GIZ Cambodia
GIZ Cambodia
GIZ Cambodia
GIZ Cambodia draws on an extensive implementation experience in Cambodia, accumulated in almost thirty years of dedicated work with its local partners. Mutual trust and close cooperation form the core elements of our partnership with the Cambodian Government as well as national and international partners.

GIZ Cambodia is an expert organization working in three core areas. We support the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia to strengthen social protection and health, economic development, climate change, and cross-cutting topics such as good governance and peaceful communities.
Processing of cashew nut using solar energy
2 месяца назад
Social Protection | The Big Picture
10 месяцев назад
Preservice Education (PSE) Cambodia
10 месяцев назад
Period Story
11 месяцев назад
Popok Village - EP8
Год назад
Popok Village - EP7
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@user-un3ld5dk2t 5 месяцев назад
but why is the big problem of animal agriculture not named in that video? we could easily feed everyone and protect the soil by going vegan!
@kabishangashaka Год назад
Thanks for sharing the video, I have saved it for use on advocacy and awareness creation towards land neutrality
@newsaraceli8980 2 года назад
#SaveSoil #ConsciousPlanet #LetsMakeItHappen
@WormholeJim 2 года назад
#savesoil - we need to make this happen. Why? Well look at the video playing. It has been here for nine years already, for crying out loud.
@manjunathg1018 2 года назад
Everyone should know the value of soil before people die due to hunger #savesoil
@pjEdit920 2 года назад
Great information about Soil
@devansheepens2087 2 года назад
Great educational video that provides answers to several queries like- what is soil, why is it nearing extinction- various nuances, and what we can presently do. Time for us to be aware: #savesoil
@adishraj 2 года назад
@assassin_gamerz1210 2 года назад
Great animation! Also very informative short. Good job!
@astixxa 2 года назад
I watched this for school, pog
@santiagocarlosgonzales6587 2 года назад
Great animation! Also very informative short. Good job!
@tohsina2830 3 года назад
ជំរាបសួបាទអត់ទោសផងខ្ញុំបាទកានកាប់បណ្ណសមធម៌មួយដែលមានឈ្មោះមេគ្រួសារ(សុខស្រីឡា)កម្រិតភាពក្រីក្រ 2 ស្ថិតនៅសង្កាត់ស្រះចកភូមិ 3គឺខ្ញុំមិនជាមានបញញ្ហាអ្វីទេជារាងរាល់ខែគឺតែងតែទួលបានថវិការជំនួយជាប្រចាំតែនៅខែនេះអ្នករាល់គ្នាគេបានដូចមុន អត់តែបណ្ណខ្ញុំមិនដឹងថាមានបញ្ហាអ្វីសូមលោកប្រធានជួយពិនិតខ្ញុំបាទផង សុំអគុណ 0968735253លេខខ្ញុំបាទ
@pozztin7782 3 года назад
លេខកូដ ០៨០២០៧០១ លេខកូដគ្រួសារ ០០៤២ ឈ្មោះសៀង ហ៊ាង អាយយុ ៨៧ រស់នៅភូមិ ពោធិ៍មៀវ ឃុំគគីរធំ ស្រុកកៀនស្វាយ ខេត្ត កណ្តាល ដកលុយ ក្រីក្រមិនបាន សូមជួយគាត់ផង ។
@theashmedai007 4 года назад
chumma poli malayalis .. like adi
@robertcallaghan4029 5 лет назад
After 30 years of trying, solar and wind are less than 2% of the world energy market. After 30 years of trying, solar and wind only have 98% to go. After 30 years of trying, emissions went up 60%. Electric cars, solar panels and windmills will do absolutely nothing for the climate. It takes 1 ton of coal to make 3 solar panels. Half the people on earth fly every year. We have 20 years to reduce emissions 100% to save earth. This information is drowned out by hate and violent fantasies. Hating Jews Nazis gays blacks women or whatever is killing you. Race, sex, whatever only hides how completely the rich have sold us out. Everybody is losing to China, as they gang up with India to take over Africa. Apple will get eaten from the inside by Huawei. F-35 secrets are outed, the biggest is that it can't fly, except on Sundays by little old church ladies. Teslas keep turning into things and Boeing can't seem to keep it's nose up, or clean. The overdrive rush to shove 5G bugs up your ass will physically fuck up your brain. Our food, water, airwaves and air are turning all the vertebrate males on earth into females while they also make men infertile. Our food, water, airwaves and air are making us depressed, stupid and crazy. The C02 levels in urban schools makes kids 15% dumber. Our social media, food, water, airwaves and air condition us for ideological hatred. Socialists, and Neocons know this and use it for advantage.
@VolcanicPenguin 5 лет назад
Important topic and excellent visual design
@sethfitch7778 5 лет назад
why do the dollor bills look like John C. Reilly
@sethfitch7778 5 лет назад
@johnkhaidaily4547 7 лет назад
@Natural_Histories 8 лет назад
what's why we need to protect forest.
@poornimanimish3791 8 лет назад
Very nice animation and also good info.
@lotuswomen4610 8 лет назад
They look so kind
@lotuswomen4610 8 лет назад
And also I met the owner of the cafe
@tokokakipalsu 8 лет назад
Nice Info Thanks for shareing jualkakipalsuonline.wordpress.com slideshare.net/kakipalsu
@smudgepost 9 лет назад
Great video, who did the animation?
@jrahul 9 лет назад
Cool animation
@virakkchao3817 10 лет назад
great video! Always support development of female soccer!
@Sith90lord 10 лет назад
Signaling the problem is a first step to finding a solution. It bring attention to the problem, and hopefully someone finds a solution. But unless it brings profit, it's hard say if it's going to get implemented....
@Tanny.. 8 месяцев назад
@skinutsu 10 лет назад
This video was so needed...so little information on soils is available online for redistribution, that you succeeded in fiilling a huge gap...thank you...VERY GOOD JOB
@Brydzo 11 лет назад
Great animation! Also very informative short. Good job!
@Animajster 11 лет назад
Amazing animation
@Tanny.. 8 месяцев назад