
7 Characters So Corrupt It Chills Your Spine 

Final Fantasy Union
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Final Fantasy has featured a ton of devilish characters over the years, but some would be far more corrupt and irredeemable than others. Throughout this video, we wanted to shine a light on some of the absolute worst characters to have ever graced their respective narratives.
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15 мар 2023




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@auroninja Год назад
One of my favorite FF quotes comes from Judge Bergan, "Too late and to their sorrows do those who misplace their trust in gods learn their fate."
@etinarcadiaego7424 Год назад
He's not wrong with this quote though.
@absi49 Год назад
@@etinarcadiaego7424 without religion humanity wouldnt reach this point for you to be typing this tho lol
@thatoneeco Год назад
​@@absi49 Actually, we would have reached this point FASTER without it, as religion has been tripping the progress of humanity's growth since the very moment it became a construct of control and oppression, and that's without mentioning its obsession about not letting individuality exist (which, again, is product of it's control greed)
@Pravaification Год назад
Me as a kid: These characters are so corrupt! Good thing no one is like that in real life! Me as an adult: These characters are tame compared to real life
@GustaveTheSteelXIII Год назад
Jamie Dimon has entered the chat
@il_solitario55 Год назад
Reality is far worse than most people can even imagine. The vast majority are clueless slaves under a Stockholm syndrome type spell. Evil hides in plain sight.
@HeavenliManna Год назад
Titus 1: 15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled (corrupted) and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled (corrupted). Proverbs 30:12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. Proverbs 21:2 A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart. Proverbs 16:2 All a man's ways are pure in his own eyes, but his motives are weighed out by the LORD. Ezekiel 24:6 Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum is therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it! bring it out piece by piece; let no lot fall upon it. Romans 1:28-32 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. Romans 1:18-23 God's Wrath against Sin For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
@Gregoroth_Durai Год назад
So glad Bergan made the list. Anastasis was for me the most tragic death in FF.
@aster4jaden Год назад
Bergan was such a asshole for killing him.
@Dracobyte Год назад
No. 1: Square Enix former CEO. He is even a boss in NieR: Automata!
@brun0lpc Год назад
I know XIV has lots of corrupted characters but the one I was really thinking of is Valens van Varro from Sorrow of Werlyt questline. Not gonna spoiler here but he was probably the only character who made me thought Asahi wasn't the most sadistic and corrupted one in the game.
@kaylaroo710 Год назад
Valens was brutal man.
@TheAuron32 Год назад
i HATED him so much, i was glad when he got was coming to him but also mad MY character wasn't the one to do it.
@aaronlefebre5060 Год назад
Yeah, Valens and Asahi were the two characters out of all of them that I personally wanted to beat the ever-loving shit out of. Not my character. Me. I took it as a sign of damn good writing when just seeing their faces made me mad with rage at what all they had done.
@highlycaffeinated998 Год назад
I personally thought the same thing, but Asahi is part of the MSQ and you are required to interact with his part of the whole game. Valens however is not a character that many will even know, one of the most egregious things that they did was make The Sorrow of Werlyt questline optional.
@jenniferhamlin3481 Год назад
Yeah that is true. But I hate Asahi with fiber in me that I want to kill the little **** . And besides, even though Valen is a piece of work and I would have kick his ass, this is Gaius' time to shine and shine he did!!
@ArcadeTheatre Год назад
Asahi's teeth chattering scene has always stuck with me.
@WingedAsarath Год назад
My only problem with your pick of Asahi for FFXIV is I can never remember him without picturing the screenshots of him bending double to sneer at lalafell players 😂
@jwmcq Год назад
My only problem with picking Asahi is that Lolorito is RIGHT THERE
@WingedAsarath Год назад
@@jwmcq Fair point! Also Teleji Adeleji.
@Nuinwing Год назад
​@@jwmcq I don't see Lolorito as that bad, sure he is shrewd and has questionable and sometimes criminal methods but ultimately the dude did more good than bad in his involvement in the story, be that directly or trough people like Hancock.
@squallofthedai Год назад
@@Nuinwing: Only because he was guilty for being a d-bag, if he hadn't been caught he would probably still be conniving.
@Spike2276 Год назад
I love antagonists like this They don't beat out the likes of Sephiroth, Seymour or Kefka, but the little guys just show how big the picture really is when you're going up against the world enders
@Forever_Zero Год назад
Very interesting list highlighting characters that are not usually discussed, NORG is one of the most intriguing for me because a lot of content surrounding him was cut and I always wondered what they had planned for him
@_blubomber6070 Год назад
When it comes to ff7, Hojo should definitely be on this list
@joshshrum2764 Год назад
A lot of characters suck in FF7, like the Don.
@thekwjiboo Год назад
I don't think Hojo is corrupt, he's just single-minded towards scientific advancement at all costs. He's just a fanatic to his own cause, but I don't know if that's corruption or not.
@_blubomber6070 Год назад
I think it's that obsession that qualities him as corrupt, most of the events in the ff7 lore start with hojo and ends with Sephiroth who was only able to do what he did because of hojo
@thekwjiboo Год назад
@_blubomber6070 dictionary says corruption - dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery. There's no Deception, dishonesty, or ulterior motives with Hojo. Everything and everyone is an experiment, just a means to an end to him. That's as straightforward as it gets. At least that's how I see it.
@Force-Multiplier Год назад
@@joshshrum2764 yeah the Don definitely feels corrupt (as most of wall market) Heidegar too but i wouldn't call Hojo corrupt tho he's pretty honest and even has a scene in Remake where he says to Aerith that "he just wants to satisfy their greed so he can continue with his work"
@EpicMetalMitchell Год назад
I spent the entire video waiting for you to talk about Vauthry from XIV, and as soon as I saw that number 7 was Asahi, I'm like, yeah that's a damn good pick too. And someone else also commented Valens, which would also be more than fitting. Considering the laid-back nature of simply playing it and the half-anime-half-realistic art style, I forget that XIV is arguably the darkest game in the series.
@MelaniAlarcon Год назад
yes, XIV its the darkest so far
@EldenRingBuildsArchive Год назад
I honestly cannot blame Mika, the defeat of Sin was due to a series of MANY lucky events impossible to replicate without the plot armour of a protagonist, and, if you take the novels into consideration, it’s not even over with Sin.
@philbuttler3427 Год назад
I mean Tidus was literally a living plot created by the Fayth to end Sin. There's no plot armor about it. Like he was meticulously engineered to be the guy who had everything needed to end it. It's his story and they basically made the perfect OC for stopping Sin.I think people underestimate just how calculated everything about Tidus was to end the cycle. His personality, his experiences etc were perfect for the job at hand after all.
@janedoe885 Год назад
Honestly I'm surprised Emet-Selch was pictured as a corrupt contender in FFXIV given overall story when Vauthry is right there with free meol.
@jacobsiron6929 Год назад
Yeah, Emet stopped wanting to do what he was doing a looooong time ago, while Vaultry, while made from Emet's efforts, enjoyed every second of what he was doing, and, unlike Emet, _firmly believed he was in the right._
@alexholt5930 Год назад
​@@jacobsiron6929the problem with Hades, is that he's partially a creature of habit, who's than been preyed upon by a massively powerful entity. It makes you feel sorry for him more than anything.
@squallofthedai Год назад
@@jacobsiron6929: Emet-Selch had no problem with justifying genocide so long as it allowed him to realize his goal, and had a hand in the likes of Allag, Garlemald, and Vauthry to see his plans come to fruition, the guy was a piece of work. I agree with Alphinaud, I sympathize with his plight, but his methods are far too extreme. Dude needed to be put down.
@happiestaku6646 Год назад
I am surprised thar Maester Mika was on this list instead of Seymour, as well, you know what that monster did.
@kaylaroo710 Год назад
I remember when I first met Asahi I didn't trust him. Something about him always seemed off and boy oh boy was I rightXD He's such a little shit. I remember when you learn of his devotion/obsession with Zenos I was like "Oh, you're one of those people." lol.
@aaronlefebre5060 Год назад
Now, there's a ton of characters who could easily be called corrupt in all of Final Fantasy, and a good chunk of them would be from XIV, but I want to point out someone who is easily mistaken for corrupt (and to some degree, given his circumstances, might still be to a point), but actually isn't as far as the story and narrative is concerned: Lolorito Nanarito. Ok, I know what you're thinking, but hear me out. Despite being a shady little piece of shit, Lolorito actually has the good of Ul'dah as his main concern, because he cleaves closely to the idea of "the good of the people is the good of the nation, and as Ul'dah prospers, so does its people." While he does everything to make sure that his actions make him rich as all hell, and have enough money to simply buy his way through his problems, he does so by at least making sure the people working for and under him do things (nominally) on the up and up. He's a ruthless capitalist and corporate overlord, but he understands that ultimately, it's the people of Ul'dah that are its greatest treasure (and resource). This is highlighted most when it comes to light that it was he who orchestrated the counter-espionage that saw the deadly poison meant to assassinate Nanamo replaced with just a sleeping drug, one that makes the drinker *look* as if they were dead. He also made sure it was us that was implicated, because he knew we could handle the heat, and wouldn't risk anyone else that couldn't deal with the situation. He couldn't use anyone connected to Ul'dah, for risk of them losing their livelihood, nor could he look to outside help that wasn't as proven as us. He knew we were bonafide, dyed-in-the-wool heroes, and that we'd take the hit on the chin and get back up for round two. It was also him that orchestrated our escape from the bloody banquet. While that merchant was sent by Tataru, he wouldn't have ever gotten to that point to pick us up if the Brass Blades weren't given discreet orders to not be in that general area for a time. And who is it that just so happens to have the Brass Blades in his pocket... The part that sealed the deal for me was when he later had a meeting with Nanamo and us, specifically to go over the whole ordeal, and admits his hand in all of it. Straight up comes clean to both of us about what he did and why: he has always had the good of Ul'dah in his heart, and will continue to do so, by any means necessary. Will he continue to work to get rich off his endeavors? Oh, absolutely, and 100% admits to such, with no shame. He knows what he's about, and wants both of you to know it as well, with no misunderstandings.
@alexholt5930 Год назад
He's an honest to God free market businessman, who knows that happy people make hardworking people.
@keeganseck7751 Год назад
Is this guy corrupt? "...declaring he had diplomatic immunity." Say no more.
@saladinboss2507 Год назад
Great list! Norg was one that I forgot about, but totally deserving for this list. As for the last entry in this list, Asahi.....I cannot help but cringe in the worst way at sight of him. To Hell with that dude!
@lumpusmaximus8100 Год назад
You took Burke from Alien 2, nice choice! Thumbs up for you guys.
@SuperNamuGaming Год назад
Aliens is one of my favorite movies and he's such a great character, I couldnt help but put him in when i was editing this!
@Bluestar899 Год назад
Forgot the Honourable Mentions: Yosuke Matsuda and Takeshi Kiryu. Our two favourite NFT peddlers :P
@danillorippel Год назад
When i was a kid, NORG always seems out of context in the history. Recently, in a recent time playing, i realised how his presence made a lot of sense.
@nakariandrell7572 Год назад
1 character per title or FF7 would have like half the entries. Shinra, Hojo, Hijidinger, Scarlet...
@Sakura_Matou Год назад
Would not call Hojo or Heidinger corrupt as both knew exactly what they were doing and focused on their goals. Scarlet and Corneo were extremely corrupt.
@insecdroid Год назад
I’ve seen people say Asahi has the single most punchable face on Hydaelyn.
@PhilipLightforge Год назад
I did NOT expect nr1. But once I gave it an extra thought, it make sooo much sense.
@xmurphinegaming6500 Год назад
Where is Barthendelus? He is corrupt up to a point that he controlled literal gods. He is so corrupt that even though he cannot destroy Fal'Cies, he sought help by using L'Cies to control Fal'Cies
@LiminalMan777 Год назад
Fantastic stuff, and great premise as well.
@georgehouliaras7239 Год назад
You know who else is corrupt? Chaos. Let's mug him.
@hiraethgamer2819 Год назад
Great list --- Didn't expect NORG to make it. I would personally put FF9's Queen Brahne on this list as well, I think.
@Dr.Cosmar Год назад
Square does corruption so well... They do, flawed, well. Love their story telling, character and world building too.
@LyntzbartzkyPerez 11 месяцев назад
Don’t forget how much the Shumis hate NORG too. They said he was so horrible he physically transformed to look like “what was in his heart” and ended up looking super deformed and gross for a Shumi
@SuperSugar Год назад
Great list!!
@Smashvillain Год назад
I'm a little surprised the Suzaku commandant from Type 0, Suzuhito, wasn't included. That dude was more corrupt than even the positioned villains of the story. Went out of his way to fuck over Class Zero just out of jealousy.
@bandito241 Год назад
Because then it would’ve been 8 and that number is not aesthetic
@PetarBladeStrok Год назад
So true! I played all the FF games, but Asahi quickly became my most hated character in all of FF. lol I think he's the only unrelatable villain in FFXIV.
@rerolol 3 месяца назад
and yet this corrupt to the core characters is the finest example of us, humanity. how ironic.
@greybeardedbard Год назад
FFXIV has a lot of big bads to choose from, I'd argue for Valens van Varro. He was seriously menacing. But your points on Asahi were the reasons why Fandaniel chose his body.
@kitsandcards7968 Год назад
For me it's Dycedarg Beoulve
@aaronlefebre5060 Год назад
Dude fucked over his whole family and all of Ivalice just because he was a bit peeved that his dad was alive for a little bit too long.
@davidwyatt6565 Год назад
I really like these serene themse songs you got playing in the background, would you be so kind as to link me to where I can find these ? 🙂 Great video BTW!
@davidwyatt6565 Год назад
opps didn't read comments, found it
@MelaniAlarcon Год назад
oh my Asahi is next level.. and Von Barro, my god even Hojo would admire him
@aster4jaden Год назад
To be honest, I would've of liked to have seen more of President Shinra. To me, sadly due to the nature of FFXV Iedolas barely counts as a character.
@davidpumpkinsjr.5108 Год назад
Maybe do a list of most tragic villains?
@eldenlion5850 Год назад
Asahi represents the worst kinds of people imo. The kinds of people who aren't only evil, but wait until they have some form of a shield to start acting as such.
@TheOccupants Год назад
I struggle to find a genuinely evil person in FFIX. All.of the major antagonists are either corrupted versions of themselves who redeem themselves in the end, or they have genuine goals and worldviews they fight to promote.
@ariannaroncato5361 Год назад
True, but Kuja and Brahne were a bit sadist. I mean, the Queen was manipulated but she also tried to kill her daughter. She apologize tho
@TheOccupants Год назад
@@ariannaroncato5361 for sure. They were both cruel, capricious, and self absorbed, but I didn't see the same level of unrepentantly malicious behavior that other characters in other mainline games had.
@squallofthedai Год назад
Garland, an amoral jackass who had no problem condemning a world to death if it meant his people survives, dude's up there with Emet-Selch and the other Ascians.
@MelaKenzu Год назад
You weren’t kidding, I immediately got angry seeing that name 15:21
@Toshinegawa Год назад
I'm surprised High Confessor Funeral or Dycedrag were not discussed
@Iceaiden Год назад
is funny that after president shinra you put emperor gesthal, i compare them a lot as character and in there organizations
@kinggacha7274 Год назад
Delighted that Bergan and Asahi were on this list. Mostly happy about Asahi because Maxima was in a lot of those scenes and I could look at him instead of being angry at Asahi.
@KittyKatt_Luna80s Год назад
I noticed you said Via Infinito. Wasn't that Via Purifico?
@wanderingbardgaming 8 месяцев назад
I love how the entire FF community can agree on one thing: that Judge Bergan sucks
@Chocoroth Год назад
Entire shinra inc. board is so full of insane characters, that president shinra seems most reasonable person.
@philbuttler3427 Год назад
Kefka I'd argue is the manifestation of the worst corruptions of the Empire. A revenant created by their mad science tendencies and crimes against the natueal order of FF6's world. It's what makes his betrayal of the Empire so appropriate. They played with powers they didn't understand, destroyed a man to birth a monster and said monster destroyed them in turn. Kafka's character development is also pretty intereting cause we watch him degenerate into a nihilistic monster as the game goes on.
@giannis8568 11 месяцев назад
Do you think that Maester Mika's spirit is still haunting the world of Spira as a fiend, or something (since he never was "sended'')?
@kingslayer2999 Год назад
Wonder what ever happened to NORG 🤔
@Aerotides Год назад
Such a weird part of 8
@Malacite Год назад
I would argue that Hojo is a better pick than President Shinra. His scheme was on a far grander scale and if you stop and think about it he technically is the true big bad of the FF7 universe (Jenova not withstanding) What he did to Vincent and Lucretia alone is horrifying enough without piling on everything else, and all to satisfy his own ego. Of course because it's me and anyone who knows me knows I adore 11 and so wanna give an honorary mention to Ulric. Former Captain of the Mythril Musketeers of Bastok, he basically sets all the events of XI into motion for the most classic of reasons - dude couldn't handle Cornelia having feelings for Raogrim (who was a Galka so undoubtedly Racism only intensified the jealousy) and asshat ends up killing both of them, after which he and the other survivors of the northern expedition all suffer horrific, mysterious deaths and are never seen again except for Raogrim who ends up being turned into the Shadow Lord by Odin and basically conquers humanity.
@cloudvii7777 Год назад
Hojo dying act was to try and help Sephiroth. He was a slave to his curiosity. Granted Hojo did a lot of vile acts, but he was a tool President Shinra created and used. Don't forget after P.Shinra's death, Hojo found a new master to serve in Sephiroth.
@Malacite Год назад
@@cloudvii7777 lmfao no he didn't, did you even play Dirge?
@cloudvii7777 Год назад
@@Malacite I'll accept Hojo was worse in D.C (but the vid did not ref D.C)
@Malacite Год назад
@@cloudvii7777 Doesn't matter it's all part of the same continuity, like it or not DoC is canon.
@GameNinja13 Год назад
Instead of featuring 12. I would have gone with the church of Tactics. Or anyone who held a zodiac stone. There's a few specific ones but I won't name for spoilers.
@mitchryan257 5 месяцев назад
Isn’t President Shinra, in reality, Emperor Shinra?
@N3rd_House Год назад
You should totally do a video just on XIV's villains, if not one for Emet-Selch by himself!
@killeing Год назад
The only corrupt people in Final Fantasy are all the shopkeepers charging us money for their equipment. Think I'm crazy? WE'RE TRYING TO SAVE THE FREAKING WORLD AND THEY WANT TO CHARGE US AN ARM AND A LEG TO USE A FREAKING HELMET!!!
@jjc101 Год назад
Until you have saved the world you're simply just another customer. And then after the world is saved it still costs money to live in it!
@cloudvii7777 Год назад
Not everyone that is trying to run a business to feed their families is corrupt. .. in fact.. YOU would be corrupt in abusing your entrusted power for private gain... (Just saying)
@killeing Год назад
@@cloudvii7777 you talking to him or me cause idk if SAVING THE ENTIRE PLANET is anywhere close to being corrupt XD
@cameraredeye3115 Год назад
@@killeing Meh, you're still just another customer to the merchants until you prove otherwise. Trying to save the world and actually pulling it off are two different things. In fact, the merchants are more than happy to charge you an arm and a leg for good stuff because they know you need it. And even if you fail to save the world, well...at least their family can eat to their hearts' content before everything dies. 😉
@ryanthornton2438 Год назад
Interesting on a few of them, considering that the games mostly focused on the final story, it gives one much to look back on. Lastly FFT was the best at the most corruption and schemers.
@holy9781 Год назад
You should add square on this list
@tannerorrock1916 Год назад
one of the corrupt character from the Final Fantasy series in my opinion is that of Cid Aulstyne from ff-type 0 because he usurped the original ruler of the militesi Empire and radicalized it, and was the how ultimately started the war against the other crystal-states
@MichaelP833 Год назад
i was hoping for Vinzer Delling, but NORG was probably the better choice there
@sinmenon4347 Год назад
Doctor Lugae from FF4 is also terrifying
@inukaiya1509 Год назад
Hojo is a character I never want to be in the same area as. Just showing hojo rubbing his body against Aerith cage is making me want to run.
@MrHakubi Год назад
No Hojo? Surprising.
@thecartoonfaxuator6878 Год назад
Somnus should have made the list.
@YukitoOnline Год назад
Lore 👈 Origins 👈 Golbez 👈 GOLBEZ 👈 All 👈
@lambdafish291 Год назад
Teledji Adeledji is the OG Asahi
@juancarloang Год назад
Dycedarg Beoulve deserves to be on this list.
@fredy2041 Год назад
NORG? Not the President of Galbadia?
@Skubasteph Год назад
Hojo wasn’t corrupt just morally bankrupt.
@cloudvii7777 Год назад
Maester Mika? I see where you are coming from but he didn't remain unsent for personal gain, it was to prevent others carrying the burden. As warped as his actions seemed it was to maintain the glimmer of hope for the people of Spira. If you need someone from FFX I'd have gone with Wen Kinco... However As @cookiemonstasharp9543 said Queen Brahne for FFIX is worse than any from FFX
@nolongeraperson 3 месяца назад
It's a shame that I'll never fully experience 14's story since I can't stand MMOs
@aethertruck Год назад
Disagree with Mika being on this list. Mika did what he had to in order to salvage the only hope he knew. He was convinced there was no other way. His deeds were regrettable but his only crime was being wrong.
@AndyMacster Год назад
Asahi is such a good pick. What a deplorable, unredeemable, sycophant. Relishing in political immunity, selfish to the core and hoping to squeeze.out any power he has over people, and the pain it brings them. Wonderfully voice acted, too. What a brilliant 'love to hate' villain!
@sweetleonhart7241 Год назад
dude can you make "The Criminal Genius Villains" video.
@Coyt415 Год назад
Definitely Hojo from Final Fantasy VII is the creepiest of them all.
@Force-Multiplier Год назад
I hope that after XVI tue series expands on the M rating aspects even further these types of dark characters are usually amongst the most interesting aspects of Final Fantasy besides most of us FF fans are far from being kids anymore and the light and childish aspects of the series are not as interesting as darker themes for us in my experience
@AT-qu2bz Год назад
Rin FFX is number 1
@isaacmettle Год назад
Rin is just a hustler.STOP HATING!
@reaperx7164 Год назад
Ashai might have been terrible, he gets a very miniscule redemption, kind of, but Valens van Varro is by far the most corrupted in my opinion, even worse then fandaniel
@goodthings2life Год назад
Not to nitpick or be overly political, but President Shinra is not a master of capitalism. He's a master of corpocracy. This is when a company seizes control of government. People confuse this all the time.
@mattmaddogwheaton4724 Год назад
Much as I agree with you, be warned that a buncha socialist douchecanoes WILL dogpile you to Hell and back.
@georgehouliaras7239 Год назад
Westerners always take shots on Capitalism. It's ironic. One would think that having the dream job of talking about something that you love on the Internet and people paying you for it would make you a bit more grateful.
@thekwjiboo Год назад
To be fair, it would be tough to have one without the other. Only exception is fascism, they love them some mega corporations.
@seans440 Год назад
@stratecaster547 Год назад
Capitalism will always influence or dominate any institutions that is a threat to it. Capitalism doesnt suddenly become something else once it influences the government.
@Sisren86 Год назад
I can't believe you didn't cover Hojo. He has a Crisis in his Core. There was nothing Before this Crisis and the Crisis is (for)Ever. His experiments were an Intergrade meant as a Dirge (of cerberus) for the world rather than Advent Children heralding the Rebirth of the cetra, and in turn a Remake of humanity. ...I'll see myself out.
@arutirauland Год назад
Asahi is an extremely well-written character, even when he was all Mister Nice Guy in his very first appearance, I was immediately like "This dude is full of 💩", and I was proven right a few moments later. His love for Zenos and hatred for everyone else even goes beyond death when... (Endwalker spoilers) ... ... ... ...when he punishes Amon for betraying Zenos while using Asahi's body. Dude's just crazy beyond measure and you love to hate him. Also kudos to Matt McCooey, who does a fantastic job as Asahi's voice actor and makes him even more hateable.
@ryujin8754 Год назад
I'm not gonna lie, I'd be far more terrified of Asahi than any other character in FFXIV if he had power to rival any of the main villains. Every other villain had something going on for them, including ignorance, arrogance and stupidity. Asahi has none of that and he would do all in his power to kill everyone and everything the WoL loves as soon as possible before killing them at the end. No built up, no speach, just total massacre before saying: "You think me cruel? Believe me, everything that I've done to you is *nothing* compared to what you took from me." Just showing how shit-bat insane he is.
@sonicrocks2007 Год назад
President Shinra was innocent. Shinra 2024 ❤
@alexperez9619 Год назад
I know that FF16 isn’t out yet but one character who could corrupt is the emperor of the holy empire of Sanbreque, Sylvester
@lucawendel7644 Год назад
aint all of these spoilers? why only point it out for xiv? xD
@wistylabyrinths Год назад
Not gonna lie, I honestly expected Valens representing XIV since dear lord, he's such a sick and corrupt villain that blows Asahi out of the water. Or Vauthry. Asahi might have a very punchable face, but Valens is so, so, so much worse. Vauthry also is terrible, but at least he's a fun villain who chewed up the scenery in every cutscene he was in.
@PiterLauchy Год назад
@HeavenliManna Год назад
Titus 1: 15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled (corrupted) and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled (corrupted). Proverbs 30:12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. Proverbs 21:2 A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart. Proverbs 16:2 All a man's ways are pure in his own eyes, but his motives are weighed out by the LORD. Ezekiel 24:6 Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum is therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it! bring it out piece by piece; let no lot fall upon it. Romans 1:28-32 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. Romans 1:18-23 God's Wrath against Sin For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
@757cnote Год назад
I would pick Hojo over Shinra. That man is the worst.
@TAHOEkaleidonaut Год назад
How to know one is on the outskirts of the socially/humanly accepted: When the rest of the un-ethical &/or corrupt posse is nope-ing, &/or ~begrudgingly~ agreeing out of “necessity” to your idea(s).
@ComradeOgilvy369 Год назад
Anything you say in this video was conveyed better in the original. Remake screams "they just made me for the ESG" like who the fuck needed to know more about Jesse (the champagne socialist) Biggs and Wedge? I would have much preferred the game not fucking ending in Midgar. Aeriths death was god damn poetic. Now its a meme. Sephiroth AND CLOUD used to have fully fleshed back stories. Now he's just a spooky flashback and Cloud cant blame his bedside manner on amnesia. You wanna add to my list go ahead, you get the point. Oh, and ANDREA RODEO. YUCK.
@pc4mlc451 Год назад
Wait.. FF XV had a story?
@Cerberuswaltz Год назад
I’m glad I am not the only person who sees shinra as the main. Big bad lol
@squallofthedai Год назад
Eh I save that for Hojo, Shinra may have been the President, but he was a rich figurehead that whose death didn't really affect Shinra in the long run, I'd argue Hojo and Jenova were the true big bads, Hojo set things in motion, Jenova was the basis for that motion.
@keiyangoshin3650 Год назад
Inspired by true facts. 👀 Money is power, power corrupts. You know the drill. Also, some of these villains were straight up psychopaths. 🤷‍♀️ (not misunderstood)
@paulnewhouse5126 Год назад
You forget about the true number one. Square Enix themselves.
@hewmengshen7781 Год назад
That's true😄
@notsyzagts7967 Год назад
YOU forget we're talking about video game characters here. This comment pops up in every similar video about FF villains; the "lol my in-joke is so clever" commenter. If you really want to run with the concept, make a list of corrupt real-life figures in the gaming industry. Square Enix probably wouldn't rank so high on that list, however.
@NemesisSP Год назад
Too bad Aldercapt barely even features in the game at all.
@doubleclick4132 Год назад
donald trumps as far as the eye can see....
@DeviHyuga Год назад
Not gonna lie I hate the story of both 12 and tactics. I find heavy political stories insanely boring. I found the story of the Tactics advanced games much better.
@ABaumstumpf Год назад
Yeah but NONE of those actions make Shinra corrupt - they make him a ruthless dishonest murdering lying evil bastard - but he is not corrupt. People really need to learn what the words they are using mean.
@jacobsiron6929 Год назад
"He's not corrupt he just operates under all the facets of corruption"
@ABaumstumpf Год назад
@@jacobsiron6929 "He's not corrupt he just operates under all the facets of corruption" So you also dont know what the word means and instead decided to just act like a moron.... good luck with that.
@cookiemonstasharp9543 Год назад
Nice list. However, I'm very surprised you didn't mention Queen Brahne from ff9. That lady was willing to sacrifice her own daughter's life for the military power of Bahamut. Not to mention teaming up with Kuja for the sake of war to fuel his human soul stealing agenda. And she wasn't a main antagonist either. Just a total evil b**** the whole game.
@cloudvii7777 Год назад
Very good point, Queen Brahne abused everything and everyone for person gain. I'd have preferred FFIX Q.B over FFX Grand Maester Mika.
@ariannaroncato5361 Год назад
Maybe she's not here because she was "push" by Kuja? And She apologized at the and?
@TheJillers Год назад
I think there’s a subtle difference between "corrupt" and "corrupted" and Queen Brahne I would describe as corrupted.
@cloudvii7777 Год назад
@@TheJillers expand on this. Do you mean because kuja manipulated her; blowing town and sacrificing her daughter (for personal gain) is fine.. but because Mika wanted to preserve hope he is worse? Kuja never forced her hand, QB acted because she wanted more, it was not for her people or to maintain anything. It's unclear if you are arguing the actions or just the semantics of the wording, in which case you could argue; none are born corrupt only corrupted externally ... (and that would be a moot observation).
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