
Atonement Theory: With Bruxy Cavey (2019) 

The Remnant Radio
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Atonement Theory: With Bruxy Cavey (2019)
In this theology podcast Joshua Lewis Interviews Bruxy Cavey on the various theories of the atonement. We discuss Moral Governance, Christus Victor, Penal Substitutionary Atonement, and New Covenant Atonement.
For those of you who do not know Bruxy Cavey, he is the Teaching Pastor of the Meeting House in Ontario Canada, one of if not the largest Anabaptist churches in the World. Though he sees measures of truth in various atonement theories, Bruxy has a hard time accepting the Penal Substitutionary Atonement Theory. Though we spend about half of our time introducing the various theories of Atonement, we spend the majority of our time discussing PSA Theory and asking the question "Is Penal Substitutionary Atonement a biblical understanding of the atonement?" We hope you enjoy this theology podcast.
Josh Lewis' Church Kings Fellowship Church
Michael Miller's Church Reclamation Church



27 сен 2024




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@MikeWinger 5 лет назад
This seems like an inaccurate representation of church history. He says that Christus Victor was a later view after Ransom was moved away from. That’s not what I’ve read in the fathers. Not to go into the idea that Ransom never departed as a concept but merely the idea that it was paid to Satan. In addition, a needed distinction between what the atonement results in and how it is accomplished is acknowledge by Josh but then abandoned shortly after. To say Christus Victor can be sustained apart from propitiation, expiation or substitution seems unsubstantiated. In fact, I’ve seen PSA in many of the church fathers (I’ll do a survey of this in a soon coming video). It seems modern historical revisionism pretends these early discussions of the atonement were full and competing theories and does so in order to put them against PSA. I think a clear discussion of “what is God’s wrath” in scripture would help.
@MikeWinger 5 лет назад
@@pateunuchity884 Thanks Pat!
@evangelistmatthew783 4 года назад
Mike can you do a video on bruxy and meeting house?
@GTMGunTotinMinnesotan 3 года назад
Mike, agreed.
@Adesupzy 3 года назад
Most people against PSA are just against the representation of God needing some form of appeasement. I am from Africa and till today some of their deities require virgin girl sacrifices to appease their God. In my understanding many church fathers did not see Christ's crucifixion as an appeasement even though they say Christ was substituting for us.
@christopherbaldwin7875 3 года назад
Bruxy doesn’t have a problem with substitution. The problem is the concept that God cannot freely forgive without punishing someone. I find the scriptural case for “Gods wrath” being placed on Jesus insufficient and not in line with the character of the father revealed in Christ. However, I do find an abundance of scripture that points to CHRISTUS Victor and new covenant atonement theories. At the end of the day, the curtain is torn and Christ’ death is sufficient for us
@Iffmeister 5 лет назад
To answer the question in the description, it is a biblical understanding, but I'm definitely intrigued to see this video. The truth is that, once you recognize that most of these theories have correct aspects that are all true, and you put them together, you get what the bible teaches. Jesus died FOR you (PSA) but he died also AS you AND in VICTORY over Sin and Death (Christus Victor).
@inTruthbyGrace 4 месяца назад
Jesus dying for you is not even close to the P of -SA... The fact that Jesus took on our sin in His flesh is the method by which His blood was shed for the remission, the washing away of our sin but in no way whatsoever do we ever see God pouring His wrath on an innocent person to appease His wrath. The sacrificial animals were not beaten to satisfy an angry God.... God's wrath has not come [Romans 5:9] yet, Jesus did not suffer God's wrath. Roman crucifixion does not pay the "penalty" due for sin .... the *_wage_* of sin is death and it does not say that God needed an innocent person to pay the wage of sin for us... or it would not be forgiveness.
@the3dadvantage 4 года назад
Remember that "Paid the price" or "Paid for sin" or "Paid sin debt" or "Purchased forgiveness" are all phrases that don't occur in scripture so we don't have to fit these concepts into a biblical theology. They are not biblical. They are all ideas beyond what is written.
@Jessamy490 5 лет назад
I would recommend N.T.Wrights book The Day the Revolution Began. You will see he does believe in PSA but quite different imagery. It helped me hugely
@atonementandreconciliation3749 11 месяцев назад
This was an excellent discussion. I suggest going into a deep dive with the book "Atonement and Reconciliation".
@KChrest 10 месяцев назад
Should this be taken down given the recent controversy over his sexual assault?
@the3dadvantage 4 года назад
You have to go back to the Greek with that word "Ransom." It's not always freedom through paying a price. It's a word that means literally to "Loose From" as in being set free. I know in English we think paying off a kidnapper but the Greek word "lytroo" more specifically means to be loosed. In 1st Pet 1:18 Christ loosed us from the vain lifestyle we inherited from our fathers walking in the lusts of our flesh.
@spn2240 3 года назад
Same with forgiveness, especially as a gift.
@the3dadvantage 3 года назад
We have plain statements in the bible about what the cross means. Why do we need any theories? Read Titus for heaven's sake.
@mr.e1220 3 года назад
All theories aside, there is NO salvation without the individual learning to die to carnal, lower natured desires. Christ is our example that we must die to ascend. This must happen inwardly. We are the temple. It's metaphor.
@justmeandmy 4 года назад
In college I wrote a word study on Poterion, a figurative symbol of wrath. Mt 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Mk 14:35 He went on a little farther and fell to the ground. He prayed that, if it were possible, the awful hour awaiting him might pass him by. 36 “Abba, Father,”[g] he cried out, “everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Curious if Bruxley would see that as a source of understanding God's wrath being poured out on Jesus. Just prior Jesus poured the wine / his blood into a cup, and then later God poured out a cup too...? Not saying it's absolute trutt, but definitely words to ponder. Edit: oh they do talk about ^^ at 56:50
@graceoverreligion2509 4 года назад
I think Jesus as a man knowing the punishing he will receive from a sinful world, and knowing (being one with the Father, and testifying to the truth about God in his acts) forgiveness is already a given. However, he also knew the world need to see the Son of God suffer, while remaining silent, and God with Him, taking the enmity against God on His flesh (literally receiving wounds) so people then and now can see God is not vengeful and ready to hurt mankind, on the contrary He is eternally patient, and can take mankind's sin and violence against Him even to death. Christ has shown God's true heart and face towards sinful man: that He eternally loves man, greater than our faults, and willing to redeem (bring us back to a proper state or condition, even more) us. The cup of His blood, suffering, is therefore the blood shed to reveal the New Covenant of life in the Spirit. By his suffering even to the last drop of blood, He has removed the enmity (man's negative thought about God, starting with his unbelief in the garden, to his misunderstanding that led to fear, and creating his own way of seeking godhood in a spirit if rebellion from a misplaced heart, born from the seed of the serpent which is unbelief because of a lie).
@Jesusandbible Год назад
It is one of several "models of the gospel" not the gospel itself. It is used by cynics to make a straw man out of the simplicity of the Protestant Gospel found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Luke 24:44-48 and John 3:16, by instead reinventing it as one of what are called "models of the gospel" and then to refute the comparison as if it was the original. This was one of the most cunning examples of "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" Ephesians 4:14 . A comparison with the gospel (model) will always fail, as it is not the gospel itself, in the same way a parable is never identical to actual events, like a scythe cutting down wheat is not literally angels picking people up. If you want to refute the Protestant gospel, refute these two statements: 1) Christ died for our sins 2) Christ was resurrected for our justification. That is the actual Gospel that saves. In other words Jesus is a Saviour not a semi Saviour.
@rhondarockhound622 5 лет назад
Like new covenant atonement. Did you ever consider - In ancient times the gods drank human blood. Now we know it’s the other way around, Our God loves us so much that he gives His blood for us to drink. No more monster gods!
@graceoverreligion2509 4 года назад
Sin is unbelief because of enmity seeded by the serpent, which resulted in an action that is in a rebellious spirit.
@michaelmacias8 3 года назад
Give scripture to prove this?
@garyscalf2225 4 года назад
I have a problem with our brother Bruxy not seeing where the anger is in the sacrifice. (38:20) "what has that to do with wrath"; Romans 6:23 says "the wages of sin is death". to me the fact that a lamb, ram or bull had to die for sin. My guess is the Anna Baptist have a hard time in seeing God's wrath in the requirement of the death - of the sacrifice of the Old Testament. Seeing death as a punishment for sin? i'm not sure why he doesn't get it. At (38:20 ) Bruxy say's "what has that have to do with wrath". it seems to me that Josh makes the point that the requirement of DEATH itself is the "WRATH" . I'm not sure why he is missing it .....
@timothy6828 3 года назад
So if death was the only requirement, why did Jesus have to be tortured and killed in such a cruel way? While we're at it, isn't the punishment for sinners eternal damnation in hell? How is the torture of the cross a fair substitution for that punishment?
@jaygee2187 4 года назад
Really enjoyed this; great interviewer/interviewee. Bruxy hit the nail on the head here regarding the atonement. Caution to the meeting house - being more conservative doesn’t make you more Christian, but neither does being more liberal.
@JewandGreek 4 года назад
This guy is SOOOOOOO CANADIAN!!! LOL Thanks for this video. It was very interesting.
@franciscusgomarus5086 4 года назад
Only proves that Canadians know nothing of the Bible and Theology.
@DrChrisPM 4 года назад
The wrath of God idea comes from Isaiah 53:4-12. But specifically see v10 that gives the possible justification for the PSA view. There are certainly problems with PSA. Like how does 3 days of physical death be substitutionary for an eternity of hell fire. Also if Jesus didn't really suffer the fires of hell, can we really call it substitutionary.
@the3dadvantage 3 года назад
God needs a change of heart? Because God's heart was never really right until Jesus? Jesus changes the unchanging God who needs no repentance. Crazy much?
@jeanicejma1779 4 года назад
I love being charitable in discussion. However, I'm alarmed when one professes Christ but they are not comfortable acknowledging Him dying in the place of us and bearing the penalty for our sins. It baffles me! The "died for our sins" part in the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) is then undermined. The righteous suffering in the place of the unrighteous (1 Peter 3:18) Yet being Christian implies having positively received the Gospel. There had to be punishment on account of sins, no sweeping under the carpet, "let's forget it, boys will be boys". Someone had to die, blood had to be shed, no sanitizing or dodging it. If one has been truly redeemed, surely they should be happy that their sins have been punished in the body of Jesus. there's no way to dodge the clear PSA in the gospel.
@marcusanthony488 4 года назад
Why does someone "have" to die. Throughout the Hebrew scriptures and the New Testament God/Jesus forgives without someone dying. And we have to remember too, that it was "God, in Christ, who was reconciling the world to himself..". God was taking upon himself our sin so he might expiate it and blow it up.
@pastorscott3565 2 года назад
Yea Cavey is a real piece of work... As an Anabaptist pastor myself, I view force and violence as more than simply acts of physical destruction. Exploitation and objectification are also mechanisms of violence and tools of the Powers of the Realm of Death. The Reign of God and Realm of the Spirit is about emancipation, liberation, solidarity and reconciliation. (Luke 4:18-19) Cavey is a predator who used his position to enrich and gratify his ego, he was captured by the powers (and may still be) and actively twisted Justice at the city gate. (Amos 5:12)
@graceoverreligion2509 4 года назад
The blood did not forgive sins in the old testament. The sprinkled blood of the lamb made the temple holy for the rite to be done. And by holy making it perform a function that is spiritual, or metaphysical. Makes it beyond physical, but a kind of spiritual theatre. The sacrificial rite was a symbolic representation of the movement of man to God via the sacrifice. Like a meal between God and man, a bringing in to union. And all this is an institution of God, and the sacrifice is His. In turn Jesus is an act of God showing man is forgiven, that God does not count his faults against him, that God overlooks man's sin, and want man to come to Him for redemption. In the Aaronic atonement rite, sin is thrown away from the camp and it should be sent away so that it doesnt come back. This is symbolic of God removing man's sin, casting it away, not counting it against the camp. It's that simple. God shows us He loves us by taking beating from sinful man and he didnt do anything about it. This is to show He can take man's enmity against God, and does forgive man because He loves him. This is why the call is "therefore, be reconcilled back to God"
@the3dadvantage 3 года назад
Ack!!! Romans 7 is a parenthetical statement between 6 and 8. Paul is describing what is was like trying to be righteous under the old covenant. I keep gagging on this whole conversation.
@michaeldubin4626 2 года назад
Also what it is like trying to be self-righteous under the New... even as a Christian, we cannot handle living by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is always the life of Christ in us, pictured by the Tree of Life, and ours in Him by grace through faith.
@judvaughn 5 лет назад
Is it just me, or does Bruxy have a nice beatific halo around his head that lends authority to his teaching?
@TheRemnantRadio 5 лет назад
Judson Vaughn 😂 we talked about that right before we taped this lol.
@judvaughn 5 лет назад
The Remnant Radio, LOL, I enjoyed the episode. Thanks for the good work. Jud.
@graceoverreligion2509 4 года назад
Haha didnt notice that.
@thegracecast40 3 года назад
Just like he’s transformed into an angel of light ... makes him so convincing :) He’s a false teacher. Look past the sheep’s wool and see the fangs
@the3dadvantage 3 года назад
Ransom to us means the price paid. Ransom to the Greeks means setting free. Not assumed that a price has to be paid for someone to be set free. Could just be unlocking a chain. Jesus sets us free from slaver to sin. Why is this hard?
@crisjones7923 3 года назад
If the atonement is about the wrath of god being satisfied then how is there still wrathe being stored up for the wicked? Would that not imply universalism?
@ravikeller9626 2 года назад
Jesus only bore the wrath for God's elect. The wrath being stored up now for the wicked will only be let out against the non-elect.
@graceoverreligion2509 4 года назад
I couldnt find God is wrathful against man. Since the beginning, God only had a heart to bless and redeem mankind, to show mercy and throw away our sin.
@jamesers99 4 месяца назад
Jeremiah 10:10; John 3:36.
@jamesruzicka5369 4 года назад
I found the verse you were looking for. Isaiah 53:10 But the LORD was pleased To crush Him, putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, And the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand.
@crippledtalk 4 года назад
Bruxy is an Anabaptist who "rejects" That's rare
@kevinmc62 2 года назад
Bruxy gives the same view as Catholics holds.
@Theoldmanandthesea13 3 года назад
i think the PSA theory isnt over a thousand years old.
@GTMGunTotinMinnesotan 3 года назад
He built up such a straw man about PSA.
@the3dadvantage 3 года назад
How many Christians have ever read through the book of Leviticus in Hebrew? It is so completely different from what you hear in churches. Because Christians have no concept of the correct understanding of the Torah they don't understand sacrifice and consequently have no clue what the sacrifice of Jesus means. Never once in this conversation did I hear a reference to "qorban" or it's Greek equivalent "prospheron."
@stephentuck2970 4 года назад
Penal substitution. Isn’t that Christ being circumcised in our place?
This church is 15 min. from me.
@CharlesRut 5 лет назад
Bruxy makes a good point that the scriptures never speak of Jesus Christ being the object of God's wrath. When speaking of God's attitude towards sacrifices, the scriptures always use words such as "fragrant odor," "delight," "well-pleasing," and "acceptable." What made the cross a delight to God was the obedience, faithfulness, humility, and endurance of His Son. And that delight is the foundation of our salvation. Here's an excellent article on this topic: www.academia.edu/34689178/Introduction_to_Christus_Victor.docx
@CharlesRut 5 лет назад
A more involved and detailed article on the same subject: www.academia.edu/33487164/For_this_Christ_died_and_lives_that_He_might_be_Lord_of_the_dead_and_of_the_living
@stolerbut2460 3 года назад
Why can't you Just believe Jesus....
@the3dadvantage 3 года назад
Just for the record. Penal Substitution is completely wrong. There is no portion of it that does anything other than corrupt our faith.
@soteriology1012 2 года назад
As for wrath being satisfied what then is a propitiation? Romans 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Clearly an unlimited atonement satisfaction of wrath. 1 John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Clearly then Jesus got burned instead of us but what was different about Jesus from the old testament burned sacrifices? The sacrifice was burned but not consumed.. Exodus 3:5 Here is one of Joseph Prince's finest works which I commend for its unique originality. I would not want to ever have to die and face God unless this aspect of the finished work of Jesus Christ were authentic and both wrath and justice were indeed satisfied and in fact more than satisfied. If both my sins and the wrath they earned were not buried in an infinite eternal sea of God's free grace then then I could do nothing but dread facing God and the terrible judgment my sins earned which would fall on me at the terrible Great White throne judgment instead of being judged at Calvary. Yes I appreciate the other aspects of the cross which I believe are also valid except for a ransom being paid to Satan. Though I could be wrong but I do not perceive Satan and his demons enjoying any lucrative payment of the blood of Jesus Christ and that enriching his coffers every time a soul gets saved. I was told that Satan hates the blood of Christ and even the mention thereof. Why? Because of his enrichment? No it is because the Son of man came to destroy the works of the Devil not provide treasure in His coffers. If there ever was treasure that made devils rejoice it it was when satan thought he was ridding the world of the righteous God Man Jesus Christ. I even perceive that Satan did not want to see Jesus abused and slain. Matt 16:21-26 Peter becomes an agent of Satan and wants to stop the payment that saves our souls? Verse 23 WHat then did Satan know and what then was he attempting to stop through the use of Peter and his brilliant idea to save the savior and let the world be damned? If there was no atonement then there would be no salvation to believe in.
@michaeldubin4626 2 года назад
The Greek word you referenced, "propitiation", is a reference to the lid of the Ark of the Covenant, specifically the mercy seat. See Vines expository dictionary for details; Strong's Concordance also mentions this. Jesus truly is the place of mercy for all mankind.
@mr.e1220 3 года назад
How does someone even know Jesus existed wasn't he just an example for us to follow? There's no historical proof that he existed I believe it's all metaphor about ourselves
@paulcarter5977 5 лет назад
Hey there again, I should probably explain why I commented above; I wrote the articles on this controversy north of the border. Find the first one here: ca.thegospelcoalition.org/article/seeking-clarity-bruxy-cavey/ As I said, I think you handled it very well.
@efree.indeed 4 года назад
I believe these verses have been misappropriated here by Mr. Cavey: “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed,” Is 53.4,5. The religious leaders looked at Christ on the cross and said, “See, God IS against him. ‘Surely, this man IS a sinner’ (as in Jn 9.24). If this man spoke the truth of God, God would save him from this death.” BUT WE realize that it was the debt of OUR sin which had to be settled, NOT any debt that the Lord Jesus Himself had incurred. THEREFORE, we do not esteem HIM stricken of God; we esteem OURSELVES stricken of God (not b/c God is vengeful against us per se, but b/c sin ALWAYS incurs a debt, and righteousness ALWAYS demands payment) - Yet HE stood in our place! It is NOT that “this much wrath must be poured out”, but that every debt must be PAID IN FULL. No payment? “You are yet in your sins.”
@bcapp7937 5 лет назад
Good interview. Cavey comes across quite well here vs. some other material I have seen. That said, much of his theology is problematic. He mentions Isaiah 53 here and I don't see how his reading is in any way supportable. As for Penal Substitution per se and the "cat" analogy etc. - I urge you to continue to think this through. Don't be taken in or give biblical ground, work to understand what is going on here. One key to understanding these views is the tendency we all have to create God in our own image - you may find this this T4G video helpful: vimeo.com/112069968
@Coleman.1957 2 года назад
Sorry hahaha
@the3dadvantage 3 года назад
God has wrath on sinners. Stop being a sinner and God stops having a problem with you. Why is this hard? Read the old testament for heaven's sake. Eze 18 anyone? Stop sinning and God forgives you.
@ravikeller9626 2 года назад
So have you stopped sinning yet?
@the3dadvantage 2 года назад
@@ravikeller9626 I take it you haven't? How much place do you give to the devil?
@ravikeller9626 2 года назад
@@the3dadvantage Definitely not, bro. “Who can say, ‘I have made my heart pure; I am clean from my sin?’” (Proverbs 20:9). Indeed, “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20). Solomon said, “There is no one who does not sin” (1 Kings 8:46) No one has stopped being a sinner, my friend. Not me, and not you. “If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8)
@theologicaldarkweb2695 2 года назад
@@ravikeller9626 We could go back and forth throwing scriptures at each other I suppose. I could point out all the passages where we're called to perfection, give you the list of perfect people who followed God with a perfect heart... The real question is what is the sin you're still engaging in and justifying?
@ravikeller9626 2 года назад
@@theologicaldarkweb2695 Not justifying anything. I’m just pointing out that biblically, there is only one who is free from sin and that’s Jesus Christ. Not Jesus and Rich Colburn.
@the3dadvantage 3 года назад
Atonement: Bringing two parties together in agreement. God: Doesn't approve of sin Man: stop sinning if you want to have agreement with God. Jesus: Here is how to stop sinning so you can be in agreement with God.
@chudeobuaya6868 3 года назад
Great description
@thegoodnews8576 2 года назад
Exactly. Thank you for this.
@marcusanthony488 Год назад
Interesting. In the well known parable of the Prodigal Son there is no indication of the father's wrath being appeased before he can forgive his wayward son. He forgives freely. In fact, it is the older son who seems to represent at least resentment if not wrath at the father's graciousness.
@MikeWinger 5 лет назад
This seems like an inaccurate representation of church history. He says that Christus Victor was a later view after Ransom was moved away from. That’s not what I’ve read in the fathers. Not to go into the idea that Ransom never departed as a concept but merely the idea that it was paid to Satan. In addition, a needed distinction between what the atonement results in and how it is accomplished is acknowledge by Josh but then abandoned shortly after. To say Christus Victor can be sustained apart from propitiation, expiation or substitution seems unsubstantiated. In fact, I’ve seen PSA in many of the church fathers (I’ll do a survey of this in a soon coming video). It seems modern historical revisionism pretends these early discussions of the atonement were full and competing theories and does so in order to put them against PSA. I think a clear discussion of “what is God’s wrath” in scripture would help.
@spn2240 11 месяцев назад
I just found about the allegations against Mr. Cavey. Obviously this was after the fact, but were these allegations discussed with the remnant radio crew at some point? I am just curious how you handle content like this.
@lukeg9667 Год назад
The only scripture that people use that possibly point to wrath being poured on Jesus is Isiah. It pleased the Father to bruise His son. We even sing about how on the cross the wrath of God was satisfied.(mind you in the writing of that they wanted to say love instead of wrath but were afraid of how it would affect future generations) That’s not even scriptural how wrath was satisfied on the cross cause it’s actually verbatim satisfied in Revelation 15.
@graceoverreligion2509 4 года назад
It is for this reason that i was born: to testify to the truth.
@annhinz6326 5 лет назад
My understanding of this discussion is that Jesus paid our debt by being punished, however, God's wrath is on the sin. Now as I write this, I know that Jesus was made sin for us. So, someone straighten me out.
@timothy6828 3 года назад
The wording Jesus was made sin for us is found in 2 Cor 5:21. The greek word for sin here is hamartia. In the Septuagint, the ancient translation of the Old Testament, this word was used to refer to sin, but also to sin offering consistently. In my understanding, this translation would make much more sense, since Jesus is called a sin offering in many other passages and it doesn't bring up the problem that the spotless lamb somehow was made sin (rebellion, evil) itself.
@robertkendall1037 4 месяца назад
Excellent discussion, thank you so much
@TheRemnantRadio 4 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@paulcarter5977 5 лет назад
Great job Joshua! You've identified the actual area of disagreement and by-passed a lot of the differences that are actually more about terminology and emphasis. Commendable example of active listening and fair dialogue. I hope that this conversation will help frame the on-going debate as an important intramural discussion between Christian brothers and sisters as opposed to an attack by a heretic against the orthodox Gospel. I continue to disagree with Bruxy on several points but I affirm him as a brother in Christ trying to understand the cross so as to respond to God in worship, service and devotion. Thanks again.
@TheRemnantRadio 5 лет назад
Paul Carter thank you Paul!
@the3dadvantage 3 года назад
Let's purify PSA by burning everything that promotes it.
@stephenwooten6413 4 года назад
Love the dialogue and the brotherly kindness shown in this episode. Question, when Christ was made to be sin and bore our sin in his flesh (body) on the cross, 1 Pt. 2:24 didn't God curse sin in the flesh, so Christ is not being cursed, but sin in the flesh is cursed? Rom. 8:3 For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh,...So isn't the wrath of God poured out on sin, as to say God is punishing sin itself? He is punishing sin which has power through the way of man (flesh) in order to replace the dead way of man, with his living way, which is Jesus. Sin having it's only source of power in our yielded flesh, thereby our slavery is to sin, to obey it with our flesh until we are free from that master. Hence our liberty, our freedom from sin and it's power. Our way is slavery to sin, due to the flesh and flesh is the problem that must be crucified so sin has no avenue by which to control and those that are Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires, Gal. 5:24.Thereby leaving no means for sin to have power in our life, when flesh is no longer the way we live, but free in the spirit which now is regenerated and empowered by the Spirit of God. Also it looks like the ransom, was paid to free us from our on ways, 1 Pt. 1:18 knowing that you were ransomed from your futile ways inherited from you forefathers...... When you get the problem out of the way, which was man living for himself, flesh or the way of the flesh then the problem is gone, therefore you have peace. Col. 1:20. Sin is no longer the problem when you live by and in the Spirit, you are free from sin.
@graceoverreligion2509 4 года назад
Condemned sin in the flesh is about judgment on unbelief that presented itself as belief in the form of legalism. When the Messiah died, when legalism taught otherwise, Yeshua in essence brought that to an end. Unbelief in the form of religions is killed. It is said, unbelief is the source of corruption, essentially the serpent's seed -- the seed the serpent planted which turned Adam's mind, heart, and soul away from God.
@stephenwooten6413 4 года назад
I would agree that all sin flows out of an evil heart of unbelief. So thank God for a new heart of faith in the light or truth that provides for the freedom we walk in.
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