
An AMERICAN Reacts - American Freedom is FAKE 

Nate Lawson
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27 сен 2024




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@davidhutchinson5233 Год назад
I've made this point for years. When you're chained down by child care costs, school debt, no paid maternity leave and so many other costs....are we as a people truly free? No, we're not.
@janetbaker7848 Год назад
American citizens do not own anything! Even if it's been paid off. And it's like my fellow Americans are completely blind to this. The government and the banks completely own every citizen in this country!
@jac585 11 месяцев назад
Its called financial slavery.
@Jiidwag 3 месяца назад
@@jac585 Sounds like why people left Europe and fled to Americas, then had the 1776 war to escape financial slavery, only to be recreated here in USA with the illusion of "freedom". LoL
@iancomputerscomputerrepair8944 2 года назад
Hi Nate, I think that US parents need to step up and say to schools, "I do not want my child to be forced to pledge allegiance to the flag" "my child can decide for themselves" No other democracy demands this only dictatorships!
@dutchman7623 2 года назад
It is not one thing, it is everything combined. The allegiance, the anthem at all sports games (In Europe only when national teams play), the continues repeating 'we are the best', 'we are the only free country', 'we are the only democracy'. Geography that is only about the USA and hardly anything outside. History about the glorious past of the USA and its greatness, and hardly anything positive about other nations. Playing for the 'World Cup' among only US teams, etc etc. In all matters of education, media, politics, the indoctrination of people with misinformation is tremendous and to such extent that it has become 'normal' for US citizens, and when they hear that maybe some aspects are not fully true, they explode in outrage and want to exile everyone who doubts the propaganda. In many ways it doesn't differ from Russia, China, or North Korea, people voluntary believe what they are told. Even in the United Kingdom, with support of the media and nationalistic groups, the population was manipulated. It is not exclusive to dictatorships, but to every country that has not been taught any self-reflection.
@dwaynewrighton8547 2 года назад
@@dutchman7623 I love how they say they're the only democracy. I've challenged several Americans who've made this statement with questions such as: "oh, thats a nice sentiment, what makes you think it's true?", "how does voting work?" & "oh, thats not how votes are counted, and/or considered here. You seem to have told me voting for yourselves works similar to your momma telling you to have a bath/shower before or after dinner. You think you have a choice. You don't, and you end up doing what she wants either way."
@MazzaEliLi7406 2 года назад
@@dutchman7623 Seconded.
@helenevoyer5317 2 года назад
It's the same vibe as if in Canada we would daily pledge allegiance to the late Queen or now King Charles III (we don't). Only MPs (Members of Parliament) do it and they have the option of doing without mentioning the late Queen or King Charles III now. Mostly because of Quebec but that's a long story. (not sure if this is true). The flag is an object not a person, the Republic is a concept. I still can't believe that it is still done in school. That's INDOCTRINATION. that''s STATE propaganda. While regular citizens are debating which party is doing the propaganda, the executive is working for the rich people. When regular citizens wants something, they are lucky when they get something (usually when the Democrats are in power). At first, it's good news but after that, citizens realize it was breadcrumbs, not even worth mentioning on the news.
@antiglobalist8229 Год назад
I don't think the school oath is necessary. And especially not every morning, as is still done in many American schools today. A small child is too young for an oath (any oath!) and does not feel its weight.
@wolf1066 2 года назад
Lately I've been watching a lot of channels like yours to remind myself that there are US citizens who *aren't* ignorant arrogant wankers. We've all encountered Americans like the ones described in this video and we've all seen the news coming out of the USA - so it's great to be able to watch videos by educated, intelligent and cosmopolitan Americans... so refreshing!
@MazzaEliLi7406 2 года назад
I live in the North East of England & we thank our bus drivers when we disembark.
@carolinequirk6136 2 года назад
As we do in Wales.
@MazzaEliLi7406 2 года назад
@Emma Martinez Thank your dad for his service. I have seen the difficulties that Bus Drivers have to contend with. Not least double parking on some routes. On one commute I have watched as four burly passengers disembarked (with the drivers permission) & physically move a car out of the way so that the driver could continue around his route. Followed by the usual grumbles from subsequent passengers about late arrivals. Best wishes to all drivers. & to railway personnel who have to contend with delays caused by thieves who take wiring necessary for the Points to operate & disgruntled passengers who have then to cope with missed connections or transfer to buses. Cheers.
@TheChodax Месяц назад
Same in Manchester although it's becoming a lot less prevalent with the younger generation and the effects of immigration.
@TheBadassTonberry Месяц назад
In Austria it's done as well. Or at least say goodbye to the busdriver.
@barbedwards2755 Год назад
One thing that gets my goat about many US citizens is this. They have absolutely no idea that the great American nation represents less than 5% of the global population, but they make more noise about who they think they are than 95% of the global population.
@JayaMadhavadas 3 месяца назад
@danielreinschmidt59 2 года назад
Hey Nate, greetz from Wuppertal! Don´t forget we have in Germany the freedom to get seriously ill, without being ruined for life!
@Goldenbroiler 2 года назад
You must not forget: The rights and freedoms in the USA are much bigger and better. In the US you have the freedom to sue anything and anyone. You have the freedom to live in constant fear. Fear of illness, of unemployment, of being sued, of being shot and of course the fear of becoming a socialist. 😀
@LexusLFA554 2 года назад
@@Goldenbroiler What does that bring to the table? More insurance fraud scammers and brake checkers or what?
@RascalFascal 2 года назад
@@Goldenbroiler you also have the freedom to sue anything and anyone in germany.
@iancomputerscomputerrepair8944 2 года назад
Don't worry about how much an ambulance costs. Eat food that is fit for human consumption. Have Judges that answer to the same laws as everyone else, unlike US Supreme judges who take bribes and it is legal?????
@Goldenbroiler 2 года назад
@@RascalFascal You can sue someone in a restaurant in Germany for millions because the coffee was hot? You can sue a company in Germany because the motorhome with activated cruise control left the road while you are making coffee in the back? And those silly warnings like "remove plastic wrap from pizza before baking" or "not suitable for drying pets" on microwaves. We only have them because of our American friends. So in the US you have the freedom to be dumb ass, but in return you need instructions on how to breathe and poop.
@pamelawatson2366 2 года назад
As a Scot who has been living in Egypt I can confirm that we all can be loud at times but there are some entitled Americans who are especially obnoxious.
@seelenwinter6662 2 года назад
same with chinese people... all other asians are ashemed of them... ^^
@anyexpat 2 года назад
Land of the Free and HOme of the bRAVE ALways makes me laugh. Not that free and nothing brave about levelling 3rd world countries from 50miles away
@johannesheinsohn6956 2 года назад
Correction: regularly blowing up wedding festivities from *thousands* of miles away using drones. Charge, hearing, verdict and execution delivered at once.
@peter_meyer 2 года назад
@@johannesheinsohn6956 ... and then offering $200 per person killed. I recommend Volker Pispers on this, a german "political commentator" (just to not call him a commedian).
@farokudahitam 2 года назад
The USA with the largest military Budget ever and they haven't won a war since WWll excepting Panama Granada and Kuwait 🤣😂🤣😂
@dwaynewrighton8547 2 года назад
@@farokudahitam nah. America can only claim it won a war, if it fought it itself, unaided. Sure, it has SHARED victories with allies many times over. But the army with the largest military budget in the world, has never actually won a war, it has fought independently, unless you really stretch the the American civil war, which took place before the USA was actually a thing (it was the union vs the confederacy), meaning its only independently won war, was against itself.
@farokudahitam 2 года назад
@@dwaynewrighton8547 please read what I actually wrote rather than what you think I wrote then come back
@MarLin67 2 года назад
As a european, swedish citizen that have noticed how americans behave online in social media and in real life I can agree there are two groups of americans. There is this group of nice polite down to earth people that has maners and also has the ability to be non selfish and have empathy for others. And then there is this other group that thinks they are the center of universe. The ones that are loud demanding and often very rude. The one that thinks their problems always are bigger then others and needs to be attended to first. The ones that don´t take any responsibility for their own actions and mistakes. They are usually the ones that still thinks that USA is the greatest and the best nation in the world and have the most freedoms. These are the ignorant ones. America has been a succesful nation even if it is a very young nation but the US has much to learn from other older countries all around the world. For instance capitalism is not the best system for a nation that want to include all their citizens in a healthy lifestyle. Why? Because it´s only good for those that are a part of it, The rest that are of wrong skin color or are from poor areas, or are the ones with poor education are looked as as less valuable humans. And for you that thinks that having two or even three jobs are normal to be able to afford a roof over your head and food on the table? It is not normal, It´s modern slavery. The whole system are built for the big companies and the rich. That is why it is so intresting to see all you americans reactions to how well the europeans and other nations and continents are functioning. You are starting to realize the lie you have been raised on. And this is also why so many americans are leaving the US for good and better lives. And maybe someday things will change in the US when many enough has had it with the so called freedoms and lies. The system must be changed, in so many ways.
@Habakuk_ 2 года назад
it is a fact that in older societies decay is more likely. In Germany after World War II everything had to be rebuilt, even democracy. A lot has also been built in many Eastern European countries and the countries are blooming today :)
@bankskrilla 2 года назад
I’m from America I love this country but your right the way they look at the poor as if they’re nothing the rich get special treatment in the justice system it’s all corrupt but each state has there own systems some are better than other
@Goldenhawk583 2 года назад
very true.. My fiancee is of the former type.. And I have an irate ladu of the latter type, sending me comments here on utube for a week now, its hilarious. ( She is telling me how terrible all other countries are, and that we did not become civilized until after USA taught us how):P
@davefroman4700 2 года назад
Ignorant? Try indoctrinated.
@pierrestras3860 Год назад
@@Habakuk_ That's not true, big example : France.
@marcuszaja6589 2 года назад
Well, we could live in freedom, if we would all respect each other properly. Pythargoras said: "As soon as laws are necessary for men, they are no longer fit for freedom."
@xjrlionheart4423 Год назад
Thank you for your great answer. 👍
@thelastpilot4582 2 года назад
The freedom to be robbed by the Police and immigration (Civil forfeiture without charges being brought} The freedom to be robbed by the state tax (House seizure and not only selling but keeping the excess equity).The freedom to be sued and bullied by Home Owner Association. Too name but a few.
@toecutter3100 Год назад
I'm a 63 year old german guy. I once was a huge fan of the US, everything...cars...music...lifestyle and so on! Then my father and i took a trip in the proper way. 2500 miles cruising the southwest on Harleys. It was fantastic! Everything is so much bigger, the land, the cars, buildings! There are so many nice people....and slowly i found bigger but often hollow! People ask you "How are you?" but give a sh*t what the answer may be. A cop that stopped us, by the way the cheapest and baddest Dirty Harry copy ever, asked me what i (born 1960) did during the reign of the nazis in germany 😉 Since that trip (which we repeated in car 10 years later) i see more and more things i dislike. Stupidity and ingnorance are like every other thing BIGGER in the US. The amount of idiots is frightening (half of votes for the carot-headed maniac). But in the last month i found hope in guys like Jay, Nate and others, that look beyond the end of a gun! And they have one thing in common....they travelled and really looked at the world outside US. So please go ahead Jay, Nate, Nalf and all the others, there's a lot of ignorance to fight!
@karinland8533 2 года назад
In Germany we usually define freedom as the freedom of the persons around us. My freedom only goes as far as it inflicts with an others persons freedom
@kumasenlac5504 2 года назад
Being wrong is the best opportunity you will ever have to learn something other than what you already know or believe.
@xjrlionheart4423 Год назад
The Germans know how this will turn out in the end...
@fleurcloche Год назад
I'm from Hong Kong, and after the last few years what we've been through, I now deeply feel that seeing and admitting the flaws in your own country and trying to let others know about them and eventually and hopefully bring change to it is true patriotism, not seeing and praising the bright side only. That would just be a cult.
@Darren-sl7rp 11 месяцев назад
Yeah, and a child (A CHILD!!) being forced to pledge allegiance, at least to my mind (from an english perspective at least) sees that as a dictarship. Of course we have a monarch, but nobody forces us to 'pledge allegiance' to the crown every day, from the first day of school. If we sing our anthem it's because we have chosen to, and those who choose not to are perfectly fine to express that, its no big deal, in fact some days I feel really pro monarchy and others, urm, I don't. Nobody is gonna throw me in jail or make me sit on the naughty step. My neighbours and family aren't going to ostracise me for being 'unpatriotic'... like the worst sin of all. I think even a serial killer who goes through the motions of pledging allegiance will be viewed better than a 'non serial killer' (yeah I get that's not really a thing, I'm just trying to think in american lol) who won't pledge allegiance. It's so messed up its crazy. And the nonsense you hear their politicians or public figures saying to justify their system and why here in europe we have it so much worse. And yes, they do truly believe that. They truly believe we are all desperate to go and live in america. I dont think I've met one person who ever said 'oh I'd love to live in the states'.
@MazzaEliLi7406 Месяц назад
Well said.
@TheAxel65 2 года назад
In Germany there is a saying: _Was du nicht willst, was man dir tu,_ _das füge keinem anderen zu_ which means roughly translated "Do not do to others what you do not want done to you"
@terranaxiomuk Год назад
Treat others how you would like to be treated, we say. Or "respect is mutual"
@LFANS2001 Год назад
This is one of God's 10 commandments!
@TheAxel65 Год назад
@@LFANS2001 No, this idea does not originate from the 10 Commandments, but is based on the Categorical Imperative of the german philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804): "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."
@LFANS2001 Год назад
@@TheAxel65 Thanks for the cultural add-on. You are right it's not of the 10 commandments but it belongs to Christ teachings as I was taught in church preparing to receive the First Communion.
@TheAxel65 Год назад
@@LFANS2001 I'm happy to hear that your church took the trouble to teach this simple but basic philosophical principle. But to be fair, they shouldn't have declared it "Christian doctrine." These ideas come from 18th century moral philosophy rather than teachings of the church or the Bible. They are based on logic and ethics and not on the irrational and often erratic principles of faith as formulated, for example, in the 10 Commandment.
@robertstrawser1426 Год назад
Just a small example for you. So a few months ago I decided to try making my own cheese and butter because prices are getting ridiculous at the grocery and I could make better quality at home. Also it would be a nice learning experience for my kids on self-reliance. Till I discovered the following. In the last decade, due to the lobbying of the dairy industry, it has become illegal in the state of Ohio to buy raw, whole, milk. It is illegal to buy it in another state and bring it across the state lines. For ANY purpose at all. Not only are stores not allowed to sell it but you cannot even purchase it directly from farmers even if it is strictly for the purpose of making homemade cheese or butter. The claim is that they are “protecting” us. No, that’s not why they do it. They do it so they can bottleneck dairy production from ALL Ohio farmers through big business. Just thought I’d throw one little example out there of how our “freedom” and “rights” in America are being increasingly limited by large corporations in the interest of profit. And yet these same governments that are SO concerned about what’s in our food allows companies to add artificial flavoring and coloring that has been banned in other countries because they COULD potentially be causing cancer and ADHD in children. The United States is more concerned about protecting corporate profits then it is about providing the best options for consumers. “Free country” my ass.
@JayaMadhavadas 3 месяца назад
@JayaMadhavadas 3 месяца назад
@jennifermcdonald5432 Год назад
I am Australian and speak only English. When I was in Europe the first thing I said whenever I was in a shop was, I’m very sorry but I only speak English!
@ProBreakers 2 года назад
I’m American and always make sure to be polite to wait staff and customer service people. I hate rudeness and that sense of entitlement some people show.
@Rachel_M_ Год назад
I come across 2 types of Americans online. 1) those who can extrapolate from incomplete information 2)
@wormsblink2887 2 года назад
The part of attitude towards service staff is on point. I was in the USA for a year and the rudeness and entitlement was appalling. People would yell at Uber/Taxi drivers for making them late, when they themselves didn’t plan their time properly.
@sammurray1627 5 месяцев назад
Many are the same in the UK. I work for a health line and the repeat prescription people call and yell at us, as if we are the ones who forgot to put their prescription in on time. They also seem to think their calls should be prioritised ahead of more urgent cases, even though they call at 11pm and the pharmacy won’t even be open until 9am for them to pick it up.
@susangamble6038 2 года назад
Wow. Every time you stopped to make a relevent comment, I was commenting myself, whilst watching, and we used the same words! Annoying, entitlement, ignorance... etc. Spooky!!!! 😅 By the way, the 'holding doors open' thing where no one thanks you - that can happen in the UK too (where I am from, where I live). However, I just say, 'you're welcome!', very loudly, to shame them! It might not have that actual effect as many people were not brought up with manners as I was (I even say, 'think you' to bus drivers as I disembark from a bus), but it makes me feel better! As for 'freedom' in the US and the US being 'the greatest country in the Worid' etc - Americans have been indoctrinated to believe this for decades. Even the more Liberal of people. It's a mindset that is difficult to break through because the brainwashing has been so consistent, so focused, for so long. I'm not saying other countries don't have problems (have you seen what's been going on in the UK for the past few years? Or even before that? I am utterly ashamed of my own country sometimes), but the US seems unique in the self-entitledness, the arrogance, the blind loyalty to an idea that doesn't actually exist.
@FrankenSpielt 2 года назад
Nate, I can say, that you are also the kind of guy I'd love to hang around and have a nice chat with.
@xjrlionheart4423 Год назад
I gladly agree. 🙂
@giuliamorrell4466 8 месяцев назад
Same here
@bendervorleser8906 Год назад
I don't remember who said it, but I really liked the analogy: Your freedom to wave around your arms like a madman ends, where my face begins.
@donfette5301 2 года назад
His plane story reminds me of my experience and feelings on the return flight from my first-ever trip to Europe (DE, NE, CH, and IT, tho mostly Germany and Switzerland). I honestly underwent what I can only describe as culture shock and disgust at the manners, mode of dress, upkeep of airport bathrooms, immigration/passport control agents, etc. I was so embarrassed and disappointed. That trip was eye opening and life changing. These days I quite often get randomly asked or folks will just offer an unprompted guess at my nationality when I’m in Europe. They usually don’t believe me when I say American. 😆
@karstenjohansen6881 Год назад
“The Fall of America” SPOT ON!! 😂😂😂
@eidodk 2 года назад
"Bring me this" is EXACTLY what you get, when you have a "servant" population in your restaurant business. That is solely an american issue.
@johnchristmas7522 Год назад
Thanks Nate. Good Luck to you and yours
@mariafletcher6603 Год назад
Nate. Calm down. Before you blow your top. Sit down and have a coffee and cookies. From UK 🇬🇧👍👍
@ayannafit2441 Год назад
The people on the flight he's talking about need be made fun of. Don't get annoyed - it's not worth it - just make fun of them. But be careful to check if they're armed first 😊
@LunaBianca1805 2 года назад
"Bitte" and "Danke" were the first things our parents taught us and they were pretty specific about being polite (and not looking down on others, they're both blue collar workers and some of the most intelligent people I know - so even though I got to study at a university, I'd never look down on anyone that does regular blue collar work, either) Those and a few other words are also the minimum I learn in the respective languages when I travel to other countries - it's just way more polite to at least try communicating in the language of the country you're visiting and respect their traditions rather than just expecting everyone to conform to you, at least in my opinion ;)
@sammurray1627 5 месяцев назад
Some people have pride in ignorance. Sad but true.
@anglumangsiklista Год назад
i used to admire America, but now....i don't think so
@baronmeduse 2 года назад
I don't know if it's just learned linguistic patterns, rather than actual deliberate rudeness, but I used to work with an American fellow in renovation here in Europe and when he wanted my attention in another room he would say: 'hey, get in here!' Rather annoying at times.
@solokom 2 года назад
What I really like about your videos apart from the content itself is, that firstly you don't give this long introduction of “this is just my opinion, you can have your own opinion, I don't want to offend anyone”-speech that so many American RU-vidrs give in the beginning. To respect other people's opinions and not feel attacked just because someone criticizes something I like is a given to me, and it's so childish to get hung up on those things. Secondly, you always give a shout-out to the creator of the video you react to, and you put the original video in the description. That's what should be basic decency, but too often creators don't do that. And last but not least, you actually REACT to what you see. Sometimes you see RU-vidrs watching a video of 8 minutes, say “oh” or “wow” here and there and that's it. No original thought, no addition to the original video whatsoever, just trying to grab some ad money from the work of others. You on the other hand give your opinion, share thoughts, maybe explain some details or put what you reacted to in a broader context thus, actually adding value to the video you react to. In a nutshell: great work, Nate! Love your videos, keep it up! Greets from a German living in Austria.
@NateLawson 2 года назад
Thank you!! I appreciate that!
@lbergen001 2 года назад
You are so right !! For the same reasons I like Nate's videos too.
@xjrlionheart4423 Год назад
Solokom. Very well expressed. Agree 100%.
@Quotenwagnerianer 2 года назад
Funny you went there yourself. If some "dumb" american asked me "What is Indian food?" I would probably have answered: "Bison of course. What do you think?!" just to mess with them.
@johannesheinsohn6956 2 года назад
Yeah. It´s pretty hard to pull oneself together in these situations. I remember having an exchange professor from the University of Texas over. A really nice older guy. He asked so many (stupid) questions, but we still did our best to stay nice and explain things, since he showed genuine interest. It´s really an effort if you need to start with Adam and Eve explaining the world to an US university professor. Would be so much easier to just make fun of him. But we´re generally a very empathatic and nice people over here.
@dutchman7623 2 года назад
I do get it when they would ask what is in it. What meat or which vegetables, Whether it is very spicy or not, etc. But flying Lufthansa it will be very moderate and nothing extreme, acceptable food for everyone in general, according to international norms.
@danceswithcritters 2 года назад
Buffalo would be a better answer, they might not know what bison is.
@paparoach007 Год назад
I went to America last year and the very first thing I noticed was how conversations seemed to drift off to politics and Americas history, this is one quote I can remember from an American person: "America is all about the greater good and it's rich culture, not like the Germans" and I thought to myself, how ignorant and obnoxious can you be? I know not all Americans are like this but it's the nonchalant-ness and lack of thought process behind it that raises my blood pressure. When someone says something so easily without any thought put behind it, like for example being ignorant about another country in this instance, you know they say the same thing over and over again because they are too narrow-minded and they stick to their ignorance without actually opening their mind and they don't even realise it. I've been around too many people like this to see right through their BS and I know in myself that I am a more level-headed person than they are, I see good and bad in everything a neutral stance you could say. Don't get me wrong you do get people like this all over the world but ignorance and lack-of-thought behind what you say shows how naïve and judgemental you are to the world and to other people. Man I could keep typing but the comments section isn't meant to be a book length lol. Thanks for the insight and content Nate, take care.
@jurgengrove2488 5 месяцев назад
Nate! There is a sentence from "Rosa Luxemburg", she was an oppositionist in the Third Reich. The sentence has accompanied me my whole life. She said: "Freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently. Never forget that... Greetings from Lower Saxony Jürgen
@vickidowd4902 2 года назад
How can you have real freedom if you have to work 3 jobs to be able to survive or provide for your family. Freedom is having a balance of work/play time to spend with your family. How is it freedom that if you miss a days work you can be fired/let go? How is it freedom if emplyers can dismiss an employee without reason or consequence. How is it a freedom if because you are dismissed, you and your family are homeless within 2 months? How is it freedom that you cannot take your child or yourself to a doctor/hospital/have health care without going into debt? How is it freedom that higher education might also mean being in debt for decades? Is that real freedom? And for the person who said - "Do you want to pay more taxes?" Well, no but it's not about me. I'll pay a bit more so that everyone can have a lifestyle where they can live without fear and/or want. Because we are human beings.
@antiglobalist8229 6 месяцев назад
They calculated that Americans pay the same amount in taxes on their wages as Europeans when everything is included, federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, etc. This is about 38 - 40% of the salary. The difference is that you don't get anything in return for that! Absolutely nothing! No government welfare system!
@arthurfischer2403 Год назад
And another American who found out the internet exists 😂😂😂
@nickmasuen1859 2 года назад
I also at times become tied between wanting to put my hand in to help change the U.S for the better and wanting to just leave the U.S because of questing on whether or not it will ever become better.
@valsyaranamual6853 2 года назад
Be brave, be happy! Leave!
@uklie01 Год назад
As a Swiss, I would never say "bring me...", I always say "could you please bring me or I would like to get (whatever it is I want), please". It's just general politeness, it comes across as very rude here if you say it in a demanding way.
@garrywolfe6077 2 года назад
Different countries and cultures have their own ways of being polite and accepted social protocols. I lived and worked in the Netherlands for a couple of years. Many of my UK friends said that the Dutch were arrogant because they don't say 'please' (the UK say please to pretty much everything). It didn't take long to learn the language and culture and realise that the Dutch are actually very polite and probably more sincere with that politeness than many of my 'please' obsessed UK friends :) - watch how people in different cultures interact with each other first and be friendly even if you don't speak the lingo. It is body language that will tell you if someone is being arrogant or confrontational and your body language that will tell them the same thing. Interestingly, body language seems to be pretty consistent across all human cultures (small inflections aside).
@ethanfields1444 2 года назад
I don't see it as demanding to saying 'I'll have this or that" especially when you're primed with the question "what do you want"
@viviannedonnelly233 Год назад
The people who will never want to to see this video are the people who need to be enlightened.
@grooveseeker2883 2 года назад
Thanks Nate 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@DidierWierdsma6335 2 года назад
Hey Nate please do not apologize for anything take all the time you need family and life comes first. I truly believe that the people in Germany and in my own country the Netherlands have more freedom than the people in the Divided States of America no offence. I personaly find the title of LAND OF THE FREE ridiculous there are country's in this world that have more freedom than America itself. And HOME OF THE BRAVE also a ridiculous title once again no offence take away the guns and the rifles and than let's see how brave Americans suposedly are. Jay's channel is awesome love his content and yours as well Nate😊 Other than that a great video keep it up👍 And greetings from the Netherlands🇳🇱
@baronmeduse 2 года назад
Apart from neoliberal health sytsem in NL and perhas the fact that here in NL people are also loud, rude, opinionated and obnoxious. Especially in the cities.
@DidierWierdsma6335 2 года назад
@@baronmeduse Be thankfull that you live here in Europe and the Netherlands healthcare over here is so much better than that of the Divided States of America the so called land of the free it's not. What you are refering to is Dutch directness it's not meant to be rude we are not a rude people we are very open and welcoming we are simply being honest nothing wrong with that period. And once again be thankfull for living here in Europe where it's so much better. Nog een prettige dag toegewenst F Bordewijk😊
@baronmeduse 2 года назад
@@DidierWierdsma6335 The healthcare system here is poor and expensive compared to the NHS (which is of course also entirely free to use). I'm not comparing it to the US. It's poor compared to Spain's and to Portugal's as well. I'm from the UK, but of Belgian extraction, so I've always fairly aware of NL. I always came here in the 80s on holiday before living here. It has gone severely downhill over time. And the so-called 'Dutch directness' is just rudeness under another name. Usually someone with no knowledge passing an uninformed opinion. The problem here is everyone is taught from an early age that their opinion matters, when it doesn't. Bedankt. Niet elke dag is een prettige dag, maar ik kijk er altijd naar uit naar de goede dagen.
@DidierWierdsma6335 2 года назад
@@baronmeduse In my honest opinion every opinion matters we do live in country's here in the west where free speech and freedom of expression is a thing. And do you want to know what i find rude and offensive rasicm homofobia being a sexsist wich America has become recently especially with Roe v Wade being overturned women over there have lost their freedoms and their rights wich is disgusting Land of the free i don't think so far from it. Once again Dutch people are not rude is my country perfect no it isn't but it's still way better than the Divided States of America.
@baronmeduse 2 года назад
@@DidierWierdsma6335 On those grounds practically any western country would be considered better. I'm not here to defend the United States, I'm not from there. This country however is also racist. It has its fair share. It is also, an architect and top-four member of the EU, highly neoliberal in economic practise and right-wing. The governments here have been centre-right/right-wing since 2001. The Dutch are well-known for being rude, it's a sort of European in-joke that Dutch people can't exercise tact. It doesn't mean every last person, but the culture of 'I can speak my mind and I'm entitled to' has created it.
@peterpaul5820 Год назад
no no no Nate, disgusting was the exact right therm. and not expose them and letting it go is the exact reason why they stay that disgusting
@gillcawthorn7572 Год назад
Demanding ,accusing ,being pushy and obnoxious to others is BULLYING .And bullies always have all the freedoms because no one challenges them.
@mikaeldk5700 2 года назад
Great video again. I wish there were many more Americans like you. Come visit Denmark some day when you are in Europe. You would be very welcome here.
@arohk1579 2 года назад
Every Country has it's bad apples, only America seems to have the entire tree. I have met many Americans and one thing about where I live is you can almost guess where they are from when visiting. As a former soldier I worked and trained along side the U.S. and yes some were just like the type described, so it was therefore so much fun when we won against them.
@johnadey9464 2 года назад
Your freedoms end where others peoples start.
@itkovian5661 Год назад
I think the american idea of "absolute free speech" also plays into this. While its more prevelent in the political sphere i think it also has an impact on how people talk to each other in day to day life. If you are of the belief, that any speech cant hurt anyone and is harmless per definition its not a problem to be mean to waiters/waitresses because it doesnt cause harm. You dont need to be polite, because the difference between "I`ll want X" and "I would like X, thank you" is ultimately meaningless. Another point about the patriotic "america is the greatest" point. While im not a big fan of patriotism in general, the biggest problem i have with american exceptionalism is the idea that the US as a country is already at its peak, the implication being that there is no need to improve anything and i think thats really hurtful for politics. You loose the ability to question things and loose the drive to improve the system we all live in. There is no possibility to grow personally or as a society.
@c2dvr Год назад
I drive a school bus and this behavior is in the kids.
@bucknutz9290 2 года назад
I loved watching your commentary and hearing your observations. Subscribed!
@beaconeersofthesevenmaps3467 2 года назад
Chaos not anarchy, difference.
@user-lo7es6gw1x 2 года назад
Respect to you sir..🤞
@oh8wingman 2 года назад
A coworker of mine was at one time the President of the Canadian Cattle Owners Association and as a result he had traveled all over the world on good will tours. He and his wife were in Christchurch New Zealand and they loosely befriended a couple from the US. It seemed like everywhere they went they would run into this couple. After a few days, he and his wife agreed that they would leave the hotel early in the morning in the hopes of having their breakfast without any companionship. They went to a small restaurant and the young waiter was very polite and helpful. Shortly after they had ordered, their American friends happened to walk by and noticed them. They came into the restaurant and immediately assumed that they could join then without an invitation. Joe and his wife didn't say anything but they were both irritated by the assumption that their "friends" had made. Soon the waiter came over and the minute the American opened his mouth his whole demeanor changed. He was curt and spoke to them in a very clipped manner and offered no suggestions. They ordered their meals and when they had finished the Americans left claiming they had somewhere to be. After they had left, the young waiter soon came over and completely reverted to his original self. Joe noticed this and asked why their was such a notable difference in his attitude. Initially he demurred to give a clear answer for the change but eventually he told them the change came about due to their companions. When Joe asked what was the difference he was told they they were Americans while Joe and his wife were obviously not. Intrigued, Joe asked how the waiter could tell the difference. The waiter responded with, "Well sir, you and your wife said please and thank you and treated me with respect. Their companions had immediately exposed themselves with the way they talked and treated their server. It was gimme a menu. Bring me some coffee to start with. Gimme some eggs over easy with a couple of thick slices of ham. I need more coffee over here and my wife needs a refill on her orange juice." It had never occurred to Joe that there was this difference in the way they handled themselves versus Americans but after that wherever he as his wife went they listened for the difference and they found that the young waiter was 100% correct. The only Americans they ever encountered that did not order people around and demean them was a couple who had lived in England for about five years. When Joe asked why they were so much more like Canadians than Americans, there was a pregnant silence for a few seconds. Then, with a smile, the husband told about how they had had a lot of trouble in England and Europe until a young American in France clued them in. Prior to learning his secret they were often served by people who were border line rude and intolerant. After learning, they had very little trouble getting what they needed and were treated well.
@carolinequirk6136 2 года назад
I say to my family and what’s the magic word if they don’t say please or thank you when asking or be given some thing, the first time in America I said it to a child of the friend of my niece and unlike children from the U.K. they didn’t know what I was saying, no problem, but they didn’t know to say please and thank you.
@chzinch Год назад
@@carolinequirk6136 As an older American, I find this odd. To my mind, all children are taught to say please and thank you.
@TomRuthemann 2 года назад
Thanks for a very good video. Great you are showing Jay's video. He is always worth listening to.
@yinhoukhor7109 2 года назад
I feel like if manners was a tangible item, you'd find it in the museum these days. The problem with many people's perception of freedoms is that freedom is a term that is not only an extremely loosely used term but people are extremely delusional about what it really entails. This is why I really like the fact that you mentioned that there is no such thing as true/unlimited freedom as it will eventually infringe on the freedom of others. Which just illustrates that there SHOULD in fact be limits to freedom or chaos would reign! When people emphasise on the overrated freedom of speech, they often refer to the freedom to criticise say, their government. If criticising their government actually changes their government for the better, it might actually be worth taking extra seriously! But we all know that almost never happens. Yet freedoms that actually make a difference such as freedom to safety and financial freedom (which most people in the world don't have) get overlooked all the time.
@dutchman7623 2 года назад
Countries get the government they deserve. There are a lot of countries where gradual change is established though public opinion. Where multi party systems allow the population to shift politics in another direction. Where wide social discussion takes place about important matters. One or two party systems usually do not achieve this. They end up in for or against, black or white, right or left and nothing in between.
@xjrlionheart4423 Год назад
@@dutchman7623 YES and THIS is dangerous. We know it from our past.
@MCoelloF 2 года назад
A Dad lesson: always treat waiters very nicely , unless you want your steak under a shoe sole before it´s served to you ;) By the way, in Spain, we are also very loud when talking
@BazzSelby 2 года назад
I like your reactions, and your comments, on this one, nailed it.
@YukiTheOkami 2 года назад
I met my amarican boyfriend cause we takjed about these topics and how he wanted to leave especialy because of work hours and he said he wanted to go germany or japan I told him japan is probaply even worse than the usa in this demand so he choose germany he knows the united states are falling down we became friends and a view weeks later a couple im so happy with him even if its long distance for now
@craigcoughlin1834 2 года назад
Right. They don't care! Not curious about the world.
@cassieo4337 Год назад
Too many Americans are not curious period. If they were, they wouldn't consistently vote against their best interests.
@MrParcho Год назад
How is it that Tesla can not sell cars directly in a lot of states. where are your freedoms when politicians favor their mates.
@bigs1546 2 года назад
Just found your channel and from this reaction will be checking out more of what you have to say - G'day from Australia !
@lindas5200 2 года назад
I wonder if the lady from America who was asking what is Indian food if she was confused because (Native American Indians) popped into her mind. I was watching a comedy video on You Tube the other day and the comedian asked if there were any Indians in the audience,.... .and someone asked.... do you mean Indian as in Native American Indians, or the Indians from India? It took the comedian back a bit because he had to admit he had never been asked that question before. The person in the audience who asked the question was actually a Native American.
@ianbeddowes5362 2 года назад
How free is a country with 5% or=f the world's population but 22% of the world's prison population? The USA has roughly double the prison population of China which has about 3 and half times the population.
@Jamie_D 2 года назад
Really the only thing the states continue to get better at is military and it's spending, everything else seems to be slowly declining from what i see from the outside based on news, RU-vid videos etc
@stewartjones2370 Год назад
Or public transport
@gabyenbcn 2 года назад
Born and raised in the US, but raised with a different culture. I traveled a lot as a child, and the point of view in this video has always been mine. Whenever I used my 1st amendment speaking my opinion, i was always told don't like it than leave. So I left!
@willyklophaugen2191 Год назад
American freedom is "the freedom to", the rest of the world have more of "the freedom from.
@jandejong1122 2 года назад
JAY STEPJAN is one of my favorite channels. He is always spot on.
@user-lo7es6gw1x 2 года назад
Thumbs up Nate..
@axoram Год назад
Very proud to be European
@peterbothwell9005 2 года назад
Thank you so much Nate for your very interesting videos and for being such an honest, open minded and caring human being. I am a British citizen and we too have many people who unfortunately believe we are the greatest nation and greatest people in this world. Although we are also bogged down in an two party political system that seems to have become unfit for purpose we do have far more freedom compared to the United States. We are also far more aware of what’s going on in the rest of the world compared to many US citizens and it pains me when I hear US Citizens ask where other countries are geographically located. I actually work for a US company that when George Bush Junior sent the US troops in to Afghanistan had to put up on its intranet site a map of Afghanistan and point out its geographical location in the world. Nate, this world will become a better place when our governments and our narrow minded citizens focus on all our similarities rather than our differences. All countries and citizens of this world have importance and a lot of good to offer and share. We must not let our governments deliberately control us by continuing to divide us and continue to have us focus on our differences. God bless the world.
@leobaer4131 2 года назад
Hi Nate, thank you for this and many other insights. I am Swiss and so often wondering about the massive gap between the image of the US I believed in as young and my perception of the States nowadays. Your explanations and your struggling with the values propagated by the US and how they are lived or not lived by Americans help me to understand and encourage me to dig deeper. Cheers from Switzerland, Leo
@Xayidee Год назад
Just some advice in case this happens (the card machine not working which has happened to us several times in Germany and Belgium. You can leave your ID behind and drive to a cash machine and come back. People are very understanding. Another option is doing a bank transfer (almost all banks in europe have phone apps that allow bank transfers). The person at the till will be able to provide a bank account into which to transfer the money (most of the times). You complete the transaction and show them proof of payment. Have done this in a shop, with the plumber when we called him at 11 pm and I was not comfortable going to a cash machine at that time and leaving him alone in the house or getting in a car with him to go get money. We also did this at a gas station twice. If there’s multiple people, one can stay behind until the other returns with cash. No need to get upset or angry - there’s always options and people in retail in general have had that situation happen before and are understanding. It’s just mildly embarrassing.
@waltergiles86 2 года назад
So right! God bless❤️🙏🏾🖖🏿
@arliebattigbattig9726 Год назад
Another thing that has always bothered me is how much of both the US and Canadian economy is based on exploiting poorer peoples
@Perseus505 2 года назад
The mother of arrogance is named stupidity...
@rafal.zbojak Год назад
One rule that many people (pretty much anyone, not US specific) are not aware of, forget about or simply don't care (no matter where in the world): Never mess with, make fun of or be a condescending prick to someone who serves you any kind of food or drink, unless you either want someone to spit in it, piss into it or spike it in any other way OR you want to be charged 3x for the same shit. The same goes with construction workers: don't be a prick or you'll end up with a raw egg (or dozen) hidden somewhere in the wall (stinks like hell after a week or two and is almost impossible to locate). Well, thinking of it, it applies almost everywhere: any kind of specialist, be it plumber, electrician, mechanic or IT guy will charge you for even the most stupid thing they wouldn't even bother with normally, because you couldn't just chill the fuck out and be polite.
@samstevens7888 Год назад
I have the freedom to cross the road mostly where I want in the UK. In he USA you dont you get a ticket for jaywalking. Its funny.
@Anth1963 2 года назад
Australian school children HAVE the freedom to go to school and not have to practise active shooter drills, not to be butchered by fire arms. 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
@Torfmoos 2 года назад
The Server Theme made me smile, remembering a Restaurantowner who oneche told me - i don t like this guy, i serve him Food cause we are a Restaurant, but i wouldn t take Money from him. I m not depending on his Money and it would ashame him (the guest) that i don t do it. So he proberbly would nbot come back at all. And some of my Friends who work in Service wouldn t take his Tipp and told him the same. I would like to see the Face of such rude ppl. As i was told its mostly insane and worth more than any kind of Tipp.
@bhalliwell739 2 года назад
It was about 12 years ago since the last time I was in the US and a waitress said asked if we were Canadian so I asked was it our accent and she said that we were polite and said please and thank you. I did meet many wonderful American people on our visit which was so nice.
@Habakuk_ 2 года назад
I wouldn't describe the average American as rude either, but the events of January 6th are burned into our brains and many people today think Americans are loud. violent and ignorant.
@BlackWater_49 Год назад
18:27 I mean we don't have Freedom of Speech in Germany but we do have Freedom of Opinion which for almost all intends and purposes is the same but has some key differences like e.g. Holocaust denial is protected by Freedom of Speech but very much not by Freedom of Opinion.
@twinmama42 2 года назад
Jay's videos are pleasant bc of his voice and the way he explains his opinion. I enjoy them from time to time. Loud, obnoxious, arrogant people can be found everywhere. When I'm abroad I try not to come into close contact with German tourists (the ones you can easily spot) as more often than not they are quite samy. They're in a foreign country and one local specialty (e.g. pizza, spaghetti bolognese, paella, gyros, düner kebap) they won't even try other local food, they order Wiener Schnitzel or Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut. They talk trash on servers, they talk trash about the local beer, and they mock local customs - always assuming nobody can understand them in their thick dialect. It's horrible and I don't want to be associated with them in any shape or form. I so get Jay's feeling on his flight, because I've been there. But yes, US citizens are among the loudest and most obnoxious foreigners in Germany (and everywhere else, or so it seems). And they are the way they are because they've been indoctrinated from a young age. It's so sad to only feel pity for them. And I'm so thankful for every American who (like you) is curious about the world outside the borders of the USA because they spread information to an oblivious people. Because information is the only way to overcome false beliefs. You, Jay, and some other folk give me hope that not all is lost and reason might get the ipper hand in the US after all.
@heatherfruin5050 2 года назад
Yes. German tourists are arrogant. They put their towels on sun lounges then come back after touring expecting to sit there. They also jump queues.
@dutchman7623 2 года назад
The US has a long route to walk into a more open minded society, I think an internal collision of several 'narrow minded' groups is far more likely.
@Habakuk_ 2 года назад
apart from ibiza. Mallorca and other party miles I would not leave the thesis with the German and if it did I would let that apply to every nationality. Holiday guests who eg. go on a holiday tour in iceland or just let it all out on mallorca you should make a distinction
@bobdickweed 2 года назад
Just got back from my trip to Germany , i used to live there in the early 90s, i was warm and nice , great friends and places to see , going back next year for a longer time, back home now in the Rep of Ireland , no rain today,,,;-)
@timolynch149 2 года назад
Well.. here in the People's Republic of Cork it is raining right now.
@bobdickweed 2 года назад
@@timolynch149 lol , well im in the Sunny Southeast , Wexford,,,and i can see a big light in the sky
@casualgerman1949 2 года назад
As a german I tell you this: German is a complicated and not world wide spoken language. So no one would expect you to speak it, as a foreigner. However "we" appreciate that you try or even do speak it . If you stay here for longer, then yes, it would also be in your interest to learn the language. Other than that, just be calm and polite, and yes speak english, because what else can you do to communicate?
@richardhargrave6082 2 года назад
There are no more freedoms within the US compared to Europe. So, its fake The flight attendant incident is typical. Its easy, treat people with respect you get what you would like and very good service (Generally) We were on holiday in Greece, Crete, we arrived late evening and it turned out that our room was above the kitchen, so it was noisy from early morning. We went to reception (at breakfast) and explained the problem and would they be able to move us when there are some rooms available. She asked if 'd had breakfast (No) asked us to come and see her after breakfast, we did and she took us to see another room, a better view as well. We said we'll take it, thanks. She said, leave your luggage and we'll move it. When we got back later in the afternoon, they gave us the key and everything was perfect. We saw the lady at the desk and thanked her, we got to know a little and she said that if we'd been rude, it may have taken another day or two to get a room. But we're British and polite and understanding, they sorted it. Its not hard, treat people how you would wish to be treated yourself and you'll get better service.
@dienekes4364 Год назад
I agree with _most_ of this except the idea that stripping away civil rights somehow makes you more free? How does that even compute?
@Wislex 2 года назад
Freedom can only as big to point where it impeaches someone else's freedom. The feeling of one's personal freedom differs on who you ask on whatever thing that is topic.
@CycloTourist 2 года назад
Nate, you know what says a lot about the state of a country? How many books are banned in a country. There is talk about freedom of expression in many countries. And free journalism. But these are often empty phrases. How free a society really is with the opinions of others can be measured by the number and type of banned books.
@waltergiles86 2 года назад
Welcome to America!🧐!
@ToniMcGinty 2 года назад
Love your videos, Nate! One point about the whole Indian/Native American thing. I heard someone point out a few years ago that Native American itself is not a preferred term, as the concept of "America" was brought over, if I recall, by Columbus, and that the correct way to go would be to identify people by their tribe: Cherokee, Sioux, etc. I wouldn't have the faintest idea of how to go about identifying people by their tribe, but there you go. This would also mean that there would be no collective term, but maybe there shouldn't be. Keep on keeping on, mein bruder!
@NateLawson 2 года назад
I never thought of it like that, and I don’t disagree!
@rua5818 2 года назад
I live in a town that is 60٪ native people. They usually refer to themselves as 'native, ' indigenous' 'tribal', or 'tribe member'. Ironically, in spite of being in the minority, many of the white people behave like 'Lord and master' and use the term, 'Indian', almost as if it were a swear word. The arrogance is nauseating.
@grahvis 2 года назад
The name of America, was coined by a map maker in the early 1500s as a tribute to the explorer Amerigo Vespucci. Vespucci established that Brazil was part of a new continent and was not part of Asia. Other map makers followed his example and hence the Americas were born.
@ToniMcGinty 2 года назад
@@grahvis I thought it actually was Vespucci! You learn something new every day!
@rua5818 2 года назад
@@grahvis Very interesting! Thanks for the info!
@xjrlionheart4423 Год назад
Hi Nate, I`m a 56 year old German. Would be very nice to change our ideas. Too much so say from my kind of view. But I think I have an explanation for these typical (?) stereotyp Americans. Just 1 sentence and please correct me, if my position is too stereotyp. 1. There is not a long culture and history in America. Your natives are the only one with a long culture. My small hometown is 1250 years old. THIS is were I´m proud of. Proud what we (our parents) have done after WW2 with our economy and community. Proud that Germany is not involved in any war except we MUST do our job inside the NATO. But we do this with a bitter smack and mostely in the way of hospitility. Proud about our high quality food and some more else.. - YES, I´M proud that we learned our lesson from the past. Proud to have a very good social system and education for free and we still are one of the economic leaders in the world - 20 times smaller than the US. I think our politicians MUST build up another identity. Until know I hear: America is the Best. Btw. We are shaking our heads about the uncivilized way your politicians talk to each other. No Respect, dividing the whole society. This is like going back to the early ages. The "freedom" brings freedom for the richest. - THIS is why we have a social system because we know the greed from companies. A small war 7000 miles away...Who cares? Over 40 wars...40 WARS since WW2 americans have started or are involved in, Millions are dead, destroyed souls, families and so on (Afghanistan, Korea, Vietman and and and). But is was not on our ground... . OUR oil? OUR? OUR? . OUR oil is on YOUR ground and NOT anywhere else. We had a war on our ground. Over 80% destroyed buildings. Millions of mens, families deported. Thousands of them were still in jail although after 1949. My Grandfather was coming home 6 years later in 1955.... I think no American can comprehend what this means. And this is why education is so important in life! A nation that keeps there citizens blockheaded (we have learned from our past!)... no wonder "stereotypes" will be "born". OK, I was aggressive. What do you think? 🙂
@ortwinfrijde6867 Год назад
Respect for seeing this while living in the matrix, the rest of the world has known this for a long time, by just watching your country from the outside !!
@tonywilkinson6895 2 года назад
Hello Nate ,I’ve lived and worked in London all my life and American tourists are in my orbit a lot,they seem ok to me,having said that I’m not in the service industry.
@jeanyluisa8483 2 года назад
Freedom has one thing in common with money, health and other things - the main reason for talking about those things if the feeling of lacking it.
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