назад
Oh by the way Rex that was a great Rendition of on the Eve of Destruction good stuff bro😎
@dorfsteen Час назад
They are now coming out with a bird flu shot do not take it
@Ben-Ona-Peel78 Час назад
Thank you, REX!
@patrickhenry8147 2 часа назад
Hear hear!!!
@hbarwickjr 2 часа назад
What a superb message for truth in todays reality. Thank you so much Rex.
@rebelstudio2720 3 часа назад
Trump stated that they use politics to control others with and they need politics to keep that control.
@rebelstudio2720 3 часа назад
Liberty is actually not what you think it is. Liberty is freedom from being under god and the laws of the natural man to be placed under the control of man through political enslavement.
@rebelstudio2720 3 часа назад
Everyone is living and celebrating a lie.
@martyisabeliever 3 часа назад
Hey Rex have you studied Galatians yet and repented of being a Judaizer preacher of a law/works salvation yet..? ru-vid.com/group/PLXYr1EhcJLKUDE0N_Xj8wzwPGgYRozVko&si=yJ40BFnjKdNzxJRi May God grant you understanding...and repentance.🕊🙏♥️
@johnshue8082 3 часа назад
There are no dual citizenships in the Kingdom of Heaven. There will be NO citizens of the kingdom of Babylon allowed to enter.
@robertlagruth516 3 часа назад
Thank you Rex for reading that. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸%
@robertlagruth516 3 часа назад
I pray we don’t disappoint our founding fathers, and not standby and allow this to destroy what they gave us. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸%
@w.rustylane5650 4 часа назад
Just checked their website. They're $487.49 for the non range finder model. Cheers from eastern TN
@katehobbs5327 4 часа назад
Thank you , Rex. Shared..
@brianp9503 4 часа назад
Anyone celebrating the 4th is an idiot . We are WAY worse of now than then . We should be ashamed, not celebrating.
@calebdidomenico8487 4 часа назад
They asked me what time I leave for work, how many people are in the car while driving, and the address of where I work! Talk about invasive! How do these questions improve our community in any way? They’re up to something…
@Peter-od7op 4 часа назад
Will you test out the one with range finder
@gunnypat29 4 часа назад
happy 4th TiborassurusRex Love your show
@loraann54fi10 4 часа назад
I hear people saying the Constitution of The United States of America is outdated, flawed, or it doesn't work. Do they not realize they have never lived a life with our Constitution being adhered to?
@greenmirror5555 4 часа назад
Have we actually lived a day of our lives with that constitution being adhered to? All taxation is theft. Honest trade among friendship. Article 1 Section 10
@loraann54fi10 3 часа назад
@greenmirror5555 I can't say I've experienced it. I sure would love to. I'd love for my sons to even more. Has any generation? Truly? Maybe someday but few are willing to sacrifice what is necessary to achieve that amazing beautiful nation.
@larryderagowski8273 5 часов назад
Thank you brother, keep preaching to the lost
@darkknightdiesel1688 5 часов назад
Thank you for the reminder and hope you enjoy the holiday.
@bowman826 5 часов назад
American. Definition. Land of the plume serpent
@theoriginalOSOK 5 часов назад
Damn King George and the horse he rode in on. He is abhorrent. Oh, wait, I meant to say our current federal government.... King George was vanquished 249 years ago....
@Searchingforthelight423 5 часов назад
Watched earlier, I for got to to give the thumbs-up. Thank you.
@Rob92656 5 часов назад
Long train of abuses once again, one that is nearly 111 years in the making.
@wayupnort6271 5 часов назад
Happy Birthday brother Rex! I hope your day was blessed.👍🏻🇺🇸
@chrisanderson9157 5 часов назад
We never got our independence. This country was founded on freemasonry and its god.....lucifer.
@timdunnigan7107 5 часов назад
Threats to survival and mitigation thereof. If only there was a method for analysis. Post It notes and electronic spreadsheets?
@neilgelinas9926 5 часов назад
We have let the Federal Gov become what they in fact have now become Brittian.
@ol1guy994 5 часов назад
Happy Independence Day
@georgedreisch2662 5 часов назад
Seems to have a whole new relevance, in its specificity then…
@traceeburris511 6 часов назад
Ghee, this sounds familiar. Oh yeah..... Current standing.
@jeffreydavis4277 6 часов назад
I never consented to kill over 400,000 woman and children in Iraq. I do not support or consent the killing of the little children in Gaza. This nation needs to repent, not chant USA! USA !USA !. Get over your military service. You never defended your people or family. You got tricked into thinking your a hero and a warrior. Ha! A warrior stands face to face with a true enemy of his people or family. You haven't even identified the true enemy. It certainly wasn't the 400,000 Iraqi women and children tough guy. The true enemy should be obvious. You just keep lying to yourself bud.
@Semi-J 6 часов назад
30 mins video of scope specs…..I get it
@anton1949 6 часов назад
4th of July, celebration for running Monarchy out of America, now we have SCOTUS who want to bring it back, and they just did. Our Founders are puking in their graves.
@greenmirror5555 6 часов назад
Life, LIberty, and Property....all taxation is theft. Honest trade among friendship, Article 1 Section 10
@SmokeyBlazer103 6 часов назад
Huh as a vet I’m disgusted. This use to mean something…. Sorry for not being so celebrated mode…. Everyone enjoy there shit food and so called freedom. Our father’s rolling in there graves they died for this bullshit…
@gmcenroe 6 часов назад
An interesting historical document that brings into question what is now going on in this country where it appears that some members of our government do not abide by their oath to our Constitution , and violate it with no consequences upon them for their treasonous behavior.
@SLFYSH 6 часов назад
What teeth does the people's demand have? The ballot box has been captured. God alone is capable of rescuing us.
@jasonlord5141 7 часов назад
We are so individualized. We wouldn't dare put aside our ego to come together for a common good. We dont have a 16th of the fortitude our ancestors did. They marched for months to bleed and die for ideologies. We can't get off the couch for anything short of indulging in pleasure.
@Pompomgrenade 7 часов назад
@Pompomgrenade 7 часов назад
😅 That which is good is required for the raising or rearing of families...
@Pompomgrenade 7 часов назад
🧨 I would argue that our government is no longer responsive to the voter input deemed necessary to control it.. such input is countered at every turn for seemingly half a century. We are too slow, fat and lazy and weak to complete revolution 😔 As our leaders are too weak to be constitutional... Bribery servitude and the feudal system. 😂 Is recycling... Given the chance, the wealthy and powerful who have erased the middle class will digitize the labor class ... Robotics are already destined to be the tools of warfare.. pesky people don't take orders well😂 T-Rex have a great 4th of July!
@cajunoneforchrist4545 7 часов назад
Big Mike is Obama's next puppet. In 2007 God Almighty said you go and warn the people that Obama will be your next President and serve another term and isn't going anywhere. Hot laughed at.. Told everyone on Facebook that Biden beats Trump. Biden. No way your crazy lol Trump lost!! Election is already over M Obama will be your next Appointed President. Take It To The Bank it will cash.
@johncox7121 7 часов назад
Without a complete and genuine return to Father Yahs standards there’s no point
@_-gh0st-_ 7 часов назад
@rogerlikes 7 часов назад
You Nailed it! Happy forth for all the right reasons, and Semper Fi