Confucius Institute U.S. Center
Confucius Institute U.S. Center
Confucius Institute U.S. Center
The Confucius Institute U.S. Center (CIUS Center) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational institution in Washington D.C. with the mission of strengthening educational and cultural exchanges and fostering people to people interactions between China and the United States. The CIUS Center also supports the Confucius Institutes across America for joint efforts. In order to advance global education and cross-cultural understanding, the CIUS Center seeks to engage and serve a wide audience of organizations and sectors through four primary domains - education and professional development, arts and culture, academics and research, and public relations and outreach.
A Cultural Exploration of Beijing Opera
3 года назад
Mah Jong: A People-to-People Exchange
3 года назад
2020 CIUS Center Annual Report
3 года назад
@healinghumanity1782 Месяц назад
Africa’s peace & prosperity is impossible under the existing world order based on competition of nations, tribes, religions & races! Consciousness of oneness of humanity is needed.
@BRANDADESA 3 месяца назад
@Obangu 3 месяца назад
The truth is their are two ways to rule a nation and they're politically and economically
@dmaxwell2123 10 месяцев назад
The idea sounds interesting but some parts seem really difficult to implement. While I can see books like 《論語》、《孟子》、《大學》、《中庸》、《詩經》and even 《周易》having great knowledge an values that cultures outside of Chinese culture can learn from, 《春秋左傳》and 《尚書》seem extremely localized and difficult to make relevant to cultural contexts outside of China. How would you go about introducing those two books to completely foreign culture?
@FlaviaartemetalPlumita7 10 месяцев назад
please enable multilanguage🙏
@LordHumoungus Год назад
The CCP should be kicked out of the US and Europe, any property they own in the US should be immediately seized. #BoycottChina #ChinaLovesSlavery
@LordHumoungus Год назад
The CCP must be removed and banned in all of its forms in every Free nation. #BoycottChina #CommunismIsDeath
@LordHumoungus Год назад
#BoycottChina #FreeChina
@bretttobin9632 Год назад
infiltration not integration.
@SilviaGarciaStupervitta Год назад
@crossroadcircleoffical Год назад
is this from the 90s
@johtanrabeson6557 Год назад
My name is Johan, I'm from Madagascar and I'm very passionate of learning different cultures! I love everyting about china, I've been learning it by myself at home for 6 months and this coming saturday, I'll have my first day of chinese class in the confucius institute in my region. I'm exited!!!
@charlywiskyseramike57 Год назад
Africans must withel the on they soils holding talks to keeping Africans peoples down just the same as inn coloanielisem in 2022 we needed delopment in Africa we way behind time but chinies are doing it so hell with the wwwest time to go get out period👣
@charlielineekelamwaetako1173 2 года назад
Africa doesn't need Chinese or Americans to survive, Africa needs herself. Chinese and Americans have the same agenda toe exploit Africa period. amb. Erikana is a true freedom fighter that is why they got rid of her.
@mariaroland1232 2 года назад
@dannguyen1493 2 года назад
Did you tell them to bring a spare kidney in case the chinese surgeon takes one of theirs
@nicoleraheem1195 2 года назад
I think this series is perfect for those who gave studied HSK STANDARD books first. HSK 1 and half of 2, then follow with Contemporary Chinese level 1. 2-3, then level 2 of contemporary Chinese. And so forth. I actually found the Contemporary Chinese workbook at a discount bookstore several months ago. I just got around to using it again and discovered these audio videos on RU-vid. I like them
@nicoleraheem1195 2 года назад
I found this book at a bookstore for about $2.00 , so here I am .
@nicoleraheem1195 2 года назад
Is this from the 90s?
@inverter1988 2 года назад
@abdulkarimlydia8375 2 года назад
Do I really have to write papers for Chinese Confucius Institute staff that work at a university in Beijing, are in control over my scholarship and study simultaneously at the university in a PhD program?
@radadickinson 2 года назад
diálogo 1:32 (eu acho) 男生: 老人家,这只狗真可爱. 老人: 是。我以前养过花儿,养过鸟儿,但是不喜欢养狗。来这儿以后这儿的人都喜欢养狗,我也养狗呢。 男生: 听说在中国城市里不能有狗,是吗? 老人: 以前不行,现在可以了。有的人喜欢养狗,有的人喜欢养猫,有的人喜欢养鸟,还有的人喜欢养鱼。你也喜欢养小动物? 男生: 我喜欢小动物,但是不养小动物。 老人: 为什么? 是不是太麻烦? 男生: 不是。因为我没有时间也没有钱。我只能养我自己。
@radadickinson 2 года назад
diálogo às 1:10 (eu acho) 男生: 请问,附近有没有银行? 女生: 有,附近有一个中国银行. 男生: 离这儿远不远? 女生: 不太远. 男生: 怎么走? 女生: 往前走一点,往右拐,过两条马路,就是中国银行. 男生: 附近有没有邮局? 女生: 有,邮局就在那个银行的旁边. 男生: 谢谢您. 女生: 不客气.
@radadickinson 2 года назад
diálogo às 8:39 (eu acho) 男生: 我们现在怎么去市中心呢? 女生: 有人告诉我可以坐地铁去. 男生: 你知道怎么走吗? 女生: 不知道. 男生: 我们问一下吧. 女生: 同学,请问,从这儿到市中心怎么走? 同学: 你在学校门口,做139路公共汽车走站。然后换地铁坐两站从地铁去来。就是市中心. 女生: 地铁站离汽车站远不远? 同学: 不远。你下车以后往右关过马路,就是地铁站. 男生: 能不能骑自行车去? 同学: 不行。太远.
@majoradwartin5815 2 года назад
Please could you please share the software for Contemporary Chinese Text Book 1(当代中文 课本一)
@namifujita3490 2 года назад
fuck your communist bullshit, i stand with taiwan tibet an uighers fuck u
@lenkajenckova8292 2 года назад
the intro is liiiit
@FiREFLYSerenity408 2 года назад
@kenc9265 2 года назад
CCP institute
@joaxz100 2 года назад
y la traduccion ??
@yanlefebvre76 2 года назад
@soniamatthews3267 2 года назад
Plan is to colonize Afrika. Why study Chinese and black people cannot work or set up business in Aftika.? This is disgusting. Confusious Institute all over Afrika?
@kevinkoo9065 2 года назад
Nice video. Friendship come with respecting one another.
@twizaniza4298 2 года назад
Africa has all the knowledge to make itself what other nations like Europe, China and US have bee able to do. As long as the other countries feel that they can make their overflow to help Africa is not right. Why can Africa never be a developing continents but a developed continent in its wn right. Can it be left alone after all the outside influene that has hurt Africa so much. Thanks
@Radee1989 2 года назад
Pandas are originally Tibetan animals. Occupation doesn’t mean pandas are Chinese animals. Lier China out of Tibet now.
@christianyang7595 2 года назад
Welcome. Glad you guys had a great time in China.
@bluestar2253 2 года назад
I wish both the US and China will put aside their political differences and just focus on friendships between our 2 peoples. I know this Confucius Institute has been targeted by both Trump and Biden administrations, which is really unfortunate.
@user-dl5ob5fc2w 3 года назад
hope more and more young people can go to CHINA, and expriance what is real CHINA. HAVE A GOOD TRIP IN CHINA!!! ONE more thing, Please DO NOT try to understand CHINA from Ameican or western medias, you know what I mean...
@AClassesMedia 3 года назад
That was a great conversation
@selfemancipation7967 3 года назад
Simply look at the flags displayed on the podium... China & USA! Where the heck is AFRICA's Symbolic Representation? Ignominy is fully on display throughout various institutions in foreign lands including China and America (USA). It is blatant before our very eyes. No one cares about Africa in all these senseless discussions held in foreign lands and scholarly platforms. Blah, Blah, Blah...A Plethora of Balderdash! Tell me..."Who is fooling Whom"? Africa can only be built and developed by nobody but TRUE, ORIGINAL, PROUD & DIGNIFIED AFRICANS.
@vongsisoda1248 3 года назад
@tjmohammed6962 3 года назад
Why now. The united states miss treat Africa Trump said that Africa came from the sheet hole that is an insult
@alliesteamc3546 3 года назад
Congratulations and thank you for your awesome contributions and achievements to America! We appreciate the outstanding leadership and staff of the Confucius Institute who created valuable language and helpful learning opportunities in the Washington DC area! Many thanks!
@vrijheid-ui8bc 3 года назад
Why the Chinese Prof. George Fu Gao became a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (adviser of the German Government) in 2020 ??? What's going on here?
@LoveZubiller 3 года назад
Beautiful. Thank you for all you do for our students!
@norulahad8306 3 года назад
Tell them to return my money. They have not paid my money since I built the “Top Down Risk Assessment Model “ in Internal Audit of UPS in year 2013. They spent money to kill me. They are thiefs and liers.
@rinimasonarte1696 3 года назад
Love you 💋💋😘😘❤️💯
@zacherychristopher5485 3 года назад
Very nice 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️
@yolal233 3 года назад
We have to face the facts African can do it all but the live on foreign aid (killing good spirits to work) all done by design to make African work less.
@user-uc6dt4gj7f 3 года назад
BTCSOL is a trap No HSK 6 no scholarships (重庆师范大学)enjoy this Chinese scholarship trap,请勿申请此奖学金 请不要申因为这会毁了你的一生,这将是你自己的牺牲