Mysteries of Westernesse
Mysteries of Westernesse
Mysteries of Westernesse
Welcome to our channel "Mysteries of Westernesse"!

Here you'll find videos about Tolkien's epic legendarium, for both Lord of the Rings experts and newcomers. We always try to release a new video every one or two weeks.

Our goal is to show you the world of Tolkien as simply as possible, but still accurate. For this purpose, our videos feature animated maps of locations, kingdoms and battles, which will show you the course of Tolkien's vast world in detail. We look forward to feedback, comments, video ideas and every new viewer who we can bring closer to Tolkien's stories! :D

Take care and see you soon

~ Philipp, Danny, Maurice & Irjikor
Would Sam be the BETTER ring bearer?
4 месяца назад
Why didn't the eagles take Frodo to Mordor?
5 месяцев назад
What is the Watcher in the Water?
6 месяцев назад
The Witch-king of Angmar
6 месяцев назад
Gimli - The Dwarf who went to Heaven
7 месяцев назад
Who was the Greatest Orc?
8 месяцев назад
Isildur - The Challenger of Sauron
8 месяцев назад
What happened to Sauron after the Movies?
9 месяцев назад
Gothmog - Lord of Balrogs
9 месяцев назад
Is Tom Bombadil mightier than Sauron?
10 месяцев назад
Who were the two Blue Wizards?
10 месяцев назад
Did Sauron have a Successor?
11 месяцев назад
What is Tom Bombadil?
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Shelob - Mordor's Horror
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Aragorn's Secret Past!
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The Werewolves of Tolkiens world!
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What is Ungoliant?
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Why did Saruman turn evil?
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The True Origin of Orcs!
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Mirkwood - The Forest of Evil
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Durin The Deathless
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@clymdodds1020 День назад
The 9 1/2 ring wraiths. Diddy nazgul. The one time Tolken hinted at a premise, a possibility of being. Worthy of Terry Pratchett himself.
@valiantredneck 4 дня назад
Geez buddy… Get to the point… This ridiculous padding for length is beyond well, ridiculous.
@rubenlopezusa 7 дней назад
A Valar living incognito. Most likely, Orome.
@farahahmed8201 9 дней назад
Where have you guys disappeared? It's been two months
@MysteriesOfWesternesse 9 дней назад
Hi, right now university is quite demanding and I don't have time left for editing videos, but hopefully this will get better in the coming months. :) All the best, Danny
@awallner1 10 дней назад
Sauron should’ve swallowed the ring then no one could cut it off. He would never depart with it.
@doomhippie6673 10 дней назад
I wonder where this information about "limited power" comes from. Any sources? Or is it more a theory?
@TheSingularitarian 10 дней назад
Who says "Melkor Morgoth"? Why do a voice when reading Tolkien's letters?
@darklordkrator 11 дней назад
Tom bombadil is a merry fellow he was here when the first rain drop fell and the first star fluttered before even the valar came to dwell in aman in all likelihood Tom bombadil is and has always just been so yes he is 💯 more powerful then Sauron but he would never fight him cause he’s just a merry fellow
@StarWarsForge2010 14 дней назад
Awww poor Saruman.
@simonweston939 16 дней назад
soon sorted out with a few HIMARs
@mfaure420 19 дней назад
He went to Del Boca Vista
@Freddercheese 23 дня назад
I think I’ve figured it out: Tom knows he’s fictional - along with everything else. he lives in such a specific place because, simply, he wandered the world and stayed at the place he liked best. he would disappear if Sauron won because there wouldn’t be anymore handsome places to live. he would eventually lose the ring because he knows that not a single real life would be lost if Sauron won. as for where he came from… I dunno.
@celestialhylos7028 26 дней назад
Didn't know lovecraft can timetravel
@gygolos4700 29 дней назад
Truly the most terrifying creature in Middle Earth...well done.
@carlosdcpcg Месяц назад
Is he God ?... lmao get out of here with This Bull Shit...no where in the books does Sir Tolkien hint to Tom been God. Clown of a take.
@Mario-R-3232 Месяц назад
In a letter to Stanley Unwin, Tolkien called Tom Bombadil the spirit of the vanishing landscapes of Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
@kevingil1817 Месяц назад
Horses run at 50 miles per hour and eagles fly at 20 miles per hour.
@thejaredmyers Месяц назад
I'm dreaming up a story for Gandalf's time with the Balrog in the bones and stones of Arda. Would make a great game with levels representing the farther down they go and face the nameless things and each other eventually culminating in the final battle. The fact that Gandalf dies, comes back and wont speak about it would give you full creative licence to explore those depths and introduce an entire new sub plot with these creatures and not mess with the canon.
@peopleskarmasquad1042 Месяц назад
Orcs predated humans. Orcs were a. Plague of the first age before the first humans arose.
@chrisgholloway1 Месяц назад
Quality content and production
@markstott6689 Месяц назад
Why would an immortal have, want or need a successor? I seriously doubt that he ever believed that he wouldn't eventually rule Middle Earth for Eternity.
@MysteriesOfWesternesse Месяц назад
A very good point indeed, though there is a difference between a designated successor, who had to have been named as such by Sauron during his reign, and an effective successor, who assumed that role and/or title after the Dark Lord's fall. So it is in that latter sense still a valid question. 😉
@markstott6689 Месяц назад
@MysteriesOfWesternesse I would say that it's a very human trait to plan for all eventualities and have a named successor. My view is that Sauron would name a second in command, such as The Mouth, the Witch King if he'd survived or Khamul. Considering how untrustworthy a bunch they had the potential to be, if I was Sauron, I wouldn't have named a successor. Whether it's putting ideas into your underlings heads or showing weakness by suggesting you might fail or fall, it wouldn't have been a great move in my opinion. 😏❤️😏
@MysteriesOfWesternesse Месяц назад
Agreed. And it would have clashed with Sauron's personality
@R-E-Tudor Месяц назад
I've only watched the movies, I had no idea 17 years passed between Gandalf telling Frodo to keep the ring hidden and secret to when the actual quest begins! It makes a lot more sense when you have that knowledge.
@Chiller11 Месяц назад
He’s a kind of a plain looking little old guy with a super hot wife. He must have done something right.
@insupportofjunhado Месяц назад
It's said in the Silmilrilion that they Valar do NOT know everything about the world and they find a new surprise in every age. Things older than themselves and the Maiar would definitely be a surprise, but not an ontological problem. It just represents another gap in their knowledge.
@DavidJr.11 Месяц назад
Cousin of Tom Cruise
@Chuck_N0rris 2 месяца назад
I am inspired to write but it is hard to impprove on something as perfect as the works of tolkien
@Irjikor_Curuvane 2 месяца назад
Nobody who just started writing writes a masterpiece. Just try and write a lot to train and hone your skill. Let your mind run free and see where you can grow and what you can create! Because in the end, all of this epic legend started with just: "In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit." 😉
@ErikBjornSmith 2 месяца назад
I could imagine it being washed away after the dwarves recaptured Moria under Durin 7th in the fourth age. They would want full access to the Doors of Durin and rebuild them, so the dwarves undamming the river and washing it away upon the river's release is a good way to get rid of it.
@farahahmed8201 2 месяца назад
Can you make a video discussing about the vast cosmology of Ea?
@raducoman6423 2 месяца назад
According to Tolkien himself, the only incarnation of Eru/God is Jesus Christ. Remember that the events of Tolkien’s work take place in our world, in a DISTANT PAST. So Eru will incarnate in the distant future as Christ. Tolkien hated analogies hence why he would never write an analogy of the Christ figure he so rigorously believed in. Doing so would be a blasphemy in his eyes.
@cassettelord 2 месяца назад
Oh no, the over emphasized R's... turned off straight away...
@jimbolton3113 2 месяца назад
What is Ungoliant? A woman scorned.
@carltonriales4352 2 месяца назад
He retired in Southern California?
@user-rw2dq3vp9t 2 месяца назад
i always like to think pennywise was ungoliant in our world
@user-rw2dq3vp9t 2 месяца назад
wasnt tolkein going to write a new book called the new shadow or something like that?
@Crafty_Spirit 2 месяца назад
You know if you fall down a chasm with a Balrog below you and it kind of looks as if he's falling, em flying upwards ^^
@solusnostre7399 2 месяца назад
Maybe Arda was created to contain the nameless things?
@Enerdhil 2 месяца назад
Balrogs are similar to chickens🐓🐓🐓 They have wings, but cannot fly.🤪😂
@v.pavlovich 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the video. However, how did the Balrogs arrive in time to save Morgoth from Ungoliant, considering they were miles away?
@Enerdhil 2 месяца назад
I think we have to assume that Ungoliant held Melkor in a "death grip" for a week or so. Otherwise, you'd have to say that Balrogs can fly.🤔
@Crafty_Spirit 2 месяца назад
Easy. They had tempest-like speed at foot. When you read the first documented encounter between Melkor and Ungoliant, you can read that Melkor literally ran atop a mountain within minutes. It is implied that Ainur can traverse the earth at great speed
@Enerdhil 2 месяца назад
​@@Crafty_Spirit From Thangorodrim to Lammoth is about 200 miles. There are two mountain ranges that must be negotiated. The Balrogs are on fire, which means any strong wind could literally blow them out. They are much taller than Elves, so their stride is very long. Still they are heavily armoured. A tempest is as much a "storm" as it fast winds. Tolkien could have meant they traveled in a pack with shadow and fire surrounding them, making them look like lightning in a storm cloud. That is what I think Tolkien meant. At 30 mph, it would take 5 hours to get to Lammoth as the crow flies. The way Christopher wrote the narrative, it reads like the Balrogs got there in a couple minutes, like a 911 ambulance, so I won't go by that. Ungoliant had Morgoth trapped like a rat and she was playfully torturing him like a cat would play with a mouse before finally killing and eating it. I don't think her doing that for 5 hours is an unreasonable assumption.
@Crafty_Spirit 2 месяца назад
@@Enerdhil Hi friend good to read from you :) I was just wondering where does it ever say Balrogs wore armour? I thought it was left open. These numbers seem plausible but also arbitrary. There are only very few passages that give a glimpse at how the Ainur could move in and interact with the world but what I can read tells me that all Ainur can defy or circumvent physical laws to an extent, which seems logical since they are actually tasked to govern the forces of nature. I don't have an exact idea as what speed maximun that would amount to. I'd say somewhere between double the maximum speed of an elefant to a fighter jet 😆 But I just came up with a nice conspiracy theory. What if Morgoth spent some of his power to warp time such that time slowed dowm during his fallout with Ungoliant - his own terror and inaction almost freezing time.
@Enerdhil 2 месяца назад
@@Crafty_Spirit Yes, Mellon, good to see you too.😁
@user-rw2dq3vp9t 2 месяца назад
ungoliant is pennywise
@rileywilliams9799 2 месяца назад
My sister used to joke that the Blue Wizards ended up in Narnia.
@user-pk1hn9cr6i 2 месяца назад
Cause Durin’s Bane didn’t have wings. “…LIKE two vast wings…” Text never says it had wings.
@alexanderealley9992 2 месяца назад
No they did not have wings and could not fly. Why are people still arguing about this lol
@Crafty_Spirit 2 месяца назад
Because the movie showed the image of a fallen angel, which is very powerful. Probably not though 😊
@rogercroft3218 2 месяца назад
One of the great philosophical questions: debated endlessly in the First Age of the Internet on the Tolkien newsgroups.
@farahahmed8201 2 месяца назад
Please return to the more horror related or fascinating topics of Tolkien's legendarium, they suite your channel the best:)
@samuelbattershell3413 2 месяца назад
To be fair, the first video on this channel was an examination of an actual duel between Gandalf The White and The Witch King.
@Enerdhil 2 месяца назад
@Enerdhil 2 месяца назад
Steven Gibbs of The Red Book did a video on Mewlips. If you like creepy, scary stories, you should check it out, and subscribe.😉
@Crafty_Spirit 2 месяца назад
I love your impression of the professor <3
@Irjikor_Curuvane 2 месяца назад
Thank you very much! I listened to his personal recordings and I try my best to at the very least approach his voice and intonation. I'm very happy you like it!
@Crafty_Spirit 2 месяца назад
@@Irjikor_Curuvane Where are you and your friends from if I may ask? I'm Swiss :)
@Irjikor_Curuvane 2 месяца назад
@@Crafty_Spirit The main 3 people from the channel are from Germany, as the channel lists, though I myself am not. Unfortunately, that is all I can say right now (gotta keep the mystery alive 😉)
@Crafty_Spirit 2 месяца назад
@@Irjikor_Curuvane Hehe good one :) I have a keen interest in languages and accents and you have a very interesting one
@Irjikor_Curuvane 2 месяца назад
@@Crafty_Spirit I share that interest. Though, as a result, in English I am nigh-fluent in 3 accents, and in 2 more languages I speak at least 2 accents/dialects as well. As a result, I fear that, despite my attempts to speak MRP as a foundation in these videos, some of the other accents might bleed into my speech. I'm curious to hear your guesses, though I will not be able to confirm or deny some things ;)
@thomassmith6232 2 месяца назад
I have sometimes wondered if, had his physical body not died by Wormtongue's hand in the Scouring of the Shire, Saruman could over time not have become a new Dark Lord.
@michaelbalance98 2 месяца назад
Gandalf, as the White, was essentially at the apex of his true power and knowledge. Being resurrected by Eru Illuvâtar Himself, he is much more stronger than he was before, to the point where he battled Sauron's Eye to prevent Frodo's location from being known (which is not an easy feat). This, in terms of power rivals, if not, surpasses Sauron.
@claireglory 2 месяца назад
he will not fight. he will just allow sauron to take over him if he can. because even if he lose, he knows all things will all come to a balance, and someday, someone will make the scale balance again and take out sauron.
@yourhandlehere1 2 месяца назад
Tom kept the real ring.
@karattkensair9891 2 месяца назад
If they died they would have been reincarnated like Sauron and Gandalf. But not Saruman. For whatever reason.