
5 Ingredients For Having Confidence 

Van Neistat
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21 сен 2024




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@BorealSelfReliance Месяц назад
I feel this in my bones -- about a week ago I came upon a line of cars on the side of the highway in a fairly remote part of Minnesota. As I rolled past the line of parked cars, I saw a man doing CPR on a motorcyclist with 10 other people watching. I quick stopped grabbed my first aid kit which is velcro'd to the back of my passenger seat and ran toward the situation. Once I got there they shared that the motorcyclist had no pulse and the man had been performing CPR for 5minutes prior to my arrival. I was able to hand out gloves to other good samaritan folks who happened to be medical professionals but, didn't have PPE. Once I handed out gloves I realized that the biggest risk was a car coming down the highway and hitting the scene, me and 2 others walked up the road and started controlling traffic for about 15-20 minutes until the sheriff and search and rescue were about to assist. Tragically, the motorcyclist did not make it. Ironically, I added a valved CPR mask to my First Aid kit the next day (Monday) and resupplied my gloves in the kit -- and the ironic part is someone decided to break into my car Tuesday night and steal my firstaid kit. Anyway, Van, Thank-you for the "kit your " video and sharing the philosophy of "the spirited man".
@kaneworthington Месяц назад
You did amazing given the circumstances, thankyou for being such a good person trying to help. I hope the motorcyclist rests in peace, thoughts with their family.
@huffy4810 Месяц назад
Wild. Sorry to hear about the motorcyclist
@41DegreesSouth Месяц назад
You're a good man
@wellversedhealthyhealing9979 Месяц назад
Very sorry to hear that they stoled your stuff Can you hide it in the trunk ...Can you get a car alarm
@BorealSelfReliance Месяц назад
​@@wellversedhealthyhealing9979 Thanks! We've changed how we park our cars -- we live in a fairly urban area and our parking pad is covered by some fairly obvious cameras. I think there is a trick to arming my car alarm by hitting the lock button twice. Granted, there was some oversight on my part as I don't think the hatch was fully seated and it prevented the door locks from activating. I have been playing with the idea of putting my First Aid\Trauma Kit below the drivers seat (I like having it in a place where I can grab it) -- it was previously velcro'd to the back of the passenger seat for quick grab and go.
@B_Van_Glorious Месяц назад
Goddamn Neistat, it's every video. I just fucking love your take on the background audio. No one else, that I know of, does their sound quite like you do.
@ThatsAllFolkss Месяц назад
Getting lost at a waterpark is a formative memory for me. This video rekindled the feeling I almost forgot
@PuchMaxi Месяц назад
In what way did it form you? Was it positive or a feeling of fear perhaps.
@dannysantos1266 Месяц назад
Who else heard him say “Shyness is nice and shyness can stop you…” and then start singing the rest in your head?
@jaredt.murphy8257 Месяц назад
Confidence (a la Van Neistat) Ingredient 1: Desire Ingredient 2: Resolve Ingredient 3: Foolishness Ingredient 4: Practice Ingredient 5: Punk Rock Arrogance (just a touch) Want something. Commit completely. Ignore (the many, little, imagined) risks - fear will stop you from ever starting. Fail or no, keep trying - Die trying. Create within a story - a story that says "I deserve to be here. I will succeed here, because, of course I will."
@kattihatt Месяц назад
Never loose eyes on a young child near water. Never.
@fraud1 Месяц назад
X: "Ill only go to the waterpark with Dad from now on if he can prove he already has an idea for his next 5 videos"
@cimbassonista Месяц назад
@josephgschwartz 29 дней назад
Joe’s instructions for confidence 1) try something hard 2) maybe succeed 3) probably fail 4) ask for help or figure it out yourself but at all costs try 5) learn something and ultimately succeed 6) repeat knowing that trying will lead to something good 7) understand that success has many flavors 8) help other people to do #1 You’ve got this
@bonce Месяц назад
'punk rock arrogance'! thats an excellent way of describing it! it's not arrogance, it's cited in something bigger than just little old you.
@Guerry78 20 дней назад
When I was 6 I got lost in the largest water park in America (at the time). Very very formative experience. I did panic a bit but only a bit. Eventually I thought it out and figured out a plan and it worked. It was practice…and it gave me a touch of punk rock attitude.
@brian-esss Месяц назад
If desire is the bridge to confidence, then hubris or over-confidence is the zipline back to fear
@Heather-qf3jo Месяц назад
Your storytelling never ceases to amaze me. Always interestig and visually rich.
@ericdgood Месяц назад
There is a fine line between confidence and cockyness.
@samroesch Месяц назад
Competence breeds confidence
@PhilippeAlexanderPagan Месяц назад
I hope he never ever stop making videos...they are some of the best content on You Tube
@cristiansoutside Месяц назад
1:13 here yah go
@medicPerm Месяц назад
Van I love the content! Thanks for giving us a piece of yourself!
@rivalrepairs Месяц назад
Losing your little boy at the water park gives me those minority report flashbacks 😳
@mendelivry7585 Месяц назад
I feel very confident that I can straighten your glasses out
@angusred1337 26 дней назад
Just a recap, we found the boy right? PS, this whole video was pure art.
@ChristopherDecker Месяц назад
Best explanation I've ever heard about fear and confidence
@gstevens6948 Месяц назад
Wow man, that choking story and finding the boy at the water park was crazy, glad all ended well. ❤
@LiamsManual Месяц назад
The cloest I have gotten to seeing someone almost die was the last time I had gone up on Mt. Hamilton to go bird watching. I was walking along the side of the road, watching cars and bicyclists wizz by me. I had spotted an American Kestrel up in the sky, and I watched it for some time, after it flew out of my view I started walking back to my car. On the way there, I saw a man in a full suit (thank god) come around a corner at a very high speed, I watched him wizz by me, and just as I was about to turn my head away from I'm, I watched him fly off a cliff. I had a small moment to think what the hell I was going to do, I dropped my camera bag on the floor and ran over to him. Thank god he only went a few feet over, and this cliff was more of a hill. In his excess of speed going around the corner, his bike jumped around, and right at the apex his front tire lifted up and he got sent over. He crashed through some barbed wire fence, but was overall OK. Once I got over to him I made sure he wast dying, and me and a few road cyclists I waved down pushed his KTM Supermoto off the side of this hill. I stayed with him till he confirmed he had a ride on the way to pick him up, and I made sure to offer him water. There wasn't much better I could've done to help the guy out, but I wish I would've found a way to make sure he was genuinely OK. God bless that guy for not dying, he was real close.
@auston911 Месяц назад
great representing the dads doing their best out here
@yurisich Месяц назад
An overlooked detail: a six year old at a waterpark could be wearing a life jacket. But it's not a lake. There's people everywhere. You can introduce a little risk to carve out that initial comfort zone that starts scary, but eventually acts as a well for future confidence. Great video as always!
@livinlicious Месяц назад
Confidence comes from competence. There is NO OTHER WAY. Anyone telling you anything else, is either lying or wants to sell you something. You need to be supremely competent in what you do, to be confident in what you do. Sure you can fake it, but that goes only until you are caught. Any lie about competence falls short at some time.
@nels6984 Месяц назад
Imo, you can and should be confident about something you're not competent with. How else can you learn anything? Being good at something can definitely increase your confidence, but you won't get good at something without confidence in the first place. Performing something unsuccesfully with confidence, while you're trying to learn said thing, doesn't make you a liar, that's called doing the best you can.
@laroqsoqs9567 Месяц назад
I've only pursued competence in a subject when I was confident that i'd enjoy learning it; this has been good and bad in many ways growing up, sifting through to find what makes me happy, but eventually grew a confidence to be competent in the things that make me happy; so I can produce competent action towards the intent of the things that make me happy, and grow with it. If I learned all I could to feel confident before I had the experienced of trial and error and failure of making new choices and discovering my desires; I may not have had the time to learn how to learn confidently and discover what makes me happy beyond reason. Now, I can reach the limits of competence with my joys without lack of confidence, so long as I'm only concerned with what I think about my path. We each have a different way of reaching the same goals, which is the beautiful thing. If we had more confidence in each other, maybe there'd be less to distract us or break our confidence or have us question our own competence on our paths.
@MusiqueTri 12 дней назад
If you want a clarification that better expresses what you're saying, self-esteem is unconditional. Self-confidence, on the other hand, is conditional. Obviously, if you're bad, it's normal for people and yourself not to have confidence in you, but that doesn't stop you from doing your best and enjoying what you do with unconditional self-esteem. It's not a bad thing not to have confidence in something you haven't mastered. On the contrary, it's a sign of good sensitivity and objective understanding. If you don't have self-confidence, even though you’re good, it's because you have low self-esteem. on the other hand, self-confidence without competence has nothing to do with giving one's all, and everything to do with being arrogant.
@HunterFilms949 Месяц назад
The hockey stop might be easier for the players because they are also holding the hockey stick and you can use that as a crutch
@PaulaHeartland Месяц назад
I don't resonant with this video. It reminds me of the saying, "If you can't convince them, confuse them." I lost my four year old for one and half minutes of hell in Disneyland's Mickey house. I ran screaming like a banshee moving people out of the way, backward through the line. My desire and resolve didn't give me confidence, just a force to die trying. Outside I saw her politely explaining to a staff person she was lost. Thank God! she knew what to do. I suffered horrible shame after. I hope X feels good he knew how to get help. I would have like to have seen that ending.
@kattihatt Месяц назад
That he had the calm to record a video, when his boy was lost at a water park, puzzles me.
@KeleFPV Месяц назад
In what way does panicking help?
@kattihatt Месяц назад
@@KeleFPV not saying it does. But its a reasonable response if your child goes missing near water.
@jbrat1967 Месяц назад
I am 56 and have met 2 other tru Morrissey fans (early 90’s) The early 90’s were gold.
@marcozuniga8008 Месяц назад
I live in El Paso and ive almost lost my son a few times. WET N WILD is pretty big but luckily most people are nice and wouldnt take a kid for the wrong reasons.
@lairdmikeywood Месяц назад
Thank you for the tribute to Morrissey and the entire video
@summer.bluess Месяц назад
I enjoy the stuff! Thanks for sharing a piece of yourself with us, Van!
@jennakenzie1 Месяц назад
Loved this video Van, well done !
@theyoungclarity Месяц назад
Glad to know me and Van are on the same page.
@benjamminnzz Месяц назад
Wet n’ Wild! Hope you enjoyed El Paso.
@Weisz Месяц назад
2:15 fear is the mind killer
@ukecando Месяц назад
It blows my mind that Van feels the need to mention Israel while they perpetrate genocide, why?
@janelte Месяц назад
Not sure fear begins in the stomach. In my experience it mostly begins with a thought or perception - in the senses and brain - and then is felt in the stomach. And much more of it is created in my head than ever arises from the gut.
@soyburglar77 5 дней назад
I’m 47 and lack fundamental existential confidence. I just don’t feel like the world needs anything I have to offer. I’m 6 months sober and it’s getting better. Stay tuned I guess.
@0scarCampos Месяц назад
So refreshing! to be able to mention Morrisey and Israel without having to excuse yourself.
@IanPayne Месяц назад
Morrissey is now a far right apologist.
@mjakotka Месяц назад
so is van with his israel apologetics.
@austinashley5652 Месяц назад
My brother always told me "It's not ego if it's true" Works some of the times 😝
@stevec.5010 Месяц назад
spirited man is an old soul. bless the gift.
@martinmehus473 Месяц назад
Van Neistat: Foolishness: I have a confession to make. Foo Fighters: I have another confession to make: I'm a fool.
@undiggit 25 дней назад
great stuff as always
@PiecesofVinyl Месяц назад
This is why I never developed the "confidence" to let my kids play hide and seek at any park - my FEAR - was exactly this. I had no Desire to play hide and seek.
@beaconfilms Месяц назад
the smiths reference was great
@xgymratx83 Месяц назад
Good video. Favorite part was the joy in the older lady figure skaters eyes.
@hyanreo2 Месяц назад
First time father of a new baby boy- this has to be the worst feeling
@ryanfwood Месяц назад
One of the best yet
@raphaela.904 Месяц назад
You stepped up your game, dear Sir.
@warrengunn8703 Месяц назад
I learnt how to hockey stop. The key was very sharp freshly sharpened skates. With blunt skates you injure yourself. So easy with sharp ones.
@chilidog73 Месяц назад
Omg, he's 6 now!? How time flies!
@FlashDriveFilms Месяц назад
Richard Bransons' mom took him a mile from their house when he was 4 years old, dumped him off, and encouraged him to find his way home...to build confidence. It worked.
@EduSodap Месяц назад
kind of like those japanese kids in "Old Enough!"
@TheMangolink Месяц назад
Fav youtube channel. Thank you Van for your impact on this world!
@eyesontheinside5776 Месяц назад
I find it amusing that the person who utters the words expat and whose favourite thing to tell people about berlin, is the americans he met there, is of course also a strong advocate for israel. Its mesmerizing to see how this man with all his know-how and artistry cannot exercise enough critical thought on the world around him and himself, to realize what kind self-righteous ideology he propagates. But what can one expect from someone living in california after all.
@4theWINMEDIA Месяц назад
Ingredient 4b - you can only learn how to hockey stop in Canada. 4c - calling it a hockey stop is funny.
@JirehC777 Месяц назад
Bro I literally tried making vlogs outside but I just stood up somewhere where the crowds are and literally did nothing.
@MikeNovelli Месяц назад
P 17 did you use a real therapist? Or did you do some online shenanigans masquerading as mental health therapy? BetterHelp has been proven to be a flawed business. Stop promoting their nonsense when you know there are better methods
@RachaelPadilla Месяц назад
As always, a story beautifully told.
@gaelepacheco7119 Месяц назад
love ur videos Van, dont stop please
@lsmn778 Месяц назад
It sounds more like a result of confidence, instead of an ingredient.
@von8298 Месяц назад
“Find that man!”
@hunterkautzer5831 Месяц назад
Van great video
@ArangoArts Месяц назад
Beautiful video
@plantvill Месяц назад
@LoganWhorton Месяц назад
Hey Van, how did you do the hand-written text animations??? I've been wanting to do that for a while in Final Cut Pro, which I think you still use (?)
Thanks for sharing it. ✌️
@mimisaiko Месяц назад
I thought Van would dress differently on ice
@samdelucia5074 Месяц назад
I'm glad I learned how to ice skate as a kid or else I probably wouldn't be able to do it
@the8bitcoffee Месяц назад
hello sir , im from cambodia . your big fan
@asukayin6487 Месяц назад
Maybe my favorite video if for nothing else the smiths reference.
@hobbs2005 Месяц назад
How tf could you be confident you could find your boy in a waterpark in Mexico? I'm confident af and I would have been terrified.
@matthewsoto8114 Месяц назад
Lost the boy, freaking Van lmao
@Hiluxtaco Месяц назад
I take it that he found his kid....
@krsp420 Месяц назад
Better help at the top and Morrissey at the end makes me confident that's about as bad as you could book end this video.
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
Yeah I don’t get it. It’s like he doesn’t understand his audience. He’s a little boastful that he doesn’t read RU-vid comments but if he did he’d understand his viewers are sick of better help’s BS and annoyed with him for promoting it
@Rufio1975 Месяц назад
You can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. That's life
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
@@Rufio1975 it goes “you can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”
@Rufio1975 Месяц назад
@@helpfulcommenter You're right. You get the jist man. You understood.
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
@@Rufio1975 I’m just a bot called helpful commenter it is my job to provide corrections and be helpful
@samholder196 Месяц назад
sounds like this was an i n t e n s e day haha great vid!
@charlestorok2631 Месяц назад
Despite having a friend that can benefit from this video, the last minute is such a strange endorsement. Morrisey and Israel? Viva Mexico and all that, but dang dude read the room.
@chunkychunkymonkey Месяц назад
Truly bizarre.
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
If you’re sad you should just get Better Help too don’t forget. Oh no your insurance won’t cover that? Oh well
@druemancospr Месяц назад
Would you feel better if he had endorsed Hamas?
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
@@druemancospr are you like 12 years old? Your command of logic says so.
@Mintyseden Месяц назад
Glad I read your comment. Feel exactly the same
@ticompany7529 Месяц назад
I Van we trust.
@Jaaboon. Месяц назад
nice smiths reference
@TH3RTYSE7N Месяц назад
As a father. A necessary skill to learn is to develop a loud, recognizable whistle. Go learn one spirited men, and teach your children to come on command.
@robertyoushock Месяц назад
Maybe I'm single becasue I don't know how to ice skate
@ThisIsTheInternet Месяц назад
Wait, what brought you to Toronto for 6 months?
@aft3rmath899 Месяц назад
This guy should write a book! I'd read it over and over and over.
@jaredt.murphy8257 Месяц назад
Competence is a funny thing. Like, shouldn't we require those who hold high office to be able to perform CPR?
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
@jaredt.murphy8257 Месяц назад
I claimed that competence is a funny thing, then I pointed out how sometimes people with large amounts of authority are incapable of performing what are considered basic skills for someone who gets paid way less, and saves lives. It raises a lot of ideas about what someone who leads others, or who holds high office should be capable of. That's all.
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
@@jaredt.murphy8257 weird conclusion tbh. People who hold “high office” have more important things to do. They’re also surrounded by people who could perform CPR? Just a strange thing to say. No I don’t think people who hold high office should be able to perform CPR. I also don’t think they should carry a defibrillator, narcan, or be able to perform the heimlich ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@scottlandon2266 Месяц назад
air tag the boy
@Rufio1975 Месяц назад
Good idea. Necklace
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
Morrisey dude? Really? 🤮
@maksrodman809 Месяц назад
why is betterhelp a sponsor? Its a scam? cmon dude
@jackweiss7441 Месяц назад
He doesn’t read RU-vid comments
@Heroniak Месяц назад
If a company came up to you and offered you money for a shout out what would you say?
@RubyLaboratory Месяц назад
Fr.. he should reach out to AG1, Factor, Kiwico, Seatgeat…. So many better sponsors without the mental health propaganda
@shakeyshapeshifter Месяц назад
​@@Heroniak Depends on the company
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
@@Heroniakif it was better help I’d say no
@fabs1289 Месяц назад
El Paso!
@Alexisonscope Месяц назад
Second I saw the Betterhelp sponsor I noped out.
@-Parad1gm- Месяц назад
Oh boo hoo, skip it then.
@realkevinharlan Месяц назад
L for Morrisey and L for Israel. Disappointed.
@woodenhifi Месяц назад
Great video as ever Van. Morrissey...hmm tricky. I was a huge fan of his and the Smiths but his numerous racist outbursts have made it almost impossible to enjoy his music now
@burgeryoufoundbehindthegrill Месяц назад
Oh please, get over yourself with that nonsense!
@drdoom8793 Месяц назад
​@@burgeryoufoundbehindthegrillWomp womp, here's your L
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
@@burgeryoufoundbehindthegrillyeah just accept racism and far right bs
@druemancospr Месяц назад
If you can't separate art from the artist, then you need some personality. You don't get an award for crying about every single thing that could be deemed offensive. Maybe black trans muslims will finally forgive you for your inherent white privilege if you boycott and divest from the Neistat family
@druemancospr Месяц назад
Lol you need a life
@taracisco4467 Месяц назад
Omg…. Dean, u were Casey’s dad. Damn.
@TheAnnaNo 23 дня назад
@dingoling91 Месяц назад
Whats up Buddy
@finnoneill6449 Месяц назад
That was a shite hockey stop😂
@theprojectsguy Месяц назад
I like that he didn't say whether he found the kiddo or not. But I guess this would be a different video, wouldn't it😅
@helpfulcommenter Месяц назад
He literally shows him finding him
@sovannsey2180 Месяц назад
@@helpfulcommenter is it the 2 sec clip at 6:44 ?
@JoeBoyle-pe5mw Месяц назад
Rule #1: don’t lose your kid.
@MiguelMartinezmtzzz Месяц назад
You lost your boy and during that terrible time you record yourself? We have lost our mind…
@564bruno Месяц назад
First Van Neistat video?
@MiguelMartinezmtzzz Месяц назад
@@564bruno nope. Since the very first one (casey fan). He can do whatever he wants of course, but as a father too its hard to understand that part. Didnt mean to offense.
@petergduncan Месяц назад
Nice form on the stop, love the Morrissey references! YYZ🇨🇦👍
@tetsooo Месяц назад
please stop taking Better Help sponsorships
@minerforjob32 Месяц назад
@tetsooo Месяц назад
@@minerforjob32 they share your consumer data. Also they “can’t guarantee” you a licensed psychologist
@Mikdey Месяц назад
@@minerforjob32privacy data leaking
@sumantamunda843 20 дней назад
Its true that he should stop taking Better help Sponsor, but on the other hand we should also understand that he have to support himself and his family
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