
A dark future for Seventh Day Adventist unconverted ministers 

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A dark future for Seventh Day Adventist unconverted ministers




29 июн 2024




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@desireefox929 21 день назад
Awww I play this heavenly harp music for my kids... 😂❤😂❤ Glory be to God
@Thethuzionpanel 21 день назад
@@desireefox929 it’s peaceful isn’t it?☺️
@GuyStRosia-if7sz 25 дней назад
My sister, God bless you for showing God's people the truth and showing false pastors among us. It's take holy boldness to do that and God has blessed you with such bravery. Keep up the good work and I will be praying for you. Thank you for this message.
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@GuyStRosia-if7sz Amen, God said tell them whether they hear of they forbear
@harmonybridge2740 24 дня назад
Let God be the judge and everyone else a liar ! You see people like you who just jump and believe everything you hear , are going to be easly deceive ! What truth is she showing anyone ? This lady doesn't know what is truth is . Go know God for yourself and stop listening to people you are going to be deceive .
@siver1100 25 дней назад
Aloha from Maui.......thank you for the message
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@siver1100 ure welcome, may God be with thee
@MsGratefulgal 21 день назад
Mrs White, encouraged the use of 🌲trees. May the Holy Spirit open our to focus on the Tree of Life, that bears 12 crops and whose leaves are for the healing of nations. Santa Claus comes with materialistic gifts, John the Baptist comes with the message of repentance. Let us accept the leading of the Holy Spirit and not run before Him. He keeps teaching and correcting us. Rebuking one another is part of Christian living😊 2 Timo.3:16-17 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." We all make mistakes and we all sin against God and fellow men. We need to repent, we need God's grace.
@TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx 23 дня назад
As you read this, keep in mind that Ellen G. White says "an Angel" told her this regarding the doctrine eternal punishment! Quote: "Said the angel, Life is life, whether it is in pain or happiness". *"Death is without pain, without joy, without hatred."* (Volume 1 Chapter 19 *"Death is without pain, without joy, without hatred."* Spiritual Gifts volume 1, chapter 19 Ellen G. White is in total contradiction to the very words of Christ in Matthew 13:42 * “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”* Only Satan Himself would bring such a denial of the reality of pain and suffering to the sinner as to mock Christ's explicit warning! Whom the Adventist's then refer to as "Satan" and a "monster worse than Hitler" . Hell is described as a place of intense suffering and despair, where the reality of eternal separation from God manifests as physical and emotional torment. The imagery of wailing and gnashing of teeth conveys the deep regret and anguish experienced by those therein.
@jadedone1937 20 дней назад
I also have been finding many bible contradictions and things being added to the bible from the writings of Ellen White. I've pretty much given up believing most of what she says and focus on the bible. Even then....misogynist statements like 1Tim 2:11-12 raise questions. I've come to the conclusion that verse was written in a time when women were oppressed, had no rights and considered property so I disregard it- otherwise how can women be a witness?
@TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx 20 дней назад
@@jadedone1937 interesting. I find Christ and the apostle Paul to be the most liberating side for women especially for the time period
@lungilezama-g6j 14 дней назад
@@TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx She speaks about death as in literal death and you are speaking about hell That is why while you are still alive you need to make clear choices about the outcome of your dear. What you are on about is the consequence of not choosing Jesus as your Lord and Saviour
@TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx 13 дней назад
@@lungilezama-g6j You have obviously never read Desire of the Ages Chapter 19 from Ellen G. White
@anng7514 26 дней назад
This pastor is one of the most solid pastors who stands for principle. I do not understand the tone taken against him. Most pastors will not even do what he is doing. Who is Atonte to him? Why this attack against pastor O? Please check the spirit motivating you.
@John424-c2k 25 дней назад
I agree 100% with you. The tone used, needs to be checked.
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@anng7514 This pastor preaches false prophecy and false theology, see our other videos exposing it
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@John424-c2k imagine your walking on the edge of a cliff and about to fall, and someone shouts “LOOK OUT, GET OUT FROM THERE!!!”, will you say “ excuse me, your tone needs to be checked!!!”
@Walton-zf1zx 24 дня назад
​@Thethuzionpanel Tell me one of the false prophecy he teaches please .
@lungilezama-g6j 18 дней назад
She is very proper, I did not finish but I hear someone who uses the Bible for interpretation. Great stuff.
@willrobinson247 25 дней назад
What we must understand about the Seventh-Day Adventist church IS THAT WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD PEOPLE IN THE CHURCH that were for Ellen White and those who were not. The SDA Church has always had people for the 1888 messages and those who were not. The SDA church has always had people in the church in the schools and in the churches that didn't believe totally in the messages. We have had people that like Blacks and hate Blacks people. We have always had in the SDA church people that like this wild music and emotionalism in their church services. What I'm saying is this is nothing new. I just that now that we have social media we can see it more. We have always had people under the name of Seventh-Day Adventist who felt like God call them to clean up the church. Yet, they show NO LOVE. All they do is call out sins of the bad and criticize the efforts of the good, those that are trying to give the message the best way they can. Some will leave the churches, schools and General Conferences, but some will stay. This has always been. In Ellen White's day it was like this and it will always be this way. Just read her writing and the Holy Bible. This is the way it has always been in the church and the world. Dr.O is not wrong. God will sift out many, literally and spiritually. God is going to purify the church. But people will come and go and come again. Just look at the Hebrew church in Jesus day. What the church need is love. Those that see the problems in the Conference need to be praying for the leaders not hoping that they will fail. Not looking at them as the enemies. God's people are told to LOVE GOD, NEIGHBOR AS ONESELF and LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. God wants to save all. God wants to save Pope, Priest, and Conference leaders. SALVATION DOOR IS OPEN FOR ALL MEN let us not CLOSE THAT DOOR by our criticism. Some will walk out and leave the church, but some will stay in the church although under the spirit of hypnosis. "In these days when skepticism and infidelity so often appear in a scientific garb, we need to be guarded on every hand. Through this means our great adversary is deceiving thousands and leading them captive according to his will. The advantage he takes of the sciences, sciences which pertain to the human mind, is tremendous. Here, serpentlike, he imperceptibly creeps in to corrupt the work of God." Ministers and Physicians Drawn Into the Snare-There are doctors and ministers who have been influenced by the hypnotism exercised by the father of lies. Notwithstanding the warnings given, Satan's sophistries are being accepted now just as they were accepted in the heavenly courts. The science by which our first parents were deceived is deceiving men today. Ministers and physicians are being drawn into the snare.-Manuscript 100, 1905. The Past in New Forms-The experience of the past will be repeated. In the future, Satan's superstitions will assume new forms. Errors will be presented in a pleasing and flattering manner. False theories, clothed with garments of light, will be presented to God's people. Thus Satan will try to deceive, if possible, the very elect. Most seducing influences will be exerted; minds will be hypnotized.-Testimonies for the Church 8:293 (1904).
@luciobarros8699 25 дней назад
I totally agree with you comments. I know there are bad things in our churches but if we think we have more light than others, let us stay and educate people sp that they can see what we see. Leaving the church or calling out our sins is NOT what Jesus did or will do.
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@willrobinson247 on Sunday 8th July 8pm AST I will be doing a study showing Ms white said to stay far away from the corrupt churches, not leave Seventh day AdventISM but stay away from the apostasy, stay tuned…
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@luciobarros8699 you saw my video didn’t you? And I’m not in your physical church….. look at that…I can educate you without physically being there….come out from among them, touch not the unclean thing, stay tuned Sunday 8th July 8pm ast for more
@willrobinson247 23 дня назад
@@Thethuzionpanel I'll try to tune in.
@VariFred-yw7nc 22 дня назад
@tracyjohnson3496 26 дней назад
Wearing a baseball cap in church
@onyxsolo1 26 дней назад
The True Church Remnant won't belong to or need to claim any denomination. Through the Holy Spirit they will belong to God and Jesus Christ alone.
@jmasa32 26 дней назад
Wait until there are splits in the remnant, and who claim the true remnant? Time will tell. The so-called remnant is on its way to self destruction
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@onyxsolo1 James 1:27, God has a true church upon the earth
@user-sm3qh5xq1y 22 дня назад
In the depths of one of the most serious conversation regarding the pending martyrdom of the Apostles Christ was both trying to console them and warn them of their fate. In doing so, Christ warns them that as the Sabbath keepers called Christ Satan and persecuted and murdered Christ, the Apostles too would be called Satan and be persecuted as well as murdered. And it is here, that Christ most consoles them saying that when those wicked murder the Apostles, NOT TO FEAR, because, while they KILL THE BODY, *THEY CANNOT KILL THE SOUL* . It is ONLY the body being killed not their soul which live after the death of the body. Thus Christ says in Mt. 10:16-28. 16 “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves. 17 But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to the councils, and *they will scourge you in their synagogues, (notice where they are BEATEN, in the Jewish Synagogue, by the Sabbath keepers) Christ says the Sabbath keepers " Mt. 23:34 "..behold, *I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men* , and scribes: and *of them YOU shall kill and crucify;* and of them shall YOU scourge in *your* synagogues, and *persecute them from city to city* : (Rev. 17vs 6) Back to Mt. 10:18 and ye shall be brought before governors and kings for My sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. 19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak, for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. 20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaketh in you. 21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child; and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death. 22 And ye shall be hated by all men for My name’s sake, but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. 23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another; for verily I say unto you, ye shall not have gone through the cities of Israel till the Son of Man be come. 24 “The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. 25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household! ( *the Church* ). 26 Fear them not therefore, for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, and hid that shall not be known. 27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light; and what ye hear in the ear, that *preach ye upon the housetops.* 28 And fear NOT them that KILL the BODY, *BUT ARE NOT ABLE TO KILLL THE SOUL;* but rather fear Him that is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. *Please read carefully the words of Christ to his apostles in verse 27. The apostles were to PREACH THESE VERY WORDS "UPON THE HOUSETOPS" . And, the words are clearly that they that kill the body *CANNOT BE KILL SOUL* The Adventists and JWs alike both preach that the wicked CAN KILL BOTH BODY AND SOUL as do the Atheists. Thus, when St. Stephen the Sabbath keepers gnashed their teeth on St. Stephen like a bunch of rabid wolves and then stoned him, St. Stephen said in Acts 7:59 And they stoned Stephen as he called upon God and said, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!”, for he had been well taught the words of Christ, that those KILL THE BODY *CANNOT KILL THE SOUL* Contrary to Ellen G. White the false prophet. The same promises are made to those who are in TORMENTED this LIFE while others are arrogant and selfish, those who suffer are "comforted," in paradise at death, while those who are at comfort in this life, will be tormented IN HADES. (Luke 16:19-31) The Adventists hate these teachings because they are truth and come from Christ. *The Adventist wish to take every consolation from the poor and suffering and the hope of comfort and paradise away from the Christian, and let them die as do Atheists.*
@kydanefrancis3755 18 дней назад
Dr O is a man of god striving for the mastery you don’t know what you talking about pray for your brothers and sisters make sure you are without sin
@Thethuzionpanel 17 дней назад
@@kydanefrancis3755 he is a false prophet that have prophesied falsely
@christ7ta484 26 дней назад
1:19:00 The quote is not given with the source taken from, and I cannot find it in the EGW2 app!
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@christ7ta484 hmm… not surprised that you’re not finding it, plz see Ellen White 1888 materials for similar statements where she spoke of the rejection of the 1888 message, that’s still there on the EGW apps. Also see the book The 1888 message re examined by pastor’s Weiland and Short, just search for it online there’s a free pdf to download, they have quoted extensively sources from ms white showing that the message was rejected.
@Simon-Simon-Simon 21 день назад
Tho pastor ISACC.O performs baptism in new sda creed co eternal co equal I do my own study you do present straight truth The apostle here contrasts the mortal state with the immortal; the present imperfect, with that which will be perfect; the cloudy present while we walk by faith, with the open glory of the life to come. Here, we only know in part, prophesy in part; there, that which is in part will be done away. Here, we see through a glass darkly; there, face to face. Here, we know in part; there, we shall know, even as we are known. Charity, or love, will never end. Here, it is the highest Christian grace; there, it will be the crowning glory of immortals forever and forever. In this sense, love will never fail. But prophecies will fail, tongues will cease, and knowledge will vanish away. The light of heaven through the dim medium of these, and the other gifts of the Holy Spirit, is represented as being only in part, and is to be superseded by the perfect day of glory when we may talk face to face with God, Christ, and angels, as our first parents talked with God in Eden before sin entered. But when? This is the vital question. When were the gifts to be done away? Let Paul answer: “But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” “And let all the people say, Amen.” 3SG 14.1 FACE TO FACE - with GOD + SON AND ANGELS where is this third BEING ? JESUS was ordained means he was NOT ORDAINED as a SON The great Creator assembled the heavenly host, that He might in the presence of all the angels confer special honor upon His Son. The Son was seated on the throne with the Father, and the heavenly throng of holy angels was gathered around them. The Father then made known that it was ordained by Himself that Christ, His Son, should be equal with Himself; so that wherever was the presence of His Son, it was as His own presence. The word of the Son was to be obeyed as readily as the word of the Father. His Son He had invested with authority to command the heavenly host. Especially was His Son to work in union with Himself in the anticipated creation of the earth and every living thing that should exist upon the earth. His Son would carry out His will and His purposes but would do nothing of Himself alone. The Father's will would be fulfilled in Him. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-oRMB4uqW9jM.html our church with this new theology has "STRIPPED" THE 3 ANGELS message of light to ISLAM to CATHOLIC WHAT BOTHERS ME AFTER SEEING THIS our theologines say ARIAN OR JW instead of APOSTOLIC OR AUGUSTINIAN where the bible writers ARIAN these labels are just labels like calling someone a JESUIT
@qanaqa33174 25 дней назад
Do you believe in the "Soul Sleep" doctrine?
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@qanaqa33174 not familiar with it, what is it?
@qanaqa33174 24 дня назад
@@Thethuzionpanel 🤔 very interesting you are. Soul sleep is something SDA taught... A belief that the body and soul are the same thing.
@user-sm3qh5xq1y 23 дня назад
***ADVENTISTS LISTEN UP***** As you read this, keep in mind that Ellen G. White says "an Angel" told her this *regarding the doctrine eternal punishment!* Quote: "Said the angel, Life is life, whether it is in pain or happiness". *"DEATH IS WITHOUT PAIN, without joy, without hatred."* (Volume 1 Chapter 19 Spiritual Gifts volume 1, chapter 19 *Ellen G. White is in total CONTRADICTION to the very words of Christ in Matthew 13:42 *“And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there SHALL be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”* 1. Matthew 8:12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be *weeping and gnashing of teeth.* 2. Matthew 13:42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: *there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.* Matthew 13:50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: *there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.* Matthew 22:13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and *cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.* Matthew 24:51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: *there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.* 3. *REPEATEDLY ELLEN G WHITE CALLS THE WORDS OF CHRIST "SATAN" IN CHAPTER 19. *Only Satan Himself would bring such a denial of the reality of pain and suffering to the sinner as to mock Christ's explicit warning!* Whom the Adventist's then Call Christ Himself and refer to as "Satan" , "A TYRANT" and a "monster worse than Hitler" . The Adventist have a conscience seared with a red hot iron! Hell is described as a place of intense suffering and despair, where the reality of eternal separation from God manifests as physical and emotional torment. *The imagery of wailing and gnashing of teeth conveys the deep regret and anguish experienced by those therein.* Mark 9:43-44“And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that NEVER shall be quenched: *Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.”* Jesus teaches the seriousness of avoiding sin, even to the point of taking drastic measures, as Hell is a place of unquenchable fire where torment is eternal. *The reference to an undying worm and unquenchable fire stresses the continuous and relentless nature of punishment in Hell.*
@leanmerrykangwarah4924 23 дня назад
​@@qanaqa33174 theriz no such doctrine in SDA
@Thethuzionpanel 23 дня назад
@@user-sm3qh5xq1y where did you copy and paste this nonsense from. Firstly you twist Ms white’s statements to mean something else and then you twist the scriptures to answer your own insinuations. Hell is the grave, throughout the scriptures the word in Hebrew is Sheol, it means the pit or the grave, the Greek is Hades, which means the same thing, the grave. Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,10 shows that when a person dies they don’t know anything, how can someone with no consciousness have regret or be conscious of pain???? We are told their love, hatred, envy is perished, so they cannot feel emotions and experiences. So…**ADVENTISTS LISTEN UP** don’t pay this false doctrine here any mind, the dead know not anything. At the end of the millennium we are told in Revelation 20, that hell fires COME DOWN FROM GOD OUT OF HEAVEN, so there is no hell fires existing now below the surface of the earth.
@Walton-zf1zx 24 дня назад
You are unbelievable! Its clear to me who your working for , whose spirit you possess , and its not the spirit of Christ .
@Thethuzionpanel 22 дня назад
@@Walton-zf1zx can you point out what was said wrong in the presentation?
@AmosJuste 26 дней назад
Sister I have been listening to you over an hour and I am trying to figure out where you belong. Do you believe that you are an anointed one speaking with authority from God?
@anng7514 26 дней назад
I do not understand the attack against Pastor O. He is one of the principled pastors who speaks out against the apostasy in the church. He upholds the standards. Please pray for these people who run this Thuzion church and channel. Deception is a real thing.
@danieloostendorp9286 25 дней назад
​@@anng7514 He is obsessed with Sunday law and mark of thr beast and the whole congregation follows. Jesus said go out and preach the gospel baptize in the name of Father Son and Holy Spirit.
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@AmosJuste I am from the Thusia Seventh Day Adventist church the revival of true and original adventism, plz follow our church page in Facebook for more studies
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@anng7514 did you know that pastor olatunji have prophesied a Sunday law to come in COP 26, cop 27, cop 28, cop 29, laudato si, laudato deum, this June give in the g7 summit, and a Sunday law never came? What does the Bible say about the prophet that prophesy something and it doesn’t come to pass? He is not following the prophecy of Revelation 13:11-17 to see how the real Sunday law will actually come, the guy is a false prophet!!!!
@Walton-zf1zx 24 дня назад
​Some people are just wicked and evil ! I have listened to this man sunday law update, never heard him made a date as to when the sunday law is coming . Some of you people are Satan's right hand man ! Working for the devil and think your doing God's work ! I know God PESONALLY for myself and will not be deceived by PEOPLE ! All of a sudden everyone has a word from God ! Everyone saying this and that ! One thing I know is some people do not have the Spirit of Christ in them , because if they did they would know what truth is , some people are just all hell bend and accusing and sowing the seed of discord .
@tracyjohnson3496 26 дней назад
IT'S TRUE THOUGH! What Bible are you reading ?😂
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@tracyjohnson3496 what are you referring to?
@jadedone1937 20 дней назад
I hope ya'll tell Jesus "no thank you" when he hands you your crown of jewels in heaven. If jewelry is a sin on earth, why wouldnt it be a sin in heaven? But people never question this and want to believe everything Ellen White says when the woman had so many contradictions to the bible.
@Thethuzionpanel 20 дней назад
@@jadedone1937what next are? are you gonna say that you hope we don't walk on the streets of gold too? have you questioned where the wearing of jewellery came from? Their meaning? How many contradictions are in those pagan teachings behind the wearing of various jewellery?
@jadedone1937 20 дней назад
​@@Thethuzionpanel I dont wear amulets to signify worship to another god nor do I wear healing crystals or the like. I wear my wedding ring though and I have yet to come across any bible text saying it's a sin to wear jewelry. When people were being told to remove their jewelry in the bible it was a consequence of their behavior. When the apostle said " let it not be the outward adorning" it was talking about beauty that was skin deep. True beauty comes from within but never was jewelry prohibited. Why would God call us His precious jewels? Why did God tell the people in Exodus 3:22 " but each woman shall ask of her neighbor, and any woman who lives in her house, for silver and gold jewelry, and for clothing. You shall put them on your sons and on your daughters" if jewelry was a sin? I dont care what Ellen White says, she doesnt trump what the bible says and I'm not here to argue. I'm here to inspire critical thinking and for people to question the traditions SDA have been taught. The texts about jewelry have been misinterpreted .
@jadedone1937 20 дней назад
​@@Thethuzionpanel BTW .......I havent counted the number of contradictions. Why would I?
@Thethuzionpanel 19 дней назад
@@jadedone1937 God told the children of Israel that, not for their adorning, but to use it to build the sanctuary, Paul addressed the outward adorning because that’s the problem with the jewels, ppl focus on that and exalts themselves and their outward appearance, and self exaltation is the opposite to being born again. Where did rings originate? Did you employ your critical thinking to find that out that much? It’s the same amulets to signify worship to another god, so you reject amulets but yet you keep one and say it signifies your marriage? Nonsense. And these things didn’t originate with Ellen white, it is principles embedded in scripture and written in history
@jadedone1937 19 дней назад
@@Thethuzionpanel I wasnt even addressing anything you said, I was responding to Dr O because he was seriously trippin! Regardless what God told the people to build the temple with the text that I quoted saying for parents to put the jewelry on their children is still there which tells me it isnt a sin. That's like God saying to "go fornicate" in one instance and then redacting it in another. No! That's not how He works. It's the same for me all across the board. The bible is clear on what sin IS and will keep us from heaven. If u feel jewelry is a sin then dont wear it. I have not been convinced it's a sin and until I am. I will continue to wear it and still maintain my humility and relationship with Jesus. If u wanna argue or block my comments like others have go ahead but I wasnt even responding to you.
@user-os4xg5cm2s 25 дней назад
Grace and peace and then you calling down fire. and brimestone on members... You should say battle, war and tribulation...
@Thethuzionpanel 22 дня назад
@@user-os4xg5cm2s how many times have the apostle Paul start his epistles with the term Grace and peace and went on to correct false doctrines and showed men that they would be lost if they reject salvation?
@lillydrew 24 дня назад
That is not for you to decide lady ! GOD knows who are his , you don't know who is converted or not. Stop pointing fingers , you don't know who's future is dark from who's isn't. Only God knows who heart is right with him . People say the same things about you and your followers , you ain't no saint yourself, People can say your not converted yourself, you are preaching false doctrine yourself,.
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@lillydrew did you look at the evidences I've shown, I didnt just say it, I showed evidences of how and why. Plz address the evidences shown
@rodneysmith3578 26 дней назад
Sister , You are wrong . The SOP was evident in the life of EGW.
@anng7514 26 дней назад
Please pray for this sister and the others with her. They may be sincere but they are wrong.
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@rodneysmith3578 wrong about? Did I say Ms white did not have the Spirit of Prophecy?
@rodneysmith3578 24 дня назад
@@Thethuzionpanel Sister , That gift was given to the SDA church as evident in the life of EGW.
@user-os4xg5cm2s 25 дней назад
Pastor O. is standing up for righteousness... This is an evil attack..The devil is the accuser of the brethren... Woe to all unconverted members not only ministers... instead of bashing members of sda church start to pray, bruise your knees and stop playing the Holy Spirit....
@anng7514 25 дней назад
Exactly!! They are bashing the wrong person. Pastor O is an outstanding servant of God who stands for truth and righteousness while reproving wrong. The devil is certainly behind this and it is not from God. These people need prayers. Please let us pray for them.
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@user-os4xg5cm2s can you show the evidences I showed in the video above to be wrong? How will the sifting take place?
@user-vq6pi3nu4j 26 дней назад
From the time i see you praying with your head uncovered, that was it for me, no more viewing. Babylon and Confusion sure to follow.
@ratie2893 26 дней назад
Mannn why we be like that. We all trying to get to the same place.. but some of you. Jesus never had that kind of spirit. We are all in need of grace. The fact that you are convicted in one thing don’t make you above others.. 😢😢😢
@anng7514 25 дней назад
@@ratie2893 Exactly!! What they are doing to Pastor O is not right. Dr. O is a servant of God who stands for truth and speaks out against wrong.
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@user-vq6pi3nu4j seems like you missed the verse that came after showing the the woman’s hair is given for her covering
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@anng7514 pastor O stands on the pulpit with the torch of false prophecy from the hellish torch of satan
@harmonybridge2740 24 дня назад
​@@Thethuzionpanel I can say the same thing about your ministry, your ministry is from the pits of hell !
@garfieldpassley3720 26 дней назад
Many women in the church will not be saved
@Thethuzionpanel 24 дня назад
@@garfieldpassley3720 what do you mean?
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Просмотров 1,7 тыс.
LGBTQ+ vs The Bible | Mark Finley
Просмотров 93 тыс.