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China's Five GREATEST Emperors
2 месяца назад
5 месяцев назад
2 quotes from Confucius you NEED to know
6 месяцев назад
5 Great Kung Fu Masters From Chinese History
6 месяцев назад
Translation FAILS: Chinese English Signs
7 месяцев назад
China’s Flood Myth EXPLAINED
7 месяцев назад
If Chinese Was Translated Literally...
7 месяцев назад
8 месяцев назад
The MYSTERIOUS Origin Of Shaolin Kung Fu
8 месяцев назад
@lillawlietlil1305 40 минут назад
As a Chinese, Sheldon's syphilitic donkey will always hold an irreplaceable place in my heart.
@edspencer6934 41 минуту назад
My Tai Chi teacher in China has and teaches at least one form of Qing Gong. That version at least is still out there, though definitely rare. It is a high level skill for sure, but not unattainable. It flows out of basic Tai Chi (and other art) principles, but time is a huge obstacle. In the 30’s and 40’s there were still people PRACTISING Gong Fu 8 or more hours a day - everyday. Add to that, several hours of meditation to work on your mental state, which builds character and is part of the “morality” training. To sum up, the knowledge is still there and achievable, but just like the old masters, you have to dedicate your life to do so.
@petechua966 Час назад
If it's supernormal or super natural, it's not physically natural but demonic
@learnchinesenow 3 минуты назад
@Ricca_Day Час назад
I’m guessing that the modernization of the agricultural industry and the energetic impact of things like modern electric, radio and microwave technologies have contributed to the calcification of the pineal gland and the other distractions of “modern life” have contributed tremendously to the decline in all our cognitive and spiritual abilities across the world. So sad… but if not for these things, how would it even know about the legends? It is a puzzlement. Thanks so much for what you do here.. and for the level of excellence you bring to this community.
@gerrekurquidez3044 2 часа назад
Reality: Parkour was given to china from various countries and cultures before the ming dynasty' total isolation policy. Then, qing dynasty came, tons of wuxia material starting exaggerating it. Fantasy: motherfuckers are all metahuman, even sticking to fucking walls like asian spiderverse extras while they fight(check out Jet Li vs Donnie yen fight scene, that shit was so sick tho). Wugulun student here, our qing gong is parkour involving hills and drop off's from cliffs(as we are either climbing on foot or all fours). There is still a limit, even with hard qigong, iron bone/varya hand training. Anyways, god bless and amitabha everyone!
2 часа назад
My Shifu said: "Everything is possible, but not everything is allowed." Lightness skill is ancient, beginners level in all transcendental traditions, called Laghima siddhi in Prakrit or Laghiman in Sanskrit texts.
@davidkelly414 2 часа назад
The supernatural is possible in dreamland , and with drugs . Or using misdirection 😮😊
@hbl142 2 часа назад
I think one of the pictures you showed was of Tai Chi master, Cheng Man Ching
@michaelwong4303 3 часа назад
Do you honestly believe in these physics-defying stories? Come on!! And Shen Yen is a New York based dance troupe purportedly performing "Chinese dances" (but with a political message.)
@michaelwong4303 3 часа назад
Can I ask, why have those "masters" not taken part in the Olympics to earn the glory for their country?
@bernhard254 3 часа назад
Because they don't practice for honor. Being humble is very important in the internal arts.
@bernhard254 3 часа назад
Because they don't practice for honor. Being humble is very important in the internal arts.
@tr1bes 5 часов назад
When I was in middle school in the restroom, my friend was holding to a wall of 10 ft high for a mere 10 seconds. There was nothing to grab on to hold his place. He hold both palms and foots were clinging on the wall. I don't know if he studied martial art or not but was quite astound of him doing it.
@djs12007 39 минут назад
maybe he was bitten by a radioactive spider? 😂😂😂
@ahhuh8593 6 часов назад
That's why Bruce Lee was so crazy skilled he learned very rare very Real kungfu
@bobbywang7116 6 часов назад
you are famous falonggong cult member ?
@nikuzumaki 7 часов назад
Bodi Dharman Huge Respect for him
@hitheshyogi3630 7 часов назад
Greetings from India
@myfaves2974 8 часов назад
Qing gong are real but not like u see on the movies , basically u train ur body to be super light and agile,this is one of the 72 body train art of shaolin and i saw some shaolin monks demonstrate some of it they can climb a few meters of walls easily , but this skills usually learn by thiefs and robbers , the most skillfull qing gong practioner said can walk on snow without leaving tracks and infiltrate palaces walls not flying around from wall to wall tree to tree 😂
@sonhengtham135 9 часов назад
To zerotezt, 不是點麥、正確的字是 "點 穴" "點脈 "
@PyanY 10 часов назад
Basically parkor on steroids
@Kelsey.F 11 часов назад
This is exactly what I’m looking for, thank you so much for the genius work full of patience and accuracy ❤❤❤
@learnchinesenow 4 часа назад
You’re welcome 👍
@ashocck8065 11 часов назад
Yep, they climb walls and fly as well as destroying pro Western fighters who are twice their size. Just listen to them talk about it.
@sillybilly44444444 11 часов назад
What an informative video delivered with amazing precision and approachableness. Thanks for the upload!
@peterkhew7414 12 часов назад
With great power comes great responsibility? 😂
@davidwyffels7437 12 часов назад
The West has Spider man Super Man, and a host of fictictional superheroes with unimaginable powers. In the East Super Martial Artist are their Superhero's.
@DenshaOtoko2 12 часов назад
Wudang wall run.
@DenshaOtoko2 12 часов назад
Use heavy weight clothing normally then take them off to jump higher.
@DenshaOtoko2 12 часов назад
It's called Shaolin lead weight and is practiced like how Goku and Krillin did in OG Dragon ball and Rock Lee in Naruto.
@chongalden2947 13 часов назад
What’s the title of the movie at 0:04
@shade7283 14 часов назад
To learn deeper into it take a look at Vedanta and Yogic practice. It essentially originated from there I believe. By following the path of a yogi what you really do is discover and realize whole truth about yourself and reality. They are both like reflection of each other, within one another. Difficult to explain since I don't actually understand it myself but point being the practice is one in the same I think. But yeah through the uncovering of truth within oneself you unlock things and find things like these powers within yourself. Unlocking the chakras which are originally blocked by certain illusions like worldly desires and fears. When one clears all these illusions and blockages away they see the truth. The power and perfection is already there. It's just a matter of opening it up and realizing it. You see according to the law of dharma everything in this universe has it's own role. Even god itself follows dharma. It's a law of reality. A human's eternal dharma (sanatana dharma) is to follow this path and reach this state of enlightenment, unbounded happyness/fulfillment, of understanding and happyness and realize who they are-their interconnectedness with the ultimate reality and everything (again I don't fully get it myself). see like how fire always gives light and heat a human is always has his happy state of being but they don't realize or really know that. They are not alligned with it. So as said human gets closer to realizing himself and seeing who is and bringing his consciousness to become one with his dharma (basically to allign himself with his natural state of happyness/ being (through realization of it) the more functionality he gains with energy being able to flow through his chakras freely and through him. What was previously blocked and not touched is now open and he is able to use it. This proccess of "cultivating morality" as they put it in simple terms is actually just getting making progress in finding the true self and getting realization/ mukti (awakening/enlighteniment). Appearing to be a more "moral" human being is simply a consequence of that understanding of the self. Basically as you make inner spiritual progress on understanding who/what you really are, you behave better and more morally because of your understanding (It's the same as growing more mature but just taken further and deeper). And at high levels devotion to god is neccesary for enlightenment because the mind alone is limited in capacity and powers as I understand it. But yeah...the vedic scriptures which sanatana dharma revolves around is simply the culmination of knowledge from many many yogis who meditated and attained realization and tried and tested and studies the deep reality and the self over many millenia. So it's really a treasure trove. Many people think it's all make beleive but there's a reason this stuff has lasted so long and holds beleivers. If you take up the spiritual path you will feel it and understand how real it really is. But it's understandable why many now adays think it's fake. Because today w e live in big populus society and our information unlike back in the day is only accepted based on validation from other people and scources and testing like science is done. But unlike science, the entirity of spiritual growth happens within oneself, behind the veil of the reality we sense with our 5 senses around us. You cant see, hear touch or smell spiritual stuff and nor can it be detetced directly by instruments (only the indirect consequences can be detected like morality/ brain waves butthat doesn't give much insight into the truth of the matter. Plus any of these consequences like supernatural abilities are only attained at very high levels of spirituality so it's rare and the users wouldn't bother showing it off because of their high level of "maturity" from understanding of self). Basically put it's like trying to tell people there's a ghost only you can see and feel and can't be detected by outside things. So now adays only each individual for themselves can only truly understand it and prove it to themselves if they experience it themselves through themselves by spending time on it and practicing it. But yeah great stuff.
@shade7283 14 часов назад
The supernatural abilities in Sanatana Dharma are as known as "Siddhis" btw
@EVENINGWOLF666 14 часов назад
It's always something. No matter what area of esoteric study one in involved in there are always myths and legends of high level masters who could do incredible things, but now, curiously, either knowledge is gone, or has been diluted, or there is some key component missing that we in the modern world just do not have that would enable modern masters to achieve these feats. And the fact that it takes a certain level of "morality" to achiever certain levels of skill, or gain certain abilities just adds to the doubt that those things were ever possible. Faith and belief I can ALMOST accept only in that if you do not believe something can be done, you will never do it. But apparently the converse is not true and no amount of faith, or belief seems to make those things possible anymore than having a high level of morality will make the things in the video possible. No, if such things were possible, then morality, or spiritual development would not matter. Myths and legends. Interesting, but I just can't accept that.
@michaelabraham9177 15 часов назад
While not knowing chinese martial arts the theory about morality holds water in my own life experiences. I've spent many years as a soldier, and grew up in some rough neighborhoods. Only my experience, I'm not claiming this is empirical evidence. On those times where I've been attacked where I was doing right I'd handily, and easily win, almost without effort, when I've been showing off, or talking trash, or otherwise not morally right I haven't won. In simple terms if your not fighting yourself you have much more to focus on survival. I also believe there's a spiritual element involved. Literally our creator will grant you strength if you are doing what's right in his eyes. Just my opinion based on only my own life experiences.
@MrBracey100 16 часов назад
Practicing Kuk Sool Won Ive seen light skills demonstrated. Master Harmon can run along a wall and over the head of his wife. There are even photos of him performing this feat. Ive personally done what some may call a superhuman feat. One of the higher ranking belt test in Kuk Sool required that we shatter a bottle with our hand. The bottle in our case was wrapped in a paper bag and laid on a brink. I know you are thinking this sounds easy right? Let me tell you its anything but if you dont get you Qi involved. My first attempt I tried to smash it like I would a brick or cinderblock. Now this technique required us to use a palm strike not a fist or chop just so you know. And let me tell you, I thought I had broken my hand! And I had cracked a 3 inch think block of ice in two that was resting on the ground (yeah, outside on the grass) while I was sitting in front of it on my knees. So I had broken hard materials before with a palm strike. My instructors told me I would have one more chance and I was instructed to focus my qi. Ignoring the severe pain in my hand I went though a moment of breathing exercises, trying to channel the energy down into my hands. I suddenly had that moment martial arts often talk about, the state of no mind! All conscious thought went away. I didnt feel my hand anymore and I swear it just kinda drifted up into the striking position on its own and when my hand struck out it felt like I had lightly slapped the bag wrapped bottle (it was a 20 oz glass Coke bottle). There was no pain at all this time. In fact I dont recall my hand hurting after that. One of my instructors grabbed a small office waste basket and unwrapped the bag over it. The bottle wasnt broken in half or into several large pieces, non, it has EXPLODED into hundreds of fingernail sized bits! I would later see black belts of higher ranks perform this feat but with no bag wrapping the bottle and you could SEE the bottle just explode beneath their palm like their had been an explosive inside of it! There’s photographic eveidense of this out there as well. Its freaking astounding and though I havent practiced martial arts in over 2 decades now Im glad to know there are some people and systems keeping those old skills alive.
@ahmedalarishi3913 11 часов назад
I’m really attempting so hard to learn these martial arts and some of these techniques but it’s really difficult to find any information about such abilities and skills
@brandona6862 17 часов назад
You forgot to mention today kung fu masters with supernatural power Grand Master Wolf.
@jrnolaussen7388 19 часов назад
Yes it is true, before there was master would really could do something, but today they are seldom and they do not show what they can do. I know a qigong master from China, who can do impressive things on distance, but not for harming. And he also know about other people in China who could do amazing things.
@ennou1236 20 часов назад
So most of the times people refer to wu "kung" (武功), martial arts, when talking about "kung" fu (功夫)
@zer0tzer0 21 час назад
Dim Mak
@danlewis7707 22 часа назад
The ascension of man through spiritual practice and the pursuit of moral, which and physical purity in order to obtain a closer connection with the divine is very nearly universal among the cultural traditions of mankind. In every generation the young claim these traditions to be foolish and the old claim the ignorance of the young. Who can say whether there is truth to these physical representations of spiritual ascension? What is the line between philosophical wisdom and mere superstition? I prefer to live the gray between. It is good to allow magic and whimsy to have it's place next to practicality and rationality. Reason is a tool. Our emotional being is no less a part of ourselves, no less real than that which may be studied and measured. We cannot seek truth in guessing.
@user-si9fd8jg4x 22 часа назад
Паркур оказывается давно изобрели в Китае !😂
@user-si9fd8jg4x 22 часа назад
Когда-нибудь люди изобретут такую обувь , с помощью которой они смогут летать на небольшие расстояния и прыгать с большой высоты . 😊
@elmonte5lim 22 часа назад
I studied with Bruce Frantzis at every opportunity, between the late eighties and the early noughties, when he came to the UK - amazing! While I always - and to this day - struggled with both the practice and state of meditation, in the aftermath of a mystical experience, some thirty-odd years ago, for about two weeks it came easily to me. I'd - very quickly - achieve the state and, after a short time, was conscious of my body seeming to become appreciably lighter. I cannot, truthfully, say that I left the ground, but - had the experience not eventually faded - who knows what might have been? However, perhaps Sun Lu Tang is correct. My 'morality' appeared to have become 'optimised?' for a while, as a consequence of my trip to Heaven. Incidentally, since old 'White Eyebrows' appeared to be a bit of a bastard, he must've found some other way of expressing Jing gong.
@ahmedalarishi3913 13 часов назад
That’s amazing. Is it possible to give me some knowledge about what techniques to use and what would a beginner such as me would need to learn.
@elmonte5lim 10 часов назад
@@ahmedalarishi3913 I'm not sure how I can help. The mystical experience came out of the blue, although I'd spent a day concentrating on the present moment, bringing my awareness back to it, each time I realised I was daydreaming. Whatever I was moved - internally - to do, I did, including the meditation. When I was guided to, I would: sit on the floor with my legs crossed; straighten my back; close my eyes; go inside and let any thinking subside. I had no outcome in mind, so I wasn't forcing anything. If this is helpful at all, so be it and good luck. I hope you get what you're looking for.
@vojtechrac7023 23 часа назад
Fascinating. And, what i want to see next? Everything! Big respect for not selling theese things as absolute truth, we all saw videos of frauds and assholes who ruined reputation of traditional martial arts.
@charlesjames602 День назад
Jackie Chan.
@PaulfrmTXtoCO День назад
Can't remember the name now, but a Greek author writing about a Master/Acupuncturist made famous on PBS, described his master of having similar abilities. This led to the author in a later text to suggest that these Qi Gong abilities may have been the origin of Greek gods.
@caleb7475 День назад
lol, "That guy is dead btw he died in a fall"
@alanglaser8028 День назад
Not sure "morality" is the right conceptual word meaning.Perhaps meditation based spiritual "samadhi" experiences,kensho/mind opening "Enlightenment" experiences ,nondualistic consciousness experiences .Once felt weightless for awhile after attending a tai chi class after a week long Zen retreat.Not sure if I could have done anything "supernormal" though.An anthropology grad student who had been to China told me he had seen kung fu masters light up light bulbs by holding them,set fire to paper by waving their hands and jumping from high elevations and landing "lightly" on the ground.
@learnchinesenow День назад
Well that's kind of the point, all these arts used to have moral teachings in addition to their practices of qigong, martial arts and meditation. If you just do the practice without upgrading your mortality/spiritual level, you wont unlock any of the truly high level skills.
@RandomKusa День назад
3:05 best part
@philiptan2051 День назад
Super abilities are based on natural laws of physics. Running on water is possible by using speed and the “surface tension” of the water. A mosquito can stand on water because it’s feet stand on the water surface using the water tension to spread its weight so that its feet do not penetrate the water surface. Running at high speed by using the top of the toe to touch the water surface and utilize the water tension to carry the body weight for a micro second is theoretically possible. I used to practice this skill and managed only a few steps running on the water surface before I fell into the water. But with high running speed and the strength of one’s toe to utilize the water tension it is possible to run on the water surface.
@MugenTJ 3 часа назад
Nope. That just means you move your feet over the water before you fall. It’s possible for tiny creatures or lizards (still very light). Human body is way too dense and heavy. Often see myself do this in dreams because I watched many Chinese kungfu movies in my childhood. It’s literal fantasy.
@philiptan2051 3 часа назад
@@MugenTJ no you don't understand. When you can run on your toe then you don't use the whole feet surface to carry your body. But by using your toe you can use the surface tension of the water to carry your body only for a micro second. The water surface tension is quite strong and when you have a certain speed this tension carries the body weight for only a micro second as you move forward. It needs a lot of practice to be able to run fast on your toe.
@xfool День назад
Nei gong((internal strength) next?
@budisutanto5987 День назад
You can buy ticket and see : young human stand on paper. Chinese master, including from Shaolin said that : they only learn solely for show. Makes me wonder if young people can do it after only learn a little, what a master can do?
@tominmo8865 День назад
This says a lot more about people in general, who need to believe in all this stuff, than about any actual amazing abilities.
@tonyerickson1130 День назад
Of course it is. This skill could even allow you to walk on water 😊
@tonyerickson1130 День назад
I should of watched first he does say you can walk on water sweet lol anyway I'm pretty sure this means Yeshua was a man with great martial ability 🥋