
Adding 6 New Weapons To Our Roguelike - Devlog 1 

Helper Wesley
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27 сен 2024




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@HelperWesley Год назад
Please leave a comment, suggesting how to make the starting weapons more "mechanically unique". 🙏
@RockyMulletGamedev Год назад
Something you have to throw and pick back up could make for a good positioning challenges. Like a spear or a... eum... ball or something.
@HelperWesley Год назад
@@RockyMulletGamedev That would be interesting. 🤔(But don't give Art any more ideas. 😅)
@berinyce Год назад
maybe the sniper being a hitscan and having the damage scale the further an enemy is
@HelperWesley Год назад
@@berinyce The rooms aren't really big enough for that, sadly, but hitscan might be interesting. Forget about the bullet all together and just shot a line across the room along the bullet path. 🤔
@Alex1sn Год назад
you could make the smg shoot a explode on impact grenade every few shots encouraging closer combat but at a risk of damage
@Heo300 Год назад
You can never stop an artist. NEVER!! If they want another weapon they will make it. But good luck.
@HelperWesley Год назад
They did make a few more designs that got thrown out. So at least there's some compromise happening. lol.
@josephdrinkwater8875 Год назад
You could have the Sniper rifle crit at a specific distance, so you have the maintain that distance for double damage, or Sniper rifles could use hit-scan instead of projectile, but but does less damage, The SMG could could let you shoot one bullet at a time slowly or hold to release all the bullets in a arc or it could shoot fast but the bullets randomly move a little off where you're aiming, meaning you have to get close for the most damage, and the hand gun could shoot strong bullets, but has crazy recoil or it shoots fast bullets that destroy projectiles. I'm so glad you're sticking with this game, it looks awesome!
@ozonegamedev Год назад
Wow, the game looks better with every video! For the starting weapons I have an idea for the sniper rifle, although it might be a little too much for a starting weapon, but maybe when you hold the right mouse button time slows down, the camera zooms in and a scope appears on screen which allows you to precisely shoot an enemy.
@HelperWesley Год назад
That would be very cool, but the right mouse button is reserved for character special abilities, anything the guns do would have to work along with normal shooting. And that would slow down gameplay a bit, and we're making a push and adding some mechanics to force players to play faster. 🤔
@rml1064 Год назад
Maybe if you hold the shoot button time slows down. So instead of shoting after you press the shoot bunnon, it shoots after you release the button
@casey040500 Год назад
I really appreciate how open you were to the artists ideas. Seems like you two make a good team.
@HelperWesley Год назад
It helps that we've worked together on other projects. 😅
@gomas1220 Год назад
I think the sniper could give enemies a lot of knockback, that would be cool!
@HelperWesley Год назад
Oh. That would be a neat idea. 🤔
@biggusy25 Год назад
If it could penetrate enemies that'd be awesome. And probably pretty easy to create.
@TSVoid8 Год назад
You should make it like a railgun so it can pierce through all targets in its way. maybe even add obstacles like boxes in the levels that it stops at.
@dandyo.8233 Год назад
Give it really extreme knockback and make enemies ricochet off walls and take more damage... like playing pool.
@maplerendev Год назад
Great video, you guys should add handgun a "Charge" mechanic how much you charge adds more damage.
@DJNerf Год назад
Do this for the sniper
@RainMakeR_Workshop Год назад
You could give one of the guns a charged shot. Think like the Doom 2016 starting pistol or Halos plasma pistol. You can fire it as quickly as you like and do low damage, or you can charge a shot that will kill the fodder enemies in one shot.
@oPixeel Год назад
The Sniper should create a sonic boom effect depending on how far away the enemy that the bullet hit was, which would make it deal more damage and deal extra damage towards nearby enemies.
@dumpster_warrior6643 Год назад
Ideas for the weapon's 👀 1️⃣ Make the player able to throw the hand gun and when it hits an enemy make it shot one or two more enemies before returning to the player. This ability can be upgraded so it shots more enemies before returning to the player . 2️⃣ Give the SMG the ability to have it's magazine be taken of and thrown as an explosive that will freeze enemies making them shatter from only one bullet ( this will only slow down bosses and not make them one-shot). 3️⃣ Give the Sniper a charge shot that can peirce through a lot of enemies and destroy enemy projectiles and the player will be able to upgrade the the size of the charge shot and how fast it charges. Thank you to anyone who reed all of these because it took me like 40+ minute's to come up with and write all of them 🥲
@dracvintal Год назад
1. Handgun An alternate mode that allows you to fire a limited amount of explosive bullets 2. Smg Duel wield 3. Sniper rifle Charge shot
@Goofy_Geek Год назад
You could maybe add recoil to the smg, like it pushes you backwards? Almost like you can get a slight speed boost running away from enemies while shooting them? Also pleeeease let us take multiple weapons into the dungeon, and we can use different weapons in different situations. The game is looking AMAZING, you must definitely release it on steam, good work helper Wesley and art man oil, keep it up!
@tymeq7049 Год назад
i love that more and more pepole start making rougelikes. keep it up ;) (p.s for sniper rifle i recomend the further from enemy,the bigger dmg is)
@Deynum Год назад
I love seeing progress on this game, and good on you for standing your ground at 0.. I mean 3.. sorry 6.... 7 guns, that'll definetly help with giving the game a shorter development period. (also it took me like an hour to get to the end of the video because I kept getting distracted, good video though)
@alu2901 Год назад
1 - I feel like the Hangun should be kept the same, as it is the starting weapon. 2 - Maybe the SMG could have limited ammo and after that ammo ends you could throw the magazine for some extra damage. 3 - Maybe the Sniper Riffle could have a charging mechanic similar to Team Fortress 2, where if you hold shoot a bar fills up and as it fills up the more damage you do when you fire, but your movement speed is VASTLY decreased when you are holding shoot.
@MGilbas Год назад
Maybe add Machina's piercing on full charge to make it even more satisfying to hit fully charged shots.
@masxe4106 Год назад
A timed reload mechanic for the sniper rifle could be fun By that, I mean after every shot there's a small bar above the player and you must press the attack button on a specific timing to be able to shoot again If you miss the timing, there's some small punishment. For example still reloading but the next shot has decreased damage or just having to wait a bit and then try again Dunno about the smg, good luck with that one (also, just saying, a rocket launcher would be cool af to have)
@draco933 Год назад
For the sniper, deal more damage (x2) after the bullet bounce on a wall, and you can call this hability Tricks shot
@khaiphi4630 11 месяцев назад
I think for the pierce gun, having a trigger once while true instead of just checking the bullet overlap only can help solve the enemy eating up all the charges after first hit.
@agdneto3760 Год назад
Here's what I'm thinking: Sniper - This one's slow-mo, but when it hits, bam! Enemies get knocked back in a small blast zone after the first guy's hit. Pistols - Regular shooting, nothing fancy, but maybe throw in a limit on bullets and a time for reloading. SMG - How about it shoots grenades that go kaboom and blow up an area? (what if you switched it up to a grenade launcher? )
@ApollousasBear Год назад
So for the suggestions: - The Sniper has 100% accuracy and gives you a targeting laser from the character towards the mouse and up to the end of the screen which shows you exactly where the bullet will go. Maybe also give it a charge as you hold the trigger which when full gives the shot piercing and more damage, but longer reload time. - The SMG fires in bursts of 3 bullets and has low range but high knockback, to keep those enemies off your back. - The Handgun I think is fine if it is just a basic starting weapon. Maybe change it into a Revolver and give it six shots that can be fired as fast as you can click the trigger, but it needs to reload after every 6th shot. Great video by the way, I really like the game's art style and unified look it is starting to get. One comment on that is I think the gun dude's animation for idling is a bit much, wildly swinging his beard around.
@carterfulghum5245 Год назад
First thing that comes to mind for a mechanical change with the sniper rifle is some way of rewarding the player for accuracy, like a simple damage increase if you keep a streak going of not missing
@Entikai Год назад
Art Man Oil, keep him busy, the game is coming along really well! Here is my suggestion to make the weapons viable. Introduce defense types for the enemies. Something like heavy armor, medium armor, light armor. And then make a rock-paper-scissors effect with the weapons. Sort of like effectiveness and weakness with Pokemon, you always want the right one for the situation. That way, the player will have incentive to switch up the weapons based on what they are facing. The can't just use one weapon all the time.
@justanepicgamer6256 Год назад
The sniper rifle could fire bullets that pierce through enemies and can kill the enemy behind it too The smg could have some sort of bullet spread to make it more fun to use and maybe have a lower skill floor
@Portomat Год назад
Canon that shoots a giant laser that pierces but takes a lot to reload / A mechanical bow that shoots explosives
@firezone8770 Год назад
Now hear me out- the sniper can use two bullets: bullet A does really low damage bullet B is an electric bullet that hits all enemies hit by bullet A (by bouncing from one to another) and builds up damage for every enemy
@rainofda0w024 Год назад
alright, well mechanic wise, I have some ideas. -for the handgun, maybe you could add a simple thing where the "last" bullet of the hand gun (maybe like 6th, to go off of a revolver) is a bigger and faster and more damaging shot -When it comes to sniper's I usually think of range but also precision, so maybe it's bullets start out smaller and have a smaller hit box, but can be the most damaging when they do hit -smg I could see that it fires in bursts and is the one that has a very small cool down before firing again, maybe it's power core needs to cool off or something -random idea for the shotgun, maybe you could have it to where it can have more knockback, allowing you to have a good damaging close range but ensuring higher health enemies don't get too close. also nice seeing the vids again! hope vacation was fun!
@HelperWesley Год назад
Yeah, I'm definitely thinking of making the 6th bullet of the revolver deal more damage, very Jhin from league of legends like. Oh, sniper rifle with smaller bullets to balance higher dmg. 🤔
@height45 Год назад
Hey again,😁 maybe using your gun to bash enemies if you're up close, also try adding some game freeze from your game juice video on the Gdevelop channel!
@HelperWesley Год назад
Might add frame stops to the shotgun, that might be where it's most applicable. 🤔
@Smaxx Год назад
@@HelperWesleyMaybe extending that idea and create a rifle that works a bit like the sniper rifle, does lower damage, but it has a bayonet and allows you to dash forward (you have to hold the button to actually fire), damaging enemies in a line. 😉
@ocks_dev_vlogs Год назад
For piercing bullets that don’t instantly lose all piece charges, a solution can be to have the bullet store what enemies it had already hit, and only deal damage/remove a charge once a new enemy is hit and then added to the list. Or you could do something similar and just store the last enemy it hit instead of a list of all of them, but the idea is the same
@indieramus Год назад
I really appreciate that you empowered your artist to make what they wanted to make. Most of the time, technical constraints dictate what art is made, not the other way around.
@twisted_cpp Год назад
Sniper Rifle could be one of the following: - One shot kill - Have a laser aim so you can fire it from afar with precision - be a pick up and can only fire it like 3-4 times(?)
@CLAPNUGGETSdani Год назад
the sniper: each shot increases fire rate slightly the pistol: charges the more you hold left click, and does more damage the smg: slightly curves towards enemies
@gokusupersaiyan6 Год назад
The sniper can knock enemies back or deal extra damage if you hit the head. The SMG can slow enemies down. Hand gun can make enemies explode dealing small damage in an area.
@ggr070 Год назад
Mechanics for the guns: Pistols should have a charge function, hold left click for a second, and on release it shoots a slightly stronger, bigger projectile. Since submachineguns are known for run’n’gun, they should have a mechanic where if you keep moving, and don’t stop moving, you get a little increased fire rate, and maybe even a little homing to balance out the inaccuracy of having to constantly strafe. Snipers are tricky, but I think that if you pierce two or more enemies in a shot, the rechambering speed of the next shot should be much faster, since fundamentally snipers are about lining up shots, and have high piercing and accuracy, but usually at the cost of speed.
@iicey3102 Год назад
The new art and the new weapons look so damm good,
@adam7280 Год назад
- people are suggesting the pistol be a charge shot like in doom, and I think that would make it extremely tiring to have to tap-fire (i.e. you should totally put that in the game) - what if the sniper needed a second click to load another round after firing? - what if the SMG was actually 2 SMGs, and the second one pointed where you're walking! its a pretty silly idea but I love silly ideas
@DuredduGameDev Год назад
Suggestions for mechanics: 1. Handgun stays default 2. SMG fires in bursts 3 Sniper charges attack to increase damage and accuracy
@oXGoldenHeartXo Год назад
Great Video! loving the new art style, Art Man Oil Has A Lot Of Talent!!! For Your Suggestion: Handgun: Has A Reload Mechanic, Making It Feel Like A Starter Gun. Sniper: Maybe Higher Damage Based On Distance?? SMG: Automatically Shoots Really Fast, Then Has To Reload? Maybe Like 20-ish Projectiles That Deal 1 Dmg? I Feel These Would Make The Weapons Have A Starter Gun Feel, Like They Are Less Complex, And Simpler For Beginners. If you read this far, Thanks for reading!
@melon9089 Год назад
this looks sick! very amazing artwork and the gameplay look def fun! i have an idea for the sword: when slashing a enemy projectile/bullet, the bullet/projectile will be deleted, that would be a nice feature
@HelperWesley Год назад
That was talked about, but it felt a little OP. 😅 It might get added if we find the sword is underpowered, it might be what we do to balance it, but it just felt too strong that way. 🤔
@melon9089 Год назад
@@HelperWesley ah you're probably right, i think a good way to balance it is to be able to slash bullets/projectiles of selected enemies of just low ranked enemies, but u can't slash boss bullets etc..
@Dooby_Gooby 3 месяца назад
For the sniper rifle I think a cool way to handle its mechanical difference is to either add a “charge” where you can hold attack and do more damage depending on how long you hold it, or be able to hold it and slow down time.
@prod.nine88 Год назад
The handgun could have a piercing laser when you charge the gun, kind of like Ultrakill's revolver. I don’t have any good ideas for the SMG, but maybe a small explosive as a secondary fire could be neat! As for the sniper, I really like Risk of Rain 2's railgun (from the Railgunner character) scope mechanic, where holding right click opens a scope and shows enemy weak points as little red targets, so if you shoot that when scoped in you deal a lot more damage. Could be pretty hard to translate that to 2D but I think it’s a fun idea!
@snuck7926 Год назад
Here are my ideas for the guns: Sniper Rifle: Making it hitscan would be cool? Maybe make it so it does more damage if you hit an enemy right after they attack? Hand gun: Make it so it's base damage is not great, but if you time your shots they deal a lot more damage (like some kind of quick-time event or like shoot at a specific interval). SMG: Maybe give it a pretty low magazine size (atleast for a fast shooting gun like an SMG), but make it so it auto-reloads after you kill an enemy with it. Hope you like these ideas 😁
@Slawg14 11 месяцев назад
if you want uniqueness, introduce accuracy, handgun does medium accuracy, sniper has high accuracy, and smg has low accuracy.
@JAK95700 5 месяцев назад
Easy little trick I used to add piercing for my projectiles was to simply add the health behavior to my projectile template late. From there the only difference you would have is instead of projectile collision with enemy and deleting the object, you then subtract the health. Then check if the projectile is dead and delete it
@xray_usa6839 Год назад
Dude you are the most awesomest person ever. You have helped me start my journey in game creation. Thanks a ton bro!!!
@astro90041 Год назад
Hi there HelperWesley, the game looks so cool and im really exited for the overhaul! Now, i dont really have ideas for the weapons but i do have a simple idea that could encourage more replayability, floors Floors will work kinda like this: After defeating a boss, a staircase opens and lets you advance to the next floor, each floor could maybe have different themes (forest, caves, etc.) but probably would be a pain to do. But the main thing about floors could be the difficulty change, the more floors the more difficult it gets, but the better the rewards are This was my silly idea, if you want to use it feel free to change anything about it, your game after all 😅 But yeah, i wish you luck in the game and hope the best for it!
@sadtwolvesfan Год назад
I think a fun idea for the handgun that could play on it being a revolver would be to make reloading more of a mechanic. So when you reload it quickly fills up a bar on the side (like a jumpshot from 2K) and if you fill it perfectly you get a bonus shot in the magazine (maybe more damage) and if you barely or over fill it you get less bullets in the mag. I think it would give the gun more of a skill aspect than an others and could be dopamine machine if its satisfying. The Sniper could be a charge weapon which slows the player down but increases damage, like theyre focusing in on a good shot. I think it would differentiate it alot from the really fast movement of the sword/shotgun gameplay. For the SMG i would make it have a fairlyt tight spread because its the only midrange gun but maybe the longer you hold down the trigger the more spread and more damage to really promote that Rambo-style spray and pray strategy.
@cerberus_des Год назад
Either the Hand gun or SMG could have a bullet that can split into four smaller bullets when it hits an enemy , and maybe the Sniper rifle could have its damage increased based on how close the bullet is to the enemy’s object center , Kinda like an headshot
@PixelPicklez 7 месяцев назад
Im kinda late with this, but the Sniper could shoot a short laser shot you have to Charge up, so It basically has 0 bullet travel time
@thyz4726 Год назад
I have a possible idea for the handgun, how about every so much bullets that the handgun fires, it does extra damage. Or make this in a way where you can charge the shot to do more damage. Good video and promising game btw!
@HalfDrankOJ Год назад
For the hand gun: Maybe every third bullet can bounce off walls (and maybe enemies?). I like the pistol being fairly simple, but this would still be a cool, unique mechanic for it. SMG: Maybe something like, after holding down left-click and firing at least 10 bullets, when you release the button, it fires some kind of energy ball? Sniper: Since the sniper has a slow fire rate, maybe each bullet could briefly slow down enemies it hits. This could let players gain more space from enemies, which would help with the sniper since you can't fire as many shots as other guns to keep enemies away from you. Great video!
@domcripps Год назад
Could always add something where the bullets get stuck in the enemies and then explode like a firework firing shrapnel around it. Would be cool to shoot the SMG and then hear a delayed crackle of each bullet popping.
@jackfire3439 Год назад
damn that art is amazing great work to artman
@Franwow Год назад
For the smg you could make it start off shooting less accurate, and slightly less attack speed, and have the accuracy and attack speed increase the longer you hold it.
@SraLTheKing Год назад
I think it`s easy to get stuck on the thought of the weapons having a "main effect/mechanic". Imo can secondary effects on weapons are valid too. Like being able to place mines and stuff. Or example like gunfire reborn have, being able to throw the smg -> explodes on impact. Neat way to change how the weapons feel without needing the bullet to do certain things.
@acefp7547 Год назад
I think a long trace line bullet would be awesome for the sniper. Bullet variation in general would add a lot of polish to the guns. Hand Cannons feel really good in Destiny. I think it could be a combination of the kick, power and sfx which really sell it
@myk3l9675 Год назад
When I think sniper, I think of HIGH damage, but completely immobile. You dont snipe on the move, thats just an assault rifle. So for snipe, tons of damage, but you have to stop moving and shoot
@Edgejuice Год назад
looking awesome! here are my weapon mechanic ideas: Hand Gun: "default" weapon with most well rounded stats, and a basic shooting mechanic SMG: Rapid fires, but builds up heat as you use it. If it overheats, it stops working and you'd have to wait for it to cool down again. Could be used to deal big damage to single targets for a period of time. Sniper Rifle: Your mouse crosshair becomes very innacurate, however, when you hold down your mouse button, the crosshair starts closing in, becoming more and more accurate, until you release it, shooting the weapon and causing a lot of damage to a target. hope these were at least interesting to you!
@cherubim7 Год назад
Top tier content! Using the same footage for going to and coming back from vacation 😂
@WhimsicalGobelin Год назад
This is absolutely amazing! I love the artstyle and the mechanics you put in place, keep up the great work!
@filipporighetti4267 Год назад
maybe for the smg you could charge the attack pressing the mouse button, than when you release it you shoot a lot of bullets with a lot of spread but very fast. The longer you charge the attack, the faster you shoot the bullets
@PixelPicklez 11 месяцев назад
The sniper could have an instant projectile or more of a laser than a bullet, that doesnt have to travel
@Lupg13_BS Год назад
Sniper rifle could deal more damage the further the bullets travel. Could be interesting
@GlacierGamer2018 11 месяцев назад
make the sniper explode in a blast radius on impact, the smg can make the enemies slower when hit and the hand gun could have an ability were you shoot it a certain amount of times and it eventually has a massive explosive attack
@SmellyRio Год назад
What could be interesting as a weapon or a upgrade is an over health system, where if you overheal it applies more damage to the next shot!
@youtubewatcher6124 Год назад
You need to add a Laser gun that you fires in straight line and you can Hold it instead of clicking It's mechanics is: Range - Long but depends on you maybe good for upgrading Damage - Damage all enemy touching the laser per sec Reloading - Has a cooldown meter if you keep holding it it will overheating and needs to recharge
@PaladinGames-d3q Год назад
Make the sniper a rail gun, that starts out with a laser pointer that shows you where your shooting, and make it explode on impact. Another weapon could be some type of gun that has some type of poison or shoots leechs that attaches to the enemy. A weapon with shatter shot where basically on impact it shoots out smaller shards. I love all your videos and you have inspired some of my content so I hope this will inspire yours! :)
@The_SSSlopper Год назад
It’d be cool if the sniper fires hit-scan bullets. They could leave behind a cool smoke trail to show you their path. This’d convey the gun’s power and make it very satisfying to shoot. The Smg could have a very fast fire rate but have the bullets do very little damage, however if you hit an enemy enough times with them they’d explode or something. The handgun could shoot hands that grab onto enemies to slow them down. Also for the shotgun, to make it feel cooler to shoot give each bullet a random size and velocity and instead of each bullet fading make it shrink gradually (to make it look right it’d have to shoot alot more projectiles). I did this for my game and the shotgun felt extremely satisfying- you can make it so that the bullets do more damage based on their size so therefore as they travel they do less damage. Hopefully you manage to read this
@pingpong-uo9xr Год назад
I think it would be cool if the sniper riffle reduced the cooldown between its first and second shots after the first one hit the enemy. The player will be forced to land every bullets accurately if they want to maintain the speed speed
@ThePuma1012 Год назад
Sniper could do more damage/pierce when standing still, and SMG could increase in fire rate/projectile speed the longer you shoot it. The Hand Gun might just be better off as a regular gun, but if not I think high knockback would work. P.S. I don't think that the Sniper/SMG should have a large increase in effectiveness because these seem like basic guns. Edit: Alternate idea for the sniper, one of the enemies on screen could have a target on them and the sniper would deal +X% more damage to that enemy, after they die a new target would be selected. Edit edit: I honestly have a lot of ideas but I don't want to just spill out a ton of stuff so I'm going to leave it at that.
@τεσττεστ-υ5θ Год назад
idea for the sniper rifle: right clicking puts you into "focus mode" where you move way slower but the damage your next shot you will fire increases with time until you shoot, once you fire your damage boost resets. this would let you deal with single enemies that have a lot of health assuming you can dodge their attacks (so like bosses) but would have a hard time dealing with swarms
@fastkidgaming24 Год назад
A mechanically unique idea for the smg could potentially be bullet spread and for the sniper or shotgun you could add recoiled so you get pushed backwards when you shoot it
@smalism Год назад
Hand gun might work better as a dual wield. Like 2 handguns at the same time, aka shooting 2 bullets at once Shotgun could have a recoil effect on the player. When they shoot it they go backwards and could be pushed backwards more depending on the bullet strength or speed Sniper would be cool if it gave enemies bigger knockback (or if you are feeling you want to enter the 7 layers of development hell maybe add an accuracy measure on the sniper depending on how much you move. Like real life sniper concetratiom) Also love the new profile picture hahaha
@HelperWesley Год назад
Oh gosh, absolute development hell. 😅 I thought about dual-wielding handguns, but two guns would probably make people expect a higher fire rate, which would make it feel more similar to the SMG. What I'm thinking for the hand gun is maybe making every 6th bullet deal extra damage. Hopefully it'll make people be more accurate with that last bullet. 🤔
@Dj-ms5ro Год назад
what if for the handgun theres a version where theres less bullets but theyre stronger and larger with more recoil sorry if this worded awkwardly
@Klausterfull 7 месяцев назад
Swording in the right timing could reflect small bullets :)
@logeiv Год назад
i think the diffrenced of the guns are Hand gun spam to shoot faster, smg you need to charge before you can shoot and sniper would be more like a lazer and pierce infinitly
@DustyWindss Год назад
I think it’s be cool if you held down right click or something with the sniper rifle it gives you a slow-mo effect.
@richusdominique8566 Год назад
The handgun should shoot out a massive open hand. It should slap the first enemy it hits, dealing massive damage and causing AOE damage to the area around it.
@TheSparkgod Год назад
This feels like the entire world vs Wesleys free time and I both feel bad and excited Seriously though this looks like it's gonna be even more great of a game keep it up
@HelperWesley Год назад
That's exactly how I feel about it. 😅 On one hand, I'd like to sleep at some point. On the other hand, the game keeps getting better and better. ⚖😎
@glonkwfuggler6790 11 месяцев назад
@@HelperWesleyyou should definitely release it on mobile! When you’re ready ofc. It looks awesome
@GorbDorb Год назад
The sniper could shoot like supersonic bullets that knock back enemies and have a cool sonic boom affect while flying through the air. The pistol could have bouncing bullets so it feels like you jhon wick or something while using it. And sorry i don’t have any ideas for smg.
@SonicCraft Год назад
konami code lore: If you take a certain path through the portals, you get a hidden treasure or a secret boss to fight, idk
@AsRaTCW Год назад
haven't watched your content in ages, you've come very far
@alexandrajones4518 Год назад
The smg's bullets could spread out more the further they went, like a weird cone.
@Negreb25 Год назад
The SMG will slow enemies a bit The sniper could ignore all targets in the path and directly hit what you were aiming at
@akalex770 Год назад
Hey i got a different idea on how to solve that piercing gun mechanic nicely. You can create an array that checks if the bullet collides with an enemy that dont got hit before and then storing the enemys object id in there. If it already got hit it will not affect the hit enemy. This is how i solved it in all cases with a "piercing gun mechanic" ^^ And the mechanics you asked for the weapons 1) Sniper could have a chance of stunning the enemy for a small amount of time 2) SMG can have something like attack speed increased for 5 sec by 50% if you kill 5 Enemys in 3 Seconds or something like that ^^ 3) Handgun can have something like a minimum amount of life steal after kiling an enemy (20% chance)
@subo91838 10 месяцев назад
For Sniper Rifles if u shoot it can get thru enemys bodys and with one amo can kill 3 enemys and damage 4th one too
@TheZombiesOnTheBus Год назад
Handgun could be more like a tazer that hooks bullets into the mob and does a small amount of DoT to them or stuns them
@AndyGun11 Год назад
The sniper could have a bit of knockback to it, or maybe move the player backwards more when they shoot it. The SMG could have more inaccuracy. And maybe the handgun could have a charge shot along with normal shots?
@HelperWesley Год назад
The sniper rifle does have the most knockedback and the smg does have less accuracy, but I think we'll crank both up to 11 to make them even more different from each other. 🤔✔
@RockyMulletGamedev Год назад
Yes, that's how I remember planes work.
@HelperWesley Год назад
@shonsomech7839 Год назад
Perhaps the handgun will function just like a classic revolver? It will have two shooting mods, each with six rounds of ammunition: 1. firing a single mod slowly when each bullet will be extremely accurate 2. Basically emptying the magazine while firing at a higher rate but with poor accuracy and each of these mods will only have six (or however many) bullets.
@HalfAsleepSam Год назад
Handgun is normal(?) SMG makes you slightly faster when shooting and reloads faster than other guns Sniper Rifle has a slower fire rate but very fast bullets, when it hits something the point where it hit releases an AOE attack
@Sulfur-Cretin Год назад
Here's some ideas Pistol- Think it should stay the same, honestly think giving it a gimmick could push players away because pistols are so default SMG- Might be cool if it starts with slightly lower fire rate than it's current, but each time you kill an enemy in increases slightly for a short period. If you kill an enemy while it's still a bit faster then the time resets and the speed is increased again, so aggressive players can get a machine gun if they are good enough lol (wouldn't be over powered because it would drop off hard at bosses) Sniper- Thought it would be cool for it to do bonus damage either the farther away you are to the enemy or if you aren't moving (because most people don't sprint around with a sniper). Think while not moving is the better and more dynamic one because I feel like the majority of players stay far away from enemies anyways, so it wouldn't change how you play much
@runrajrun Год назад
super crisp pixelssss love itttttt
@rosemarythornbush Год назад
Maybe add a sort of "combo" mechanic to the SMG where after getting a certain amount of hits, the next bullet gets stat increases? An overheat mechanic could be interesting as well, where the SMG shoots faster the more you hold down the button, but will overheat and stop working for a moment if held too long.
@logankassab2129 Год назад
Maybe the SMG could have a overheating feature in which the longer you shoot it the less accurate it gets, but with maybe a slight damage scale with the heat. Maybe the Sniper could have charge shot that adds damage and +1 pierce, but obviously make it worth it by making the charge time costly. And maybe the pistol should have an energy mechanic (or ammo) and when it runs out (reloads) it shoots a bigger, stronger shot. Also maybe add accuracy as a stat. also this game looks awesome
@zaynegaming1669 Год назад
give the sniper rifle a alternate fire when you hold the fire button. A reticle appears on a selected enemy (how its selected TBD, suggestion would be farthest enemy from the player) you hold the button down and the reticle would fill up from black to red (or other graphical representation of it locking on). The longer you hold the more damage is done when you release the fire button. Maxing out if you hold it till the reticle gets full red. Giving that feeling of you taking time to study the target and snipe them. The Sniper bullet, could also be guaranteed to hit as you are locking on to the target, but have top dodge around as you will be unable to shoot anything else till you release the shot. Pro: significant damage increase to 1 target, guaranteed hit on lock (potentially full lock) Cons: Have to dodge other enemies, and stay mobile while waiting on the powerful shot.
@squanistthepixelartguy Год назад
What if the new gun mechanics had things like a bullet curving or moving differently than a straight line? Or maybe shooting in the air and bullets landing in a specific spot?
@NoahTheRobinson Год назад
maybe having the sniper act as a big hitscan laser would be cool because snipers in most fps games kind of act like this, being a piercing weapon
@ANewShadeOfBlue Год назад
Sniper Rifle (Long Range): Always deals critical Damage, but It's so slow you need to create enough breathing room with faster weapons before using it. SMG (Mid Range): Weak Damage, but briefly stun locks enemies caught in the barriage of bullets (They start moving a half-second or so after bullets stop hitting them). Hand Gun (Short Range): No gimmick. Basic damage dealing.
@Mikoro1-z1k Месяц назад
For the shotgun, a rapid shot with 2 balls can piercing one enemy and 1 base damage
@andreteixeira1106 Год назад
you could make the sniper a charge shot and it slows your movement speed, and the smg shoot a lot faster with a lot of randomness on the bullets
@wacable1435 Год назад
for the sniper, u could make it so that u can aim it by clicking on the enemy u want to hit and it will always hit that enemy no matter what. Also it could be hitscan instead of having a projectile.
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