
Are Christians Still Required to Tithe? 

THE BEAT by Allen Parr
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Is the OT tithe still required for the NT Christian?
FACT #1 - Jesus never taught on tithing even though the subject He taught on more than any other was money.
FACT #2 - No percentages are given in NT for giving
FACT #3 - Jesus’ teachings is ALWAYS to go beyond what the law required (lust, love, murder, etc.) (see also, “unless your righteousness exceeds…”
So, what does the NT teach about giving?
There are a lot of questions surrounding the question, “Should Christians tithe.”
1. Don’t limit yourself to 10% - 2 Cor. 9:6
a. Paul introduces us to the simple law of sowing and reaping
b. God is saying, “I want to bless you far beyond where you think I want to but because you don’t trust you me give reluctantly.”
c. God wants you to grow - so that just as you are growing in other areas you are growing in your giving as well (make a goal to give one more percentage a year).
d. God doesn’t promise that His blessings to you will be financial. He just promises that He will bless you according to what you give.
e. God says, “I’m giving you a blank check where you determine how much you’ll be blessed.”
2. Attitude is more important than the Amount - 2 Cor. 9:7
a. Personal not prescribed - If you want to give 10% then that’s great.
b. Don’t give because you are afraid if you don’t God will punish you. This passage doesn’t say God will punish you. Rather, it says that the more you give the more God will bless you in return (the law of sowing and reaping).
c. Reluctantly - In other words if you are giving a certain percentage because you’ve been taught or pressured to give it but you’re giving it RELUCTANTLY, God says
d. Don’t give because you were made to feel guilty by a church leader if you didn’t give.
e. Don’t give because you think it will cover up something bad you did.
f. When God decides to bless you He is looking at the condition of your heart not your checkbook.
3. Giving should be an sacrificial act of faith
a. 2 Cor. 8:1-2 - Paul is speaking here of one of the poorest churches that gave liberally in the midst of a severe trial.
b. The point here is that even in times of lack we can still be liberal because giving is a sacrifice. David said, “I will not give to the Lord that which costs me NOTHING.”
c. In the next chapter Paul reminds us that we can give trusting that He is…
So I want to challenge you today not to limit yourself to a 10% blessing, secondly to focus more on your attitude when you give and to give sacrificially even when it hurts trusting that God can bring that and more back to you.



10 сен 2024




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@IAMBENNYBLANCO. 8 месяцев назад
Tithing IS NOT required and we the Body of Christ.... washed under His Blood and saved by His Grace can give free and cheerfully. There is NO condemnation for those who live in the Grace of our Lord!!!
@benprestridge6787 Месяц назад
Correct, just don’t give to charlatans like Alan Parr and as a general rule of thumb, anyone who’s given themselves a title of pastor, preacher or priest
@ronniehurst6454 Месяц назад
@@benprestridge6787 True. Very true.
@guopa1 Месяц назад
Paul recognized that Jesus did not abolish tithing, he added to it, not in law, but in the freedom to give and receive. Hebrews 7:8 (NIV) "In the one case, the tenth is collected by people who die; but in the other case, by him who is declared to be living." Paul writes this after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus- maybe decades after. Paul discusses the concept of tithes and priesthood in the context of Jesus' eternal priesthood in the book of Hebrews, particularly in Hebrews 7. In this verse, Paul contrasts the mortal Levitical priests, who collect tithes and eventually die, with Jesus, who is "declared to be living" and holds an eternal priesthood. This implies that Jesus, in his eternal priesthood, is in a position similar to Melchizedek's, who received tithes from Abraham. Melchizedek is presented as a type or foreshadowing of Christ's eternal priesthood. Just as Melchizedek received tithes from Abraham, Jesus, as a priest in the order of Melchizedek, is implied to be worthy of receiving tithes. Jesus' priesthood is eternal and superior to the Levitical priesthood, which suggests that he holds a continual and everlasting role in interceding for believers. While the text does not explicitly say that Jesus physically receives tithes today, it symbolically aligns the giving of tithes to the eternal priesthood of Jesus. This means that when believers give, it can be seen as an act of worship and honor to Christ, who is their eternal high priest. The emphasis is on the spiritual and eternal nature of Jesus' priesthood, suggesting that acts of giving, including tithes, are directed towards Jesus in a spiritual sense, recognizing his perpetual priesthood. Paul’s statements in Hebrews 7, especially verse 8, suggests that Jesus, as the eternal high priest in the order of Melchizedek, is symbolically in a position to receive tithes, emphasizing the spiritual significance of giving as an act of worship to Christ. While Paul does not explicitly state that Jesus "receives tithes" in the same way as the Levitical priests, he makes a significant comparison between the Levitical priesthood and the priesthood of Melchizedek, to which Jesus belongs. Paul recounts how Abraham gave a tenth (tithe) of everything to Melchizedek, who was both a king and a priest (Hebrews 7:1-2). He argues that Melchizedek's priesthood is superior to the Levitical priesthood because Levi, the ancestor of the Levitical priests, effectively paid tithes through Abraham (Hebrews 7:4-10). Having said all that, Paul points out that Jesus does receive tithes today. Just in case you missed it, Hebrews 7:8 (NIV) In the one case, the tenth is collected by people who die; but in the other case, by him who is declared to be living. Pretty clear to me that the present day ministry of Jesus includes receiving tithes from believers. What does appear to be true is that tithing is not a NT law. It is not compulsory. If anything, it is superseded by a higher law of free will giving. Just as Abraham first gave a tenth in response to Gods deliverance, so believers today are free to give from their own heart an amount or frequency they deem appropriate. Notice it is a higher law, not an escape from tithing. A higher law has greater consequences. Giving and receiving is written about many times in the NT and one would have to be willfully blind to say it is not true. The main principle to follow is not whether tithing is or isn’t under the law, or is or isn’t done away with. The main principle is do we have something better? Hebrews 8:6 6 But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. ALL argument about tithing is concerned with being free from tithing as if it is wicked or onerous. The fact is the new covenant is a better covenant than the old. Tithing was a blessing, not a curse, under the old. We have something better, which is not freedom from tithing, but freedom to give and receive as much as one wants from the heart. In that context, if one tithes from the heart, the OT blessings are still relevant today. Tithing is the beginning of giving and blessings, not the end. we have a new and better covenant with better promises. Learn those promises and practice believing God instead of avoiding God and the blessing that goes with tithing will be seen to be true today. The Biblical Perspective in the NT on giving. 1 Corinthians 9:13-14 (NIV): "Don't you know that those who serve in the temple get their food from the temple, and that those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar? In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel." 1 Corinthians 16:2 provides a structured approach to charitable giving within the early Christian community, emphasizing regular, proportional, and intentional contributions to support those in need. Paul, the apostle, gives instructions to the church in Corinth regarding the collection of funds for the saints in Jerusalem. It reads: "On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made." Paul is instructing the Corinthians to make their contributions regularly , specifically on Sunday, which is the day Christians gather to worship. This reflects the early Christian practice of meeting on the first day of the week, commemorating Jesus' resurrection. He emphasizes that every member of the community should participate in this act of giving. Each person is to give according to their financial ability. So contributions are based on what one has, ensuring fairness.
@kevindarby5251 Год назад
The bottom line tithing was under the law. Let's stop asking for 💰 money! Let us give as the word & the Spirit of God quides us. Amen
@allenbanks3986 6 лет назад
At the end of the day, God loves a cheerful giver
@user-ng4nn4zw6r 4 месяца назад
Paul was collecting from the newer saints to provide necessities for the older saints in Jerusalem who were destitute and impoverished. Thus, no preacher today should be using Paul's words - "blessed are the cheerful giver" - to collect funds from anyone UNLESS the entirety of that which is collected is destined to support the poor and less fortunate believers. If one dime of what is collected is purposed for anything else, then the collector of such proceeds is a thief and a fraud and is going to hell unless he or she repents and repays what he or she has taken.
@metronome4670 3 года назад
Today's pastors condemn us making us the congregation feel like we're going to hell if we don't want to give a 10th.
@cresswellchipman2533 3 года назад
It's not really the Pastors that are condemning you, it's Malachi chapter 3 that condemns you! Read your Bible! It says that "you are cursed if you rob God."(Malachi 3:8-10) Withholding tithes and offering is stealing, its robbing God and His church. The tithes and offering goes toward the upkeep of the church and the spreading of the gospel. And just in case you think tithing is just an old testament thing, the Hebrew writer comes behind and reinforces it by saying that just as Aaron and his Levitical tribe received tithe of the children of Israel under the old covenant, even so, must Jesus, who is now our new testament High Priest, receive tithes of us by means of His church. Read Hebrews chapter 7:1-17. See how the Hebrew writer links the ministry of Jesus with that of Melchesidec! Just as Abraham gave a tenth of the spoil to Melchesidec, even so are we to return a tenth of our earnings to Jesus! It's Remarkable!😊
@Kevin-jc1fx 3 года назад
@@cresswellchipman2533 I guess you will also argue that because to Jeremiah 16:2 or some other verses we should not marry? When we read the Bible, context is very important. In Malachi 3, God is talking to the NATION of Israel as a country. Modern day Christians are not included in that promise (unless you are an Israelite). Of course Christians should give to theirs local church, to theirs brethren in Christ, to orphans, widows, homeless, poor people etc. however, it is non-biblical and dishonest to twist a few verses to make it appear a way it is not. Let people give 30%, 2% or 50% according to what God gives them and inspires them to give back. 100% of our possessions belong to God, we are only managers. If we faithtully follow him, He will let us know what part to assign to our local Church.
@cresswellchipman2533 3 года назад
@@Kevin-jc1fx I notice you haven't mentioned anything about Hebrews chapter 7:1-17? Did you read it? Do you even understand the significance of Melchesidec???
@Kevin-jc1fx 3 года назад
@@cresswellchipman2533 I just wanted to be short and straight to the point. I understand the significance of Melchizedek. Notice that Abraham gave 1/10th of what he got after a war, not his income. Melchizedek was a prefiguration of Christ and Abraham gave to him freely, he did not receive a command to do so, not on which amount to give.
@cresswellchipman2533 3 года назад
@@Kevin-jc1fx🤦‍♂️ lol ok, my brother, if you dont see the correlation between the ministry of Christ and Melchesidec's, then I cant help you. That's the Holy Spirit's job. I'm done! God bless!😊🙏
@andreamichelle1 3 года назад
To be honest, I was always broke when I tithed. Barely had money to buy food and other supplies. I've never struggled with giving and have always helped people when I could. But my life changed when I started giving to the poor. When we would be out people would just drop off money to us. I would pray Malachi about the heavens opening up... until I studied and realized that God was talking about rain in that scripture and not a financial blessing. Giving is very good. But to use scripture outside of what God intended will lead to no where.
@kuroDneko565 3 года назад
When I was searching for the actual definition of tithes I would always find scriptures saying its basically giving to the poor or those in need so that makes sense.
@joycebrown8036 3 года назад
Thank u. Thank you. We need ministers that will tell the truth . they wont make it into beaven if they dont. God said u are cursed with a curse if u add to or take from His word. I ask myself. Do they really believe in God or just getting money? ?????
@ablancolista 3 года назад
@Andrea Michelle All tithing means is to give to people in need. When you give to the needy and poor, you are directly lending to God. God is not on the altar or pulpit; he is around his creation, mankind.
@frick6946 3 года назад
My conviction is that tithe goes to the local church; if you are in the right church, they will help the poor and help other ministries. Also, beyond the tithe and in addition to the tithe is something called an offering. Offerings can go to the poor, but I think tithe goes to the local church. Local leaders will be held accountable by God for how they use the tithe money. Being responsible before God for how tithe money is spent is not a position to be taken lightly.
@kingdomquest2521 3 года назад
@@frick6946 In Leviticus 27:30 GOD declares the tithe holy....I dont think he was talking about currency with proud men portrayed on it.
@ava5940 5 лет назад
I like being generous, but why should giving only count if it's money??? I think it can really be anything, a pair of socks, food, good water anything
@allannathis27604 4 года назад
time, talent and treasure.
@TonyDaDons 4 года назад
look at this way, im assuming you work in order to be giving the "10%", think about this; who gave you the job in which to support yourself and family? God did and how do we spread his word? by giving back to the church we believe will do exactly just that. spread his word. Give back from what God has blessed you with.
@frick6946 4 года назад
@@TonyDaDons Giving counts if it's anything, but the tithe is never really ours in the first place; it is transferring back to God what belongs to Him. Giving beyond your tithes is really where you start giving to God.
@frick6946 4 года назад
it's good to be generous in other ways, but tithe is 10% of your gross income of money, according to how the Lord leads me. You can give above and beyond your !0% gross tithe ( which should go to your local Trinitarian church that is preaching/teaching the gospel), but when you give beyond your tithe, that's called offerings ( money also, in my opinion) and God wants us to give tithes and offerings , so it's good to do both.
@liveforchrist1474 3 года назад
Look up on UTube for CBN's videos about Tithing. The videos are about people finding great blessings when they started Tithing to CBN's 700 Club. Great financial blessings, family healing blessings, relationship healing blessings and physical healing testimonies are told by people all over the world in these UTube videos. CBN helps the poor and hurting all over the world so it makes sense why God is calling people to Tithe to CBN. I know what it's like when my prayers alone were not working to heal my life. I believe CBN was my answer, God was telling me to Tithe to CBN. Please do check the videos out , they have been such a huge blessing to me. 😉
@sharonblumrick8631 5 месяцев назад
Tithing is not for today.The new testament says to give generously with a cheerful heart.,not ten percent of your salary. TITHING IS NOT FOR TODAY ALSO TITHING IN the old testament was food ,livestock herbs wine etc..anything u could eat,it was for the Levites priest they didn't have any land ,they were inside offering up sacrifices for the people. New testament says give generously with a happy heart.WAKE UP PEOPLE STOP TITHING 10% of your paycheck.
@kenyalove7343 6 лет назад
I tithe.... it's simply a way to show my gratitude towards my father God & all his goodness to me!
@sanjoserock1 4 года назад
may the windows of Heaven open for you and blessings be poured out upon you!
@joshuamartinpryce8424 4 года назад
So do i. I often get criticised for being too generous, but I love making someones day.
@samuell.woodsii7109 4 года назад
You can’t show gratitude to a commandment.
@body4christ67 4 года назад
It’s awesome that believers wants to tithe because of there faith and love for the Lord but it’s also good to understand what the bible teaches on the subject as many churches now days believes we don’t have to keep the old laws and commandments but the same people will tell you that the bible says we should be tithing still when there’s no evidence in the bible to support that for the New Testament believers ..again God loves a cheerful giver so if you feel like giving %10 of your income that’s fine but I don’t believe it’s a commandment for the New Testament church to follow..study the purpose of tithing in the Old Testament and your find that it was for the Levite’s and it was about %10 of your livestock or Fruits and vegetables and seeds etc..anyways blessings
@frick6946 4 года назад
@@body4christ67 Tithing was demonstrated before the law when Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek. See Hebrews 7:6 and the Old Testament account. Jesus is after the order of Melchizedek ( see Hebrews). Jesus is our High Priest now.
@misslewkingdom6390 Месяц назад
I'm a Cheerful Giver = Thanks to the Goodness of God 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Lord Knows I Love To Give and It's A Blessing and A Gift and A Privilege to Give and this is what We Teach Our Children, In Jesus Name Amen
@undergrace1808 7 лет назад
Giving and tithing are two different concepts under two different laws; it is important to teach them accordingly and not interchange them.
@easylikesundaymorning9711 7 лет назад
UNDER GRACE, great comment, not only because I agree but it is Biblically accurate. It seems that many Christians don't understand or reject Grace.
@DayofLord2 7 лет назад
@bobtv9652 5 лет назад
Ya right he should tackle it it differently
@governorhunter734 5 лет назад
Prove Him now and will he not open the doors of heaven?
@MrKelly-ll1lx 5 лет назад
When did tithes become money? Any biblical passages that explains when that transition happened? When they gave tithes in OT times it was never money, although they had coinage also. More importantly, Don't allow this topic to cause you to split or divide from other believers. Keep it a peaceful debate. Us believers will be debating this until we are gone in glory😄
@malakiyahamari8448 2 года назад
Giving to recieve something greater in *return* is a heart of covetousness. Giving something to someone BECAUSE they need it and you are grateful and honored to be given a chance to help someone in time of their distress is what you reap from it. You reap joy love faith peace goodness etc spiritual blessings because you helped someone. Having faith in Christ that in time of your needs He'll be there for you. It's not about giving to get more back. That's the wrong perspective. Reaping and sowing is spiritual.
@kingdomquest2521 2 года назад
Everybody in the bible is rich spiritually and financially but GOD wants us to stay poor ? Go higher brother. The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22
@jeprodigalson792 Год назад
@@kingdomquest2521 Did Christ say, bring your money, fancy cars, mansion and big screen TV and follow me?
@chamuuemura5314 Год назад
@malakiyahamari8448 Amen! Even in the video 2:10 the answer’s at 2:45 The person is joyful giving 1X% but gives 2X% grudgingly. The problem’s not in the giver’s heart but in the guilt trip perpetrated by the pastor. If the pastor joyfully received 1X, instead of grumbling, there’d be no guilt trip to try to get 2X.
@kingdomquest2521 11 месяцев назад
@@jeprodigalson792 No but God promised to make Solomon rich .......why does God want people rich .....because they will give to the poor.....when Jesus was born: three wise men gave him gold.....it doesn't say how much Gold was given for a reason.....go higher!
@jeprodigalson792 11 месяцев назад
@@kingdomquest2521 spiritually rich
@stevemacks 2 года назад
Amen. VERY FEW PASTORS are honest enough to teach this topic correctly based on the New Testament and our times. They stick to Malachi 3:8 because it somehow assures them of a constant income. Thank you Pastor Allen Parr for being truthful and straight!👏
@ashflint23 2 года назад
Yeah, my church is guilty of that…
@susandumbill8805 Год назад
It seems to be a deliberate manipulation of scripture; Malachi chapter 3 verses 8 and 9 especially - telling the church they're robbing God and are therefore cursed by Him, then verse 10 - that if you tithe you'll be blessed financially, using this verse as a softener. I don't doubt that some people are blessed, but it's not because of tithing. I experienced 'financial increase' when I qualified as a nurse, and got a job. But if I hadn't studied, passed exams, applied for a job, and done that job, I wouldn't have got a bean! Tithing had nothing to do with it. It's time these people stopped exploiting their church members and threatening them. All they want is to have a guaranteed income via tithes, so they can forecast things financially, and even then they can spend that money unwisely, such as on fancy lights, to look hip, trendy and cool. I'm just not willing to pay for things like that, especially when there are other real needs in the lives of some, such as people seeking asylum, homeless, and the Ukrainians trying to make a new life here in the UK. I've stopped tithing for now. I'm just not willing to aid this kind of thing.
@olusegunesuruoso1460 9 месяцев назад
@@susandumbill8805 God bless you ❤️❤️❤️
@conniecornsilk2955 5 лет назад
I do give online to my church, sometimes I feel embarrassed when they pass the bucket and I don't put anything inside even tho I have given. Being too worried about what others think which is wrong !! Better to give in secret and be blessed by God.
@jacques9569 4 года назад
@justviral4146 4 года назад
I've felt that too. But when I started to seriously study the word of God, I learned to secretly give. I don't put my names on the envelope for offerings
@frick6946 4 года назад
Our church doesn't even do the passing of the basket or bucket; so I tithe and give offering online. They do have offering boxes, outside the sanctuary where people can put envelopes in. The box has a slot in it where you drop envelopes in.
@frick6946 4 года назад
You could always give more when they pass the bucket;
@ricachona4095 2 года назад
My current church sometimes passes the bucket 3 times in one service. One for tithe, one for Mission Sunday and one for a charity they support overseas. I give my tithe online but I keep coins for my kids to put in the bucket. However, for the mission Sunday and overseas support, I usually don't keep any dollar bill in my wallet. When I was new, I used to empty my wallet for the first bucket, leaving only the big dollar bills inside. . However, I was left with nothing to give but the big dollar bills when the second and third buckets came. It's not that I'm not a cheerful giver but, to give with all our heart, it requires preparing our minds, hearts and budgets for whatever amount we want to give. My unbeliever husband thinks that the church asks a lot and it's all about money. I find it hard to explain charity to him because he feels that there's too many collections in one service. So lesson learned, I don't put all my eggs in one basket anymore. I do however, feel that other collections apart from tithes and offerings should be done discreetly. Example, putting an envelope for mission or overseas suppport on the chairs so that when the bucket for tithe comes, they can put their envelopes in too.
@eastwest5567 3 года назад
The New Testament teaches us to be cheerful givers, and to give freely as God puts it upon our heart.
@Jr871961 3 года назад
Meaning lend a helping hand to your brothers and sisters help when needed but don’t be taken for a fool. Look at what church you are going to? Is your pastor driving expensive cars do he live in a giant house? Do he dresses with expensive clothes? Ask yourself how much do your church give back? Won’t they also weep what they sow? Do your church help feed the poor? Do you exactly know what they really do with all the money they make from you? Did Jesus needed money when he was preaching of being humble and honest, did Jesus rode in a expensive car or took the best horse to we’re he needed to be? I’m just saying be really careful with all these wolf in sheep clothing. Believe me 90 percent of the churches are not following the true meaning of our bible, the other 10 percent are not far behind. Remember you as a individual are the church read your bible and practice an walk a righteous walk love your enemies and walk in humanity as did Jesus. We have more crooks in churches than we have in the streets.
@neilsiebenthal9254 2 года назад
@V A also pastors who tell people who are deep in credit card debt, to go deeper into debt so that pastor can buy another jet. That one just shocks me so much that I really can't understand how people can think that's a good person. That's a certified monster. Kenneth Copeland even looks evil to go along with his straight up greedy selfishness.
@eastwest5567 2 года назад
@Pioneering in Prophecy ?
@dsen2283 6 лет назад
I think a lot of Christians doesn’t understand the difference between tithing and offering.
@way2girly 4 года назад
DSEN what’s the difference?
@bobtv9652 4 года назад
Tithes is for God it's not yours so you have to give it,,,,, and offering is that what he stated at thae video give what your heart desires any amount dont limit,,,,, but for tithes give it to the Lord because it's not yours it's for him,, if you do not give it that's what he meant in malachi you ROB him
@youtubewatcher9458 4 года назад
bob 101 who was the LORD speaking to in Malachi 3:8?
@dayosonictv 4 года назад
yes, who was the LORD speaking to in Malachi 3:8/ Bob tv?
@dayosonictv 4 года назад
@@youtubewatcher9458 Leviticus priest? that God didn't give anything but 10% off the rest if the 11 tribes of Israel? so he told the rest of the 11th tribes of Israel to give 10% to the Leviticus priest correct?
@ms.blessed2784 5 лет назад
Amen finally someone explained it the way my Paster taught it and the way I understood the word said it. The word is so simple and easy to understand that people still will try and find fault with it. GOD wants you to give cheerfully, but if you no you can give more and dont then that a matter of the heart and conscious. Keep giving what you are led in you heart to give and stay in prayer for your church.
@rokeishiarodgers7205 4 года назад
Yes! You have a good pastor! people seek so much to find answers from people when they need to turn to God. If someone wants to set a certain percentage of 10 percent, but they are giving cheerfully and not begrudgingly, then that's great! Some people know that they can give more but they are being selfish and holding on to it, only that person knows who they are. That's why relationship with God is so important! We will stop trying to seek all the answers from people. I used to go to a church that did "wave offerings" and I participated at first and I was trying to break my back to give a big offering because I thought that God would give me a big blessing, but then I just felt wrong giving to it because it became about trying to receive a blessing and I felt like there were times where I have tithed and I don't have enough money to give for anything else. I felt so wrong, like God was disappointed when in reality, that pastor just wanted the money for himself. He even said in front of the church that he needs the money because his wife birthday is coming up. I left that church this year during the pandemic because they were STILL trying to do wave offerings even though people were losing their jobs.
@Clairsmith123 Год назад
@@rokeishiarodgers7205 WOW! 😥😥😢
@T2DAETE 7 лет назад
Very true,we must also keep in mind that the scripture of 2 Corinthians dosent specify the giving as money,it is whatever is in your heart to give. Your gifts and talents,resources,land if u own it to help those who dont have it etc. Money is purely optional.
@shalalala868 5 лет назад
Right, but we definitely need to also give money because the church has expenses that need to be paid for. It's not right to be fed the word and a comfortable place to worship, and be stingy with our finances. God owns it and and from him are ALL things, and to him are ALL things. I don't believe in a compulsory 10%, but it's a good starting point if one is able. If another is able to give 20%, he should give 20%, and so on and so forth.
@ericmills8770 8 лет назад
I can't believe that God would associate himself with money..it makes no sense..if we examine scriptures on tithing, we will begin to understand that it is referring to food, which makes a lot of sense. Deuteronomy 14:25 "If so, you may sell the tithe portion of your crops and herds, put the money in a pouch, and go to the place the LORD your God has chosen." Crops are grains, vegetables, and fruits. herds are livestock/animals which are usually breed to produce meat and other food derivatives such as milk, butter and more.. The scripture is simply saying to sell your tithes/harvest=" vegetables, grain and fruits and herds/livestock" for money. I can't find anywhere in scripture where tithes should be given to the church for a blessing in return. As far As I know, God never said we had to pay for our blessings.. we had to pray for them.. So Another words... Tithes=Your Harvest or Food, not paying any percent of it to any church or ministry for blessings from God. Because to do so, would contradict the very purpose of praying in the first place. Because the assumption then becomes, my prayers are not for free, in order to ask for blessing from God, I must give 10% of my tithes which doesn't make any sense. The Lord said: Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
@yes2542 7 лет назад
Eric Mills Its 10% of their earnings and everything they did. Then it was crops that was huge, now its money.
@mattkelly9100 7 лет назад
Jesus Freak would you please tell me why food before and now money, what brought the change?
@yes2542 7 лет назад
Matt Kelly Because to farmers in those times food was more important to them than money. But God asks us to tithe a percentage of everything. Or whatever means a lot to you. That's also why we fast. You shouldn't just tithe money. Tithe your time tithe your food and your money.
@checkthemikecrophone9050 7 лет назад
Matt Kelly jesus Freak how about referring people as Christians. Also you answer your own question if you pay attention to the clip and read the scriptures but apparently jesus haters don't read
@mattkelly9100 7 лет назад
how about this "Hebrews 8 [13]When God speaks of a “new” covenant, it means he has made the first one obsolete. It is now out of date and will soon disappear. does tithing not of the Old convenant?
@grace-forever 3 года назад
Would like to add this: Let's not limit our gifts to our own home church, as there are many missionaries/mission organisations/Christian organisations that can use aid.
@crynme 6 лет назад
@luvthick 5 лет назад
Woah! Don't limit yourself to 10%? I really love your channel but I would end by saying do not limit yourself, or over extend yourself. Give what you know you can with an cheerful heart. This kind of leads into prosperity preachers. I have seen people's financing severely damaged by these great manipulators. People have lost their savings, retirement and homes by the belief that over extending would lead to something greater. It's a very sad sight to see.
@znhait 5 лет назад
None of the examples you cited had to do with giving too much to the church. You're also taking Christians to be naive. If someone has 1500 dollars and and gives it away to a poor man in the streets without first paying his rent and other bills, that's just not understanding the word of God. Jesus has already said to give unto Ceasar what's Ceasar's. If you're not paying your bills because you think giving to the poor means you're doing God's work, you don't know the word of God.
@VibeWithVida 4 года назад
@@Nathan-mf2yz your heart sounds like it's in the right place. Just try to give knowing you can't out give God. I'm in the same boat. God bless.
@frick6946 4 года назад
@Show Genius I've never heard a pastor say to give your whole paycheck away. Most just stick with what the Bible teaches and it says 10% of your gross income to your local church where you are being fed spiritually and offerings ( which are different than the tithe) to your local church also or to other Trinitarian ministries as you are led.
@frick6946 4 года назад
@Show Genius well, you need to ask God to lead you to a new church where you can respect the pastor and you can give your 10% of your gross tithe there and give offerings above and beyond your tithe too.
@frick6946 4 года назад
@Show Genius i never said that you don't respect your pastor if you don't give your full paycheck. I never told anyone to give their whole paycheck. it's 10% of your gross income, which is called a tithe and I said you should respect your pastor . I don't even know if you have a pastor. why did you say this? I said to respect him and give the church ( the ministry), your 10% or your tithe. Don't say I said things that I did not. I never said to give your whole paycheck and I didnt say you didn't respect your pastor. You should tithe and respect him.
@michaelshevlane9132 Год назад
I grew up on the poverty line because the church I grew up in insisted on 30% tithes. My parents never received this "abundance" in return (which is fine - they have received more spiritually and will have a reward in the age to come). I am sick to death of how eager Christian "leaders" are to talk about money. God will indeed move us to give cheerfully, but the church system feeds upon the flock, not lifting a finger in return. Paul worked as much as he could not to be a burden on churches. Modern western ministers preach about giving every five minutes to keep the money rolling in. A church that loves money has already received it's reward.
@susandumbill8805 Год назад
Hi Michael, how right you are! You've really echoed my thoughts and feelings. I think it's disgusting that your church wanted 30% tithes! The Church has largely become far too money focussed, and it's true - they're blood-sucking parasites who fleece the flock. I've stopped giving any money for the time being. When a church I was with invested in some fancy lights just to look hip, trendy and cool I had suspicions and left the church. They must have plenty of money if they can splash out on impressive aesthetics like that.
@patrickgallegos6500 2 года назад
tithing was for the Jewish people.in malachi not for the non jew.please don't be lied to. Read malachi in it's proper context.
@encouragingword799 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much Mr. Parr. I have been truly tormented by this concept for a while, and now and I have peace. I am a single parent living on whatever comes in and finding I had to use my credit card to pay a medical bill after tithing! I felt led to stop tithing, and just started plain old giving wherever I felt led. My money belongs to the Lord anyway. I enjoy asking Him, "Lord, how much do I give today, and for who?"😊
@deathrager2404 8 месяцев назад
it's better to give some person food or something to drink. that has more purpose than giving money to church, where 90 percent of the churc people stuff their own pockets. i cant speak for god, but this is what my heart tells me.
@ronaldwatson1951 5 лет назад
Excellent teaching, there's so many times that the churches I've attended hammer on 10%. But I always knew in my heart, that wasn't right. Thanks
@mr3817 2 года назад
Matthew 17:24-27 - Jesus does not address the Temple Tax, instead he ABROGATES TITHING. The "Tithe" is the word for the "Tenth" paid to KINGS. Tithing in the OT was because God was Israel's King. Jesus then says to Peter "THE SONS ARE EXEMPT" and then says, "Nevertheless so that WE, the Sons, might not cause offense..." Jesus teaches the Doctrine of Adoption, the Doctrine of SONSHIP and destroys the very foundational Paradigm upon which tithing exists. Pastors don't teach Sonship from Jesus because they need to keep you ORPHANED in order to manipulate SONS into feeling obligated as Servants.
@kaynze9653 Год назад
@@mr3817so manipulation is what your saying
@piepiepie57 7 месяцев назад
You're right. You should be giving more than 10% according to this guy.
@omonigho6 6 лет назад
Thank you so much my beloved brother. I have been listening to you for a while and I thank God for speaking through you. Stay blessed.🙋🙋
@uamburroio4102 5 лет назад
Give to the poor, needy, the sick , elderly and the widows. Pastors get paid a salary and are exempt of paying taxes. We are under Grace .The Word of the Lord is free. But somehow the man has forgotten about this.
@anitamorrison4238 2 года назад
I don't know who told you that pastors are "exempt" from paying taxes, but that is absolutely NOT TRUE. My husband paid more taxes than Amazon!
@Mark-pe2sh 2 года назад
Pastors are not exempt from paying income tax on their earnings.
@leahmolly9150 Месяц назад
GLORY!!!!'m favoured, $140K every 3weeks! And am retired i can now give back to the locals in my community and also support God's work and the church. God bless America
@kanya-js6le Месяц назад
That's great! I'm motivated too! How can we achieve this challenge?
@djeechizzy9818 Месяц назад
No specific one really, because there are lots of investment plans and strategies littered all over the internet today, for instance, investments like real estates,gold, drop shipping crypto currency and lots more
@lindapoplin7150 Месяц назад
Warren T. Sonia is an amazing tutor for crypto. Highly recommended! She’s been my Tutor and Mentor for past solid 8years!
@lindapoplin7150 Месяц назад
F. A. C. E. B. O. O. K.
@lindapoplin7150 Месяц назад
F a c e b o o k 👇
@vernamanning6205 7 лет назад
why do you speak as if our giving should be restricted to the church that does not cater to the fatherless, widow and the poor who will always be among us. Their gain is self.
@thebeatagp 7 лет назад
It should not. We should give to many people and in many situations. The Bible speaks a lot of generosity apart from church. This particular video was focused on giving to religious institutions though. Thanks Verna!
@BigMikesAMan 6 лет назад
Verna Manning Amen.
@clemdawg4360 6 лет назад
THE BEAT by Allen Parr the church building itself is not scriptural. Poor people struggling should take care of their issues.
@jonathanray3564 6 лет назад
Verna Manning YOU are actually wrong about that. There are many fatherless widows and four right inside the very church that you say that cater to itself.
@waltermodise5033 6 лет назад
I agree with you brother, are the amounts given shared equally between the widows, orphans etc? What system do they use in the said church to get the offerings shared!
@TT-nh2od 3 года назад
I’ve always thought tithing was just to make the church’s pockets fatter. I give to homeless people and the less fortunate as often as I can and I feel like God likes that more.
@yeshuasaves7415 3 года назад
He sure does brother ! Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee ? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee ? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:34‭-‬40 KJV
@saraloggins8365 Год назад
Not if you are in a congregation that is built on the NT biblical model of what it should be. In a congregation set up like God's word says it should be then the eldership of the congregation should be godly men who will use that money to further God's word in the community and to feed and take care of the fatherless and widows/widowers also like God has told us in His word. If leaders of your "church" are driving Bentleys then you should move to a bible based church. That is a red flag that the church is not the Lord's church . . . it is the preacher's church. The only church bought by Jesus' blood is His church.
@truwatchman9309 2 года назад
Bro you just said we shouldn't give out of compulsion but you're challenging us to give even when it hurts. I would rather give and be cheerful about it like the Bible says. I understand what you're saying bro and you are correct about tithing. Just be careful with your words
@susandumbill8805 Год назад
You can't give what you haven't got. And it doesn't make sense to give the tithe but not afford to eat properly, then become ill, or not be able to pay rent, bills etc. And giving can't be just about money; what about visiting the lonely and isolated? Inviting folks to your home, even just for pizza? Giving to charities? There are so many ways you can give, and I've found that some of these bring an unexpected joy and peace. The Church has become too money-minded. It's a group of believers, not a business.
@prolong4291 6 лет назад
Christ IS our tithe. He Is our Passover. He IS our Sabbath rest. He IS the offering. It is finished. Everything we give is a faith offering (hopefully to the poor), NOT a sacrifice. The cross was the final sacrifice.
@elizabethk.8878 6 лет назад
Churches are a lighthouse to their respective communities and need to be funded. Although the gospel is free - it still takes money to spread the gospel as missionaries also need to be supported. We give back to Christ by supporting His church.
@jonathanray3564 6 лет назад
prolong4291 where in the Bible does it says Christ was our tithes and that the believer is not to tithe?
@mmm77171 6 лет назад
my pastor tells us to tithe to protect us from sickness and the window of heaven will open, poor down blessings and we rob God if we dont and become a curse. im not. against giving but I feel threatened if one day I can't tithe. They saying as long as I tithe Im protected. Do I depend on the tithe or God?
@isaackimble5533 6 лет назад
That's old testament stuff brother. Depend on God. 2 Corinthians 9:7- Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Matthew 10:8- freely ye have received, freely give. Tithing were for the Israelites. Try to find new testament scriptures about tithing being required. I bet you don't find not even one verse lol.. Tithing is mentioned 2 or 3 times in the new testament but it's only mentioned tho, it never says it's required. Check out Matthew 23:23, people take it out of context all the time. Jesus was talking to a Pharisee about it and he was saying that he should tithe, but that was before Jesus was crucified and before the new covenant, so they were still under the law. On top of that, when they tithed in the old testament, they tithed grain and food and stuff like that, it was never money. But I think tithing is just something that we "should" do, not something that's "required of us to do bc that's not scriptual in the NT at all. All Old testament laws that we are supposed to follow today are the ones that are repeated in the NT, which are the moral laws. Tithes is something we "should" do tho bc it takes care of the lights, electricity, water bills, and it helps with mission trips, church events and stuff like that. But remember, God loves a cheerful giver. He doesn't want you to give out of compulsion, which means (giving because you feel like you have too or feeling forced or pressured to give) God bless
@isaackimble5533 6 лет назад
Tithing 10% can also be a way of showing God that you trust him with you finances and stuff. Tithe bc you love Jesus, not bc you feel like you have too bc you don't.. My pastor says it's "required" but I think it's the only thing my pastor and I will ever disagree on about everything in the bible. Everything else we agree on lol.
@theburninator5547 5 лет назад
Tithe and Offering: (Some of this statement repeats and some of this adds.) 01. The concept of tithing started as a pagan practice. The conqueror would give 10% of what they plundered to the king or pagan god of their choice, swear loyalty and receive a blessing. Genesis 14:17-24 17 After his return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King's Valley). 18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. (He was a priest of God Most High.) 19 And he blessed him and said, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth;20 and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!” And Abram gave him a tenth of everything. 21 And the king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the persons, but take the goods for yourself.” 22 But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have lifted my hand to the Lord, God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth, 23 that I would not take a thread or a sandal strap or anything that is yours, lest you should say, ‘I have made Abram rich.’ 24 I will take nothing but what the young men have eaten, and the share of the men who went with me. Let Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre take their share.” 02. Abram, in this case, wouldn’t do this and instead gave it to a priest of God to declare his loyalty was to the Lord only. a. This is the only time Abram did this. b. God did NOT command him to do so. c. Scripture never records him doing it again. 03. Moving forward to the time of the law of Moses: a. The Israelites were told to pay a tithe to the Levitical priests while living under a theocracy. *. Priests handled the rule of law handed down by Moses to the people. *. Total yearly tithes paid came to more than 10%: +. A tithe tax of 1/10 your earnings +. A 2nd tithe tax of 1/10 funded national celebrations +. A 3rd tithe tax of 1/10 due every 3rd year. (The poor tax.) =. 1/10 + 1/10 + 3 1/3 = 23 1/3 Per year b. A temple tax was also collected. Was usually a fixed amount. c. They also could not harvest the corners of their fields. d. And they couldn’t pick up any dropped bails that fell. 04. In total, this was a tax paid by the Israelites to live in the kingdom. 05. Even Jesus paid his taxes. Matthew 17:24-27 24 When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax went up to Peter and said, “Does your teacher not pay the tax?” 25 He said, “Yes.” And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others?” 26 And when he said, “From others,” Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free. 27 However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself.” 06. When it comes to tithes, it has nothing to do with giving 10% of your income to the church, it’s telling you to pay your taxes. Matthew 27:17-21 17 Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” 18 But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why put me to the test, you hypocrites? 19 Show me the coin for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. 20 And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” 21 They said, “Caesar's.” Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” Romans 13:5-7 5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7 Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed. 07. Nowhere in the New Testament is the church ever commanded to tithe. Not Once! 08. God’s pattern in the New Testament, including God’s pattern in the Old Testament was NOT to tithe. It was to give an OFFERING. (Free will giving.) 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. *. Give as he has decided in his heart, no tithe or tenth is commanded or asked for but actually the opposite because it says, “not under compulsion”. *. Our command is to give cheerfully, “for God loves a cheerful giver.” 09. Understand that it is important to give to the church. It’s mentioned in the following scriptures. a. Act 11:27-30 b. 1 Corinthians 16:1-3 c. 1 Timothy 5:17-18 10. But giving also means helping those in need. 1 John 3:17 17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. 1 John 2:6 6 whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked. In conclusion, when it comes to the subject of tithe, that means to pay your taxes. When it comes to the subject of giving, that means give the Lord EVERYTHING. Your time, talent, and treasures. Just as Christ gave us everything. And make sure you do it with a cheerful heart. When you understand the biblical text, it becomes a choice of obedience to God's Word or the world.
@frick6946 4 года назад
The 10% tithe of your gross income to the local church is what is obedient; giving offerings beyond the tithe is obedience.
@ronaldalstonjr5642 3 года назад
Thank God someone understands and RIGHTLY divides the Word. Thank you. It's good to see His Word finally used
@ronaldalstonjr5642 3 года назад
@@frick6946 Wrong, so, so wrong. Please use His Word and not what some man has fraudulently told you
@MsPinkcat7 4 года назад
Hi Allen, I have only just discovered The Beat , last night in fact. Thank you for your videos, and the clear teaching you provide. I am very grateful, especially for the video about scriptures relating to healing.....I honestly hadn't seen these scriptures in Isaiah and others discussed in this way, and having a number of people in my life facing terminal illness, this has been a difficult issue for me that I have been crying out to God about. Thank you :)
@chantallegare5153 Год назад
If you look at the following verse of 2 Cor 9:9 the giving is not to the church but to the poor . Prosperity Gospel is not from God but from man
@godman9074 Год назад
Bottom line, there is no need to tithe. Just give from your heart
@endurep4579 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for making this video. I was searching for a video on this topic. May God continue to bless you and use you for His purposes.
@cristinelyssa 2 года назад
Give with a cheerful heart. God always look at the heart. And he is pleased when you give cheerfuly
@rcstout6475 22 дня назад
Thank you! Of all the clips I’ve watched on the subject of tithing, this is the best so far. Blessings to you!
@thecreativefamjoy 5 лет назад
This teaching on tithe is too thin and a bit weightless. It should be an in-depth teaching with revelations from the word of God. Giving, tithing and offering in church and outside the church are completely not the same.
@lucygaro6488 4 года назад
The creative fam! Joy Iwundu I agree! Tithing and giving are two completely different things. Messages to the public should be thoroughly thought through to stop misleading people.
@paullee5277 4 года назад
@@lucygaro6488 , I agree. Now there is online tithe that most churches do now and I and lot of others give above to poor ministries that I have traveled to so I had seen what they do and since I have been giving as well as others i can say that for myself I am blessed back with what have given as I had no home before as I paid rent but not anymore and I have seen from others who give from the heart and they don't struggle financially as have more to give and if they have been through storms in their lives they came through just fine with their faith, obedience and trust in God's word
@noost4619 6 лет назад
Kenneth Copeland loves people who tithe. Kenneth loves money, money, money!!
@Atlantasince82 2 года назад
Giving a "tithe" in the old testament was a repentance for our sins. They only tithe once a year. If you were wealthy it was 2 baby doves. If you were poor it was 2 baby pigeons. It was never any monetary value even though currency existed. God sent Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate tithe that would be suitable for God for our sins. Did Jesus tithe? Did the disciples tithe? If you're "tithing", you're still bound to the mosaic law. If you broke 1 of 613 laws you broke them all. Jesus came to free us from bandage. But yet yall still tithe. Be cheerful givers. Yes the Bible say if sow sparingly, you'll reap sparingly. If you sow abundantly, you'll reap abundantly. It doesn't say you gonna be financially wealthy. It doesn't mean you'll be broke if you don't give money. The reasons some of struggle with money is because we're not good stewards with the money. Not because we don't "tithe".
@shieldedbygrace2284 6 лет назад
Jesus said give to the poor .. Matthew 19:21 ... focus on following the ten commandments..most importantly love your brother as yourself ..if you love as yourself you will give cheerfully to those who are in need .. there are a lot of hungry people out there, homeless .. help them and see how God will bless you all.
@natgenesis5038 3 года назад
Why people only focus sharing blessings and forget sharing sufferings ???
@Buz214 9 месяцев назад
Right On My Brother....God Bless....
@belive6707 3 года назад
Sow the Word... the Word is the seed. We sow by actions, doing, giving time, money, substance and we do this as we have opportunities to those in need.
@angelotig 6 лет назад
Just give...don’t worry, you won’t go broke.
@shookone568 3 года назад
This really is a universal truth.
@ablancolista 3 года назад
I’ve given past what I make; now, I am in heavy debt. Would that classify as broke then?
@nonstar8182 5 лет назад
I'm a little confused. You talk about how Corinthians says we should give what we have decided in our heart. Then you give an example of a person who is reluctant to give 13-14% , because in their heart they are only wanting to give 7%. Then you say that person should figure out "what is going on in their heart" that they don't want to give the 13-14%. Wouldn't it be scriptural at that point for the person to give the 7% they want to in their heart?
@SensuousO 4 года назад
That confused me too.
@frick6946 4 года назад
Jesus receives our tithes it says in Hebrews 7. Praise God, it is what God will lead you to do when you ask Him how much to give. Tithe is 10% of your gross income. Proverbs 3:9 Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your increase. Your paycheck is your increase.
@body4christ67 4 года назад
Yes he never answered the question 😊
@rokeishiarodgers7205 4 года назад
You might be overthinking it a bit! God deals with us according to our hearts, so for one person God knows they can give more but they may be reluctant..for another person they may be saying God I can only give this much but it's coming from a good heart! You have to look at your own personal financial situations. Not every Christian is going to be able to give the exact same thing all the time!
@frick6946 4 года назад
@@rokeishiarodgers7205 yes, they can; they can give 10% from their increase ( their income). Proverbs 3:9,10 Honor the Lord with thy substance and the first fruits of all thin increase. It is the first 10% of your increase, not what's leftover. Give back to God what belongs to Him in the first place. Give back to Him His tithe ( 10% of gross income) to the local Trinitarian church that I is preaching/teaching the true gospel. Then after tithing, give offerings besides as God leads.
@gianmarcosalerno1942 5 месяцев назад
This is probably the best video on tithing I have seen. You don't have to give a certain amount, you don't have to give to your church (though we are told to take care of the ministers), and you don't have to give an amount you don't want to. Give with a cheerful heart.
@1970damon 11 месяцев назад
Agree with your conclusions. I will point out that tithing in the OT was always pertaining to crops, never to money. Even the sacrifice of the firstborn animal was never referred to as a tithe. Money was available when the tithe was commanded but money was never required to be tithed from. All that said, I believe you are totally right when saying God wants more from us. We should give, not for what we can receive, but to sow into other people. It should be a way that we can help spread the Gospel so that others may be saved.
@TrentonTrent 2 года назад
Nope.. But all these false preachers will say that you must do so still.. Sad that they don't read the scriptures nor do their followers.
@htebazileeilsel2293 3 года назад
I wouldnt limit the giving to just money,I think this is an important distinction. We can give things such as our time or resources(food, clothes, etc) But if we are giving grudgingly out of obligation, that is a problem.
@Shdwkd666 7 лет назад
Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
@tinaf600 6 лет назад
Bryan A giving what? Not just money. Why is everything about money 😥
@stefinyr8718 6 лет назад
tinaf600 true you give God your mind ,body (soul), and life. Whuch means money, energy, and more. Not just to the building but to the ministry also
@Shdwkd666 4 месяца назад
Everything pacifically your time
@stockmarketjunkie1032 2 года назад
The Bible says there is a season for everything. A season to sow and a season to reap. But most churches expect for you to give year round. I only mention this because sometimes it feels like church folk are the people who struggle financially the most.
@TheDavisFactor 2 года назад
The harsh reality is when I gave ten percent of my tithe when I was younger without fail, I always found myself with not enough money to eat or money for clothes to buy. That led me to believe that I could be tithing in vain. Monetary blessings is not a guarantee for giving a tithe. I was told later while working at a church that if I tithed I would get it back in tax return. I did the math and the church that was paying me $100 per week, along with my job in retail. Essentially if I gave 10 percent to the church that was my pay check from the church. I would be working at that church for nothing. Meanwhile I couldn't have money to buy groceries or pay for cleaning my clothes. I have served the Lord for many years and live on just enough to get by. Meanwhile the temporary pastor of that church was getting $40K/year. The church was on it's last legs and the Pastor got $40K/year, and my salary was $5K/year. I never got a raise. I am frustrated because I dedicated my life to serving the Lord through music. I did leadership training, and I went to school to become a church choir director. What I find astounding today is the complete apathy toward my situation. I keep praying for a job in church and a chance to be a leader. I pray that there is someone who can hear me and see that I want to serve the Lord in church through leading music. That is what I am called to do. I keep thinking to myself that things could be set right if I started tithing again, however I don't know if it would be considered a hollow gesture.
@markb7067 2 года назад
Your story isn't uncommon, but it's unfortunate how many churches distort scripture, whether intended or not, to serve their own interests. It's interesting how a biblical tithe from earned wages doesn't even exist, yet that's precisely what is commonly presented in order to convince others to submit cash to a religious institution. It's also common how churches use this same "principle" as a means of justification to underpay those who serve it. The claim is that God will bless you and provide for you if you pay your tithes to this church and/or curse you if you don't. This claim is brought about from a man-made platitude, not from scripture. Your situation happened to my parents many years ago. Thank goodness my father chose to pursue another profession after realizing there simply wasn't a path there to adequately provide for his family. Instead, he faithfully served as a volunteer at the church while earning money otherwise. I'm not saying this is what you need to do. I'm simply saying your story resonates among many. I wish you well, and my opinion is that God shouldn't be viewed as a mob boss or a slot machine. Take care of yourself and your family's needs, then give as you can and as you feel you're directed without guilt, out of joy.
@angellamunyanga6442 2 года назад
Where you giving to the right church.? First pray to God to show you the right church to give your tithe
@paulpatriot1776 9 месяцев назад
It’s great when people want to tithe, but it’s a shame when pastors pound on the 10% being required. The book of Acts which is the story of the early church speaks a lot about freewill giving to believers in need. Great video!👍
@sarahsmile2883 5 лет назад
I'm not sure if my tithing is only going into my pastors bank account but I listen to what God is telling me to do, and that is give with a gracious heart. The lord giveth and he taketh away, I will give the church my portion because it's in my heart to do so and God is greater than any pastor and I have faith in him. Blessings to anyone reading this.
@deedubb1311 7 лет назад
That makes no sense. The church is the body of believers not the building we call the church. God is inside of every believer. Your not giving to God by giving to the church leaders and they get to decide on how the money is spent. The Old Testament law on tithing was to be done by The children of Israel only not mankind. In fact Gentiles weren't even allowed in the Temple. The 3 Tithes went to where God directed it to go. Also there were 5 offerings that had to be offered when you committed certain sins. When malachi 3:8 tells the CHILDREN of ISRAEL ONLY to bring your tithes and offerings to the storehouse. Its talking about the store room inside the Temple. Not you local church. In fact Christ did not start the church yet. Hezekiah had the people build a store room to put the offerings in once the people start giving again 2 chronicles 31:11 Once Jesus came and saved the Gentiles we never were, nor do we have to start trying to keep the Mosaic Law which the rues for tithes and offerings was giving. Galatians 3:1. It is cruel and dishonest that church leaders trick their members to believing God wants you to give them 10% of your money, and by giving it to them means your giving it to God. Once again YOU are the church and God is in YOU!!!! YOU are the new Temple....... 1 corinthians 6:19 Ephesian 4:4 1 corinthians 1:2
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 7 лет назад
well you can thank the false apostle Paul for their religion business.
@stefinyr8718 6 лет назад
dee dubb God being inside us all means we GIVE to one another. Scripture speaks on the poor and needy being Gods people and how we should help them
@stefinyr8718 6 лет назад
dann hienn paul never made it a business. When the people sold all they had and have to the church building it was to frow something and physically strengthen the body of Christ by supplying them with a place of worship and means to take care of one another together. Tithing and the structure of tithing has been around before paul even was born. Please watch what you say about the man of God
@NegSteLucie 6 лет назад
dee dubb Tithing is for all believers. Tithing is an acknowledgement of the sovereignty of God over our lives. A tithe is ten percent of one's income. God requires us to return tithes even today. This is supported by scripture. Read Mathew 23:23
@resicup63 6 лет назад
dee dubb you're right!!!
@BigMikesAMan 6 лет назад
I believe the church is only supposed to receive so that they can help the less fortunate. Just give on you behalf and God will do the rest.
@jonathanray3564 6 лет назад
Da Man 52 If you believe that, where in the Bible does it say not to give the tithes?
@sanjoserock1 4 года назад
your belief system is so messed up!
@cc8071 3 года назад
@Dan vs MS Churches have to pay the utilities, too, otherwise there won't be a church to help the less fortunate.
@BigMikesAMan 3 года назад
@@cc8071 Church was made up by King James's bible writers. Research it ! It is about God's word and the congregation !
@BigMikesAMan 3 года назад
@@sanjoserock1 Why do you say that ?
@DreamLifeCentre 5 лет назад
In a nutshell, tithing as all other spiritual practices is up to the individual. God will never force anyone to do anything, he has given us a choice. However, tithing, fasting, praying, etc are all beneficial for you as a believer. Abraham tithed BEFORE the law was introduced. He did it from his heart, not because he had to. Tithing has been on my heart for some time now and I know God wants me to tithe regularly. I am so excited about it, I can't wait because I know tithing is a part of giving and it will help so many needs in the church and beyond. This Pastor's teaching is spot on. It is directly from the scriptures. If you choose not to tithe, it is not a heaven or hell thing but you are truly doing yourself a disservice. I trust God that the money I give to my local church will be used for His Kingdom. I know in my heart tithing will revolutionize my walk with the Father. Can't wait for this new experience.
@jacques9569 4 года назад
@chrstcole Месяц назад
..As we have predetermined in our own heart...Be filled with the H.S. and ask Him what He wants you to give. Talk to Him about it not man. This should be a very simple and easy thing for the average sober Christian to do anytime anywhere. Just make certain you are listening to the right Spirit and not any evil/counterfeit/fallen spirits OR your own flesh. For me personally the amt varies sometimes weekly and it's sooo much fun to commune with Him about it. He's so cool.
@Roseneckj 2 года назад
Mr. Allen, you didn't answer the question. The question was, are Christians still required to give thighs? You answered that Christians should give more than that, but thigh is 10%, not more, not less. If you give more then it's not a thigh. Also tigh was a requirement for the people of Israel under the law of Moses. We are living under the grace and are no longer required to do such a thing. We're supposed to give according to what 2 Cor 9 v 7 said. "So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver."
@icandoallthings5326 6 лет назад
I do agree. 10% is just the standard, the minimum amount to be given. We should go above and beyond just because we love our Heavenly Father and it’s His money anyway
@mitchhilton1669 3 года назад
Where in these scriptures it says giving is in a church building????
@jonathanhall7815 2 года назад
Good teaching. Tithing = temporal, law, OT. Giving = eternal, principle, NT. Tithing was part of the old testament mosaic law which is not applicable to new covenant believers. Jesus Christ fulfilled all the requirements of the law on the cross and we are now under the dispensation of grace. The way tithing was practiced by Israel in the old testament bears no resemblance to the distorted practice advocated by many bleating preachers in the modern day church. There is no scripture in the new testament which endorses tithing for the new testament church. Where and how did the old testament storehouse (agricultural) transition into the new testament church bank account (money) ? Woe to those who would preach another gospel (Gal 1:6-9).
@markb7067 2 года назад
Well said!
@beyondperception428 6 лет назад
George Mueller … perfect example of a true pastor. He never asked for one dime because he walked by faith. He said the minute a man makes his needs known to other men he is trying to manipulate the emotions of men and not trusting God. George Mueller operated numerous orphanages without ever asking for a single dime from any man … he made his needs known unto God alone. One time he had no food to give any of the orphans. He fell to his knees and prayed, had the table set and the children in place trusting God to provide for their needs and suddenly there was a knock at the door from someone who was bringing bags of food over to donate. I recently heard one minister say that we are actually NOT victims of false prophets but rather God has raised them up to separate the wheat from the chaff. You see, people who are being fleeced usually fall for the "Blessing" manipulation …. meaning, they are manipulated into giving all their money to false teachers who are flying private jets and living in mansions because they WANT to be BLESSED, they are giving to GET. Thus, like magnets, each man is DRAWN and ATTRACTED to that which they DESIRE. Those who desire holiness will only listen and follow those teachers who preach holiness. And those who DESIRE blessing (always material in nature) will be drawn and attracted to those people who preach that gospel. Notice that those who give and give and give never seem to get ahead but the pastors they give to do get ahead. The givers are always left looking for some minor little blessing to "prove" they were blessed for giving their money to the pastor …. "I just got an unexpected refund in the mail for $120". With Jesus, the masses were always on the receiving end of "ministry". Today the "ministry" is always on the receiving end of the masses.
@UKMARCO7 Год назад
Thank you for teaching the truth, rarely if not very few will quote 2 cor. 9:7 as it tells what the Bible truly says about giving or tithing . Churches & pastors often hide this passage so they can use the old teachings & take advantage of others.
@wonderfullymade8168 5 лет назад
You said we should not be reluctant in giving.. what is the meaning of "give sacrificially even when it hurts"? When we give an amount and we feel "hurt" inside, it means we are reluctant in giving. Please expound. Thanks.
@Jrivera2787 3 года назад
When the word is speaking of "reluctant" or "cheerful" givers its speaking to your heart posture, your attitude toward giving. The Sacrificial offering is an amount that hurts because its going to cost you. Maybe I go out to eat less, treat myself less, I have to be tighter with money, its something that I'm going to feel the effects of more than my usual offering. Compare it to the sacrifice of fasting, its not that you're reluctant to fast but you know this isn't going to feel good, even though you KNOW it's for your good.
@trommelbiel 3 года назад
The best explanation I have seen so far regarding this controversial topic. Pastors are making it mandatory. Most worshippers are looking for excuses not to give.
@piusnderitu9136 3 месяца назад
Visiting this video 8 years later and I still find the truth very truthing!! (No lies)
@jurassicsushi 4 года назад
Love this. I'm so glad i trust God & know that he has and always will pull me through any tough times in my life.
@WalkingRoscoe 3 года назад
Does "tithing" have anything to do with following Christ? NOPE!!
@santemiguel7834 3 года назад
Factzz. Straight to the point. Christ never demand for a tithe
@frick6946 3 года назад
I disagree. Putting God first in your finances is the same as putting Him first in any area.
@JDrocks4ever 2 года назад
@@frick6946 So whenever you get free food, you give a tenth of it to God?
@frick6946 2 года назад
Yes, we still have a High Priest and His name is Jesus. The office of High Priest has never disappeared. Jesus has raised up works that are from God and we are to support Christ’s Trinitarian born-again ,spirit-filled ministries. When you tithe and give offerings, ,you tithe and give offerings to God to be used by godly men and women God has placed over His ministries.
@frick6946 2 года назад
@@JDrocks4ever I don't usually get free food and the church can't use food, it needs money to run God's ministries. Trinitarian churches.
@TheAggieTreypound 4 года назад
The church of acts gave everything they had it wasn’t a percentage. Look at the story of Ananias. The truth is we are disobedient when we don’t ask the Holy Spirit what to give of our whole lives not just to the local organizations we call church. 10% is not apart of this dispensation we have the Holy Spirit now that can guide us into what to do with our time, resources and talents.
@ajmittendorf 5 лет назад
I'm confused: Aren't the ideas of "tithing" and "giving" entirely different concepts? I have ALWAYS views them as different. My tithe ALWAYS goes to the church body where I am spiritually fed and supported. That way my support of my church is consistent from month to month. My giving goes beyond my tithe, to charities and missionaries and the homeless and those in need in other ways. I do not count my tithe as a gift, but it is a commit made between God and me (with God's help and strength). I do not believe that it must be 10%, but 10% is a good place mathematically and biblically to begin pondering what amount should be committed to the church body. Thoughts?
@angelnova4612 3 года назад
THE LORD will Bless us when we Give to the poor and needy.. esp to widows and orphans; also says first taking care of our own families, and especially the Family of Faith! :)
@soundrat Год назад
Thank you Allen for this clear teaching where most pastors misinterpret tithing. Even self-employed, I still tithe based on gross income without even deducting for business expenses which puts my actual tithing above 10% but that was my personal choice to do so. My present mega-church preaches your message and even the lead pastor preaches that you can continue to make this church your spiritual home without tithing. I can see that God has nevertheless blessed this church immensely over the past 20 plus years.
@rixpix2957 6 лет назад
Is it always neccessary to give to the church? For example, we give directly to poor or homeless folks and others we know have special needs. We practice that type of giving much more often than tithing to the church. We feel that's not only ok but the right thing to do. Are we wrong? Thank you.
@sanjoserock1 4 года назад
YES! Bring your tithe to your local church where YOU are a member or you are being spiritually fed!!!!
@frick6946 4 года назад
The tithe should go to your local church where you are being ministered to; it is up to the leadership on what to do with your tithe. They will answer to God. Offerings ( which are different than tithes) can then go to other Trinitarian ministries or also to your own church also. Then lastly, you can give to homeless and the poor. But in this country, the poor also has other avenues open to them for food like soup kitchens, Union rescue meals, Salvation Army meals ( at least in our area the Salvation Army and Union Rescue have meals), monthly food handouts at various sites, food banks, and food stamps. Plus, you want to be wary about giving money, for what if they use it for alcohol, cigarettes or drugs? Even if you don't give them enough to buy a bottle of alcohol, they could be saving up donations from various people to eventually buy that bottle of alcohol, or the cigarettes or the drugs.
@BlessThePOOR_Everyday 4 года назад
Rix Pix keep doing what your doing..you are doing the right thing..
@rixpix2957 4 года назад
@@BlessThePOOR_Everyday I think so too. Thanks!
@tcr7436 3 года назад
Ya so the pastor can live in mansion. Where 1500 dollar suits. Drive 100k car. Wear gold and jewelry.
What areas did the temple support financially back then? I do believe you should give to the church, I believe the church has a greater responsibility as to where to allocate those funds.
@mica913 Год назад
Thank you for using so much scripture and not your own opinion I really needed this very much appreciated brother thank you
@davidsharrissethomas633 4 года назад
The tithe In The Old Testament was food, animals, etc not money God gave specific instructions. Please don’t not suggest or say any amount is a minimum You cannot judge what is sacrificial giving for someone else. We have to mind our own offerings lol .... but more importantly be mindful of the conditions of our hearts before God.
@silviarobey8646 3 года назад
If you are an Israelite living under the law, then pay tithes according to the Bible and follow all the other hundreds of laws, too. I follow the New Testament, and tithing is not required. Giving happily, freely, abundantly...yes.
@markb7067 3 года назад
@teresitaescobar3646 2 года назад
Thank you for your teaching on tithing. I was in a Word of Faith church in the 1980's and l felt split in two. I was born again, received the Spirit and was baptized in the Missouri River. I still read my Bible everyday, l love giving; but l am considered extremely low income. I get $60 a month spending money out of my $814. I send $10 to ODB as my tithe and offering and am blessed to do it. But my clothes are getting worn out but l am afraid to spend $ for basics. I always give cheerfully, but at 74 l am confined, hate life, and "sinfully" long to buy a treat once on a while. I understand what you are saying, but God constantly blessed me and l cry at the thought of not being loyal and faithful.
@markb7067 2 года назад
In the bible, the less fortunate received tithes (every 3 years). You are under no biblical obligation to pay or give your money anywhere. It was man's idea to monetize the tithe after the bible was written. The bible doesn't give anyone the option of tithing from earned, monetary wages. We are free to give, not bound to pay. Blessings.
@waynemcghie6500 Год назад
Did you know that, concerning giving, or tithing, or prosperity, Malachi 3:8-12 is not the full counsel of God? It is an excerpt, quoted to the church for centuries (believe it or not), which is a misrepresentation of God's counsel. We've accepted it because that's what we have always been taught. Here are a few points to consider. (1) There is no scripture where a pastor may ever require or receive tithes, from anyone. (2) There is no scripture where anyone other than a Levite may ever receive tithes. (3) There is no scripture in the bible that requires a Gentile to tithe. -- Who did God appoint to receive tithes? God said, "And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth [the tithe] in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation (Numbers 18:21-23). In this scripture, God established who receives the tithe (the Levites), and why they received it (they received no inheritance, and they served in the temple). This assignment is exclusive to Levites. A pastor cannot assume this assignment, he has never been scripturally assigned by God to collect tithes, he is not a Levite. In that same sense, only a Levite, never a pastor, could ever serve in a Jewish temple. The church has not replaced the Jewish temple, and pastors have not replaced Levites. -- People are blessed when they give, not because of Malachi 3, which is based on the Law of Moses, an Old Testament law that has been replaced by Grace under Christ, at the cross. They are blessed because Jesus said, "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you" (Luke 6:38). It is this principle of giving and receiving at work, when we give and are blessed. Not the expired law of tithing, which was required of the Jews (never Gentiles), and could only be received by Levite priests because they received no inheritance and were set apart to work fully in the Jewish temple. -- There is much more to this, such as Abraham's tithe to Melchizedek, Jacob's promise to tithe, and the history of when and why the New Testament church tithes (there is actually a date!). To be clear, every pastor has a right to collect offerings in support of the ministry; I fully agree with supporting the church financially. But our giving must be godly. It is wrong to require people to tithe, contrary to the scriptures, then say that we live according to the scriptures. If you're interested in learning more, I have researched and written about this in "Tither, You Are Free!", available on Amazon. Be blessed!
@InfamousX1000 5 лет назад
The short answer is no, you don’t have to tithe, you don’t actually have to do anything, but if you follow scripture, Jesus says to love God with all your heart, mind and soul. Later it is revealed that if you love God, you will follow his commandments in obedience. So if you’re hesitant to serve, tithe, preach, so forth, chances are you probably shouldn’t, because God searches the heart for the Joy in doing so. Long story short, you’re not doing God or yourself any favors if you’re doing something hesitantly because you feel forced to, if you’re going to do something, do it gladly with joy that you’re doing if for the Lord who has done so much for you. You won’t be less saved by not doing it, the Joy will come with your progress as you continue to walk with the Lord and build your relationship with Him. Just keep learning from Him, and praise Him every day remembering what Jesus has done for us. Praise His Name, Amen.
@andybrown2546 2 года назад
1) There were three tithes, not one. 2) Tithing was about food not money 3) We pretty much ignore every other law except tithing and Ten Commandments. Forget ten percent. Give what you want. Be generous.
@jollygoodgordon5580 11 месяцев назад
tithe is NOT for those in the new convenant, or should we go and keep all the other OT traditions as well?? i never hear anybody speaking about offering animals etc
@salone1973 6 лет назад
Good point man of God. Love it. I taught on this, this past Sunday and it was revolutionary. I told our people to stop tithing but give to GOD willingly and not to be restricted to 10%. Trusting God to increase us.
@thebeatagp 6 лет назад
Good word Albert! God bless and keep teaching His truth!
@jonathanray3564 6 лет назад
Albert Amara If YOU told your people to do this, you have told your people to do contrary to what the Bible says. Now... where in the Bible does it says not to give the tithes?
@frick6946 4 года назад
You would be more blessed if you told them to tithe 10% of their gross tithe to the body of Christ and give offerings above and beyond the tithe.
@TrentonTrent 2 года назад
@@jonathanray3564 We are not required to tithe anymore, we are to give out of our hearts. Give to the poor and needy, not some crazy cult that teaches lies. If any cult gathers on Sunday to worship their pagan cross or Easter or xmas these are not of God but of the devil. 😉 It would be much better to go help or give to a local food bank.
@jonathanray3564 2 года назад
@@TrentonTrent So let's see if what you are saying is true according to the Bible. If what you say is true, where in the Bible does it say not to give the tithe?
@xxphillips 6 лет назад
The short answer is no. You talked about giving in this video not tithing. Tithing was never money. God bless you
@craigjones3965 6 лет назад
xxphillips Yes exactly! He never addressed tithing at all, but rather, with guile, switches immediately from the OT law of tithing to the NT principle of giving; and of course that is with a right attitude that wants to give a lot more than 10 % lol. Cunningly trying to blend the OT law of tithing in with the NT principle of giving is a common deception that the prosperity gospel proponents do! Just another deceiver
@prolong4291 6 лет назад
It was food, specifically meat.
@damienmercer4731 6 лет назад
prolong4291 ...AMEN, y’all know The Word!!!...
@jonathanray3564 6 лет назад
xxphillips That is a good observation concerning the subject of this video. However, when you say "NO" to the question being asked, you are wrong. Therefore, where is the scripture in the Bible that says that we are not to give the tithes?
@shalalala868 5 лет назад
@@craigjones3965 There's nothing "cunning" about this. Paul specifically addressed HOW we should give (as we've purposed in our hearts) and it obviously was in comparison to what was "given" before, which were TITHES. Jesus said the pharisees rejected "weightier matters of the law" which means tithing WAS the law. They used to tithe animals and crops, not money in the first place. I believe 10% still is a great STARTING POINT of tithing, but it is not REQUIRED of the new testament believer. The "requirement" of the 10% is the same said compulsion Paul said we aren't to give under. In no way did he make the distinction that he was referring to OFFERING and not TITHES. It doesn't make sense when placed into context considering tithes were COMPULSORY.
@murrietarealestateteam1998 2 месяца назад
Another great video. Thanks Allen Parr and staff.
@later5716 2 года назад
7 Reasons Christians Are Not Required to Tithe 1. Believers are no longer under the Mosaic covenant (Rom. 6:14-15; 7:5-6; Gal. 3:15-4:7; 2 Cor. 3:4-18). 2. The examples of Abraham and Jacob are not normative patterns. 3. Tithes were given to the Levites and priests, but there are no Levites and priests in the new covenant. 4. The tithe is tied to the land Israel received under the old covenant. 5. When Jesus affirmed the tithe, it was before the dawn of the new covenant. 6. Nowhere is tithing mentioned when commands to give generously are found in the New Testament. 7. Give Generously NOT A PERCENTAGE NOT UNDER PRESSURE OR GUILT
@deeisrael37 6 лет назад
Acts 17:24-28King James Version (KJV) 24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; 25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;
@iamlight2120 6 лет назад
So if the Bible doesn’t state a percentage of what we should give where did giving 10% come from??? If we should be cheerful givers it should be what we can give...
@joyceng7075 4 года назад
The Old Testament
@frick6946 4 года назад
Matthew 23:23 and the Old Testament set the precedent for what God says belonged to Him ( 10% of the increase). So, 10% of your gross income to the local church ( because the church represents the Body of Christ on earth). To transfer God His tithe , you would give 10% of your gross income to the local church. Give offerings besides. God says in Malachi not to rob Him of tithes or offerings. Don't rob God of the chance to bless you.
@SuperParamore22 7 лет назад
When did the church become a business?
@thebeatagp 7 лет назад
Hey Hayley, it is not a business. However, it does need money in order to operate and to do more ministry just like a business does.
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 7 лет назад
yes it is. It is a 501c3 corporation. most of these pastors are secretly Lucifer worshiping free masons. ecclesia means those who came out or congregation, not church. they perverted the bible. The head of any 501c3 church.inc is the state, not the messiah. the messiah never said we were to have a professional class of christians who we pay. never once did the messiah go to a church and sing to a trinity either.
@DayofLord2 7 лет назад
@prolong4291 6 лет назад
Long ago, when they realized they could coerce money out of people with fear tactics. Pure evil.
@barrydews2 6 лет назад
Hayley Rose that why Jesus was turning over tables!
@dannymcneal 2 месяца назад
Great talk on this subject. You’re the first person I have heard speak of the OT’s 23.3% (vice a single 10% tithe) giving-which, by the way, was never a tithe of money-as preachers today have morphed OT tithing into NT tithing so that their religious corporation can own large church buildings, properties (I.e., treasures on earth), have great multimedia systems, etc. A far different picture today than in the apostles’ time. We now give and it profits us-so backward! Thanks again!
@brycesalte7955 6 лет назад
God loves a cheerful giver. If you see somebody who has a need and you’re able to help you should help it’s that simple.
@nelsonmaxwell1017 5 лет назад
Absolutely good explanation. But I wished he would touch more on the purpose of the tithes which was solely for Israel and Levites Numbers 18. Hebrews chapter 7-9 explain why the old covenant has been dissolved obsolete. ...no more need for a Temple also a priest or God’s ordained festival. ....which are types and shadows of Christ. ...once Christ sacrifice his blood and water on calvary when the veil was rent from top to bottom. ....tithes is obsolete. ...giving is now what you purpose in your heart as the Spirit leads you. Malachi 3 is a fear tactic of the preachers Pastors Bishops Apostles Elders etc today. ...taken out of context. Malachi the prophet was called by God to write to Israel return from captivity reestablishing the priestly temple order. ...the curse was agriculture not money. ....this entire book was about Israel covenant. ...there's no longer Jew or Greek and Gentiles either you are saved by Christ or you are a sinner.
@lufasumafalu5069 5 лет назад
Your body is the temple of God now , not the building of your church , or the destroyed temple in Jerusalem. The glory of God , Holy Spirit , reside inside those who believe and accept Jesus as saviour.
@frick6946 4 года назад
Jesus is our High Priest now and His body are churches that represent His body the believers. And yes, your local church has a pastor or pastors who sometimes have young children and wives who need to be supported, so that those ( and their families) called into formal ministry can be supported , while they minister to people about the things of God.
@DavidKing-qd3sp 3 года назад
Abraham paid tithe before Israel existed so your theology is wrong we must pay tithe read 1st Cor. 9.14 and Mal. 3.8-10.....the heart is evil above all things - selfish...Dr. Walter MArtin learned to pay tithe from story of Abraham in Heb. 7 with Melchizsedek
@kylemanningjcic1333 7 лет назад
I have this question for Tithe Teaching Tyrants. Who did the first generation Gentile Christians pay Tithes to, was it Peter, John, James, Jude, Paul or the Hebrew temple?
@thebeatagp 7 лет назад
They probably took up an offering to be used for the local house churches. But, also they were used to support traveling missionaries like Paul with food, clothing and shelter. Check out Phil. 4 around verses 11-15 or so. He thanks them for their generous financial gift to him.
@jonathanray3564 6 лет назад
Kyle Manning Where in the Bible does it say not to tithe?
@lilchristuten7568 5 лет назад
@@thebeatagp That's not right. Those were offerings not tithes.
@lilchristuten7568 5 лет назад
It depends on where they were, they probably paid it to all of them at some point in time. Those who could not follow Jesus during his ministry most likely paid it to the temple, those who followed Jesus most likely paid it into the treasury, after Jesus ascended they either paid it into the treasury of one of the apostles or into the treasury of the local Church's treasury.
@lilchristuten7568 5 лет назад
@Temple Don Why are you so certain that Paul didn't teach the gentiles to tithe? Matthew 22:15-22 Jesus is asked about paying tribute to Cesar, he answers render unto Cesar what is Cesar's and unto God what is God's, tithe belongs to God. Matthew 23:23 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone." Modern English Version Bible Here Jesus tells the pharisees that justice, love and faith are more important matters than tithe but that they should have made sure to have done all those things. Do not forget that tithe was used to help the poor the fatherless and the widows. If the tithe was important to Jesus it was important to his apostles. I am 100% certain that the gentiles were taught to pay tithes what I'm not certain about is who they paid it to.
@biggredd1111 3 года назад
Hello sir, You’re always on point with all of your messages. I’m learning so much from you. This lesson on tithing is very good but I think we need to take it in account, everyone can’t give close to 10%, and ten percent doesn’t have to be the starting point, as you’re alluding to. I hope one day, you will give a more detailed explanation on tithing being OT, under the law, and we are not required to give 10%. We give according to 2 Corrh 9:7. It important for Christians to know that God wants your Time, talent and treasure, not just your treasure. Truthfully, God owns everything and doesn’t need our money but the church does and I understand that as well. Mark 12: 41-44 is another example of giving from your heart and 10% is irrelevant to God. It’s a heart condition, never an amount. Thank you for your great ministry.
@vanjones1749 3 года назад
I have tithe, and offering, and foe me and my house we have been blessed abundantly for obedience
@markb7067 3 года назад
There's no such thing as a biblical tithe received as money. Blessings in your giving.
@stevehicks399 Год назад
We should give out of Grace, not guilt
@SirBitingBen 3 года назад
I think often times, people take the bible too literally when it's not supposed to be. To me, tithing dean't necessarily mean giving to a congregation or particular church building; rather it means putting your money in a place you feel God is leading you to. Both money and time; this mean charity, shelters, volunteering, adoption, sponsorship, etc... It's all about the intent. If you're doing it for God, then the specifics become less importaint.
@matas212 Год назад
The bible is supposed to be taken literally
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