
5 Bible Passages on Complementary Gender Roles 

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When godly women and men complement each other in their giftings and roles, everybody wins. Here are five Bible verses that bear that out.
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@jillumstead6606 26 дней назад
Thank you for standing for truth. It is so difficult to go against what culture (not God) has allowed. Our nation is messed up because of it. I am honored to be a woman and love the differences in genders. God knew what He was doing in creation, and He is the same God today.
@AlwaysMakeup Год назад
I just have a hard time thinking God, would be upset at a women for preaching his word.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 Год назад
EXACTLY----it is those who have been brainwashed to think women cannot be called to preach or pastor.
@Grokford 9 месяцев назад
Amen girl
@susanbarackman-artist7670 3 месяца назад
yes why is it a woman can preach in the mission field and street corner but not in a church?
@wiznup Месяц назад
Notice that we can teach other women how to be domesticated servants but don't even try to teach them the bible!
@susanbarackman-artist7670 Месяц назад
after having been part of a church for years and now for decades not attending church i have been thinking about all those men in leadership that I looked up to and tried so hard to do what they preached because if they preached it that was what God said.... and when I disagreed with what they preached were God's commands I carried lots of guilt to have dared use my own mind to critically think about what was preached or taught.................................................. and where are they now? they moved on to other places, or they died. those who were part of the congregation that i was so close to in spirit now i cannot remember their names nor do they remember me and any closeness we had is long gone. ---and that is why I tell people with questions about the issues within the church that people come and go and only Christ will be there with us all the way to the end and beyond and to seek His leading in our lives, not strangers on fb or the latest pastor with the charming smile and smooth words.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 Месяц назад
Ezer Kenegdo is a Hebrew word that describes the role of a woman as a helper and partner to a man. The word Ezer means to rescue, to save, or to be strong, and the word Kenegdo means opposite as to him or corresponding as to him. The word Ezer Kenegdo implies that man and woman are equally and uniquely created, a perfect fit1. The word is used in the Old Testament 21 times.
@wiznup 17 дней назад
@@susanbarackman-artist7670 yes, agree with you and it is not a lesser thing that woman was created for man and out of man because he was not good alone. In other words, man was deficient without woman. That does not make him lesser than woman either. It was the curse that subjugated a wife to her husband, not all women to all men. Before the fall in Gen 3, they served as equals so let's stop living in the curse. Jehovah is also called the Helper and that word has nothing to do with a hierarchical rank although He is supreme over all and yet He comes alongside us to help us. He was the Helper of Israel. The subjugation of women is from the traditions of men and the Greco-Roman ancient world that was heavily influenced by Aristotle who thought women were deformed males and inferior beings. This is why Paul included the Greco-Roman household codes in some of his letters. He addressed husbands and wives, parents and children, masters and slaves. He does not try to change the culture of the community but the culture of the home in spite of the community. Imagine Paul trying to teach that slavery or the subjugation of women was wrong in a society that had already killed Jesus and was fearful of Christianity. And yet we have now realized that slavery is wrong but many in the church are still holding women in bondage to the Greco-Roman household codes.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 Год назад
if a husband dies, what man becomes authority over that woman? how is a man a better authoriy than Christ?
@wiznup Месяц назад
So according to Titus <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="124">2:4</a>-5 women can teach other women how to be domesticated servants but they can't teach them the word of God? Give me a break, this is 2024 and that worked in a patriarchal society, we don't live like that anymore.
@Grokford 9 месяцев назад
How terribly disappointing and one-sided. ... *Ephesians <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="321">5:21</a>-21* "Submit to one another" -huh, that doesn't sounds very hierarchical to me. "What God's word has to say".. about a sexist and patriarchal culture... The bible also says that slaves should submit to their masters, but you wouldn't call slavery moral. You're mistaking a particular application for universal command The Bible didn't say that you should only submit to a kind slave-master, it doesn't say that you should only submit to a kind husband.' In fact 1 Peter <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="138">2:18</a> specifically states to submit to the slave master even if they not kind. This selective interpretation does not match our moral obligation to Love. Christ is not a model for human marriages, Christians are discouraged from marriage. "I don't think it's a burden at all" Big words from someone who's clearly happy with their gender role and its benefits. *1 Peter <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="184">3:4</a>-5* "Beauty is on the inside" is not a gendered idea. The Bible addresses many things to gendered groups, the Bible does not say "you will be _children_ of God" it says you will be sons. But that doesn't mean that salvation is off limits to women, Galatians <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="208">3:28</a> contradicts that notion. And once again, acknowledging authority is not the same thing as supporting. *1 Timothy <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="131">2:11</a>-13* "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve."" - 1 Timothy <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="131">2:11</a>-13 "Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh" - 1 Peter <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="138">2:18</a> You can't partially follow one and ignore the others. "Paul and Jesus and Christianity is *very* liberating for women." Yeah.. _now-_ _mostly._ No matter how much damage control you do or how much you bring up commentaries, this is an ancient custom which has been used to systematically abuse women for centuries. You can not accept it a little bit and say that the rest of it is cultural. Because if it's only for in the church, then that's only complementarian in the context of the church and outside of the church women's right and ability to speak is egalitarian. Unless you're lying and you actually do believe that women should be silent everywhere. *1 Corinthians <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="662">11:2</a>-3* "There's a distinction in some way between men and women" Good job sherlock, you cracked the case. Just because Ancient Greece was patriarchal and sexist that doesn't mean that we ought to be. "Some egalitarians have some arguments about what to do with passages I encourage you to look them up." So in the previous video you say "Complementarian vs : Which View Is Biblically Correct?" and then spend five minutes doing damage control for Complementarianism and giving one misleading point about Egalitarianism and then send us to this video where you aren't do any comparison or analysis at all. .. It seems like you're on the defensive to the point that you can't even acknowledge other arguments. *Titus <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="124">2:4</a>-5* Same thing bud, these are particular commands for the Corinthians and Paul, we're reading other people's mail these were never meant to be universal commands. You're stripping them of context. "It's gonna make some of you upset" Yeah it's almost like sexism is shameful. ... Not one of the passages you cited afford, even with your liberal interpretations, assert that men and men are differently capable or equally valuable. They only talk about power, submission, control and silence. The only difference between Male supremacy and complementarianism is the valuation of women, which is why so many sexists became "complementarians" in the '70s in response to Women's Lib. But it really doesn't matter if your beliefs aren't any different. _Separate Spheres of Excellence_ is a fallacious argument especially when there's no evidence for its claims. And it's not exactly hard to spot that men's sphere just so happens to be the part pulling the strings of society, up to an including what women are "made for". Also notice that what women are "made for" and "naturally suited for" changes every ~15 years or so as people realize that not ever woman is a naturally born to be passive, cooks, mothers, empathizers, carers, weak emotional or the only intimate relationship of men.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 9 месяцев назад
i like the way this guy said to read and come to your own conclusions. that is biblical to allow God to lead individuals as He sees fit but when he says the bible is clear ....it is not always clear. in fact it says we see through a glass darkly we read the bible in english and there are no perfect translations.--- that is why translation is an ongoing process taking centuries and bible scholars contiunue to translate and read and study. when the bible says a deacon or preacher should be the husband of one wife in our modern culture we think it means he whould not divorce and have remarried. but it is actually refering to polygamy which God allowed in the OT but Paul was trying to bring marriage back to the original intention in the garden one man with one wife.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 Год назад
And if women are told to submit--my question is to what degree?---when can sahe say no and think for herself? When her husband says it is ok to do so? All this leads to more questions---...and how dare a woman question----she should just accept what the men tell her the bible says at face value and never ever question. And some churches push that teaching---all based on the scriptures. So whose teaching is the correct one? Which one do we follow without fear of disobeying God and sinning?
@Grokford 9 месяцев назад
There is no difference in the scriptures used for complementarians and those used by avowed misogynists.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 9 месяцев назад
@@Grokford please explain
@Grokford 9 месяцев назад
@@susanbarackman-artist7670 Every scriptural "support" for a nice version of complementarianism is also used by people advocating male supremacy. "Man is the head of woman" can be used to justify either viewpoint, because the interpretations have more to do with the people interpreting than the actual text.
@Gabriel_Von_Aschen-Disc_Golf 3 месяца назад
The Bible says ''Wives, submit to your husbands as is TO THE LORD,'' and ''Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her washing her with the water of the word.'' So yes if your husband is a godly man you should submit to him without questioning his authority, but if he's wrong the responsibility falls on him and he has to answer to God for it. Plus as a man we have the worse side, we have to provide, protect, and give our life up for our wives a familys, so we have to devote our lives to loving and raising our family in a godly manner.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 3 месяца назад
@@Gabriel_Von_Aschen-Disc_Golf sorry this answer is so long but it is such an important subject to me. what you sugget leaves the woman in a vulnerable position --women havre been couseled by many pators to stay with an abusive man, to suffer for christ, submit and obey more (they were already doing that)--it rarely works. and why can't a woman question authority? p.s. women also provide in many ways including having to go to work. both parents should devote their lives to loving and raising our family in a godly manner. Roles are often interchangeable as to who makes dinner or takes out garbage. If one spouse dies, ALL those roles fall to the remaining parent. remember the bible is a translation from ancient languages. translators spend years learning and continuing to research and learn more about the language and culture and history of the bible times. men have taken a few verses out of context and also using our modern mindset often get the actual meaning of what Paul writes wrong. egalitatians take those passages that have been taken out of context and put them back into context, what paul wrote before and after those verses on obey and submit are very iimportant to understanding what Paul actually meant. For many years slave owners in Europe and american southern states used the bible to justify owning slaves because slavery is in the bible and in Ephesians 5- Paul talks about the master /slave relationship (treat one another as equals.) Yet one still owned the other. Paul also never spoke against slavery or patriarchy as both were part of the ancient Roman world. So patriarchy (the term complementarian came in only a few decades ago) but both slavery and patriarchy were part of the backdrop of the bible not the point of it. God allowed those things for the times and culture to make it worrk. Jesus came and fixed all that to put things back in the proper order of what God originally intended. Yet it took 1800 years to finally outlaw slavery. Why does the church still endorse patriarchy (called complementarianism to make it easier to swallow) if you re open minded and have questions about why egals have come up with the conclusions they have ( which is often discouraged in the church ) i suggest some sites to help give you a deeper perspectives of what the bible truly says about gender roles. Note- these groups are non-denomational-they are feminist only in that they believe in equality for women as Christians not a hierarchy other than all believers under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 1--Bare Marriage- information and resources to help abused wives. Lots of frank talk on marriage relationships. facebook.com/Sheila.Gregoire.Books/ 2--Thriving Forward-Emily recounts her abuse from growing up in patriarchal Gothardism and how it mentally and physically affected her life. facebook.com/ThrivingForwardBlog 3--Loes Tam- Dorcas Ministries. Egalitarian teachings from a biblical viewpoint facebook.com/groups/258257565788405 4--Marg Mowczko ---highly educated in bible languages, history and culture. Marg researches the original meanings of scripture concerning women and their roles. margmowczko.com/ 5--Tru 3:16, Eden Podcast---research into the actual Genesis beginning and what God truly meant for men/women relationship tru316.com/ 6--Wilderness to Wild- Sarah McDugal - Empowering women to thrive after trauma through coaching + courses + community. facebook.com/sarahmcdugalauthor 7--Recovering from the Complementarian and Patriarchy movements -discussion group of mostly women who have found pat/comp teachings are not biblical and share their questions and stories of abuse. facebook.com/groups/487349239095592 8- Ezer Rising ---Empowering & equipping women from all walks of life to rise up as leaders in the Body of Christ. facebook.com/ezerrising Recovering Grace- the group that started it all. First person stories of those abused under bill gothard patriarchal teachings. www.recoveringgrace.org/
@Norrin777Radd 2 месяца назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="70">1:10</a> -- Are you dishonest, or just tragically uninformed? Egals do not "pick and choose" or "throw out Scriptures" any more than you do.
@Norrin777Radd 2 месяца назад
My compliments on choosing to include v. 21 of Eph. 5. However, whatever paraphrase you're using is deceptive in the way it adds to v. 22. In so doing, it twists the sense of the verb being carried over from v. 21, and obscures the mutual nature of the submission.
@Norrin777Radd 2 месяца назад
Further, you failed to consider the whole passage, which goes through 6:9. There, the "master," who as paterfamilias is the same person as the "husband," is told to treat slaves "the same way" slaves were just told to treat him. That means they were to treat slaves as equals, and if submission by wives is to be unilateral, this logically places slaves above wives in the hierarchy.
@Norrin777Radd 2 месяца назад
You fail to consider the whole context in 1 Pet., which goes from 2:12 to at least 3:8. I can see no reason for you to snip the passage as you did, especially in excluding 3:1-2, except by malicious intent to obscure the fact that the women and slaves were told to submit in order to not be provocative to unbelievers, and potentially to win them over. Submission of wives, and existence of slavery, are not universally God-ordained.
@Norrin777Radd 2 месяца назад
Yes, absolutely believers should read commentaries on 1 Tim.. Start with Gordon Fee's and end with Ben Witherington III's. In this case, I do like the translation you chose, because better than most it captures the implication of disjunctions in English, and clarifies that the "plain sense" of 2:12 puts it in direct conflict with Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos in Acts 18.
@Norrin777Radd 2 месяца назад
The 1 Tim. 2:13 allusion to Genesis may possibly give a "universalizing" sense, but not without problems. It does not in itself make clear why 2:11-12 should be universalized, but not 2:8-10. At least as important, in invoking Creation, it calls back to the pre-Fall condition where there was NO hierarchy between man and woman. They were explicitly equal in Gen. 1, and in Gen. 2 the woman was created as partner, companion, strong ally, rescuer, of corresponding form, because of the man's inadequacy on his own.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 Год назад
To prove that women do not need to be under male authority, and have complete autonomy under Christ apart from men, then all it takes is one, just ONE women to have that personal relationship with Christ where she obeys His calling on her life and bypasses any male leadership/authority and does what He calls her to do and in doing so is revered by christians. Then let me introduce you to 3 women that the Christian church highly reveres but if they were an every day person like me would be called “feminist”. In reading about them a decision must be made concerning “ were they under male headship or authority and then how they lived (live) their lives and the resulting impact on the church….And if they were successful and managed to live a godly holy life spreading the gospel sans male leadership then the resulting conclusion must be one of the following--- 1- the way the church tradtionally thinks about women in ministry is wrong or 2- those 3 women are wrong or 3- God is wrong. We know it can't be #3. ---These 3 women who are accepted as highly esteemed women of God in complementarian and patriarchy churches are Lottie Moon, Corrie Ten Boom and Joni Eareckson--all 3 have taught men with their books and preaching. All have done things apart from a man's authority over them, getting their leading straight from God. How come they get a pass and the rest of Christian women do not? Because Joni is in a wheel chair? She is married so her husband should be in authority over her at all times. But she was an independent woman of God with a ministry and already hearing and acting on God’s leading in her life before she married. Corrie Ten Boom hid Jews and spent time in a concentration camp. She never married. She lived with her sister and father (so he may have been her male authority) But he died the night she and her sister went into the concentration camp. It was a special circumstance pat/comps say. Yes, it very much was but why does she get a pass to go against scripture as it is taught? Lottie Moon was a missionary to China in the late 1800s. She had to act on her own apart from the men who were head of missions back in the good old USA. Communication took time. She had only God to rely on and what did she do? She taught men and women. Was it ok because it was Chinese men she taught? She also wrote several articles about women being independent and equal to men. Boy, if the Baptist church only knew. But she makes so much money for them at Christmas as her name is on a fund raising campaign every year, so she gets a pass! The question remains- Either these women were/are sinning by not being under authority to a man ----or---- women do not need to be under any spiritual authority other than God. It cannot be both.
@karenwhitney4826 Год назад
This excerpt is the reason I will not attend a church that follows the same theory. The Bible has not been properly interpreted. God and Jesus are egalitarian, any man that says different is pushing his own will on others.
@geoffreylamberts Год назад
Please Karen, show us the other side. Debate!
@DYNOdanny Год назад
@user-iz8np3vv4i Год назад
@@geoffreylamberts Deborah. I did a short essay on her. (I am familiar with these topics, but haven't watched this video.)
@Norrin777Radd 2 месяца назад
I might visit a comp church. I would never regularly attend such. Same for cessationist.
@Norrin777Radd 2 месяца назад
@@geoffreylamberts Elsewhere on the page, I critiqued the author's proof-texts. Here is an affirmative case. (The numbers are only for organization, and do not suggest order of importance) 1) We take Acts 2 to be the fulfillment of the Great Commission promise/prophecy in Luke 24 and Acts 1. Therefore male, female, young, old, slave, free are all explicitly equally included in the Spirit-empowering for carrying out the Great Commission. 2:39 explicitly extends the promise to all times and places. "Prophesy" is an inclusive term here. Peter obviously uses it to refer to the glossolalia earlier in the chapter; in that case, it was praise and worship. This is confirmed by the two later instances of glossolalia in Acts, ch. 10 and 19. Since "prophesy" is used that inclusively, and because of the context of fulfilling the Great Commission, we infer it stands for every Spirit-enabled ministry. 2) None of the "gift" or "gift/body" passages in 1 Pet. 4, Rom. 12, 1 Cor. 12-14, Eph. 4 limit any of the gifts, ministries, operations, manifestations -- including apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, shepherds, leadership, governing -- to one particular gender. 3) Gal. 3:28 (cf Col. 3:11, 1 Cor. 12:13) occurs in a context about the people of God (the Church) no longer being under the Law. We have all received the "promise" (same word as Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:4; 2:33, 39) of the Spirit. "In Christ" we all have the status of "sons" and therefore "heirs." The old social classes that excluded some people from some roles no longer exist. It won't suffice to try to limit this to some abstract sort of equality, since the whole of Galatians is about how these "spiritual" realities play out in practice. 4) Gen. 1 shows that man and woman were totally equal at the beginning, with no distinction in "roles," and with both having "dominion" over the creation, but not over each other. Gen. 2 shows woman was created as man's "ezer kenegdo" -- companion, partner, strong ally, even rescuer, who corresponds to him; nothing in the wording or context suggests a hierarchy of authority. 5) The natural reading is that Lydia in Acts, Nympha in Col., and probably the "chosen lady" in 2 John were house-church overseers/pastors, and that Priscilla and Aquila were co-pastors. 6) Phoebe was a deacon and "prostatis" -- benefactor, patron, leader -- courier of Romans and therefore responsible for reading, explaining, and "teaching" its contents in Paul's place. 7) The most likely reading is that Junia was a woman, an apostle, and "noteworthy" as such. 8) Even under the restrictions of the Law and Obsolete Covenant, women like Deborah and Huldah exercised authority over men. There is no hint in either case that they were called because of lack of suitable men. Deborah was already serving as both judge and prophet -- like Moses, the first judge, and Samuel, the final judge, BTW -- before Barak was ever mentioned. Huldah served at the same time as the famous Jeremiah. And no, Deborah's role was not just "civil," since she as a prophet she declared the Word of YHWH.
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