
ADHD Coach Explains - When you KNOW what to do, but you don't do it. 

Caren Magill | ADHD Coach + Multipotentialite
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7 сен 2024




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@Hison-Dcarman 5 месяцев назад
I'm a veteran, was actually addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with ADHD. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.
@DonnDenisse 5 месяцев назад
YES very sure of Dr.alishrooms. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.
@DominikPavel-fk2wb 5 месяцев назад
Mushrooms are very medicinal. This is why anybody familiar with psilocybin and any other kind of fungi will tell you, "They are alive." They have a very ancient wisdom. To my experience, all mushrooms have always said, "Pay attention to your life. How you think, how you feel, and what will you do with the information that you always knew, but now are seeing in this point of view." This is why mushrooms are so respected in tribal cultures. This mental health treatment works for me too. Half micro doses do the trick for me. At least a few days at a time with lengthy time in between. Thank you for sharing this point!
@MarcWilliams-dz7ik 5 месяцев назад
How do I reach out to him? Is he on insta
@MichaelDavidson-qi7ts 5 месяцев назад
Yes he's Dr.alishrooms. Shrooms to me is a natrual healer. I know a guy who has used mushrooms in the same way and they have really helped him. mah dudes have safe trips all.
@AnnaRoth-pb8xv 5 месяцев назад
I wish they were readily available in my place. Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He is 59 & has so many mental health issues plus probable CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It's too late now I had to get a TPO as he's 6'6 300+ pound homicidal maniac. He's constantly talking about killing someone. He's violent. Anyone reading this Familiar w/ BPD know if it is common for an obsession with violence. ,
@dontdiefox 7 месяцев назад
"where is your adhd getting in the way the most?" yes
@spiralsun1 5 месяцев назад
This is way better than the dissertation I j wrote here… lol. You must be on medication 🤔
@logann-mackenziefroste563 5 месяцев назад
ADHD for me gets in the way in work and career 💯‼️😊😅
@niceandgloomy 4 месяца назад
Right like how do I answer that question? "What do you need help with?" ADHD. Like. 😂
@DJ_Scrabble 3 месяца назад
😂 Love it. ❤ so true!
@lisalamphier1410 9 месяцев назад
I am overwhelmed all of the time. Everything triggers me. Yes, i have systems in place. I pay my bills, i put dinner on the table, i keep my house clean and my grass mowed. But it exhausts me mentally to the point that i feel paralyzed, unable to do anything beyond the bare essentials, and super stressed.
@susancolman7911 5 месяцев назад
Yep fully overwhelmed most times
@brendalg4 2 месяца назад
I can't even do the bare essentials.
@Pr3stss 10 месяцев назад
I find that referring to habits as something that doesn't require thought can exclude LOADS of ADHD folks that don't experience habits that way. Many of us have to think and push ourselves even through our most engrained habits.
@wietskewelten 10 месяцев назад
@angelabreeland1202 10 месяцев назад
I have found that habitual responses to situations are different than Doing Habits (which is more like sticking to a schedule of tasks). I first started my ADHD journey gaining awareness of my habitual responses (I don't think about them, I can predict them, and they just keep coming up). But I've also found that I have created new habits(once I figured out what worked for me) like I don't lose my keys, wallet, or phone anymore (like 5% of the time, instead of 95% of the time). And I did that by creating behavior systems that eventually turned into habits. It took forever but I did it.
@e.c.3601 10 месяцев назад
Then you don't have habits. If you have to struggle and push through them, they aren't ingrained. Habits, by definition, are autopilot. They are what your brain reverts to over nearly everything else, and the reason you're struggling is probably because you have too many routines or systems you are trying to build at once. I'm not going to say focus on one because people tune out when they hear that, and it's not really accurate. I would say pick one, find your cue and reward and then do it at nauseam, however long you think it will take to become a habit triple it. I have to remind myself no one's born potty trained, yet we all have mastered it. All habits are essentially the same as that, if you can master that as weird as it sounds you can master anything.
@daniseabrook9345 10 месяцев назад
​@@e.c.3601but some adhd people have to still actively think about going to the bathroom. Yes they can do it, but do they do it on auto pilot.... No
@nicholaslandry6367 10 месяцев назад
Then they might not be habits
@melissafreugle836 5 месяцев назад
Sometimes I struggle with something I consider deeply personal for weeks on end and suddenly I find a random RU-vid video that describes exactly what I’ve been struggling as a sign of adhd 😂
@wietskewelten 10 месяцев назад
I'm 37 and I have not been able to create any routines that stick long enough to become a habit. I have to consciously think about literally everything I do. It's exhausting. I feel like I should come to grips with the fact that I actually do not have potential, because being able to execute on knowledge and talent and skill is part of 'having potential'. And I don't have that part...
@Chizuru94 10 месяцев назад
Why would you immediately have no potential? Even due to circumstances untapped potential IS potential. It IS there, but we struggle to execute it. It's more than depressing, but doesn't mean we have no potential.
@Myladyinred999 10 месяцев назад
I felt the same for years, doing something again and again didn’t make anything easier, it made it just more exhausting. But I also want to encourage you - keep looking for the missing piece that keeps your potential locked, whatever it may end up being 👍 Everything my doctors recommended to me didn’t help but then I got prescribed with C****bis. It felt to me just like people say antidepressants and ADHD medication works. It finally lifted barriers. After these helpful changes I also tried another ps****delic. Now I have totally different perspectives on life and myself. I got to know totally new parts of my personality and things I didn’t like before, that I couldn’t stand and that I was unable to do now it’s different. After all these horrible years of being helpless and stuck it feels like having superpowers - in some ways I’m even more capable now than a lot of my „healthy“ neurotypical friends 😅 Looking back I learned as a kid from people around me that I was supposedly not as capable as other kids. I also learned that ways of living that are better for my ADHD brain are just not an option, not how we do things, impractical, silly and so on. So I just used the tools that were acceptable for succeeding in life and I didn’t even dare looking for alternatives. I had these barriers in my head that were holding me back big time and I didn’t even know these barriers existed. I guess that’s what ps****delics did for me - lifting them by showing me an emotionally and cognitively younger version of myself that didn’t have yet all these social etiquettes in my head. It restored thoughts and feelings that I had forgotten that I ever had them before. Since I felt and thought so very differently I finally also felt encouraged and motivated to act differently- and these three things combined changed my brain for the long run. I’m now better since years. It’s still hard sometimes to not go back to my old ways of thinking and feeling but I always remind myself again and again that my life is changed forever as long as I want to. Neuroplasticity is truly remarkable to experience firsthand. I wish you all the best so you can experience it yourself ❤ Just never give up sticking up for yourself even if others think you need something else than you do. That was the emotionally hardest part after the mental changes - people around me had gotten used to my helpless stuck self and couldn’t handle my new lively self-confident self that wanted to explore the world and who I am. So I lost a few very dear old friends that actually pretended that I was doing worse according to them. But it’s all worth it, now those people can’t hold me back anymore by their narrowminded ideas ❤
@CarenMagill 10 месяцев назад
Hmm.... you just wrote a coherent, well crafted comment about not having the ability to stick to habits. How did you learn to read and write so well? We all have habits. I bet you have bad habits that you don't have to give a second thought to before engaging in them (that's part of the human experience). What I'm seeing here is a very unhelpful story that you're telling yourself. Is it a fact that you can't create habits? Is it a fact that you don't have potential? 🤔🤔
@lyndseygolden7546 10 месяцев назад
If your experiencing neural inflammation and eventually can identify what makes it worse you can back up the feeling. Histamine, a lack of glutathione, foods that are a no go for you in particular,viruses, Lyme and mold are things that contribute to neural inflammation I believe a large part of adhd is trauma induced and environmental circumstances of the brain. So if you live in no solutions with more neural obstruction your going to adapt = ADHD. My counsciler annoyingly asks me what is one thing you can do right now? For me this is the one fucked up thing at a time rule. It adds up it’s just really long journey and even harder if your unsupported but potential wise one fucked up thing at a time even if that one thing is just laying down preferably under a cat and feeling less awful for a period of time. Oxytocin helps if you can find what makes your feelings spark for a moment you can lead yourself out of where you are gently.
@wietskewelten 10 месяцев назад
@@CarenMagill although I appreciate you putting in the time to reply to my comment, I feel it is quite invalidating. Although admittedly I was feeling low when I wrote my comment. I do still stand behind what I meant, i.e. is potential really potential if you can't execute on it? Yes, I can read and write well. You actually don't need to form habits to learn new skills (for some skills I guess you do, but definitely not for everything). I happen to be a fast learner and it turns out I'm also very smart (I thought I was average), it's probably why I've been able to compensate for a lot. But I'll give you an example. I've been 'practicing' putting on spf every day for ~7 years. I think I've finally managed to do it every day (with exceptions, for example when forgetting to buy new spf, forgetting to take it when traveling, etc) for the last year or so. But I wouldn't call it a habit, it's not automatic, I have to consciously think about it, and that's after years of trying to form this habit. And this is true for my whole morning 'routine'.
@unclemick-synths 10 месяцев назад
My dad was always saying about trying to be "cool, calm, and collected". It was a revelation when I realized that is bass-ackwards. It should be "collected, calm, and cool". Step 1 is to collect oneself, that will give the possibility of calming down, and having calmed down one might be able to be cool.
@brandydouble338 10 месяцев назад
I've had to explain to my boss that I NEED to write a list. He teased me a bit at first....but he did learn it is ESSENTIAL.
@veronikaebbelaar198 10 месяцев назад
I can’t imagine how people operate without lists. When my partner was trying to teach me how to drive a manual car, he was perplexed that I had to write out all the steps from getting into the car, starting it up in the correct order and then draw a diagram of where the gears were in which order. 😅
@shaunaann7473 10 месяцев назад
I've found that a lot of the people who see writing a list or taking notes as a sign of incompetence, are the same people who think that multi-tasking is more efficient. Also, the same people who end up relying on the list you made.
@WooliestPuma 10 месяцев назад
"Habits and routines" 😴😴😴 I much prefer calling it systems and rhythm 😊
@WooliestPuma 10 месяцев назад
Balancing differing functions at work, overwhelm, & project/time management .... Switching types of work is tough, eg from project work to task work, bc it takes initiation, change in type of focus/thinking - tasks I just do vs projects I develop. I have a supervisor who says do the thing but doesn't walk through the how bc she doesn't want to micromanage, but I need to talk through plans and clearly understand her expectations. Without that, feels like I'm failing. So, yeah, that's fun.
@kristalliiite6408 6 месяцев назад
Love this
@vitalis 2 месяца назад
@mothermakeup7481 10 месяцев назад
I have a hard time committing to a habit unless it gives me instant gratification. I feel so selfish saying that. But my brain will literally take control of my body and refuse to allow me to do a task that I KNOW I MUST do. Then I won’t be able to do it until it’s last minute and I’m in fight or flight mode. Help me! I’m struggling so bad!
@fleetinghopes6448 10 месяцев назад
ditto here. It is very difficult to "get going". Once I'm going its much easier to keep going. In the top comment here one of the replies mentioned "mushrooms" and another reply mentioned "micro-dosing". I haven't investigated it myself, but I come across positive results from this sort of stuff. I think I am going to have to investigate it since I really need to "execute" more. My problems were worse with stress (and chronic emotional stress). Can you reduce your stressors? (of course much easier said than done!) Good luck in your journey! I know you terribly frustrating it is.
@Mr_Magpie_ 6 месяцев назад
You sound EXACTLY like me. How insane is this hearing this all for the first time
@billstotts6720 6 месяцев назад
This is me too! I'm going so far backwards that it is almost debilitating and affecting everything..... I am looking for help as well...
@mrgordy1980 10 месяцев назад
43 years old, just realized I’m not nuts… I’m in ADHD full bloom. I have all these issues probably invented a few new ones. Thank you. Now the journey begins
@leegreen287 7 месяцев назад
Snap. 43 too and feeling exactly the same.
@mrgordy1980 7 месяцев назад
@@leegreen287 it’ll be ok. We got this. Some days are rough though. Have you tried medication yet ?
@laisa. 7 месяцев назад
I am so overwhelmed in burnout I can't even listen to ths video, it's just too much. I'm 46 and feel like I've tried everything. But it always stops at a dead end and if I don't recognize it, I burn out completely. I have to stop this video almost halfway through, and maybe come back at a better time. Going for my adhd assessment in 2 weeks, if they don't diagnose me with adhd I have absolutely nothing left to hang on to..
@margrose5 6 месяцев назад
How are you doing?
@laisa. 6 месяцев назад
@@margrose5 Hi, thanks for asking! Yes, assessment clearly pointed to adhd.. Not decided yet whether I can take medication, need to have my heart checked. Energy is very up and down, but having a diagnosis is really helpful, it answers what I always struggled with! 🌼
@margrose5 6 месяцев назад
@@laisa. glad to hear you are getting good some answers. I wish the best for you.
@Julia.Mandelbrot 5 месяцев назад
Dr. Barclay's videos have helped me immensely. She's getting his main points wrong. Look up Dr. Russell's RU-vids and watch a few that are 5-10 minutes long, they are excerpts and will help u
@vitalis 2 месяца назад
I hope you can get on the meds
@bubblebuffy 10 месяцев назад
Even before being diagnosed (in adulthood…) I always talked about having a gap between “knowing” and “doing”! Similar to your meat cleaver analogy 😊
@blackmirrorprisoners 10 месяцев назад
i'm watching this video because i can't bring myself to write my novel. the block is real
@bonnacon1610 10 месяцев назад
Solidarity. You’re not alone. Keep going.
@megs4193 10 месяцев назад
Thaaaank you 😊🙏 I just turned 53, I don't even acknowledge what i know, because I'm on my own, my sons were motivation, for a while my grandchildren were motivation, now my family is busy doing there life stuff, now I'm struggling to fight it, I drop on the couch with my phone and don't think about anything, then something unexpected happens, I beat myself up for doing nothing, so I go to a game on my phone to feel better thinking I'll be ready next time, for a few minutes. And repeat, I've just stopped fighting 😔🥺💞.
@user-ru2ut2sb2p 6 месяцев назад
Wow I love how you describe that. I am feeling like such a failure, all the things I know need doing I’m unable. It’s literally like my brain just leaves me and I can’t make a decision or remember how to do what I know.
@Julia.Mandelbrot 5 месяцев назад
Not her description. Passing Dr. Russell Barclay's work off as her own. Look him up, he's amazing.
@bystandersarah 10 месяцев назад
I need advice as a gig worker. How anyone with adhd works in an office is beyond me and honestly, I’m sick of office specific examples. I’m on the fringe of “working”, just out here trying to survive day to day with meager income because the diagnosis is recent. Now that I know, I can improve things but people give advice assuming you actually have a proper job, and resources and ppl who can help. Not married, very poor, have no retirement, no assets and no family support.
@cassielee1114 10 месяцев назад
Good point, all advice and articles and magazines assume people work in offices.
@kadenmicheal8475 10 месяцев назад
Agreed half my teens early 20’s life I spent in kitchen settings and poor wages lmao
@deawallace3584 6 месяцев назад
Forcing myself to go outdoors and touch the earth with bare feet and hands has helped me alot in just a week. It is free. Believe me, alot of us have adhd, and do not have to worry about income, but the problems are just as real and debilitating.
@mrjohncrumpton 10 месяцев назад
Task initiation. Thank you for these videos!
@user-qz1hf4nt5r 9 месяцев назад
I’m 73 and my therapist suggested to look into ADHD. It’s tough to realize but makes so much sense. Feel a sense of relief. I travel a persistent self health journey but never would have considered ADHD. Grateful for your work here Carin.
@susancolman7911 5 месяцев назад
Me too at 73
@LAF.2 10 месяцев назад
One of my greatest challenges is not snapping at people who try to help me by slowly explaining some knowledge base to me I already know, because they think if I just understood, I'd be able to do it. If I can catch myself JUST Before that and heart breathe...
@LilCraftyNook 10 месяцев назад
My son is in quite a predicament. He has to fill out all the stupid court forms himself (went thru three lawyers during a ridiculous kangaroo court in his divorce/child custody case) He has had to muster up an extraordinary amount of executive function! His mental health as well as the rest of his life is suffering. I’m honestly surprised, very proud but worried at the same time.
@rebel.grace3_85 9 месяцев назад
My executive functioning has plummeted in the last year. Burnout, no support system, horribly overwhelmed and useless. I want to go on disability. Omg the boss situation example is exactly what I’m going through. I see a therapist for cptsd but my main issue of adhd right now. I’m actually probably the most educated person at my job and I can’t do anything. Idk what to do with the information in my head and so I look stupid and useless. Very accurate video.
@CF-kj4pm 10 месяцев назад
If any of the tips she gave were things that I was capable of doing, I would have already done them, because it requires a functioning executive function to be able to do the thing she's asking you to do. I wouldn't have to watch a video telling me to do stuff I already know I can't do as soon as I start making a list I'm going to go off on left field on other things and then as soon as you told me to start thinking about the things on that list I want to create another list going off into left field because I'm not going to remember why the hell I started making these lists, and wonder why the freak I was making a list to begin with I'm going to go lay in bed until I can figure my life out...start over the next day.
@CarenMagill 10 месяцев назад
I’m just doing my best to help 🤷‍♀️
@CF-kj4pm 10 месяцев назад
@@CarenMagill I totally get it and I know your tips work for some people. Honestly I just think my rant was more of a frustration on my part for not being able to get my brain to function enough to follow tips that.seem simple enough. Also, I posted it so if there's someone else like myself that they know they're not alone.
@JordanTeamRealEstate 10 месяцев назад
You are definitely not alone.
@merin5230 10 месяцев назад
Yes. Also, it's not just the galloping ADHD is it? I was diagnosed in2020, during lockdown. But I didn't know I had CPTSD too. My marriage was 20 years of misery as was my prev two marriages. My childhood was wrong from birth. I was a project for my father. Not permitted boundaries. If they began to naturally manifest, they were crushed. My daughter was born just as I turned 41. When I discovered I was pregnant,(dating steadily, but no intention of cohabiting. Never again) I had to stop the fluoxetine and I just just dived into the pit. He came to visit to discuss what options were. I was keeping this baby and said I would not make any demands. His involvement was as much or as little as she chose. I meant it. I'd also made clear, early in our relationship that I was not going to live with him. But I was dysfunctional at the time of his visit. Diagnosed with ME in the mid nineties and depression from as far back as I can remember, and now I know the term, narcissistic abuse from both parents, I was living in a twilight fog. He arrived but with a big suitcase rather than his overnight bag. I didn't notice this at the time. He stayed a couple of days and I asked when he was returning south. That's when he said he ditched his job and was staying with me as I needed looking after and he'd already sourced work in the area . I literally couldn't process this . And each time I began to express discomfort and needing to live alone I was manipulated and gaslighted and sometimes overtly threatened. The big explosive temper and banging of cupboards , slamming of hands on counter right next to me, the sudden switch to sweetness and light and considerate behaviour. I had no defences left. My father started the job and my ex found me with all the hard work done for him. I escaped 3 years ago. So I've got all that going on too. I've tried to do a college course, I'm above average in iq apparently, but I can't do the work without support. They advertised as having support but they don't have a clue. I explained what I needed and showed them the research is put together and that we need a support group in college. So they made me set it up. Which I did. It meant I fell behind on work because I've got ADHD and can only do one thing at time. So on the first day of the group. Wing up and running, I sat and waited and no one came. Turns out I'd done all the work for nothing. They hadn't spread the information at all. No one who needed it knew. So I still didn't have the support I needed. One or two of the support staff have been helpful. One lady in particular has literally dragged me through the assignments, but it's all falling apart now. Because I have CPTSD. And ADHD. And I'm physically damaged too . And my depression is very serious and non responsive to medication. My only light is my daughter in her 3ed year of uni. But she doesn't believe anything I say . Her father has actually gaslighted her to the point that her memories of things she actually witnessed have changed . I am dying inside. No income except state benefit which actually doesn't cover rent.(I live in NZ, one of the most expensive countries in the world . My weekly rent is twice the repayment on a mortgage in UK for a three bedroom house!). She was with me last Christmas and we qe t to UK to visit my family that we hadn't seen for 4 years. He's Ben in contact with them for a long time behind my back and they didn't believe anything I said . Took his side really. Even though he did the R thing. As did my father. They wouldn't believe that either. I think I just washed out of college on this last essay. Don't know yet, I missed the deadline. The support worker is with me as there are such extenuating circumstances. My anxiety is beyond description. When I 1aa diagnosed, that was it. Ritalin supplies but then nothing. No follow up. No coaching. I eventually had a nervous breakdown before I managed to leave . So,list are for NTs. God! I'd it was just a case of list a I'd be fine. But it's so much more than that . Lists! Mwahaha! I face a lonely Christmas. I have no tribe. He isolated me from the support network I was building. I'm alone. And I haven't found a single ADHD coach in my area. Trauma therapy helpsthe trauma but not the chaos it causes whenit mixes with the ADHD. And I think I'm autistic too. Just found out about that. Waiting for formal diagnosis. I use dto paint and sculpt. I used to play bass in a band. I was a personal trainer and international level athlete. But now I walk with a cane. This is directly attributable to him and the way he terrorised me. And he made me do work which I couldn't do due to a back injury. But he insisted. And I ended up in hospital from August 2020 to January 21. The damage is permanent. I no longer know what to do. I don't know if I want to do anything actually. I'm fed up. Can't see a way out. Stuck. So much potential and knowledge but can't move because I'm frozen. If it were ejust ADHD I'm sure I'd be in a better place . But it's not. And it's rare that it is just ADHD. I'm 61. What the hell can I do? Tried to set up a body double support group at college. Can't afford to join one of the commercial ones. And my mother , I've recently been informed is now on a countdown due to heart issues. And there is nothing they can do. I want to write. Have so many wonderful ideas. Can't put pen to paper. I want to paint and play again. Can't bear to pick up my instruments. I 1ant to help change the culture of generational abuse. I jave accumulated vast amounts of knowledge. But can't even start to plan an essay unless I have people with me . I'm wasting away.
@merin5230 10 месяцев назад
Yup. I know what I want to do, but no one seems to understand just how BLOCKED we are. I'm in bed now. Just tearful because I'm bewildered, misunderstood and completely alone. I don't have any money left so I'll probably end up sleeping in the car.. I'll have to sell everything ,but that's just stuff. I miss my daughter terribly. Tried making friends with NTs, but they just can't cope. I can't see anyway I can generate income. Yes I can'teach what I know' . No I can't do the bloody administration need. No I can't do courses to qualify me for things I already know because I can't deal with essay writing and APA referencing. Unless there is a learning establishment set up to cope with learning disabilities. I can't even get a low level job pushing trollies or anything because my back condition is so severe. There's nothing for me in the UK. The health service is broken and I had a deep taste of it while was over there trying to get my meds renewed. I'm a British citizen so I registered as a temp patient. They made me wait so long, despite a full list and explanation from my GP here, that I went into withdrawal. And then they prescribed enough to get over the Christmas weekend. So I was given 4 days meds. Went back to renew and while thing started again with, you're not in our computer! Wasn't till I had a seizure and fell, there in the waiting room that they suddenly found my records and gave me a prescription. For 5 days. I was there for 5 weeks and I was humiliated and treated like a drug dealer. Never again. So I'm stuck here . And no one's listening. Things are right. I know this. The cyclone is still taking its toll . But I w taken too much damage ,I think. ADHD doesn't travel alone. It brings the family . Depression, anxiety and panic. For some difficulty with temper. Or OCD or any number of things. I look at RU-vid channels and think, I could do xyz because I'm well qualified in this area. But I can't. Because I'm afraid. And I honestly don't have the energy anymore . To be honest, I've stuck around this long to counter the awful things my ex tells our daughter as to guide her away from accepting his behaviour as normal. It's been a very rough ride and soon she won't need that. She'll be safe and able to be with him, because she loves him, but not fall for his bullshit. I only stayed in the marriage initially because I was misdiagnosed and on the wrong meds, and just could think beyond the immediate needs of my daughter. Then I stayed because he begged me to. On his knees in tears . I still wasn't fully functional and fell for it and next time, several times I'd be gearing myself up to go and he'd threaten suicide. It was when I'd finally serves him papers that he got really nasty. With the house up for sale and I had no where to go, he kindly said I could stay till the house was sold if I slept in the garage. Like our dogs used to. I was so relieved I was nodding, then caught myself. He was positively jaunty, bouncing off when I realised I'd just agreed to be the family pet. That's when I ran. But everyone I knew well enough(thought I did) had been primed. He's a classic malignant covert narcissist. And I've left it too late and the damage is too great . I'm a shell now. And I'm possibly at the lowest I've ever been. We'll see. But lists are for people who pretty much function normally. Adhd? I can't do lists. I can't prioritise. I write brilliant comprehensive lists. And then can't move. So, things are looking bleak. We'll see. I'm dreading Christmas, just as I dread weekends.
@pigsinpyjamas9410 10 месяцев назад
If I find a task boring I really struggle to start or get engaged 🙄
@shaunaann7473 10 месяцев назад
After being diagnosed with ADHD earlier this year, I was referred to a DBT program through my mental health clinic. Now, I meet with a DBT therapist once each week and have DBT group session once per week. DBT has been LIFE CHANGING in the ways it helps to understand and work through executive function issues, esp when other issues like trauma, anxiety, and depression are also involved. Probably 75% all of the people in my DBT group are neurodivergent, including the counselors.
@hils83 10 месяцев назад
What is DBT?
@MamaInTheMitten 8 месяцев назад
Is this something covered by your insurance
@deawallace3584 6 месяцев назад
What is DBT?
@jillnelsonmalmt6085 10 месяцев назад
This video came at just the exact time I was thinking of how to put these feelings into words. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge (and how to use them) ❤❤❤
@samthecat8829 4 месяца назад
Thank you for these videos! I was diagnosed years ago, was on medication but never got a handle on it. Mainly because I really didn't understand what ADHD is and what all the symptoms are. Seems to have gotten much worse now that I'm over 50. I just wanted to add, on the subject of heart/brain coherence, there is an exercise in the book "Just Breathe" by Dan Brule (highly recommended). I believe it's called HVR or Heart Variability Rate breathing. 5 second cycles in an out through the nose for 5 minutes. This is a reminder to get back to it. According to the book, our heart rate is constantly changing, but this exercise puts our heart in the best possible rhythm, and I would actually feel a kind of pulse in my chest after a few minutes of doing it. Very relaxing and I no longer needed earplugs to fall asleep. Also the yogic breathing meditation I learned in martial arts was most helpful. The trick is to make this stuff part of our daily routine, eg. schedule a time for everything, set alarms and stick to it. So fascinating that our heart has "mind" and I've heard that the gut does as well. The body is fantastic machinery, if we can master it. All of your information is most helpful. Something good has come from my scrollathons! Thank you for all your hard work. I have hope again.❤
@cnightingale9 9 месяцев назад
Great content but I got really distracted by all of the movement in the video. The camera is zooming in and out slightly all the time. Is that something that helps to most people’s attention?
@jessicalinger7689 8 месяцев назад
I constantly feel like I don't know how to do anything but I have a lot of knowledge. Like I know I'm intelligent, and wise even. But it does not seem to translate into my life to the point that I think people even believe I'm ditsy or dumb because I haven't made the connection. This all sounds exactly like me, so thanks.
@lisawhitehall1870 6 месяцев назад
@gonzothegreat1317 28 дней назад
Self regulation technique: @11:30 - whenever you see emotions elevate - Take attention to heart center. - breath in and out of your chest, focus on heart center - slow your breath, find a rythm that works for you - pay attention to breathing out of your heart center - when talking to someone, when they talk, keep focus on heart center breathing.
@user-zk1mc6dj3c 6 месяцев назад
@susancolman7911 5 месяцев назад
Me too
@Paintedtrout 10 месяцев назад
So close to the problem of procrastination.
@mrjohncrumpton 10 месяцев назад
Great username!
@dawncraig3340 8 месяцев назад
Ok so here's what im stuggling with... My biggest problem is task initiation that's leading to overwhelm but task initiation is st the core. I keep hearing habits are the solution but how do you form a habit when you are struglging with just starting? Its like being told to start at step 5. I didn't do 1-4 so step 5 isnt helpful.
@CarenMagill 8 месяцев назад
Yep, that's tough. Check out my other videos on procrastination to get more info.
@petern4093 5 месяцев назад
That is so true....I am smart...I know I am smart..but can I do normal? not even close...until I found out about ADHD a few weeks ago I could not work out if I was a clever idiot or a stupid genius...it was my daily dilemma. executive disfunction...wow!! what a perfect description. I love how you walked through the trigggers etc . But I am meant to be doing something entirely different. THis is how I got around not paying my bills (money is not the problem) ...I just don't pay bills. So what I do now is break up the bill that I know I need to pay next year into weekly amounts and I pay it forward weekly automatically. It works great until I forget to check that the payments are still coming out :).
@ChrisJohn-dg8mz 2 месяца назад
Glutathione is a redox buffer that regulates ATP production in the mitochondria. I have been using liposomal glutathione for about 20 months now. I "suck" 2 - 4ml in the morning and I find that my REM sleep is greatly improved. I awaken after 7 - 8 hours of nutritious sleep, usually after an imaginative dream. This makes me less autistic. My brain feels more creative and energetic. I can talk to people! I'm trying to spread the word, I want people to study this simple treatment further.
@kathryncainmadsen5850 8 месяцев назад
People think if they just explain it to us again, we'll say OH! Make habits? Why didn't I think of that? That's why associating one task with another doesn't work for me because I'll just forget both. But EXTERNALIZE it all does help. A lot.
@megs4193 6 месяцев назад
I know this is for everyone, I find a lot is for study and work, I'm 53, I developed 2 physical conditions that had me having to stop working years ago, I'm stuck in my unit, my brain is drowning, my life feels like it's going faster, I struggle to get motivated because I'm on my own, I don't intentionally think, I have no sense of self no desires, I feel like I care about nothing and everything...I'm sinking with ortex, (never-ending stoy).
@oehlhof1019 10 месяцев назад
This is so helpful. This channel has been life changing for me. Thank you so much, Caren.
@deborahdaviesdd-artist1059 10 месяцев назад
I know what you mean. Life changing for me too.
@neviestix 10 месяцев назад
I wouldn't expect my boss to write it on a board, paper or email. I always have a notebook to make notes, ask questions and check my understanding briefly e.g. you want x, in your format and persons a and b could help.
@bwag79 6 месяцев назад
Whoa. Advice about aligning your heart and mind that doesn't sound... fake. I love this channel. Thank you.
@ambertrufley6594 9 месяцев назад
And healing from mental abuse from a narc isn’t relationship makes it harder 😭 for it shrinks that frontal part on the 🧠 I’m exhausted and sad
@baldersn4474 6 месяцев назад
Spot on..52 and still awaiying an adult diagnoses...18 month min waiting time for adult ADHD diagnoses in the UK on the National Health. Service
@naturalwitchery 7 месяцев назад
Wisdom is the practical APPLICATION of knowledge.
@CarenMagill 7 месяцев назад
love that
@marvinpolanco6010 6 месяцев назад
I'm glad I found your videos. For some reason I follow what you say 100%. You don't sit there and speak like a scientist or explain things using mental gymnastics with words. It's clear and to the point. Thank you!
@ChiKiNGaming 7 месяцев назад
The explanation you gave of how you breezed over a big part was hysterically familiar in a "if I had a nickel..." way. ❤❤ subscribed before watching the rest
@Heyu7her3 10 месяцев назад
😩 My procedural memory is crap due to dyscalculia🤚🏽I have to do a thing constantly in order to renege how to. I am one of those that doesn't know how to ride a bike... can't remember how to swim.
@TheeBratzDollxox 10 месяцев назад
Hey I recognize your name from Themis’ channel! it’s funny how you’re over here too! lol 😆 ❤
@johnroekoek12345 10 месяцев назад
7:07 What if you didn't hear the assignment? Take pen and paper or a device to type and say: "I got to write that down. So you want me to...." look at your paper and stay totally silent at this point. Than he will explain again. In pieces, sometimes all at once. People tend to fill in silence conversation gaps. Problem solved.
@MyADHDuniverse 8 месяцев назад
Overwhelmed all the time
@susancolman7911 5 месяцев назад
Me goo
@jasoncounts5758 6 месяцев назад
I was totally paying attention to everything you were saying- then I noticed the ram skull's eyes lit up on your wall over the "Blah Blah" sign, which at first glance I thought said "Bah Bah" but then I thought dead sheep don't talk... but some scientists say plants do. That brings me to the plant leaf in the picture frame on your other wall next to the other plant- and I thought now if plants could talk, I bet that would be difficult behind framed glass. But then again, it's a dead leaf anyway- and those don't talk either, just like dead sheep don't. Then I realized I'm just procrastinating writing my paper for school because I'm in ADHD shutdown mode & I'm seeking dopamine through novelities like posting a comment about talking plants and sheep skulls with glowing eyes. Okay, time to write my paper. Good video by the way. 🙂
@CarenMagill 6 месяцев назад
@Dancestar1981 10 месяцев назад
Try having both ASD and combined ADHD
@Chizuru94 10 месяцев назад
:') (as in "oh dear, yup").
@9to5Drone 10 месяцев назад
You want an award?
@lour8237 6 месяцев назад
"where's your adhd getting in the way?" Everywhere, from the moment i wake up until the moment I finally fall asleep...
@adultscienceofmind 10 месяцев назад
An other thing is My mind is always wandering to millions things in my brain while I'm focusing on work. It is so annoying because it urge me to do those unnecessary things. I really can't clam it down. SO HARD. How can control it ?
@CarenMagill 9 месяцев назад
reduce physical distractions around you. That's something you can control.
@imaniwilson1848 5 месяцев назад
I just appreciate this whole conversation thread! Just discovered this channel and I feel like I just found my tribe. FINALLY people who speak my language 🥹
@spiritfilledlife79 6 месяцев назад
I find that I forget self care like eating, i don't feel hungry but then I'm super starving after I get out of a hyperfocus task. I have Type 1 Diabetes and NEED to remember to take insulin and not just eat... its been hard. I know what to do... but it keeps not happening. I get focused on everything else and forget about myself.
@sjl00c1 10 месяцев назад
I think your channel is growing! Awesome!
@CarenMagill 10 месяцев назад
I think so too! Trying not to get too attached to the numbers, but it's fun!
@joebarker5719 7 месяцев назад
Man, I have needed this... thank you for posting... need a system.
@rodneycomeaux8589 6 месяцев назад
Hi ! I am sixty- four year old man and a sixteen year stroke survivor. My stroke destroyed my right Temporal and Parietal lobes. Just recently I was diagnosed with ADHD. I know virtually nothing about ADHD nor how to live with it as a functional adult.
@Chizuru94 10 месяцев назад
I hate breath work, sadly, it also makes me anxious, disrupts my breath and I can't think before I do smth (or I overthink). I also can't pay attention to breathing and talking. I hope these tips will help some people, but sadly, coachign stuff or all of this never helped me. Therapy also not. It just makes me feel ridiculous that stuff like this works for others, but my brain is so resistant to it, so yeah :')
@brightpage1020 8 месяцев назад
Execution problem... Story of my ADHD life. 😅
@MsHanna666 6 месяцев назад
I just parked to clean my car but…BUT!!! as I have this setting of adhd I open the yt first to see whats new 😂 (every second there is smrg new on yt) ´´just to not have to start to clean my car?????.. so this is how i ended up listening you standing on the vacuuming car spot
@andresgutierrez3126 10 месяцев назад
you are awesome Caren! Love from Argentina
@barefootjamie143 10 месяцев назад
🎉 Thank you for the first laughter of the day 😂 The way you start the video I just have to say yes I resonate and you are effing awesome Lady 😊🎉xoxo Thank you for your honesty and clarity. You have taught me so much and I need this video to put in my toolbox 😀 Thank you again 💚💜 ⛎(teal heart was taken out 😮 I say that because it's such a fun growth color 😀)
@GoldCoaster9 10 месяцев назад
How has been my question since childhood. :(
@Twinsane_in_the_membrane 10 месяцев назад
Hi Caren! Thank you for all Of the excellent content!!! I know you’re all booked up so my question is Do you recommend another coach? I was considering joining the healthy gamer coaching, but all of the coaches seemed younger than me which made me feel as if they couldn’t really relate on an experience basis. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!❤ thank you 😊
@CarenMagill 10 месяцев назад
Hey there! Check out ACO for a list of certified ADHD coaches. It really comes down to vibe and focus on what you want help with.
@lolobwell9778 9 месяцев назад
I’m so happy I found your channel! Thank you so much
@pajoquaid 10 месяцев назад
You are a legend!
@TheSarahPJ 10 месяцев назад
Firstly, Caren, you are my ADHD angel/knight in shining armour. I am 55, and currently self-diagnosed. Like you, I don't like labelling 'issues'. That said, there are so many things that resonate and give me ah ha moments on your posts. Likewise, comments from your followers. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what do you do when YOU are what stands in the way of get your 'shizzle' done?
@CarenMagill 10 месяцев назад
get out of your own way!
@zenmama4160 8 месяцев назад
First time hearing this. Thank you!
@iexoxo 5 месяцев назад
how many times did i have to back this video back up to refocus? yes
@deawallace3584 6 месяцев назад
Had to slow your voice down. What has gotten me off high-center is going outdoors in the sunshine and putting bare hands and feet on the ground one hour a day. After a week, I am feeling hopeful and energized....less stress. I even cleaned (some) of my house. You might as well put out a towel or chair and touch the earth to test it's effects as lay around on the couch poo-pooing this idea. I dare you to try it.
@misssicily100 3 месяца назад
Caren my dad has ADHD cause he is exactly like me all over the place. I also got diagnosed at 50. It's hard and at times I want to hide and cry!!! I have been told I am super smart and I have been an honor student. I cant deal with this cause now its worse cause I am in menopause too!! help!!!!
@septemberlondon 6 месяцев назад
I have to watch this again because the first time through, I missed everything you said because couldn’t get past the “meat cleaver in the brain” analogy. 🤭
@OmnipotentSag 6 месяцев назад
Idk if I got anything out of this. Been ADHD my whole life. I have studied myself to know myself. I don't need all the technical mumbojumbo...don't need to know what the thalamus does or why the brain and heart ain't talkin'--I just need to ingrain the habit. The habit that is...breathing. Aye Dios mio...NEXT!
@robertlysiak7527 3 месяца назад
I’m a reasonably balanced person but I have super addictive tendencies toward everything, especially digital media, games , Random 1 hour long videos that are interesting to me, food is also addictive But it’s crazy I get so obsessed with video games , like I did 100 hours in two weeks when I wasn’t working , it’s like laundry and routine cleaning or maintenance has a repelling magnet, and whatever game I’m interested in is like actual cocaine. If I could apply my addiction to anything productive that would be cooool haha
@inggomez-allen7920 10 месяцев назад
Russell Barkley is the reason why people with ADHD have been given such a bad reputation. He talked about it as such a negative. It’s NOT about focusing on the negative. There are amazing abilities. Let’s focus on those!!!!!!!
@malakaibach 10 месяцев назад
Well his brother died cause of it so it's understandable
@CarenMagill 9 месяцев назад
Yes, I was going to say that. I think he talks about it with a great deal of passion because he cares so much. It's also fair to say that ADHD is on a continuum and some of us struggle so deeply that it can be fatal. That said, I also agree that we have to do what we can to stay in positive emotion.
@kristalhumphreys4621 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for such informative tips ❤
@YTisacesspit 6 месяцев назад
What in the Neuroscience Degree is ADHD coach!? Genuine interest! Laced with spectrum sarcasm but really?
@CarenMagill 6 месяцев назад
google it!
@jonathanberry9502 8 месяцев назад
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🧠 *Understanding the Brain and ADHD* - Understanding the difference between wisdom/knowledge and the execution of that knowledge. - The brain's structure and how ADHD affects the execution of knowledge. - The significance of the prefrontal cortex and its role in executive functions. 01:24 🔄 *Bridging Knowledge and Execution* - The challenges of ADHD are more about execution than intelligence. - Strategies like building routines and habits to bridge knowledge and action. - The importance of externalizing elements in one's environment to compensate for ADHD challenges. 02:48 🎯 *Identifying Personal ADHD Challenges* - The executive function disorder in ADHD and its implications. - The initial steps in coaching someone with ADHD: understanding individual struggles. - Identifying personal values and strengths to aid in addressing ADHD challenges. 04:10 📌 *Addressing Overwhelm in ADHD* - Recognizing and understanding triggers of overwhelming feelings. - Distinguishing between internal and external solutions for specific problems. - Implementing strategies like automation or changing behaviors to address overwhelm. 06:17 🗣️ *Communication Strategies for ADHD Challenges* - Practical examples of communication with individuals causing stress. - Tips for effective communication with superiors or colleagues. - Tailoring communication based on individual ADHD-related struggles. 08:08 📒 *Tools and Techniques for Managing ADHD* - Personal experiences with ADHD challenges and maturation. - Introduction to tools like Notion for planning and organization. - The significance of external scaffolding tools for individuals with ADHD. 09:41 ❤️ *Heart Coherence Technique for Self-Regulation* - Explanation and benefits of the heart coherence technique. - The relationship between the heart, brain, and self-regulation. - Step-by-step guide to practicing heart coherence in various situations. Made with HARPA AI
@drummin7jeff 10 месяцев назад
FYI, the link to the worksheet seems to take me straight to a "request access page" and I don't see another option.
@sherrijennings9309 10 месяцев назад
yep, I can't get around it either. HELP PLEASE
@CarenMagill 10 месяцев назад
sorry, it's fixed now. my bad
@drummin7jeff 10 месяцев назад
@@CarenMagill Thanks!! I just copied it successfully!
@leegreen287 7 месяцев назад
Holy crap. I feel lime this video was made about me!. I've spent so many years KNOWING! that I have so much potential, while have ZERO mental ability to pu that potential into action. It's soul destroying!. I'm it's like there's two of me. Half of me is convinced that I'm a total loser and everyone knows it and the other half is shouting at the first half for not using the knowledge I have. Both are happening at exactly the same time! And it NEVER stops! I often find myself wishing is was as unintelligent as half my head thinks I am as it would make life so much easier.
@matthew223 8 месяцев назад
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
@emilyh50 7 месяцев назад
It's definitely hard to use the application.
@lour8237 6 месяцев назад
I don't understand, is this video for people with mild adhd? Bc for me it affects my eating, sleeping, self care, relationships, ability to do anything every day.
@els1f 6 месяцев назад
3:50 yes! Every single one🤣😭🤣😭
@ronalddesiderio7625 9 месяцев назад
Nightmare getting over the wall. I’m buried in my own brain 🧠 like an Alabama tic in my skin
@bperez8656 5 месяцев назад
@cynthia_g_ 10 месяцев назад
Loved the content, but I'm now motion sick from the pull focus / zooming in and out. It's cheesy, and cheapens the message.
@gonzothegreat1317 28 дней назад
Is slow working memory a part of ADHD? How slow is slow?
@rachelmel 10 месяцев назад
Is there a bundle of the two notion templates for life and business?
@CarenMagill 9 месяцев назад
I use the organized planner for both
@ronalddesiderio7625 9 месяцев назад
It worked ❤😂thx
@deannahenry8925 8 месяцев назад
Can you coach m please. My ADHD inattentive is ruining my life and no one understands
@CarenMagill 8 месяцев назад
I'm not taking on new clients right now :)
@jessicarober7583 6 месяцев назад
Where is it getting in the way? All of the above! Lol
@drivers99 10 месяцев назад
The link to the worksheet is just a page asking for my contact info (?)
@ericareina1871 8 месяцев назад
Do you have any recommendations on where or how to find an ADHD coach in MN
@CarenMagill 8 месяцев назад
Google ACO coach directory
@Julia.Mandelbrot 5 месяцев назад
We don't know how to USE what we know? We know exactly. We just can't DO what we know. Get Dr. Barclay's research straight. ALSO. It's not that we DON'T do what we know. It's that we CAN'T do it. + u need to credit him when u show his slides+ use quotes when u quote him (meat cleaver analogy). What are your qualifications for coaching ADHD, please?
@Justyna-dg4hs 6 месяцев назад
how can i do ANYTHING when im constantly fucking tired at home??? i want to sleep all the time
@portalpacific4578 Месяц назад
Starts video. 9 minutes later am on twitter and suddenly hear "Best adhd life" and forgot i was even listening. Uhhhggggggg
@shoshanaThrive365 10 месяцев назад
Where do I find her link below for the Notion? Thx
@bugajk25 10 месяцев назад
I’m just learning now I’m not stupid and lazy I’m special 😌 n I have special needs
@bonniedavis9076 6 месяцев назад
I'm just not doing anything because I can but it's making me poor. I won't have what I want but I no longer care. I'm getting scared because I don't care.
Первый день школы Катя vs Макс
The procrastination cure you don't want to hear
ADHD Burnout | Why Does This Keep Happening? 😫
ADHD Routines - how to build habits that actually WORK