
Barack Obama at the 2008 DNC 

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Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for president on August 28, 2008, before 84,000 people at Mile High Stadium, in Denver, CO.



28 авг 2008




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@htunlin2000 16 лет назад
For all those who said that candidate Obama lacked substance, this speech erased all those doubts.
@roose85723 16 лет назад
I'm so happy that i'm turning 18 and i can vote for this great man!
@ktbeatty 16 лет назад
I completely agree. This is the first election in the past 3 that I have a candidate, from either party, that I'm proud to vote for and excited about.
@ericamegan9 15 лет назад
This was one of the best speeches I've seen! He just makes sense!!
@Xoletta 12 лет назад
I can't wait to vote this November 2012. I loved him then, and I love him now.
@moua64 16 лет назад
I'm still young and I have never been this excited about a presidential election. I have dedicated alot of time to following this campaign and I say, "Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States."
@sgilman 16 лет назад
I was there - It was so powerful, I felt it in my chest. Best moment of this campaign!
@JeanWancy 16 лет назад
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'".-MLK USA OBAAMA/BIDEN 2008
@honeyBfIyy 16 лет назад
@alexmetista 16 лет назад
The end was so beautiful!!!
@jessie74 15 лет назад
One of the best speeches EVER!
@mrlarrygreen 16 лет назад
this man is so amazing!
@PhoenixAngel429 16 лет назад
This is my first election I can vote in having turned 18 just this past April and I hope that my vote will count this fall!
@Libfolife 16 лет назад
He Is Indeed The Man For The Job!
@phoebaxtr 16 лет назад
Incredible and inspirational. An orator like no other. A Change I Can Believe In!!!!
@wullebulle123 16 лет назад
shit, what an amazing man! if he gets elected I'm gonna move to the US!
@wikum3 16 лет назад
I'm only a young student, who has always wondered what it felt like to be those men and women who decades ago were so moved by JFK and MLK. Our generation finally has such an inspiring figure - a leader for the new millenium.
@AaronAzimov 16 лет назад
If this man doesn't get elected, I will lose my faith in mankind.
@JenWesley 16 лет назад
This man is going to go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents of our Country. I am so proud, I am speechless.
@teddystpatrick 16 лет назад
I had to watch this speech again (it was that great). Senator Obama is a candidate that I can truly get behind. I wish that people would take off the political party blinders and see what a remakable man he is. Love him, despise him, indifferent about him - this place and time was historic and it's not a coincidence that 45 years after Dr. King and only being the third candidate to give an acceptace speech outdoors, this man is marked for greatness. I believe. I have faith. Yes we can!!!
@jolie420 16 лет назад
Quite possibly the greatest speech I've heard or seen in my 28 years. Wow.
@kulturemachine 16 лет назад
I love this speech, the editing, the construction, the dynamism, the conviction, the commitment, and ultimately, the man who wrote it. This is the America I've been waiting for. The America that I thought could only exist in fiction, but which I hoped, and yearned for in reality... I am moved as I watch it yet again. And I am convinced, as my mother who immigrated here so firmly is, that America is the greatest country in the world. Yes... yes we can.
@Denise7826 16 лет назад
I saw this speech live last night and it is as good then as it is re watching it now. The speech had everything it needed to have. And it couldn't have been delivered any better.. Great Job Barack!! OBAMA/BIDEN '08
@toreyc1 16 лет назад
I love this speech
@anurturedsoul 16 лет назад
I will watch this many times between now and November. It is a tool for inspiration to help others get registered and remind them to go and vote. Obama '08 and '12!
@maha77 16 лет назад
i wish they left the beginning in where he had to say thank you for a few minutes, that was a powerful part of the speech and very moving
@filegirl 16 лет назад
I love the back stage looks at this event, please post more if you have them. What a night!
@mengtingw 15 лет назад
though i m not american - i reli like his speech, as it ignites hope!
@CircaRigeI 16 лет назад
I was at the DNC, and was very impressed by Obama's speech. I must admit, that when reading his book, "Dreams from my Father," I developed some reservations about Obama. Then I realized that regardless of any of his background, here is a truly honest person. He made his life an open book, and he has not only seen struggle, but experienced it as well- and unlike any other candidate has REAL experience, working with the ordinary citizen, helping to improve things, and getting it done, WELL DONE.
@Loakum 16 лет назад
That speech by Barack Obama moved me in a way that inspired me to believe again in America, and my personal ability to make change in my everyday life!
@Sarasotan 16 лет назад
A great, galvanizing speech. I hope the undecideds heard--and listened!
@htunlin2000 16 лет назад
This speech reminded me of a "State of the Union" speech, more real than the one given by the sitting President. It was more content-filled, more specific, more inspiring, and more unifying. In short, it was *Presidential*. So much for all the pundits who criticize Obama's campaign as being "too vague and too dreamy". Well, he got very specific tonight. He proved that being "pragmatic" and "idealistic" do not have to be mutually exclusive. He also proved that politics doesn't have to be cynical.
@waterwiggler 16 лет назад
Great. You post a video of the event so that I can cry all over again. Rest assured they are happy tears...very happy tears! Obama and Biden in '08!!!!!
@solomon0001 16 лет назад
God bless you!
@rizmatic 16 лет назад
One of the greatest speeches in American history.
@KatherineMann 16 лет назад
A great man, a great statesman. Congratulations, Americans. You're back.
@naanaamoreno 16 лет назад
This will be the 3rd Presidential election that I have been able to vote for but this is the first time I have felt a candidate is WORTH my vote. He brings hope to the future for our generation and for my children! God bless Obama and God bless America!
@jdthetenth 16 лет назад
Tears in my eyes listening to this great and wonderful man, the speech was one of the best i have ever seen. Only Sir Winston Churchill speech was better.
@RobertStinnett 16 лет назад
I can't tell you how much that Obama reminds me of John F. Kennedy. His words, his actions, his determination. He is truly the leader America needs now and for its future.
@JogiTheBear15 16 лет назад
awsome and i love the U2 song at the beginning!
@UniZi 16 лет назад
Dear Senator Obama, After you get elected, please continue to keep to inspiring the world and never give up discovering the best solutions to face the ever ending challenges in this time and space. Please always be patient, insightful, kind, innovative, brave, and humble while you lead this nation and let us find a way to coexist with all noble beliefs, values, cultures, systems and visions.
@sirop1960 16 лет назад
As a Canadian I can assure you fellow Americans that 8 out of 10 people here would vote for Obama. But having seen John Kerry go down in 2004 makes me very skeptical about the real potential for change in your country. How come 40% of Americans would still vote for another 4 years of Republican administration is a mystery to me. That said, wow, what a great orator Obama is.
@astrumporta 16 лет назад
Best speech in best venue I've seen in my 48 years. Please VOTE OBAMA everyone!
@rizkibalki 15 лет назад
thank God he creates this brilliant man!
@gonzalojosevb 16 лет назад
I am a peruvian-italian citizen living in Madrid, Spain, my brother and part of my family live in USA, I lived in NYC some years ago, and I have a message for the american citizen, now you have an extraordinary candidate to change USA, pls vote for Obama, do not make another stupid mistake....do it for thenetx generations.
@maha77 16 лет назад
I have done something I thought I would never do, and I've done it 3 times now already. I donated to a political campaign. Obama is an inspiration.
@rlan1981 16 лет назад
From Belgium, Europe. For a brighter future of this world, For honesty and integrity, from the bottom of my heart, Barack Obama / Joe Biden
@CincyJen513 16 лет назад
I watched this live on Fountain Square in Cincinnati, Ohio with thousands of citizens gathered peacefully. It was, so far, the most profoundly moving moment in politics that I have ever experienced. Watching it with strangers just made it all the more relevant; each of us celebrating democracy in our own way, but choosing to do it together. It's almost like it's going by too fast. This is the kind of stuff you hope to tell your children and grandchildren about one day. Obama/Biden '08!
@BarleyMob 16 лет назад
This man is amazing.. Our next president of The United States of America.. Barack Obama!!!!
@bigtaterman 16 лет назад
"It was a creed written in the founding documents, that declared the destiny of a nation, yes we can!!!"
@xFlashbackxbrd 16 лет назад
I loved this speech
@Edwina828 16 лет назад
The best speech i have ever heard!!!
@hugheyhudson 16 лет назад
This is my third election as well, and I feel the EXACT same way. He inspires ideas in me to believe America can actually be what we've always dreamed it could be.
@markricks 16 лет назад
I was movd beyond words! Really wish my father could have been here to see history unfold before our eyes. SOOOOOO Proud Obama/Biden '08!!!
@eecorr 16 лет назад
great leader and his speeches are always something to think about..I'll vote for him if I weren't a European
@Khalistic 16 лет назад
I was watchin this on another site yesterday and pointed Obama out to my 3.5 yr old daughter. I said "you see that man, his name is Barack Obama" "...remember his face, he will be very important when you get older...he will become the first black president ever" Shes says, "omg I cant beleive it" lol I had to laugh, she will understand someday but I had to make her apart of history
@WFCooper 16 лет назад
History. One More Step.
@Minishcap1 16 лет назад
possibly one of the best speeches i have ever heard
@CEbass27 16 лет назад
possibly the best speech I have EVER heard
@HowardChing95 16 лет назад
Obama is so cool and great and does the right things and really GIVES and DELIVERS! He's so calm about everything and doesn't panic!
@tyro244 15 лет назад
"Be the change you wish to see in the world..." Gandhi
@Vappid 16 лет назад
I'll never forget this moment...
@UniZi 16 лет назад
The road for the humanity to unite in peace and joy is long ahead of you. Use your influence wisely to make this world a better place for "all", then perhaps this generation might be able to experience a piece of heaven on earth. One World One Dream
@Phlebas81 16 лет назад
Unbelievable speech!
@salil2k 16 лет назад
He's got my vote!
@Xone7 16 лет назад
Pure brilliance. I am so proud to be an American! God bless Barack Obama and Joe Biden. God bless America and the world.
@ericamegan9 16 лет назад
What a great speech. I can just know this is the direction our country needs to go. A less selfish approach than the republicans.
@alimo2000 16 лет назад
@MinaJadeBlog 16 лет назад
He will make such a charismatic President than Bill did. Both of them are great! Obama - Biden '08!
@simoneua 15 лет назад
"...this election has never been about me,it's about you!" "Change doesn't come FROM Washington change comes TO Washington!"
@jqjacobs 16 лет назад
I accept this speech as fantastic!
@disentropist 16 лет назад
A historic masterpiece. Take note.
@salzee 16 лет назад
WOW! Simply fantastic!
@taylorhamfan 16 лет назад
I am inspired! I am ready for change! America needs a new leader....Barack Obama.
@maha77 16 лет назад
I am really moved by all the comments in here from people from other countries supporting Obama. That hasnt even happend once by accident in the last 8 years, America is BACK!
@theophile2000 16 лет назад
GrEaT SpeEcH ever This man is amazing
@justsumdude899 16 лет назад
This was a remarkable, historic speech from our next president. It's his best speech, even better than "A More Perfect Union."
@RenagadeGirl 16 лет назад
It was a beautiful night. Thank you Obama Campaign. I will never forget this night.
@vosabre 16 лет назад
He is an amazing speaker.
@JulianCourtneyLukacs 16 лет назад
i pray he wins...
@jaredwilliams3897 16 лет назад
Because he was asked directly how his experience stacks up against hers. It was a direct response to a direct question.
@beverins 16 лет назад
Amazing. Simply Amazing.
@tyrannischgott 16 лет назад
Amazing speech. As always.
@benshanahan 16 лет назад
Excellent speech, really enjoyed it.
@jsuglia 16 лет назад
One of the greatest political speeches ever written -- or delivered. The next President of the United States will be Barack Obama.
@markeyboy123 16 лет назад
ah man what a speech. well done.
@mikebythesun 16 лет назад
@christiansarkar 16 лет назад
Operation Rescue America!
@womenwealthnetwork 16 лет назад
Barck is a smart man and he can lead this country.
@pngmangii 16 лет назад
A very "beautiful" speech!! Obama is a true leader!!!
@GODofNYC 16 лет назад
Great speech and video.
@rodwill84 16 лет назад
@tomzev 16 лет назад
He nailed it!
@austexlady 16 лет назад
The man was on point and brilliant! Our next President!
@corndog1868 16 лет назад
Yes, you have my VOTE!!!!!
@SteelerSpartan 16 лет назад
What a great moment for our country We need Obama now more then ever Obama/Biden 08!!!
@MTastinSweet777 16 лет назад
Amazing Phenomenal Inspiring
@0odalisca0 16 лет назад
We support you! We hope and believe that with you America will be better!
@BradDTheRonyn 16 лет назад
@asterism.x 16 лет назад
I just donated too after hearing Palin's divisive speech. OBAMA/BIDEN 08!
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