Peter Boghossian
Peter Boghossian
Peter Boghossian
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This channel has a two-fold aim: first, to restore free speech and open inquiry as non-partisan values; and second, to reveal the implications of far-left ideological takeover.

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Cartel of Medical Negligence EXPOSED
14 дней назад
Has Philosophy Lost Its Way? [4K]
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Sucked into Chaos? w/ Andrew Hartz
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Slowly and Then All at Once
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Killing America | Eli Steele
2 месяца назад
@TheLazyLiberal 3 минуты назад
the big difference the left doesn't know the difference between DSD and transsexual
@TheLazyLiberal 7 минут назад
Pushing agenda is neoliberalism out of control with no standard for morality pushing a theory instead of facts selling us out all to big Pharm, and hyper-capitalism. liberals keep on screwing evolutions to come back and bite them in the ass.
@olgakipke3720 17 минут назад
Roles? You mean personalities?!
@TheKwil 46 минут назад
Most humans seek truth and honesty, if this stuff was real and science backed we would all be on board just like we do with everything else in life. Here's a fact, it took a female and a male to produce EVERY human alive right now including those who believe this delusional crap.
@joeloax4195 Час назад
So hes saying there are more than two sexes and they can be interchangable. But the whole transgender argument is that sex and gender are not the same they do acknowledge sex is something you cant change but there are more than two genders and they can be changed. These people cant even keep their own arguments consistent.
@rttp-righttothepoint6656 2 часа назад
who are these people. like how do people turn out like this. not only are they unintelligent, but wickedly propagandized. these terms are fairly understood. what does it mean for AMERICAN SOCIETY? has nothing to do with that. wtf did I just see
@komatomierchio1776 2 часа назад
I am a male. If I was injured in such a way that rendered me sterile, that wouldn't translate to me no longer being male.
@QQQ12196 2 часа назад
Chris is incredible
@thomasjefferson6 2 часа назад
The UK is now a dhimmi country, the final stage of a country before it becomes an Islamic country. This doesn't seem to bother very many people in the UK, apart from a few demonized individuals such as Tommy Robinson.
@patrickmcardle4771 3 часа назад
NO, born male always male. Can't change sex.😂😂
@jacobskovsbllknudsen5908 3 часа назад
It's amazingly funny to me that people, while arguing for the trans agenda, inadvertently become bigots when trying to compromise on their own delusions.
@gibbomeister17 3 часа назад
This dude lives in fantasy land. he would not last 10 minutes under actual communism. He's not a communist, he's just cosplaying as one.
@jacobskovsbllknudsen5908 4 часа назад
Wow... He must feel so special being a psychologist AND holding such an enlightened view of the sexual reproduction system. 🙄
@Ninja4Parkour 4 часа назад
The debrief is CRITICAL for teaching us how to strategize these conversations. Our country might depend, in part, on your teachings of how to actually optimally think, or get ourselves on our best honest path. Thank you as always.
@Joseplh 4 часа назад
For me on the number of casualties, it does matter. War is not justified due to casualties alone. A country must have no other reasonable means to achieve justice. This is overwritten if the number of casualties is significantly large. Take the Canada v US example. 4 people killed by a rocket launched under the order of Trudeau is not enough. The US should demand that Trudeau and the leaders in charge of the missile launch turn themselves over to the US to face charges/compensation. Should Canada refuse, then the US is justified to declare war. However, if it kills 5000, then the US may skip the demands and go straight to invade because of the severity of the threat to the nation as a whole.
@ajwysopal 4 часа назад
Sick lady
@abefroman4715 5 часов назад
I guess people in the comments just don’t seem to grasp the Minsk accord. If Russia and China and Iran were in a group similar to what NATO is and they took over South America and we said don’t move an inch closer to our border and then they decided they wanted to let mexico in said group and made it clear that is what they intend to do, what do people think our response should or would be?
@abefroman4715 5 часов назад
How about journalistic integrity? A journalists job is to report the facts not opinions unless stated otherwise. Such as opinion columnists for example. Trump was already president so the basis for him to be a dictator as we know it doesn’t exist. Not to say that it can’t happen but that’s why the constitution exist to prevent such outcomes.
@krisnaylor9488 5 часов назад
This all has a vibe like the young girls from the Salem Witch Trial era. It's not reality folks.
@Mtlit1080 5 часов назад
"All men bad". "Men can become women". Conundrums
@rttp-righttothepoint6656 6 часов назад
well you should look into stonehenge, and that its fake. well largely fake. fake stones. the british government put metal structures into the ground and placed a hollow rock over it. there are photos of the decontruction and "fixing" of these stones. its really sad.
@rttp-righttothepoint6656 6 часов назад
OH PETER... the pizza thing did exist. how can you not understand that after the leaked podesta emails, and the epstien thing, and now the Pdiddy thing. there are evil people who traffic kids. its the number one $ maker and job of the black agencies. the usa is the largest human and drug and weapon smuggler in the world. point blank. full stop. undebatebale. and j6 you should not be upset over stil. unless you are mad at the 8 FED agencies that had 100+ agents there undercover. why did the Dept of energy have agents there??? I think land management was another agency. wtf? the entire mythos that it was MAGA people breaking down the doors and attacking cops has very little evidence actually. the tapes show cops attacking the people first, and them defending themselvs from attack. we need to have some talk because they are a unified mouthpiece and now frankly not a free press, but state media. they are actively lying to the public. you think Dana bash doesn't know Bloodbath is referring to the automakers, and not a street running with blood? or the ABC moderators didnt know that? or the LONG debunked myriad of other things Kamala said like people on both sides. they ALLOWED her to lie to the american public. that needs to be done with. and there is a difference between hating a person, and calling them hitler and then pushing bald face lies when there is no data to support them what so ever. like trump wants to take away medicare, ban abortions, or implement project 2025. I hear these ALL THE TIME, and he has said the oppoiste repeadely on each. there is the next step of this, that gives no reason for these things to be lies, as they comport with his overall view and statements ever on these topics. has he EVER said he wants to get rid of SS? Not that I know of. has he EVER even intimated that? or the abortion thing? Not that I'm aware. not so much as dog whisteled it. the 2025 thing is the most insane because he said hes never even read it, and doesn't suport it, I ddint create it, nor did I ask for it. which is all true. thus it cannot be tied to him in a Ad ran on a media platform. its pushing a false narritive, a lie from the get go. in america, you have to win argument via truth and logic. Not abject lies. you can still use scare tactics, I'm not saying that, because there is plenety of other thigns the ads could be about, there is no reason to lie about this. and everyone in america who Isn't in the cuilt understands this. the mockingbird media LIES to the people about everything today, they used to at least feign impartiality and morals and traditions. like when obama wore a brown suit. stupid as it was, it was coming from tradition. but no one called him hitler for wearing a brown suit. Hitler killed 10+ MILLION PEOPLE. enslaved an entier race/religion of people for years. Trump was ALREADY PRESIDENT ONCE, and did not do that, not even like remotely. so to say that, is to purposly trigger a reaction from the viewer. that is the ONLY reason you would send that message. you cannot justify it any other way. if its not to tell the viewer of that, then why say it? because hitler killed milions and invaded other countries. trump did neither, and nothing even close to that. There is an FCC and they rule that certian words cant be used on broadcast television. well one of those words, would be words that make up a lie. but then this goes into what is the truth, what is the correct truth, and the state will alwasys claim its points are the truth. on covid, only their doctors like fauci were claimed to be true. the state will always subvert that rule and thus label anything it doesn't like as untrue, and then cant be said. I guess the issue I have is that 65% or more of the country agree on almost everytihng to a large degree. they aren't in the leftest cult. they can hear things, and make a judgement about them. people that would make good jurrors theoretically. I count myself as one of those people. we knew the good people on both sides lie, was a lie, and it was debunked minutes after the lie started. but the media would gaslight and tell you we are the liars. he did say that. My point is the 65% of the country, understand reality. its only the other group that lives in a manicured and crafted world. where they believe whatever they are told. so they are told known lies. and there is a way to determine what is factual and what is not based on logic. whether they agree with the answer or nto doesn't matter. its still TRUE and that's too bad if you don't like the truth. but the truth can be found on nearly every single thing if looked into. so the argument that preventing lies from being told from the MSM should be put in place. because they are not the arbitrers of truth. no one body is. the truth is what the truth is, period. if you cant disprove it without using logical fallacies or have receipts that disprove it, then their argument its not the truth is moot.
@mckernan603 6 часов назад
Billboard Chris is a little too eager to be effective
@Kneemuh 6 часов назад
What the fuk did he go through to come up with this nonsense
@logangodofcandy 6 часов назад
He deserves to be replaced. I hate these people so much. Too stupid to live.
@sarahdunn1425 7 часов назад
I love billboard Chris. Thank God for him
@slacktoryrecords4193 7 часов назад
Gurwinder!! My favorite recent ‘follow’ on Substack. Best posts, daily.
@rttp-righttothepoint6656 7 часов назад
her morality is totally and utterly fake and unchallenged. shes never been challenged in any thing in her life. her ideas come from theoretically a good place. but in practice are terrible and these kind of rigid ideologies end up being some of the scariest causes of mass murder in order to do something good.
@GreenAlien2023 7 часов назад
The Internet has fucked up the world
@rttp-righttothepoint6656 7 часов назад
DUDES GETTING COOKED. this is a beautiful destruction of the lefts WOKE LIE anti-logic. This proves the CULT that is the left.
@rttp-righttothepoint6656 7 часов назад
ALL of the examples that are the super extreme and rare cases, when this Isn't about them. All of their examples are examples of faulty birth creation. they are all abnormalities. any normal human fully healthy and normal human is one or the other. when speaking of X, XYY , intersex, are all mALFORMATIONS, ERRORS during birth for any number of reasons.
@kimj5037 8 часов назад
Hey, 'Psych' Guy!! I'm a woman and I don't want YOU or any other MALE in our spaces. NOT in our sports, NOT in our bathrooms, and, God forbid, NOT in our shelters.
@jones6119 8 часов назад
Reality bites.
@jscoppe 9 часов назад
This was a banger. Well done for the two gentlemen.
@OneBriteStar 9 часов назад
Those people are immature, spoiled brats.
@buildthewallwiththewoke 9 часов назад
You are not "pushing an ideology." You're reaffirming the truth.
@adrianmercuri8956 9 часов назад
This generation celebrate being ignorantly stupid!
@drooooop 9 часов назад
12:11 “If they had such a crazy advantage, why didn’t they sweep?” So if someone takes a bunch of performance enhancing drugs but only comes in 2nd place that apparently means they didn’t have an unfair advantage because “they didn’t sweep”.
@fionamcdonagh655 10 часов назад
Bloody hell what university did this young man get his degree from they need to shut it down. What l hate the most with all this shit is its stopping beautiful gays and lesbian following through and coming beautiful grown up adults people. Instead this cult of shit is infesting their world and all hell brakes loose and before you know it everyone is telling them alot of untruths. Very Very sad, year of pain and medical bills!
@masteryourpiece 10 часов назад
Devil, evil and eugenics. Don't believe me? Follow the money. Dr money...
@miketexas4549 10 часов назад
I live in Hawaii where there are millions of chickens running around. I have yet to see one that isn't a hen or a rooster.
@rubylescott8772 10 часов назад
I always ask, how do these other sexes reproduce themselves? Because that's all sex is - a means to propagate the species.
@malikrahman8649 11 часов назад
"Sex is the biological trait that determines whether a sexually reproducing organism produces male or female gametes." This is the very first paragraph of what Wikipedia says about sex. 😅😅😅
@mamadragonful 11 часов назад
Yeah, the gender fanatics tend to be rabid anti-natalists too. They would see "I'm afraid to have kids" as a feature, not a bug.
@ChopinIsMyBestFriend 11 часов назад
Guy is forreal a goober for that
@cliffordchase319 11 часов назад
The idiocy of this is pseudo intellectual. Nearly anyone answering him is reflexively gone to Capital punishment. He awkwardly gets compliant people that should confront him immediately. The real issue will be allowing the state to take lives. No they make mistakes or have an opportunity to intentionally do it. He is a joke with oblique equivalents
@MiniMotoAlliance 12 часов назад
You're not "assigned" at birth. Confusing basic terms is half the reason we have this ridiculous confusion about something so simple.