George Sachs PsyD
George Sachs PsyD
George Sachs PsyD
The Sachs Center is a full service boutique practice focused on the testing and treatment of ADD/ADHD and Aspergers in children, teens and adults. We go beyond labels, taking a holistic, person-centered approach to treatment. No labels, just individualized care and attention.

We don't see you as a diagnosis or set of symptoms, but rather as a person with strengths and weaknesses. We believe the client-therapist relationship is the key to real change. We will treat you with respect, building trust and working together to bring more joy and success into your life.

While our staff is versed in the latest science and research, we don't see our clients as a diagnosis or constellation of symptoms. We believe that everyone is unique, with different histories, circumstances and approaches to dealing with life.
Day 1 Productivity Summit Challenge
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Improve your Task Management System
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@jacbatt 14 часов назад
The only reason I would say that is if I’ve seen how the cat react to their owner in negative ways on multiple occasions… some people really don’t know how to treat their pets 😅 yeah that’ to blunt
@nolaspeaker5656 15 часов назад
What about the cross over between autism and narcissism?
@BadKittyNoMilk 16 часов назад
Can you tell me how to socialize when I haven’t been able to connect to anyone (make friends.) in almost 2 years. I moved to a new area and it’s really not my speed. It’s extremely slow here. I’m 50 ‘and was diagnosed with ADD a few years ago. Thank you.
@cassthegrimm8522 17 часов назад
The more I see these videos coupled with my adhd diagnosis and my mom saying she thinks I’m autistic I think I’m autistic ☠️☠️☠️
@js78910 17 часов назад
Nah... she's just a dippy bish
@sushi8451 День назад
There’s a difference between being autistic and being insufferable 😭😭😭
@MsLauraLove626 День назад
Yeah that's not autism that's being a B
@Greenwood13 День назад
I would say this, not cause I'm autistic or anything more cause I have a really dark sense of humor 🤣
@thotcrimez4252 День назад
😭😭😭😭 yea this is silly asl
@Celephinn День назад
“That sounds SLAY” 😂😂
@4everpee День назад
I think that this is cool and this needs to be done. Autism is unacessary and disabled too much.
@SuzieClemme День назад
This in combination with a strong sense of personal justice (another symptom of autism) can make people come off as extremely rude, especially if they have no idea they autistic. “Did you apologize?” “No. Why would I? I’m right, and she flipped out for no reason.”
@user-jq4us5yi8j День назад
Literally me with my talent of never being able to read room lol
@Aidamoon29 День назад
Crabs…. 😮 I need to get done help
@LilThreat88 День назад
That's exactly what I do! Except I've been telling myself that I'm going to feel better after for so long, that I just don't have as much anxiety about going anymore.
@lulolie День назад
There's a differemce between not understanding social cues or putting your foot in your mouth as part of autism vs. using it as an excuse to just be mean to people and not apologoze or acknowledge what they did wrong.
@belorama8 День назад
Im autistic, I very often put my foot in my mouth especially when I was younger. And I used to not always notice. But if someone tells me or shows me i hurt their feelings, or someone else lets me know I hurt someone, i immediately move to apolygize and hopefully clear up where I was coming from so they know I wasnt trying to hurt them. For me it was having to stop trying to be funny especially in group settings, because I finally learned my brand of humor is too on target for most people and even if its funny to others, im not trying to burn people.
@Thotialan 2 дня назад
What she said wasn’t hurtful lol… it was hilarious
@trishthedishluna 2 дня назад
Um no.... we are GENUINELY sad when we find out we say something hurtful without meaning to. I'd feel AWFUL. I DO FEEL AWFUL pretty often bc I don't say the right thing. I always over apologize immediately.
@BigBallsBob 2 дня назад
Some people are just dickheads man and theres no excuse for that
@CurlyHostile 2 дня назад
I have asd level 2 and when i played netball, I offended a girl from the other team because she was tall, and i said, "You are very tall." She didn't shake my hand after the game and was aggressive 😂
@kalistiquix 2 дня назад
Autistic pepple make friends with the cats, too. If advocating for the well-being of one og our friedns makes us a prpblem... I'm happy to be a problem.
@melissapreston2053 2 дня назад
There's so much inaccuracy in this clip of "autism" that I wouldn't even know where to start.
@babyblossoms1 2 дня назад
as a neurodivergent with ocd NO 😂
@k0chum 2 дня назад
It’s far too much work to form relationships with others so I forgo it altogether. I don’t even have to speak and people will find some way to be offended by me.
@corsetedwasteland2630 2 дня назад
FINE! I'll go fold the damn laundry...😭
@chris-rq7dw 2 дня назад
Im autistic and I would never...
@kitaro9336 2 дня назад
Everyone is so neurodivergent (creative). Let’s see what they’re cooking. What a trend.
@AlylahPridgen 2 дня назад
Shoshanna from GIRLS 😂, I love it
@rebirthofthecool5619 2 дня назад
George is a narcissist with NPD that's why he knows, it's his special hidden connection to ADHD
@lordnokia4222 2 дня назад
Posers who claim autism are the new mean girls.
@williamthomas4617 2 дня назад
I mean… that’s a hilariously take on someone’s cat running away. Very much something I would say. You’re always going to have empathetic friends that lament your loss, but you have to laugh at life, also… it cuts the tension.
@cloudy7235 2 дня назад
Everything is a diagnosis now. Not being socially well adjusted (or just being honest and straight forward, and, maybe, from New York) DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE AUTISTIC
@sabrinafelber 2 дня назад
Sounds a little borderline personality or narcissistic.
@meems4378 2 дня назад
I could see this. My son often gets the feedback "he's very blunt" at school....
@bananaacquaintance569 3 дня назад
Idk why y’all are quick to defend Hannah, her cat probably DOES hate living with her 😑
@canisXpolaris 3 дня назад
"If you have a red flag, you're autistic"
@czerkitka141 3 дня назад
It bafelles me how everyone know thinks they have autism for silliest of reasons and now we also are saying that being horrible person is just being autistic? That woman acted like a typical, shallow, extremly low empathy normie but yeah any signs of not behaving like the norm is autism. And so many women in the comments being like "yea, i am autistic too" no girl; no youre not
@emmaakeens 3 дня назад
ADHD/Autism wife and ADD/DYSLEXIA/OCD husband we are in the middle of a divorce despite having 6 years of couples and individual counseling. It's exhausting! I do all the adulting for us. I am burnout and overwhelmed. He is unbothered. He doesn't know how to adult as a 42 yr old male.
@emmaakeens 3 дня назад
Great idea. I do this in my bathroom and bedroom but would feel better with clocks in every room.
@emmaakeens 3 дня назад
That's how I get myself to go to the gym.
@DougDimmaDomeOwnerOfTheDimm 3 дня назад
I would bail on being this person friend just for the simple fact that, they made this whole situation about them and everyone has to change their plans because this person said something inconsiderate, yes it could of been and mistake and this person could be autistic but being autistic doesn’t make you act like this, she should of just went home on her own if the person they were gunna hang with didn’t wanna hang with them, their friend not liking her is not anyone else’s problem but the girl in the video
@fleurerebeille6109 3 дня назад
There are neurotropical assholes and there are neurodivergent assholes. An asshole is an asshole. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Take accountability.
@charlenebozyk380 3 дня назад
So wait if u have partial filters for ur thoughts, ur Autistic? Maybe Hannah's cat really doesn't like her😅
@kris_jenner_is_a_cryptid_ 3 дня назад
People think I'm rude. I just ask questions. Genuine ones. My best friend says it's the tone in which I say the things that piss people off....my husband thinks it's because I don't sugar coat the questions, just, why did your dad leave and never return? 😮 the fact that I don't cry when people I love die(apparently I'm a monster?)
@briannaflint08 3 дня назад
This is just saying it's okay to be rude 😅
@MichaeltheGeisha 3 дня назад
This is just not acknowledging that your comments can be rude and off putting. This person is just giving off im entitled because i claim to have a issue. The fact she continues to go on like shes not the problem is a huge issue. Be accountable for yourself. Its not okay to be like that as a adult. Youve had years of human interactions..
@krisP16 3 дня назад
Her dress reminds me of a spring roll.
@RubeeRoja 3 дня назад
Ew. No.
@tacobella99 3 дня назад
Signs of autism??? I’m autistic and so are many of my friends and family and we aren’t rude like this🤚🏼