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@NoOne-xb3jo Минуту назад
People just hate having a working q key on their keyboard it's crazy
@M4nHun73r Час назад
i remember buying mana pots as a mord
@KDSRirelandboy1 2 часа назад
I don't know what's worse, Yasuo, or Teemo
@MetalblaydX2 3 часа назад
At 2:50 when you said it takes a few years to learn to use the mouse is so true because league of legends is the first game I played when I got my first gaming PC at age 16 in 2012 and it did take me a few years just to learn to use a mouse and keyboard properly. I wasn’t even using hotkeys I had my friends screaming at me. I have only used consoles up to that point 😭
@a.o.skurtt 4 часа назад
I honestly always really loved the old runes and masteries. It let me choose how I wanted to play, custom tailored to what I want to do. I'd like to see something more similar to that, maybe in addition to all the current runes/masteries, a third thing
@kusakage1266 4 часа назад
@cameronroberts4296 5 часов назад
How dare you for trashing urgot. Old Urgot was my favorite champ.
@justinli4567 5 часов назад
Man! absolutly love you healthy positive playstyle! Just started playing again after 6 years... am for sure going to follow your stream and your videos in the future!
@user-dg8zj8hu1h 5 часов назад
Seriously stop talking about american pro player like they are the shit. You are the joke of the pro league scene
@moonian8068 7 часов назад
Hey Exil! I met you at twitch con like 6/7 years ago. Very exciting to see you’re still making amazing league content. Have a wonderful day!
@xirlio8532 10 часов назад
HONESTLY, season 5 might've been the best season since season 3, up to date.
@mekelius 18 часов назад
I'm pretty sure the players today do not smell any better
@IOSARBX День назад
Exil, This is great! I liked it and subscribed!
@germanquijano3315 День назад
@gravios24 День назад
This makes me miss AP aatrox who's sole purpose was to dive on a team and ult to blow them up. Good times.
@decoder_main6875 День назад
Please don't say about fighting like it just combo button and reaction please 😢
@wyhiobcarlile4879 День назад
hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you put Zeri in the thumbnail not Yuumi
@49229dnj День назад
I was hoping to see denyplank 😂 it was so broken league had to change his E immediately
@eyaangel618 2 дня назад
And there are people who claim that his peak is nowhere the level of the best mechanical players today like, yeah the game really is different now but i Don think pkayers today will top him if they're born on the same time as himall knowledge that players today are innovated by their predecessors and Faker is one of those
@alex_velociraptoras7651 2 дня назад
Old league reminds me of sky landers and I love both of them and games in general that have the classic aesthetic of skeletons,monsters,sword wielders and mages
@Imtoogodlygames 2 дня назад
"the first champ they removed".. wasnt removed lol. Also, did everyone forget about urf? The champ they actually removed...
@Imtoogodlygames 2 дня назад
MMO was cancelled :/
@prosunmanna 2 дня назад
Awesome video thanks for sharing 😀
@nicklasveva 2 дня назад
Jhin is not frustrating to play against, because he has weaknesses and have 100% dodgable skill shots. He is somehow actually interesting to play against, because you can use his weaknesses to punish him. Such as baiting for his W, attacking when he reloads etc. Meanwhile we have Akali, the opposite. Always annoying, invisibility, can escape faster with her Q and also gets more attack range with it, making her impossible to punish with some champs. E is an escape tool, but is also used for engage. Ult is borderline impossible to dodge and the second activation is a free escape. Nothing about her kit makes her interesting to play against. She has all the tools to kill you and also escape unscathed.
@srimantamaity3949 2 дня назад
Very good video
@frostyglock317 2 дня назад
Me as a zeri main who's hard stuck iron, last 3 matches someone else has went minimum 0-10 with like 2 assists and I feel very called out 😂
@MusicalBoarder 2 дня назад
Ya what the Riot devs dont fucking tell you is they have 180 million active monthly users so 3% of that is still fucking 5.4 million users. Most games made nowadays dont get nearly that many users in their entire fucking lifetime. Fuck riot. Soulless corporates. They abandoned so many fucking good game modes. It's pathetic. And now instead they just make a new fucking skin line every 2 weeks.
@N4jss 2 дня назад
2:10 i'm glad to see someone finally say it right - elo hell doesnt exist in a LARGE ENOUGH SAMOLE SIZE, my account has been cursed by riot and it took me too many years getting out of it, even though i played with master+ friends on other accounts and been doing just fine. whenever one of my friends tried to prove me that you can easily get out of low elo, i gave them my account and they constantly would whip out 30-% winrate that wasn't AT ALL their fault
@lexiette8343 3 дня назад
gimme raptor cloak back :((
@user-or6li9rd8m 3 дня назад
Very interesting video
@demonicgrub1025 3 дня назад
Bro, as a veteran, new league is weird. Why the hell does everyone explode everyone now? Adcs have the burst of assassins and combat mages, mages can cut through tank stats, fucking tanks kill squishy champions in 1 rotation. What the hell happened to the slow and tactical game that existed 7 years ago? Before, if anyone but an assassin jumped on you you'd have roughly two ability rotations to get them off you at most points in the game. Now fucking mundo flashes on you and you die before you finish your combo. And like, as a tank, 95% of mages were easy kills back then. You would simply out last their dps, then run them down. Now a mage with a single magic pen item can shred a 5000 hp tank in 1 combo. Why are everyone's damage numbers SOOOO incredibly high?
@jabaranichandra6549 3 дня назад
Very nice video
@SonaliChandra-gy1qt 3 дня назад
Great content thanks for sharing
@TalesDelma 3 дня назад
I miss the time where HP had multiple stages, like 80% or 25%, today its full or dead since everything just blows up
@Lzrabello 3 дня назад
44:44. Nice ❤
@isaac2986 3 дня назад
the whole point of there being not a lot of players in the final week of the featured gamemodes is because the players know that they are going to be gone soon, so the players will force themselves to move on early to not get heartbroken. If they knew that the gamemodes would stay, they would keep playing them, thats why TFT is still popular because they made it permanent. I think if riot brings back the gamemodes they abandoned, they can make them be another mini game with minor fixes and additions, as well as small events for each one. Tho they can just make it so that a specific month is their focus to fix if theres any issues, as well as not be bossed around by players below plat as they dont want to put any effort into learning the game. they can make a new client or a section on their site for all the featured gamemodes and have them go on for at least a year to see what happens. A month is wayyyy too short of a sample size because if they bring out a gamemode on christmas, not many people are gonna play as much because they are preping for the holidays. And sometimes a month is just not the best time to be playing videogames because life threw a curveball. Having it out for a year for a trial can let them know which days, weeks and months are best for people that played the most at those times.
@papiyabiswas7513 3 дня назад
Very nice vidio
@maiconmartins3708 3 дня назад
Congrats dude, what a nice video to watch and learn. im gonna work my mental out, I sure need it :)
@ghoastxd2670 3 дня назад
"No one has improved quickly" meanwhile my friend reaching grandmaster after 5 months of playing 😂
@icarusunited 3 дня назад
ARAM will never be removed because the moment they do, they lose over 40% of their community. I loved Twisted Tree Line, I wish I got to play dominion.
@Kavou 3 дня назад
Old Aatrox was my favorite champion. Had over 70% Win Ratio in S4 in Challenger and funny enough even in that high elo, nobody knew how to fight against me as Aatrox.
@clairelolita6612 3 дня назад
I really like to play taric as a sup, but on some game I find some people hate on or not trusting it's hard to play with no communication
@yookazi 4 дня назад
God I miss that Darius I ONLY played him like a legend back then
@Kavou 4 дня назад
Old Aatrox had under 20% W/L ratio, but on Diamond plus ranks, he had over 70%. He was one of my most favorite champions and he had the most unique play style. I've quit on S5 which when Riot reworked him, so it was kinda fitting too.
@icarusunited 4 дня назад
Aatrox had one of the common issues with league in modern day: Riot doesn't want to fuck up pro-play. They didn't want to buff him too much, because it was obvious he had a good kit, just lacked ratios & base numbers. So many champions would be viable in pro-play if they just had the right balance of the number in their kit. Vel'Koz is hot garbage because of his shitty ratios. Quinn suffers from base stats being garbage, they recently nerfed her base movespeed because she was getting to the point where you saw her in pro-play more often. Yorick kit suffers from his best items being AP items, but only one ability scales off it, and it scales super hard off AP. Galios ratios are really finicky, and if he had higher ratio on his W, and lower on his Q he'd be really good up top, instead of being a off-brand support. His Passive should be on his W passive, and his W passive should be on his actual passive. So there's less text everywhere. Kindreds passive & Ability Text can be much shorter, and consise if it told you ratios the marks give all in it. Why does her W have a 20% AP + 20% AD ratio on it, and none of her other abilities has it? Slap an AP ratio on her Ult, and her other abilities... They won't let this happen because the moment they do, she can build like Akali, and no champion can build like Akali. Riot dislikes hybrid champions like her. Why does Akshan have so much fucking text, ability cancels, and so on when his kit is literally just swing around, and auto attack. Every other champion that has cool stuff like him doesn't say in the fucking abilities. Did you know you can use his W during the little jump on his Es third cast? WTF. wHY??? Just make him wait 0.01s for the jump to end. Why are so many mages... just bad in 50-75% of their matchups. Counterpicking for pro play. League is centered so hard around pro-play for so long it's why the games dying. Pro-Games just aren't fun to watch anymore.
@Kavou 4 дня назад
S4 was when I left, I played 1or 2 months of S5, at some random moment, but I can say. S1 to S5 for LoL was what Classic WoW was for Blizzard, it was peak. Now the game is fine, but back then, it was a movement, we used to talk to work and school, with all type of ages about it, and the game was super fun. I haven't played League for 10+ years and prolly won't play, but watching this video really made me feel nostalgic.
@2UsserName 4 дня назад
Jesus, i started to play in LOL in 2013.. but it doesnt mean, i played contantly, with breaks, but still, i remember those days very well..
@king_fisherXX 4 дня назад
The only reason this champ exists is because of Yuumi Let that sink in for a sec😏
@gengar618 4 дня назад
How many times are you going to stream with this same title
@candour5343 4 дня назад
Funny how players cryin bout zeri when theres ton of champion that can kill you in a few second😂😂