
A sci-fi vision of love from a 318-year-old hologram | Monica Byrne 

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50% 1

Science fiction writer Monica Byrne imagines rich worlds populated with characters who defy our racial, social and gender stereotypes. In this performance, Byrne appears as a hologram named Pilar, transmitting a story of love and loss back to us from a near future when humans have colonized the universe. "It's always funny what you think the future is going to be like versus what it turns out to be," she says.
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30 май 2016




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@Ultranerdguy 8 лет назад
So much hate for a story so beautiful. People are complaining that this isn't science, but that's not what TED is about. Their motto is "Ideas worth spreading", and what better way to inspire ideas that with an emotional story. Not to mention, TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, so this clearly fits here as it incorporates all 3 into it. I'm personally looking forward to more material like this in the future.
@wmjessemiller 8 лет назад
@chickerdee 8 лет назад
I very much enjoyed this performance and don't understand the strong negative reactions either.
@wmjessemiller 8 лет назад
***** what didn't make sense? guess that's a hard question to answer. I interpreted as .. In the pursuit of trying to extend life we may loose what makes life worth living. You can decide to never leave your house to be safe but miss out on the world. Same thought.
@wmjessemiller 8 лет назад
Sci fi is a way to show different possibilities and or show current things in a different package. Watch star trek you'll see different species used as an analog for rascism
@wmjessemiller 8 лет назад
+Jan Jappie Ukelele lol you got me...
@liquididentity101 8 лет назад
I appreciated it for the story, the feleing, and the thought... but I still felt it didn't end satisfactorily. Also, the comments section reminds us just how misunderstood art is, and how much creativity is being disregarded. Attention spans now can't handle even a 12 minute piece of dramatic art.
@cavv0667 8 лет назад
art/trash... that's how opinions go when you decide to hit the edge of a median.
@AnnaHappen 8 лет назад
No kidding!
@masoncantrell787 8 лет назад
I thought it was beautiful
@samuelspencer5047 8 лет назад
I like your comment, I know I could like would rather you and every one else knows it
@viiesBklass 8 лет назад
This is art. This is her vision. Why put dislike right away?
@kianheus2487 8 лет назад
Technology Entertainment Design
@JohnZ117 6 лет назад
How is the title misleading? It directly says it's sci-fi (science fiction), and her story is fiction based on scientific ideas.
@aisera1986 8 лет назад
Dear Monica, thank you for this beautiful story... I lost my mum 6 months ago and I think a lot about life and its meaning. Your story has touched my heart. I realise more and more that the meaning of my life is love and care (other things don't matter so much) and I will miss my mum's gentle touch for ever. THANK YOU
@BrotherWoody1 8 лет назад
Beautiful, imaginative & poetic performance that mirrors Ms. Byrne's cosmicly sensate philosophy & desires. It evokes a situation in which, most humans will find themselves situated: unable to choose between Kurzweil's eternity in a matrix of holograms & engineered parts to once having been born but now refusing to die. "if you will it, you will live through death" says the fully human psyche. Surely, that's to be the greatest performance art of all. I thoroughly enjoyed this vid.
@TheWolfHowling 8 лет назад
I love this story. It really makes you think. What good is having eternal life if you could never again have the most important thing in your life?
@avedic 8 лет назад
It's sad/hilarious how utterly myopic some people are. More than anything, I feel sorry for them. They literally experience an emotional disgust reaction to anything they aren't capable of understanding. I'm so _grateful_ I was born with a mind that is immune from such existential constraints. Those other people will live out their entire lives without ever understanding or experiencing the full potential this universe has to offer. And the saddest part is...they're completely _unaware_ of this, and will even deny it.
@EpicMRPancake 8 лет назад
"Maybe life only has meaning because it ends" It's thinking like this that inhibits study of life extension.
@reNNDinclusus 8 лет назад
"Any mindset that serves as an obstacle for what I believe to be the only objectively righteous endeavor is automatically the problem." It's thinking like this that inhibits many from growing, both intellectually and emotionally.
@vorlonagent 8 лет назад
I am at times critical of the political content that passes for profundity in some Ted talks. So it behooves me to also call out ones that go above and beyond in fulfilling Ted's catchphrase, "Ideas worth spreading." This was excellent.
@dkkempion8744 8 лет назад
Performance Art. Not technology but it is what it is.
@AnimeSummit 8 лет назад
the E in TED is Entertainment.
@ckcody19 8 лет назад
+Anime Summit it's Education....l.
@Ultranerdguy 8 лет назад
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, according to the TED website
@kinsmed 8 лет назад
She mentions design at the beginning, so I'd say it found all three elements.
@AnimeSummit 8 лет назад
***** Nope. Not Education.
@MightyZeus 8 лет назад
Intense performance..one of a kind. She puts her thoughts into your brain effectively. Genius.
@robbradley1337 8 лет назад
Thumbs up from me. I normally hate anything remotely artsy/theatrical/whatever, but this woman can tell a story. She kept me riveted. Doesn't really belong on TED, but I'm glad that I got to see it. :D
@samuelspencer5047 8 лет назад
You and I both brother, however I am glad that Ted posted it because if they hadn't we may never have seen this magnificent video with incredible analogies
@1ucasvb 8 лет назад
Looks like TED ran out of ideas worth sharing.
@itsmaxmint 8 лет назад
@jestamonkey 8 лет назад
you just don't understand the reasoning or the story behind it, its full of ideas! existential ideas!
@funilast1121 8 лет назад
Don't you understand what TED is? They can't run out of ideas because they don't create these ideas. They allow speakers to come and share their ideas and stories in this platform.
@ahmet0777 4 года назад
@@funilast1121 this is the answer of what i really need to see here bro
@KatyLawson 8 лет назад
I haven't properly watched this yet, but the dislike ratio is stupid. It is Technology Entertainment and Design, and this is entertainment with a theme of technology, in a weirdly designed way.
@MarkLucasProductions 8 лет назад
The value of this is in its poetry. A simple performance piece brilliantly written and brilliantly delivered.
@caseyd85 8 лет назад
I think it's beautiful and an idea worth sharing
@avedic 8 лет назад
Agreed entirely.
@epederson92 8 лет назад
This was truly beautiful. Being a scientist, it is hard to remember that there are aspects of our lives, while one day we may be able to describe accurately, are still difficult to accept and reason with. The universe follows entropy, as she says. While we can master and reduce its effects, it will always be a part of who and what we are, and of the universe we inhabit. Accepting this is perhaps the most difficult part of truly understanding how our universe operates, as well as the limitations that are inherent in our existence.
@Ishipzalldathings 8 лет назад
I think this is Brilliant and Beautiful, none of you seem to get the point.
@kdoe1305 8 лет назад
Not all of us are artistic. We are all different. You would be the type of person who would understand this, at least I hoped.
@Ishipzalldathings 8 лет назад
K Doe Yes of course, I didn't mean for it to come off as I didn't :) I just don't like seeing people bring something down, for something they do not understand.
@briannafries3866 8 лет назад
Well done. A very unique reminder of the one thing that is a unifier for all humanity and poses a great question as to why we feel the need to fight what may in fact be a blessing. Very well done
@clairbearonabroom 8 лет назад
we are more than consciousness; we have mass , mass interrelates. photons and force fields anchor us into 'feeling' space . feeling here have been discussed as the denser , slower movement of energy , touch and intimacy the reward for brief physicality. pain and loss and longing are presented as more 'real', as experiences, than pure consciousness and light. the curse of mortality ,gives substance to life and makes the experience more exquisite for it's brevity. there is an old merlin/arthur parable about a wish for immortality . the' wisher' spends eternity as a disembodied spirit , a voice in a cobalt blue coloured jar , suspended from the ceiling of a cave. here is a lovely , sci-fi-esque retelling of the old tale. neither story outlines that consciousness is eternal , but for a brief confinement to the slower vibration of the physical experience. perhaps her statement "i've got to get back to the physical" , is the very sentiment that engenders or initiates incarnation , from the place where concsiousness is, but form is not?
@kikotanto2980 8 лет назад
In which a science fiction author depicts that everything will change in the future, and yet still be the same, we will still die, will still fell sad for our passed loved ones, will still be criticised by choices that only affect us and not the people criticising us.
@chantaladkins7152 8 лет назад
Forget y'all; this was beautiful! I think that TED understands that art and storytelling are important to the human experience. No, it's not a video of the guy that made the world's first milk powered computer, but TED is full of presentations on quality of life and ways to understand the situations of others, isn't it? It doesn't directly affect the world around us, but it makes us think yeah? This monologue is meant to make us remember humanity in a world that continues to remove itself from it, and that life has meaning because it ends. Is life still life if we divorce ourselves from our bodies and continue as a picture and a consciousness? Are the physical parts of life what make us human? I think these things now because she made and performed a piece of art. This is an idea worth sharing.
@samuelspencer5047 8 лет назад
This video is beautiful and greatly appreciated, most of the people complaining do not understand what the woman was saying, as a result they result to the most typical statements (that it was bad). An advice to you all, understand the video and then you can criticise.
@jjfitz10 8 лет назад
Very entertaining. I wouldn't mind seeing more artistic performances from this channel.
@ozdergekko 8 лет назад
Beautiful story, beautifully performed.
@Kaboomthensprinkles 8 лет назад
Beautiful writing. I love this. Its art, imagination and love!! I love this so much!!
@furkan3945 8 лет назад
Although I'm more into science, I have to admit that this is an awesome work.
@Thegayweasel 8 лет назад
Also, TED, thanks for sharing this
@stephenclarke01 8 лет назад
Watched at double speed - this is brilliant, x.
@UberMegustador 8 лет назад
this video was 80% cringe,10%interesting and 10% uninteresting
@1ucasvb 8 лет назад
100% pretentious.
@W4lui 8 лет назад
I lost it when she started naming random cities.
@samuelspencer5047 8 лет назад
I love this video, maybe if you keep watching it you will comprehend the purpose of this video, this video insinuates a lot of message which I greatly appreciate, at the end she spoke that she found the solution to sustaining longer presence with her loved one, it was too late because she lost her loved one, and her action to die with her loved one was regrettable because while she was on earth (dead) she found out that there was some one alive that had the characteristics and mentality of her loved one Naveed, a person that was worthy of being her lover. Please watch it again with open mind and the interest to learn and understand
@mirandac8712 5 лет назад
@@W4lui "New Tehran, in the Sea of Tranquility....That's where Navid and I met." There should be a law against lines like this.
@wmjessemiller 8 лет назад
I loved this! Had some science talk in there..(lets be fair most scifi is mostly babble anyway). Emotional in a good way... The part about going to earth to nice was a nice sentiment. It reminded me the Leonardo Decaprio movie the island. In the movie a people find a paradise island but when one of them gets bitten by a shark he is cast away because his moans of pain are killing their mood. I think this performance was beautiful performance.
@SurfaceCafe 8 лет назад
It did challenge my patience... good performance in terns of "technology". Large room to improvement
@Jasmohan 8 лет назад
Before leaving a negative comment, please watch the video till the end. There is a hidden meaning behind it about man and his quest for eternal life to the point of losing a quality which makes us human.
@kinsmed 8 лет назад
"We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives." -Plan 9 from Outer Space Congrats on alternate views, TED.
@AnnaHappen 8 лет назад
What a eloquently delivered thoughts on design and creation concepts. This was actually a great way to connect scientifically with creatives and those who explore the world through heart. There's a place for every one and every method of learning. Might not be your cup of tea and that's ok. Check your egos. Not everything needs to be declared invalid simply because it is not tailored to your style of learning or expressing. Get over yourself. This was objectively a brilliant message and a brilliant delivery.
@CellarPhantom 8 лет назад
Cool vision! :)
@FrisnoB 8 лет назад
I liked it, wiping tears.
@communistninja9 8 лет назад
Don't think people realize what the 'E' stands for in TED...
@loisewilliam9515 8 лет назад
constraints dont constraint they allow perfect freedom
@letsgoiowa 8 лет назад
The only good part about it IMO
@loisewilliam9515 8 лет назад
@jeffreystewart6786 8 лет назад
I loved this.
@sargecad3t 8 лет назад
Yo, TED, I'm real glad ya'll are patrons of the arts and all but there is no science here.
@AnimeSummit 8 лет назад
Technology ENTERTAINMENT and Design. what part requires science?
@chunglee6895 8 лет назад
This is mind blowing.
@yusufsuliman10 8 лет назад
That paradox was amazing
@shellbug3100 8 лет назад
touching story
@Joxman2k 8 лет назад
Very interesting. I have always thought of in order to be creative you must be thinking IN the box, not think outside it. I like her version of the concept better, it is very succinct ...creativity requires constraint :)
@timepanda3206 8 лет назад
This is great. I hope this is how life becomes in the future
@CodeLeeCarter 7 лет назад
That was an awesome Sci-Fi story, thank you
@st1gzee 8 лет назад
a monologue to touch the soul of every listener
@OrionSchmidt 8 лет назад
This is not a new concept in sci-fi. It's nearly a trope at this point, but I thought the story was well written and well performed. I'd love to see more content like this from TED.
@ydin9 8 лет назад
Wau! Looks like Stephenie Meyer has some competition in Byrne. I haven't heard such degrading dollarstore romance novel dripple disguised as "sci-fi" since The Host.
@yigitmamadjanov5489 3 года назад
I would be able to listen forever to my grandpa moan about his arthritis, rheumatism, and other -tises and -isms with that sound background. No wonder she chose it.
@78beast 8 лет назад
this deserves a full script... for sci-fi fans it would make a great movie. It would fit under THX1138, Soilent Green, Fahrenheit and movies like those.
@jerrylittlemars 8 лет назад
Seems TED ran out of ideas worth sharing...
@tadficuscactus 8 лет назад
People don't want to die because they think it is the end of everything for them. I don't think it is though. I don't mind about dying so much, I just don't want to get old while I'm alive.
@rubenssiomusic 8 лет назад
@DheerajBhaskar 8 лет назад
Wow! Just wow!
@banyentertainment 8 лет назад
poo in the loo
@alexandriaraplee9075 8 лет назад
I really enjoyed this.
@Cr42yguy 8 лет назад
so is TED becoming the next MTV? this has nothing to do with the original tech-heavy TED. this is art, not science!
@TapeLeg 8 лет назад
Remember that TED talk where the guy just talks about tying your shoes slightly differently?
@nikensasmitha3285 8 лет назад
remember that TED talk where a guy teach the audience to draw ?
@jeremecastro664 3 года назад
Byrne's vision of things to come was propelled to some degree by Kim Stanley Robinson's 2312, in which people accomplish the key to interminable life, to a limited extent, that is. In Byrne's story-since it is unmistakably an incredible bit of short and theoretical fiction, regardless of whether it's performed rather than worked out-the normal human life expectancy is around 432 years. Byrne has explained her own discussion, sharing her different motivations; notwithstanding multiplying Robinson's expectation for human life expectancy, she obtains the Radchaai's utilization of the pronouns "she" and "her" to depict all individuals from Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice.
@JustOneAsbesto 8 лет назад
I love sci-fi. But I won't be reading any of her books any time soon.
@Beefyrulz 8 лет назад
This isn't really what I subscribe to TED for, but I must admit I did quite enjoy it. It was a rather interesting piece, just doesn't really fit the norm for TED uploads in my opinion.
@shadowx089 8 лет назад
granted...I would like holograms to be a thing before i die so I can at least upload my conscious to it and answer any questions anyone has about the past and what life was like...and what we ignored.
@mellissataylor5368 4 года назад
YEEEESSSSS MONICA!!! I'm waiting for that next book lady. Don't be a tease 😉😘
@MScEDTA 8 лет назад
I love this, this is art for me!
@chaos6130 7 лет назад
Following the rules, that's the nature, day by day, independent to the will.
@nikensasmitha3285 8 лет назад
this is amazing
@TheRoomcleaner 8 лет назад
nice art. much tears. wow
@ursulamcquinn9366 4 года назад
I started this wishing to enjoy it and then trying to give it a chance, but the affectations and repeated tic of her self-satisfied chuckle after every hoary ripoff from a high school physics textbook and the constant sputtered exhalations of astonishment -- how can a person so beautiful and at the same time so brilliant possibly be so generous as to share this with a public? -- became suffocating
@mirandac8712 5 лет назад
A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. (Wilde)
@MissMarinaCapri 8 лет назад
Freeky Sci fi vid. Made my mind travel to places I really do not like to go in my thoughts, to sad.
@2486trixie 8 лет назад
This is beautiful.
@cavv0667 8 лет назад
2:35 .... that's where the video "mysteriously" ended.
@cavv0667 8 лет назад
That was pointless, poorly "acted" and poorly conceptualized... not sure how it made it onto TED... It was like some sort of Quaaluded Flash-Gordonesk mind blow for bad writers and worse presenters. I love Flash Gordon... not sure how this became something... Erase it before it gives cancer to the cloud!!!
@HalfassDIY 8 лет назад
beautiful !
@forgetfuldon1136 8 лет назад
I only watch ted talks that have 40% dislikes or more. They make me chuckle
@ellabun 8 лет назад
This is amazing...
@hanselldsouza9455 8 лет назад
Really cool !!
@williamlee9103 8 лет назад
Very interesting, very contemplative.
@dxdx666 8 лет назад
I agree with you Jayden James
@sol20051 8 лет назад
This is beautiful
@tjayjoel5898 8 лет назад
Seems like mutations which alter our genetic composition would be the causal effect for "superhuman" abilities in the distant future
@Benjo-cg6ho 8 месяцев назад
no entiendo lo que dice, pero por que me llama la atencion, luego lo vere con subtitulos pero en ingles tiene una esencia que vaya atrapa.
@arthurdent6256 8 лет назад
FLASH AAAAAaaaaaaaa savior of the uniVERSE!!!!
@Vloke6 8 лет назад
That was indescribably beautiful, I'm not even going to try!
@LoudPackNapLife 8 лет назад
Yo this was great.
@majorgreenz2811 8 лет назад
what the hec ? thought i was watching T.E.D. :(
@artemisa5456 8 лет назад
@Praecantetia 8 лет назад
@letsgoiowa 8 лет назад
And my previous comment got deleted. Again, why did TED post this?
@AnimeSummit 8 лет назад
because it happened at a TED event
@cierrablue 8 лет назад
It's the E part of TED I guess. Entertainment apparently. I wasn't very entertained though. Talk about overacting!
@AnimeSummit 8 лет назад
Dursly Because fiction has never done anything good for the world /sarcasm
@cierrablue 8 лет назад
All I said was that I wasn't entertained. Don't get so defensive. I like a lot of fiction. I just didn't like this. I didn't say anything trollish about it. But your backhanded snarky comment, definitely troll-bait.
@samuelspencer5047 8 лет назад
Not only is it worth posting, it is also a beautiful and appreciated video, which I love and I am a 20 year old male, I love! This particular video. Those who complain about lack the ability to comprehend the implications. That is one thing that I have noticed
@zecon5890 8 лет назад
We were both artists, downtown.
@PhoenixRebirthed 8 лет назад
I loved it
@dragony3931 8 лет назад
@MaximC 8 лет назад
They could have used a real hologram...
@CarolWalker 24 дня назад
Wow! 😮 love it 🥰
@nancyrocha95 5 лет назад
@davidschmidt5507 8 лет назад
I think it's hopeful to believe that humans will be around in 318 years.
@ShadyProductionsMC 8 лет назад
sees like dislike ratio. nvm then
@seamasceallaigh7776 8 лет назад
Reminds me of Twilight Zone, Ray Bradbury. Thank you for a beautiful story.
@gianni206 8 лет назад
Don't know what's worse: this or the one where Anita Sarkiseen cried about her lack of thick skin. Again.
@camilar.n.7980 8 лет назад
I really liked it, but it was sad :c
@kathywolf4558 8 лет назад
I like this.
@therealking6202 8 лет назад
Couldn't watch the whole thing. First off not at all what I was expecting. But i gave it a shot anyways. About halfway through I felt her actions to predictable, almost like I was watching a high school soliloquy. Ted Talks are delivered by some of the most riveting speakers and ideas...so if you're going to go this route, you have to come strong... and I don't think she did. Now it feels WAY out of place.
@dursly 8 лет назад
awful writing, awful acting. but hey it challenges gender stereotypes so it must be worthwhile. (i was going to wait until the end to post this but that line about elementary particles,...)
@dursly 8 лет назад
sick hologram tho
@kikokazuma 8 лет назад
Thought the acting was great. Not sure why you all are spazzing out about this video. I thought it was beautiful. Guess folks are just tight about it not being your usual TED piece.
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